layout: post title: Monday, Junkanoo... and all you hear is Babel? "Still I build my towers high, and still I burn this Earthen fire." -Cake date: '2017-06-14T07:08:00.000-07:00' author: Adam M. Dobrin tags: modified_time: '2017-10-14T05:30:35.027-07:00' thumbnail: blogger_id:, blogger_orig_url:
dumbdəm/adjective literarymake dumb or unheard; silence.
Judah contains "had' backwards Ve nus contains half the worrd love and sun.
Revelation 12:1
Saumrai nothing to do with Uncle Sam, Samael, Samson or computers. Ivan, my fathers name, has nothing to do with: NAVIDAD over CHRISTMAS
Amoz, father of Isaiah is a world trying to imprison his son while he controls him. Isa 20 Job has nothing to do with "the Trilubation' Medusa has everythign to do with the DMB song "The stone" You found God on `1st and Amistad Adonai nothing to do with computers. A.D. is the time line, and my initials. Mary has something to do with "why" and "sea" get me a job. Adidas god telling AD he's not sad. Listen. Wall and halls fade away -DMB "wearehouse" my middle name is Mars. TPR's "Dear Sister" is not about dawn being home or my sister's gfven name authority tells me I am "thor" or an "author" again Y. AMD makes computer chips, is my initials Moses spoke with a programming language (Lisp) Exodus spells "let there be light" in Linux Adam has nothing at al to do with "morning" must be "setting son" Joshua's father is a letter, and the "sea" of Egypt Judas, "J" no sad about being J and world hating. Feed me. Jerusalem Dr. Who's question answered by, wait for it, I am Legend. Air-y. St means "Saint" Neptune has nothing to do with nepotism or music Yahu, YHVH, Who-ah? ^ Cindy Who?
know Adamah is @Samson this guy is cleary not the "son of sam." ha'esh the word for holy fire does not contain a parted sea--it parts the sea. Prometheus batles an "eagle," name contains country pressing eagle's people. Amduat means "underworld" in Egyptianish, contains my initials Jupiter, Hey Zeus, and P'tah might relate to "never never land" Eve is short for Everyone. See Genesis 1:2 and the Holy Grail. Adonis "cousin" dies with one eye in the mirror and dreams all girls should be his partner. Eternity contains the word "and" 4 times in Latin, Matrix, Rock, and Spanish. It's why.. "eternity." God predicted 9/11 and told the world through the fiery words of a President named Bus I probably could finish a "square" twice this size, but I am getting bored. I have written the keys to so many more words, just like this.
Drill down:
The Holy Trinity, in the name Abraham thousands of years early.
Strong's Concordanceab: fatherOriginal Word: אָבThe name Isaac is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Isaacis: He laughs. Laughter. The only son born to Abraham and his wife Sarah (in the Old Testament).When God changed a person's name and gave him a new name, it was usually to establish a new identity. God changed Abram's "high father" name to "Abraham," "father of a multitude" (Genesis 17:5) and his wife's name from "Sarai," "my princess," to "Sarah," "mother of nations" (Genesis 17:15).The Hebrew prophetic names "Elisha" and "Elija" further aid this prescient reference to the Holy Trinity, equating both the Hebrew and Spanish words for... "God" and "the" through the English "is."M ESSAGENot wanting to see it, only makes it invisible to you.Maybe something that will be more interesting or compelling to you is Venus. This is the Goddess of love--who many might already associate with the "Woman Clothed in the Sun with the moon at her feet," it's obvious really that it's about the planet Venus. Less obvoious--or maybe it should be really clear.. is that Venus has half a heart, only half the world for love in her name; and the sun is backwards. This is being highlighted by Revelation--that the anient name of Venus contains our words for sun and love. English didn't exist when Revelation was written.
A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head.
All coming from a guy with the crazy idea that 2-6 thousand year old stories that predict not only his existence but a significant number of details of his life has something to do with time travel. You dont hink this is significant. That itself is significant, now consider that a number of details of his life also has something to do with mind control--do you see the light? As you glance over a huge list of names that somehow contain predictive power that is imposible in our current "normal worldview," also see that all of the names are coming to us through religous writing--creating a small satistical sample splace (key)--at the same time connecting time travel and a single "hidden" author (doublethink or speak or hear) intending to prove religion and time travel are joined at the hip.
![]() | Adam Marshall Dobrin |