Ecclesiates 9:11
Revelation 20:1
Revelation 1:7
Revelation 1:8
Revelation 4:8
Revelation 6:1
Revelation 6:3
Revelation 6:5
Revelation 22:7
Psalms 111:9
This is the fire of the Holy Sepulcher, it's design to deliver freedom to humanity.
Freedom comes from action. Acts.
Look at how far I have gone to deliver this message to you; connect that effort in your hearts
and minds to the actions of Jesus Christ, because our future certainly will. Who among you
has the courage, strength, and moral bearing to give ot the world the opportunity that you
have to evaluate the Word of God for yourself/ To give all the ability to see the challenges
and opporunities being delivered to us with new eyes.
We live in a world fraught with problems and battles that are fundamentally caused by a lie,
the greatest lie ever told--that we are in reality. With the disclosure that this place is
"virtual reality" comes a new lease on life; and more importantly opens Doors to us all that
than not being the only one--I have proof behind me, I have religion screawming to all that
In truth, without receiving this message our civilization is at best stagnating when it comes
and truly seeing that--and it's external ocuase--gives us a great opportunity to turn around.
Seeing the Acts of Jesus Christ in the New Testament as a primer, a map of the things most of
us would all do, if we had the magial wand of "virtual reality" and the inner strength to
know that our world is far better off the day after we see what this does for us: ending war,
hunger, sickness, in short order... even when we do everything right and don't make decisions
as one person ... in this case very sure we must see the possibilities.
This event is a disruption of our blindness, and a catalyst to excel;
take these broken wings and learn to fly.
This is billions of dollars; donated to the betterment of our world.
Carpe Diem.