I have a unique gift which enables me to see patterns within names of people, places, and things that link to Biblical stories and reveal a Matrix of light--which gives us insight into the purpose of creation and the will of God. These patterns pour from ancient myths and stories into our modern art; television, movies, and music that when viewed together shift your entire perspective about the existence of God and creation. It's a bit of awe and a bit of shock, and together these things are designed to show us that not only are we not alone, but we've had a great deal of help in technologically advancing to a stage where we are nearly ready to actually built Heaven ourselves. The computer revolution, video game systems, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence are just some of the examples of how our entire world is being guided towards a place of understanding the technology behind the mystical world of the afterlife. I could really use your help getting everyone "out of bed," and showing the world that all around us we've had this proof within eye-shot our entire lives. It's the kind of thing that lights up your soul to see, and makes you wonder just how we had walked so blindly for so long without ever recognizing the help we were getting. All told, the great amount of work and detail that has gone into this transitional phase between "reality" and "heaven" sheds light on another truth that scientists are just now waking up to in the world at large-- we are not in reality. It is this disclosure that defines the transition from night to day, and songs like Blackbird, and Morning has Broken... Seriously, someone lend me a dime (or a contract), it will save the world.
I know why you didn't see it, just like most of you I walked through this life... to the tune of 30 years without a second look at the writing in the air; well asleep in the mighty jungle, you'd probably call me crazy to tell you I vacillated between atheism and agnosticism more than any other faith. Even with a drive to search for the truth, something I couldn't put my finger on kept me from seeing the light right under my nose.
Equally elusive would have been the now obvious link between Egypt and Eden through the stories of Genesis and Exodus... which again come t me directly through links to my family and names. As we approach the Feast of Trumpets, where it is customary to dip an Apple in Honey to ensure a sweet new year, the light of a traditional Passover dish screams that this idea that America is the " Land of Flowing Milf's and Honies" isn't really my own doing (or is it) beckons... You see Nanna's middle name, which she shares with her much younger niece is Rose, It's a tie to a long list of "Ha" words, which is the Hebrew prefix denoting holiness--the superlative "the," that pretty clear links the dish " Ha-Rose-ettes" to these two ladies.... and to Eden. The dish of course is made up of an apple, a honey, and some nuts. I tried to get the nuts out of this equation, but apparently you need it.
And then there's the name " Adam" itself... without the long list of Ha words, it might not be so clear to link the Holy and ambiguous phrase "The Name" to Adam in Eden, I mean, unless you can see how "shame" and "Eden" ad Ha'shem might relate to the savior--but we have this list which is most likely rather easily statistically verifiable--the set of Holy Hebrew words that contain prescient reference to the English language... highlighted by religion... honestly, to set us free. So here we are, on the Planet Adamah (that's Earth, in Hebrew) where the gaggle of American GI's, Dr. Seuss, Al Pacino, Denzel Washington ad Taylor Momsen are all still saying "Dr Who?" Plus you've got my birthday, my last name, and the pretty clear relationship between the Immaculate Conception and uh, the messiah.
Wake up, I'm not buying it anymore.
Taylor, I still wanna dance.-a ᐧ