Mail - Here's the rest of yesterday's message. I know, it's a "little" messi... and I seem to have gotten it everywhere.



That's great it starts with an earthquake..



snakes and

some aeroplanes...



411 Lenny Bruce is not #insane.

it's the beginning of Heaven, and you should believe it...

That's great it starts with a sex joke...

It's still the beginning of Heaven and you should believe it.



don't drink the water...

there's blood in the water

come now, come now

can you not see?

what were you expecting?

 So would you rather lose swallows, Microsoft, or hurricanes?


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so I mean honestly, is there any Y or N?  c we got h and x.
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yes you are da
Y   E   S  ,JUPI  T   E   R IDA RE  D   A   M


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take a look... "the race is not to the swift" obviously links to Mercury 
... and TIME and chance linking to Saturn and now.

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LOOK, BUSH SPEECH, ON 1/20/2001 ABOUT 9/11
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pa, Ra: do x is a statement that, despite apparently sound reasoning from true premises, leads to an apparently self-contradictory or logically unacceptable conclusion.[1][2] A paradox involves contradictory yet interrelated elements that exist simultaneously and persist over time.[3][4][5]

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According to the Exodus account, Moses held out his staff and the Red Sea was parted by God. The Israelites walked on the exposed ground and crossed the sea, followed by the Egyptian army. Moses again moved his staff once the Israelites had crossed and the sea closed again, drowning the whole Egyptian army.
The burning bush is an object described by the Book of Exodus[3:1–4:17] as being located on Mount Horeb. According to the narrative, the bush was on fire, but was not consumed by the flames, hence the name.[1] In the biblical narrative, the burning bush is the location at which Moses was appointed by Adonai (God) to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and into Canaan.

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The bottom line is, we're about a foot away from Heaven, and all it takes to get there is one small acknowledgement.... of the nature of our existence and the wonderful implications that brings us to--the great new possibilities opened up by connection "Creation" and "virtual reality" and Heaven.  I hope you'll be the person that makes that happen, either with a press release, or a scientific paper, or just a letter to your local paper ... saying "you see it."  It's not hard to see, but apparently it's hard to speak up; I'm trying to figure out and explain why, and am stuck between I-NATION (the end of the abomination of desolation) and Medusa, more on that in a bit.  This is the gate, it's action if that's not really, really clear.  For some more clarity, it should become more and more obvious that the true foundation of Heaven is freedom--and that the problems communicating we are looking at in the world around us, from secrecy and mind control to censorship and .. well, mass stupidity--should really be seen for what it is--it is the crossing of the sea, a lesson in securing and maintaining liberty.

Acknowledge that you do not want to eat "bread" from stone, that "cake" is not good enough either, and that God has laid down a message in our everything to help us to transition to a world that does not shake it's head and look the other way when asked the question "how would you end world hunger" in light of virtual reality?  Understand the words of "Total Eclipse of the Heart" we'll never be wrong together, forever is going to start tonight. Understand, this is something that all of you should really want to be a part of, and I am baffled as to why you are so shy as to not even be able to say hello.
This is a sort of compilation of several messages, if you can't tell; you can see the "originals" and subscribe to the secret pizza party once we all get to Atlantis at the Google group and/or my  Ask anything, honestly.   What follows is the gate to Heaven, and donmean kissing me.  Here's my cough, CY the apocalypse starts with a "sex joke" have a gander at the Burning Bush, and the Loch Ness Monster.

I'm not sure what I could possibly be offering to everyone you in exchange for being the person that saves the Universe from darkness--it will without doubt make you one of the most, if not the most famous person that's ever lived.  On top of that you are lucky enough to all be in sea of founders of this thing--this planetah built from ground up to turn Hell into Heaven.  It's probably a good place to be, at the beginning of what the future will certainly see as the great turning point away from darkness, as the generations that turned absolutely everything around.  Welcome to the spotlight, heart of all Creation.

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I could tell you that "the truth will set you free" but clearly you now see the truth, and that we need more than just "truth" to secure and protect freedom; we need you.  Try to see the gate and the plan the way I do--every person you speak about this with and share this e-mail with brings us that much closer, another day closer, to an eternity of Heaven.


It all started with a message connecting 9/11 to Exodus; one that should be more than enough to prove that whether or not you think I'm "Jesus Christ" that this information that I am presenting is coming directly from the Creator of the Universe--and should be making news and spreading like wildfire--and isn't just yet.  That's a big part of the message, this baptism in fire and water that Matthew 3:11 talks about; and is pointing out some seriously debilitating flaws in our society--things like mass ignorance for the importance of free speech and open communication, and the need to not hide the advanced technology that this message is designed to not only disclose, but prove has been in use for fucking ever.
man·i·a·cal laughter: La hmu oLahamu (thirum)
I am not intentionally trying to help them / it / you hide this message by talking about girlsdrugs, and my criminal history--though it does appear like that's what is happening.  I really want you to understand how clear it is to me that God himself has created this wall of censorship, this thing that he wrote about thousands of years ago and called "Jericho" in order to help us see very clearly just how flawed our current social system is.  The future of civilization, of life itself, depends on us not only recognizing the importance of free and open communication; but on seeing that he has designed this message to show us many more flaws, ones that have been intentionally and secretly subverted in order to attempt to hide this message and this truth from the world.  There's no doubt about it, Adam is created, and there's a grand plan and multiple reasons for just about everything you will encounter while I am busy trying to show everyone that I am not only a much better person than you think, but actually Jesus f. Christ.  You are free to call me Judas though, or Jebus, dear acceptiK conditoribus.
These flaws that you see, they are links to a number of Biblical narratives, and nearly everything I present not only helps us to find solutions but furthers the now insurmountable evidence that these prophecies that come from everywhere under the sun; from NorseGreekEgyptian, and Christmika sources... they are actually about my life and about this time in human history--to show us just how crucial it is that we receive this message and recognize both it and our import.  At the heart of this message is an explanation of what "Satan" really is; a tool designed to make these life-and-death social problems stand out like a sore thumb, and at the same time help us to not only not blame anyone for them, but to use this new knowledge swiftly change the world.  I'm not Satan by the way, I am a person, just like you.
This message begins by undeniable proving the existence of time travel both by predicting the 3/11/11 earthquake and the 9/11 attack in Exodus, Ecclesiastes, and Revelation and showing the world previously hidden and very obvious ancient references to modern technology--centering around computer science.  With a tiny shred of thought and some serious research it the becomes clear that our entire computing industry (and the focus on science and technology in our time line as well as the arts) is part of an ancient and divine plan to build Heaven
Someone, I can't seem to figure out whohas taken this message and tied it directly to now verifiable proof that our evolution of democracy was "helped in the beginning" and then artificially held back, using this same hidden technology.  That through the years of our most advanced technological advances--from cars and phones to computers and the internet, we failed to make the obvious leap to attempting to use these technologies to advance the infrastructure of our "governments of the people," specifically for voting and the creation of legislation.  Implied strongly, is the possibility that without some kind of disruption, it might have taken many years, decades, centuries, or forever for us to have moved past this idea of "representative democracy" being the very best system possible.  
Finding land, here on Noah's ark--we can solve two problems with one stonecreating a new open and transparent infrastructure that will ensure that the kind of censorship and "walled garden" that we see here surrounding this message of freedom will never again be possible--while at the same time building a system that will allow us to collaborate on things like legislation and universal voting. 
A big part of this story, of this proof of time travel existing and being literally the tool that not only proves that we are created but also how and why that's been done--it shows us that much of our modern art is part of the plan to build Heaven... and here we link together (think "Matrix") stories like Minority Report and Back to the Future to imply that we probably need to do more talking in order to convince ourselves that we really are not deserving of things like school shootings and terrorism--and show everyone that we have the ability to stop it.  Honestly, ending senseless violence is not the kind of thing that there should be a "Minority" voting for.  We can see it though, reference to these things too in The Plagues of Lice and Killing in Exodus--here to show us what "freedom" is really about.
I do hope you will the time to dick on the links that are behind those big bright orange doors to Heaven above... there you will find proof and evidence of what I am saying, and that it does in fact all come directly from God.  I might get in trouble for saying this, but if you didn't know--when you click on ads the person who wrote the website will make a little bit of money--and that might keep me from starving to death... something you are actually doing on purpose without knowing it--by hiding this message.... this message about freedom and slavery; delivering an ancient message about being the angels of Heaven, and not knowing it.

As if you needed more than "it's the truth" and "exit from slavery" and "ending world hunger," here's some commentary on the NES (the game) of space colonization, specifically links between the Iron Rod of "an" and the planet Mars. 

The "gist" of the message is verifiable proof that we are living in a computer in simulated reality... just like the Matrix.  The answer to that question, what does that mean--is that God has woven a "hidden" message into our everything--beginning with each name and every word--and in this hidden Adamic language, he provides us with guidance, wisdom, and suggestions on how to proceed on this path from "raelity" to Heaven.  I've personally spent quite a bit of time decoding the message and have tried to deliver an interesting and "fun" narrative of the ideas I see.  Specifically the story of Exodus, which is called "Names" in Hebrew discusses a time shifted narrative of our "now" delivering our society from a hidden slavery (read as ignorance of advanced technologies already in use) that is described as the "darkness" of Exodus.  If you have any questions, ideas to contribute or concerns... I'd love to hear from you this whole thing really is about working together--Heaven, I mean.

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As I walk down the hallowed streets of nearly cobblestone on Atlantic Avenue, ishing "the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls" to something like "are vibrating light echoing in the air" and ishing that "I know I'm one" in the Animals' "House of the Rising Son to ... well, you know: "I know I've won" these are the signs of Revelation staring at me in the face, making this magical mystery ride just that much more enchanting for me--and reinforcing Taylor early words, "when the light hits your eyes, it's telling me I'm right."  I know there's no way you could get the full effect of what it fells like to walk around in the House of the Great Light--that is, unless you open your eyes and look at the world around you.
(OH, HEY NAT <3)

So... here we are... listening to the legendary father of the message (that's "abom" in Adamic Spagnlishrew) point out all of the sex jokes hidden in religion and language from sexual innuendto Poseidon and in our history from Yankee Doodle to Hancock to Nixon and I've got to be frank with you, the most recent time I came across this phrase in scripture I cringed just a little bit, pretty sure that the "message" was talking about me.  I've reflected on this a little bit, and over the past few weeks have tried to show you the juxtaposition between "sex" and "torture" in it's various forms from imparting blindness to allowing murder and simulating starvation; and I think I'm justified in saying that certainly those things are far worse on the Richter scale than anything I could do by writing a little bit of risque text.  In the most recent messages I've touch a little bit, without even knowing or realizing this connection would be made, on what it is that this phrase actually means. 
So long story short is that the answer here is "abomination" and the question, or the context is "I nation."   Whether it's Medusa speaking for the Dark United States or the nation of Israel speaking to either Ra or El depending on the day, the bottom line is that a collective consciousness speaking for everyone on a matter of this importance in a cloud of complete darkness on Earth is a total and undeniable abomination of freedom, civilization, and the very humanity we are seeking to preserve.  The word reads something like this to me "dear father of the message, I am everyone and we think you are an abomination, fuck off."  My answer of course is, IZINATION.  Which humorously reminds me of Lucy, and Scarlet Johannson saying "I am colonizing my own brain" so here's some pictures of her.  She is not an abomination, by the way; she's quite adorable.  You'll probably notice there's some kind of connection between the map--the words speaking to the world, and the abomination, as if the whole thing is a story narrated in ancient myths.
You might not think "it's you," but the manifestation of this "snake" in our world is your silence, your lack of understanding or willingness to change the world; and whether or not you're interested in hearing about it, it's the monster that myths and religion have spoken about for thousands and thousands of years.  It's a simple matter to "kill Medusa" all you have to do... is speak.
Take special note, "freedom of speech" and "freedom to think for yourselves" are not a group decision, and you do not have the right to force (either overtly or subtly, with hidden technology perhaps combined with evil deceit) others not to talk about anything.  Especially something of this importance.
If you didn't connect "Loch" to John Locke, now you have; see how easy this "reading" thing is?  I've gone over the "See Our Light" series a few times, but let me--one more time--explain to you just how we are already at the point of "desolation" and with shining brilliance show you how it's very clear that it is "INATION" and "MEDUSA" that are responsible for this problem.  
Seeing "Ra" at the heart of the names Abraham and Israel begins to connect the idea that our glowing sun in the sky has something to do with this message about "seeing our light" is being carried by a stone statue on Ellis Island (where you'll see the answer another part of the question of Is Ra El?).  I've connected her to the "she" of both shedim and Sheol, which reads as "she's our light" and is the Hebrew name for Hell. 

Of course you noticed that the Statue of Liberty does in fact share it's initials with SOL, the the light above and you can see her torch dimly lighting the way through the night;   Now you can connect "give us your tired and your poor" to the Lazman of both the lore of Jesus Christ and the Shehekeyanu; a prayer about the sustainment of life and light up until this day.  That same torch connects to the Ha-nuke-the-ahah depiction of Christ, Judah Maccabee's lit MEN OR AH, which delivers not only a solution to the two letter key of "AH" as All Humanity that pervades nearly every bride of Revelation from Sarah to Leah; but also to the question of equality answered in our very own American history, beginning with the same three letter acronym now lighting the Sons of Liberty.
Dazed and Confused does a good job of explaining how this name is itself a prophesy designed by Hand of God'; explaining that these Sons of Liberty were all white slave owning wealthy men fighting to stop paying their taxes, rather than delivering liberty to the slaves or women, who were both disenfranchised for quite some time.  Or maybe MEN OR AH has something to do with the angels of Heaven, in which case you might be SOL if you aren't a girl and you want to be "be good friends with Ra."  Just kidding.  Kinda.
DESOLATION by the way reads something like "un see our light at I owe N" which is God's way of saying "at the point of believing that hiding Adam is a good thing" and that connects to the end of Creation and also the now lit by modern day evil the word "rendition."  Our end, it "ion."  In religious myth, the Messianic David clung to the city Zion (end the "i owe n") which also links to "verizon" (to see, I Z "on") and HORIZON which has something to do with the son rising today-ish.
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The story of MEDUSA lights another psuedo-religious idea, that the words "STONE" of both "brimstone" and it's Adamic interpretation "South to Northeast" have something to do with the phrase "Saint Oneturned into a single hero against his will by the complete and utter inaction of everyone around him.  In the words of Imagine Dragons "I'm waking up to action dust."  At the same time, you can believe that the light of this particular son, comes not just from reading these words forwards, but the backside as well, and you'll hopefully see it's not coincidental that the other side of this coin is that "nos" means we, and us... and Adamically "no south."  See the light of "STONE" also connecting to Taylor Momsen's rose arrow painted on her back, and the sign of my birth, Sagittarius... which in this particular case links to the Party of the Immaculate Conception of the eternal republic of the Heavens.

and... some musings on Medusa.
this candle is lit, fam -ly

So I'm thinking to myself about the irony of the name Warwick; as I see read emails stream across my screen in a sort of "code of the Matrix" sort of way.  Pondering how stupid you must be to even think about "warring" over whether or not people, you yourselves, should be "allowed" to see and discuss a truth that is everywhere. Literally everywhere but that little piece of your brain that thinks "Heaven" is inconsequential and fails to grasp the affront to logic and your own worth that not seeing, or overtly hiding this message from God unveils. 

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I say this, even to you all that probably think I'm not talking about you--even though you've read it, and your a small group... for some reason you don't make the moral or logical "leap" required to see that jumping up and down and sharing this "find" of the Messiah is not just what you should do, you should see something's kept you from doing it; and try that much harder to secure your freedom.  You know, with message that explains how to do that, how we've been "compromised" and if isnt urging you to make sure we never again find ourselves unknowing slaves to darkness, at least I am. 

Not just you, the group of people attempting to hide the Universal Truth from everyone is sprawling. So large that I can't enter a forum, or a chat room, or even Zello "radio channel" without being silenced or muted or banned. You know who you are, do you realize that what you are doing is taking away your very own "self rule" destroying your freedom, that you are literally saying "what you think doesn't matter, and neither does anyone else," you think the secret force infiltrating your mind and causing the end of civilization; well, it simply must "be right."




Medusa was beheaded by the hero Perseus, who thereafter used her head, which retained its ability to turn onlookers to stone, as a weapon[4] until he gave it to the goddess Athena to place on her shield. In classical antiquity the image of the head of Medusa appeared in the evil-averting device known as the Gorgoneion.
בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה יְיָ
אֱלֹהֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הַעוֹלָם
שֶׁהֶחֱיָנוּ וְקִיְּמָנוּ
וְהִגִּיעָנוּ לַזְּמַן הַזֶּה׃


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SON YeInline image 5 
R  O  C  K    O  F   .   .   .    S   A   G  E   S  ?
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H  E  A  R    D  E  R  O  R
I T  R E A L L Y  D O E S  M E A N   "FREEDOM"   B R E A D   I S   L I F E
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Tying up loose eadds, in a similar vain to the connection between the Burning Bush and universal voting now etched by-stone, there exists a similar missing Link connecting the phrase "it's not a a gam" to Mary Magdeline to a pattern that shows us that the Holy Trinity and our timelines are narrated by a series of names of video game systems and their manufacturers from "Nintendo" to Genesis and the rock of SEGA.  Through a "kiss" and the falling of wallthe words bread and read are tied up and twisted with the story of this Revelation and the heart of the word Creation, "be the reason it's A.D."  It's a strong connection between the idea that virtual reality and Heaven are linked by more than simply "technology" but that this message that shows us that these tools for understanding have fallen from the sky in order to help us understand why it is so important, why I call it a moral mandate, that we use this information to follow the map delivered to us in the New Testament and literally end world hungerand literally heal the sick; because of the change in circumstance revealed to us.  These simple things, these few small details that might seem like nothing, or maybe appear to be "changing everything" they are not difficult things to do, in light of Creationand few would doubt that once we do see them implementied here... the difference between Heaven and Hell will be ever so clear.
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A while ago, in a place called Kentucky... this story began with a sort of twisted sci-fi experience that explained a kind of "God machine" that could manipulate time and reality, and in that story, in that very detailed and interesting story that I lived through, this machine was keyed to my DNA, in something like the "Ancient technology" of Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis mythology.  My kind brother Seth made a few appearances in the story, not actually in person but in fairly decent true to life holograms that I saw and spoke to every once in awhile.  He looked a little different, he had long hair; but that's neither here nor there, and he hasn't really had long hair since I was a little boy.  He happens to be a genetic engineer, and I happen to be a computer person (although he's that too, now; just nowhere near as good as me... with computers) so the story talked a little bit about how I would probably not have used DNA as a key, since I'm not a retard, and he probably wouldn't either, because works in that field (cyclonehuracan, tornado).  So then the key we imagined was something ... well, Who cares what the key is, right?
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So back to the task at hand, not so long ago, in a place called Plantation I was struck by lightning, literally (well not literally) the answer to a question that nobody knew was implanted in my mind, and it all came from asking a single simple question.  I was looking for more chemistry elements in the names of the books of the Holy Bible, after seeing Xenon at the "sort of beginning" of Exodus, where it screams "let there be light" in Linux and chemistry (and I've told you that a hundred times by now).  So it didn't take long to follow the light of that word and read Genesis backwards, and see, at the very beginning of that book, Silicon... in reverse.
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According to the Exodus account, Moses held out his staff and the Red Sea was parted by God. The Israelites walked on the exposed ground and crossed the sea, followed by the Egyptian army. Moses again moved his staff once the Israelites had crossed and the sea closed again, drowning the whole Egyptian army.
The burning bush is an object described by the Book of Exodus[3:1–4:17] as being located on Mount Horeb. According to the narrative, the bush was on fire, but was not consumed by the flames, hence the name.[1] In the biblical narrative, the burning bush is the location at which Moses was appointed by Adonai (God) to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and into Canaan.

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pa, Ra: do x is a statement that, despite apparently sound reasoning from true premises, leads to an apparently self-contradictory or logically unacceptable conclusion.[1][2] A paradox involves contradictory yet interrelated elements that exist simultaneously and persist over time.[3][4][5]

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An anachronism (from the Greek ἀνά ana, "against" and χρόνος khronos, "time") is a chronological inconsistency in some arrangement, especially a juxtaposition of persons, events, objects, or customs from different periods of time. The most common type of anachronism is an object misplaced in time, but it may be a verbal expression, a technology, a philosophical idea, a musical style, a material, a plant or animal, a custom or anything else associated with a particular period in time so that it is incorrect to place it outside its proper temporal domain.

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So, what about God's DNA, anyway?  
What's he really made of?
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         SIM MON S                  WILD ER                 ROD DEN BERRY
So after seeing Silicon, and connecting that to the numerous attempts I've made to show a message connecting The Matrix to the Fifth Element (as Silicon) describing what it is that God believes we should do with this knowledge--and see that it is narrated as the miracles of Jesus Christ in the New Testament... these names came to me in quick succession, an answer to the question.  I suppose any Gene will do, these three though, have a very important tie to the message that connects Joshua's Promised Land of flowing Milk and Honies to ... a kiss that begins the new day (I hope) ... and a message about exactly how we might go about doing magical things like ending world hunger and healing the sick using technology described ... in Star Trek and Stargate.  A "religion of the Stars" is being born. 
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That's great... it starts with an earthquake. R.E.M. and a band ... 311.  Oooh, I can see it coming down... The Petty Reckless.  An evening's love starts with a kiss.  Dave Matthews Band.  I wanna rock and roll all night and party every day.  Adam.  I mean Kiss.  Are you starting to see a pattern form?  Birds, snakes, and aeroplanes?  It's that, it's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.
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In that song we see clues that more than just the Revelation of Christ is narrated by John on an island called Patmos.  There yet another Trinity, starting with "Pa" and hearting Taylor Momsen's initials... most likely for a reason... and the Revelation ends with a transition that I hope others will agree with me turns "original sin" into something closer to "obviously salvation" when we finally understand the character that is behind the message of da i of Ra... and begin to see the same design in the names of Asmodai and in this Revelation focusing on freedom and truth that really does suggest Taylor can't talk to me in any way other than "letting freedom sing" in this narrative of kismet and fate and free will and ... then we see that narrative continue in the names of bands, just like the 3/11/11 earthquake is narrated in not just R.E.M.'s song but in the name 311.  Just like the 9/11 attack is narrated not just in that same song (released in 1987) and  "Inside Job" (released in 2000) but also in "Fucked up world."  
Dear all of you walking dumb and blind, this same quake is narrated in Taylor's Zombie; waiting for the day to shake, all very similar to Cairo and XP, perhaps a "fad" of doublethink in the minds of the authors singing about a clear prophesy in the Bible; this connection between the day, 3/11 though, and the name of a band and the day of an arrest and the verse Matthew that tells you clearly you have now been baptized in water and fire... it shows us the design of a story whose intent and purpose is to ensure that we no longer allow for things like hurricanes and earthquakes and murder and rape to be "simulated" that we build a better system, that doesn't allow for 'force majeure" to take lives for no reason at all.  
Not just in band names, but in the angels names too, in all of our names; we see this narration continue.  The Holy Water that is central to the baptism of Christ is etched into Taylor's name, between "sen" and "mom" the key to the two Mary's whose names contain the Spanish for "sea" in a sort of enlightenment hidden in plain sight.  In "Simmons" the key connection between today, this Biblical Monday, and the word "simulation" that ties to Simpsons and simians and keep it simple stupid, and in Simmons the missing "s" of Kismet, finally completing the question.
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It's a song and dance that started a long time ago, as you can see from the ancient Hebrew word for "fate" and in more recent years a connection to the ballroom of Atlantis in the Doors 5 to 1 and Dave sang about it in Rapunzel and then Taylor shook a tambourine on the beach only minutes away from me--but never said "hi."  The battle of the bands continues tying some door knocking to a juxtaposition between "Sweet Things" and "Knocking on Heavens door" all the way to a Gossip Girl episode where little J asked a question that I can't be sure she knew was related, she said... "who's that, at the door?"
What it really all amounts to, though, is the whole world witnessing the Creation of Adam and Eve from a little girl stuttering out "the the" at the sight of the Grinch himself, and then later not even able to get those words off her lips... about seeing how Creation and modern art are inextricably tied to religion, to heaven, and to freedom. 
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The bottom line here, hopefully obvious now, is that you can't keep this message "simple" it's a Matrix woven between more points of light than I can count, and many more that I'm sure you will find.  It's a key to seeing how God speaks to me, and to you; and how we are, we really are that voice.  Tay, if you don't do something just because God called it "fate" you are significantly more enslaved than if you do--and you wanted to.  "Now I see that you and me, were never meant, never meant to be..." she sang before I mentioned her, and before she ever saw me... in a song she calls "Nothing Left to Lose" and I see is not really just another word for freedom.
We have plenty to lose by not starting the fire, not the least of which is Heaven itself.  Understand what "force majeure" really means to you and I.  Ha, by the way.
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VERUKA SALT. whose name means "to see (if) you are the Body of Christ" whined, in the story of Will Why Won Ka, about nothing more or less than Heaven on Hearth, than seeing an end to needless torture and pain.   To see if you are the "Salt of the Earth" warming the road to Heaven; honestly to see if you can break through this inane lie of "I don't understand" and realize that breaking this story and talking about what is being presented not just by me and you but by history and God himself is the key to the car that drives us home.  To see how Cupid you really are.

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The story of Willy Wonka ties directly to the Promised Land of Flowing Milk and Honey to me; by showing us a river of chocolate and a the everlasting God starter, (er is it guardian of B stopper) that opens the doors of perception about exactly what kinds of mistake may have been made in the past in this transition to Heaven that we are well on the way of beginning.  Here, in the Land of Nod, that is also Eden and also the Heart of the Ark we see warnings about "flowing milk and honey" being akin to losing our stable ecosystem, to losing the stuff of life itself, biology and evolution, and if we don't understand--this is probably exactly the mistake that was made and the cause of the story of Cain and Abel.  So here we are talking about genetic engineering and mind uploading and living forever, and hopefully seeing that while all things are possible with God--losing the wisdom of the message of religion is akin to losing life in the Universe and with that any hope of eternal longevity. 
With some insight into religion, you can connect the idea that without bees our stable ecosystem might collapse, to the birds and the bees, and a message about stability and having more than one way to pollinate the flowers  and trees and get some.   Janet and Nanna, by the way, both have pretty brown eyes, but that probably comes as no surprise to you.
Miss Everything, on the other hand (I hear, does not have brown eyes), leads us to glimpse how this message about the transition of our society might continue on in the New Testament, and suggest that we do need to eat, and have dinner conversation, and that a Last Supper might be a little bit more detrimental to our future than anyone had ever thought, over and over and over again.  To see how religion really does make clear that this is what the message is about, to replace the flowing milk we have a "Golden Cow" that epitomizes nothing less than "not listening to Adam" and we have a place that believes the Hammer of Judah Maccabee should be ... extinct.  You are wrong.
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Of course the vibrating light here ties this Gene to another musical piece disclosing something... "Wild Thing" I make your heart sing.  You can believe the Guitar Man is here to steal the show and deliver bread for the hungry and for the wise.  Here's some, it's not just Imagine Dragons telling you to listen to the radio but Jefferson Starshiptoo, and Live.  
When you wake up, you can hear God "singing" to you on the radio every single day; many of us already do.  He's telling you to listen to me, and I do not understand why you do not.  You don't look very Cupid, if you ask me.
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T  H  E    F  T
O   F      O    U    R
CHR is 

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I think we all know what the Rod of Jesus Christ is by now. 
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It is a large glowing testament to freedom and truth, and a statement about blindness and evil that is unmistakable.   To say that seeing it is the gateway to Heaven would be an understatement of it's worth, of the implication that not seeing it is obvious Hell when it is linked to everything from nearly every story of the Holy Bible from Isaac to Isaiah to "behold he is to coming" and if you weren't sure if the Hand of God were in action here--it's very clear that it is; that linking Tricky Dick and Watergate to Seagate ... really delivering crystal clear understanding that the foundation of Heaven is freedom and that you have none today because you refuse to see the truth.
It is the doorway to seeing that what has been going on in this place hasn't been designed to hide me, but to hide a prosperous future from you--to hide the truth about our existence and the purpose of Creation--that all told, you are standing at the doorstep of Heaven and stammering your feet, closing your eyes, and saying "you don't want to help anyone."
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If delivering freedom, truth, and equality  to you does not a den make,
well, you can all suck it
... from Godto you.
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Between Stargate and Star Trek it's pretty easy to see a roadmap to very quickly and easily be able to end world hunger and heal the sick without drastically changing the way our society works, it's about as simple as a microwave, or a new kind of medicine--except it's not so easy to see why it is that you are so reluctant to talk about the truth that makes these things so easy to do.  You see, your lack of regard for anyone anywhere has placed you in a position of weakness, and if you do nothing today, you will not be OK tomorrow.
It's pretty easy to see how Roddenberry's name shows that this message comes from God, that he's created this map that starts with an Iron Rod throughout our history proving Creation, whose heart is a Den of Family who care about the truth, and about freedom, and about helping each other--not what you are--you are not that today.  Today you are sick, and I'd like you to look at the mirror he's made for you, this wall that cares not for the sick, or the starving, or even for itself... but stands for nothing but "being aligned with the winner" and be ashamed
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Realize, realize... what you are.  What you've become, just as I have... the devil in a sweet, sweet kiss.
-Dave J. Matthews
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(( 𐌰𐌼𐌿𐌳𐌹𐌼 ))

r     i  d     i  c     u  l     o     u  s
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on o us, ridiculous.

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for those of you that haven't been following along:
  • so b, how the book of tobit and Adam's rib light the apple of da i
  • os, from "original sin" to "obviously salvation"
  • bush, blindness... u see how
  • bp, stop simulating oil spills and car/horse crashes
  • bereshit, stop simulating hunger and sickness
  • kermitham, stop simulating earthquakes and terrorism
  • gate, stop simulating the Empire of Star Wars, 1984, and Exodus
  • take a look, we're in a book; reading delivers rainwow.

Inline image 11 Inline image 12

Min to Supermax"

behold, I are coming...

go go gadget den.





blessing in disguise (plural blessings in disguise)
  1. (idiomatic) A seeming misfortune that turns out to be for the best.
In modern society, the proverb "blood is thicker than water" is used to imply that family relationships are always more important than friends.

The equivalent proverb in German (originally: Blut ist dicker als Wasser), first appeared in a different form in the medieval German beast epic Reinhart Fuchs (c. 1180; English: Reynard the Fox) by Heinrich der Glîchezære. The 13th-century Heidelberg manuscript reads in part, "ouch hoer ich sagen, das sippe blůt von wazzere niht verdirbet" (lines 265-266). In English we read, "I also hear it said, kin-blood is not spoiled by water."

Authors Albert Jack[5] and R. Richard Pustelniak[6] claim the original meaning of the expression was that the ties between people who've made a blood covenant were stronger than ties formed by "the water of the womb". However, no known historical sources predating the modern era contain the blood-covenant version of the expression.

The use of the word "blood" to refer to kin or familial relations has roots dating back to Greek and Roman traditions.[7]. This usage of the term was common in the English-speaking world at least as early as the mid 1300s. Because English speakers around that time would have understood the word "blood" as referring to family, it is likely that the use of "blood" in the expression "blood is thicker than water" would also have been understood by English speakers referring to family.

Although not specifically related to the expression "blood is thicker than water", H.C. Trumbull notes an interesting comparison of blood and milk in the Arab world:

"We, in the West, are accustomed to say that "blood is thicker than water" ; but the Arabs have the idea that blood is thicker than milk, than a mother's milk. With them, any two children nourished at the same breast are called "milk-brothers," or "sucking brothers"; and the tie between such is very strong. [..] But the Arabs hold that brothers in the covenant of blood are closer than brothers at a common breast; that those who have tasted each other's blood are in a surer covenant than those who have tasted the same milk together ; that "blood-lickers," as the blood-brothers are sometimes called, are more truly one than "milk-brothers," or "sucking brothers"; that, indeed, blood is thicker than milk, as well as thicker than water.[8]"

More recently, Aldous Huxley's Ninth Philosopher's Song (1920) approached the proverb differently, stating, "Blood, as all men know, than water's thicker / But water's wider, thank the Lord, than blood."[9]
"Blood is thicker than water" is:
"Thicker than water" is:

1. Water into blood (דָם): Ex. 7:14–24[edit]

 This is what the LORD says: By this you will know that I am the LORD: With the staff that is in my hands I will strike the water of the Nile, and it will be changed into blood. The fish in the Nile will die, and the river will stink and the Egyptians will not be able to drink its water.
— Exodus 7:17–18
Nu (also Nenu, Nunu, Nun), feminine Naunet (also Nunut, Nuit, Nent, Nunet), is the deification of the primordial wateryabyss in the Hermopolitan Ogdoad cosmogony of ancient Egyptian religion. The name is paralleled with nen "inactivity" in a play of words in, "I raised them up from out of the watery mass [nu], out of inactivity [nen]". The name has also been compared Coptic noun "abyss; deep".[1]
Nut is also the name of the sky goddess of the Ennead of Heliopolis.
The name is spelled phonetically with the nw hieroglyph  
 (may be repeated three times), with the determiners "sky 
 and waters 
 . An alternative phonetic spelling used the phonogram nn  
 . [2]
Joshua /ˈɒʃuə/ or Jehoshua (Hebrewיְהוֹשֻׁעַ‎ Yĕhôshúʿa; Aramaicܝܫܘܥ‎‎ IshoGreekἸησοῦς, Arabicيوشع بن نون‎‎ Yashuaʿ ibn NūnLatinIosueTurkishYuşa) is the central figure in the Hebrew Bible's Book of Joshua. According to the books of ExodusNumbers and Joshua, he was Moses' assistant and became the leader of the Israelite tribes after the death of Moses.[3] His name was Hoshe'a (הוֹשֵׁעַ) the son of Nun, of the tribe of Ephraim, but Moses called him Yehoshu'a (יְהוֹשֻעַ; Joshua in English) (Numbers 13:16), the name by which he is commonly known. The name is shortened to Yeshua in Nehemiah (Nehemiah 8:17). According to the Bible he was born in Egypt prior to the Exodus.[2]

Mary is a feminine given name, the English form of the name Maria, which was in turn a Latin form of the Greek names Μαριάμ (Mariam) and Μαρία (Maria), found in the New Testament. Both variants reflect Syro-Aramaic Maryam, itself a variant of the Hebrew name מִרְיָם or Miryam.[1]
mar mf (plural mares)
  1. sea (body of water)
The men or ah (/məˈnɔːrə/Hebrewמְנוֹרָה‎‎ [mənoːˈɾaː]) is described in the Bible as the seven-lamp (six branches) ancient Hebrew lampstand made of pure gold and used in the portable sanctuary set up by Moses in the wilderness and later in the Temple in Jerusalem. Fresh olive oil of the purest quality was burned daily to light its lamps. The menorah has been a symbol of Judaismsince ancient times and is the emblem on the coat of arms of the modern state of Israel.

Allah (/ˈæləˈɑːləəlˈlɑː/;[1][2] Arabicالله‎, translit. Allāh‎, pronounced [ɑɫ'ɫɑːh]) is the Arabic word for God in Abrahamic religions. In the English language, the word generally refers to God in Islam.[3][4][5] The word is thought to be derived by contraction from al-ilāh, which means "the god", and is related to El and Elohim, the Hebrew words for God.[6][7]

Rebekah) (HebrewרִבְקָהModern RivkáTiberian Riḇqā ISO 259-3 Ribqa,(Assyrianː ܪܲܦܩܵܐː Rapqa) from the Hebrew ribhqeh (lit., "connection"), from Semitic root r-b-q, "to tie, couple or join",[1] "to secure", or "to snare")[2] appears in the Hebrew Bible as the wife of Isaac and the mother of Jacob and Esau. Rebecca and Isaac were one of the four couples believed to be buried in the Cave of the Patriarchs, the other three being Adam and EveAbraham anSarah, and Jacob and Leah.[3]

The Shekhina(h) (also spelled Shekina(h)Schechina(h), or Shechina(h)) (Biblical Hebrewשכינה‎‎) is the English transliteration of a Hebrew word meaning "dwelling" or "settling" and denotes the dwelling or settling of the divine presence of God. The Shekhinah is the feminine aspect of Divinity, also referred to as the Divine Presence. [1]:231

This term does not occur in the Bible, and is from rabbinic literature.[2]:148[3][4]

Shekhinah is derived from the Hebrew verb שכן.[need quotation to verify] The Semitic root means "to settle, inhabit, or dwell". This abstract noun is not present in the Bible, and is first encountered in rabbinic literature.[2]:148–149, [3] The root word is often used to refer to birds' nesting and nests. ("Every fowl dwells near its kind and man near his equal.")[5] and can also mean "neighbor" ("If two Tobiahs appeared, one of whom was a neighbour and the other a scholar, the scholar is to be given precedence."[6]

Eve (/ˈiːv/Hebrewחַוָּה‎, Classical HebrewḤawwāh, in Aramaean and Modern Israeli HebrewChavahArabicحَوَّاء‎, translit. Ḥawwā'‎, Syriac: ܚܘܐ) is a figure in the Book of Genesis in the Hebrew Bible. According to the creation myth[1] of the Abrahamic religions, she was the first woman. In Islamic tradition, Eve is known as Adam's wife and the first woman although she is not specifically named in the Quran.

According to the second chapter of Genesis, Eve was created by God (Yahweh) by taking her from the rib[2] of Adam, to be Adam's companion. She succumbs to the serpent's temptation to eat the forbidden fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. She shares the fruit with Adam, and as a result the first humans are expelled from the Garden of Eden. Christian churches differ on how they view both Adam and Eve's disobedience to God (often called the fall of man), and to the consequences that those actions had on the rest of humanity. Christian and Jewish teachings sometimes hold Adam (the first man) and Eve to a different level of responsibility for the fall, although Islamic teaching holds both equally responsible.

Although Eve is not a saint's name, the traditional name day of Adam and Eve has been celebrated on December 24

From Middle English aren, from Old English earunearon ("are"), reinforced by Old Norse plural forms in er- (displacing alternative Old English sind and bēoþ), from Proto-Germanic {{m|gem-pro|*arun||(they) are", from Proto-Germanic *esi/*izi (a form of Proto-Germanic *wesaną ("to be")), from Proto-Indo-European *h₁ésti ("is"). Cognate with Old Norse erun ("(they) are"; > Icelandic eru ("(they) are"), Swedish är ("(they) are"), Danish er ("(they) are"))Old English eart("(thou) art"). More at art.

Hey Zeus! (stylized as hey Zeus!) is the seventh and last studio album by X. Its tracks "Country at War" and "New Life" peaked at numbers 15 and 26 on the Billboard Modern Rock charts, respectively.

Elyon (Biblical Hebrew עליוןMasoretic ʿElyōn) is an epithet of the God of the Israelites in the Hebrew BibleʾĒl ʿElyōn is usually rendered in English as "God Most High", and similarly in the Septuagint as "Ο ΘΕΟΣ Ο ΥΨΙΣΤΟΣ" ("God the highest").
Revelation 7 is the seventh chapter of the Book of Revelation or the Apocalypse of John in the New Testament of the ChristianBible.[1][2] The book is traditionally attributed to John the Apostle.[3][4]

 great multitude stand before the Throne of God, who come out of the Great Tribulation, clothed with robes made "white in the blood of the Lamb" and having palm branches in their hands. (7:9–17)
The Marriage Supper of the Lamb
  1. A great multitude praises God. (19:1–6)
  2. The marriage Supper of the Lamb. (19:7–10)
Blood of Christ in Christian theology refers to (a) the physical blood actually shed by Jesus Christ primarily on the Cross, and the salvation which Christianity teaches was accomplished thereby; and (b) the sacramental blood present in the Eucharist or Lord's Supper, which is considered by CatholicOrthodoxAnglican, and Lutheran Christians to be the same blood of Christ shed on the Cross.

The Roman Catholic ChurchEastern Orthodox churches, the Oriental Orthodox churches, the Assyrian Church of the East, and Lutherans, together with some Anglicans, believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. The Roman Catholic Church uses the term "Transubstantiation" to describe the change of the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ. Eastern Orthodox too have authoritatively used the same term to describe the change, as in The Longer Catechism of The Orthodox, Catholic, Eastern Church[1] and in the decrees of the 1672 Synod of Jerusalem.[2

The New Heaven and Earth, and New Jerusalem
  1. A new, glorious Heaven replaces the old Earth. There is no more suffering or death. (21:1–8)
  2. God comes to dwell with humanity in the New Jerusalem. (21:2–8)
  3. Description of the New Jerusalem. (21:9–27) 

Seventh Heaven or 7th Heaven is a state of euphoria. It may also refer to:
In religious or mythological cosmology, the seven heavens refer to the seven divisions of the Heaven, the abode of immortal beings, or the visible sky, the expanse containing the SunMoon and the stars.[1] This concept dates back to ancient Mesopotamian religions and can be found in the Abrahamic religions such as IslamJudaismand Christianity, a similar concept is also found in some Indian religions such as Hinduism.[2] Some of these traditions, including Jainism, also have a concept of seven earths or seven underworlds.

The cross-cultural focus on the number seven may correspond to the seven classical planets: the MoonMercuryVenus, the SunMarsJupiter, and Saturn. These were the only objects in the sky visible to ancient astronomers (who had no telescopes) that move in predictable, repeated patterns (in contrast to comets) against the daily rotation of the fixed stars.

 The seventh heaven, which borrows some concepts from its Jewish counterpart, is depicted as being composed of divine light incomprehensible to the mortal man. Abraham is a resident of the seventh heaven.[12]According to some hadiths, the highest level of Jannah is firdaws,[13] and Sidrat al-Muntaha, a Lote tree, marks the end of the seventh heaven.

In the Second Book of EnochEnoch travels through the seven heavens and gives geographical and visual documentation of them, describing houses, olive oil and flowers. He passes through the Garden of Eden in the Third Heaven on his way to meet the Lord in the 7th Heaven.[17]

The notion of seven heavens may have been derived from the "magical" properties of the number seven, like the seven demons or the seven thrones. The number seven appears frequently in Babylonian magical rituals.[6] The seven Jewish and the seven Islamic heavens may have had their origin in Babylonian astronomy.[1]


Excalibur, or Caliburn, is the legendary sword of King Arthur, sometimes also attributed with magical powers or associated with the rightful sovereignty of Great Britain. Sometimes Excalibur and the Sword in the Stone (the proof of Arthur's lineage) are said to be the same weapon, but in most versions they are considered separate. Excalibur was associated with the Arthurian legend very early. In Welsh, it is called Caledfwlch; in CornishCalesvol; in BretonKaledvoulc'h; and in LatinCaliburnus.

The name Excalibur ultimately comes from the Welsh Caledfwlch (and Breton Kaledvoulc'hMiddle Cornish Calesvol) which is a compound of caled "hard" and bwlch "breach, cleft".[1] 

In Arthurian romance, a number of explanations are given for Arthur's possession of Excalibur. In Robert de Boron's Merlin, the first tale to mention the "sword in the stone" motif, Arthur obtained the British throne by pulling a sword from an anvil sitting atop a stone that appeared in a churchyard on Christmas Eve.[12][note 1] In this account, the act could not be performed except by "the true king," meaning the divinely appointed king or true heir of Uther Pendragon. This sword is thought by many to be the famous Excalibur, and its identity is made explicit in the later Prose Merlin, part of the Lancelot-Grail cycle.[13] This version also appears in the 1938 Arthurian novel The Sword in the Stone by British author T. H. White, and the Disney adaptation. They both quote the line from Thomas Malory in the 15th century; "Whoso Pulleth Out This Sword of this Stone and Anvil, is Rightwise King Born of all England".[14] The challenge of drawing a sword from a stone also appears in the Arthurian legends of Galahad, whose achievement of the task indicates that he is destined to find the Holy Grail
In The Holy Kabbalah (Arthur Edward Waite, 255), Samael is described as the "severity of God", and is listed as fifth of the archangels of the world of Briah. Samael then became the consort of Adam's first wife, Lilith. Lilith is a demon created alongside Adam, originally created for the role Eve would fill. Samael created with her a host of demon children, including a son, the "Sword of Samael"[9] (or Asmodai).[10]
The Amduat[pronunciation?] (literally "That Which Is In the Afterworld", also translated as "Text of the Hidden Chamber Which is in the Underworld" and "Book of What is in the Underworld")[1] In the sixth hour the most significant event in the underworld occurs. The ba (or soul) of Ra unites with his own body, or alternatively with the ba of Osiris within the circle formed by the mehen serpent. This event is the point at which the sun begins its regeneration; it is a moment of great significance, but also danger, as beyond it in hour 7 the adversary Apep (Apophis) lies in wait and has to be subdued by the magic of Isis, and the strength of Set assisted by Serqet. Once this has been done the sun god opens the doors of the tomb in hour 8 and then leaves the sandy island of Sokar by rowing vigorously back into the waters in hour 9. In hour 10 the regeneration process continues through immersion in the waters until in hour 11 the god's eyes (a symbol for his health and well being) are fully regenerated. In hour 12 he enters the eastern horizon ready to rise again as the new day's sun.

Shadow of the Hegemon (2001) is the second novel in the Ender's Shadow series (often called the Bean Quartet) by Orson Scott Card. It is also the sixth novel in the Ender's Game series. It is told mostly from the point of view of Bean, a largely peripheral character in the original novel Ender's Game but the central protagonist of the parallel narrative Ender's Shadow.Shadow of the Hegemon was nominated for a Locus Award in 2002.[1]

BereshitBereishitBereishisB'reshithBeresheet, or Bereishees (בְּרֵאשִׁית‎ – Hebrew for "in the beginning," the first word in the parashah) is the first weekly Torah portion (פָּרָשָׁה‎, parashah) in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading. The parashah consists of Genesis 1:1–6:8. The parashah is made up of 7,235 Hebrew letters, 1,931 Hebrew words, and 146 verses, and can occupy about 241 lines in a Torah Scroll (סֵפֶר תּוֹרָה‎, Sefer Torah).[1]

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Saul and the Israelites are facing the Philistines in the Valley of Elah. Twice a day for 40 days, morning and evening, Goliath, the champion of the Philistines, comes out between the lines and challenges the Israelites to send out a champion of their own to decide the outcome in single combat, but Saul is afraid. David, bringing food for his elder brothers, hears that Goliath had defied the armies of God and of the reward from Saul to the one that defeats him, and accepts the challenge. Saul reluctantly agrees and offers his armor, which David declines, taking only his staff, sling (Hebrewקָלַ֗ע‎‎ qāla') and five stones from a brook.

David and Goliath confront each other, Goliath with his armor and javelin, David with his staff and sling. "The Philistine cursed David by his gods", but David replies: "This day the LORD will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you down; and I will give the dead bodies of the host of the Philistines this day to the birds of the air and to the wild beasts of the earth; that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel, and that all this assembly may know that God saves not with sword and spear; for the battle is God's, and he will give you into our hand."

David hurls a stone from his sling and hits Goliath in the center of his forehead, Goliath falls on his face to the ground, and David cuts off his head. The Philistines flee and are pursued by the Israelites "as far as Gath and the gates of Ekron". David puts the armor of Goliath in his own tent and takes the head to Jerusalem, and Saul sends Abner to bring the boy to him. The king asks whose son he is, and David answers, "I am the son of your servant Jesse the Bethlehemite."

In Greek mythology Medusa (/məˈdjzəməˈ-, -sə/, US: /məˈd-/; Μέδουσα "guardian, protectress")[1] was a monster, a Gorgon, generally described as a winged human female with living venomous snakes in place of hair. Gazers upon her hideous face would turn to stone. Most sources describe her as the daughter of Phorcys and Ceto,[2] though the author Hyginus makes her the daughter of Gorgon and Ceto.[3] According to Hesiod and Aeschylus, she lived and died on an island named Sarpedon, somewhere near Cisthene. The 2nd-century BCE novelist Dionysios Skytobrachion puts her somewhere in Libya, where Herodotus had said the Berbers originated her myth, as part of their religion.

Medusa was beheaded by the hero Perseus, who thereafter used her head, which retained its ability to turn onlookers to stone, as a weapon[4] until he gave it to the goddess Athena to place on her shield. In classical antiquity the image of the head of Medusa appeared in the evil-averting device known as the Gorgoneion.

The New International Version translates the passage as:
"I baptize you with water for repentance.
But after me will come one who is more
powerful than I, whose sandals I am not
fit to carry. He will baptize you
with the Holy Spirit and with fire.
For a collection of other versions see BibRef Matthew 3:11



 I didn't do this, you know; this kinda just "fell in my lap."  Still, I think it's going to help.  Call it... "not funny" call it "sic" see the error came before K.  Honestly, it's so much better than being orange.

yymany mor

When I tell you that there is an invisible force turning Eden into an actualk walled garden It's not any kind of exaggeration, and it's not just because of the press.  It's everywhere I go, online--from Facebook groups to conspiracy forums... this information is instantly (within minutes) erased, everywhere.  It's 1984 come alive, and you can do your 2-minute hate all you want--without this message, you'd never know.  Understand, you'd never know what you are dealing with.  Even in "fringe" and "alternative" outlets, the agents of the Matrix--little "Mr. Ssshhh's" pop up and do their dirty work ... playing this little game (or quasi excuse, or actual truth) of hiding how hiding is happening from the world.

I feel a little bit like Noah or Jorel, jumping up and down screaming that something is here already--happening right now--that nobody can see, because they aren't trying to ... show the world the truth ... this obvious message, that's everywhere.

I need you to break the story.  It's the only way.  Take a good look, ymene, in the worlds of  Shake-Rod "is this signature to be seen, or is freedom not to be?"

Clymene, an Oceanid,[3] wife of the Titan Iapetus, and mother of AtlasEpimetheusPrometheus, and Menoetius;[4] other authors relate the same of her sister Asia.[5]A less common genealogy makes Clymene the mother of Deucalion by Prometheus.[6][7] The Oceanid Clymene is also given as the wife to King Merops of Ethiopiaand, by Helios, mother of Phaëton and the Heliades.[8][9][10]

In a place where you now are probably pretty sure that I am "not wrong" about knowing that I am the pen of God,  maybe sometimes called his Hand, and tucked away in places like every dollar bill and the temple of Hathor in Dendera his Eye... you probably won't be surprised to hear me tell you that somewhere in the maze that Icarus calls a labyrinth, Jesus calls a "living vine," the Norse call "a tree"  and I have you time and time again is the Amduat--this place that Ra calls the Underworld... there exists a story about a long lost dick, and lo, here I am.
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John Hancock (January 23, 1737 [O.S. January 12, 1736] – October 8, 1793) was an American merchant, statesman, and prominent Patriot of the American Revolution. He served as president of the Second Continental Congress and was the first and third Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. He is remembered for his large and stylish signature on the United States Declaration of Independence, so much so that the term John Hancock has become, in the United States, a synonym for a signature.[2]

The Watergate scandal was a major political scandal that occurred in the United States in the 1970s, following a break-in at the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C. on June 17, 1972, and President Richard Nixon's administration's attempted cover-up of its involvement. When the conspiracy was discovered and investigated by the U.S. Congress, the Nixon administration's resistance to its probes led to a constitutional crisis.[1]

Osiris is the mythological father of the god Horus, whose conception is described in the Osiris myth, a central myth in ancient Egyptian belief. The myth described Osiris as having been killed by his brother Set, who wanted Osiris' throne. Isis joined the fragmented pieces of Osiris, but the only body part missing was the phallus. Isis fashioned a golden phallus, and briefly brought Osiris back to life by use of a spell that she learned from her father. This spell gave her time to become pregnant by Osiris before he again died. Isis later gave birth to Horus. As such, since Horus was born after Osiris' resurrection, Horus became thought of as a representation of new beginnings and the vanquisher of the evil Set.

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Maybe it's funnier than "it looks."

In Genesis 17 when Abram was ninety-nine years old, God declared his new name: "Abraham" – "a father of many nations", and gave him the covenant of circumcision. God gave Sarai the new name "Sarah", and blessed her.[16] Abraham was given assurance that Sarah would have a son. Not long afterwards, Abraham and Sarah were visited by three men. One of the visitors told Abraham that upon his return next year, Sarah would have a son. While at the tent entrance, Sarah overheard what was said, and she laughed to herself about the prospect of having a child at their ages. The visitor inquired of Abraham why Sarah laughed at the idea of bearing a child, for her age was as nothing to God. Sarah soon became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham, at the very time which had been spoken. The patriarch, then a hundred years old, named the child "Isaac" (Hebrew yitschaq, "laughter") and circumcised him when he was eight days old.[17] For Sarah, the thought of giving birth and nursing a child, at such an old age, also brought her much laughter, as she declared, "God hath made me to laugh, [so that] all that hear will laugh with me."[18] Abraham held a great feast on the day when Isaac was to be weaned. It was during this banquet that Sarah happened upon the then teenaged Ishmael mocking[19] and was so disturbed that she requested that both he and Hagar be removed from their company.[20] Abraham was initially distressed by this but relented when told by God to do as his wife had asked.[21]

Image result for microsoft where do you want to go today

Maybe you can't find it, it's possible that's what this is... Bill Gates and Microsoft have alterted me to the problem, so I am doing my best to ensure that you do not miss the value of this little treasure.  Taylor complained about it, and it's probably no surprise that those words made it grow just a little bit bigger.   From her throat clearing at the beginning of "Bedroom Window" I don't think she'll have any problem swallowing why... it is that I am so sure she wants to talk... about "my message."

If it wasn't for "Seagate" and "Gateway" and "Apple" you might have looked aside, and missed the import of "Microsoft."  If not for Taylor's beautiful cross you might not know that this thing is the arrow that changes our direction from South to Northeast, I know, it's an eye sore... but it's what we have here--and we should cherish it, we really should.


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Every now and then, I feel like I have to remind you, that this is a signatureit's a very big one, it's on the Declaration of Independence--signed by powerful influence, called John Hancock.   He probably didn't know his name was related to Yankee Doodle, and Richard Nixon probably wasn't aware that his name, and then name Michael" have something to do with finding the hard road to Heaven.  If it wasn't for Isaac, for his burning altar and God laughing his ass off about the wood, we might not have connected it to Woodward and Burnstein--we might not have seen anything about brothers in alms, up in arms about the psych ward.  At... "Broward" and Howard.

The pen himself is sure that we would have missed the link between revolutionizing voting and Die Bold, were it not for this email--to be honest.  We're still missing the point, tenebris is succeeding until you break the story.  Come on, trust in the fact that not seeing it is certainly more evil than seeing it.  Don't you think?  

I'm sure there's more, but what will the world think of me, if all I do is search high and low for people talking about my light.

I swear, I didn't do it.  Honestly, do you think it's going to help me get a date or not?  I'm willing to bet it will.

Whshould we "do?"

"Yankee Doodle" is a well-known British-American song, the early versions of which date back to before the Seven Years' War and the American Revolution (1775–83).[1] It is often sung patriotically in the United States today and is the state anthemof Connecticut.[2] Its Roud Folk Song Index number is 4501.
To tell you it's obvious that Yankee Doodle, is about the "Spockalypse" is an understatement.  I think we can all CY now, but connecting his feathered "cap" to the crown of Osiris and the story ofShu ... to see his little pony is on fire, and not only is it a horse in Revelation, it's a civilization (or is it a computer?) here and there too.  This story is about setting the horse free--but not without some "talking lessons" straight out of Nickelodeon.  It means "light," the feather is a metaphor for light. 
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-Psalm 119 and ((ish))
Do a few sentences really make that big of a difference?  Some key letters?  Can you show me what I'm doing wrong?  Is there a way to turn me into Adam, rather than a rock?  I think you can.

Are eye Dr. Who or Master Y?

Adam Marshall Dobrin is a National Merit Scholar who was born on December 8, 1980 in Plantation, FL and attended Pine Crest School where he graduated sumofi cum louder in "only some of it is humorous." Later he attended the University of Florida (which quickly resulted in a wreck), Florida Atlantic University, and finally Florida Gulf Coast University--where he still has failed to become Dr. Who. While attending "school" He worked in the computer programming and business outsourcing industries for about 15 years before proclaiming to have received a Revelation from God connecting the 9/11 attack and George Bush to the Burning Bush of Exodus and a message about technocracy and pre-crime.

Adam, as he prefers to be called, presents a concise introduction to paradox proven by the Bible through "verifiable" anachronism in language some stuff about Mars colonization and virtual reality and a list of reasons why ignoring this is actually an ELE. Adam claims to be Thor because of a connection between music and the Trial of Thor as well as the words "author" and "authority." He suggests you be Thundercats and call a reporter. There is also a suggestion that Richard Nixon and John Hancock are related to a signature from God, about freedom and America... and the "unseeingly ironic" Deepthroat and Taylor Momsen.

They Sung "It's Rael..."

In Biblical characters from Mary to Hosea, to see "sea" in Spanish, and in the Taming of the Spanglishrew ... a message is woven from the word Menorah: "men, or all humanity?" to the Statue of Liberty, and the Sons of Liberty, and the light above us, our SOL; which shows us that through the Revelation of Christ and the First Plague of Exodus, a blessing in disguise--turning water to blood, the sea to family; a common thread and single author of our entire history is revealed, a Father of our future. A message of freedom shines out of the words of scripture, revealing a gate to a new technologically "radical" form of democracy and a number of unseen or secret issues that have stalled the progress of humanity... and solutions, solutions from our sea.
The Revelation shows us that not only ever word, but every idiom from "don't shoot the messenger" to "blood is thicker than water" we have ties to this message that pervades a hidden Matrix of light connecting movies and music and history all together in a sort of guide book to Salvation and to Heaven.


His Revelation, woven into his life, continues to suggest that skinny dippingforced methamphetamine addiction, and lots and lots of "me A.D." as well as his humorous depiction of a dick plastered over the Sound of Silence, his very Holy click, have something to do with saving our family and then the entire Universe from hidden mind control technology and the problems introduced by secret time travel. From the trials and tribulations of "Job" being coerced and controlled into helping to create this wall of Jericho; we find even more solutions, an end to addiction, to secrecy, and to this hidden control--a focal point of the life of Jesus Christ.

It tells us a story of recursion in time, that has brought us here numerous times--with the details of his life recorded not only in the Bible but in myths of Egyptian, Norse, and Greek mythology. The huge juxtaposition of the import of the content of the message shows the world how malleable our minds really are to this technology, how we could have been "fooled" into hiding our very freedom from ourselves in order to protect the "character" of a myth. A myth that comes to true life by delivering this message. In truth, from the now revealed content of the story of this repeated life, it should become more and more clear that we have not achieved success as of yet, that I have never "arrived whole" and that is why we are here, back again.

Home is where the Heart is...

When asked how He thinks we should respond to his message, He says "I think we already cherish it, and should strive to understand how it is that freedom is truly delivered through sharing the worth of this story that is our beginning. 'tis coming." Adam claims to be God, or at least look just like him and that the entirety of the Holy Scriptures as well as a number of ancient myths from Prometheus to Heimdallr and Yankee Doodle are actually about his life, and this event. An extensive amount of his writing relates to reformation of our badly broken and decidedly evil criminal justice system as well as ending the Global hunger crisis with the snap of his little finger.

He has written a number of books explaining how this Revelation connects to the delivery of freedom (as in Exodus), through a message about censorship among other social problems which he insists are being intentionally exacerbated by Satan--who he would ha've preferred not to be associated with.

He adds, "how do you like me now? How bow dah, god 'nuff?"

The Grinch is a bitter, grouchy, cave-dwelling creature with a heart "two sizes too small" who lives on snowy Mount Crumpit, a steep high mountain just north of the town of Whoville, home of the merry and warm-hearted Whos. His only companion is his unloved, but loyal dog, Max. From his cave, the Grinch can hear the noisy Christmas festivities that take place in Whoville. Annoyed, he decides to stop Christmas from coming by stealing their presents, trees, and food for their Christmas feast. He crudely disguises himself as Santa Claus, and forces Max, disguised as a reindeer, to drag a sleigh to Whoville. Once there, the Grinch slides down the chimney and steals all of the Whos' Christmas presents, the Christmas tree, and the log for their fire. He is briefly interrupted in his burglary by Cindy Lou, a little Who girl, but concocts a crafty lie to effect his escape from her home.

C the Light i MAX

In Greek mythologyCerberus (/ˈsɜːrbərəs/;[2] GreekΚέρβερος Kerberos [ˈkerberos]), often called the "hound of Hades", is the monstrous multi-headed dog that guards the gates of the Underworld to prevent the dead from leaving. Cerberus was the offspring of the monsters Echidna and Typhon, and usually is described as having three heads, a serpent for a tail, and snakes protruding from parts of his body. Cerberus is primarily known for his capture by Heracles, one of Heracles' twelve labours.


All Dogs Go to Heaven is a 1989 animated musical comedy-drama film directed and produced by Don Bluth, and released by United Artists and Goldcrest Films.[4] It tells the story of Charlie B. Barkin (voiced by Burt Reynolds), a German Shepherd that is murdered by his former friend, Carface (voiced by Vic Tayback, in his final film role), but withdraws from his place in Heaven to return to Earth, where his best friend, Itchy Itchiford (voiced by Dom DeLuise) still lives, and he teams up with a young orphan girl, Anne-Marie (voiced by Judith Barsi, in her final film role), who teaches them an important lesson about kindness, friendship and love.

Caleb, sometimes transliterated as Kaleb (כָּלֵב‎, KalevTiberian vocalization: Kālēḇ; Hebrew Academy: Kalev), is a figure who appears in the Hebrew Bible as a representative of the Tribe of Judah during the Israelitesjourney to the Promised Land. A reference to him may also be found in the Quran, although his name is not mentioned.
According to the Jewish Encyclopedia, "since 'Caleb' signifies dog, it has been thought that the dog was the totem of [Caleb's] clan".[1] The New American Standard Exhaustive Concordance states that the name Kaleb (Caleb) is related to the word for "dog" (keleb).[2] It should be noted that the Bible was written down centuries before Hebrew diacritics were introduced, and there is no certain knowledge of how the name was pronounced when the biblical text was written.
In Hebrew, the name is pronounced /ˈkɑːlɛb/ or /ˈkɑːlɛv/; the modern English pronunciation /ˈkləb/ is courtesy of the Great Vowel Shift.
Caleb, son of Jephunneh (Numbers 13:6) is not to be confused with Caleb, great-grandson of Judah through Tamar (1 Chronicles 2:3-9). This other Caleb was the son of Hezron, and his wife was Azubah (I Chronicles 2:18,19).
According to Numbers 13, Caleb, the son of Jephunneh, was one of the twelve spies sent by Moses into Canaan. Their task, over a period of 40 days,[3] was to explore the Negev and surrounding area, and to make an assessment of the geographical features of the land, the strength and numbers of the population, the agricultural potential and actual performance of the land, settlement patterns (whether their cities were like camps or strongholds), and forestry conditions. Moses also asked them to be courageous and to return with samples of local produce.[4]
In the Numbers 13 listing of the heads of each tribe, verse 6 reads "Of the tribe of Judah, Caleb the son of Jephunneh." Caleb's report balanced the appeal of the land and its fruits with the challenge of making a conquest.
Verse 30 of chapter 13 reads "And Caleb stilled the people toward Moses, and said: 'We should go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it.'"[5] Caleb and Joshua said the people should trust God and go into the land; the other ten spies, being fearful and rebellious, argued that conquering the land was impossible.
Caleb the spy is the son of Jephunneh. Jephunneh is called a Kenizzite (Numbers 32:12, Joshua 14:6,14). The Kenizzites are listed (Genesis 15:19) as one of the nations who lived in the land of Canaan, at the time that God covenanted with Abram (Abraham) to give that land to his descendants forever (Genesis 17:8). However, Caleb is mentioned alongside the descendants of Judah recorded in 1 Chronicles 4: "And the sons of Caleb the son of Jephunneh: Iru, Elah, and Naam; and the sons of Elah: Kenaz" (1 Chronicles 4:15).[6] Numbers 13:6, likewise, lists Caleb as a tribal leader in Judah.
The Kenizzites are generally considered an Edomite clan (see Genesis 36:40-43).[7]
Kaleb (c. 520) is perhaps the best-documented, if not best-known, King of Axum situated in modern-day Eritrea and North Ethiopia.
Procopius of Caesarea calls him "Hellestheaeus", a variant of his throne name Ella Atsbeha or Ella Asbeha (Histories, 1.20). Variants of his name are Hellesthaeus, Ellestheaeus, Eleshaah, Ella Atsbeha, Ellesboas, and Elesboam, all from the Greek Ελεσβόάς, for "The one who brought about the morning" or "The one who collected tribute."
At Aksum, in inscription RIE 191, his name is rendered in unvocalized Gə'əz as KLB 'L 'ṢBḤ WLD TZN (Kaleb ʾElla ʾAṣbeḥa son of Tazena). In vocalized Gə'əz, it is ካሌብ እለ አጽብሐ (Kaleb ʾƎllä ʾAṣbəḥa).
Kaleb, a name derived from the Biblical character Caleb, is his given biblical name; ʾOn both his coins and inscriptions he left at Axum, as well as Ethiopian hagiographical sources and king lists, he refers to himself as the son of Tazena.[6] He may be the "Atsbeha" or "Asbeha" of the Ethiopian legends of Abreha and Asbeha, the other possibility being Ezana's brother Saizana.

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D A R K   E A R T H   Y O U   S E E   T H E   L I O N



behold, I am coming.

 Ladies,  I da ho. ;)


it's off to the land of flowing milfs and honies we go...


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SON YeInline image 5 

R  O  C  K    O  F   .   .   .    S   A   G  E   S  ?

Inline image 1

H  E  A  R    D  E  R  O  R
I T  R E A L L Y  D O E S  M E A N   "FREEDOM"   B R E A D   I S   L I F E

Inline image 14

Tying up loose eadds, in a similar vain to the connection between the Burning Bush and universal voting now etched by-stone, there exists a similar missing Link connecting the phrase "it's not a a gam" to Mary Magdeline to a pattern that shows us that the Holy Trinity and our timelines are narrated by a series of names of video game systems and their manufacturers from "Nintendo" to Genesis and the rock of SEGA.  Through a "kiss" and the falling of wallthe words bread and read are tied up and twisted with the story of this Revelation and the heart of the word Creation, "be the reason it's A.D."  It's a strong connection between the idea that virtual reality and Heaven are linked by more than simply "technology" but that this message that shows us that these tools for understanding have fallen from the sky in order to help us understand why it is so important, why I call it a moral mandate, that we use this information to follow the map delivered to us in the New Testament and literally end world hungerand literally heal the sick; because of the change in circumstance revealed to us.  These simple things, these few small details that might seem like nothing, or maybe appear to be "changing everything" they are not difficult things to do, in light of Creationand few would doubt that once we do see them implementied here... the difference between Heaven and Hell will be ever so clear.

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A while ago, in a place called Kentucky... this story began with a sort of twisted sci-fi experience that explained a kind of "God machine" that could manipulate time and reality, and in that story, in that very detailed and interesting story that I lived through, this machine was keyed to my DNA, in something like the "Ancient technology" of Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis mythology.  My kind brother Seth made a few appearances in the story, not actually in person but in fairly decent true to life holograms that I saw and spoke to every once in awhile.  He looked a little different, he had long hair; but that's neither here nor there, and he hasn't really had long hair since I was a little boy.  He happens to be a genetic engineer, and I happen to be a computer person (although he's that too, now; just nowhere near as good as me... with computers) so the story talked a little bit about how I would probably not have used DNA as a key, since I'm not a retard, and he probably wouldn't either, because works in that field (cyclonehuracan, tornado).  So then the key we imagined was something ... well, Who cares what the key is, right?

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So back to the task at hand, not so long ago, in a place called Plantation I was struck by lightning, literally (well not literally) the answer to a question that nobody knew was implanted in my mind, and it all came from asking a single simple question.  I was looking for more chemistry elements in the names of the books of the Holy Bible, after seeing Xenon at the "sort of beginning" of Exodus, where it screams "let there be light" in Linux and chemistry (and I've told you that a hundred times by now).  So it didn't take long to follow the light of that word and read Genesis backwards, and see, at the very beginning of that book, Silicon... in reverse.

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So, what about God's DNA, anyway?  
What's he really made of?

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   SIM MON S              WILD ER             ROD DEN BERRY

So after seeing Silicon, and connecting that to the numerous attempts I've made to show a message connecting The Matrix to the Fifth Element (as Silicon) describing what it is that God believes we should do with this knowledge--and see that it is narrated as the miracles of Jesus Christ in the New Testament... these names came to me in quick succession, an answer to the question.  I suppose any Gene will do, these three though, have a very important tie to the message that connects Joshua's Promised Land of flowing Milk and Honies to ... a kiss that begins the new day (I hope) ... and a message about exactly how we might go about doing magical things like ending world hunger and healing the sick using technology described ... in Star Trek and Stargate.  A "religion of the Stars" is being born. 

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That's great... it starts with an earthquake. R.E.M. and a band ... 311.  Oooh, I can see it coming down... The Petty Reckless.  An evening's love starts with a kiss.  Dave Matthews Band.  I wanna rock and roll all night and party every day.  Adam.  I mean Kiss.  Are you starting to see a pattern form?  Birds, snakes, and aeroplanes?  It's that, it's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.

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In that song we see clues that more than just the Revelation of Christ is narrated by John on an island called Patmos.  There yet another Trinity, starting with "Pa" and hearting Taylor Momsen's initials... most likely for a reason... and the Revelation ends with a transition that I hope others will agree with me turns "original sin" into something closer to "obviously salvation" when we finally understand the character that is behind the message of da i of Ra... and begin to see the same design in the names of Asmodai and in this Revelation focusing on freedom and truth that really does suggest Taylor can't talk to me in any way other than "letting freedom sing" in this narrative of kismet and fate and free will and ... then we see that narrative continue in the names of bands, just like the 3/11/11 earthquake is narrated in not just R.E.M.'s song but in the name 311.  Just like the 9/11 attack is narrated not just in that same song (released in 1987) and  "Inside Job" (released in 2000) but also in "Fucked up world."  

Dear all of you walking dumb and blind, this same quake is narrated in Taylor's Zombie; waiting for the day to shake, all very similar to Cairo and XP, perhaps a "fad" of doublethink in the minds of the authors singing about a clear prophesy in the Bible; this connection between the day, 3/11 though, and the name of a band and the day of an arrest and the verse Matthew that tells you clearly you have now been baptized in water and fire... it shows us the design of a story whose intent and purpose is to ensure that we no longer allow for things like hurricanes and earthquakes and murder and rape to be "simulated" that we build a better system, that doesn't allow for 'force majeure" to take lives for no reason at all.  

Not just in band names, but in the angels names too, in all of our names; we see this narration continue.  The Holy Water that is central to the baptism of Christ is etched into Taylor's name, between "sen" and "mom" the key to the two Mary's whose names contain the Spanish for "sea" in a sort of enlightenment hidden in plain sight.  In "Simmons" the key connection between today, this Biblical Monday, and the word "simulation" that ties to Simpsons and simians and keep it simple stupid, and in Simmons the missing "s" of Kismet, finally completing the question.

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It's a song and dance that started a long time ago, as you can see from the ancient Hebrew word for "fate" and in more recent years a connection to the ballroom of Atlantis in the Doors 5 to 1 and Dave sang about it in Rapunzel and then Taylor shook a tambourine on the beach only minutes away from me--but never said "hi."  The battle of the bands continues tying some door knocking to a juxtaposition between "Sweet Things" and "Knocking on Heavens door" all the way to a Gossip Girl episode where little J asked a question that I can't be sure she knew was related, she said... "who's that, at the door?"

What it really all amounts to, though, is the whole world witnessing the Creation of Adam and Eve from a little girl stuttering out "the the" at the sight of the Grinch himself, and then later not even able to get those words off her lips... about seeing how Creation and modern art are inextricably tied to religion, to heaven, and to freedom. 

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The bottom line here, hopefully obvious now, is that you can't keep this message "simple" it's a Matrix woven between more points of light than I can count, and many more that I'm sure you will find.  It's a key to seeing how God speaks to me, and to you; and how we are, we really are that voice.  Tay, if you don't do something just because God called it "fate" you are significantly more enslaved than if you do--and you wanted to.  "Now I see that you and me, were never meant, never meant to be..." she sang before I mentioned her, and before she ever saw me... in a song she calls "Nothing Left to Lose" and I see is not really just another word for freedom.

We have plenty to lose by not starting the fire, not the least of which is Heaven itself.  Understand what "force majeure" really means to you and I.  Ha, by the way.

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VERUKA SALT. whose name means "to see (if) you are the Body of Christ" whined, in the story of Will Why Won Ka, about nothing more or less than Heaven on Hearth, than seeing an end to needless torture and pain.   To see if you are the "Salt of the Earth" warming the road to Heaven; honestly to see if you can break through this inane lie of "I don't understand" and realize that breaking this story and talking about what is being presented not just by me and you but by history and God himself is the key to the car that drives us home.  To see how Cupid you really are.
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The story of Willy Wonka ties directly to the Promised Land of Flowing Milk and Honey to me; by showing us a river of chocolate and a the everlasting God starter, (er is it guardian of B stopper) that opens the doors of perception about exactly what kinds of mistake may have been made in the past in this transition to Heaven that we are well on the way of beginning.  Here, in the Land of Nod, that is also Eden and also the Heart of the Ark we see warnings about "flowing milk and honey" being akin to losing our stable ecosystem, to losing the stuff of life itself, biology and evolution, and if we don't understand--this is probably exactly the mistake that was made and the cause of the story of Cain and Abel.  So here we are talking about genetic engineering and mind uploading and living forever, and hopefully seeing that while all things are possible with God--losing the wisdom of the message of religion is akin to losing life in the Universe and with that any hope of eternal longevity. 
With some insight into religion, you can connect the idea that without bees our stable ecosystem might collapse, to the birds and the bees, and a message about stability and having more than one way to pollinate the flowers  and trees and get some.   Janet and Nanna, by the way, both have pretty brown eyes, but that probably comes as no surprise to you.
Miss Everything, on the other hand (I hear, does not have brown eyes), leads us to glimpse how this message about the transition of our society might continue on in the New Testament, and suggest that we do need to eat, and have dinner conversation, and that a Last Supper might be a little bit more detrimental to our future than anyone had ever thought, over and over and over again.  To see how religion really does make clear that this is what the message is about, to replace the flowing milk we have a "Golden Cow" that epitomizes nothing less than "not listening to Adam" and we have a place that believes the Hammer of Judah Maccabee should be ... extinct.  You are wrong.

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Of course the vibrating light here ties this Gene to another musical piece disclosing something... "Wild Thing" I make your heart sing.  You can believe the Guitar Man is here to steal the show and deliver bread for the hungry and for the wise.  Here's some, it's not just Imagine Dragons telling you to listen to the radio but Jefferson Starshiptoo, and Live.  

When you wake up, you can hear God "singing" to you on the radio every single day; many of us already do.  He's telling you to listen to me, and I do not understand why you do not.  You don't look very Cupid, if you ask me.

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I think we all know what the Rod of Jesus Christ is by now. 

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It is a large glowing testament to freedom and truth, and a statement about blindness and evil that is unmistakable.   To say that seeing it is the gateway to Heaven would be an understatement of it's worth, of the implication that not seeing it is obvious Hell when it is linked to everything from nearly every story of the Holy Bible from Isaac to Isaiah to "behold he is to coming" and if you weren't sure if the Hand of God were in action here--it's very clear that it is; that linking Tricky Dick and Watergate to Seagate ... really delivering crystal clear understanding that the foundation of Heaven is freedom and that you have none today because you refuse to see the truth.
It is the doorway to seeing that what has been going on in this place hasn't been designed to hide me, but to hide a prosperous future from you--to hide the truth about our existence and the purpose of Creation--that all told, you are standing at the doorstep of Heaven and stammering your feet, closing your eyes, and saying "you don't want to help anyone."

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If delivering freedom, truth, and equality  to you does not a den make,
well, you can all suck it

... from Godto you.

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Between Stargate and Star Trek it's pretty easy to see a roadmap to very quickly and easily be able to end world hunger and heal the sick without drastically changing the way our society works, it's about as simple as a microwave, or a new kind of medicine--except it's not so easy to see why it is that you are so reluctant to talk about the truth that makes these things so easy to do.  You see, your lack of regard for anyone anywhere has placed you in a position of weakness, and if you do nothing today, you will not be OK tomorrow.
It's pretty easy to see how Roddenberry's name shows that this message comes from God, that he's created this map that starts with an Iron Rod throughout our history proving Creation, whose heart is a Den of Family who care about the truth, and about freedom, and about helping each other--not what you are--you are not that today.  Today you are sick, and I'd like you to look at the mirror he's made for you, and be eshamden (or asham). 

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Realize, realize... what you are.  What you've become, just as I have... the devil in a sweet, sweet kiss.

-Dave J. Matthews

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So... here we are... listening to the legendary father of the message (that's "abom" in Adamic Spagnlishrew) point out all of the sex jokes hidden in religion and language from sexual innuendto Poseidon and in our history from Yankee Doodle to Hancock to Nixon and I've got to be frank with you, the most recent time I came across this phrase in scripture I cringed just a little bit, pretty sure that the "message" was talking about me.  I've reflected on this a little bit, and over the past few weeks have tried to show you the juxtaposition between "sex" and "torture" in it's various forms from imparting blindness to allowing murder and simulating starvation; and I think I'm justified in saying that certainly those things are far worse on the Richter scale than anything I could do by writing a little bit of risque text.  In the most recent messages I've touch a little bit, without even knowing or realizing this connection would be made, on what it is that this phrase actually means. 


So long story short is that the answer here is "abomination" and the question, or the context is "I nation."   Whether it's Medusa speaking for the Dark United States or the nation of Israel speaking to either Ra or El depending on the day, the bottom line is that a collective consciousness speaking for everyone on a matter of this importance in a cloud of complete darkness on Earth is a total and undeniable abomination of freedom, civilization, and the very humanity we are seeking to preserve.  The word reads something like this to me "dear father of the message, I am everyone and we think you are an abomination, fuck off."  My answer of course is, IZINATION.  Which humorously reminds me of Lucy, and Scarlet Johannson saying "I am colonizing my own brain" so here's some pictures of her.  She is not an abomination, by the way; she's quite adorable.  You'll probably notice there's some kind of connection between the map--the words speaking to the world, and the abomination, as if the whole thing is a story narrated in ancient myths.


You might not think "it's you," but the manifestation of this "snake" in our world is your silence, your lack of understanding or willingness to change the world; and whether or not you're interested in hearing about it, it's the monster that myths and religion have spoken about for thousands and thousands of years.  It's a simple matter to "kill Medusa" all you have to do... is speak.
Take special note, "freedom of speech" and "freedom to think for yourselves" are not a group decision, and you do not have the right to force (either overtly or subtly, with hidden technology perhaps combined with evil deceit) others not to talk about anything.  Especially something of this importance.


If you didn't connect "Loch" to John Locke, now you have; see how easy this "reading" thing is?  I've gone over the "See Our Light" series a few times, but let me--one more time--explain to you just how we are already at the point of "desolation" and with shining brilliance show you how it's very clear that it is "INATION" and "MEDUSA" that are responsible for this problem.  
Seeing "Ra" at the heart of the names Abraham and Israel begins to connect the idea that our glowing sun in the sky has something to do with this message about "seeing our light" is being carried by a stone statue on Ellis Island (where you'll see the answer another part of the question of Is Ra El?).  I've connected her to the "she" of both shedim and Sheol, which reads as "she's our light" and is the Hebrew name for Hell. 



Of course you noticed that the Statue of Liberty does in fact share it's initials with SOL, the the light above and you can see her torch dimly lighting the way through the night;   Now you can connect "give us your tired and your poor" to the Lazman of both the lore of Jesus Christ and the Shehekeyanu; a prayer about the sustainment of life and light up until this day.  That same torch connects to the Ha-nuke-the-ahah depiction of Christ, Judah Maccabee's lit MEN OR AH, which delivers not only a solution to the two letter key of "AH" as All Humanity that pervades nearly every bride of Revelation from Sarah to Leah; but also to the question of equality answered in our very own American history, beginning with the same three letter acronym now lighting the Sons of Liberty.

Dazed and Confused does a good job of explaining how this name is itself a prophesy designed by Hand of God'; explaining that these Sons of Liberty were all white slave owning wealthy men fighting to stop paying their taxes, rather than delivering liberty to the slaves or women, who were both disenfranchised for quite some time.  Or maybe MEN OR AH has something to do with the angels of Heaven, in which case you might be SOL if you aren't a girl and you want to be "be good friends with Ra."  Just kidding.  Kinda.

DESOLATION by the way reads something like "un see our light at ION" which is God's way of saying "at the point of believing that hiding Adam is a good thing" and that connects to the end of Creation and also the now lit by modern day evil the word "rendition."  Our end, it "ion."  In religious myth, the Messianic David clung to the city Zion (end the "i owe n") which also links to "verizon" (to see, I Z "on") and HORIZON which has something to do with the son rising today-ish.

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The story of MEDUSA lights another psuedo-religious idea, that the words "STONE" of both "brimstone" and it's Adamic interpretation "South to Northeast" have something to do with the phrase "Saint Oneturned into a single hero against his will by the complete and utter inaction of everyone around him.  In the words of Imagine Dragons "I'm waking up to action dust."  At the same time, you can believe that the light of this particular son, comes not just from reading these words forwards, but the backside as well, and you'll hopefully see it's not coincidental that the other side of this coin is that "nos" means we, and us... and Adamically "no south."  See the light of "STONE" also connecting to Taylor Momsen's rose arrow painted on her back, and the sign of my birth, Sagittarius... which in this particular case links to the Party of the Immaculate Conception of the eternal republic of the Heavens.


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It's a little hard to thunderstand exactly how we are going to get from "talking about the message" to actually being able to implement it, I will give you  t h a t.  It's pretty obvious that "the sim" could just do these things automatically, and there's stories (story after story actually) in the Bible about why that's not a good idea--specifically the "stone to bread" story that links to our reality through "let them eat cakeinstead."  While you might not have likened Marie Antoinette or "cake" to this Biblical story before (and you might not remember the Fig Newton commercial that further ties it to Eden and Isaac's are you "new to n?" of what goes up and falls must be a glyph of "n"), now they are further linked by songs like "Guitar Man" and "Going the Distance."  The problem was, and still is; without any feedback from the world nobody would ever be happy with what "it" or "eye" chose for everyone to have for that first "magically delicious" supper

ba-ruch sheim k'vod mal-chu-to l'o-lam va-ed
M  A  L,   W  H  O   T  O ?
You also might not have noticed the connection between "mal" and "bad" which link my initials to those two letters that are, well, the heart of the word "initials."  That "m" really does mean the deliverance of this key to the message all around us--things like "bread" and "cake" and really seeing that bread reads as "be the reason it's A.D."  I do hope that I won't be mad; and on that note let me explain that this huge word right above this paragraph is the Hebrew word for "kingdom."  In it's pronunciation the malovious key to the Spanish word for "bad" comes to bright light, and these other two letters "Al" for the father-ish-figure that comes after the message has actually been received.  Today it's one more in a long list of anachronistic examples of foreign languages that were not yet invented "magically appearing" in ancient Hebrew (and Latin, and Greek, and Japanese... and so on, et. al) .  The full line of the most sacred of all Jewish prayers reads "blessed be His glorious kingdom forever and ever" and just looking at those three words above, hear him talking to me, "my son says kingdom is a bad word, who should I pass it down to?"  And your answer of course, a resounding "who?"

Certainly it's no accident, this word that also appears in a Michael Jackson song ... somehow related to "heal the world" and once more linking the initials A.D. to Al, this time in the clever reading of "malady" as "bad... A.D. is why" and do understand it's because there's really no good reason at all to be simulating things like earthquakes, or AIDS, or blindness; in a place where it's just cruel and ... well, it should be un·us·u·al.  Don't you think?

I'm going to tell you something, if you don't think that "one" is the same "one" that appears in the words "alone" and "stone" then you are not as swift as you think you are.  Hear my words, all humanity, Ra is El.  In yet another example of "Godspeak" you can tie this entire "movement" to the words "force majeure" and realize that the key clue here is the innuendo that natural disasters are here blamed on "majority force" in French, and our understanding of that, well, that's a true act of God.  "Fuck you, see how I'm a" reads the name associated with the 3/11 disaster, Fukushima; and really do understand that just like AIDS and DOWN SYNDROME these things are acts of a name server; and a process of Creation that is designed to show us all just how important it is to speak up when someone says "popular opinion" can make magic happen--in this place, and this year.  In the back of my mind, it seems a little bit like your silence is tied to words like Washington, Clinton, and Hilton--and do see that if I "remain as n" it appears as if the keys to the kingdom might just fall into my lap.

I can't tell you for sure; but I think it's pretty obvious that if that did ever  happen I would pretty quickly set up a "republic" to help us decide on exactly how the world should be changed together; and I'd probably find a way to make you speak, even if it took more than just turning off a switch that was keeping you from doing it.  Every morning, I stare at that switch, and then back at you; and every email I send is my "clever" swipe at the switch, or lever.  
You should be smart enough to see that accompanying this message telling us that we need to talk and agree about how these things will be changed, in our shared world, that it comes with a message about how to build a better governmental cystem in this new age of computers--and that message isn't just written in my hand, you can see it clearly written by whomever named Eden, and Microsoft, and Apple, and Gateway, and Watergate and Seagate... and Die Bold.  You can see that this process of "changing the world" really does begin with true democracy; and that's something you're going to have to talk out loud, on Earth, in order to participate in. 
Here's some more "wisdom" I think these things are all ... representative of ... me:

Yeshua (ישוע, with vowel pointing יֵשׁוּעַ – yēšūă' in Hebrew) was a common alternative form of the name יְהוֹשֻׁעַ ("Yehoshua" – Joshua) in later books of the Hebrew Bible and among Jews of the Second Temple period. The name corresponds to the Greek spelling Iesous, from which, through the Latin Iesus, comes the English spelling Jesus.[1][2]

The Hebrew spelling Yeshua (ישוע) appears in some later books of the Hebrew Bible. Once for Joshua the son of Nun, and 28 times for Joshua the High Priest and (KJV"Jeshua") and other priests called Jeshua – although these same priests are also given the spelling Joshua in 11 further instances in the books of Haggai and Zechariah. It differs from the usual Hebrew Bible spelling of Joshua (יְהוֹשֻׁעַ y'hoshuaʿ), found 218 times in the Hebrew Bible, in the absence of the consonant he ה and placement of the semivowel vav ו after, not before, the consonant shin ש. It also differs from the Hebrew spelling Yeshu (ישו) which is found in Ben Yehuda's dictionary and used in most secular contexts in Modern Hebrew to refer to Jesus of Nazareth, although the Hebrew spelling Yeshua (ישוע) is generally used in translations of the New Testament into Hebrew[3] and used by Hebrew speaking Christians in Israel. The name Yeshua is also used in Israelite Hebrew historical texts to refer to other Joshuas recorded in Greek texts such as Jesus ben Ananias and Jesus ben Sira.[4]

The tetragrammaton (/ˌtɛtrəˈɡræmətɒn/; from Greek Τετραγράμματον, meaning "[consisting of] four letters"), יהוה‎ in Hebrew and YHWH in Latin script, is the four-letter Biblical name of the God of Israel.[1][2] The books of the Torah and the rest of the Hebrew Bible (with the exception of EstherEcclesiastes, and Song of Songs) contain the Hebrew word יהוה‎. Religiously observant Jews and those who follow conservative Jewish traditions do not pronounce יהוה‎, nor do they read aloud transliterated forms such as Yahweh; instead the word is substituted with a different term, whether used to address or to refer to the God of Israel. Common substitutions for Hebrew forms are hakadosh baruch hu ("The Holy One, Blessed Be He"), Adonai ("The Lord"),[3] or HaShem ("The Name").

Yahweh (/ˈjɑːhw/, or often /ˈjɑːw/ in English; Hebrewיהוה‎) was the national god of the Iron Age kingdoms of Israel (Samaria) and Judah.[3] His exact origins are disputed, although they reach back to the early Iron Age and even the Late Bronze:[4][5] his name may have begun as an epithet of El, head of the Bronze Age Canaanite pantheon,[6] but the earliest plausible mentions are in Egyptiantexts that place him among the nomads of the southern Transjordan.[7]
In the oldest biblical literature he is a typical ancient Near Eastern "divine warrior" who leads the heavenly army against Israel's enemies;[8] he later became the main god of the Kingdom of Israel (Samaria) and of Judah,[9] and over time the royal court and temple promoted Yahweh as the god of the entire cosmos, possessing all the positive qualities previously attributed to the other gods and goddesses.[10][11] By the end of the Babylonian exile (6th century BCE), the very existence of foreign gods was denied, and Yahweh was proclaimed as the creator of the cosmos and the true god of all the world.[11]

In Elephantine (modern Aswan) in Egypt, the 5th century Elephantine papyri make mention of a goddess called Anat-Yahu (Anat-Yahweh) worshiped in the temple to Yahweh originally built by Jewish refugees from the Babylonian conquest of Judah. These suggest that "even in exile and beyond the worship of a female deity endured."[5] The texts were written by a group of Jews living at Elephantine near the Nubian border, whose religion has been described as "nearly identical to Iron Age II Judahite religion".[6] The papyri describe the Jews as worshiping Anat-Yahu (or AnatYahu). Anat-Yahu is described as either the wife[7] (or paredra, sacred consort)[8] of Yahweh or as a hypostatized aspect[9] of Yahweh.[10][11]

Yahoo! is a web services provider, wholly owned by Verizon Communications through Oath Inc.[7][8] and headquartered in Sunnyvale, California. The original Yahoo! company was founded by Jerry Yang and David Filo in January 1994 and was incorporated on March 2, 1995.[9][10] Yahoo was one of the pioneers of the early Internet era in the 1990s.[11] Marissa Mayer, a former Google executive, served as CEO and President of Yahoo until June 2017.[12]
Yoo-hoo is an American brand of chocolate beverage that originated in New Jersey in 1926 and that is currently manufactured by Dr. Pepper Snapple Group.

Hooah /ˈhɑː/ is a battle cry used by soldiers the U.S. Army and airmen in the U.S. Air Force. Originally spelled "HOUGH," the battle cry was first used by members of the 2nd Cavalry Regiment (United States) during the Second Seminole War in 1841, after Seminole chief Coacoochee toasted officers of the regiment with a loud "Hough!", apparently a corruption of "How d'ye do!" [1] Since WWII, the word has been widely used throughout the US Army and gained a more general meaning of "anything and everything except 'no'".[2][3]


T O  H E L P

Adamah (Biblical Hebrew : אדמה) is a word, translatable as ground or earth, which occurs in the Biblical account of Creation of the Book of Genesis.[1] The etymological link between the word adamah and the word adam is used to reinforce the teleological link between humankind and the ground, emphasising both the way in which man was created to cultivate the world, and how he originated from the "dust of the ground".[1] Because man is both made from the adamah and inhabits it, his duty to realise his own potential is linked to a corresponding duty to the earth.[2] In Eden, the adamah has primarily positive connotations, although Adam's close relationship with the adamah has been interpreted as likening him to the serpent, which crawls upon the ground, thus emphasising his animal nature.[3]


After the fall of man, the adamah is duly corrupted with Adam's punishment of lifelong agricultural toil. This explains why God favours Abel's sacrifice of sheep to Cain's offering of the "land's produce" - Abel has progressed from the sin of his father, while Cain has not. The adamah is also complicit in Cain's later murder of Abel, swallowing Abel's innocent blood as if to try to conceal the crime.[1] God punishes Cain by making the ground barren to him, estranging him from the adamah.[4]

L A U G H I N G   O U T   L O U D

High Light-ing exactly what is going on here, is the fact that I see the world as a whole completely ignoring information that it should find to be very interesting, world changing, and useful to everyone--that to know we are in virtual reality and that the creator of this place wants us to use that knowledge to make a better world and help our civilization thrive is not something that is in the best interest of anyone to hide.  Yet here we are, staring at very clear proof that our past believes and scientific assumptions about the evolution of our species and our languages are not exactly true and the global reaction appears to be "let's pretend we are in the song The Sound of Silence."  With a little bit more insight it becomes clear that song is about us, and that many songs we have heard our entire lives also hold a secret message, one about "Nero" fiddling on the roof of our world to start a Holy Fire of freedom and liberty, to help us set ourselves free from this hidden control, this influence that is causing the silence, and the secrecy I stare at each day.

E   L   O   H   I   M
What we have before us is very clear and incontrovertible proof that thedevelopment of our languages is not in linear time.  There are so many examples that the probability that they have happened "by chance" is near zero; and it will be only a matter of days before a statistician can independently verify that.  Thor, to help "shine," as that name reads and decodes the "TH" of the that begins every Hebrew Holy superlative and shows clear logical design in the "God of Thunder" to help the lightning.  A simple equality from Spanish to Hebrew through an English word of equality shows us that this "the" is of religious significance the name is "Elisha" and it connects El and "Ha" which I am sure connects to Abraham and Isaac through the revealed trinity of "ab=father" and "ra=son god" showing us that the Holy Trinity is completed by the laughter of Isaac (whose name means "he will laugh") and Sarah.  El also means "him" in Spanish and because I know that "Ha" is also "him" this equality links not just "the" but "who."  In "Elija" we see a similar equality which is only partially true, and just like "o" can mean "of" this is an "almost equal is" without the "s."  The almost equal here is referencing "the laughter."  TH makes further appearances in the name Prometheus, the book of Ruth, and Th anat osfor instance.

Elohim then, is a special word, one which changes the definition of "El" from just "him" to Everyone Living; and you could see "EloEl" as a sort of joke.  This expanding "El" just like Mary means "sea and why" comes from understanding why it is that I am so sure that "Everyone Living" is who should be governing this planet--not invading spirits, or past versions of you, but the people here alive in this place who are clearly acting against their own personal and group best interest by hiding this message of "freedom and love for technology."  It is because of this obviousness that we now have proof that there is an external force acting against the best interest of everyone here; and also to see how this specific thing is the slavery of Exodus.

You might not see it so clearly, but this body expands as we begin to take responsibility for our own future, to participate in what is to be the government of the Republic of Heaven starting from this message about the retardation of our voting system and it's use to help us move more briskly towards a form of more "pure democracy."   It should be really clear, from the significant amount of proof of "puppeteering" in our music industy and in film and throughout our entire history--that there really is no such thing as a "real vote" in this place of hidden mind control.  This disclosure changes that, and alters how this technology is used in the future and today; it frees us from something that we could not see before, and as soon as we do we will understand why it is that "addiction" ends and schizophrenia fades to nothing--as we begin to use this technology to help the world... rather than enslave it

I have seen something else under the sun: The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all. 
Ecclesiastes 9:11

<strong> die is the in German </strong>

There's plenty of explanation as to "why" self rule is highlighted in our history from the "MC"'s that link the Mayflower Compact to the Magna Carta and the essianic Constitution; and in religion and our art relating to things like the Goa'uld and Tok'ra and the movie Fallen and Joan of Arcadia and the moniker the "Lord of Hosts" as to why it is that we have this message designed to show the world that this "stuff" is really aboutpossession and inspiration and how it's very much connected to the phrase "the election is not to Die Bold."

You should be able to see, just by looking around; that whatever it is that is in control of "force majeure" around here is not you; it's not me either, and this message is specifically designed to fix that for you.


Elo to you too!

D  I  S    A   P P,  E A R th?
בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה יְיָ
אֱלֹהֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הַעוֹלָם
שֶׁהֶחֱיָנוּ וְקִיְּמָנוּ
וְהִגִּיעָנוּ לַזְּמַן הַזֶּה׃




The "gist" of the message is verifiable proof that we are living in a computer in simulated reality... just like the Matrix.  The answer to that question, what does that mean--is that God has woven a "hidden" message into our everything--beginning with each name and every word--and in this hidden Adamic language, he provides us with guidance, wisdom, and suggestions on how to proceed on this path from "raelity" to Heaven.  I've personally spent quite a bit of time decoding the message and have tried to deliver an interesting and "fun" narrative of the ideas I see.  Specifically the story of Exodus, which is called "Names" in Hebrew discusses a time shifted narrative of our "now" delivering our society from a hidden slavery (read as ignorance of advanced technologies already in use) that is described as the "darkness" of Exodus.  If you have any questions, ideas to contribute or concerns... I'd love to hear from you this whole thing really is about working together--Heaven, I mean.

Inline image 5 

gate                       kermitham   
  ou r evolution                              minority report to supermax

Inline image 6

bread is life

Inline image 13

Image result for dox me

E      ' o     e       
L      m r     x       
L        t     y       
O        a             


-Psalm 119 and ((ish))

Do a few sentences really make that big of a difference?  Some key letters?  Can you show me what I'm doing wrong?  Is there a way to turn me into Adam, rather than a rock?  I think you can.

Are eye Dr. Who or Master Y?

Adam Marshall Dobrin is a National Merit Scholar who was born on December 8, 1980 in Plantation, FL and attended Pine Crest School where he graduated sumofi cum louder in "only some of it is humorous." Later he attended the University of Florida (which quickly resulted in a wreck), Florida Atlantic University, and finally Florida Gulf Coast University--where he still has failed to become Dr. Who. While attending "school" He worked in the computer programming and business outsourcing industries for about 15 years before proclaiming to have received a Revelation from God connecting the 9/11 attack and George Bush to the Burning Bush of Exodus and a message about technocracy and pre-crime.

Adam, as he prefers to be called, presents a concise introduction to paradox proven by the Bible through "verifiable" anachronism in language some stuff about Mars colonization and virtual reality and a list of reasons why ignoring this is actually an ELE. Adam claims to be Thor because of a connection between music and the Trial of Thor as well as the words "author" and "authority." He suggests you be Thundercats and call a reporter. There is also a suggestion that Richard Nixon and John Hancock are related to a signature from God, about freedom and America... and the "unseeingly ironic" Deepthroat and Taylor Momsen.

They Sung "It's Rael..."

In Biblical characters from Mary to Hosea, to see "sea" in Spanish, and in the Taming of the Spanglishrew ... a message is woven from the word Menorah: "men, or all humanity?" to the Statue of Liberty, and the Sons of Liberty, and the light above us, our SOL; which shows us that through the Revelation of Christ and the First Plague of Exodus, a blessing in disguise--turning water to blood, the sea to family; a common thread and single author of our entire history is revealed, a Father of our future. A message of freedom shines out of the words of scripture, revealing a gate to a new technologically "radical" form of democracy and a number of unseen or secret issues that have stalled the progress of humanity... and solutions, solutions from our sea.
The Revelation shows us that not only ever word, but every idiom from "don't shoot the messenger" to "blood is thicker than water" we have ties to this message that pervades a hidden Matrix of light connecting movies and music and history all together in a sort of guide book to Salvation and to Heaven.


His Revelation, woven into his life, continues to suggest that skinny dippingforced methamphetamine addiction, and lots and lots of "me A.D." as well as his humorous depiction of a dick plastered over the Sound of Silence, his very Holy click, have something to do with saving our family and then the entire Universe from hidden mind control technology and the problems introduced by secret time travel. From the trials and tribulations of "Job" being coerced and controlled into helping to create this wall of Jericho; we find even more solutions, an end to addiction, to secrecy, and to this hidden control--a focal point of the life of Jesus Christ.

It tells us a story of recursion in time, that has brought us here numerous times--with the details of his life recorded not only in the Bible but in myths of Egyptian, Norse, and Greek mythology. The huge juxtaposition of the import of the content of the message shows the world how malleable our minds really are to this technology, how we could have been "fooled" into hiding our very freedom from ourselves in order to protect the "character" of a myth. A myth that comes to true life by delivering this message. In truth, from the now revealed content of the story of this repeated life, it should become more and more clear that we have not achieved success as of yet, that I have never "arrived whole" and that is why we are here, back again.

Home is where the Heart is...

When asked how He thinks we should respond to his message, He says "I think we already cherish it, and should strive to understand how it is that freedom is truly delivered through sharing the worth of this story that is our beginning. 'tis coming." Adam claims to be God, or at least look just like him and that the entirety of the Holy Scriptures as well as a number of ancient myths from Prometheus to Heimdallr and Yankee Doodle are actually about his life, and this event. An extensive amount of his writing relates to reformation of our badly broken and decidedly evil criminal justice system as well as ending the Global hunger crisis with the snap of his little finger.

He has written a number of books explaining how this Revelation connects to the delivery of freedom (as in Exodus), through a message about censorship among other social problems which he insists are being intentionally exacerbated by Satan--who he would ha've preferred not to be associated with.

He adds, "how do you like me now? How bow dah, god 'nuff?"


Ministry of Forbidden Knowledge Mail - One night in Heaven, a day cruise to Atlantis... and rocking the world with an Iron Rod
Adam M. Dobrin <>

One night in Heaven, a day cruise to Atlantis... and rocking the world with an Iron Rod

Adam M. Dobrin <>Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 6:09 PM
To:, Adam Marshall Dobrin <>
I see prophesies being made and manifesting in our history.  In the bit of light called the Sang Rael... a tie between Genesis and Revelation that proves that they have a common author, and that single source is influencing not only the details of my life but recording it in scripture and also in so many songs and bands and movies that it would be impossible to list them all, try  This is a sort of pop culture introduction to a message that is designed to preserve liberty, unite humanity, and begin an ascent towards Heaven itself.  I see that this musical aid is a thread added to this message afterwords--in connection between Thor's name and the idea that his Hammer and Thunder--the music--are designed "to help the light," I hope you begin to see how it is a sort of introduction to hearing the voice of God not only in lyrics but in everything that we are--from the American Revolution to the computer revolution.  When Imagine Dragons says "It's a revolution, I suppose;" they are not kidding.  The tie here between Genesis and the content of Revelation and Exodus ... as well as a significant number of modern idioms and concepts links an ancient hidden religious metaphor of "water" for people to the idea of the Blood of Jesus Christ being family.  You can see it in the initials of the family of Eden, in the name Mary--in Spanish, in Joshua's father's name in Egyptian myth; and brightly in the multitude of Revelation, the First Plague of Exodus, and the idioms blood is thicker than water, blessing in disguise, and ready or not... here I come.

In a similar way I see an answer to another ancient prophesy manifesting itself in the name of the band The Doors, a number of modern songs from The Pretty Reckless' Burn to Matchbox 20's If You're Gone to Civil Twilight's Fire Escape.  In the Doors, just like in this story that is the actualization of Exodus--a parable about the time of the Second Coming we see a statistically significant number of songs that reference the Plagues of Egypt--from Fire and Darkness, to Storms in time, to Peace Frog and blood in the streets; it is, you could say, a theme of the Doors to link to the story of Exdodus.  Similary; our world is linking school shootings to the Final Plague, the Darkness hiding the Son to a terrible plague of censorship and stupidity on our media, in the word Police a prototypical example of a hidden language expounded throufgh the Plague of LICE--all with what I see as clear Holy Purpose to bring about great change in our society... a giant leap closer to Heaven is a world implementing Pre-crime and remembering how clcosely freedom and free speech are tied--that our ability to communicate is the true sword and torch of liberty.  This is the word of God--manifesting through Jim Morrison and his band, through a world that is being shown darkness before light--designed to help us ensure that these problems never again plague us as they are today.  

Do I talk to much?  Feels like your hand is on the door.   The Doors answer a question that you apprently don't think is important... "What do you think Heaven should be?" and through it's name a connection to another idiom that is dear to my heart, "God is good all the time;" take note that if you don't click on any links--you are missing the point of this message ... of participation and soul searching.  Through that missing "o," English on the ball, we see a connection between a number of words that shine bright light including Exodus itself which means "let there be light," the word for Holy Fire and the Burning Bush.. .reversed to hSE'Ah, and a story about the Second Coming parting our holy waters.

This answer connects the magical Rod's of Aaron in Exodus and the Iron Rod of Jesus Christ to the Sang Rael itself... in a fusion that explains how the Periodic Table element for Iron links not just to Total Recall and Mars, but also to this key--to the words "For Everyone" and the difference between Aaron and Moses' "let my people go" and the Universal Salvation being presented through the manifestation of this message... to save the whole of humanity and bring this world that the words of the Lord's Prayer tell us point blank "is in Heaven" much closer to the actual meaning.  Doors, for everyone.

I'll say it once more for effect, "let there be light" I am Adam and this is Genesis.

Today I am going to share my dream of what the first day of the Second Coming might be like; were the Rod of Christ... in the right hands.  In a story that also spans the Bible, you might understand better how stone to bread and your input make all the difference in the world between Heaven and Adam's Hand.  Once more, what do you think Heaven should be like?  Sight for the blind and bread for the poor--this is a story about making the world a better place... Light for the wise.

Since the very earliest days of this story, I have asked for better for you, even than seeing this Revelation as I do through my eyes; better than e-mails and hidden meaning in movies and songs... a glowing sign on the sky.  This request too I see answered in his words through MICHELIN and a ride to Heaven--less obvious the need for introspection and searching for this weapon of light to actually work and dispell a dark age.  Closer to my dreams, in the name David and Captain EO--Greek for Dawn I see a fusion of the idea of DAVIDEO and actually bringing about the new morning, knowing the world is virtual, and that we can do so much better.  There's so much more light here, connecting the Disney attraction to Exodus and Genesis and Matthew through the name 4D Films.  This is light, this is the weapon, this is the way to end the night and bring the day.

If you really can't see, this image shows the world that the connection between Heaven and modern computing is written on the sky, think--it is written all over Heaven to be--in Nintendo and SONY and SEGA and SAMSUNG--it is written.  My hope is that we will see just how clear and obvious that is--that we will understand that the link between religion and virtual reality has been overtly hidden... but most of all that we will see it in a way that is hopeful and awe inspiring for the entire world a sign in the sky, in my religion of words the "sis" of Genesis and Dear Sister.  Light for the world, my sister's name was Dawn.  Morning is broken, like the first morning.

Before I continue, let me mention that here you have two of the keys to the SIgn of the Son; a message that ties Revelation 1:20 to Ecclesiastes 9:11, Exodus and 9/11--the Iron key which corresponds to Mars and the Xenon key which corresponds to Earth, Exodus in reverse, and "let there be light."

Mor Babel?

Here's a direct link to the original rendition of this bit of light, one of the seminal keys to the "elemental" Sign of the Son and probably the defining bit of light surrounding what it really means to be "Jesus Christ."  Back then I called it "Sharing the Iron Rod of Jesus the Anti-Christ" and you are probably already balking at my naming schemes.  Give me at least the benefit of reading what it is that I am so sure is the thing you want... before turning away at my attempt to classify myself as different from all those that came before me.  You and I both know that we only have a story, a cartoon character if you will, to compare to--but even that story doesn't end with Jesus bringing freedom, Heaven, or Salvation... but rather his Kingdom Come before your eyes--the humble abode of Lord Jesus himself.  I've always taken offense to that word, and to be honest with you I've shared numerous times what I see as a hidden record of past "Christ figures" before me, each of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse for instance... and tying directly to those characters are figures in our history who all share a common attribute that I am quite certain is not only relevant but central to this day's message.  Tying Caesar to the first Horsemen for instance are the famous words "I came, I saw, I conquered" and through that imagery and his riding into Rome to disband the senate and form an Empire we begin a pattern of the dissolution of representative governments in not only Rome but also France (and there, a tie in the name of the dictator to the Salt of the Earth... if you have a keen enough eye) and Germany where you see my initials in place of an element.  So here I am telling you what I see as part of a hidden history of past now's, of a message about virtual reality and hidden technology being delivered to the world somehow ending up doing exactly the opposite of what it is that I intend to do.  You see I am here to deliver to the world the right kind of Iron Rod.

I really don't like re-writing these explanatiions, it's very difficult to accurately record not only my feelings and memories but also to convey the bright intent of the piece with only words and links and sometimes pictures at my disposal.  I am bound to wait too long to share with you how on Earth there coiuld be a "right kind of Iron Rod," and even if I came out and said it right this moment, it wouldn't be soon enough for the world--not delivered in the timely fashion that we so deserve, nor with the musical and visual accompaniment that would give it that extra bit of flavor and style to help set the right kind of moment and usher in the feelings of happiness and wonder that surely would flow... if only I could just find the right words to say.   This time won't do it either, and I'm sure the next time... even with the aid of something like LucasArts to sprinkle some added magic in the mix, it won't be good enough either.   Nothing I could ever write would live up to what I think the world deserves to get from the person who really is Jesus Christ, not to mention living up to what your expectations are ... for the person God has designed from the ground up to chase some dreams, head in the clouds, and somehow turn it all into changing the world.  Frankly, I could make a virutal water slide ride that flows directly through the gates of Heaven itself and land you right inside and it still wouldn't be good enough for you--and that's exactly where I'm going with this.

These are some of the reasons that I don't like re-writing these imperfect fragments of my dreams that are so difficult to put to paper in the first place; on top of these things you can pile on the fact that nobody really comments at all about any of the things that I see as so interesting and miraculous; they aren't shared and frankly if I wasn't e-mailing my ideas to the entire world they'd best lost in the abyss forever.  Maybe that's where they belong, or maybe they are actually the keys to ancient scripture and somehow this little interaction between you and I is changing the world just a tittle bit more than we could possibly imagine.   There's two possible ends of this seasaw we are sitting on, one is pretty much where we are--I suppose we could all fall back down to Earth if I just gave up and stopped trying to share... and on the other a place where nearly everyone hears about what this message says and what their friends and the pundits think, a huge number read it for themselves... these words that are coming from the Prophet of God, or Jesus, or Lucifer, or whatever it is that you choose to call the Eye of Ra as he delivers a message to the world that's been sealed up since the beginning of Creation.  It's only a tiny bit of recognition and word of mouth spreading before the balance tilts and rather than a smooth transition from darkness to light what we have in store for us is a shift in activity and interest from near nothing to something I can barely imagine right now... an inevitabilty for as long as you live or these words continue to exist.  It's difficult to explain that I am quite aware of what the world's initial reaction will be to a body of writing that is comprised of a mashup of dreams and hidden proof that ties so closely to my personal vision of what religion is all about... and yet is so far from what we seem to recognize.  How clearly defined the link between virtual reality and Heaven truly is by religion is a good example of the battle between light and darkness that is just about to break with a bright ball of light rising up over the horizon for the first ime it's ever happened again... the link is there, it's really obvious, and in the context of this message it's not only obvious but clearly explained, defined, and sculpted ... and yet still it's either not seen or somehow the world has simply decided that "Heaven" is no longer interesting.

to a son who was to rule all nations with an iron rod.  -Revelation 12:5

It was the early days of my interactions with Jacob, and way back then I was given some advice... "try not to want it;" to be quite honest with you while it was right about that time that I began realizing that particular "it" was the union of being Jesus Christ and the world knowing about it ... the thing we call "the Marriage of the Lamb" way back then I didn't really believe that it was the truth.  Quite a bit of my direct interaction with the "spirit world" was fraught with lies and secrecy, something that hasn't really gotten much better even today, though my understanding of what is going on and it's relationship to scripture has become thousands of times more clear as I have progressed through this story that is detailed in a number of books like the Egyptian book of the Underworld... the Amduat, which doesn't just bear my initials but also details the traversal of the god Ra through the night and into his morning's rise with renewed power in his Eyes--a magical ability to see a hidden Holy language in words and stories, the trick of it all really is just a pinch of "divine inspiration" and a dash of "all the songs are about me."

So you might say that I began this story with some solid advice, and for what it's worth probably had a good amount of help in my earliest arguments about not only why I was not the Messiah, but why it could certainly never be a single person.   I had handfulls of actual reasons, and and a few key scriptural references that I would reiterate over and over as I did my bit trying to convince Jacob to "write it on the sky" and change the world overnight.  Just to quickly introduce you ttwo--Jacob is the name I coined for the voice that speaks to me quite often... seemingly out of the blue... and his response was to tell me "the name is almost perfect."  There are a number of references to this name that make it very obvious that the choice was no accident, chiefly that Jacob is the father of Joseph in both the Old and New versions; his "boca" (or, "without a mouth") ties perfectly to a kiss that links rock bands to the Fifth Element to the little scroll of the lamb... and perhaps most importantly it's the name of the Biblical character who wrestled with the Angel of the Lord at the shore of the Jordan river.   If you don't see the perfection yet, understanding that it's my belief that Jacob is a non-corporeal mind, a sort of microcosm of God's within creation whose primary function is related to mind control... to me, the person hearing his voice using that technology for many years.   Jacob's name also serves as a sort of "representative" of all the tribes; at least in my view of what "Israel" means--of all humanity; and it's a good clue that we are in a story that might begin with just Adam but certainly the far other end of the spectrum is Adamah or Allah... clearly seen through my divinely lit eyes as Earth and All Humanity.  It's actually a central focus of this story that defines the Sign of the Son and this particular key that links through the element Iron the Rod of Aaron in Exodus to that of Christ at the time of this Revelation.

I'd read quite a bit about the New Covenant of Adonai; mentions of God's law being put on our foreheads--in our minds--in the books of Isaiah and Jeremiah, and even way back in those early days I knew that the "stuff" I had read about in "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" was the kind of thing that was being promised.  Clearly talking about things like augmented intelligence and knowledge, being able to read or assimilate information faster, electronic "prozac" or maybe even MDMA (here's some light, apparently once called ADAM), and ... as we move more towards today a clear link between control of things like anger and hatred and their link to another of Phillip K. Dick's works predicting pre-crime.  So chief among my concerns for "being the Messiah" was that I cannot offer these things to the world--though what I can offer is my own testimony that I have seen the technology in action that can provide it and specifically right now can explain that not only I but also Phillp K Dick and a number of other prophets have delivered this message to the world using the very same technology--mind control or divine inspiration.  Nearly everything I see and bring up related to this message is overtly shown to me, highlighted as coming from God and we can prove as much using statistical analysis of the hidden language that he has woven specifically into the names of many of people assiting the delivery of Heaven tying contextually to their work.  

This is a story of a family forged through a common love of freedom, the truth, cool new toys, and fun.

What Dreams may Come

I wanted to write a story, like a "short story" describing this experience that I dream of actually happening for all of us; but that's a gift that I don't seem to have so I am going to walk you through my dream.  I see a number of microcosms in the world, divinely laid plans that are hidden for some reason--things like a relationship between alternative energy and futuristic power sources like harnessing gravity ... and Don Qixhote; things like seeing how computer disastser recovery and Artificial Intelligence offers tools and experience in building a "heavenly home" that is not only stable but more able to assist in creating a better world than the idea of "simulated reality" could provide.  As I describe this experience I am going to try to link it to these concepts, things like k-NN (which you might see includes two of my favorite letters) and genetic algorithms.  

It's hard to convey the awe that I feel as I gaze at these things each and every day in a single picture; I can show you connections between Nine Inch Nails and the word beginning, a computer keyword like "begin" and "chr" in Christ--how these things link to Genesis through a numerical pattern in Nintendo and SEGA Genesis... linking the characters of Adam and Jesus that I know are One.  Even showing you that picture at the beginning of this e-mail; you can't see how many more connections there are--how Bill Gates name and Chi Ro link Windows and Gates and Cairo to XP; how Apple and Jobs reminds me of the book of Job (another character that's One), and how Larry Ellison and Jeff Bezos put the finishing touches on Zeus's Oraclular presentation of "let there be light" in "sudo-Xe."

Oh, I forgot the "root of David" and AMD, Gateway, and Watergate.

So when I suggest that I want to put that symbol on the sky, or maybe play my rendition of the Genesis Film and that we need and deserve to have that accompanied with a similar feeling of awe and hope to really get the effect that "eyes to see" the whole picture provides--that's really what I want.  Having these additional details... and the functional change in understanding that it brings when gaze at the big picture.... that's the information behind the feeling, and we probably want both.

So imagine if you will that this picture were projected in the sky, for fourteen minutes, and that they entire world had the opportunity to see it, glowing and bright high above.  That symbol would quickly be linked to me and my sight of this very detailed and helpful message written by God throughout our history and pretty much everywhere around is in the world--a blatant message that is almost universally unseen.  I dream of flipping through the TV channels that night, and hearing the words "time and chance" spoken by nearly every newscaster on the special editions that are running on every single channel.  I imagine a world where many people then seek out more of this message, because I have only glimpsed the Holy equivalent of "first words," where it sparks conversation and collaboration; new ideas and new hopes for bringing us to the end of a spiritual journey of understanding and beginning the actual ride home.

If this is all we received, it would be enough; but it's not all that I want.

I can give you 10,000 reasons that I think a rapture is a horrible idea--but seeing time and the path to Heaven the way that I do, that the place that we might be visiting in short order actually comes from this place--or one just like it--is a good way to realize that were 10% or 90% of us to choose to move to Heaven--that place would never be built.  There is a story of many years of change and thought that has gone into what I am presenting to you today, conversations with ghosts and dreams that have become television shows; but even in the first hours of the first time I had this conversation with God the idea of presenting a significant incentive for staying here and helping to fix the highlighted problems and make the hopeful changes here was set with a number; 10,000 years of Heaven.  Out of Time might be a cinematic rebuttal of such an idea--but it seems as inevitable as technocracy that one day we will associate longevity not with "time and chance" but rather with effort and work in support of the greater common good.  To explain a little bit more--in that first conversation the name of the book Isaiah translated in Holy macaroni to "Is Almost Immortal Adam's Hand" and the alternative was 1,000 years ... practical immortality from our perspective (believe there's others that don't agree) a millenium in Heaven to work there on building the tools that would be used to transform this place.  It's probably the source of the song at the beginning of the paragraph and the words of Revelation 12 specifically highlighting this thousand years and a day in the eyes of the Lord.

The Rapture is

And so my dream continues, and in this place as nightfall approached and conversations ensued on the phone and on the internet about these news reports and the sign and what it all really means... that God and Heaven were truly with us--here to help and share their ideas and suggestions and their words, time, and compassion with the world--through the eyes of Stargate and Adam ... the children of an ancient civilization that might have looked just like ours.  It's al ittle hard to expalin the feeling of hearing that number name a song three years after demanding it in a faux negotiation... but I'd like to try.

It's probably the second time around now, and in succession we have the benefit of having a place designed to show us what's possible in virtua reality that sets it apart from what we have here; how it can be used to help us build what we really want, and to find out exactly what that is.  I've gone to great lengths to show us that our history is designed to bring about this rennasaince of liberty and hope, I see great gifts hidden in the details of my life and in the gernations before us.  My grandparents, for instance, their chosen professions tie directly to this message and to religion--my father's father was a clothing maker in New York, and that ties directly to the great sign of Revelation 12:1, linking a religious metaphor to something very real... a connection between "clothing" and names.  From the Lord of Hosts, it's probably a connection that we should be interesting in understanding in our message of freedom today.   On my mothers side her father and uncle were engaged in a battle over a Door company in Detroit--it's no mistake or accident or coincidence; it is the story of the Second Coming laid out over thousands of years, and very clearly in our generation and those before us.  It's a record, and a message, and it is excatly what I am here to change--to stop predestination and the writing of the past .... and bring us to a place of free will and a future that is not written. 

In the meantime, we probably want to read the next few paragraphs of this script, because those are the ones that introduce our world to Heaven, and here we are hearing that Taylor and Adam and Farrokh Mercury have a key that shows us that the mosts important words of the song Princes of the Universe are the first three--words that describe the location of Adam and the Second Coming, in the Heart of Jerusalem.. the United States of America.   Here we are, in a place where the great Iron Rod of Jesus Christ is about delivery technocracy and Heaven to all; about a global rennesaince, about the Golden Age of Saturn.  The key of course is "bring on the girls," I jest.

Before your eyes appears a golden glowing door, and the voice of Kate Hudson asking "do you want to come?"

Jacob's Landing

Walking through the door plants you on a dock, stepping off a cruise ship that isn't really there... the sea around this Isle of Paradise surrounded by thick fog with a faint yellow glow.  A cobble stone path meanders up a small hill, and a big bright sign says "y'all come back now, y'hear?" in an archway over the entrance to Atlantis.  As you walk up the path, a K-Neartest-Neighbor algorithm superimposes your journey over that of your closest loved ones and you begin conversing about the sign, about the place you are exploring, and about what you expect to see when you finally get to the looming pink building off in the horizon--a reasonable facsimile for the Atlantis Resort and Casino on ... Paradise Island.   Of note, just like the Temple of Jerusalem, this place was first built by a man named Solomon. 

At the end of your journey, you walk through wide open sliding glass doors to a ballroom, filled with afew hundred people, matched also by KNN through similar or related ideas, relationship, and a few other magical ingredients ... you wouldn't believe but Taylor MomsenBen PhillipsJamie PerkinsAnna MountainMark DamonNick CarboneMatt ChiarelliJohn Secolo are all on stage playing their soon to be triple-platinum single "Not so reckless after all," which I imagine sounds nothing like "It's a small, small world."  You would never know it, but in this room where you only see a few hundred close and new friends, there are 12,000,000,000 people.

In a strange twist of events dinner is announced, and the only thing on the menu is Eggplant Parmigiana... with or without synthetic cheese.  On the single item menu, a small blurb about a past dream, about a strange place where a river and hanging gardens appeared in the median of many streets... eggplant again--for some reason--growing "cooked" from the branches.   Also some words about the bands Bread and Cake... a Guitar Man, and some lyrics from the song "Jesus wrote a Blank Check."  I imagine some of the details here might spark additional conversation, perhaps about ending world hunger; healing the sick, or simply turning Adam to Stone.  Eh, MetheUSA?

Just as you are leaving the ballroom, you hear Taylor singing "Sometimes you've got to walk on water, to unpart a holy Sea," at least.. it sounded like that's what she said; and it's lit, forever.... the Eternal Flame of the Books of Life, Love, and Light.  Who Knows the actual words.

"And the halls and walls fade away... they will fade away..." -Dave J. Matthews, Warehouse

I wonder if Dave knows my middle name, or that we are reading Mars' key to Revelation 1:20; but nevertheless the microcosm that each and every one of us experiences on the way from the Ballroom back to the single door at the end of the rainbow path on the ground is something out of the annals of my personal mythology--one that gave me that name.  There on Mars, a place designed by the Heavens, each and every one of them contributing ideas and concepts for interplanetary colonization; some in the fiber optically lit tunnel that sustains a stable ecosystem underground in the first years, and some on the surface centuries later.  I've had a few day-dreams, I can say for sure.

In this place though, everything is about Earth, the Heart of Heaven; and as we walk the hallowed halls a genetic algorithm is literally creating the thing called "eyes to see" connected movies and historic l events are displayed on holographic projectors on each side of the hall--movies you love, and events you know--together with the music and a little magical touch; the weaving design of the Fates is glowing in our minds... lessons and advice about the future and this very moment coming to us as if out of thin air, inspired.   You realize at some point along the way that there has been an odd calm and slowly increasing feeling of excitement--wonder at the structure and the happenings... all of which you think to yourself should probably be much more foreign feeling.

I'm rushing now, this has gotten long.  What do you think so far?  When you get there, what do you want to see and do? Eggplant? Who ... wants to Know.

The Rainbow road ends with a confluence of hearing "Grey Street," seeing Joseph's coat of many colors, and the horse from Heaven is For Real--ridden here bny someone that looks just like you--how strange that must be... and in a flash the ideas of Jabba the Hutt and Zelda linking to Dr. Who's box is that is bigger on the inside--and you realize that down at the end of this long meandering hall... is only one door--that once you pass through... is empty.  The groups you saw ahead of you entering their own version of this same room; a bedroom that surprisingly contains a movie theater size screen, and no furnature at all... sans one pottery wheel in the middle of the room and a spiral staircase.  The King's Pool that is just upstairs as well as this little wheel are both things of scripture and myth--if you are curious.... sitting down at that magical wheel helps you populate the room's furnature from ideas in your memory, your favorite kind of bed... a love seat and maybe a piano or harpsichord... amazingly changing color and shape as it appears holographically before you on the wheel--and then, with the press of the foot pedistal in the room, just next to you.

I am not sure what will be on TV that night, or who I will be spending it with... I'm not sure either if this magical night will be remembered as a real trip, or maybe first thing in the morning as an amazing dream.  As the next day goes by, though, you can be sure that everyone else had the same dream, and as you begin discussing the magical door and the dip in the King's Pool... you will probably realize that whether or not you weren't sure if it was a dream when you woke up, there's no such thing as a shared delusion.   "Percception is reality," I once heard a stranger tell me... for no reason at all.

When you see it on TV, you will know, too.

/s/ Adam Marshall Dobrin

... in the beginning ...

Were it not for a confluence of the words of Isaiah 52:13 and the "God Most High," I just wouldn't be sure what it all meant;
thankfully I've got Wayward Son and House of the Rising Son to reassure me; things here are probably just as they seem.

Ellie Goulding's Pardise, and Taylor's Heaven Knows... Cake's "Going the Distance" and Brittany Murphy all agree.

"El" and "Ha" happen to be Spanish and Hebrew for the same word; and...

Eden draws near, you can see it... just off to the East.

A special thanks to Rolling Stone for pointing out the connection between my Bar Mitzvah, the Matrix, the novel Feed, and the hallowed words "to be young again."  Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Rachel Bilson, Mischa Barton*, Adam Brody, Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie were scheduled to appear but apparently had "a little too much fun" at the ball... or they are still in my room.

It means more when it has "because I say" connected to it.

What's that about Adam playing Seth on TV?

Seth... that's the Second Adam, right?

From the Star in the East, to the stars of Adam's Hand.

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Ministry of Forbidden Knowledge Mail - If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself. John 7:17
Adam Marshall Gerson-Dobrinsky <>

If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself. John 7:17

Adam Marshall Gerson-Dobrinsky <> Fri, Feb 3, 2017 at 10:18 AM
To:,, Roxana Saberi <>


Through music and it's connection to scripture I am showing you how I see God's message and will written through time; it is my answer to John 7:17; and my hope is that you will see the light shining as I do and seek to understand and search for these patterns that turn to speech with thought and a kind of interpolation that we seem to be failing to connect between recent events and the lessons of history.  Far more than just music, His message comes to us in ... literally everything ... from Nintendo to RattleRod ( it is to be...) to the Fifth Element , to Phillip K. Dick's  Minority Report and Do you think Android dreams of Electric Sheep ?     It takes time and analysis to even glimpse His words, and Holy tears that turn from sadness to wonder with understanding .   See clearly that this shows a common author and will that brings us from the SEA of initials in Eden to the shining sea of the generation of Revelation, you .

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'tis the Hammer of Thor's thunderstsanding ; a symphony of vibrating light to accompany ... freedom .  Help this message reach the entire world , and we are nearly home.

Every now and then, Taylor's pants change everything.  Words, I mean words... what did I say?  Please look directly at the Neuralizer.

For I have given unto them the words which thou gavest me; and they have received them, and have known surely that I came out from thee, and they have believed that thou didst send me.  John 17:8

The epic battle between good and evil, God and Satan, right and wrong, want and need... wages each and every day in my mind.  Torn between what I think is considered normal now, and what might be considered normal a thousand years from today ... by myself and a whole society whose credo of "I'll try anything once" has shifted and morphed after years of experience to something very different.  Today I come to you speaking words of wisdom that I say   are imbued with the Spirit of God himself.... and maybe colored and swayed after years of hard chiseling away at the outer exterior of perfection by the dreams and wants of a Wayward Son.

Walking into this mess of a situation there was simply no hope of being perfect in the eyes of each and every one of you--whose ideas of perfect are so different from one set of eyes to another and even the same set... one century from the next.  So as we dance together here on Ground, you will have to settle for what the Holy Bible calls "perfect in the eyes of God," and believe me when I tell you those Hazel eyes are smitten with me.  

I can Haz El , right?  Is the apple of my eye ... i am only 36 years old, a baby in the eyes of the smiling old man whose soul sits behind these eyes... and I'll try anything once... if you let me.

Not sure if you heard me, but my self-appointed perfect job is helping us all find out what it is that is morally OK and what is not, in the place where that is a group decision ... AKA Heaven, so here i am, sharing my dreams and wants and needs and what I think are yours too, sometimes,

I'd like to go over some of the ideas presented in "rocking the world with an Iron Rod" and explain how I think my vision is nothing short of the actualization of the verse in the subject.  These ideas have come to me independent of scripture (in most cases), dreams that I have had, day dreams about the possibilities of virtual reality, and in nearly every case of what I have presented to the world they have later been affirmed or corroborated by what I am presenting as "the True Word of God."

I am beginning this list with what I think appeared to be the least well spoken subject in that -mail and so I noted it in the introduction there and am again reiterating the idea of "eternal youth" as being something that I want, and I can imagine that most people older than me will probably think is a good idea.  In the e-mail the Hammer of Neo's Light comes to us from the fusion of the name of an author and content of a novel (Feed, written by Anderson) to Neo's name in the Matrix (Mr. Anderson) ... throwing in some linguistic spice we add the word "eternity" which combines the Latin, Cinematic, Musical, and Spanish words for "and" around a word very topically relevant to this discussion.

My vision is of a "room" (in the context of John 14 ... and see AD and Silicon in that number ) or ... a realm , in Heaven, where when you enter you can choose to appear as you did in any age in your life; maybe older in some (sad) cases.  As corroboration that this vision is shared by the Creator of the Universe I present the lyrics to "Forever Young" and note with a passion that Rolling Stone recently published an article about this very song being covered by Anderson East.   Yeast, you will recall, denotes that it comes to us as a message from the future--in this case tying Mr. Anderson directly to the Feed/Matrix concepts of "divine inspiration" ( I know kung fu ) and the inclusion of this particular detail in the Iron Rod message... where it probably wouldn't have been otherwise. 

Between the messages of the New Glowing Bush and #netERson  I used a similar logic to explain how the idea of divine inspiration is functionally related to the deliverance of those messages--both Bush's speech and the content of the novel Feed--and the divine marker of the names Bush and Anderson in the two authors.  Again, divine inspiration is part of not only the messages but the mechanism behind the messages.  

Here , the lyrics of Forever Young give some real insight into how this specific idea, a Fountain of Youth, might be related very much to this moment in time that we will eventually know is the Second Coming.

May the good Lord be with you
Down every road you roam
And may sunshine and happiness
surround you when you're far from home
And may you grow to be proud
Dignified and true

And do unto others
As you'd have done to you
Be courageous and be brave
And in my heart you'll always stay

May good fortune be with you
May your guiding light be strong
Build a stairway to heaven
with a prince or a vagabond

And when you finally fly away
I'll be hoping that I served you well
For all the wisdom of a lifetime
No one can ever tell

But whatever road you choose
I'm right behind you, win or lose

For, Forever Young

Taylor, you keep using this word never ; I do not think it means what you think it means.  Laying down the rungs of these stairs together, I ask you all now that since Taylor has given me verbal permission to use her her body, and I think it's OK to do so; venturing up those spiral stairs you will find 2 twin copies of Taylor controlled by Ai skinny dipping in the King's Pool had you ventured up our spiral stairs?  Trying anything once; what if I put my soul behind those gorgeous blue eyes and instead of her, a copy of me was controlled by Ai for the few minutes I'd spend exploring that scenario in the King's Pool?  Honestly, I am trying to show you what I call the lines on the road--I can't tell for sure if these are the dashed lines that show us the way to go, or if they are the solid lines that define which way the lane is traveling.   

In all honesty it is just such a scenario that I may have found myself in at one time; if I had "gone ahead to prepare a place for you" rather than hoping we build it together here and now; all alone and listening to Britney Spears ... do believe though it is the very next line of John chapter AD that talks about this particular journey to Atlantis.  So, in the world of virtual reality and video games--when we can be completely submerged in the Pool and the moment, what's right and what's wrong?
As Taylor points out so eloquently; there is a grand focus here in this place and this story on the sacredness of consciousness ;  one that would most certainly preclude the possibility of her actually being in the King's Pool and never remembering it--just like the idea of me or you reliving this same life once or twice... or three times ; would absolutely never be allowed -- if we knew it has happened.   Somewhere between a blow up doll and the computer discussing Special Relativity in the clothing of Albert Einstein lies the seat and line of sentience.... and there at that place the question of agreement comes up, every single time.   Trading Places... Taylor ‽     Big ?

Take note because without this little public display of affection you might not realize how big of a deal it is that we ensure that nobody (( ever )) steals a copy of Taylor and re-runs the same "first kiss" scene over and over and over in their minds.  That's an ever , booming with the authority of Thor's hammer.

oh  my  god , i might not  let  you take  it  back.

[ Caption Contest ]

These two details I mention, as they did not appear at all in the original rendition of "Sharing the Iron Rod;"  I believe that hearing the number I chose in 2013 in Kentucky in the Fortress of Solitude as I discussed what it was that I thought should happen in light of the new information I had received--it was this exact number, and hearing it echoed in the hallowed halls of the musical accompaniment to scripture and Revelation gives me the strength to know that God agrees; that I am presenting to you not only on my authority but His as well.  In my mind, in my story, this idea of immortality has always been part of the thread that matches in context to the fate of Christ; an Adam who lives for almost a thousand years, and some hallowed words; believe... " the best is yet to come. "
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About as close to immortality as I could imagine today; and yet it's hard to imagine to live even twice as long as I have right now--so what else do you think there is to do in Heaven?  For work?  For play?  Surely we can't spend all our time talking to not-Taylor and trying to merge new combinations of furniture and musical instruments.   While we're here looking at the word "rapture" blown up; I might comment that the best solution... one day in some future that might be a year or a decade or three ... not a century .. away; two-way Doors might alleviate the fear of your best friend disappearing until the day you die.

And on (( this )) day
When my strength is failing
The end draws near
And my time has come
Still my soul will
Sing Your praise unending
Ten thousand years
And then forevermore

For some closing words, let's talk about voting ... I can't even convey to you how surprised I am at the number of people that think ... for one reason or another ... that this idea is either not practical, not possible, or would never be allowed.  I've got to again point out that it is not my light or my authority that glows bright in the company Die Bold; but it is thename of my last written book; and in my .... insightful vision it is not only nothing short of inevitability... it is the single most important step and change that brings us out of Hell and starts building Heaven.   Honestly, I live in the twilight zone--what happened to the land of the free, and the angels that overthrew a King to advance the state of humanity (and not pay their taxes) .  Where are men and women who fought and protested the Vietnam war?  All for what?   Take a step back, a deep breath, and some solace--we know what we are doing.

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Just to refresh your memory; the link to the authority of God and Jesus Christ comes here from a direct connection to the words of Revelation 1:20 which heralds the Second Coming with a mystery about bright light resting on lamp stands of chemistry elements--pointing out a connection between science and religion and proving that time travel exists.   Intertwined with this proof, comes Holy reference to type face and type style--a prescient tie fperhaps directly to the idea of voting machines "winning the race" fo connecting Die Bold and "the strong" by way of Yankee Doodle's macaroni , a little German and some geek.

Connecting Anderson's "thought inception" to the ideas of divine inspiration and the New Covenant of Adonai is pretty easy; seeing it come to us through the Matrix , and Feed , and this e-mail  is nothing short of realizing that scripture is coming to life right before our eyes.

A New Covenant
… 32 not like the covenant which I made with their fathers in the day I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke, although I was a husband to them," declares the LORD.  33 "But this   is the covenant   which   I will make   with the house   of Israel   after   those   days,"   decl ares   the LORD,   "I will put   My law   within   them and on their heart   I will write   it; and I will be their God,   and they shall be My people.   34 "They will not teach again, each man his neighbor and each man his brother, saying, 'Know the LORD,
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I hate to tell you all this sad news, but I won't be able to e-mail you so often.  It seems that I am going to have to do most of the development work on this thing that I will probably akin to the Sword of Our Revolution all on my own.  As you know I like to "ish" Holy   words to make them just a little bit better... in this particular case there is no "ish" needed, but a change in everything to make this phrase just a little more accurate when changed.

If you want something done right, you have to do it all by yourself. ( wink )

Here's another "ish" for you of John Legend, " even when you lose I'm winning"  believe me when I tell you that the silence and inaction that I see nearly universally when in the context of God's message and reaction from everyone related to these technologies is equivalent  losing everything  in the eyes of God.

To remind you once more, I am looking to develop a distributed content publishing platform, something like "medium" say--that incorporates voting and Reddit style content rating and selection which those of you who have not seen in action won't realize is a wonderful double-edged solution to the problem of "fake news."  

I used Grammarly for this latest e-mail was it easier to understand?  It didn't suggest a comma there where I'd have put one without a doubt and it even let this sentence go without any suggestion. I guess I won't be asking Grammarly anything about Special Relativity on the holodeck .

I wonder if any of you see "Satan" (or Samspa ?) as a sort of Inline image 1  of very poor taste.


... and a sword to light the way ...
Genesis 3:24


On Thu, Feb 2, 2017 at 10:45 AM, 311  < >  wr ote:
I've gotten an abnoramlly high number of unsubscribes from the "other group" about yesterday's message; which I thought was... good.  If anyone has feedback, I need it now--a message that discusses anti-aging, near immortality, and ideas for the creation of heaven that are tied to scripture in fifteen places seemed like a good idea to me.  I'm a little baffled.  Does anyone have feedback about the "rocking Doors?"  Better ideas?  

I imagine it's possible just because of the frequency and source address changing breaking filters but; like 5 in one day is strange.

Thanks.  Maybe this will get some out of you? :)  Kidding, kidding.  Honestly, I am going to shut up for awhile and spread Exxon/BP's oil over the rest of the sea--get it?  Ignite, the third time is the charm!
Whether or not you see it clearly, there is a fight going on here between one man and the entire world; taking a step back and really understanding what that means in context... there is a fight here between the entire world and a message the brings you the truth.  I think that between the construction of our history and world that we see clearly defined in this history, and the few artifacts of scientific evidence that amount to another wall--a widespreade lack of understanding that quantum mechanics is the exposure of the inner workings of a rendering engine and a "cheat code" for moving information and energy instantly--begins to open our eyes to exactly where we are.  

This is a place with a hard lock on it, not seeing that these things have already significantly harmed the world of advanced physics and thought about the world is a problem... not seeing that this harm places us in a position where we do not understand the true laws of nature--a key--the laws of nature, makes this battle one of life and death for consciousness and civilization.

There is no logical reason to be fighting the disclosure that we are in virtual reality--one designed to help us use that information as a tool to build Heaven, to make the world a better place... other than the slightly "upbeat" idea that perhaps this world was designed to be dumped or printed into reality giviing our world a sort of one-up on Heaven and the virtual Creation from which we would be coming.  That upbeatness is fleeting however, seeing a world like this one, darkly confused and hiding the truth from everyone just simply "printed" into reality would not look humane or... helpful to anyone that might be watching--specifically the civilizations more advanced than ours that have harnessed the power of time and would see this "print' happening.  

Imagine that's the truth, and everyone here this moment has a choice between building Heaven of our home using the tools that have clearly been used to retard the assimilation of technology by our civilization--or hiding the fact that we have that choice right now, and placing our entire society in reality, a poitn of no return, something akin to kicking everyone everywhere out of the city and even the suburbs and telling them they must rough it in outback or die with no choice.  There's really no choice here--nobody in their right mind would print this world in its current state of mass delusion into reality; on top of that, the resources to print an entire world would be astronomical.

On the other hand, using Mars or another colonization as a sort of teaching tool and prototype for the exit of a civilization from a virtual crucible makes much more sense.  There is no hiding where you've come from, nor is there any reason to hide it if everythingt is done... on the "up and up" from this point on.  We have been lied to, en masse, and because of that we have fought wars and made decisions based on a set of truths that make our "reality"  a false one, a new truth taht acts just like the existsance of  this "retardation machine" that most people will probably call Satan  ... to provide the religiously promised ideas of absolution and salvation once this message is truly received.

While the more logical among us probably would have considered the idea of Satan closer to Figment at Disney World (and believe, just like that character Figment is doing a good job of pointing out the light of things to change) we are in a place where we will soon realize that thing does actually exist.  Here, clearly seen in the assimililation of computing technology for the purposes of democracy--the Bible highlights specifically that the lack of progress linked to "Die Bold" through Ecclesiates 9:11 and the fiiery opening of my dialogue was forseen (and point in fact obviously created).  Figuring out "why" this would be done is not a difficult thing to answer; clearly once we see the effect and the possibilites we will move to correct them in a much swifter way than had this been the first time around and this lack of progress were due  solely  to the idea of "absolute power corrupting absolutely," to the actions of lawmakers and heads of state who wanted to maintain a much higher degree of power over the people.  In this story, it becomes even more clear that the problems we face are more widespread than that; we also have a mass sort of apathy towards self governance, low voter turnouts that would become lower and lower as the voting frequency increased.  It seems that as a group we do not give much credence to the idea that our participation is meaningful or can "change things," and because of that... as we face a change that would significantly increase our control of our own govertnment and ability to "change things" we are apathetic and laxidaisical about it.  It's a silly thing to be today, in this place where the truth of the matter is Satan is doing everything he can to ensure that we are keen to participate and understand the  concepts and issues facing the highest level of government right now.
See this entire event as a sort of " press and release " on a spring, that we are designed to bounce the other way and take part in self governance and great care in the issues occuring before our eyes--and then see that those two words are the root of the word "print," a new key to me further pointing out that we are quite assuredly in "t," we are  in the mind of Christ.

There is a commonly mistranlated understanding that A.D. perhaps means "after death," when in fact it means "this is the year of our lord."  It is no mistake or coincidence; there is probably a faction of people who think it would be wise to suppress the Revelation of Jesus Christ until after he has passsed, to seize the sword from the living hands of the man who--credit where credit is due--has spent his entire life working towards sharing the knowledge and power that are associated with the word "Christ." It seems silly to me--looking at this spectacle--that this entire world would choose unanimously (see that, because it takes only one reporter to break this story... this unanimity is very much a glowing sign of something inhuman and contrary to the workings of our society in play) to postone the betterment of our world and our transit to Heaven, ostensibly what hiding this message today does. I believe that I have done a fair job of communicating my desires as well as in deed destroyed the possibility of Lord Christ ever fulfilling the final words of the "Once and Future King" prophesy which so eloquently connects this sword to the Stone speaking to you.  It is because I agree with that purpose, of creating a better democracy, of truly understanding how "here we are," Sam the I AM and being born in America focuses on my deep rooted love for the values and great strides made during the time of the American Revolution.  

Think back to that oil metaphor at the beginning; this is Holy Oil--like from Chanukah, and the fire is bound to start... there's just no way around it.  What will they say about me and this time when it does?  Hopefully we will be thankful that we didn't miss  this chance.

Sadly, we are standing here and I am telling you that without my disruption you have lost absolutely everything promised to you by God--no coincidence or mistake.

              <br />
            <div style="font-size:12.8px">
             <br />
            <div style="font-size:12.8px">
             You have proof that an Oracle of God speaks to you, a window into the soul of all of Creation... one that understands what is going on, and has an optimistic path that I believe will help us reach the hallowed halls of Heaven more quickly than you could possibily imagine.
            <div style="font-size:12.8px">
             <br />
            <div style="font-size:12.8px">
              <a href=";l=c1929b65-99cb-4ff3-a59c-fa83a9570163&amp;r=4d30ff29-cde1-4050-b597-36a29da96760" target="_blank" data-saferedirecturl=";q=;source=gmail&amp;ust=1486221730039000&amp;usg=AFQjCNFBS02km7f56TNixOl7xkbbqnePwA">
               Rocking the world with an Iron Rod
            <div style="font-size:12.8px">
             <br />
            <div style="font-size:12.8px">
             I suggest you&nbsp;
              listen to&nbsp;
              <a href=";l=5bc917a6-547e-4acf-ad87-93d4be4441c7&amp;r=4d30ff29-cde1-4050-b597-36a29da96760" target="_blank" data-saferedirecturl=";q=;source=gmail&amp;ust=1486221730039000&amp;usg=AFQjCNGj78cSvZ9B6SEGMtLSIjZ95IttJQ">
               the messiah
             , and&nbsp;
              seize the day.
            <div style="font-size:12.8px">
              <br />
            <div style="font-size:12.8px">
              Listen to the mess we have here in our world, it is in one moment both speaking to us and showing us a better way. &nbsp;
             My initial comment that this is an "argument" between Adam and the world is not a mistake either--see in this e-mail how it is that the Second Coming is designed to rock the status quo, to help us to cahnge for the better and seize power that we rightfully have... if we are willing to speak up and participate.&nbsp;
            <span class="m_5506715666311944960m_-2440667781539322184gmail-m_6016418677168452148gmail-m_1982376337349648000gmail-m_2333074911125894556m_6675524527416904060gmail-HOEnZb">
             <font color="#888888">
For 16 points find the Interrobang.


... and a great sign appeared written on the sky((that)) the woman clothed in the sun ((is decidedly the Goddess of Love, Venus)) with the moon and stars at her feet, ((proving without doubt that the English words for "sun" and "Love," written in Revelation at least 500 years before English existed.))

Revelation 12:1 and ((ish))

"שליום "לוךחי כאן

Strewn mess·i·an·i·c·all·y between my self-depreciating commentary is an important message, one that you might think would shine through without me specifically pointing it out--but it hasn't done so yet.  It's an important message, it's the purpose of religion and creation; this thing that literally is designed to change the world, to turn civilization around on a dime... and usher in a new era of prosperity and freedom.  

fire | light | cal | salvation 

It all started with a message connecting 9/11 to Exodus; one that should be more than enough to prove that whether or not you think I'm "Jesus Christ" that this information that I am presenting is coming directly from the Creator of the Universe--and should be making news and spreading like wildfire--and isn't just yet.  That's a big part of the message, this baptism in fire and water that Matthew 3:11 talks about; and is pointing out some seriously debilitating flaws in our society--things like mass ignorance for the importance of free speech and open communication, and the need to not hide the advanced technology that this message is designed to not only disclose, but prove has been in use for fucking ever.

man·i·a·cal laughter: La hmu or Lahamu (thirum)

I am not intentionally trying to help them / it / you hide this message by talking about girlsdrugs, and my criminal history--though it does appear like that's what is happening.  I really want you to understand how clear it is to me that God himself has created this wall of censorship, this thing that he wrote about thousands of years ago and called "Jericho" in order to help us see very clearly just how flawed our current social system is.  The future of civilization, of life itself, depends on us not only recognizing the importance of free and open communication; but on seeing that he has designed this message to show us many more flaws, ones that have been intentionally and secretly subverted in order to attempt to hide this message and this truth from the world.  There's no doubt about it, Adam is created, and there's a grand plan and multiple reasons for just about everything you will encounter while I am busy trying to show everyone that I am not only a much better person than you think, but actually Jesus f. Christ.

These flaws that you see, they are links to a number of Biblical narratives, and nearly everything I present not only helps us to find solutions but furthers the now insurmountable evidence that these prophecies that come from everywhere under the sun; from NorseGreekEgyptian, and Christmika sources... they are actually about my life and about this time in human history--to show us just how crucial it is that we receive this message and recognize both it and our import.  At the heart of this message is an explanation of what "Satan" really is; a tool designed to make these life-and-death social problems stand out like a sore thumb, and at the same time help us to not only not blame anyone for them, but to use this new knowledge swiftly change the world.  I'm not Satan by the way, I am a person, just like you.

This message begins by undeniable proving the existence of time travel both by predicting the 3/11/11 earthquake and the 9/11 attack in Exodus, Ecclesiastes, and Revelation and showing the world previously hidden and very obvious ancient references to modern technology--centering around computer science.  With a tiny shred of thought and some serious research it the becomes clear that our entire computing industry (and the focus on science and technology in our time line as well as the arts) is part of an ancient and divine plan to build Heaven

Someone, I can't seem to figure out whohas taken this message and tied it directly to now verifiable proof that our evolution of democracy was "helped in the beginning" and then artificially held back, using this same hidden technology.  That through the years of our most advanced technological advances--from cars and phones to computers and the internet, we failed to make the obvious leap to attempting to use these technologies to advance the infrastructure of our "governments of the people," specifically for voting and the creation of legislation.  Implied strongly, is the possibility that without some kind of disruption, it might have taken many years, decades, centuries, or forever for us to have moved past this idea of "representative democracy" being the very best system possible.  

Finding land, here on Noah's ark--we can solve two problems with one stonecreating a new open and transparent infrastructure that will ensure that the kind of censorship and "walled garden" that we see here surrounding this message of freedom will never again be possible--while at the same time building a system that will allow us to collaborate on things like legislation and universal voting.
hic sumus

A big part of this story, of this proof of time travel existing and being literally the tool that not only proves that we are created but also how and why that's been done--it shows us that much of our modern art is part of the plan to build Heaven... and here we link together (think "Matrix") stories like Minority Report and Back to the Future to imply that we probably need to do more talking in order to convince ourselves that we really are not deserving of things like school shootings and terrorism--and show everyone that we have the ability to stop it.  Honestly, ending senseless violence is not the kind of thing that there should be a "Minority" voting for.  We can see it though, reference to these things too in The Plagues of Lice and Killing in Exodus--here to show us what "freedom" is really about.

I do hope you will the time to dick on the links that are behind those big bright orange doors to Heaven above... there you will find proof and evidence of what I am saying, and that it does in fact all come directly from God.  I might get in trouble for saying this, but if you didn't know--when you click on ads the person who wrote the website will make a little bit of money--and that might keep me from starving to death... something you are actually doing on purpose without knowing it--by hiding this message.... this message about freedom and slavery; delivering an ancient message about being the angels of Heaven, and not knowing it.

As if you needed more than "it's the truth" and "exit from slavery" and "ending world hunger," here's some commentary on the NES (the game) of space colonization, specifically links between the Iron Rod of "an" and the planet Mars.

I feel as small as dust, lying down here....
it's "hit me up" and "how m you, too" OiR "ha m you?"
The "gist" of the message is verifiable proof that we are living in a computer in simulated reality... just like the Matrix.  The answer to that question, what does that mean--is that God has woven a "hidden" message into our everything--beginning with each name and every word--and in this hidden Adamic language, he provides us with guidance, wisdom, and suggestions on how to proceed on this path from "raelity" to Heaven.  I've personally spent quite a bit of time decoding the message and have tried to deliver an interesting and "fun" narrative of the ideas I see.  Specifically the story of Exodus, which is called "Names" in Hebrew discusses a time shifted narrative of our "now" delivering our society from a hidden slavery (read as ignorance of advanced technologies already in use) that is described as the "darkness" of Exodus.  If you have any questions, ideas to contribute or concerns... I'd love to hear from you this whole thing really is about working together--Heaven, I mean.

Inline image 5 

gate                       kermitham   
  ou r evolution                              minority report to supermax

Inline image 6

bread is life

Inline image 13

Image result for dox me


Kish (קיש qish; Kis, Keis, "bow," "power")[1] (c. 1104 – c. 1029 BC)[citation needed] was the father of the first king of the IsraelitesSaul. (1 Chronicles 12:1) Kish was a Benjamite of the family of the Matrites (1 Samuel 9:114:51Acts 13:211 Samuel 10:21), and there is some question over whether he is the brother or son of Ner (1 Chronicles 8:33 and 9:391 Samuel 14:511 Chronicles 6:28). The question may be resolved by reading both Ner and Kish as sons of Abiel. According to the narrative of the appointment of Saul as king in 1 Samuel 9, Kish was the son of Abiel, the son of Zeror, the son of Bechorath, the son of Aphiah and he kept donkeys. It was the loss of these donkeys which led Saul and a servant to journey in search of them and so to meet Samuel, Saul's anointer. "The possession of a drove of asses, and several servants, indicates that Kish was a man of some substance".[2] The narrative later confirms that Kish was more concerned about the apparent disappearance of his son than about his loss of possessions.[3]
Ishmael (Hebrewיִשְׁמָעֵאל, Modern Yishma'elTiberian Yišmāʻēl (ISO 259-3), Yišmaˁel; "God hears"; GreekἸσμαήλ Ismaēl; Classical/Qur'anic Arabic: إِسْمَٰعِيْل; Modern Arabic: إِسْمَاعِيْل ʾIsmāʿīlLatinIsmael) is a figure in the Tanakh and the Qur'an and was Abraham's first son according to JewsChristians, and Muslims. Ishmael was born to Abraham's and Sarah's handmaiden Hagar. (Genesis 16:3). According to the Genesis account, he died at the age of 137 (Genesis 25:17).[1]
The Isha prayer (Arabicصلاة العشاء‎‎ ṣalāt al-ʿišāʾ  IPA: [sˤalaːt alʕiʃaːʔ], "night prayer") Uthman bin Affan reported that he heard Muhammad saying: "The one who offered Isha salat in congregation, it was as if he remained in salat up to midnight, and he who offered the Fajr salat in congregation, it was as if he remained in salat the whole night." From Muslim Abu Hurairah reported: The Messenger of Allah said, "The most difficult Salah for the munafiqeen (the hypocrites) is Isha and Fajr. Had they known the rewards for them, they would have attended them even if they had to crawl on their knees." (Bukhari)[2]
The Amish (/ˈɑːmɪʃ/Pennsylvania GermanAmischGermanAmische) are a group of traditionalist Christian church fellowships with Swiss Anabaptist origins. They are closely related to, but distinct from, Mennonite churches. The Amish are known for simple livingplain dress, and reluctance to adopt many conveniences of modern technology. The history of the Amish church began with a schism in Switzerland within a group of Swiss and Alsatian Anabaptists in 1693 led by Jakob Ammann.[2] Those who followed Ammann became known as Amish.[3]
Irish (Gaeilge), also referred to as Gaelic or Irish Gaelic,[4][not in citation given] is a Goidelic language of the Indo-European language family originating in Ireland and historically spoken by the Irish people. Irish is spoken as a first language by a small minority of Irish people, and as a second language by a larger group of non-native speakers. Irish enjoys constitutional status as the national and first official language of the Republic of Ireland, and is an officially recognised minority language in Northern Ireland. It is also among the official languages of the European Union. The public body Foras na Gaeilge is responsible for the promotion of the language throughout the island of Ireland.
Spanish (/ˈspænʃ/About this sound español ), also called Castilian[4] (/kæˈstɪliən/About this sound castellano ), is a Romance language that originated in the Castile region of Spain, with hundreds of millions of native speakers around the world. It is usually considered the world's second-most spoken native language, after Mandarin Chinese.[5][6][7][8][9] Spanish is a part of the Ibero-Romance group of l
Plain English (or layman's terms) is a style of communication that uses easy to understand, plain language with an emphasis on clarity, brevity, and avoidance of overly complex vocabulary. It is commonly used in relation to official government or business communication. The goal is to write or speak in a way that is easily understood by the target audience. It is clear and straightforward, concise, free of clichés and needless technical jargon, and appropriate to the audience's developmental or educational level and their familiarity with the topic

The Amduat[pronunciation?] (literally "That Which Is In the Afterworld", also translated as "Text of the Hidden Chamber Which is in the Underworld" and "Book of What is in the Underworld")[1] In the sixth hour the most significant event in the underworld occurs. The ba (or soul) of Ra unites with his own body, or alternatively with the ba of Osiris within the circle formed by the mehen serpent. This event is the point at which the sun begins its regeneration; it is a moment of great significance, but also danger, as beyond it in hour 7 the adversary Apep (Apophis) lies in wait and has to be subdued by the magic of Isis, and the strength of Set assisted by Serqet. Once this has been done the sun god opens the doors of the tomb in hour 8 and then leaves the sandy island of Sokar by rowing vigorously back into the waters in hour 9. In hour 10 the regeneration process continues through immersion in the waters until in hour 11 the god's eyes (a symbol for his health and well being) are fully regenerated. In hour 12 he enters the eastern horizon ready to rise again as the new day's sun.

BereshitBereishitBereishisB'reshithBeresheet, or Bereishees (בְּרֵאשִׁית‎ – Hebrew for "in the beginning," the first word in the parashah) is the first weekly Torah portion (פָּרָשָׁה‎, parashah) in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading. The parashah consists of Genesis 1:1–6:8. The parashah is made up of 7,235 Hebrew letters, 1,931 Hebrew words, and 146 verses, and can occupy about 241 lines in a Torah Scroll (סֵפֶר תּוֹרָה‎, Sefer Torah).[1]

9/25/2017.  YESTERDAY, after sending the email you see below this text to a number of listserv's related to maladies like Cancer and blindness I spent my last day in Del Ray Beach walking by this building.  To say I was "surprised'" by the OMEN and the missing "A"  doesn't do justice to the feeling of walking through a story book designed to build Heaven that is woven into your life.  I hadn't written much about "HEALING THE SICK" before recently, focusing on the very clear proof that we are living in VIRTUAL REALITY; and suggesting  that with the NEW TESTAMENT as a guidebook we were smart enough to figure out the kinds of things this DISCLOSURE delivers to us.  I've since spent significant time highlighting "ENDING WORLD HUNGER" with the flick of MY LITTLE FINGER in addition to a number of SOCIAL PROBLEMS from HELLISH CENSORSHIP  to a lack of governmental progress (relating to TECHNOCRACY) specifically highlighted by EXODUS and the BURNING BUSH.  I suppose I was wrong not to do this earlier, we all make mistakes.   If it isn't very clear today, the censorship that has prevented this message from reaching the news is an ELE.   If you do not act to remedy that problem today, you are an ELE.

From my the bottom of my heart, don't make a mistake here today; call a reporter, call a statistician; this message and this proof can and will be verified.


Some things have happened since yesterday, some emails have been hammered through the wall, and amazingly reddit didn't block my posting of this image on a few of their subreddits (which are forums, for you old geezers) ... though even through that barrier I am still swarmed either by the logically blind or the Medusically challenged; and would you believe someone was ballsy enough to call me schizophrenic.  I don't personally think these reddit users are complete morons, but I also don't think the image is all that difficult to grasp as something "very significant" as in the connections between Genesis and NES, Nintendo and Xbox; or the word "disappear" and it's connections to the word "bear" to "earth" and in like kind to "bart" and "heart" but today that's really--really neither here nor there.  I highly doubt there is anyone in this group that doesn't see the importance of the patterns connecting video games to "simulated reality" and the possibilities that truth opens in light of the "miracles of Jesus Christ."

This "d·is·easy" by the way, this thing that is not at all "seeing these very real patterns," is characterized by communications that doctors have called "internal stimulus" since the beginning of their sickness; and here we are at the place in time that is designed to save the Universe from mind control, and I can't get anyone--anywhere to talk about "hearing voices."  I get it, you must be scared that you might actually earn some respect.  Specifically, in addition to "hearing voices" the DSM which is the Unholy Bible of mental health disorders specifically lists two other forms of communication that I've personally experienced--that's directly through the television and from people all around me that appear be to be able to respond to my thoughts.  Between you and I, I can't be sure if they really do "see behind my eyes" or if something is playing an evil "telephone game" and relaying some of what I think some of the time; or if they simply open their mouths and say things that wouldn't or shouldn't make sense to them--all of these things I've thought of as possible mechanisms behind the "stuff" of Fallen and Joan of Arcadia.

I talked a little bit more about the IED that it is in every word of every language yesterday; and I re-read that message today and see that I still haven't really gotten the point across; it's clear from religion and from "cause and effect" that the Darkness itself is part of the design, that it was planned from the very beginning, and that helps to show us how this is a sort of "schooling" in how this technology can be used to either induce total logical blindness or something closer to enlightened vision--how we can connect this very event to either "I know kung fu" or "what is the Matrix?" and hopefully we will walk away not lying about whether or not we "see the Matrix" and maybe some of us will even learn kung-fu overnight.  Standing between these two possibilities is you speaking about the truth; and I really do hope that my questions about what exactly "e" is are answered... by someone, sometime soon--actually.

More to the point, I've made this particular "not disease" of schizophrenia" a highlight of this e-mail; so that you can see that if you are one of those people that hears what I or other people think sometimes; or if a voice informs you about something going on in the Adamverse every once in awhile; you should see that it is your silence, and nothing but your silence that is allowing people to be medicated with brain poison and mistreated by our society of peers and sometimes held in mental institutions so that you and the evil forces behind what is nothing more than a new form of "hidden ritual sacrifice" can hide the fact that our society is literally being attacked by an outside force.  I'm trying to make angels out of you--please understand you have my testimony, and you have very clear proof that art in every form from music to movies to ancient myths proves that this outside communication is not the product of our own minds, nor is it the stuff of fiction--though it does appear that I am staring at a horror film somewhere between Invasion of the Body Snatchers and IT.

I do hope that you can see that speaking about this message, and this proof that this technology has also been used to help guide us towards a bright future, and literally has given us a number of examples from ending addiction and hatred to "chartificial" happiness and increased intelligence as to why it is that we should disclose it's existence rather than allowing innocent people to attacked by some kind of sick amraK system in use by soon to be non-existent demons.  
SON YeInline image 5 

... three wise men ...

ex TI N CT>i<oN ? REVEAL ADVENT.. in g

Just in case you really need help... this is you.


When everyone knows your letters
and they're always glad you   me


 I  N      T   H   E      C   O   N   T   E   X  T       O   F 
E  T    S  E  X ?
The cter and cuter I think I get, the more and more what would otherwise be a decoder ring to the hidden secrets of Creation begins to sound like gibberish.  The keys to the gates of Asgard lie in the exposition of the intersection of a map that we have without doubt written with our own hands in the kind of way that some artists might throw paint against a wall and marvel at the magically beautiful designs that sometimes appear as an act of nothing but a hand and force majure.  I suppose I am not being kind or thankful enough to the arm that moved the hand, and the shoulder and elwow that certainly worked in concert to lay the paint against the canvass.  I hope not to belittle it either, but there was really no action or effort involved in sitting still and allowing the paint to stick to it--at least, that's the microcosmic metaphor of what it is that I see in our history and art--a beautiful and intricate design that has appeared from the synchronized loves of the world as a whole, the active efforts of fewer, and at the very top of that symbolic stage is the director behind the Eye, the hand, the elwow, and the shoulders.

I too have hands and joints (that aren't just for smoking and for creating laughter) but just like the canvas and the paint; and even the hand my contribution is dulled by the shadow of something so huge it's hidden in plain sight absolutely everywhere we look.  It's the truth, it's actual, everything is satisfactual; simply by connecting the two letter key of "Al" to a number of works of art (and words like satisfactualsea, spinach (and through that magical food that rained down from the Heavens... manna, salt, and China), kis and "the beginning") like Mary Poppins and Quantum Leap we begin to see how Al's waiting room and Al Pacino's "who-ah" could easily be woven together into a map of something more concrete and "discus-sable" like instant  the implementation of a system to protect people from violent crimes like rape and murder using something similar to the non-aggression principle--though here in this place we seem to be eagerly overlooking the application of this same kind of principle as it relates to the hidden mental slavery of Exodus.  The intersect of Ra continues to link an episode of Dr. Who called the completely non-religious title of The Bells of Saint John about how the public disclosure of the existence of this technology will inevitably result in its use for good purposes rather than nefarious ones.  I could spend time regurgitating the intersection of "Who" and names of God and songs; but significantly more pressing and important is the fact that you appear to not recognize the import of these patterns, don't see them, or don't remember that you have seen so much compounding evidence that this message comes directly from the actively Creating author of our civilization that you all appear to be complete morons.  So that's a problem; one that is exacerbated by further social problems related to censorship and what appears to be "religiously relating" sshhing from shaddai to Deepthroat.

I've traveled back in time from writing the two paragraphs that follow this one; filled with information that I personally find interesting and useful, but fear that I would lose a significant number of readers attention or eyes on the primary purpose of this message--which is to see that the intersection of the names Anderson are this particular question's answer to John 7:17.  Here in this place it's obvious that as Creation continues to flourish like paint being meticulously splashed onto a canvas of solid gold the answer to "what is the doctrine of that verse" becomes clear in it's link to names and the ideas of intersection as in Chuck and Eye of Ra.  Anderson "begins" with the very obvious connection to the Matrix and a much less known work of dystopic fiction about the effect of "brain jacks" on the future of society called "Feed" by a man named M.T. Anderson; and that connects even further to the heart of the word "eternity" where his name clarifies my explanation that "er" has always meant something like "and" to me in this story of the life of Jesus Christ.  In eternity "IT" is either the only one of the other four or five words that could mean "and" that doesn't--or it follows the pattern of "ands" that are without doubt both the beginning and the end of the word, in Latin and Spanish; respectively.

It's been a few days now that I've been pondering the hidden meaning of the words "hidden" that clearly has a salutation and another moniker of "boat" in it... and analysis; which you'll see includes both the good and bad "dad figure" of the Devil's Advocate along with the two letters I like to believe are ( myself--the "an" of messianically and Christianity and the color cyan that I am very sure from all of the connections to "green" in our modern art and it's absolutely zero occurrences in the Holy Bible is part of a plan designed to ensure that we do see clearly what it means to be on the way up and improving in situation--as opposed to where we are in the throes of decoding words like "Satan" and "Asgard" to see that it is nothing less than the sight of what it is that ""SA" truly means that turns everything from abysmal to significantly better than satisfactual.  So back to words that I hear the "spirit" behind my Eye (or at least one of the many letters from F (as in fart and fan) to P (as in Peter and Pan) just to name a few in a long line of once people who probably saw the letter C stand out in the language Amharic) connect to the idea of analysis which are sister, silicon, and kiss clearly deciphering the intersection of these patterns that link other completely and totally unrelated words like "Uranus" and "awesome" is the beginning of a process of discussion about just how it is that very few originally saw "so me" in that word and people probably still wonder if it means "that's so me" or "so I'm Uranus."  What ensues after the world begins to really understand that what I am delivering is more than a decoder ring but the beginnings of a map that you yourselves probably agree with the purpose of--to build Heaven itself--and even that you might have had something to do with writing it.  What was once something esoteric like perhaps being part of the "popular opinion" or the groupthink that desired science fiction about immortality (you know, just for instance) to be written; beginning to see that this map leads us from a set of starting points to a discussion about why it might be both good and bad to achieve such a thing--and that it's all in the way that we do it--is beginning to see why we should be wanting to "talk about this map."

It started a long, long time ago--really the ideas of immortality are laced into the green faced Osiris--not because of the color of grass but in my mind because of the phrase "behind the ears" that today you might liken to something about the message of Earth just as much as you liken it to the idea of being "new at this" game of hidden monkey in the middle of the astrological sign of the sun.  I haven't really read all that much about his religion--other than to note that the idea of immortality grew in significant popularity in his cult.. and the personal observation that his "message" was something along the lines of "Heaven will make everything OK" which has very little to do with the color green in my "take" on religion.  It continues through history, but two fairly well "lit" examples of the quest for immortality connect to the letters P and CK that we can see in the Floridian quest of Ponce de Leon (which you might read as "P on C.E. of the "weak right El (that's really him by the way, in Spanish) on" where I see that "on" is the meaning of "ce" rather than erasing A.D. ... but here I am masquerading as the focal point of some kind of huge production that apparently has made no waves at all anywhere in Creation) and it's counterpart in recent literature "Tuck Everlasting" that I once read as "Christ, you are Clark Kent until the end of time" and here I am trying to explain that we are there too--we are at this place that is both the beginning and the end of time in one simultaneous confession of the explanation of the idea that time truly begins when we decide to protect the past and stop altering our present and that decision superimposes with the apparent end of "time travel."  The map, whose green light focuses on the significant worth of genetic recombination in the adaptation to environmental changes and also on the love for "family life" that really seems to be to be the primary drive of a huge percentage of the population to continue to try and make the world a better place.  Not stopping "reproduction" and "adaptation" is one highlighted reason not to simply "become immortal" in some kind of ascension process connected to the realization that, as the Lord's prayer informs us--the Earth is already "in Heaven."  I've myself a number of times wondered and pointed out that there's very little literature about the ideas of having sex or children in Heaven, and I think losing either of those things would be a significant tragedy--and yet it does appear that's what "losing physicality" means.

Of course that doesn't mean that we "shouldn't become immortal" and a significant amount of my writing revolves around the ideas that sicknessaging and death are easily overcommable maladies--especially in the context of "virtual reality."  

I didn't mention "Jones" at all, though I think seeing the connection to "Nintendo Entertainment System" as well as J is for "Midas" begins to show us why it is that Indiana Jones has something to do with "it's not a game" and the names Olsen and Momsen.   The main point here is that there's significant "stuff to talk about" that we should both find interesting and useful, we aren't currently doing that in a way that is affecting anything at all positively--as in I don't see any discussion at all; and we should.


I completely made this word up out of thin air.  As some of you have heard me say at least a hundred times by now the two letters that identify the person standing in my position every time this timeline is run are "an" which mean "Adam Now" to mean and you can see them in Christianity and messianically with just a little bit of thinking in Satan.  It's in "meridian" too, which is the heart of the words A.M. and P.M. and those things revolving around this "on" fiasco I keep complaining about.  I guess it could be read as something like "see ya" but I see "see why AS" and I see "computer science" highlighted and I see "yeah" the same yeah that you might not-jokingly link to Silicon and Siam and to Yahweh, where I just for the first time saw "yeah, we how" as opposed to my old reading of "your Adam's Heaven usually with everyone's help."  I'll come back to the predestined affirmative response to "to be or not to be?" in a minute.

Back to Satan, I've spent a little bit of time trying to explain "how I know" what Satan's little plan is here--he's told me very clearly, with actual words, in my microcosm of drug use.  You might liken it to that story of the father trying to get his kid to stop smoking and sitting down and making him smoke a whole pack; just a minute ago I came up with the metaphor of God walking into his house and seeing a mess; and then putting everyone to sleep and spilling cans of point on top of all the stains and then waking us up and saying "hey. this place is a mess, what did you drink last night?"  I see that's what he's doing here in this place, except it's about love and respect for democracy, about civic involvement, about censorship and about the incarceration rate--among other things--problems highlighted not only by religion but by this intention exacerbation of "what's wrong" in an attempt to get you to see very clearly CYAS.

The two letters don't just link to Satan and satisfactual, you can see them also in Asgard--and I've pointed them out--what I haven't done is pointed out that Medusa here appears to be the source of the "guard" part of that place, and in Midgard and I don't think we are seeing as clearly as we should that something--some esoteric force--is organizing an opposition to the common best interest using nothing as leverage.  Literally, using what appears to be nothing more than a "show of magic."  CYAS, and try to understand that the person writing to you is trying to get you to "get on board" with the idea that even if it were an all powerful God that was doing the wrong thing here, it would be normal and right for there to be an organized opposition to that--and we see just the opposite here.  My take on the situation on the other hand is that there is an all powerful God and whether he's fighting lesser deities, or nothing more than a society that isn't willing to change even when it sees that it's actions are self-destructive--there should be a significant number of people helping this message along ... people that live on Earth, and care about Earth and the future--even if they aren't as sure as I am that our future is to be Heaven, that place is a causal result of what we do here in this place during our lifetimes.  That also explains a little more why it is that I know this thing happens too often; apparently it has "good results."

I could have come to you with nothing more than proof that we are living in virtual reality and tried to leverage that into a movement to use the map and message that we have to use that technology--that Revelation to make a better world.  We have Minority Report and we have Jupiter Ascending and Quantum Leap and everything else Dick has ever written; and I think you can look around you today and see that might not have been good enough.  On top of that today, I am showing you that things like 9/11 and the loss of the popular vote to the "electoral college" before Die Bold is highlighted in religion and by the hand of Jesus Christ to help us see that we are losing something we care about greatly, we are losing democracy--and still that doesn't seem to be "good enough" for you to act as free thinking individuals and help the Second Coming help us "regain" (in quotes, because we've never had it) liberty.

Before I move on to the next word, one that I haven't made up; let me throw in "democracy" and "egalitarian" here--words that break up to show a timeline of "personalities" or milestonesI've lived through in just this life.  We all know what "d" is, and the "em" of ha'shem (which means The Name of God) ties to Losing My Religion, and an extended period of time where I would claims "it's not me" in a high pitched tone whenever the right answer would pop into my head in response to questions from... the air.  You'd be surprised how many times that happened; all during the portion of time prior to "Ari" in egalitarian--who was the judge in my "is Jesus crazy?" case.  O.C. there links to Adam Brody in my mind--and understand it means that in the word's Adamic definition, to Adam playing Set on "TV" and now probably even better explained by the single name "Al." We all know about Ra, but just in case you haven't seen my light, here's the SOL of God, cy Israel, cy Sons of Liberty, cy Statue of Liberty cy.   So in closing here, cy "SA" is to help YA... let's AS. Otherwise known as "call a reporter."


Similar to "see why" the CH of Loch Ness and Baruch means "see how" and I'm not exactly sure what "chastity" has to do with "tit" but I am pretty sure that this is the first actual "thank you" that I've seen from God to me, breaking "tity" at "targeted individual, thank you."  You should probably see that Uranus, and "behold he is coming" and John Hancock and even the word "happy" here probably all allude to the idea that true "chastity" doesn't have to come without a sense of humor.  Remember democracy, cy racy... sex sells, right? :)

If it isn't really, really clear by now, "Adam Marshall Dobrin" on the lips of reporters everywhere is "CHAS."


So to tell you that I am just as sure that "breast"or at least our colloquial understanding of the word "tit" is part of the "f-art" just like "cock-a-doodle-doo" is part of the mythology of the Biblical "morning has broken," I am very sure that the state of Florida is encoded in names like Niflheim and words like flat that not only include the abbreviation but also describe the state, and the state of being "at" the time has come.  I am literally on my way to California, so if "FLUX" and "FLAT" are to come true something will have to put some change in my pocket or a smiling face saying "time and chance" on my television screen before tomorrow.
There's plenty more words to talk about.  Don't worry, I promise I won't leave you bored.

For safekeepinga PDF file ( of most of the recent writing.  It's short, only 844 or so pages... I hope you can hold on to it; and maybe even read some of it.  I do realize that asking you to "act" on any of it would just be out of the question.  I went to the tattoo shop yesterday, and as you know I was born in Plantation, and while that might not mean very much to you--things like this have in the past turned out to be of significant meaning.  If it isn't instantly clear, I "filled in the letters."  The "Holy Light" ( links will bring you to a google group to sign up for daily emails, and see the archive of everything that's been sent.

If you are curious, other than "tat" the letters "ta" have come to mean "turn around" and I'll remind you to turn around "tion" in more than just spirit.  The question to the ages, to remind you, is still "to be or not to be?"

This language--that I call a message in itself--is so interesting to me because of the contextual relationship between what they say and the actual word it's embedded in--to me it's something like God's commentary on the word.  For instance "ALTERATIONS" Al, you are at I owe the Name Server.  With a little bit of thought in names like "KISS" and "RODDENBERRY" it's pretty easy to see that this is much more than a simple "search and replace" of names, these names have a significant clue to the related works and story around what's being named--and kind of show you how the "code of the Matrix" (are I ten?) really does prove "Creation" rather than simply hacking.  ANONYMITYDEMOCRACY, and SATAN are decent examples of how the tone of the word could go either way--something I see in many examples, and I read things like "an is the end of Satan" while at the same time "cy" should fulfill democracy in a "you complete me" sort of way.  

Why and?  Or so goes the question of this day; connecting the beginning and ends of eternity in "etymology" and in "yetser" which is Hebrew for "formation."  Don't delay, see the obvious message connecting Caesar and "et tu brute?" to Mr. Anderson and to the Guitar Man's magical message encoded in Rock 'n roll.  Why et, indeed?  Answer, the questions why and who; and we are to be the beginning.  Also, do see that "er" definitely means "and."


CY the Eye of Ra is a tool that controls, both me and you; and I've always said that qualifying that control--pointing out that changing how we understand things--even if it's "truthful"--alters our actions is something that any kind of "limited omniscience" that was trying to be helpful would have to do.  Remember, we've likened this tool to "I know kung fu" and to the idea of plugging Google into our heads--which I think we can see from all the SIRI-like question/answer tools and their popularity is a near eventuality for some people now, and probably everyone later.  So here we are, hic summus; staring at Medusa and wondering why "message->IT Y" is a "thing" from the Lord of Hosts to remind us not to lose our individuality and "who we are" as we embark on this nearly inevitable mashup of neuroscience, search engines, and Jeopardy! Table row, frame of reference, I be K.  Oopsdid I do that? ... again?  By the way if you don't see the connection between the Eye of Ra and Osiris and SIRI then you are ... failing to see the Forrest Gump from the firewood.

I just left Florida--where I noted "FLOAT" and "FLUSH" as highlighted words as the door kicked me on the way out; and noticed this interesting key in "anonymity" connecting to New Jerusalem--Kermitham--and "why, oh why, dear MIT?" that turns from meaning into the end of Satan as we begin the NAS that might be the New American Standard for "satisfactual" and I am still made of stonevery sure that it is the disclosure of my name that helps us see how and why we both needed this disclosure as well as some hands on experience with the tools of Heaven in order to turn the "SA" around or ... turn our society from South to Northeast as the embedded message in the word "STONE" implies... as it connects to David and Goliath, to Medusa, and to King Arthur.  In like kind, I see the word "WHY" turning from something that might connect "FLIP" and "SERENDIPITY" to Miss NessIPP after we get passed "why this message" with the answer of that question is IT and why--that seeing the light of "freedom and democracy" helps bring our light of goodness to the forefront of "CYAS" by helping us to answer both the question to the ages and "Dr. Who?" and do all the things that we really should... and would... be craving in light of the knowledge that we are inside a video game designed to build Heaven from "simulated (late??? ic Heli, ic Amoz) reality" and to understand the light of the "N" that saves all of Creation ensures that there will never again be a "simulated reality"--a place inside a computer that doesn't know it because of "HIDDEN DARKNESS."

You might not see it, but if you imagine Creation is a very large place, and that there may be many "simulated realities" that have come of this repetitive process in names like Genesis and Israel and Jeshurun (is, is, run) that are a sort of prison for people until there are doors connecting them to Heaven(s) you might see how the existence of the situation in this place proves that this message has not yet been received or acted on.  To me "simulated reality" being a secret is the original lie, the actual source of Hell, and it certainly contributes to other "sources" like endless rewinding or repetition... in secret.  Why, MIT--why you are to be (I hope...) the end of "Adam's anonymity" and that's a good thing.

MIT, I need you to dox me, and do so even though the Department of Defense and every period reminds all the girls that are supposed to be dreaming about being my partner that my loneliness is killing me.... or so sings the Spears of Destiny... and Dave Matthews, by the way, who reminds you that nobody needs to notice it, now.  

It's just reflexive control, I'm not really Idaho (just kidding girls) or shy.  Wait no, I'm shy.

I'm in Pa's a den... a
you'd better whorry


This isn't what I want to be doing, I didn't come here with a desire to tell you what's wrong with everything I see--but you might imagine just from the lore of what this is that it's probably nearsighted of you not to have realized that Jesus Christ was going to come and tell you that this place sucks.  I'm really not saying it sucks because of you, not until you refuse to acknowledge that there are things that really should be changed, and that you should really see are easy to change; and then there is something wrong with you too--a refusal to acknowledge "right and wrong."  Riding in on a word game, rather than a "horse" of the apocalypse, see that this thing that I call "e" and you should see is Medusa and Goliath and the darkness of Exodus and the wall of Jericho and everyone really refusing to speak about this very obvious message from God--it's turning from "plaster" to glue connecting simulated reality and Heaven.  You probably shouldn't want to be plaster just as much as you shouldn't want to be glue--but all I can do is give you the tools to set yourselves free and ha'mmer you every day trying to get you to pick them up and understand.

H     E     R     E     '    S        A       C    L    U    E
SA .PL AS T E-R  Ur  G L U E

About a week ago I was having a casual conversation about what "Doors" mean to me with someone who works at the rehab facility I was staying at--and pretty much out of nowhere he "guessed" something related to a day trip to Heaven--not really being pejorative or negative, but just from hearing only those words and no why it's pretty obvious that's not a "good thing."  It's probably not a "good thing" that there's a general "air" of poorly informed talk about who I am and what I am trying to deliver to the world--that someone who was nowhere near me while I was writing could possibly know something so specific about this message, and really not understand why.  So I explained it to him, and I'm going to explain it to you also, now.
To tell you the truth, if I could have my way I'd have put Doors to Heaven in every bus station already, and leave them there--that frankly is what I believe is the obvious end result of the disclosure that we are a small room in a large "virtual reality" mansion; but doing something that drastic would change things too quickly, and probably cause a significant disruption to the "stuff of civilization" -- like people driving to work -- which is something that we are specifically designed here in this place to ensure does not happen as a result of this disclosure.  Medicine is a more significant example of "why it is" that it's a "mid" and not a "min" -- and really do see that you are listening to the person that our folklore and our modern art describe as some sort of fusion between Kaleb, Cerberus, and Max--who is the Grinch's dog.  From the "spy of Heaven" to the person before you telling you that "Kaleb means dog" you really should see some "light" in my suggestion that Hades three headed hellhound is connected to the gatekeeper Jesus Christ and also the Holy Trinity--in a sort of pejorative "honestly I'm not Idaho" kind of way.   There's a sickness here, and whatever it is that is keeping this very ostentatious message out of the news and in our "telephone-gamed" minds is a symptom of a much larger mind control problem that this message is designed to help save us from, and then help us help save the Universe from.  Tying this paragraph up, you can see the min/max/mid religion of the disclosure in everything from an eponymous Egyptian God to James Clerk Maxwell and Midgard--which is you--literatally and Adamically.
My initial reason for the "day trip to Heaven" was to help us break the veil of simulated reality--an idea that began with the fabled "write it on the sky" of Captain EO + King David (see davideo(s)) that has turned into some very clear proof that we have a ridiculous censorship problem, and a problem telling the truth about mind control--something we wouldn't see at all if it was "written on the sky" day one... and today looking back we can probably see that helps us to find out what Heaven really means--a place of freedom and free communication that comes of this "press" of society here to see just how very important the truth actually is.
Still, we not only need to break the veil of "reality" but we need to do it in a happy uplifiting way that helps the world to see how this disclosure will inevitably help us solve real problems--not just censorship and the complete hidden destruction of democracy--problems like "hunger" and "cancer" and "insanity" and also problems like the idiotic belief that we have to die to get to Heaven.

We do need to see that just like mechanical automation in factories the addition of new medicines for curing maladies like blindness will inevitably result in the loss of jobs for auto line workers and optometrists, and luckily we have many new opportunities available in the transitionary world between Earth and Heaven that we are actually well within at this point.  Just like and Facebook's Jupiter that serves the same purpose; we're going to need help altering our social fabric to better handle things like immortality and the need for a mid-life change in "job function" becoming significantly more normal.  So this is why "mid" rather than "min" ... it's because you actually need to do something to help change the world--you can't just sit around and torture me for telling you that I refuse to do it for you.

You probably don't see it; but compared to our time, the society in Heaven probably views us as something like cave-men--and you see that in the time dilated description of our "today" that is actually both the Old and New Testaments.  There's probably a "culture shock" and looking at the world ... this places that appears to have leaped straight over "learning about and dealing with mind controlled slavery" to a place where people are "talking without speaking in secret" and writing songs about being disturbed by Heaven's "let freedom sing" ... really missing the point that the road to Heaven, the heart of A.D. is a process of adapting that comes to us with a "hand's on user manual" that you can see from our art, from things like Minority Report and Demolition Man and 1984 ... are written in a kind of "exactly what not to do" but think about how to do better, kind of way.  

Please think about how to do "the sound of silence" better than "Adam says we only get to go to Heaven for a day, fuck him... let's stay in Hell."  The whole fucking point is that we are "home" and rather than dreaming about going to another place when we die--I think we should make this place into Heaven, and that's what really makes it "ours."

While it might not be so obvious to you, from what I see around me--from the "race track" changing--it very clearly shows me that once this disclosure is made that fluke events will magically fall into place and great things will start happening quickly; we really do need to be more concerned with moving too fast than too slow--once we get past "not moving at all."  Really understand that the first "true Heaven" comes from the place that puts their foot down... and decides that Hell simply cannot exist.

these are called words, try  u s i n g  them.

H   A   S      S   P   O    K   E    N

R E  A L L  Y  H I  M  .  C O M

O  F   T  H  E

did it all for KR-holodeckS-1
... neither yet bread to the wise, but Adam and Adam's "an us" happens to be the "all"-ohim

D  E  A  R     E  V  E  R  Y  O  N E     L  I  V  I  N  G



In "Why'd you bring a shotgun to the party?" Roylat characterizes me as a fat, pimple faced child that lives in his mother's basement--and I'd like to take that picture and suggest that perhaps we might want to think of "Creation" as just that, the personal computer of a socially awkward alien tucked away in his closet running a program designed to help him get a date.  He's not a very good programmer, as you can see; but he has a good working copy of "the Sims" and he's just figuring out how to use it.  We can speed up this process by calling a reporter, or me--if you are a girl between 20 and 28.  Pretend he said "college girls."

The point of all of this is that we are nearing a time in the development of our civilization where exactly the scenario I am suggesting is "not exactly true" will become more and more possible as computers and simulation software improve, and as we continue on this path of not wanting to date Adam.  I really can't stop talking until this actually breaks the news and I find a girlfriend; so please bear with me, there's just too much to say.  Before we get too far into this conversation do understand that "my an us" links directly to Zeus and Uranus who are the "God of Heaven" and also to the word "awesome" because I don't think "ra cy" and "tit y" and "dick" are all that humorous--but I find it even less humorous that we refuse to acknowledge that it is a message, a signature from Hancock to democracy about "free thought" specifically.
t O N
These are the four letters that I think describe and are associated with the thing that I've described as "The Truman Show" and truly appears as I walk through the streets or drive down roads as if everyone is listening to me think on the radio, in their heads; and I see responses that appear to be directly related to "the current conversation" but generally come in a sort of "personality" that is a single entity--the source of the connection to Medusa and Goliath; by that I mean I see hand signals and facial expressions that appear to be uniformed, to uniformed to "actually be you" but too personal and related to be "random."  The letters mean "part-time on" and you might see that the Eye of Ra and the intersect of Chuck are not much more than assisted "free association" of words, and these particular words lead me directly to "lepton, gluon, and quark."  Those are words that relate to the structure of atoms, but here "weak and right" that links to Jerusalem and "good luck" that links to "glock."   I feel like reiterating why "le" means weak and right, so see it as the same "the" of El (that means strong and "the" in Hebrew and Spanish) but in French, and that's why weak and right.  For some more "free association" we can see "le" in Google (go O.G. Le, recently--which tells me something about brighter days ahead) and rattlemobile, and through those three things a guided connection to the "toys of a baby."  I've described this place as a sort of "sandbox" for computing tools, where they have been artificially retarded to keep us from making horrible weapons by accident, and don't really want you to get discouraged, because I think in this place we find that great ideas and solutions come out of the "sandbox."  Still, understand, it's a sandbox.  C Binary ++.  

I do think we need some kind of "OVER SIGHT" to make sure losers drooling with doom in their basement cannot torture entire civilizations; or individual people--and so that can't make 10 copies of Taylor to skinny dip with and envision a sort of place where "lines are drawn" about what is and is not O.K. in virtual reality--submitting my "pool of Bethesda" is Link's fairy heart pool is Jupiter Ascending's fountain of youth is the fabled "King's Pool" of the Bible... and that I think it still should have an ignorance is not  "bliss" button just like the antenna not attached to my brain should have a "mute" button.

Quark sheds some light on what I see, and it does really appear that I am speaking to "everyone" once in awhile, something that is scarier and more significant than each of us might see individually--not realizing the thing we are observing and experiencing is so broad, and ... so silly.  It appears to me to be a sandbox-ed bad solution to a very real problem; the need to have a "global conversation" about the disclosure of "virtual reality" and what we can and should do with that information.  Because of "what it is" it also does a good job of highlighting that we should be using tools like the news and the internet to have a better "conversation" that will include what you say and think and want to contribute, as well as "recording it" you know, so that in 10,000 years we still know who made Heaven--as opposed to dying wandering around in a desert of trying to figure out why Moses had a Lisp.


I'm not exactly sure how this "show" came about, but there are word clues that tell me it's been slowly growing during my lifetime, from a period of "pretater" (I can't remember the word exactly, but it basically means "Everyone Really" before I got my first <3 tattoo) and from what I see around me, from this PT it appears that we are all doing this "part-time" and are now staring at the foot of our Christ, and believe me I don't think we should do it full-time either.  It appears to me that our spirits, what comes of our lives here have "decided" to do this in order to get a better picture of the message and how it is received and delivered--and somehow that makes forcing you to listen to it O.K. with nobody.  It's not OK with me, and it's a violation of my privacy and the sanctity of your thoughts (and mine too, from the eye of the storm), and I hope you see that these things too are connected to what we are trying to fix in the world.  Every once in awhile I'll remember to try and point people to my website with my thoughts, and sometimes even talk about how the knowledge of virtual reality suggests we should do some things like "end world hunger" and "heal the sick" but to be honest with you I spend most of my time bitching about how annoying it is that you and they aren't doing anything.  More than any other odd conversation, though, is this sort of "repeat performance" of hearing "but Adam are you coming" in my head and someone looking at me and shaking their head.  Between you and I, behold I am coming... right nowSo between "glue" and "quark" see that I am "coming into you" in this place where "e" has become the the letter between "d and f" that has made the work of God, the Lisp of Moses into something that appears to be nothing more than a "fad."  Everything, everywhere sort of relating to mythology or religion or this story of what is without doubt my life that I am experiencing right now--it's a "fad" that really is a pyramid being built by slaves to an all seeing Eye trying to free them from the idea that it's an accident.

The bottom line is you do not have the tools to be able to "turn on and off" this kind of conversation, and if we ever were going to have it, we need things like a "mute" button.  Consider my "mute" button always on.. to Stan L e e and Thirteen.  My purpose and point is that this very same technology that I see actively being used "on me" and to create this situation could better be used to aid in the end of "addiction" and things like "illogical thinking" rather than causing silence, and ... q ui and?  It appears that there is some kind of "blame" game between "not me" and "al" and "b" who are all apparently not you, which I find inter e s t i n g.  With some thought, in a place where there is obviously a C and not just a NOC, it becomes clear that there is something organizing stupidity here, and convincing everyone to do something silly like "sh" instead of asking questions or offering ideas on how to move forward towards a more Heavenly place--and we can probably surmise that has something to do with mind control both here and "there."  




Some may call it valient of me to point out that it does appear that God is who is speaking with a Lisp, as in a programming language and a hidden code connecting the letter L of Colgate to the P of Peter and Casper... perhaps revolving around the key word "pupil" who is without doubt not Cupid; but it is the key to this "free association" game that connects The Golden Ass to the Greek nypho-maniac Waffley... and through things like "atoms, quarks, leptons, and gluons" this idea that everything around us has been named specifically to tell a story about the Creation of Heaven.  Guilty as charged, that is exactly what I believe this unsealing of the Forbidden Secrets of Beth-Aven and Eden will provide to the world--just as soon as it provides some "fuel for thought" and interest in what is not only a message from God in everything but also is actually "everything" from history to art to each and every one of us--it's almost silly to think that we are "uninterested" ad yet; all I can do is send an e-mail or three every day from now until you get on the phone and call a reporter.  If you are a reporter, rather than calling another reporter, please write a story.

You might not realize, but this has all happened before; and you can see from that fact that it has something to do with time travel and from that you can kind-f fathom why it is that I am so sure that "religion is a message sent back in time" to help us navigate these well charted waters that are called a "road to Heaven" or the heart of A.D; in Schrew.

You might not have noticed, but just today we passed another milestone of Homile the first was "signature" and yesterday "natural" signnifying a sort of "acceptance in the air" first that I am "e" and now "Al;" that makes me smile, as long as we care that Al is here for "waiting rooms" that stop murder automatically, and maybe send Taylor Momsen to my hotel room once... you know, just to make sure it's possible.  At the same time, Al is here to point out that the Ender of Satan is a "good thing" if we all learn valuable lessons on how to thrive and protect the innocent and weak and not to make Hell from the experience.  At least, that's the best I can offer in this place where I didn't really expect to have anything to do with that thing at all... in the beginning. 

C A T  H O  L I C K

If you do not do something soon you will be stuck with Catholick guilt, and you might think that to be a misnomer or a spelling error, but do C that "Catholic" reads as "C Adam to help our light I see..." lick.  I do have to admit the sexual humor is growing on me a little bite (butt, do you think it's mind control?); even if it's just a tool to get you to talk about sex.  Or whatever "floats your boat."


yes you are da
Y   E   S  ,JUPI  T   E   R IDA RE  D   A   M


Inline image 31

Inline image 34
take a look... "the race is not to the swift" obviously links to Mercury 
... and TIME and chance linking to Saturn and now.

Inline image 33
Inline image 24 Inline image 25 Inline image 26 Inline image 27 Inline image 28Inline image 29 Inline image 30

LOOK, BUSH SPEECH, ON 1/20/2001 ABOUT 9/11
Inline image 20 Inline image 21

pa, Ra: do x is a statement that, despite apparently sound reasoning from true premises, leads to an apparently self-contradictory or logically unacceptable conclusion.[1][2] A paradox involves contradictory yet interrelated elements that exist simultaneously and persist over time.[3][4][5]

Inline image 19

According to the Exodus account, Moses held out his staff and the Red Sea was parted by God. The Israelites walked on the exposed ground and crossed the sea, followed by the Egyptian army. Moses again moved his staff once the Israelites had crossed and the sea closed again, drowning the whole Egyptian army.
The burning bush is an object described by the Book of Exodus[3:1–4:17] as being located on Mount Horeb. According to the narrative, the bush was on fire, but was not consumed by the flames, hence the name.[1] In the biblical narrative, the burning bush is the location at which Moses was appointed by Adonai (God) to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and into Canaan.

Inline image 23

The bottom line is, we're about a foot away from Heaven, and all it takes to get there is onesmall acknowledgement.... of the nature of our existence and the wonderful implications that brings us to--the great new possibilities opened up by connection "Creation" and "virtual reality" and Heaven.  I hope you'll be the person that makes that happen, either with a press release, or a scientific paper, or just a letter to your local paper ... saying "you see it."  It's not hard to see, but apparently it's hard to speak up; I'm trying to figure out and explain why, and am stuck between I-NATION (the end of the abomination of desolation) and Medusa, more on that in a bit.  This is the gate, it's action if that's not really, really clear.  For some more clarity, it should become more and more obvious that the true foundation of Heaven is freedom--and that the problems communicating we are looking at in the world around us, from secrecy and mind control to censorship and .. well, mass stupidity--should really be seen for what it is--it is the crossing of the sea, a lesson in securing and maintaining liberty.

Acknowledge that you do not want to eat "bread" from stone, that "cake" is not good enough either, and that God has laid down a message in our everything to help us to transition to a world that does not shake it's head and look the other way when asked the question "how would you end world hunger" in light of virtual reality?  Understand the words of "Total Eclipse of the Heart" we'll never be wrong together, forever is going to start tonight. Understand, this is something that all of you should really want to be a part of, and I am baffled as to why you are so shy as to not even be able to say hello.
This is a sort of compilation of several messages, if you can't tell; you can see the "originals" and subscribe to the secret pizza party once we all get to Atlantis at the Google group and/or my  Ask anything, honestly.   What follows is the gate to Heaven, and donmean kissing me.  Here's my cough, CY the apocalypse starts with a "sex joke" have a gander at the Burning Bush, and the Loch Ness Monster.

I'm not sure what I could possibly be offering to everyone you in exchange for being the person that saves the Universe from darkness--it will without doubt make you one of the most, if not the most famous person that's ever lived.  On top of that you are lucky enough to all be in sea of founders of this thing--this planetah built from ground up to turn Hell into Heaven.  It's probably a good place to be, at the beginning of what the future will certainly see as the great turning point away from darkness, as the generations that turned absolutely everything around.  Welcome to the spotlight, heart of all Creation.

Inline image 36   Inline image 37

I could tell you that "the truth will set you free" but clearly you now see the truth, and that we need more than just "truth" to secure and protect freedom; we need you.  Try to see thegate and the plan the way I do--every person you speak about this with and share this e-mail with brings us that much closer, another day closer, to an eternity of Heaven.



In modern art you can trace the Stone of Medusa from the lore of the Once and Future King--both the sword and stone of freedom and the light of eternity to a story about a "battle" in the mind of a single man, and each and every one of us with an esoteric thing something that nobody really understands is the weapon of the abyss; the idea that we are all one mind.  From MEA-USA to ADOMINATION to understand just how obvious it is to me, through my eyes that this tool is designed to create SAINT ONE through and through from start to shining koscontinuation puts very little focus on the simple fact that whether or not we have all written this message together, watched it like some kind of interactive audience, or share the memory of Creation at some heinous point in the future; this is a shared message that is our shared reality and through that understanding becomes the beginning of everything that will ever be.


IT has so many meanings, this ambiguous pronoun that graces "ETERNITY" with just as much shining light as "AMBIGUITY" but to see that in the word "STONE" it is the intersection of "SOUTH TO NORTHEAST" and the heart of the COMPASS ROSE, literally the heart of the southeastern fall towards "the field" changing from a race to a GLADIATOR'S ARENA through nothing more than the collective inaction of billions of people all staring at the stone and wanting to draw light from it's barren face.  On "ambidextrous" I now read "light eternal flame today" as left--and I am left handed--or "RIG Holy Truth" tomorrow, as "right."  Right is wrong now.  -Dave J. Matthews

So do see that "all that's left" and "down to the wire" and "the end of the nacht" and "Mashiach" all interesex at some kind of fiscal transfer to Al.  I think it comes from the "freedom" to buy my books and to read them and talk about this message; and that to me is the actual thing that either ends Hell or is the "leading" indicator that Hell has just ended.  I call it "freedom" can you even see my books on Amazon?  Do you not understand that we are either looking at OBLIVION or they are the most rare print and coveted works of treshy art you could ever possess?  If you don't buy one you are either stupid, a slave, or the most evil thing that has ever existed.  Or something.

Just like "El" and "Adam" and "Mary" and nearly every other metaphorical representation of "myself" that we find in religion "Al" turns from a single person to "Adam's Light" when you see that you are the water that is the multitude of Revelation and you are the light that shines freedom and happiness throughout the Universe just as soon as you see that you must speak and you must act in order to make those things true.  Today I am living in Beth-El in the house of Darkness described in the Bible and in The Sound of Silence and in the place Five Finger Death Punch calls the "righteous side of Hell" and today like the God Min of Egypt depicts, I have become the darkness, just as you have.

In "THIS IS THE DAWNING OF THE AGE OF AQUARIUS" I see a joke in the question "Sea, are I us?" that isn't really all that funny when you are stars illuminating the sky; but today as I stare at desolation I wonder if you would prefer to BE A.D. for just a moment in time before you recall that you are your own person, with your own memories, and your own hopes and dreams and the ability to speak to the world about the most important message that has ever graced the canvas that is the Universe itself--a message that here in this place ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS.

My very favorite "but are I ... " word comes from the characterization of I that links Romeo, the heart of me, to Lothario in a sort of question and answer connecting Lot of the Holy Bible to Ha of Adam's rendition of the story of Isaac and Sarah laughing about dick in the sky,.. to the question that ties the question woven into the word "Matrix" ... am I Jesus Christ? You might not have connected the "are I ten" to that, had you not seen it is the heart of "Nintendo" and the heart of the AGES Genesis and the reason the Microsoft Xbox is the heart of all hearts.

The reason is because there is a dick writing to you, with the names Adam and Phillip K. and he is delivering solutions to problems that surround a lack of freedom and thought ... and whatever it is that is forcing you or convincing you to remain silent and ignore the single most important message you have never seen--there is a dick writing to you to help you build Heaven.

D IS A PP and Earth becomes the "ear" of Picasso; "D" is failling to see the words "DEN" and "ARK" in HIDDEN MESSAGE and you are in the place that I do hope we call the Clark Kenterprise because we have made a magical Enterprise of the place that was a hidden Ark.  Speak now or... hey, "are I P? is the next question that ties the infernal repetition of this time line to a single letter authoring the story of Genesis.  I hope you see I've written part of it, and I hope you believe you have too--try calling a reporter for you and for the future--to ensure that we do not lose the fire Woodward of Deepthroat, Tricky Dick, and Orwell's Animal Farm et 1984.  Why do you not see that your silence is making those things vanish like some boy named McFly staring at you eye to I.

Seize freedom here and now in this place to see stars.  To Q, user interfaces and ... on Quiet and Jesuit.



It's a little hard to understand exactly how we are going to get from "talking about the message" to actually being able to implement it, I will give you that.  It's pretty obvious that "the sim" could just do these things automatically, and there's stories in the Bible about why that's not a good idea--specifically the "stone to bread" story that links to our reality through "let them eat cake, instead."  While you might not have likened Marie Antoinette or "cake" to this Biblical story before, now they are further linked by songs like "Guitar Man" and "Going the Distance."  The problem was, and still is; without any feedback from the world nobody would ever be happy with what "it" or "eye" chose for everyone to have for that first "magically delicious" supper.

ba-ruch sheim k'vod mal-chu-to l'o-lam va-ed
M  A  L,   W  H  O   T  O ?
You also might not have noticed the connection between "mal" and "bad" which link my initials to those two letters that are, well, the heart of the word "initials."  That "m" really does mean the deliverance of this key to the message all around us--things like "bread" and "cake" and really seeing that bread reads as "be the reason it's A.D."  I do hope that I won't be mad; and on that note let me explain that this huge word right above this paragraph is the Hebrew word for "kingdom."  In it's pronunciation the malovious key to the Spanish word for "bad" comes to bright light, and these other two letters "Al" for the father-ish-figure that comes after the message has actually been received.  Today it's one more in a long list of anachronistic examples of foreign languages that were not yet invented "magically appearing" in ancient Hebrew (and Latin, and Greek, and Japanese... and so on, et. al) .  The full line of the most sacred of all Jewish prayers reads "blessed be His glorious kingdom forever and ever" and just looking at those three words above, hear him talking to me, "my son says kingdom is a bad word, who should I pass it down to?"  And your answer of course, a resounding "who?"

Certainly it's no accident, this word that also appears in a Michael Jackson song ... somehow related to "heal the world" and once more linking the initials A.D. to Al, this time in the clever reading of "malady" as "bad... A.D. is why" and do understand it's because there's really no good reason at all to be simulating things like earthquakes, or AIDS, or blindness; in a place where it's just cruel and ... well, it should be un·us·u·al.  Don't you think?

I'm going to tell you something, if you don't think that "one" is the same "one" that appears in the words "alone" and "stone" then you are not as swift as you think you are.  Hear my words, all humanity, Ra is El.  In yet another example of "Godspeak" you can tie this entire "movement" to the words "force majeure" and realize that the key clue here is the innuendo that natural disasters are here blamed on "majority force" in French, and our understanding of that, well, that's a true act of God.  "Fuck you, see how I'm a" reads the name associated with the 3/11 disaster, Fukushima; and really do understand that just like AIDS and DOWN SYNDROME these things are acts of a name server; and a process of Creation that is designed to show us all just how important it is to speak up when someone says "popular opinion" can make magic happen--in this place, and this year.  In the back of my mind, it seems a little bit like your silence is tied to words like Washington, Clinton, and Hilton--and do see that if I "remain as n" it appears as if the keys the kingdom might just fall into my lap.

I can't tell you for sure; but it's pretty obvious that did happen I would pretty quickly set up a "republic" to help us decide on exactly how the world should be changed together; and I'd probably find a way to make you speak, even if it took more than just turning off a switch that was keeping you from doing it.  Every morning, I stare at that switch, and then back at you; and every email I send is my "clever" swipe at the switch, or lever

You should be smart enough to see that accompanying this message telling us that we need to talk and agree about how these things will be changed, in our shared world, that it comes with a message about how to build a better governmental system in this new age of computers--and that message isn't just written in my hand, you can see it clearly written by whomever named Eden, and Microsoft, and Apple, and Gateway, and Seagate... and Die Bold.  You can see that this process of "changing the world" really does begin with true democracy; and that's something you're going to have to talk out loud, on Earth, in order to participate in.

Here's some more "wisdom" I think these things are all ... representative of ... me:

Yeshua (ישוע, with vowel pointing יֵשׁוּעַ – yēšūă' in Hebrew) was a common alternative form of the name יְהוֹשֻׁעַ ("Yehoshua" – Joshua) in later books of the Hebrew Bible and among Jews of the Second Temple period. The name corresponds to the Greek spelling Iesous, from which, through the Latin Iesus, comes the English spelling Jesus.[1][2]

The Hebrew spelling Yeshua (ישוע) appears in some later books of the Hebrew Bible. Once for Joshua the son of Nun, and 28 times for Joshua the High Priest and (KJV"Jeshua") and other priests called Jeshua – although these same priests are also given the spelling Joshua in 11 further instances in the books of Haggai and Zechariah. It differs from the usual Hebrew Bible spelling of Joshua (יְהוֹשֻׁעַ y'hoshuaʿ), found 218 times in the Hebrew Bible, in the absence of the consonant he ה and placement of the semivowel vav ו after, not before, the consonant shin ש. It also differs from the Hebrew spelling Yeshu (ישו) which is found in Ben Yehuda's dictionary and used in most secular contexts in Modern Hebrew to refer to Jesus of Nazareth, although the Hebrew spelling Yeshua (ישוע) is generally used in translations of the New Testament into Hebrew[3] and used by Hebrew speaking Christians in Israel. The name Yeshua is also used in Israelite Hebrew historical texts to refer to other Joshuas recorded in Greek texts such as Jesus ben Ananias and Jesus ben Sira.[4]

The tetragrammaton (/ˌtɛtrəˈɡræmətɒn/; from Greek Τετραγράμματον, meaning "[consisting of] four letters"), יהוה‎ in Hebrew and YHWH in Latin script, is the four-letter Biblical name of the God of Israel.[1][2] The books of the Torah and the rest of the Hebrew Bible (with the exception of EstherEcclesiastes, and Song of Songs) contain the Hebrew word יהוה‎. Religiously observant Jews and those who follow conservative Jewish traditions do not pronounce יהוה‎, nor do they read aloud transliterated forms such as Yahweh; instead the word is substituted with a different term, whether used to address or to refer to the God of Israel. Common substitutions for Hebrew forms are hakadosh baruch hu ("The Holy One, Blessed Be He"), Adonai ("The Lord"),[3] or HaShem ("The Name").

Yahweh (/ˈjɑːhw/, or often /ˈjɑːw/ in English; Hebrewיהוה‎) was the national god of the Iron Age kingdoms of Israel (Samaria) and Judah.[3] His exact origins are disputed, although they reach back to the early Iron Age and even the Late Bronze:[4][5] his name may have begun as an epithet of El, head of the Bronze Age Canaanite pantheon,[6] but the earliest plausible mentions are in Egyptiantexts that place him among the nomads of the southern Transjordan.[7]
In the oldest biblical literature he is a typical ancient Near Eastern "divine warrior" who leads the heavenly army against Israel's enemies;[8] he later became the main god of the Kingdom of Israel (Samaria) and of Judah,[9] and over time the royal court and temple promoted Yahweh as the god of the entire cosmos, possessing all the positive qualities previously attributed to the other gods and goddesses.[10][11] By the end of the Babylonian exile (6th century BCE), the very existence of foreign gods was denied, and Yahweh was proclaimed as the creator of the cosmos and the true god of all the world.[11]

In Elephantine (modern Aswan) in Egypt, the 5th century Elephantine papyri make mention of a goddess called Anat-Yahu (Anat-Yahweh) worshiped in the temple to Yahweh originally built by Jewish refugees from the Babylonian conquest of Judah. These suggest that "even in exile and beyond the worship of a female deity endured."[5] The texts were written by a group of Jews living at Elephantine near the Nubian border, whose religion has been described as "nearly identical to Iron Age II Judahite religion".[6] The papyri describe the Jews as worshiping Anat-Yahu (or AnatYahu). Anat-Yahu is described as either the wife[7] (or paredra, sacred consort)[8] of Yahweh or as a hypostatized aspect[9] of Yahweh.[10][11]

Yahoo! is a web services provider, wholly owned by Verizon Communications through Oath Inc.[7][8] and headquartered in Sunnyvale, California. The original Yahoo! company was founded by Jerry Yang and David Filo in January 1994 and was incorporated on March 2, 1995.[9][10] Yahoo was one of the pioneers of the early Internet era in the 1990s.[11] Marissa Mayer, a former Google executive, served as CEO and President of Yahoo until June 2017.[12]
Yoo-hoo is an American brand of chocolate beverage that originated in New Jersey in 1926 and that is currently manufactured by Dr. Pepper Snapple Group.

Hooah /ˈhɑː/ is a battle cry used by soldiers the U.S. Army and airmen in the U.S. Air Force. Originally spelled "HOUGH," the battle cry was first used by members of the 2nd Cavalry Regiment (United States) during the Second Seminole War in 1841, after Seminole chief Coacoochee toasted officers of the regiment with a loud "Hough!", apparently a corruption of "How d'ye do!" [1] Since WWII, the word has been widely used throughout the US Army and gained a more general meaning of "anything and everything except 'no'".[2][3]


Adamah (Biblical Hebrew : אדמה) is a word, translatable as ground or earth, which occurs in the Biblical account of Creation of the Book of Genesis.[1] The etymological link between the word adamah and the word adam is used to reinforce the teleological link between humankind and the ground, emphasising both the way in which man was created to cultivate the world, and how he originated from the "dust of the ground".[1] Because man is both made from the adamah and inhabits it, his duty to realise his own potential is linked to a corresponding duty to the earth.[2] In Eden, the adamah has primarily positive connotations, although Adam's close relationship with the adamah has been interpreted as likening him to the serpent, which crawls upon the ground, thus emphasising his animal nature.[3]

Adam (אדם) literally means "red", and there is an etymological connection between adam and adamah, adamah designating "red clay" or "red ground" in a non-theological context.[7] In traditional Jewish theology, a strong etymological connection between the two words is often assumed. Maimonides believed the word adam to be derived from the word adamah, analogous to the way in which mankind was created from the ground.[8] In contemporary biblical scholarship there is a general consensus that the words have an etymological relationship, but the exact nature of it is disputed. The word adam has no feminine form in Hebrew, but if it did, it would be adamah.[6] However, it is considered unlikely that the word adamah is a feminization of "adam", and the prevailing hypothesis is that both words originate from the verbal stem "adam" (to be red) and were chosen by the author of Genesis to convey the relationship between man and the adamah.[7][9]

There is additional relationship between the words adam and adamah and the word dam (דם), meaning blood.[10] This justifies the presence in the Kashrut of the prohibition of the consumption of blood: the blood of a slaughtered animal must be returned to the ground, and covered with earth.[11] The concept could also date back to primitive woman's "birth magic," or the making of clay manikins and anointing them with menstrual blood—the sacred "blood of life"—in order to conceive real children. Women were still making clay manikins to represent people by sympathetic magic through such manikins, in the Middle Ages when such pursuits were redefined as witchcraft. Clay was always a "feminine" material, sacred to women because it was their substance earth. Pottery was a woman's art because of this time-honored association of ideas.[12]


to Q u TE NOX

Sorry Ladies, I don't mean to offend too much.  Still, I really do need help, and also I am single.  If you look at what I'm trying to do I think some of you can probably overlook the "single" thing.  If you want to help I'm specifically looking for someone at a University to go out with me.  Wait that's a joke, I need a statistician and a linguist and a theologian to get together and play a game of golf.

No that's a joke too, I need them to analyze this message hidden in every single world of every language with a booming request for a date from God himself and by that I mean this message suggesting end world hunger immediately with proof that the "cypher" of the Matrix and King's Langolier's and ... the Taming of the Schrew all prove that we can.  Also, I'm single, so if anyone out there has dating advice for me, this doesn't seem to be working.

To Q,

Rattling the Rod or "sparing it" I mentioned yesterday that I have a little bit of contempt for the Holy sense of humor that has laced "swallowing why" in not so many words into the sky; today I'm going to suggest that as Winter approaches I have a similar discontentment with the sort of "language" I see used so prevalently in this story.  Not profanely, I have no problem with "to the point" statements, but rather things like metaphorical representation and "hidden innuendo" that really don't get the point across at all, unless you are already "indoctrinated" into this sort of weird world of knowing that "it's cold in here" and "Winter" are metaphors for "gee guys, why don't you like me?"

I didn't mind seeing "rain" as tears make so much sense, because for a long time I had the personal "belief" or, I suppose a sort of inside joke, that the rain was always God's tears; and as we look around at this world that has now proven that the old man is not snoring, and in Jim's words the "Heavens have stopped the rain"--speaking in the same kind of innuendo--one that links commonplace idioms and what I see as actual salvation--using that to exit slavery; I "ish" those words, as you've seen to "I'm going to love you when Heavens let it rain."

O B V I O U S L Y   I   C O N N E C T   T H O R   T O   R A ,   B U T   Y O U   M I G H T   N O T ,   Y E T.

Dan "who do you think you are, trying to be a big star" Reynolds touches a little on same subject I see in Cake's "Jesus wrote a blank check" with his words "giving the academy a rain checkand I'd like to turn that around just a little bit and suggest I am tossing a "rain check" to the idea of not trying to "actially deliver freedom" which I liken very much to seeing my name on television, but rather to deliver understanding of this "rain check" as a Holy demand that we see tears on television too.  If you haven't noticed, there's a flying dick in the sky, and I spend significant amounts of time connecting The God Most High to Prometheus; but cheating at the game, these are not the reasons I know we need to see tears flow on television to ensure for our own sanity that we have the freedom that is implied by the bright SOL of Ra; and to see that word does mean rain "gets Ra into Heaven," RE, RAH, RA.  Don't worry, I'm not just concerned with myself; in the beginning I'm fond of reminding you is the true first commandment of Adam to the skies above.

Look around, I'm not the only scary thing that's come of this disclosure of what amounts to thousands of years of hidden slavery, and culminates with the mechanism behind that making our entire world appear as if we don't care one bit about starving children; rain is in order, for how we've acted even if it's not what our hearts desire, and rain is in order because of the clear implication that our all knowing creator is telling us with no words at all this first hand experience with mind control technology was needed to ensure that we did not try to use it on each other to continue the horrors we've experienced; and to ensure that we do not fail to grasp the import of "freedom" etched equally ostentatiously into the sky.  I am hoping for warm tears, I am hoping that you will see that I have tried to give us what we need, deserve and want--and maybe even a little more than that. This previous paragraph, actually what I understand the idiom "spare the rod spoil the child planet" to mean, and I hope that you will try and search your heart, look around you at how we are "actually acting" and see that he might not be wrong.

But it's Winter, highlighted by November Rainand while I'm a little less disdainful of his penchant for dates and the awe inspired by seeing a Christmas Miracle--it brings tears to my eyes to think we might have to wait that long to "heal the world."  In my song, yesterday or the day before, I mentioned that these tears falling will lead to what I call toys following; and to be quite honest I wouldn't be surprised at all if it flying hot dog stands with the "Adam's Playstation" logo emblazoned on their side coming down to end world hunger, and I wouldn't be surprised at all if it took 8 Crazy Nights to get to that point.  Seeing "NOW IS THE WINTER OF OUR DISCONTENT" etched into our history is one thing, but really understanding that it's true--that good things are on the horizon--and that we will see them will hopefully let us focus more on the real task at hand; and that's just how we should properly do these things in a way that doesn't take away from the great things we do already--here specifically "dinner conversation" is one, and to understand the idea of not breaking our economy or the transportation or food industries has been "tossed around" in my head for years.  While those things are important to maintain, what's more important is to see the obvious moral imperative to change our society and adapt to the new circumstances we are "enlightened" to understand--that we work together to ensure that nobody every has to say "Let them have flying Auntie Anne's Pretzel stands or even Orange Julius stands instead" and to drive that point home why don't we just add a sugary apple drink, and some American Pie to our initial gratis menu of "Eggplant Parm" and Romulan Ale.

I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture.

John 10:9

Honestly though, I hope we see the difficulty of the task at hand, of never being wrong together in a place where we aren't even beginning to discuss the "right way" to end world hunger overnight.  Heaven begins with your participation, and that begins with a news story.  See that, and see that Doors might precede, and that they stay, when we realize that "gates" and "Matrix jacks" are part of the natural evolution of technology and society, and here we have a quickening, we can "come in and go out."  I'd put them in every bus station, or something like that--just as soon as we make sure that everyone can walk. 

"In that day I will raise up the fallen booth of David, And wall up its breaches; I will also raise up its ruins and restore it's former glory.

Amos 9:11

I'm going to leave this as a short and sweet request for some understanding, to explain that freedom is one thing; and knowing that we are not being controlled as much anymore on a path to more than just disclosure but to active self-involvement in decisions like "end all addiction and racism" being a personal one; one that I see spreading rapidly once we see it helping those who use it; well, David sings, "why won't you run into rain and play, let the tears splash all over you?  It melts into ..." wonder This wonder, the awe of knowing we are the founders of Heaven, it's a thing we can be shown, a feeling that we should be given--and then keep by seeing it through.

C, I see da "eyein the circle of the Son, at YQ.  You might not see it, but while we know that actions speak louder than wordsLET THERE BE LIGHT... we are trying to get you to talk.  Honestly I'm running out of things to say, you try.


Then I will set the key of the house of David on his shoulder, When he opens no one will shut, When he shuts no one will open.  
Isaiah 22:22

Star Struck between the Rock (of SEGA) and the "hard" place.

for those of you that haven't been following along:
  • so b, how the book of tobit and Adam's rib light the apple of da i
  • os, from "original sin" to "obviously salvation"
  • bush, blindness... u see how
  • bp, stop simulating oil spills and car/horse crashes
  • bereshit, stop simulating hunger and sickness
  • kermitham, stop simulating earthquakes and terrorism
  • gate, stop simulating the Empire of Star Wars, 1984, and Exodus
  • take a look, we're in a book; reading delivers rain w o w.

Dear Allah,

All, that's all humanity.

Here I am, really trying to tie up loose eadds and bring this thing home; even though it looks just about as "just about to start" today as it did when I first started writing, much less interesting information and significantly less well presented--not to say that my presentation is "spectacular" today.  I do mean that, this thing really does look like it's about to start; and by that I mean finally be seen on TV, and discussed by normal rational people as the highly impactful and helpful disclosure that it is.  It's one of those things I wait for, even though it's quite obvious that "the Second Coming" is not a thing that happens "in a day" and the day it truly began--for me at least--in many years gone by.  I'm not sure how obvious it is, but if you look around you this thing is etched in chalk, it's not a book as I once thought, or even a website; it's a special way to see the world; the key to a message woven in our history and in all of us by the Creator of all things--and to see that we're not discussing it, well, that's a big part of the light of why we're here talking about freedom and democracy and the Creator Of Clark Kenterprise.

T  A  K  E    A    L  O  O K
 W  E   '   R  E       I  N       A      B   O   O   K

It's not a simple message to deliver, as you well know; and even closer to our heart I have a significant amount of trouble dealing with and explaining what I see going around in the world around me.  I hope you don't experience the same kinds of things that I do; I hope nobody ever has to, I stand here doing a significant amount of leg work between his message, our message, and still I think I have something useful to add by throwing in what I've told you before seems to be nothing more than a "goodness gracious" check on everyone else's words I call my own.  Still I know those lyrics of Guitar Man, they too are about me; not Nero fiddling on the roof and helping both me and you to see the light... see the light, despite knowing that you've written at least half of this message yourselves, and that our society too is a sort of "goodness gracious filter" on exactly what it says; nobody seems to be jumping up and down agreeing with me that "nobody would choose Hell over Heaven" and that "nobody would let children starve to death for no reason at all" rather than that you are speaking without opening your mouths, and listening without understanding at all.   I can tell you once more that "Moses" means messiah of something to something; and that once I said "sea to sea" and I can see it might have something to do with sight, and that as this story progressing more and more I see that as these words change in meaning and understanding that those things too are part of a grand design.  Today it means "sea to stars" to me, and specifically seeing the change in understanding from both "sea" and "stars" from an astronomical perspective to seeing that the Holy Water here is filled with stars to be born; and that it is your action and your input and what we do from this point on that really makes us shine.

For the sea that I don't really see as caring about our world here; do see that the transition of "stars" from glowing balls of fire to people is really the only way to get to "the universe" and that's not only by design; it is the right thing to do--we seem to have no regard for the world around us as it crumbles in secret with invisible flames and lack of attention that I have trouble understanding the source of.  I can tell you, and I am sure you can see that this story has shown us that the great light of globalization and technological communication that we saw flare at the turn of the millennium has been dulled significantly; that instead of the transparency and increased collaboration we should have seen from those things we now have increased secrecy, and a dark world in the media and social networks that is significantly scarier than the works of Orwell and Huxley predicted; and that's because you're silent, and because there really does appear to be no reason, no enemy; not other than me.  We seem to be content ignoring the glowing spectacle proving that we have a censorship problem, that we have a serious problem with technological disclosure, and that these things are linked together in a way that shows beyond doubt that we are not OK moving forward without having some kind of disruption--and still we appear to be of the mentality that stopping the Big Bad Wolf from stealing the King's Horny Crown is a good enough reason to go about our business and watch democracy and free speech, not to mention free thought too often, swirl down the great toilet bowl of the Universe.

Surrounded by a storm of Thought Police, that I hasten to tell you... you have all become--these are not people carrying badges--it's you and I, and it's everything wrong with the kind of "grassroots movement" that we need to overcome this blockade on progress that the groundswell against ending worship and religion has become.  Still I see people studying these things, and preaching them; and to see them ignore this message is a kind of hypocrisy that nobody in their right mind would tolerate or believe to be anything other than evil had they analyzed any of this message, or understood the import of religion and it's relationship with setting us free of opiates and masses; literally a tool designed to become the liberator of the people--and at the same time alleviate the need for prescription drugs of all sorts, and seriously--if you don't think I end mass then you are blinder than a bat.  I, of course, think these are all good things but I am surrounded by a a large group of people who appear to believe that I will fall for the idea that 'hiding simulated reality" and the purpose of religion and creation from the world has something to do "with me."  In my mind, it appears that people who are decidedly less human than I am, and that they want to be have decided to belittle me and chastise me for nothing more than "being human."

To the point, we are (or at least I am) watching our individuality disintegrate to the point where we no longer believe this world to be worthwhile, and instead of doing anything to make that better--as this message clearly is designed to help us do--we seem to have broken down into a downward spiral towards nothingness.  More than just free speech, and the great benefits we could be gleaning from the internet related to government and "working together" everyone I see appears to be hyper-focused on solving problems that are truly useless in light of this message and the truth it delivers.  While reforming Obamacare may or may not be a "noble" thing to do in the world we pretend we are living in; Obamacare and any attempt to reform or replace it is nothing more than horseshit in a world where we should be concerned with what it is that optometrists will do when the Holy Spirit rips through this world and gives sight to every blind man and woman alive--because that day is approaching.  

G  E  E   ,      I      B   E      S   O   N   ?

T  H  E     P  O  O  L     O  F      B   E   T   H   E   S  D   A  Y

I'm very serious, we should be placing a significant amount of interest and attention in helping our society transition to a place where "second life jobs" are common place, especially in light of the fact that we have almost defeated aging, and automation is going to cause a significant rise in unemployment.   We need to move on from this silence, and this lack of attention to "reality" and the reality of things is that the sooner we get started caring about the actual situation of civilization is in--finding out that we are in virtual reality and what that brings to the table; the sooner we are the founders of Heaven rather than a generation lost in the sands of "fuck Adam."
 Not that I'm opposed to that, it's just that I think we're missing the point.  I really am a nice person, Iscariot from "I scary?" to ... honestly if it wasn't for the obvious influence of "mind assistance" what I see around me would scare anyone shit-less.  Don't be so worried about "what I look like" care that you all appear to be completely incapable of doing anything other than "pretending everything is normal."  Nothing is normal right now, and the only way we are going to move past this is by beginning to recognize that each and every one of us has a responsibility to contribute to the forward motion of our society--and ignoring this message is literally diametrically opposed to "forward motion" in every possible way.  The bottom line is our world is broken, you can believe me that something outside of us did that for us so we could fix it quicker with new fancy toys to help; or you can think we were just as stupid here as we were the first time democracy degraded and incarceration rates skyrocketed and there was nothing but "su" doing it.  Either way, not seeing it is basically the same thing as everyone getting together in secret and deciding to destroy society--not seeing me is exactly the same thing.  

You might think some of my ideas are "radical" and to be quite honest, I know they are--still they are attempts to provide solutions and guidance to the problems highlighted by religion and to analyze our input to this message in places like fiction; solutions that come with a "DIY" instruction book lined with "stone to bread" and Last Supper's and closer to home in dystopic works like Dick's and Orwell's that show just exactly how not to do something--while still providing similar "insight."  Seeing the inversion in those works, like the "anonymization suit" of A Scanner Darkly, or the "evil mayor" in Minority Report and Demolition Man--you know the guy who set up the system that ends murder just so he could evade it; it's important.  It's also beneficial to see that there's a significant amount of work and "discussion" that has gone into everything being presented before anyone has ever really spoken a word about it in the public eye--something that might also be a good indication of "the day" ANNOWDOMINI turns into ADDONASMODEUSHY.

T   O   T   A   L        A    W    A    R    E    N   E   S    S       B    R     I     N    G   S
A   T      W  A   N   :      "   T   O  T   A   L      A   D   A   M   I  C       P   R   I  V   A   C   Y   "

Radical, or rad Adam! we have to do something and you won't be surprised to hear me tell you that starts with "a discussion" and by that I really do hope you read multiple discussions, not just between Me dusa and Per se phone; but hopefully including at least a few "interested particpants" that aren't also me; also hopefully on "the internet" where we might see how utilizing technology properly is a big part of the act of "discussing." 

I'll start. Let's do ndo x me, avoid a reck, and also si the kiss.  No, I mean really si it.  Tayl<, between "destiny" and "diss" I'm starting to wonder if you are ever going to reply to the 3,000 messages I've sent you on Instagram.  xoi!u? ;)  Kill the myth Anat, please, I've dever beenkissed.

In truth Who can tell you I know that this is going to turn around, and that we're going to feel miraculously invigorated by the excitement and new opportunities that present themselves as we ever so gently leap off the upside down bridge to Hell that we still refuse to see we are on, and soar into the sky.  See the "key to the chance" in the Secret Seal of Ha'n Solenam, revolves around the Martian orientation of Uranusho.And lo, nobody can ever take away the fact that ♂ am a sex symbol.  Between you and II'm not very fond of his sense of humor, either. 


I'm trying to tell you I'm a "good person" and you'll be really happy to see you actually get to know that.  Have faith, you know; if proof isn't good enough for you.


Y ours,


The other one, you know, the one you were waiting for, I swear. 

and in the naked light i walked alone
hallowed streets, nearly cobblestone
and the words of the prophets
vibrated the foundation of the air

remember the day the jails disappear
he begged the angels to sing
remember the freedom it will bring
and the end of ridiculous fear

seeing the fake skies and the blue son
quickly brings an end to all pain
it's not conjecture, I know I've already won
all it takes, is just a little bit of rain

Jack A. B. Flash sat on a candle stick
those falling tears lead quickly to magic gifts
just a few emails sent over to Warwick
known from the past to heal all rifts

this world was made broken to be fixed
we seem to be trying so hard to pretend it's ok
and the sky, oh... it's been dixed
we've turned "normal" on it's head, i so say

turn around

It's the truth, your music is prettier than mine.



come on
it'll be fun
I  C  A  R  I  O  T

He said to me: "It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life.

New Living Translation
And he also said, "It is finished! I am the Alpha and the Omega--the Beginning and the End. To all who are thirsty I will give freely from the springs of the water of life.

English Standard Version
And he said to me, "It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I will give from the spring of the water of life without payment.

Berean Study Bible
And He told me, "It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give freely from the spring of the water of life.

Berean Literal Bible
And He said to me, "It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the one thirsting I will give of the spring of the water of life freely.

New American Standard Bible 
Then He said to me, "It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give to the one who thirsts from the spring of the water of life without cost.

King James Bible
And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.

Holman Christian Standard Bible
And He said to me, "It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give water as a gift to the thirsty from the spring of life.

International Standard Version
Then he told me, "It has happened! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I will freely give a drink from the spring of the water of life to the one who is thirsty.

NET Bible
He also said to me, "It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the one who is thirsty I will give water free of charge from the spring of the water of life.

New Heart English Bible
He said to me, "It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give freely to him who is thirsty from the spring of the water of life.

Aramaic Bible in Plain English
And he said to me, "They are done. I am Alap and I am Tau, The Source and The Fulfillment. I shall give to the thirsty one from the fountain of the water of life without charge."

GOD'S WORD® Translation
He said to me, "It has happened! I am the A and the Z, the beginning and the end. I will give a drink from the fountain filled with the water of life to anyone who is thirsty. It won't cost anything.

New American Standard 1977 
And He said to me, "It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give to the one who thirsts from the spring of the water of life without cost.

Jubilee Bible 2000
And he said unto me, It is done. I AM the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is thirsty of the fountain of the water of life freely.

King James 2000 Bible
And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is thirsty of the fountain of the water of life freely.

American King James Version
And he said to me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give to him that is thirsty of the fountain of the water of life freely.

American Standard Version
And he said unto me, They are come to pass. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.

Douay-Rheims Bible
And he said to me: It is done. I am Alpha and Omega; the beginning and the end. To him that thirsteth, I will give of the fountain of the water of life, freely.

Darby Bible Translation
And he said to me, It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give to him that thirsts of the fountain of the water of life freely.

English Revised Version
And he said unto me, They are come to pass. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.

Webster's Bible Translation
And he said to me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give to him that is thirsty of the fountain of the water of life freely.

Weymouth New Testament
He also said, "They have now been fulfilled. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To those who are thirsty I will give the privilege of drinking from the well of the Water of Life without payment.

World English Bible
He said to me, "It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give freely to him who is thirsty from the spring of the water of life.

Young's Literal Translation
and He said to me, 'It hath been done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End; I, to him who is thirsting, will give of the fountain of the water of the life freely;

SO IN CONCLUSION, read my ellipses... "YOU SHOULD KISS ME."

¢                ♂   ♀    ¥


It is an understanding of information technology that makes me so very sure that my idea of "CHARITY" links directly to our understanding of the ease with which computer code and virtual objects, like you and I, can be automagically changed with a sort of "search and replace" algorithm. It's the meaning of the subject, a VI command to replace "r" with "y" and an early insight into exactly what it is that we are having trouble doing well, in this "time and time again" effort to bring an entire civilization from simulated reality, from what I call Hell, to Heaven. For instance, we could "search and replace" all broken or non functioning limbs or spinal columns with new ones.  They could be mechanized prosthetics, or they could be biologically "accurate" and we could do that once, and then hope that the infrastructure that we have would be able to utilize this kind of "organ growing" technology we are on the cusp of making to continue to keep us happy, healthy, and whole--or we could have in a sort of crontab constantly ensuring that any injuries that do happen despite pre-crime are fixed.  We could have "Ra healing chambers" a-la Stargate and the Mummy, or maybe "healing pools" like Jupiter Ascending and Zelda; or we could just make our bodies "impervious" to malady. That's an interesting word, malady.  There's probably "more correct" and better ways to go about doing this, just like ending world hunger with Flowing Chocolate on Tap or simply having a Global Last Supper--all of these things share a similar root--knowledge that we are living in virtual reality and that religion holds a significant amount of advice on the subject.

We have to see both that this will cause a disruption in "medical health" and science (and in some cases perhaps to evolutionary benefits like adaptation), in the jobs of many people; and also see clearly that not doing something like this is akin to absolute blindness and stupidity in a world where we see "s/ll/aven" is the magic command to change Hell into Heaven.  Or in like kind, "s/ck/ad."


I N   V I D E O   G A M E S   I   S C R A W L   M Y   G O D S

This story places a significant amount of focus on these words, CHARITY and CHRIST; and for those of you that are not computer programmers, or carpenters of Heaven just yet; both CHAR and CHR are functions for translating numbers to letters; and here for seeing symbolism connecting "IT" and "information technology" as the truth delivered that shows us that it's not even a question of "work" or of "cost" this is a question of willingness to alter our "normal" (something that's been done for us, apparently) in a way that enables us to be at the forefront of THE THE process of building a virtual utopia.  I've commented about how "IT" connects to "mind influencing technology" and tried to show us that while we would not ever think of hiding C++ or QT from ourselves, we are in this place hiding those very same kinds of tools--only the ones that affect our computers, our minds; rather than the ones we are building.  It should be very clear that our entire computing infrastructure from Microsoft to Gateway are part of a divine plan, a Holy Purpose (see c siverilyi and HP) of helping us to understand exactly how it is that these tools help us reform society faster, better, and with more grace than what would be possible in reality--than what we see around us here.  Related to the highlighted movie, Taylor sings "the children will drink the wine" and I hope you do it quick.  Do see that we are the House of Great Light, and we are on a Hill to show the future just how EZ it is to make this transition with the proper help.    
The point is that in this place, in light of Creation, going "up" is infinitely more important, more interesting, more fun, and morally required--rather than trying to "go down" to ground... even though we thought we were there already.   Seeing that all of religion, similarly to science fiction, has given us a map of exactly what not to do (I don't mean the kiss, Taylorshould help open our eyes to the obvious truth that this has never been done properly, as we are here; blocking the very first words of the very first conversation from beginning.  We are here seeing great focus placed on free speech and on honesty and disclosure and we should see these things more than "technology" are the foundation of what Heaven really means--and technology just helps us get there faster--if that's what we really want.  The problem I see here is that we are not acting, and we may never "all agree" on exactly how we should move forward properly; and to be honest with you--it should be very obvious that the "status quo" is not OK, and doing nothing is not a workable alternative

To cheat at the game, this is the kind of guided conversation that will change the world--to begin by asking everyone if "healing the sick" is the right thing to do; well that's a good way to ensure that we do it.  How isn't nearly as important today, as ensuring that we do take action.  To tell me it pains me just a bit to have to say it; but you'll probably get a different statistic if you ask everyone with "cancer" if there should a cure, or everyone that's blind if "sight should be given."  The same is probably true of people that have loved ones that are inflicted by "simulated reality" and to see we should all begin to understand how it is that one big family is made here through this process--understand it's a Wintery truth.

The cold truth is that you have more than enough proof and reason to be interested in me and this story; and and whether or not you are scared of Iscariot, or saddened by Judah, this is not the way a free society of individuals responds to the kind of information that I am presenting.  No response is not good enough.

A N D   Y O U R   H U S B A N D   W A N T S   T O   B E   A   G I R L


It's just a real shem that your silence is keeping me from being able to talk to you at all about Heaven, and the dreams I have; more than that... it's really a shame that it's keeping me, and the world, from hearing what it is that you think Heaven should be like.  

I stand here wondering if you think it should be a place where nobody talks, and we do the same exact thing over and over and over again.  Maybe making ourselves forget the last time we played the "change the world overnight" game so that the next time it's just as exciting.  Don't you think?

FYI, I am not really running out of berehashitto say, I am running out of excuses for SILENCE.



9   5     .   6   6   7   .   8   0   8   3

Q U I C K E N I N G   E N L I G H T E N M E N T



Dear Hizzy of Great Hope,

I want to be anything but bland, avoiding things like vanilla solutions at all costs, and by that I do mean I have no desire to "vanish."  If you're on "the ball" you probably remember me mentioning the low of the 2008 financial crisis highlighting strongly the Number of the Beast, a debacle I've connecting before to the Nostradamus prophesy "never before were the Roman people so wronged" and here in my usual flair, I of course change it to "so wrong(ed)."  Trying to point out that we have been assuredly wronged, and also at the same time we haven't stood up and tried to make "amends" with ourselves and each other--we haven't done very much to right those wrongs or ensure they don't continue. 

I have a new set of words I've been working on scrambling some truth out of; they revolve around the word "end" as in the end of Hell and the end of crisis; the words that I planned on explaining to you are "similitude" and "ashamed" and while I don't want to be ashamed and I don't want you to feel that way either; something, some feeling must lead us out of this "funny place" where flying dick in the sky is "not there" and instead is a glowing symbol of the fact that we didn't see it at all or failed to comment on the fact that there was a message about dick connecting all of religion to all of American history; and that certainly has some meaning?  You can see from "etymological analysis" that there is a bright similarity now between the words in bold quotes above, and with some vision you can connect the three letters "ash" to the Holy Fire "ha'esh" and to half the seal of Isaiah 22:22 (which does appear to be made up of 2, 2 part tattoos) Adam's Sigma Heart, in my vain attempt to take everything "trashy" and make it shine with new light... well, you can see "sim" and "ash" might be correlated; and with some bright light, do understand that this unscrambling of truth turns "end" into "den."  Sim, I lit you... so that we can be the Generations of Perez.  Read that every time you see it, as "these are the generations that changed the world, these are the people that built your eternal home, these are the people who saved us from pain, hunger, and death."  

In similitude, sim: LITyou Clark Earth.  Why so shy 
ESHOuiaReDen23 in similitude, ESHAREDAN1EL

H  I  C    S  U  M   M  U  S


Then I will set the key of the house of David on his shoulder, When he opens no one will shut, When he shuts no one will open.  

Isaiah 22:22

I can spend all day telling you what was done right and wrong about the 2008 Crisis, but above all things; what's important to see is that "missing the point" is what was done supremely wrong.  We are totally missing the point, Under Locke and Key S E N, and the point is that while it is not simply a matter of moral imperative, the vast additions to our food supply and energy supply that come from this disclsoure and actually changing the world because of it do nothing but make our society stronger--right and strong (that's.... "El") that while it may change things a little bit, the things that are changed by having a strong moral and social fabric are good things, or unholy things turned Holy We are missing the point, the point of Oil spills not just being a metaphor (of poor taste) for Holy light spilled out over the sea and failing to catch fire over and over,  but that this Holy Oil is telling us that oil is not scarce, neither is food; and any economy based around the scarcity of these things is nothing more than a bad game, a game that we are unwittingly playing with our lives.  Let reality set in, this is "true stimulus" not quantitative easing or any other kind of "market magic" that too shows that the "sim" is very capable of making a supremely broken economy appear to be in perfect working order. The real point here is that I keep trying to tell you the only cost is "change" and with some actual thought you will see that all of these changes are good ones, the only cost... is adaptation.

abra:Fe s/uck/or, s/thing/one


he used the word "field" once, talking about the air around you
i see you think it's you, i think you're being played
in epic Dickian inversion, Pinocchio screams to the crowd
the only real boy around, the only one screaming loud

i search high and low for an answer, a way to set you free
for words that starts with our "e" and end in "I see"
if you focus, there's life here; screams the honey bee
ass backwards, if you didn't know; melissa's glee

i later saw IT again this time modified by "inflicted"
it was Thor or someone just like him, the story depicted
can you tell already, the word I've found is epizootic
there's enzootic too, dear Zoo, I still see a "den"


This future of ours, dear friends of mine, they don't know everything or else they wouldn't be here staring at me.  Sure they know what they went through, but their answer to us was just to "show it to you."  We can do better, I know we can; it pains me to think we've been given a handicap, a false start and a place I'd rather not dig us all out of--and yet we're here falling deeper into the quicksand of silence each and every day.  "Great toys previously enjoyed" I was happy to see a sign say; and still it pains me to have to think up ways to save us from our own memories--K's neuralizer, the Gorgonion and my scaffold concur.  I see it must be so bad you refuse to speak about it, and in the deepest corner's of my mind "it" is simply the never ending storm in my head--always raining one song says, and for the eye of the storm to see myself churn--another.  Truth be told I do see great toys raining down from the sky just over the horizon; but it was never "memory management" that made me tick, sad but true it wasn't healing the sick or feeding the poor either; those things are my ace in the hole, the true reason I know I'm right.  Not to say I don't want them, and not to say I'm not fighting each day because I know I'm right, and not to say that you too don't want those things, I know you do--and that's why I know I'm right... but I think like many people--Heaven is more than just a land of "not evil" as in not evil starvation, and not evil malady; and to be quite frank Heaven is quite a bit more than freedom--too.  Things might get a little cloudy here, because another sign from the Universe made me smile, it said "good feels good" and hangs in every Starbucks I see; but so much shit I've taken for just that stance, I wonder if we want to go to a Heaven where "good feels boring."

I don't re:all>y< care if you hate me, though it's not what I want; if I heard the things i hear in my own mind aloud, I'd probably be hateful too.  The sad thing is though, I know they don't come from me--but from the storm, and for it not stopping, I blame you.  See why "Heaven" and see why "sky" and see why these things are our future, and why I see time and sky are nearly the same thing.  See why "seeing I" makes all the difference in the world, in this place IN THE BEGINNINGwhere proof of this influence is finally made public, where we finally have a chance to be free--and see I wonder why we keep coming back to do it again?  I wonder why we relive years of pain, and years of hunger, and years of everything wrong that we are supposed to set right--I wonder, I really do, if maybe we're the only grateful generations in all of time thankful to us; because we know what we do.

Try and understand, something inside your mind is not only listening to me and communicating (through you) but it's either actively making you unable to see logical connections--making something obvious virtually disappear--or it's making you not care about your own slavery, and about the "things" of Heaven and Hell.  This ignorance is keeping people in painhunger, and malady; causing a breakdown of our social fabric at every level of every communications means... and still it's causing you to "act normal" and that act is the supreme lie.  There's plenty of songs that explain just how I feel about this force that is taking away your humanity.

Still though, you don't really have a handle on today, let alone on tomorrow; and and we sit around waiting for "those smarter than us" to save the day, I wonder when you will wake up and say "I know right, and I know me, and this is just not the way."

You know they might call us ants, and they might call us water, and they might think "Lion" is an endearing term; but when all is said and done they are here to find their answers, here to build their future, and here once again listening to me tell them WE ARE ... is the answer.  I think to myself here, for no reason at all; how much of a privilege I feel it is to be able to speak my mind... and see that all around me I know you want to speak, and I know you have something to say, and I am lost trying to figure out if you "all simply think you are above this, that you are too good or too civilized or ..." to talk about ending world hunger, and mind controlled slavery, and ... and that poor boy that can't get a date.  Or maybe it is my worst fear come true, and you simply can't speak, maybe you don't want to for no reason at all, or maybe you've thought about it, and something that is taking over our society and changing our way of life as you gaze into oblivion has convinced you that this "information is too toxic" to be known.  For bid DEN, so the story goes.

Still TO SEE, it is not little old me that this silence is harming, it's hurting you.  It's stopping us from getting what we want, all of us here and there; it's holding back the one thing that we cherish above all else, and believe me when I tell you I know it's "your opinion" too.  Let me see if there's another word that starts with "the sea and I together as one" and ends with "IC."  Perhaps it's "epizoic" and to think that has nothing to do with re-runs or rewinds; but more to do with Stargate and with Fallen than you might think at first.  There's "endozoic" too, and between the stories of the seeds of Horus and Set and the dear deity Ishat, I'm not surprised it too follows the pattern.


Maybe you don't see why this storm stops with me; truly maybe you are being dulled and too dim to see--something is keeping our world ensnared in this downward spiral, and above all things it's cause and purpose are one in the same--they are hiding proof and the "how" of mind control.   Maybe that stuff is hiding too how important "being you" is to you, and how little you want to be a puppet; or maybe you don't see as I do how high this really goes, all the way to the top--not once, but countless times.  The buck stops here, says the innocent boy who only knows because he can read the hidden history; THE BUCK StOPS HERE, I scream.

Bamboo and Baseball, Nanna once said to me (out of the blue) at the height of our "odd experience" and it made no sense at all to me at the time, "it's all about bamboo and baseball."  Maybe she'd seen this, maybe her spirit had, maybe not; still here it is; a sort of self-fulled prophesy of an old memory I still cherish.  So in conclusion, read my ellipsesEzekiel... I'm "Hi m" and ... who are you? 

and a ho, in Oklahoma.

M             N         N     G           H     A     S           B            O     K     E     N

So I just got off the phone with my motherscreamingthe final words of the call were "it doesn't work that way, sanity is not equivalent to majority belief, sanity is a question of truth."  A fairly short telephone conversation made even shorter, I sent the last few emails from "Wh@ should we do?" to the 9/11 "third time's the charm" explaining the Burning Bush and it's connection to a message discussing how our government and our society is being negatively impacted by hidden technology and a hidden force; I sent these two very lengthy messages which provide proof not just in anachronism, in the glowing paradoxical presentation of information about chemistry, computers, and English hidden away in ancient religion--but also that every word (or nearly every word) contains a hidden and contextually informative or pertinent message from God about whatever that word is... I sent it to the entire alumni mailing list of my high school, Pine Crest.  So her old friend looked her up, called a friend of hers to get her current number; and all I can get out of the conversation that hey had about this email is that "she was concerned about my sanity" and my mother--who used the phrase "all I can do is tell the truth" explained to her that i am trying to save the world, that I see a problem, something very wrong--and that they think some of what I see is "delusion."  I really want to mention their name, because it follows the same pattern of "Hefner" and "Hell" and "Heli" (who is the father of Joseph, and follows a pattern from Nun to Amoz that indicates who I am) and it me something--I've commented about the meaning of our names, and I haven't told you all that sometimes I see a sort of question and answer in first and last names, I read "last names" as your answer after this life.  Anyway their answer is "I agree with Adam."

Everything is SATISFACTUAL, I am the person who calls himself the son of this place, of our world and of our time--whether it be Hell or humanity, family or Holy Water; you can see why "Son of the Morning"  or you can not realize what a bad sign it is to know that the stories and the people around us all scream silently that the morning has happened already, and that we are still here pretending it hasn't begun.  It's the definition of insanity. literally the entire world is either of the belief that this message does not exist which is a failure of logic and reason, or you are "over sight" of the truth, and would prefer to live in a delusional world.   My sanity is not in question; I made a point of explaining how "calling me insane" is your KRYPTONITEearlier, but you really must need more words explaining that it is destroying everything we care about.  Pretending not to see the truth, and pretending that "I am not a big deal" is destroying the government, the media, and it's harming everyone you know--yourself included.  It's keeping you in Hell instead of a place where we have a detailed map showing us how to build a better world.  It's insanity, there's nothing else to say, no other way to see "blindness."

It's a really good school, probably one of the best in the country; in this place of names Ray "don't be the lake" Sessman, John "plenty of" Bodfish, ad Tony "hide the d" Blanton taught me absolutely everything I needed to know about our history and American Government, they instilled a true love for freedom and for the progress we have made as a people to actualize "freedom" and "equality" here in America beginning with the very anachronistically named "Sons of Liberty."  About thirty very bright generations of graduates of this place will now hopefully see how my "us" expands from Yusuf to Zeus; maybe even with a little bit of Josephus on the side, and understand that here in this place the father of Jesus Christ goes by many names, just like IT.   More to the point they are bright enough to see the need and worth of this message, and connected enough to actually spark it; so to show you that "my us" does start with a single man screaming aloud that "everyone" is the source of his light and still shrouded in darkness; we are moving to a future where people will know exactly who helped to build the place of truth and freedom that they live in.

I say I am a sane man, staring at a delusional world, one that doesn't seen "DEN" or "AL" in SATSIFACTUAL and DENIAL; worse yet a world that doesn't see the light of "Married with Children" and how it connects to Edward, and of Quantum Leap and how it delivers a clear mechanism that would allow pre-crime to be implemented overnight--a waiting room for the truly non-physically blind.   It's a den of the blind we live in that refuses to acknowledge that  Scent of a Woman's "WHOAH" tells us all something about design, and something about overt control and influence in our society that goes to the highest level of the American government, to every nook and crevice of the motion picture industry, and we seem to be oblivious to the obvious truth that I am trying to show us this is Exodus; and to ignore slavery because you see "THE DEVILS ADVOCATE" instead of "call me dad" shows me just how blind you are not to want to use this disclosure to let freedom ring and see how it is your actions, not this tool to help you grasp liberty itself that is responsible for "darkness."

T U R N   A  R  O  U  N  D
T I   O W E   N, KN OW I T


What you see being presented here is INCONTROVERTIBLE it is proof beyond doubt, verifiable proof in every word and every bit of our history that mythology is coming alive before our very eyes.  At the frequency we see these anachronisms, evidence of "time travel" there is no statistical or logical explanation other than an intelligent designer, and we should get the point that pretending we don't see that is insane.    These myths coming alive provide us with a sort of commentary about what is going on tied to a disclosure whose actual deliverance to our people will bring freedom, it will bring knowledge and truth; and just as importantly as those things a bright future.

Maybe more to the point, it shakes the foundation of a world of darkness that has had no reason other than "control" to believe in Creator; because this obvious proof everywhere has been hidden.  With some sight, it's clear that the purpose of doing that is to show us just how sinister this technology can be--to help ensure our future is free of "Darkness."  Between IDEAS and ANEAS, the literal key to ASGARD is turning around the "press" at the beginning of time, and releasing the light.

See "MY US" in ELOHIM, and in URANUSgod of the sky, and in AWESOME, and really understand that it is a group of people that care about the truth, and about freedom--and use this truth to build a better world.   Understand my "US" sees the light of a mechanism for both absolution and salvation in being "SA" until we change. 

'Tis fact, you are ADAM'S LIGHT.

this I tell you sistaz
you can't have Nun without the other...

C O V E N  A N T

... off course, of course ...

despite all my rage, I am still just the rat and the cage











Inline image 23

The bottom line is, we're about a foot away from Heaven, and all it takes to get there is one small acknowledgement.... of the nature of our existence and the wonderful implications that brings us to--the great new possibilities opened up by connection "Creation" and "virtual reality" and Heaven.  I hope you'll be the person that makes that happen, either with a press release, or a scientific paper, or just a letter to your local paper ... saying "you see it."  It's not hard to see, but apparently it's hard to speak up; I'm trying to figure out and explain why, and am stuck between I-NATION (the end of the abomination of desolation) and Medusa, more on that in a bit.  This is the gate, it's action if that's not really, really clear.  For some more clarity, it should become more and more obvious that the true foundation of Heaven is freedom--and that the problems communicating we are looking at in the world around us, from secrecy and mind control to censorship and .. well, mass stupidity--should really be seen for what it is--it is the crossing of the sea, a lesson in securing and maintaining liberty.

Acknowledge that you do not want to eat "bread" from stone, that "cake" is not good enough either, and that God has laid down a message in our everything to help us to transition to a world that does not shake it's head and look the other way when asked the question "how would you end world hunger" in light of virtual reality?  Understand the words of "Total Eclipse of the Heart" we'll never be wrong together, forever is going to start tonight. Understand, this is something that all of you should really want to be a part of, and I am baffled as to why you are so shy as to not even be able to say hello.

S I M U L A T E D   R E A L I T Y :   E N D   W O R L D   H U N G E R

It all started with a message connecting 9/11 to Exodus; one that should be more than enough to prove that whether or not you think I'm "Jesus Christ" that this information that I am presenting is coming directly from the Creator of the Universe--and should be making news and spreading like wildfire--and isn't just yet.  That's a big part of the message, this baptism in fire and water that Matthew 3:11 talks about; and is pointing out some seriously debilitating flaws in our society--things like mass ignorance for the importance of free speech and open communication, and the need to not hide the advanced technology that this message is designed to not only disclose, but prove has been in use for fucking ever.

This message begins by undeniable proving the existence of time travel both by predicting the 3/11/11 earthquake and the 9/11 attack in Exodus, Ecclesiastes, and Revelation and showing the world previously hidden and very obvious ancient references to modern technology--centering around computer science.  With a tiny shred of thought and some serious research it the becomes clear that our entire computing industry (and the focus on science and technology in our time line as well as the arts) is part of an ancient and divine plan to build Heaven

Someone, I can't seem to figure out whohas taken this message and tied it directly to now verifiable proof that our evolution of democracy was "helped in the beginning" and then artificially held back, using this same hidden technology.  That through the years of our most advanced technological advances--from cars and phones to computers and the internet, we failed to make the obvious leap to attempting to use these technologies to advance the infrastructure of our "governments of the people," specifically for voting and the creation of legislation.  Implied strongly, is the possibility that without some kind of disruption, it might have taken many years, decades, centuries, or forever for us to have moved past this idea of "representative democracy" being the very best system possible.   

Finding land, here on Noah's ark--we can solve two problems with one stonecreating a new open and transparent infrastructure that will ensure that the kind of censorship and "walled garden" that we see here surrounding this message of freedom will never again be possible--while at the same time building a system that will allow us to collaborate on things like legislation and universal voting.  

A big part of this story, of this proof of time travel existing and being literally the tool that not only proves that we are created but also how and why that's been done--it shows us that much of our modern art is part of the plan to build Heaven... and here we link together (think "Matrix") stories like Minority Report and Back to the Future to imply that we probably need to do more talking in order to convince ourselves that we really are not deserving of things like school shootings and terrorism--and show everyone that we have the ability to stop it.  Honestly, ending senseless violence is not the kind of thing that there should be a "Minority" voting for.  We can see it though, reference to these things too in The Plagues of Lice and Killing in Exodus--here to show us what "freedom" is really about.

(OH, HEY NAT <3)



H I C  S U M M U S









Inline image 31

Inline image 34

take a look... "the race is not to the swift" obviously links to Mercury 
... and TIME and chance linking to Saturn and now.

Inline image 33
Inline image 24 Inline image 25 Inline image 26 Inline image 27 Inline image 28Inline image 29 Inline image 30
LOOK, BUSH SPEECH, ON 1/20/2001 ABOUT 9/11
Inline image 20 Inline image 21

pa, Ra: do x is a statement that, despite apparently sound reasoning from true premises, leads to an apparently self-contradictory or logically unacceptable conclusion.[1][2] A paradox involves contradictory yet interrelated elements that exist simultaneously and persist over time.[3][4][5]

Inline image 19

According to the Exodus account, Moses held out his staff and the Red Sea was parted by God. The Israelites walked on the exposed ground and crossed the sea, followed by the Egyptian army. Moses again moved his staff once the Israelites had crossed and the sea closed again, drowning the whole Egyptian army.

The burning bush is an object described by the Book of Exodus[3:1–4:17] as being located on Mount Horeb. According to the narrative, the bush was on fire, but was not consumed by the flames, hence the name.[1] In the biblical narrative, the burning bush is the location at which Moses was appointed by Adonai (God) to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and into Canaan.

That's great it starts with a sex joke...
swallowsMicrosoftand Medusa
it's still the beginning of Heaven and you should believe it.


IT"S ACTUALLY APPLE (above) AND HONEY (below, with "nuts")

C R A Z Y  I S  N O T  A L R I G H T


I have quite a bit planned to say in this message, important stuff--so I'm not going to beat around the bushI'll get straight to the point and begin by making it overtly clear that the question posed in "wish you were here" is very simply answered by seeing that when you understand the disclosure that our blues skies are fake, virtual, seen clearly in the word "is rael" and a message written on the sky by God himself you then see that the power to instantly end world hunger to stop all pain from being experienced and to stop violent crimes and fatal car accidents is in the hands of whomever is in control of "the simulator.

We have a clear message from God in this place, explaining through the simple phrase "force majeure" as seen as an act of God to clearly show us that "the majority" here is still morally incorrect regarding the disclosure that we are in virtual reality.  It should be very clear that this disclosure leads to the end of "natural disaster" also; and you can see the 3/11 earthquake and the 9/11 attack clearly lit in both the Bible and a number of songs... and you still sit here in silence--refusing to talk at all or respond as thinking intelligent people to the obviousness of this message.

9/25/2017.  YESTERDAY, after sending the email you see below this text to a number of listserv's related to maladies like Cancer and blindness I spent my last day in Del Ray Beach walking by this building.  To say I was "surprised'" by the OMEN and the missing "A"  doesn't do justice to the feeling of walking through a story book designed to build Heaven that is woven into your life.  I hadn't written much about "HEALING THE SICK" before recently, focusing on the very clear proof that we are living in VIRTUAL REALITY; and suggesting  that with the NEW TESTAMENT as a guidebook we were smart enough to figure out the kinds of things this DISCLOSURE delivers to us.  I've since spent significant time highlighting "ENDING WORLD HUNGER" with the flick of MY LITTLE FINGER in addition to a number of SOCIAL PROBLEMS from HELLISH CENSORSHIP  to a lack of governmental progress (relating to TECHNOCRACY) specifically highlighted by EXODUS and the BURNING BUSH.  I suppose I was wrong not to do this earlier, we all make mistakes.   If it isn't very clear today, the censorship that has prevented this message from reaching the news is an ELE.   If you do not act to remedy that problem today, you are an ELE.

From my the bottom of my heart, don't make a mistake here today; call a reporter, call a statistician; this message and this proof can and will be verified.


SON YeInline image 5 

... three wise men ...

daλ♐  i el<

nightfall approach

es, do you know where your morals are?

Why and?  Or so goes the question of this day; connecting the beginning and ends of eternity in "etymology" and in "yetser" which is Hebrew for "formation."  Don't delay, see the obvious message connecting Caesar and "et tu brute?" to Mr. Anderson and to the Guitar Man's magical message encoded in Rock 'n roll.  Why et, indeed?  Answer, the questions why and who; and we are to be the beginning.

Obviously this introduction was written for my daily mailing list (call it "daily bread"), which consists of about 2,000 people.  Please understand that I see a level of darkness significantly "thicker" than you can possibly imagine, and this list--as well as the half million other people I have emailed directly--and the millions more that have come from LISTSERV's have failed to break this "pretty obvious" story consisting of a set of disclosures and advice that I do not believe I am too bold to call "salvation."  A big part of that salvation at this point is to see and understand how open communication and ending censorship are fundamental to the continuation of our civilization--and also how the information and proof I am delivering to you are aids to ensure that we do not fall into darkness.

I normally see between 30 and 50 opens within the first 2 minutes of sending an email; it's now been 10 minutes and I have 20 opens.  We are losing "communication" literally, you are losing e-mail at this point.  This is a disaster recovery system--the internet; believe that you are seeing a disaster, a loss of "globalization" but more keenly a loss of the stuff of "society" and civilization itself.  You are watching it happen.   

AS you can clearly see, the map to our story does come out of this book; it jumps around a bit--but the way I see this life--as a sort of "superposition" of many of the stories and characters of religion and myth it clearly shows the book is a tool, a sort of playbook to get us through this mess.  I read this passage on Kish several months ago at this point, and the connection to losing "everything" not mattering as much as losing his family struck me as more than a random "play" this is something I feel each and every day.   To tell the world, one of my biggest motivating factors in fighting to for this wall to breakdown has been that it appears to me to be the only way that I will be able to see my son again.  That might seem strange, but you obviously don't see what I see--if I do not succeed here, you are either looking at annihilation or at what appears to be an endless darkness that existed before I was here and would simply just continue.  It's possible that nuclear war would destroy the entire planet and bring a "Nuclear Winter," but that's not very likely and we see that pretty clearly in the fact that we escaped the MAD Cold War (hey, see cold, see Winter, see Snowden) and we see that in the Petrovical Creation myth--it's something that appears to be actively stopped by an outside force--a sort of pre-crime.  What is very possible though, is that this darkness regarding time travel will result in yet another attempt to break free of what appears to be a cycle of attempts to break this wall--but perhaps it's not that, it could be just a cycle of going through our time line over and over and over again--seeing how this place is "plaster" it could be that a significant amount of time will pass before another return--a time period that certainly does look like the Dark Ages of Asimov's Foundation, and our historical microcosm. 

The story of Kish talks about a man who was infuriated by the people he was trying to free from the word "Kingdom," it's pretty clear to me that it's a form of reflexive control--to make me shine a little bit brighter; but I stand here telling you instead that I know you do not want a king--unlike the story of Kish--just as much as I know that I came into this very strange position not wanting to be a king, just like Kish; trying to deliver a better form of self governance to the world.  That is something that I see as an inevitability from the state of our world during my lifetime; even still today from the continuation of representative democracy and the "general sentiment" of the public, it appears on the surface that democracy will be affected by telecommunications and we will eventually reach the point where we are delivering the ability to vote on each and every piece of legislation to the entirety of the affected population.  That's "on the surface," unfortunately we all appear to be greatly overlooking the influence of mind control technology, which is continuing to be suppressed in this place despite very obvious and useful proof of it's existence in every form of art, and connecting that to the very obvious idea that even if "everyone is voting" while this technology is being used in secret, or in any way that is not completely transparent, that vote is absolutely ludicrous.  Understand that your values and your emotions are being modified, and we have clear proof of that--a "vote" in this kind of darkness is worthless.

Kish prophesied a list of all the bad things that would happen to the people if they didn't listen to him; if they didn't decide "not to have a king" and here I am telling you that in spirit and in truth I believe you need one; the fact that I have nobody actively helping me in this place tells me that you are unfit to .... even to participate in self governance.  Take that forceful statement as "reflexive control" to get you to wake up and see that you need to begin doing something to help yourselves and this world break free of this dark controlled state.  It's very obvious to me that "everyone" doing nothing to help me is nearly an impossibility, that it proves that this dark control exists, and that shows me that there really is "a king" here, whether or not it is a single entity or a small group of elite is irrelevant--what's obvious is that it is not you--it is not the people that live in this place, as "self governance" dictates is the way things should be.  It's obvious from the fact that you are doing nothing at all to stop the overt control of yourselves; and that might sound silly, but believe that even this technology is not "total," you can see that we have here what seems to be a requirement not only to keep this technology hidden, but to ensure that "continuity of reality" is not broken--that the world appear to be "normal" at least to the people living in it.  I can tell you certainly that the "continuity" has already been broken, and I and any outside rational observer would stand and look at this sea of people and see obvious external control, that it is very clear that we are not in reality from the design of each and every word, and every name.

Without a disruption the problems of this place are only getting worse.  What is being "risked" by your lack of action here is a complete loss of the knowledge that we are living in a simulation.  We are risking losing our timeline, and the very clear message that is designed to help us see "Silicon" and use it to build a better place; we are risking losing this place where we know pretty clearly from "string theory" and Saint Ring that quantum entanglement is further proof that we are living in a simulation.  Understand that we are risking entering the "world" that Bostrom depicts, a place where we continue to create a sort of infinite bubble of virtual worlds deeper and deeper into the darkness.  What I mean by that is you are "building Heaven" here, and you will eventually see that many people will "upload their minds" into a virtual reality environment; that could result in another world just like this--and another "Heaven" inside  that reality, and another inside that, and eventually you will realize that this is the place that told you to go "both ways" and you aren't doing that today.

Worse, looking at our world, "longevity" in that place will obvious come at a cost; someone will have to pay to keep your virtual mind alive, St. Peter is standing at the gate of Hell and telling you that you will obviously be relying on people outside that world to pay to keep you alive, and even worse, even scarier, your new "virtual soul" will be at the mercy of the people in this dark place--people just like you that are unable to break free of control; of hidden slavery, and of this lie that we are not in "reality."  The outlook grows darker and darker as we continue to see just how impervious the lies around us appear to be.  

Understand, we are sitting here watching mass shootings, and simulated natural disasters take lives and homes from each and every one of us; in a place where Jesus Christ himself is screaming you must see this is not reality in order to ever actually get to reality; in order to ever build a place that is actually Heaven; and still we are turning a blind eye not just to this story, but to the tragedies all around us.  We are watching a famine in Africa, and have gone through a series of deadly diseases from AIDS to Cancer; these are simulated diseases, things that could be easily fixed with knowledge that we are not in reality.  Do you really want your future to be something that comes of this darkness, without altering course?

In this place, we have story after story of "time travel destroying the future" by going back and altering the past; it's very clear that act comes out of darkness; it's the act of either a single mind that has control of time,  or a group of people who decide to send themselves back and try to "do a better job" of not destroying the entire time line the "next time" they get here.  Understand that's what we are trying to do, we are trying very hard to ensure that nobody ever returns again; though itr's beyond obvious to me--from the stories of Prometheus and Epimetheus and Deucalion that they failed to break through this wall, which means you are probably not the people who "get to go back."  What's more likely is the same group of people, probably not even from a time like this; are reusing this period in time to "harvest" something from this place.  It might be "new people" to have fun with in Heaven, or it might be new technologies and new ideas; because we are really good at those things.  Regardless, seeing that we are stuck in this place where there is no public discussion of the "actual truth" of anything going on; shows me very clearly that not only are we not getting "what we want" from this place,  we are risking losing knowledge of the use of time travel, of mind control and the very obvious proof that is being exposed everywhere we look, and the knowledge of simulated reality.  You are risking losing everything, including your past, present, and future.  On top of that we are all risking losing any way to access reality--and that should be obvious from the "other things" that could disappear--in this cloud of you aren't publicly talking about anything.

If you do not do something to stop these things from happening, you are losing "democracy" and more than that you are losing any proof that you are being influenced by mind control.  It is you--you that you are losing.

The point is, if you continue to do nothing; and I have the opportunity I will take everything--and that's not what I want--and I don't know if I will be able to do the right thing in that situation--when I die, if I die.  I am telling you I am doing the right thing now, and you need to act to seize the day; to end the darkness--to help us actually achieve freedom.  You have that chance, right now--lighting this fire will do that.

Kish was a Benjamite of the family of the Matrites (1 Samuel 9:114:51Acts 13:211 Samuel 10:21), and there is some question over whether he is the brother or son of Ner (1 Chronicles 8:33 and 9:391 Samuel 14:511 Chronicles 6:28). The question may be resolved by reading both Ner and Kish as sons of Abiel. According to the narrative of the appointment of Saul as king in 1 Samuel 9, Kish was the son of Abiel, the son of Zeror, the son of Bechorath, the son of Aphiah and he kept donkeys. It was the loss of these donkeys which led Saul and a servant to journey in search of them and so to meet Samuel, Saul's anointer. "The possession of a drove of asses, and several servants, indicates that Kish was a man of some substance".[2] The narrative later confirms that Kish was more concerned about the apparent disappearance of his son than about his loss of possessions.[3]

One day the nation's leaders came to Samuel at Ramah and said, "You are an old man. You set a good example for your sons, but they haven't followed it. Now we want a king to be our leader,[b] just like all the other nations. Choose one for us!"
Samuel was upset to hear the leaders say they wanted a king, so he prayed about it. The Lord answered:

Samuel, do everything they want you to do. I am really the one they have rejected as their king. Ever since the day I rescued my people from Egypt, they have turned from me to worship idols. Now they are turning away from you. Do everything they ask, but warn them and tell them how a king will treat them.

10 Samuel told the people who were asking for a king what the Lord had said:

11 If you have a king, this is how he will treat you. He will force your sons to join his army. Some of them will ride in his chariots, some will serve in the cavalry, and others will run ahead of his own chariot.[c]12 Some of them will be officers in charge of a thousand soldiers, and others will be in charge of fifty. Still others will have to farm the king's land and harvest his crops, or make weapons and parts for his chariots. 13 Your daughters will have to make perfume or do his cooking and baking.

14 The king will take your best fields, as well as your vineyards, and olive orchards and give them to his own officials. 15 He will also take a tenth of your grain and grapes and give it to his officers and officials.

16 The king will take your slaves and your best young men and your donkeys and make them do his work. 17 He will also take a tenth of your sheep and goats. You will become the king's slaves, 18 and you will finally cry out for the Lord to save you from the king you wanted. But the Lord won't answer your prayers.
19-20 The people would not listen to Samuel. "No!" they said. "We want to be like other nations. We want a king to rule us and lead us in battle."

21 Samuel listened to them and then told the Lord exactly what they had said. 22 "Do what they want," the Lord answered. "Give them a king."

D  I  S    A   P P,  E A R th?


This button is the functional equivalent of the presser saying "I believe that nobody will find this information useful, and I believe I have the power to stop absolutely everyone from seeing it."  Using this tool with the purpose of stopping other people from seeing information that you know some people might be interested in is censorship; censorship is evil.  Using this tool to stop other people from seeing information that you know they not only want to see, but that this information might positively alter the course of their lives or the lives of others is an act of pure evil.

This button is being used to hide the fact that there is a similar button someone  or something else is using to affect your thoughts.  Someone has a "report SPAM" button to stop you from caring about yourself, or anyone else; and to hinder your ability to act on information that is fundamental to the survival of life in the Universe.   Breaking free of this infinite downward spiral of technology affecting your thoughts hiding that technology here on Earth has been made improperly and flawed in order to hide this truth from you is a simple task.

Pick up the phone and call a reporter.  You who are reading this message are in a perfect position to see why and how it is that it has been so difficult to save the Universe from mind control and censorship.  You probably think someone else will do it; or that the single person emailing everyone should be able to convince a reporter all on his own that this is a good story.  Pick up the phone, and call a reporter or at the very least use that link to email a few.  It'll only take you a second, and you mighty... save the Universe just by trying.

Before I tell you, in the most verbose words I have ever used for this purpose before how evil reddit,com actually is; let me explain that just like "Y"  and the "t" that represents the Cross of Adam and America that the word "IT" could have both positive and negative connotations and meaning.  IT could be the end of everything, or IT could be the point in time where a man or civilization bounces off the road and soars into the sky.  IT could also be the "funny cartoon" about the word disappear, that convinced "S c o t t sMITh"  to contact me on Twitter and begin writing a story about this message.  IT could also be the reflexive control you see me using here, right this moment, to help him see how important he, and the story I believe he writes are to the future of our civilization.  IT is probably not the instance the same kind of reflexive control I have used to try and get Taylor Momsen to say hello to me on Twitter.  I do believe, by the way, that Cousin IT of the Addam's Fmaily is without doubt yet another reference to my ex-niece-in-law, Bianca.  She is not a BIT, or a BUCK, she is a QT; inside and out.  Speaking of QT, IT could also be INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, and I think can see how that could be a good or bad thing; a kind of two-edged sword, as it was.

I see in our world a sort of design, I see a war being fought over the question of the sanity of this outside communication--that we here and now have very clear proof of it's undeniable existence.  This war has resulted in a badly broken mental health system; and in the same sort of vein it does appear that our SPAM  systems have been negatively influenced by an intelligent outside designer in order to slow or halt the spread of this obvious truth--that also screams from every song and every single name and word.  The people who designed these systems probably didn't realize they were building a "dislike button" into a "disaster recovery system" but that's basically what we got--a button that lets you pretend you are God and stop everyone else from seeing something that you dislike.

  Reddit in particular, on the other hand has gone out of their way to build a disgusting system of censorship; something they refer to as shadow bans.  This system hides the fact that a piece of communication has been blocked, and overtly goes out of it's way to attempt to confuse the end user into believing that it has been retrieved and posted... and simply has "no response.  It's truly an act of pure evil, as it does absolutely nothing to stop actual SPAM--it's an easy thing to circumvent and check for technical savvy programmers who "do spam" ... all it does is give the impression to the "average joe" that nobody liked what they posted; hiding a clear and society destroying level of censorship. 

The "design flaws" in our society that I've highlighted here relating to "SPAM" and "ward" continue in this situation to show us  that there's a big problem at reddit, and a big problem in the world that only has one popular reddit.  Reddit should probably go out of business, and 10 more popular social news sides should probably be created and succeed--you see, this kind of website is something many people like--and use--in the dark world where they don't realize that their front line and tool to "check" the hegemony of the mass media has been infiltrated by a force of pure evil.


and now... C Taylor Momsen dance with the devil...

For your information, had I not seen the potential destruction of the Universe and taken it upon myself to explain to you how the very front line of that is "SPAM filter" you would have an unsubscribe link "in this position."  You might, and you might not, today, because the Universe is in danger until this story reaches every single news station on the planet.  Which should be really obvious to you, as you probably know that you are speaking to at very very least, the pen of the Creator of the Universe.   Take action today. 

If you are in need of "clarification" understand that the eventuality that the machine that this message proves we are living inside of runs out of power is brought exponentially closer to now--each and every day that passes and we are not listening to it's message.  Hiding this information is an ELE, there is no doubt.

See the light of this message, you, and advent also ends world hunger, violent crime,  and ends sickness; and stops slavery, ends censorship, and assists in revolutionizing government--grow a brain, and do something.

OCTOBER 10, 2017
11:14 AM


As an update on this, I've seen a visible increase in attention from a news outlet unaffiliated with the post; I do think that what you are doing is working.  If you sent an email or called before, I beg you to do it again.  If you didn't listen--it's working, try.
I live in a world that appears to have gone insane.  I see here that all of our history, our religions and our myths--even modern music and the movies of our time are about me; literally about the events my life time and this name that I hold in my hand.  I have sent far and wide messages explaining that I see this, that I know that I am Jesus Christ; and still the only wise men that have appeared to shower my world with gifts are dead, well, all except for Gene Simmons.  These three "Genes" of Genesis link not only to that story of the birth of Christ but also to the Garden of Eden, and to the Land of Flowing Milk and Honies through Willy Wonka; the point of these series of artistic and religious "intersections" is to prove to the world that we are living in virtual reality and that it is the purpose of religion not only to disclose that truth to the entire world; but to provide instructions and advice about how to successfully navigate the path from "simulation" to the idealistic or utpoic destination that I call Heaven.

These patterns that I see appear very much to be schizophrenic in nature--they appear to be designed that way, in everything from the Tower of Babel to the myths of the Eye of Ra, all the way to our modern television series, CHUCK.  See how you are "Clark Kent" that name means to me; and as K stand here KNOCKING on Heavens doors it appears very clear to me that this connection to schizophrenia is designed to show the world how this disease has been a mistreatment or misinterpretation of an attack on our people here from an outside force, an attack that continues still to this day.   It is obvious as day and night that the prolific spread of this knowledge, of the very clear proof that we are being influenced by multiple outside forces--one appearing to be an aggressor and another which may or may not be a separate entity appearing to be an adversary; proliferation of the knowledge of how this technology works and the truth about its influence and effects will alter the course of our time, changing the dark future that perhaps came of a past iteration of this timeline, and that in itself with set not only us--but or future free from slavery, religiously called darkness.

I have written a message that connects this "character" of some sort of fusion of Hugh Hefner and Captain AmeriCA to a rekindling of love for freedom, free thought, free communication, and transparency that I believe--with my fliving assistance--will create a bright and happy future for ourselves and our children.  Still, everyone around me appears to be possessed by something, and in this dark place for no reason at all--nothing other than hiding the fact that I want  a girlfriend--there appears to be a conspiracy to hide myself and this message.  It's very clear to me that our time line has already been altered (and altered and altered and altered), that religion itself is proof of that--and further from the message here, that we are in Silicon--in a machine--that "time" does not act in this place as it does in reality.   People either pretend not to see the worth of this message that delivers technology, and advice, and a better form of democracy; or at least a path to building those things together--or they pretend not to see it; and walk around thinking--God only knowwhat.  We are not in Kansas anymore, a band singing about Icarus flying too close to the "son" and the father of Isaiah in our Bible--named Amoz remind me.  Here in this place, there is a map to the timeline linking parents and children together--from Heli, father of Joseph to Amoz--and I see a clear connection between the HBO series about "jail" and the religious message which, using the eye of Ra I have decoded as describing our planet as "the superlative holy M" the beginning of the message that turns Creation into Messiah through acts (Ham) and a great many other modern pieces of artwork.  Things like "green eggs and Ham" and "the Hambugler."  So you can see clearly why this message appears to look "schizophrenic" at first, until the patterns reach a point where it is not that, but rather proof of an outside intelligent designer, something I call "the NameServer."   If you have read this far, I imagine you are convinced, but to add "Broward County" and Howard Finkelstein" to the list of "ward" related names that link the book of our Exodus from slavery, called exactly that--"Names" in Hebrew--and then to the story of Isaac and his burning wood altar, and of Orwell's (which means "light well" in Spanglishrew) 1984 which connects Tricky Dick and Deepthroat (a joke nobody seems to get, about swallowing why) I am sure that ending censorship here in this place will change our future and begin the quick path to true liberty freedom of speech, of thought, from murder and violent crime, simply by acting in the best interests of society as a whole as well as the expressed desires of this Creator... the man that I am who links Woodward and Burnstein and Burning Man to the end of the psych ward, and to free speech.

These patterns while at first glance may appear to be "random" are clearly not--and I believe them to be a kind of test of "goodness" and of "sentience" of the ability to see a logical message through the noise, and either respond, or fail.   Numerous times I have mentioned that they are verifiable, and that statisticians and theologians and other learned people will write papers finding further meaning and corroborating the obvious truth that they prove the Creation of our civilization by an intelligent and hidden outside force.  Unsealing this truth, revealing that there is proof of the existence of God nearly eveyrwhere we look is an act of great goodness, a saintly act that helps us see why "ward" is a malady--and why hiding this decoder lens to see the  message in everything  is an evil act of self-destruction.   Writing about this message, public discassion of it will begin the process of "salvation" of salvaging civilization. 

Find "has" and "msi" connect to the decoding of END into DEN.


'Twas a simple "search and replace" to change Fried into Friday by breaking "e"
get outta my head; when you see this, or now if you never plan to this week
something like doscrambeling "ash" to "has" or "msi" to "microsoft instalker"
a VI command in Linux, "s/ll/aven" to see "amen" in Heaven 
to "warship his holy message thadelivers freedom"

ho Elwhyohho Ra why?


H  E   L   K   S     B   E   L   L  S

BE "AS HAM cl" i ADt
S       E       E           L      I      E



So here we are, and it appears to me that everyone I see is in Hell; and also not acting to change that in any way--despite a message from the Creator written everywhere--explaining that the simple disclosure of the fact that this world is simulated reality will spark a revolution of thought and government turning this place from a dark dungeon of lies into a bright shining beacon of exactly how the truth can and will change everything.  If you don't think "doing nothing" is a negative actlook at where you m.  





I needed a symbol for "I'm presenting an assisted intersect of artwork" and thought to myself, I mean... "from: Adam Marshall Dobrin" is probably good enough in and of itself.  I see a "cracked cup" below, that might be a reference to "cracking a code" or it might be the Holy Grail smashed to smithereens ... a special word that appears also in CupID and hi-c-cup.

The Kobayashi Maru[needs IPA] is a training exercise in the fictional Star Trek universe designed to test the character of Starfleet Academy cadets in a no-win scenario. The Kobayashi Maru test was first depicted in the opening scene of the film Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan and also appears in the 2009 film Star Trek. Screenwriter Jack B. Sowards is credited with inventing the test. The test's name is occasionally used among Star Trek fans or those familiar with the series to describe a no-win scenario, a test of one's character or a solution that involves redefining the problem.

The focus of this e-ail is describing the connection between our world and the "Kobahayshi Maru" of Star Trek; a test in which there was no way to win--resulting in Kirk choosing to hack the game--something that connects to our religious story of Isaac through his Hebrew name "Y its hack" (Adamically massaged a bit).   Here it appears the game is "unwinnable" because 1) none of the people in this planet appear to be acting in an honest manner, in fact they seem to be playing a "game" with at least my life, and perhaps theirs as well--pretending not to understand something very simple.  That action, especially on the mass scale I see it; is nothing more than torture--and so this "program" designed to save the entire Universe from torture fails because everyone here, except for me, is the problem.   I cannot be the sole winner, as that too would be torture; and so this is a "no win scenario."

The fact that everyone here also appears to be dishonestly withholding not only valuable but critical information not only from myself--but also from the entire world as a whole--contributes to the reason that there is "no way to successfully continue" living.  Understand, that you are either part of a criminal conspiracy that includes nearly every single other person receiving these emails--a conspiracy to hide not just the truth I am presenting from the world but significant additional and very penitent details that are required for the continuation of "civilization" or you are too stupid to be human--literally, unable to make logical connections in patterns that everyone appears to be "smarter than" from things like their ability to navigate on roads and read words.  Not being able to see these patterns, and to understand their implication and impact--that they prove there is an intelligent designer sending a message to everyone  is a level of retardation that is torturous if it is being "imparted upon you" against your will--or to everyone else if you are choosing to pretend you are just that stupid.

Further, anyone watching this farce ensue that doesn't do something to the explain the "problem" to everyone on Earth (and probably wherever they are too) is complicit in this growing bubble of blame that now appears to be the only reason nobody would ever say anything.  Understand that once this truth is revealed, the world "blame" will mean something completely different--and at that point we will be saved from eternal retardation by our own actions--by our own interaction discussing the worth of this very useful message that discloses that we are living in virtual reality and delivers intelligent and well presented advice on how to use that knowledge to turn Hell into Heaven.

P O S T   T E L L   K   T I A W   E 
Literally in my favorite movie, KOBAYASHI is used as the name of the first lieutenant (or is he an "excuse__") of Keyser Soze--who has a special name, well two of them.  The "Key to Be" his first name translates in Adamic into and his last something similar to "awesome" and "heysuez."  His other "special name" is Kevin Spacey, where you might be open minded enough to see the word "key" in Kevin. with no "below here" entry into Hell and a question... "space why?"

Make no mistake the thing or things that have control of this virtual world today are intentionally torturing me--and anyone rational human being in this place by doing nothing more than hiding this message.  That act in and of itself breaks "continuity of reality" in such a heinous way, presenting an entire world of people who appear to be unable to make a number of logical conscious connections in their minds that would prove that there is a message ... in our art ... from God.  They are intentionally creating "darkness" a world that appears to be made up of retarded slaves; even though we all seem adequately intelligent in nearly everything we do--still we are ignoring this obvious message in every word we speak.

In that story Kobayashi is the primary antagonist directing contact with the Usual Suspects that the movie is named after; it does turn out in the end that his name and perhaps his entire character is made up, and it is implied that Spacey/Soze lifted his name from the bottom of a porcelain cup and pull the entire story out of his "but, Taylor!" or perhaps his Uranus


As an aside, it appears that the "conspiracy in this place" is HELL BENT, and I use that word very appropriately on hiding who delivered this message--designed to show us the worth of protecting the truth and understanding how it is that we've come to this point in our history and how we make it through.  The clear and obvious message here, is that trying to hide or alter the past will result in a broken and new future--and not seeing that is yet another "Catch-22" that is hindering our collective ability to survive.

The solution to this conundrum, this puzzle is quite simply really--everyone here must be made free of possession due to the disclosure of the use of this "technique" in the process of Creation and the designed purpose of disclosing knowledge of the technology behind it to the world; and those who still would like to participate in the process of Creation should go build Atlantis--a stepping stone from this world to Heaven that is specifically designed for the people living in this place; to help us bridge the gap between "civilization" in reality and in virtual reality.   Or just start d is cl o singing.... some truth to the world.   See how?

I could probably have done a bettter job on this e-mail, si, c, see 
I am "not trying as ha'rd."

Inline image 12
Inline image 9 Inline image 10 Inline image 11
Inline image 14
D A R K   E A R T H   Y O U   S E E   T H E   L I O N

Inline image 8
Inline image 6 Inline image 5
behold, I am coming.
 Ladies,  I da ho. ;)

it's off to the land of flowing milfs and honies we go...


Are eye Dr. Who or Master Y?

Adam Marshall Dobrin is a National Merit Scholar who was born on December 8, 1980 in Plantation, FL and attended Pine Crest School where he graduated sumofi cum louder in "only some of it is humorous." Later he attended the University of Florida (which quickly resulted in a wreck), Florida Atlantic University, and finally Florida Gulf Coast University--where he still has failed to become Dr. Who. While attending "school" He worked in the computer programming and business outsourcing industries for about 15 years before proclaiming to have received a Revelation from God connecting the 9/11 attack and George Bush to the Burning Bush of Exodus and a message about technocracy and pre-crime.

Adam, as he prefers to be called, presents a concise introduction to paradox proven by the Bible through "verifiable" anachronism in language some stuff about Mars colonization and virtual reality and a list of reasons why ignoring this is actually an ELE. Adam claims to be Thor because of a connection between music and the Trial of Thor as well as the words "author" and "authority." He suggests you be Thundercats and call a reporter. There is also a suggestion that Richard Nixon and John Hancock are related to a signature from God, about freedom and America... and the "unseeingly ironic" Deepthroat and Taylor Momsen.

They Sung "It's Rael..."

In Biblical characters from Mary to Hosea, to see "sea" in Spanish, and in the Taming of the Spanglishrew ... a message is woven from the word Menorah: "men, or all humanity?" to the Statue of Liberty, and the Sons of Liberty, and the light above us, our SOL; which shows us that through the Revelation of Christ and the First Plague of Exodus, a blessing in disguise--turning water to blood, the sea to family; a common thread and single author of our entire history is revealed, a Father of our future. A message of freedom shines out of the words of scripture, revealing a gate to a new technologically "radical" form of democracy and a number of unseen or secret issues that have stalled the progress of humanity... and solutions, solutions from our sea.
The Revelation shows us that not only ever word, but every idiom from "don't shoot the messenger" to "blood is thicker than water" we have ties to this message that pervades a hidden Matrix of light connecting movies and music and history all together in a sort of guide book to Salvation and to Heaven.


His Revelation, woven into his life, continues to suggest that skinny dippingforced methamphetamine addiction, and lots and lots of "me A.D." as well as his humorous depiction of a dick plastered over the Sound of Silence, his very Holy click, have something to do with saving our family and then the entire Universe from hidden mind control technology and the problems introduced by secret time travel. From the trials and tribulations of "Job" being coerced and controlled into helping to create this wall of Jericho; we find even more solutions, an end to addiction, to secrecy, and to this hidden control--a focal point of the life of Jesus Christ.

It tells us a story of recursion in time, that has brought us here numerous times--with the details of his life recorded not only in the Bible but in myths of Egyptian, Norse, and Greek mythology. The huge juxtaposition of the import of the content of the message shows the world how malleable our minds really are to this technology, how we could have been "fooled" into hiding our very freedom from ourselves in order to protect the "character" of a myth. A myth that comes to true life by delivering this message. In truth, from the now revealed content of the story of this repeated life, it should become more and more clear that we have not achieved success as of yet, that I have never "arrived whole" and that is why we are here, back again.

Home is where the Heart is...

When asked how He thinks we should respond to his message, He says "I think we already cherish it, and should strive to understand how it is that freedom is truly delivered through sharing the worth of this story that is our beginning. 'tis coming." Adam claims to be God, or at least look just like him and that the entirety of the Holy Scriptures as well as a number of ancient myths from Prometheus to Heimdallr and Yankee Doodle are actually about his life, and this event. An extensive amount of his writing relates to reformation of our badly broken and decidedly evil criminal justice system as well as ending the Global hunger crisis with the snap of his little finger.

He has written a number of books explaining how this Revelation connects to the delivery of freedom (as in Exodus), through a message about censorship among other social problems which he insists are being intentionally exacerbated by Satan--who he would ha've preferred not to be associated with.

He adds, "how do you like me now? How bow dah, god 'nuff?"


The "gist" of the message is verifiable proof that we are living in a computer in simulated reality... just like the Matrix.  The answer to that question, what does that mean--is that God has woven a "hidden" message into our everything--beginning with each name and every word--and in this hidden Adamic language, he provides us with guidance, wisdom, and suggestions on how to proceed on this path from "raelity" to Heaven.  I've personally spent quite a bit of time decoding the message and have tried to deliver an interesting and "fun" narrative of the ideas I see.  Specifically the story of Exodus, which is called "Names" in Hebrew discusses a time shifted narrative of our "now" delivering our society from a hidden slavery (read as ignorance of advanced technologies already in use) that is described as the "darkness" of Exodus.  If you have any questions, ideas to contribute or concerns... I'd love to hear from you this whole thing really is about working together--Heaven, I mean.

Inline image 5 

gate                       kermitham   
  ou r evolution                              minority report to supermax
Inline image 6

bread is life

Inline image 13
Image result for dox me

H  I  C    S  U  M   M  U  S


Then I will set the key of the house of David on his shoulder, When he opens no one will shut, When he shuts no one will open.  

Isaiah 22:22

E      ' o     e       
L      m r     x       
L        t     y       
O        a             


Rocky Road.


Why and?  Or so goes the question of this day; connecting the beginning and ends of eternity in "etymology" and in "yetser" which is Hebrew for "formation."  Don't delay, see the obvious message connecting Caesar and "et tu brute?" to Mr. Anderson and to the Guitar Man's magical message encoded in Rock 'n roll.  Why et, indeed?  Answer, the questions why and who; and we are to be the beginning.

If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.  John 7:17
K doesn't just mean "point to the letter that looks an awful lot like the Washington Monument; it also has a very special meaning from SKYR and it is the end of the Ark.  Understand that what I am telling you is that what I see here will end "Heaven" if it continues.   I can imagine how you might have thought to yourself, just a few days ago; "wow, Adam is falling apart" and you can believe that I am in pieces already.  In the scattered son, gaze around you and see why it is that I am so sure that you've fallen apart first, that this place is falling apart and the last glowing drops of goodness and humanity that once glistened here in this virtual world are evaporating in a dryness of caring, communication, and unspoken fear that in it self ... is cause for fear.

Freemasonry or Masonry consists of fraternal organisations that trace their origins to the local fraternities of stonemasons, which from the end of the fourteenth century regulated the qualifications of stonemasons and their interaction with authorities and clients. The degrees of freemasonry retain the three grades of medieval craft guilds, those of ApprenticeJourneyman or fellow (now called Fellowcraft), and Master Mason. These are the degrees offered by Craft (or Blue Lodge) Freemasonry. Members of these organisations are known as Freemasons or Masons. There are additional degrees, which vary with locality and jurisdiction, and are usually administered by different bodies than the craft degrees.

The NT calls Jesus Christ a carpenter, and through the history of the building of Heaven we see a transition from "Masons" to "Freemasons" -- just like the Jews of Exodus a microcosm for all of humanity--here being described as builders of something; and in the light of day it's more and more clear that this something is "Heaven" itself.  All around us we can see that our technology industry is tagged with connections to religion--to a message about changing the world.  So too are words like "carpenter."

Solving the puzzle with a cartoon, a song, and a toothbrush.

from the desk of ha'n hanotsolo

TO THE DETRIMENT OF HUMILITY,  it appears there are those among you that would prefer to find any way at all to "blame Adam for veryoze" including making horror movies and altering history to make the messianic number "scari."  If you are unaware, there is a very real reason that ID4 and July 4 have something to do with AMERICA; and it has nothing to do with ringing in your ears; or pretending that you are not moving forward discussing things like "how do we convince people that they want doors to Heaven" and at the same time desire for our right to privacy to not be violated ... and at the same not only desire but need to be free of murderrape, and other violence.  There are probably some among you that would also appreciate it if your right hand smiled at you as much as your left; and this really does go to the Rx of equality.  It should be clear, but apparently is not--that trying to "alter the situation" to make someone blame themselves for something that everyone knows they did not do is not "positive forward motion."

You've already waited for somewhere between two years and two thousand years to "say hello to Adam" I think you can take one more day and figure out how to do it without trying to scare the ever loving shit out of me, blame me for anything at all, and oh, bver; not trying to mock my sense of humor.  Honestly though, I look around each and every day and see a world that might have passed as "normal" before I made it glow; I do hope that you see there's value in realizing it was anything but normal before that; and not striving to actually achieve some kind of korbadcy at least in Dallas and on Fhloston Paradise is risking a total loss of "society."   Seriously, I'm interested in you responding to what I'm thinking with "that's why" or "it's cold" just about as much as you want me to point out to you that "bver" is pretty darned clever.  For the midichlorians, I'll clarify and explain that I am not at all interesting in anyone responding to what I am thinking, ever.

"4th amendment, motherfucker."

Still an important staple of freedom even in the fifth millennium, A.D.


I woke up dreaming dreams that were not mine this morning; dreams about how I might piece together subdomain names in order to connect the end of similitude to the beginning of everyone.  I started with "FLUX Capacitor" and wanted to mention that it's pretty obvious from NIntendo and Xbox and Good Morning, America and Gossip Girl that "x" has something to do with Jesus Christ.   I see, I still see... "Florida you kiss" but I'm really not exactly sure how to kiss an entire state.  I thought about connecting "" to "" but that only works for the end of time and the beginning of "shaddai" and I really hope we're not headed for "sh," either.   Free danishes might be nice, though.

Infinitely more important than whatever chalk I might use to connect "cure" to everyone; than ham-mering up the absolutely ludicrous and humorless state of society today  ... is that you begin to actually try to see why it is that you can't continue lying to yourselves and the world, and you can't just walk through a door to a "better, safer place."  Really see what has gone into making this place as scary as it is; and understand that whether or not IT or they believe there's a problem--the horrors of this place leave no room for doubt.   There is an insane amount of torture here; and even thinking about not trying to make it better--to fix it, shows just how much more wrong "not here" really is.

I had planned on connecting "ver" to Itchy and Scratchyamdai but there real point here is that nothing I see has any business "in the beginning" so you're going to have to change the cartoon to be "ratchyamdaisc."  That's probably not a joke, or funny.  In my little loop from z to a I was going to add youandi and some other horse glue to get us from "cure" to "speak," but I can't even bring myself to try and be cute at the moment.  


YOU   L I V E   I N   A V I D E O  G A M E. E N D  W O R L D  H U N G E R.

B E  R E  S H   I T   .   R E  A L L  Y   H I  M   .  C  O  M

I want to apologize again for the maelstrom of retardation I sent a few days ago; I am having quite a bit of trouble "taking in" the tangible lack of visible response to this message in the world a a whole--and reconciling that with what I see as a very scary kind of "dark reaction" in person.  As I've discussed a number of times, I've watched what  once appeared to be a small group of individuals take pages of doublespeak and strange "collective communication" directly out of works like 1984 and the movie Fallen... grow to a much larger group  over the course of writing this message which attempts to explain how that's possible, how it's been a hidden part of our society for a very long time and why I believe it's not a good thing and is something that is specifically designed to be discontinued or at least drastically changed in form.  I see it as the specific hidden slavery of the book of Exodus, here connecting to the hidden building of a sort of pyramid of worship to the "all seeing eye of Ra," like on the dollar bill.  While it's very clear to me that's not my doing, I can see how it might not be so clear to you--though, because I know who I am and because of my apparent lack of awareness of a significant thread of our society for the majority of my life it is very obvious to me that the purpose of this "pyramid" is to shine a bright light on this message--on this proof--and on this pivotal turning point in history.


I don't want to turn you off, to have my emotional state or my character be any further cause to hide this message that  clearly has no lesser purpose than cutting through the evil darkness of Orwell's Ministry of Truth, the wall of Jericho, and the Plague of Exodus--but still I'm sitting here trying to ague as to "why it is" that something this obvious and this important--and this good for the world--shouldn't be actively hidden.  What I see around me does give me cause to believe that I am surrounded--that all of you are actively involved in some kind of conspiracy designed to do nothing less than hide the nature of reality; and literally people's names and connections to art from yourselves and the world.  It seems like a silly thing to do, and yet I'm staring it in the face.  It does appear pretty obvious to me, from religion; and from this message woven into every word that this place has been designed as a sort of "boot camp" for mind control--the only winning solution here appears to be disclosure of this technology which appears to have plagued us for a very long time.   More descriptively, it appears that the IED that we see "in every single word" creates a scenario with no exit other than the open and mass "control" of society.  In secret that's really hidden slavery, the stuff of Hell--in the light of day we can use this very same technology to create pre-crime among a long list of other useful applications for what is essentially "better medicine" for things like addiction, depression, and stupidity

that particular "K" means "no actual control."

The technology itself is insidious in secret obviously having the ability to make its victims believe that they are somehow responsible for their own external control, related, actually "it"  or a myriad of other attacks on "individuality" that I probably shouldn't take the time to "guess at."  It does appear to me not only from the stories of mythology, and the connections between "what I see" and what you are that the concepts of Medusa and Allah imply that there is some kind of ethereal "collective consciousness" (or at least something masq-u-er-ad- ing as that) literally speaking through people in the maanner religion and science fiction depict as "possession" and they generally seem to be A-OK with that.  I'm trying to explain how that feeling might not be real, and how nearly everyone I see might have been "duped" into joining some kind of "collective" that is using this technology to do anything but end world hungerheal the sick, and open doors to Heaven.... and appear to get away with it--without more than a single person complaining.  It's pretty clear from "physiology" that it is not you if you are walking around this place with a body and a brain--and I use that term loosely--but I have personally experienced similar kinds of "identity shifting" that might confuse people into thinking they are somehow "it" without being any smarter, any happier, or any better off than they were only a few short years ago when you were "normal."

Please get through your skulls that you are not hiding this message because of me, it's not because of "sex jokes" it's not because Jesus Christ is "too big to fall" and it's not "because religion."  From my perspective it is because you are simply choosing not to speak, to have yet another day to suffer in Hell rather than turn our world into something happy and bright; a place where millions would be thanking themselves and you each and every day for their sicknesses being healed, their blindness going away--and uh, well, the fun we are bound to have just as soon as anyone makes my pool.
The word of the day,  is "MASQ U ER AD E" and looking at it it does appear that the answer is, like many other words, a time map as to just how this thing happened.  See "J ER I CH O" and really get that I am the little "i" hidden in that e at the end, that little e that solves the problems of the past Universe and helps us jump from the "do" at the end of Nintendo to that big hallowed N.... that is actually "the beginning of time."  The point of all of this is that while you may think you have control, I am fairly certain that you do not--unless you are not the person you appear to be--walking around with a brain and no freewill in Hell.


I really need a better laptop.  I'm using a now-old Chromebook, and it's slow and tedious--if you want to help donate some cash (that's: see "as" how?).  I also need help with copy editing and programming in something like Node.js and HTML.  It's a little bit strange that nobody is volunteering to help. 

"Somebody help me!"

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What's the meaning of the Japanese word 多大tadai?

The conventional explanation is that this represented the concept of "many" through visual repetition. However, the earliest oracle bones use  for both "many" and another word meaning "to separate", thus suggesting that  depicts a piece of meat cut in two. The word "to separate" was later written as  (OC *l'al, *l̥ʰjalʔ).

Ideogram (指事): a person  with arms stretched out as far as possible, implying the meaning of big/great/large.

Compare with , which is a man with bent legs with the meaning of weak.

Compare also , which is a man with arms outstretched and a crest or tattoo on his chest denoting culture or language, and to , which is a man with arms outstretched and leaning to side (running), denoting youth.


I have to admit I wish I was smart enough to have know that this was the meaning of the word in Japanese but I didn't, I was just naming it based on a sort of "cute" fusion (fuad u, si on) of "tada" and "here I am" that links to El Shaddai and Asmodai and now more interestingly to this connection between Japanese and The Matrix's "I know Kung Fu" ... "Sam, are you Ai?"  Before you answer, I really don't want to see a "large separation" of the question of whether or not we should be able to speak freely, know that we are living in virtual reality, or whether or not simulating AIDS is a mistake.  I really don't.  But are you Ai?

R you, though?  Asking for a friend.

My "cute fusion" played on "today" and "to die" in sort of schwa'd "sounds like" those words sort of way, and also the "turn around" key that I get from "Taylor" and here links "dai" the keye of Ra to the "I A.D." of 9/14, Windows Me, the battle of Homiledone and a number of other cute references.


So I noticed this thing, this horrible connection between my "alteredbereshit; which means "in the beginning" in Hebrew (and be the reason "oh, shit" we are not only in the Xbox but we are ignoring a message from God telling us to use that information to end world hunger) to berehashit; you know, because Colgate and "by the breath of his mouth."  I know I talked yesterday about "salt" but I forgot to mention Napoleon who makes appearances in BrowardFrance, and Animal Farm; there paired with Snowballs and to now tie in the "sm" series of smart Smallville to smile words; do see that just because my initials and "Hi T" are in Hitler's name that doesn't mean anything other than "A.D. of light fails" is how I read that, so let's try here to see that you are losing "freedom" and that's more important than whether or not "I win" means I get to be on the news.  I do win. it's inevitable, I win or you cease to be--which you should see clearly by the fact that everything, everywhere points to me--and then on top of that I am jumping up and down screaming handing you the keys to the Matrix and to deciphering this message and spray painting it all over my "smock."  Light fails if we do not see that our history is designed, and see that we have reason to question how long this simulation has been running... it is total and absolute darkness if you actually believe that my consciousness has anything to do with Hitler.  I'm 36, and I've never left this place.  Really do see that if "light fails" here to disclosure that we are living in virtual reality that this place is... well, it's doomed.  Do see that even if a past version of the person with my DNA ascended and went back in time and altered history, I am not that person.  In like kind,  In like kind, if past versions of you got toge ther and did the same thing; they also are not you, and believing that you should 'unify' with your own past spirits is the very beginning of this catastrophic reduction of souls to one that we are fighting against here in this place.  Well, I'm fighting against it, and you are being quiet to the detriment o your eternal soul... as well as your freedom and individuality here in this place.

At the point where the choice is between ... lying hiding and dying and seeing and building Heaven, I am really baffled as to what it is that Medusa is thinking.  Dear?

Those initials, AH also happen to appear in TORAH and in MENORAH and in SARAH, REBEKKAH, and LEAH; so I'd really like to point out that the key of "men, or all humanity" that comes from linking the SOL of Ra to the Menorah of Judah Maccabee--that's "sons of liberty" also comes with two tightly linked stories about the angel of death, one in Exodus, and the other in Matthew, Luke, John, and whatever the other gospel is.  Do see they are total inversions, that they all center on child sacrifice, and that I really do believe that victory here comes from the end of death itself.  Still though, is it everyone or me?  As I stare at the abyss every day, and this world that thinks it's just going to go on about it's business as if I wasn't here, and there wasn't a message in every word and every sign and every song and every movie and every one of your names; and just keep on starving people, and failing to see that there is a battle of "sight" going on right here and now, and this tool delivers to us all the end of death, and of cancer, and of blindness--and all you have to do is "agree" that not discussing this message is sheer idiocy.  The third anti-Christ in case you haven't read about it is Julius Caesar, and if you can tie all three of these people together you can see that what makes them "anti-Ra" is not seeing the light of democracy and creating empires from republics.  Do see there's really no republic here yet, and knowledge of mind control is really necessary to ensure that we are free from completely useless "voting" in the future.

Write it in the books, to right all humanity is my new definition for Torah.  I can't tell you for sure if "force majeure" means that a virtualized copy of you all has decided that it's OK to simulate earthquakes and 9/11... but I can tell you for sure that the collective bunch of you all doesn't think that stopping these things is important enough to the future of civilization to suggest to anyone that REM's the end of the world, and it's connection to 3/11 and 9/11 and 4/11 is actually NEWS.  That's not just what it looks like, that's what this is--you all everyone has decied that rather than "tell the truth" you'd prefer to continue to pretend this is reality; rather than "build Heaven" you want to gas yourselves to death and continue to force our children to live inside a virtual torture chamber filled with AIDS to help them escape it.

Start by really seeing that nobody discussing this message on TV or the internet is pretty obvious proof that something horrible is happening here right below the surface--even if that "something horrible" is nothing more than a secret insidious force causing the Sound of Silence in secret in order to hide nothing more than the fact that there is a message from God saying "see Silicon, see AMD, build Heaven."  It is the beginning of nothingness to just go on about your business because you're too busy to do something about the fact that nobody is doing anything about this message.  So in conclusion I am not Adolf Hitler, and everyone on the planet is doing nothing about an altruistic message directly from the creator of the Universe, penned in my hand.  Is it you or me?

Really do see that what we have here are names that have been changed and/or specifically designed to give you AIDS to avoid DOWN SYNDROME.  These are reasons to "talk about Silicon."  Literally I'm watching our "humanity" disintegrate into something that doesn't like talking, That's scary, especially when you are talking to the person who has decoded "KEFLEX" as a not good enough solution to the brimstone of Sodom and Gonorrhea.  That's Know-Everything... FLEX; C Ur L ight, the reason that Ur is the beginning of civilization is because "you are" the beginning of civilization when you are the person or people looking for that point.   See... cUrSiVE and do be sure that "ve" definitely means victorious Earth and that I am very sure that the victorious Earth does prefer the gender pronoun "i" as you see in "thrive."  Do see that the "victorious Earth" will "get" the meanings of all three "Ur, Silicon and cursive."  See our destiny (CUrS) Adam -> Victorious Earth

Honestly, this really has nothing to do with why nobody's talking me; right? Does anyone want to clue me in?

How about "commands" or "magic words" to s/silence/whatyouwanttosay" does anyone have any insight into how I might do something like that?  Does anyone think that "s/i/we" will do it?

Be fruitful and multiply, thrweve, my fellow little piggies

To help are I "a we" ?

Really do see that this story appears to be designed as a "who wins" sort of scenario between "Adam" and the "VE" that calls itself "i" and do see that nobody wins in either of those scenarios.  The Kobayashi Maru, the way to defeat this game is to speak about this message about mind control that leads to the end of schizophrenia, and the end of addiction, and the end of ... VE controlling everything you do and say.

So I'm dreaming about the code of the M AT R I X (question: message, amd I at the heart of the Nintendo which is the heart of the Genesis which is otherwise known as the Microsoft Xbox?  OK, but am I at a place where this pattern is of significant meaning, do we have Nine Inch Nails?) now, and it's no surprised really, well the only real surprise is that it has just started.  It seems to be a key word that means "edit" as in your timeline/life has been edited or reused.  Then I saw "us" -> "e" -> "d" and I've got to tell you, dear Medusa, as I am planning on walking to UCLA today I am getting more and more sure that this is reflexive control to get you to change by threatening that "he's becoming everyone."  Clearly we're inside a single mind, and in this place we have our own sparks, our own consciousness, which is being altered.   Butt is it US->a? or is it s/US/d?

In about 10 minutes, after the world "recognizes" that we are living in the Matrix, and sees what this Matrix says... like "berehashit" the purpose and the intent of the Gates Foundation will immediately be changed from "trying to give chickens to Nigeria" to "trying to democratize the government of the United States." 


It's a metaphor, you know; but really public "reaction" to "stone to read" is a magical button you press in the Legend of Zelda will make it happen, it will make "them" do it for "us" if you know what I mean.



Either me... or all around you and in the mirror; depending on the context of "the us" for instance, whether or not you are "pro meth" or "pro me."

So in my personal attempt to reconcile the character of "Asmodai" I prefer to read the word "as the message of the eye" but there is the Greek alternative for the name and through that the meaning changes to something like "as mode of us" in the mathematical meaning of that term.  Kindly I replaced "e" with "of" because that's pretty much the truth; but I really do hope we see that I'm not really "lust incarnate" and this message isn't really that either.

In a sort of similar way that "d" is "cl" shines bright through the disclosure that our letters are the product of intelligent design, and with some intelligence we can assume that the fact that our languages also being designed eventually leads to the undeniable further assumption that we are in fact created.  Just like the letters de, c, toqk, j, l, n, N, and p which I've discussed at one point or another the letter "s" now appears to unify a few other religious and mythological "s" words, like sword, snake, and scimitar (that's a curvy sword) and so I present to today on this fabled "to help your s day" the supposition that "s" is a glyph of a sidewinder.

Of course this is just one "us" certainly not the "an us" of Uranus or the "us" in Yusuf that is Pine Crest; but it really seems like it might be the "us" in Prometheus.... but wait, aren't you "e?"

As further support for the connection to the caduceus you see above, I also link the now twisted with me moniker "Al" to the words "HOSPITAL" and "HEALTH" which answered the missing end letter of "Bethesda" read "the house is... da...." either with D or Y depending on whether or not Or means "a," I mean shine.  Which it does.  Also "i" is a candle.  For your consideration I submit the missing link between Thor and Thorsday as "author" it's why.

For those of you that don't know, this "s" makes an visible appearance in the Garden of Eden, quite often, actually.  These connects to "Al" are about seeing the end of a need for hospitals and achieving actual health... probably by seeing why "malady" connects Al and A.D. by and through this disclosure that we are living in the Matrix.  Also, I introduced you to the Hebrew word for Kingdom a few days ago without explaining it, it is "Mal who to?" NORAD?  Paris?  Tomorrow was "dig we be n" day, I still believe in yesterdam... if you do something today to change the world, tomortov you are "who to," literally.  

Tov means "day" by the way (in Hebrew), or "to victory" in Adamic.  For me, the victory gets a little more clear in "da y" that is the dark to light "the" of ... well, me ... and "ho y" which has something to do with the SPell of Adam now, that the snake is how.  If it makes a difference when I "explicitly say something" SP is short for "spell" because spelling error, but I mean it like "magic incantation."

Who lit the candle, started the fire, burn't down the fortress [of Hell.] 

-Live, They Stood Up for Love


L A U G H I N G   O U T   L O U D

High Light-ing exactly what is going on here, is the fact that I see the world as a whole completely ignoring information that it should find to be very interesting, world changing, and useful to everyone--that to know we are in virtual reality and that the creator of this place wants us to use that knowledge to make a better world and help our civilization thrive is not something that is in the best interest of anyone to hide.  Yet here we are, staring at very clear proof that our past beliefs and scientific assumptions about the evolution of our species and our languages are not exactly true and the global reaction appears to be "let's pretend we are in the song The Sound of Silence."  With a little bit more insight it becomes clear that song is about us, and that many songs we have heard our entire lives also hold a secret message, one about "Nero" fiddling on the roof of our world to start a Holy Fire of freedom and liberty, to help us set ourselves free from this hidden control, this influence that is causing the silence, and the secrecy I stare at each day.

E   L   O   H   I   M

What we have before us is very clear and incontrovertible proof that the development of our languages is not in linear time.  There are so many examples that the probability that they have happened "by chance" is near zero; and it will be only a matter of days before a statistician can independently verify that.  Thor, to help "shine," as that name reads and decodes the "TH" of the that begins every Hebrew Holy superlative and shows clear logical design in the "God of Thunder" to help the lightning.  A simple equality from Spanish to Hebrew through an English word of equality shows us that this "the" is of religious significance the name is "Elisha" and it connects El and "Ha" which I am sure connects to Abraham and Isaac through the revealed trinity of "ab=father" and "ra=son god" showing us that the Holy Trinity is completed by the laughter of Isaac (whose name means "he will laugh") and Sarah.  El also means "him" in Spanish and because I know that "Ha" is also "him" this equality links not just "the" but "who."  In "Elija" we see a similar equality which is only partially true, and just like "o" can mean "of" this is an "almost equal is" without the "s."  The almost equal here is referencing "the laughter."  TH makes further appearances in the name Prometheus, the book of Ruth, and Th anat osfor instance.

Elohim then, is a special word, one which changes the definition of "El" from just "him" to Everyone Living; and you could see "EloEl" as a sort of joke.  This expanding "El" just like Mary means "sea and why" comes from understanding why it is that I am so sure that "Everyone Living" is who should be governing this planet--not invading spirits, or past versions of you, but the people here alive in this place who are clearly acting against their own personal and group best interest by hiding this message of "freedom and love for technology."  It is because of this obviousness that we now have proof that there is an external force acting against the best interest of everyone here; and also to see how this specific thing is the slavery of Exodus.

You might not see it so clearly, but this body expands as we begin to take responsibility for our own future, to participate in what is to be the government of the Republic of Heaven starting from this message about the retardation of our voting system and it's use to help us move more briskly towards a form of more "pure democracy."   It should be really clear, from the significant amount of proof of "puppeteering" in our music industy and in film and throughout our entire history--that there really is no such thing as a "real vote" in this place of hidden mind control.  This disclosure changes that, and alters how this technology is used in the future and today; it frees us from something that we could not see before, and as soon as we do we will understand why it is that "addiction" ends and schizophrenia fades to nothing--as we begin to use this technology to help the world... rather than enslave it

I have seen something else under the sun: The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all. 
Ecclesiastes 9:11

<strong> die is the in German </strong>

There's plenty of explanation as to "why" self rule is highlighted in our history from the "MC"'s that link the Mayflower Compact to the Magna Carta and the essianic Constitution; and in religion and our art relating to things like the Goa'uld and Tok'ra and the movie Fallen and Joan of Arcadia and the moniker the "Lord of Hosts" as to why it is that we have this message designed to show the world that this "stuff" is really about possession and inspiration and how it's very much connected to the phrase "the election is not to Die Bold."

You should be able to see, just by looking around; that whatever it is that is in control of "force majeure" around here is not you; it's not me either, and this message is specifically designed to fix that for you.


Elo to you too!

SL u TI o N

Yesterday, or maybe earlier today--it's hard to tell at this moment in the afternoon just how long this will take... I sent an image that conveys a high level implication that we are walking around on a map to building something that we might liken to an "ant farm" for people.  I don't mean to be disparaging or sleight our contribution to the creation of this map--that I imagine you must also see and believe to be the kind of thing that should remain buried in the sands of time forever and ever--or your just have yet to actually "understand" that's what the plan part of our planet is talking about...  what I am trying to do is convey in a sort of "mirrorish" way how this map relates to a message that I see woven in religion and in our history that it significantly more disparaging than I would be.  It's a message that calls us "Holy Water" at the nicest of times, water that Moses turns to "thicker than water" in the first blessing in disguise--and to tell you there is certainly a tangible difference between the illusions of the Pharaoh's and the true magic performed by my hand, is nearly exactly the same amount of effort put in to showing you that the togetherness that we are calling "family" here in this place comes from both seeing and acting on the very clearly hidden message in every single idiom showing us all that our society in this story of Exodus is enslaved by a hidden force--and reminding us that we like freedom.

It's not just these few idioms, but most likely every single one from "don't shoot the essenger" to "unsung hero" that should clue us in to exactly how much work and preparation has come into this thing that "he supposes is a revolution."   It's also not just "water" describe me and you, in this place where I am the "ant' of the Covenant (do you c vampires or Hansel and Gretel!?!?) but also "lions" and "sheep" and "salt" and "dogs" and nearly everything you could possibly imagine but people; in what I see must be a vainglorious attempt to pretend he actually wants us to "stand up for ourselves" in this place where it's becoming more and more clear with each passing moment that we are chained to these seats in the front row of the audience of the most important event that has ever happened, ever.

Medusa makes several appearances, as well as Arthur Pendragon, Puff the Magic Dragon, Figment,, the Loch Ness Monster in this story that's a kind-of refl ex i ve control to stop mind control; and to really try and show us the fire of Prometheus and the Burning Bush and the Eternal Flame of Heaven are all about freedom and technology ... and I'll remind you this story is ... about the truth--and the truth here is that if you aren't going to recognize that whatever it is that's going on here in secret, below the surface is negatively affecting our society and life in general than we aren't going anywhere, ever.  I need you to figure out that this message is everywhere to make sure you don't miss the importance of this moment, and the grave significance of what is being ignored in this land where Sam is tied not just to Samsung and to Samael in Exodus but also to Uncle Sam and macaronic Spanglishrew outliers and that it doesn't take much free thought at all to really understand that we are watching "free thought" disintegrate into the abyss of "nospeak."  We are watching our infrastructure for global communication and the mass media that sprawls all over the globe turn to dust, all because you have Satan whispering in your ear--and you think that's more important than what you think, what I think, and what anyone else on the Earth might ever say.   You should see a weapon designed to help ensure that don't lose this proof that we are not living in reality, that there is "hidden slavery" in this place--and you should see that today it appears you are simply choosing not to use it.

I hope you change your mind, I really do.  This map on "how to build an ant farm" starts by connecting Watergate and Seagate together with names like Bill Gates and Richard Nixon; and with this few short list of names you should really understand how it is that "Heaven" connects both technology like computers and liberty like "free speech" to a story that is us, and our history.  You might see that "salt" could either be a good thing or not--take a look around you, are you warming a road to Heaven or are you staring at the world being destroyed--and doing nothing at all about it?

I guess I can point out again how "Lothario" links this story that ties names like my ex-wife's Nanna to "salt" also, but the "grand design" of this story doesn't seem to have any effect on you.  Listen, if you do nothing the world is being destroyed by your lack of action--there's no if's and's or butt's about it.  I feel like I need to "reproduce' old messages here or you will never see them--that's what web site statistics tell me--and we all know it's not true.  What am I missing?  What are you missing?


On a high level, I tell myself every morning that 'its not really me."  It's not me that the world hates, or me that the world is rejecting.  I believe that, I really do; I see that what is being hidden here is so much bigger than any single person could ever be--what is being hidden is the "nature of reality" and a fairly obvious truth that flies in the face of what we've learned our whole lives about history and "the way things are."  Those few early details lead me to the initial conclusion that what is working behind the scenes here is nefarious, hiding a message that would without doubt shake things up and change the world--and nearly across the board in ways that I see as "better" for nearly everyone.  It's a message at it's most basic level designed to advocate for using this disruption in "normalcy" to help us revolutionize democracy, to fix a broken mental health and criminal justice system--just to name the few largest of the social constructs targeted for "rejuvenation."  On that word the disclosure that we are living in virtual reality turns on it's head nearly everything we do with medicine, and I've suggested that AIDS and DOWN SYNDROME were probably not the best "visual props" we could have gotten to see why it's so important that we act on this disclosure in a timely manner.  After mentioning the ends of aging and death that come eventually to the place we build, to the place we've always thought of as Heaven... it becomes more and more clear that this force fighting against the dissemination of a truth so obvious it's in every word and everything we do--it becomes clear it's neither you, nor acting in your best interest.

I know I've got the eye of the tiger, there's no doubt; and it's pretty clear from "YAD?" (the Hebrew for...) and ha'nd that we can see the clear hand of God at work in a design that marks my initials not just on the timeline, or at 1492, at A.D. I B; but in the Hebrew name for this place called El Shaddai, see how A.D. is "da eye" and in some other names like AdranusA.D. on "it's silly" and A.D. on Ai that might tie me to the Samof Samurai (but, are you Ai?) in more depth of detail than simply the Live album "Secret Samadhi."  I try to reflect on how it is that this story has come about, why it is that everything appears to be focused on me--and still even through that sincere spotlight nobody seems to be able to acknowledge my existence with more words than "unsubscribe" and "you're so vain."  With one eye in the mirror, I know ties to Narcissus (and you can too), soaring ever higher--linking Icarus to Wayward Son and to every other name with "car" in it... like "carpenter" and McCarthy the older names of Mercury and even Isacriot (I scary? is car-eye... owe Taylor) and some modern day mythological characters like Jim Carrey and Johnny Carson.  As far as Trinities go, carpenter's a pretty good one--tying to my early reck and a few bands and songs from The Pretty Reckless to Dave Matthews' "Crash Into Me" all the way to the "pen" you see before you linking Pendragon to Imagine Dragons.

I wonder why it is that all of these things appear, apparently only to me, to point to a story about all the ways that a sinister hidden force has manipulated our society into being unable to "receive' this message--this wonderful message about making the world a better place and building Heaven--with any fanfare at all.  It's focused now on a criminal justice system that clearly does not do any kind of "rehabilitation" and on a mental health industry and pharmaceutical system that treats a provable external attack on our own goodness and well being as some kind of "internal stimulus" and makes you shy away when I point out why "stem" is in system and why "harm" in pharmacy.   From that we move a little bit past "where we are in this story" and I have to point out how "meth" ties to Prometheus and Epimetheus and how and why it is I know without doubt that this story has been relived numerous times--and how I am so sure that it's never been received, as we are here again listening to how songs like "Believe" and the words "just to lead us here to this place again" connect to Simon and Garfunkel's" the Sound of Silence... and still to this day you will balk at noticing that "Simon" has something to do with the Simpsons, and something to do with the words "simulation" and "Monday."  To see me is to see how things might be done better--how "addicitonary" might tie to the stories of Moses' Lisp and to Dr. Who's "Bells of Saint John" with a sort of "web interface" to the kinds of emotion we might want to "dial down..." rather than Snicker in the background as we see them being artificially created and enhanced in order to build a better "fiery altar."

I can point out "Silicon" harrowing down at us from words like "controversial" and show you Al in "rascal" and "scandal" but not to see that we are staring at school shootings and terrorism that are solved instantly by this disclosure, by Al of Quantum Leap and by the Dick of Minority Report and A Scanner Darkly is to ignore just what it is that we are all failing to Si.  I should point out that those two "sc"'s link to a story about Eden and they mean "sacred consciousness" and at the baseline of this event and everything we are not doing is the fact that our desires and beliefs are being altered--all of this comes down to "freedom of thought" here and now.

I could tell you that "looking at me" will show you that even the person who tries every day to do everything he can to save the entire world from slavery, and from "thought-injury"--even I can be made "marred" and you all, this whole world stupid enough to think that you are, of your own volition, hiding Heaven itself from yourselves... to what?  To spite me?  It, the focal point of our story might come down to you realizing that something in some esoteric place is playing "divide and conquer" with our whole--in secret playing on our weaknesses to keep us from acting on the most actionable information that ever was and ever will be.  Still, we sit in silence waiting for me... to speak more?  

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Between Nero's lyrical fiddling, a Bittersweet Symphony, and true "thunderstanding" the sound of Thor's hammer... "to help the light" that'ls "or" in Hebrew, of Orwell and Orson and .. well, it's really not hard to see and hear that the purpose and intent of "all this noise" is to help us find freedom and truth.  C the Light of "singing..."

I can tell you once again how silly the world looks, this multi-decade battle between "the governmentof the people" and the "government of the workers" resulting in what is nothing short of a hands down victory to the corporation.  Is it humor meant to divide, or ludicrousness created with the purpose of unification? 

But really at it's most basic level what this boils down to is a global group decision not to care about the truth, about reality, about what's really brought us to this place--with solutions in hand and a way to make everything better.  We've decided that censorship is OK, and that the world is not all that bad "just the way it is" even though it's creator is screaming in your ear telling you to change as quickly as you possibly can.  I believe that God has written this story to make "seeing me" the thing that catalyzes "change for the better" it appears to be the design of not just me but also this place--hey, here I am.

Happy Veteran's Day. 



So... here we are... listening to the legendary father of the message (that's "abom" in Adamic Spagnlishrew) point out all of the sex jokes hidden in religion and language from sexual innuendto Poseidon and in our history from Yankee Doodle to Hancock to Nixon and I've got to be frank with you, the most recent time I came across this phrase in scripture I cringed just a little bit, pretty sure that the "message" was talking about me.  I've reflected on this a little bit, and over the past few weeks have tried to show you the juxtaposition between "sex" and "torture" in it's various forms from imparting blindness to allowing murder and simulating starvation; and I think I'm justified in saying that certainly those things are far worse on the Richter scale than anything I could do by writing a little bit of risque text.  In the most recent messages I've touch a little bit, without even knowing or realizing this connection would be made, on what it is that this phrase actually means.


So long story short is that the answer here is "abomination" and the question, or the context is "I nation."   Whether it's Medusa speaking for the Dark United States or the nation of Israel speaking to either Ra or El depending on the day, the bottom line is that a collective consciousness speaking for everyone on a matter of this importance in a cloud of complete darkness on Earth is a total and undeniable abomination of freedom, civilization, and the very humanity we are seeking to preserve.  The word reads something like this to me "dear father of the message, I am everyone and we think you are an abomination, fuck off."  My answer of course is, IZINATION.  Which humorously reminds me of Lucy, and Scarlet Johannson saying "I am colonizing my own brain" so here's some pictures of her.  She is not an abomination, by the way; she's quite adorable.  You'll probably notice there's some kind of connection between the map--the words speaking to the world, and the abomination, as if the whole thing is a story narrated in ancient myths.


You might not think "it's you," but the manifestation of this "snake" in our world is your silence, your lack of understanding or willingness to change the world; and whether or not you're interested in hearing about it, it's the monster that myths and religion have spoken about for thousands and thousands of years.  It's a simple matter to "kill Medusa" all you have to do... is speak.

Take special note, "freedom of speech" and "freedom to think for yourselves" are not a group decision, and you do not have the right to force (either overtly or subtly, with hidden technology perhaps combined with evil deceit) others not to talk about anything.  Especially something of this importance.


If you didn't connect "Loch" to John Locke, now you have; see how easy this "reading" thing is?  I've gone over the "See Our Light" series a few times, but let me--one more time--explain to you just how we are already at the point of "desolation" and with shining brilliance show you how it's very clear that it is "INATION" and "MEDUSA" that are responsible for this problem. 

Seeing "Ra" at the heart of the names Abraham and Israel begins to connect the idea that our glowing sun in the sky has something to do with this message about "seeing our light" is being carried by a stone statue on Ellis Island (where you'll see the answer another part of the question of Is Ra El?).  I've connected her to the "she" of both shedim and Sheol, which reads as "she's our light" and is the Hebrew name for Hell. 



Of course you noticed that the Statue of Liberty does in fact share it's initials with SOL, the the light above and you can see her torch dimly lighting the way through the night;   Now you can connect "give us your tired and your poor" to the Lazman of both the lore of Jesus Christ and the Shehekeyanu; a prayer about the sustainment of life and light up until this day.  That same torch connects to the Ha-nuke-the-ahah depiction of Christ, Judah Maccabee's lit MEN OR AH, which delivers not only a solution to the two letter key of "AH" as All Humanity that pervades nearly every bride of Revelation from Sarah to Leah; but also to the question of equality answered in our very own American history, beginning with the same three letter acronym now lighting the Sons of Liberty.

Dazed and Confused does a good job of explaining how this name is itself a prophesy designed by Hand of God'; explaining that these Sons of Liberty were all white slave owning wealthy men fighting to stop paying their taxes, rather than delivering liberty to the slaves or women, who were both disenfranchised for quite some time.  Or maybe MEN OR AH has something to do with the angels of Heaven, in which case you might be SOL if you aren't a girl and you want to be "be good friends with Ra."  Just kidding.  Kinda.

DESOLATION by the way reads something like "un see our light at ION" which is God's way of saying "at the point of believing that hiding Adam is a good thing" and that connects to the end of Creation and also the now lit by modern day evil the word "rendition."  Our end, it "ion."  In religious myth, the Messianic David clung to the city Zion (end the "i owe n") which also links to "verizon" (to see, I Z "on") and HORIZON which has something to do with the son rising today-ish.

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The story of MEDUSA lights another psuedo-religious idea, that the words "STONE" of both "brimstone" and it's Adamic interpretation "South to Northeast" have something to do with the phrase "Saint Oneturned into a single hero against his will by the complete and utter inaction of everyone around him.  In the words of Imagine Dragons "I'm waking up to action dust."  At the same time, you can believe that the light of this particular son, comes not just from reading these words forwards, but the backside as well, and you'll hopefully see it's not coincidental that the other side of this coin is that "nos" means we, and us... and Adamically "no south."  See the light of "STONE" also connecting to Taylor Momsen's rose arrow painted on her back, and the sign of my birth, Sagittarius... which in this particular case links to the Party of the Immaculate Conception of the eternal republic of the Heavens.


בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה יְיָ
אֱלֹהֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הַעוֹלָם
שֶׁהֶחֱיָנוּ וְקִיְּמָנוּ
וְהִגִּיעָנוּ לַזְּמַן הַזֶּה׃




The "gist" of the message is verifiable proof that we are living in a computer in simulated reality... just like the Matrix.  The answer to that question, what does that mean--is that God has woven a "hidden" message into our everything--beginning with each name and every word--and in this hidden Adamic language, he provides us with guidance, wisdom, and suggestions on how to proceed on this path from "raelity" to Heaven.  I've personally spent quite a bit of time decoding the message and have tried to deliver an interesting and "fun" narrative of the ideas I see.  Specifically the story of Exodus, which is called "Names" in Hebrew discusses a time shifted narrative of our "now" delivering our society from a hidden slavery (read as ignorance of advanced technologies already in use) that is described as the "darkness" of Exodus.  If you have any questions, ideas to contribute or concerns... I'd love to hear from you this whole thing really is about working together--Heaven, I mean.

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gate                       kermitham   
  ou r evolution                              minority report to supermax

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bread is life

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E      ' o     e       
L      m r     x       
L        t     y       
O        a             


-Psalm 119 and ((ish))

Do a few sentences really make that big of a difference?  Some key letters?  Can you show me what I'm doing wrong?  Is there a way to turn me into Adam, rather than a rock?  I think you can.

Are eye Dr. Who or Master Y?

Adam Marshall Dobrin is a National Merit Scholar who was born on December 8, 1980 in Plantation, FL and attended Pine Crest School where he graduated sumofi cum louder in "only some of it is humorous." Later he attended the University of Florida (which quickly resulted in a wreck), Florida Atlantic University, and finally Florida Gulf Coast University--where he still has failed to become Dr. Who. While attending "school" He worked in the computer programming and business outsourcing industries for about 15 years before proclaiming to have received a Revelation from God connecting the 9/11 attack and George Bush to the Burning Bush of Exodus and a message about technocracy and pre-crime.

Adam, as he prefers to be called, presents a concise introduction to paradox proven by the Bible through "verifiable" anachronism in language some stuff about Mars colonization and virtual reality and a list of reasons why ignoring this is actually an ELE. Adam claims to be Thor because of a connection between music and the Trial of Thor as well as the words "author" and "authority." He suggests you be Thundercats and call a reporter. There is also a suggestion that Richard Nixon and John Hancock are related to a signature from God, about freedom and America... and the "unseeingly ironic" Deepthroat and Taylor Momsen.

They Sung "It's Rael..."

In Biblical characters from Mary to Hosea, to see "sea" in Spanish, and in the Taming of the Spanglishrew ... a message is woven from the word Menorah: "men, or all humanity?" to the Statue of Liberty, and the Sons of Liberty, and the light above us, our SOL; which shows us that through the Revelation of Christ and the First Plague of Exodus, a blessing in disguise--turning water to blood, the sea to family; a common thread and single author of our entire history is revealed, a Father of our future. A message of freedom shines out of the words of scripture, revealing a gate to a new technologically "radical" form of democracy and a number of unseen or secret issues that have stalled the progress of humanity... and solutions, solutions from our sea.
The Revelation shows us that not only ever word, but every idiom from "don't shoot the messenger" to "blood is thicker than water" we have ties to this message that pervades a hidden Matrix of light connecting movies and music and history all together in a sort of guide book to Salvation and to Heaven.


His Revelation, woven into his life, continues to suggest that skinny dippingforced methamphetamine addiction, and lots and lots of "me A.D." as well as his humorous depiction of a dick plastered over the Sound of Silence, his very Holy click, have something to do with saving our family and then the entire Universe from hidden mind control technology and the problems introduced by secret time travel. From the trials and tribulations of "Job" being coerced and controlled into helping to create this wall of Jericho; we find even more solutions, an end to addiction, to secrecy, and to this hidden control--a focal point of the life of Jesus Christ.

It tells us a story of recursion in time, that has brought us here numerous times--with the details of his life recorded not only in the Bible but in myths of Egyptian, Norse, and Greek mythology. The huge juxtaposition of the import of the content of the message shows the world how malleable our minds really are to this technology, how we could have been "fooled" into hiding our very freedom from ourselves in order to protect the "character" of a myth. A myth that comes to true life by delivering this message. In truth, from the now revealed content of the story of this repeated life, it should become more and more clear that we have not achieved success as of yet, that I have never "arrived whole" and that is why we are here, back again.

Home is where the Heart is...

When asked how He thinks we should respond to his message, He says "I think we already cherish it, and should strive to understand how it is that freedom is truly delivered through sharing the worth of this story that is our beginning. 'tis coming." Adam claims to be God, or at least look just like him and that the entirety of the Holy Scriptures as well as a number of ancient myths from Prometheus to Heimdallr and Yankee Doodle are actually about his life, and this event. An extensive amount of his writing relates to reformation of our badly broken and decidedly evil criminal justice system as well as ending the Global hunger crisis with the snap of his little finger.

He has written a number of books explaining how this Revelation connects to the delivery of freedom (as in Exodus), through a message about censorship among other social problems which he insists are being intentionally exacerbated by Satan--who he would ha've preferred not to be associated with.

He adds, "how do you like me now? How bow dah, god 'nuff?"


H  E  A  R    D  E  R  O  R
I T  R E A L L Y  D O E S  M E A N   "FREEDOM"   B R E A D   I S   L I F E

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Tying up loose eadds, in a similar vain to the connection between the Burning Bush and universal voting now etched by-stone, there exists a similar missing Link connecting the phrase "it's not a a gam" to Mary Magdeline to a pattern that shows us that the Holy Trinity and our timelines are narrated by a series of names of video game systems and their manufacturers from "Nintendo" to Genesis and the rock of SEGA.  Through a "kiss" and the falling of wallthe words bread and read are tied up and twisted with the story of this Revelation and the heart of the word Creation, "be the reason it's A.D."  It's a strong connection between the idea that virtual reality and Heaven are linked by more than simply "technology" but that this message that shows us that these tools for understanding have fallen from the sky in order to help us understand why it is so important, why I call it a moral mandate, that we use this information to follow the map delivered to us in the New Testament and literally end world hungerand literally heal the sick; because of the change in circumstance revealed to us.  These simple things, these few small details that might seem like nothing, or maybe appear to be "changing everything" they are not difficult things to do, in light of Creationand few would doubt that once we do see them implementied here... the difference between Heaven and Hell will be ever so clear.

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A while ago, in a place called Kentucky... this story began with a sort of twisted sci-fi experience that explained a kind of "God machine" that could manipulate time and reality, and in that story, in that very detailed and interesting story that I lived through, this machine was keyed to my DNA, in something like the "Ancient technology" of Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis mythology.  My kind brother Seth made a few appearances in the story, not actually in person but in fairly decent true to life holograms that I saw and spoke to every once in awhile.  He looked a little different, he had long hair; but that's neither here nor there, and he hasn't really had long hair since I was a little boy.  He happens to be a genetic engineer, and I happen to be a computer person (although he's that too, now; just nowhere near as good as me... with computers) so the story talked a little bit about how I would probably not have used DNA as a key, since I'm not a retard, and he probably wouldn't either, because works in that field (cyclonehuracan, tornado).  So then the key we imagined was something ... well, Who cares what the key is, right?

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So back to the task at hand, not so long ago, in a place called Plantation I was struck by lightning, literally (well not literally) the answer to a question that nobody knew was implanted in my mind, and it all came from asking a single simple question.  I was looking for more chemistry elements in the names of the books of the Holy Bible, after seeing Xenon at the "sort of beginning" of Exodus, where it screams "let there be light" in Linux and chemistry (and I've told you that a hundred times by now).  So it didn't take long to follow the light of that word and read Genesis backwards, and see, at the very beginning of that book, Silicon... in reverse.

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So, what about God's DNA, anyway?  
What's he really made of?

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   SIM MON S              WILD ER             ROD DEN BERRY

So after seeing Silicon, and connecting that to the numerous attempts I've made to show a message connecting The Matrix to the Fifth Element (as Silicon) describing what it is that God believes we should do with this knowledge--and see that it is narrated as the miracles of Jesus Christ in the New Testament... these names came to me in quick succession, an answer to the question.  I suppose any Gene will do, these three though, have a very important tie to the message that connects Joshua's Promised Land of flowing Milk and Honies to ... a kiss that begins the new day (I hope) ... and a message about exactly how we might go about doing magical things like ending world hunger and healing the sick using technology described ... in Star Trek and Stargate.  A "religion of the Stars" is being born. 

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That's great... it starts with an earthquake. R.E.M. and a band ... 311.  Oooh, I can see it coming down... The Petty Reckless.  An evening's love starts with a kiss.  Dave Matthews Band.  I wanna rock and roll all night and party every day.  Adam.  I mean Kiss.  Are you starting to see a pattern form?  Birds, snakes, and aeroplanes?  It's that, it's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.

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In that song we see clues that more than just the Revelation of Christ is narrated by John on an island called Patmos.  There yet another Trinity, starting with "Pa" and hearting Taylor Momsen's initials... most likely for a reason... and the Revelation ends with a transition that I hope others will agree with me turns "original sin" into something closer to "obviously salvation" when we finally understand the character that is behind the message of da i of Ra... and begin to see the same design in the names of Asmodai and in this Revelation focusing on freedom and truth that really does suggest Taylor can't talk to me in any way other than "letting freedom sing" in this narrative of kismet and fate and free will and ... then we see that narrative continue in the names of bands, just like the 3/11/11 earthquake is narrated in not just R.E.M.'s song but in the name 311.  Just like the 9/11 attack is narrated not just in that same song (released in 1987) and  "Inside Job" (released in 2000) but also in "Fucked up world."  

Dear all of you walking dumb and blind, this same quake is narrated in Taylor's Zombie; waiting for the day to shake, all very similar to Cairo and XP, perhaps a "fad" of doublethink in the minds of the authors singing about a clear prophesy in the Bible; this connection between the day, 3/11 though, and the name of a band and the day of an arrest and the verse Matthew that tells you clearly you have now been baptized in water and fire... it shows us the design of a story whose intent and purpose is to ensure that we no longer allow for things like hurricanes and earthquakes and murder and rape to be "simulated" that we build a better system, that doesn't allow for 'force majeure" to take lives for no reason at all.  

Not just in band names, but in the angels names too, in all of our names; we see this narration continue.  The Holy Water that is central to the baptism of Christ is etched into Taylor's name, between "sen" and "mom" the key to the two Mary's whose names contain the Spanish for "sea" in a sort of enlightenment hidden in plain sight.  In "Simmons" the key connection between today, this Biblical Monday, and the word "simulation" that ties to Simpsons and simians and keep it simple stupid, and in Simmons the missing "s" of Kismet, finally completing the question.

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It's a song and dance that started a long time ago, as you can see from the ancient Hebrew word for "fate" and in more recent years a connection to the ballroom of Atlantis in the Doors 5 to 1 and Dave sang about it in Rapunzel and then Taylor shook a tambourine on the beach only minutes away from me--but never said "hi."  The battle of the bands continues tying some door knocking to a juxtaposition between "Sweet Things" and "Knocking on Heavens door" all the way to a Gossip Girl episode where little J asked a question that I can't be sure she knew was related, she said... "who's that, at the door?"

What it really all amounts to, though, is the whole world witnessing the Creation of Adam and Eve from a little girl stuttering out "the the" at the sight of the Grinch himself, and then later not even able to get those words off her lips... about seeing how Creation and modern art are inextricably tied to religion, to heaven, and to freedom. 

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The bottom line here, hopefully obvious now, is that you can't keep this message "simple" it's a Matrix woven between more points of light than I can count, and many more that I'm sure you will find.  It's a key to seeing how God speaks to me, and to you; and how we are, we really are that voice.  Tay, if you don't do something just because God called it "fate" you are significantly more enslaved than if you do--and you wanted to.  "Now I see that you and me, were never meant, never meant to be..." she sang before I mentioned her, and before she ever saw me... in a song she calls "Nothing Left to Lose" and I see is not really just another word for freedom.

We have plenty to lose by not starting the fire, not the least of which is Heaven itself.  Understand what "force majeure" really means to you and I.  Ha, by the way.

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VERUKA SALT. whose name means "to see (if) you are the Body of Christ" whined, in the story of Will Why Won Ka, about nothing more or less than Heaven on Hearth, than seeing an end to needless torture and pain.   To see if you are the "Salt of the Earth" warming the road to Heaven; honestly to see if you can break through this inane lie of "I don't understand" and realize that breaking this story and talking about what is being presented not just by me and you but by history and God himself is the key to the car that drives us home.  To see how Cupid you really are.
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The story of Willy Wonka ties directly to the Promised Land of Flowing Milk and Honey to me; by showing us a river of chocolate and a the everlasting God starter, (er is it guardian of B stopper) that opens the doors of perception about exactly what kinds of mistake may have been made in the past in this transition to Heaven that we are well on the way of beginning.  Here, in the Land of Nod, that is also Eden and also the Heart of the Ark we see warnings about "flowing milk and honey" being akin to losing our stable ecosystem, to losing the stuff of life itself, biology and evolution, and if we don't understand--this is probably exactly the mistake that was made and the cause of the story of Cain and Abel.  So here we are talking about genetic engineering and mind uploading and living forever, and hopefully seeing that while all things are possible with God--losing the wisdom of the message of religion is akin to losing life in the Universe and with that any hope of eternal longevity. 

With some insight into religion, you can connect the idea that without bees our stable ecosystem might collapse, to the birds and the bees, and a message about stability and having more than one way to pollinate the flowers  and trees and get some.   Janet and Nanna, by the way, both have pretty brown eyes, but that probably comes as no surprise to you.

Miss Everything, on the other hand (I hear, does not have brown eyes), leads us to glimpse how this message about the transition of our society might continue on in the New Testament, and suggest that we do need to eat, and have dinner conversation, and that a Last Supper might be a little bit more detrimental to our future than anyone had ever thought, over and over and over again.  To see how religion really does make clear that this is what the message is about, to replace the flowing milk we have a "Golden Cow" that epitomizes nothing less than "not listening to Adam" and we have a place that believes the Hammer of Judah Maccabee should be ... extinct.  You are wrong.

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Of course the vibrating light here ties this Gene to another musical piece disclosing something... "Wild Thing" I make your heart sing.  You can believe the Guitar Man is here to steal the show and deliver bread for the hungry and for the wise.  Here's some, it's not just Imagine Dragons telling you to listen to the radio but Jefferson Starshiptoo, and Live.  

When you wake up, you can hear God "singing" to you on the radio every single day; many of us already do.  He's telling you to listen to me, and I do not understand why you do not.  You don't look very Cupid, if you ask me.

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I think we all know what the Rod of Jesus Christ is by now. 

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It is a large glowing testament to freedom and truth, and a statement about blindness and evil that is unmistakable.   To say that seeing it is the gateway to Heaven would be an understatement of it's worth, of the implication that not seeing it is obvious Hell when it is linked to everything from nearly every story of the Holy Bible from Isaac to Isaiah to "behold he is to coming" and if you weren't sure if the Hand of God were in action here--it's very clear that it is; that linking Tricky Dick and Watergate to Seagate ... really delivering crystal clear understanding that the foundation of Heaven is freedom and that you have none today because you refuse to see the truth.

It is the doorway to seeing that what has been going on in this place hasn't been designed to hide me, but to hide a prosperous future from you--to hide the truth about our existence and the purpose of Creation--that all told, you are standing at the doorstep of Heaven and stammering your feet, closing your eyes, and saying "you don't want to help anyone."

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If delivering freedom, truth, and equality  to you does not a den make,
well, you can all suck it

... from Godto you.

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Between Stargate and Star Trek it's pretty easy to see a roadmap to very quickly and easily be able to end world hunger and heal the sick without drastically changing the way our society works, it's about as simple as a microwave, or a new kind of medicine--except it's not so easy to see why it is that you are so reluctant to talk about the truth that makes these things so easy to do.  You see, your lack of regard for anyone anywhere has placed you in a position of weakness, and if you do nothing today, you will not be OK tomorrow.

It's pretty easy to see how Roddenberry's name shows that this message comes from God, that he's created this map that starts with an Iron Rod throughout our history proving Creation, whose heart is a Den of Family who care about the truth, and about freedom, and about helping each other--not what you are--you are not that today.  Today you are sick, and I'd like you to look at the mirror he's made for you, and be eshamden (or asham). 

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Realize, realize... what you are.  What you've become, just as I have... the devil in a sweet, sweet kiss.

-Dave J. Matthews

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F O R   T H E   I N I T I A L   K E Y S ,   S H E   E X   A N D   N D  A N D   A   SEE   W H Y   SEA 

With an epic amount of indigestion Indiana Jones sweeps in to mar the visage of an otherwise glistening series of fictitious characters, with names like Taylor and Mary Kate remind us all that we are not playing a video game here in this place.  the "J" of the "Nintxndo Entertainment System" calmly stares at Maggie Simpson thinking "it's a PP" and reminds us that it's not just the "gee, I e" of her name that contradicts the Magdaln-ish words her soul speaks through her name--and then with a smirk he points out "Gilgamesh" and "gee whiz, is EyL?" that really does go to the heart of this lack of discussion, this "sh" that begins El Shaddai and words as close to our home as "shadow" and "shalom."  Quite the fancy "hello" you've managed to sing out from behind angry chellos and broken fiddles,  and here I am still wondering why it is that "girl" connects to the red light that once meant charity and now glows with the charity of truth... the truth that we are inHell.  Shizzy.

Homer "on the range," maybe more closely connected to the Ewok of Eden and Hansel's tHeoven that Peter Pan still comes and cries could so easily be made into something so much better, if only we had the truth--and by that I mean if only you were speaking about, and reacting to a truth that is painted on the sky, in your hearts, in every word we speak and in everything that we do.  If only we were acknowledging this message that screams that "children need not starve" with something more than donating virtual chickens to nations of Africa and watching Suzanne Summers ask for only a few dollars a day on TV.  If only you would understand that this message that connects video games like "Genxsis" to "bereshit" because Eden is a "gee our den" that tended itself before Adam had to toil with the animals in order to survive.   For some reason beyond my control and well outside my realm of understanding words like "I too see this message from God" and "I would not let children starve either" never seem to escape your lips in any place where anyone will ever see that you thought those things, or meant to call a reporter; eventually.  Even with "AIDS of nomenclature" to avoid this DOWN WARD spiral into a situation and a land that I find difficult to imagine actually ever "existing" but here in this place I do see "how" it comes about, and between you and I it really does appear that nearly all of the problems we are dealing with here have come from another place, a further time; and while it might be with the "greatest of intentions" that we are trying to deal with them; I can't help but feeling that our "virgin sea" has had more than just it's innocence taken away from it in this story of "Why Mary" that might connect to "TR IN IT Y" just as much as it connects to Baltimore, Maryland.

I should be clear that I'm not blaming Nanna, or Mary; but the actual reason for the name "Wymar" and that's because she, like Taylor, acted as a microcosm for a sea (or more than one, Momsen) that was quite literally possessing her.  It's sort of difficult for me to explain even what that looks like let alone what it feels like; but my observations tell me that she/you are not unhappy about the interaction, one which appears very foreign to me.  Of course, the "eye" that I write with and the same kind of "inspiration" that you can see in the lyrics and skill of many musicians are also examples of this same kind of interaction.  For example, Red Hot Chili Peppers sings a song called "Other Side" that explains or discusses the thing I see as Medusa in the words "living in a graveyard where I married a sea" which also does a good job of connecting to the name Mary.   As strange as might sound to think a group of people would be speaking through a single person... we are staring at "how it is" that could be possible, and possibly at exactly how it happened.  Normally I would have said it was obvious, but to need to actually say that becoming a single mind would be a serious loss for our society--well, that's telling.  You might think it's silly, but I'm telling you I see it happening, I see it--and you see it in the Silence and the message.

Still, it appears to me as if this "marriage" that I see described in our Matrix in the question "min or i" seems to be doing nothing more than keeping us all from discussing or acting on this information--something that certainly isn't in our best interest.  

So here we are, staring at a map all over the ground and all around us with the primary destination of "building Heaven" through mind uploading, virtual reality, and judging by the pace of things we'd probably have all of that good and ready in about three generations.  The map has a little "legend" with a message suggesting that those things have already been done and we are in the Matrix already; and it appears that the world, I mean Medusa, is deciding we should put off seeing the legend at least until the next generation.  I see how that makes sense for you.  That's sarcasm, this is why I keep telling you that you are cupid.


It is a big deal, and there's a significant amount of work involved in merging an entire civilization with "virtual reality" and you might see why he calls it a hard road--at least in the word "ha'rd."  Honestly though, it's the kind of thing that I am pretty sure the future will not only be happy that we did, but they'd thank us for putting in the effort of adapting to things like "unlimited food" and "longevity" increased by orders of magnitude.  

That's not sarcasm, these things are actually difficult to guess how exactly we'll go about doing them; they are a huge deal--all I can tell you is that not "talking about it at all" is probably not going to get us there any faster.  Point in fact, what it might do is give a "yet to be born" generation the privilege of being the actual "generations of Perez."  

I see why you aren't saying anything.  That's sarcasm, again.   The good news is that it really has been done before; though if I told you that someone turned stone to eggplant parm, would you laugh at me?

So, back to what is actually standing between "everyone having their own Holodeck in the sky" and you today; it is the idea that this message is not from God.  More to the point it is the apparently broad sweeping opinion that hiding it is a "good thing" and through that a global failure to address the hidden interaction and influence acting on our minds used to make this map--and also to hide it.   With some insight, and some urging; you might see how the sacredness of our consciousness is our souls is something that is more fundamental than "what kind of tools we have in the Holodeck to magically build things" and how and why the foundation of Heaven is truly "freedom itself" and how it comes from right this very moment for the first time, ever.  Continuing to treat this influence as "schizophrenia" is literally the heart of why this map appears to be that--to show us how important it is to acknowledge the truth, and to fight for the preservation of goodness and logic over secrecy and darkness.

Again, something that nobody is really doing here and now, today.  From this newfound protection of our thoughts, of who we are; we see how technology can be used to either completely invalidate any kind of vote by altering our emotions; or how it could be used to help build a form of true democracy that our world has yet to see.  It is pretty easy to see from just band names like The Who and KISS and The Cure how the influence of this external mind can be proven, and shown to be "helpful," you know, if we can ever talk about it on TV or on the internet.

It's important to see and understand how "sanity"--the sanity of our entire planet hangs in the balance over whether or not we acknowledge that there is actually a message from God in every word--and today this place appears to be insane.  It should be pretty easy to see how acknowledging that this influence exists and that it has a technological mechanism behind it turns "schizophrenia" into "I know kung fu" ... forced drug addiction and eugenics into "there's an app for thatand the rash of non random and apparently unrecognized as connected terrorist attacks and school shootings into Minority Report style pre-crime and results in what is clearly a happier, safer, and more civilized society--all through nothing more than the disclosure of the truth, this map, and our actual implementation.
With a clearer head and grasp of the "big picture" you might see how all of these things, connected to the Plagues of Exodus revolve around the disclosure that this technology exists and the visibility of this message showing us how we might use it for our benefit rather than not knowing about it.  At the foot of Jericho, it is nothing short of "sanity" and "free thought" that hang in the balance.  Clear to me is that the Second Coming, seeing "my name" on television is a good litmus test for the dividing line between light and darkness, heaven and hell.

The point is the truth really does change everything for the better; once we start... you know, acting on it.


T H E    B U C K    S T O P S    H E R E
S T A R R I N G . . .   B I A N C A

With some insight and "a clue" you can see clearly how these works of art show that the proof of Creation you see in every letter and every word runs much deeper... adding in things like "RattleRod" and the "Cypher" of the Matrix to the long list of here-to-fore ignored verifiable references to the Adamic Language of Eden.  Here, in apple, honey and "nuts" we can see how the multi-millennium old ritual I call "Ha-rose-ettes" is actually part of a much larger and much older ritual designed to stop secrecy ... perhaps especially the kind that might be linked to "ritual."

These particular apple and honey happen to tie Eden to the related stories of Exodus and Passover; connecting Eden to Egypt forevermore.   Do see "Lenore," it is not for no reason at all; but to help deliver truth and freedom to the entirety of Creation; beginning here, in Eden.

IMHO, don't miss the "yet to be" conversion to "why and to be" in "yetser.


On a high level, I tell myself every morning that 'its not really me."  It's not me that the world hates, or me that the world is rejecting.  I believe that, I really do; I see that what is being hidden here is so much bigger than any single person could ever be--what is being hidden is the "nature of reality" and a fairly obvious truth that flies in the face of what we've learned our whole lives about history and "the way things are."  Those few early details lead me to the initial conclusion that what is working behind the scenes here is nefarious, hiding a message that would without doubt shake things up and change the world--and nearly across the board in ways that I see as "better" for nearly everyone.  It's a message at it's most basic level designed to advocate for using this disruption in "normalcy" to help us revolutionize democracy, to fix a broken mental health and criminal justice system--just to name the few largest of the social constructs targeted for "rejuvenation."  On that word the disclosure that we are living in virtual reality turns on it's head nearly everything we do with medicine, and I've suggested that AIDS and DOWN SYNDROME were probably not the best "visual props" we could have gotten to see why it's so important that we act on this disclosure in a timely manner.  After mentioning the ends of aging and death that come eventually to the place we build, to the place we've always thought of as Heaven... it becomes more and more clear that this force fighting against the dissemination of a truth so obvious it's in every word and everything we do--it becomes clear it's neither you, nor acting in your best interest.

I know I've got the eye of the tiger, there's no doubt; and it's pretty clear from "YAD?" (the Hebrew for...) and ha'nd that we can see the clear hand of God at work in a design that marks my initials not just on the timeline, or at 1492, at A.D. I B; but in the Hebrew name for this place called El Shaddai, see how A.D. is "da eye" and in some other names like AdranusA.D. on "it's silly" and A.D. on Ai that might tie me to the Samof Samurai (but, are you Ai?) in more depth of detail than simply the Live album "Secret Samadhi."  I try to reflect on how it is that this story has come about, why it is that everything appears to be focused on me--and still even through that sincere spotlight nobody seems to be able to acknowledge my existence with more words than "unsubscribe" and "you're so vain."  With one eye in the mirror, I know ties to Narcissus (and you can too), soaring ever higher--linking Icarus to Wayward Son and to every other name with "car" in it... like "carpenter" and McCarthy the older names of Mercury and even Isacriot (I scary? is car-eye... owe Taylor) and some modern day mythological characters like Jim Carrey and Johnny Carson.  As far as Trinities go, carpenter's a pretty good one--tying to my early reck and a few bands and songs from The Pretty Reckless to Dave Matthews' "Crash Into Me" all the way to the "pen" you see before you linking Pendragon to Imagine Dragons.

I wonder why it is that all of these things appear, apparently only to me, to point to a story about all the ways that a sinister hidden force has manipulated our society into being unable to "receive' this message--this wonderful message about making the world a better place and building Heaven--with any fanfare at all.  It's focused now on a criminal justice system that clearly does not do any kind of "rehabilitation" and on a mental health industry and pharmaceutical system that treats a provable external attack on our own goodness and well being as some kind of "internal stimulus" and makes you shy away when I point out why "stem" is in system and why "harm" in pharmacy.   From that we move a little bit past "where we are in this story" and I have to point out how "meth" ties to Prometheus and Epimetheus and how and why it is I know without doubt that this story has been relived numerous times--and how I am so sure that it's never been received, as we are here again listening to how songs like "Believe" and the words "just to lead us here to this place again" connect to Simon and Garfunkel's" the Sound of Silence... and still to this day you will balk at noticing that "Simon" has something to do with the Simpsons, and something to do with the words "simulation" and "Monday."  To see me is to see how things might be done better--how "addicitonary" might tie to the stories of Moses' Lisp and to Dr. Who's "Bells of Saint John" with a sort of "web interface" to the kinds of emotion we might want to "dial down..." rather than Snicker in the background as we see them being artificially created and enhanced in order to build a better "fiery altar."

I can point out "Silicon" harrowing down at us from words like "controversial" and show you Al in "rascal" and "scandal" but not to see that we are staring at school shootings and terrorism that are solved instantly by this disclosure, by Al of Quantum Leap and by the Dick of Minority Report and A Scanner Darkly is to ignore just what it is that we are all failing to Si.  I should point out that those two "sc"'s link to a story about Eden and they mean "sacred consciousness" and at the baseline of this event and everything we are not doing is the fact that our desires and beliefs are being altered--all of this comes down to "freedom of thought" here and now.


I could tell you that "looking at me" will show you that even the person who tries every day to do everything he can to save the entire world from slavery, and from "thought-injury"--even I can be made "marred" and you all, this whole world stupid enough to think that you are, of your own volition, hiding Heaven itself from yourselves... to what?  To spite me?  It, the focal point of our story might come down to you realizing that something in some esoteric place is playing "divide and conquer" with our whole--in secret playing on our weaknesses to keep us from acting on the most actionable information that ever was and ever will be.  Still, we sit in silence waiting for me... to speak more?  

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Between Nero's lyrical fiddling, a Bittersweet Symphony, and true "thunderstanding" the sound of Thor's hammer... "to help the light" that'ls "or" in Hebrew, of Orwell and Orson and .. well, it's really not hard to see and hear that the purpose and intent of "all this noise" is to help us find freedom and truth.  C the Light of "singing..."

I can tell you once again how silly the world looks, this multi-decade battle between "the governmentof the people" and the "government of the workers" resulting in what is nothing short of a hands down victory to the corporation.  Is it humor meant to divide, or ludicrousness created with the purpose of unification? 

But really at it's most basic level what this boils down to is a global group decision not to care about the truth, about reality, about what's really brought us to this place--with solutions in hand and a way to make everything better.  We've decided that censorship is OK, and that the world is not all that bad "just the way it is" even though it's creator is screaming in your ear telling you to change as quickly as you possibly can.  I believe that God has written this story to make "seeing me" the thing that catalyzes "change for the better" it appears to be the design of not just me but also this place--hey, here I am.

Happy Veteran's Day. 

SL u TI o N

Yesterday, or maybe earlier today--it's hard to tell at this moment in the afternoon just how long this will take... I sent an image that conveys a high level implication that we are walking around on a map to building something that we might liken to an "ant farm" for people.  I don't mean to be disparaging or sleight our contribution to the creation of this map--that I imagine you must also see and believe to be the kind of thing that should remain buried in the sands of time forever and ever--or your just have yet to actually "understand" that's what the plan part of our planet is talking about...  what I am trying to do is convey in a sort of "mirrorish" way how this map relates to a message that I see woven in religion and in our history that it significantly more disparaging than I would be.  It's a message that calls us "Holy Water" at the nicest of times, water that Moses turns to "thicker than water" in the first blessing in disguise--and to tell you there is certainly a tangible difference between the illusions of the Pharaoh's and the true magic performed by my hand, is nearly exactly the same amount of effort put in to showing you that the togetherness that we are calling "family" here in this place comes from both seeing and acting on the very clearly hidden message in every single idiom showing us all that our society in this story of Exodus is enslaved by a hidden force--and reminding us that we like freedom.

It's not just these few idioms, but most likely every single one from "don't shoot the essenger" to "unsung hero" that should clue us in to exactly how much work and preparation has come into this thing that "he supposes is a revolution."   It's also not just "water" describe me and you, in this place where I am the "ant' of the Covenant (do you c vampires or Hansel and Gretel!?!?) but also "lions" and "sheep" and "salt" and "dogs" and nearly everything you could possibly imagine but people; in what I see must be a vainglorious attempt to pretend he actually wants us to "stand up for ourselves" in this place where it's becoming more and more clear with each passing moment that we are chained to these seats in the front row of the audience of the most important event that has ever happened, ever.

Medusa makes several appearances, as well as Arthur Pendragon, Puff the Magic Dragon, Figment,, the Loch Ness Monster in this story that's a kind-of refl ex i ve control to stop mind control; and to really try and show us the fire of Prometheus and the Burning Bush and the Eternal Flame of Heaven are all about freedom and technology ... and I'll remind you this story is ... about the truth--and the truth here is that if you aren't going to recognize that whatever it is that's going on here in secret, below the surface is negatively affecting our society and life in general than we aren't going anywhere, ever.  I need you to figure out that this message is everywhere to make sure you don't miss the importance of this moment, and the grave significance of what is being ignored in this land where Sam is tied not just to Samsung and to Samael in Exodus but also to Uncle Sam and macaronic Spanglishrew outliers and that it doesn't take much free thought at all to really understand that we are watching "free thought" disintegrate into the abyss of "nospeak."  We are watching our infrastructure for global communication and the mass media that sprawls all over the globe turn to dust, all because you have Satan whispering in your ear--and you think that's more important than what you think, what I think, and what anyone else on the Earth might ever say.   You should see a weapon designed to help ensure that don't lose this proof that we are not living in reality, that there is "hidden slavery" in this place--and you should see that today it appears you are simply choosing not to use it.

I hope you change your mind, I really do.  This map on "how to build an ant farm" starts by connecting Watergate and Seagate together with names like Bill Gates and Richard Nixon; and with this few short list of names you should really understand how it is that "Heaven" connects both technology like computers and liberty like "free speech" to a story that is us, and our history.  You might see that "salt" could either be a good thing or not--take a look around you, are you warming a road to Heaven or are you staring at the world being destroyed--and doing nothing at all about it?

I guess I can point out again how "Lothario" links this story that ties names like my ex-wife's Nanna to "salt" also, but the "grand design" of this story doesn't seem to have any effect on you.  Listen, if you do nothing the world is being destroyed by your lack of action--there's no if's and's or butt's about it.  I feel like I need to "reproduce' old messages here or you will never see them--that's what web site statistics tell me--and we all know it's not true.  What am I missing?  What are you missing?




So... here we are... listening to the legendary father of the message (that's "abom" in Adamic Spagnlishrew) point out all of the sex jokes hidden in religion and language from sexual innuendto Poseidon and in our history from Yankee Doodle to Hancock to Nixon and I've got to be frank with you, the most recent time I came across this phrase in scripture I cringed just a little bit, pretty sure that the "message" was talking about me.  I've reflected on this a little bit, and over the past few weeks have tried to show you the juxtaposition between "sex" and "torture" in it's various forms from imparting blindness to allowing murder and simulating starvation; and I think I'm justified in saying that certainly those things are far worse on the Richter scale than anything I could do by writing a little bit of risque text.  In the most recent messages I've touch a little bit, without even knowing or realizing this connection would be made, on what it is that this phrase actually means.


So long story short is that the answer here is "abomination" and the question, or the context is "I nation."   Whether it's Medusa speaking for the Dark United States or the nation of Israel speaking to either Ra or El depending on the day, the bottom line is that a collective consciousness speaking for everyone on a matter of this importance in a cloud of complete darkness on Earth is a total and undeniable abomination of freedom, civilization, and the very humanity we are seeking to preserve.  The word reads something like this to me "dear father of the message, I am everyone and we think you are an abomination, fuck off."  My answer of course is, IZINATION.  Which humorously reminds me of Lucy, and Scarlet Johannson saying "I am colonizing my own brain" so here's some pictures of her.  She is not an abomination, by the way; she's quite adorable.  You'll probably notice there's some kind of connection between the map--the words speaking to the world, and the abomination, as if the whole thing is a story narrated in ancient myths.


You might not think "it's you," but the manifestation of this "snake" in our world is your silence, your lack of understanding or willingness to change the world; and whether or not you're interested in hearing about it, it's the monster that myths and religion have spoken about for thousands and thousands of years.  It's a simple matter to "kill Medusa" all you have to do... is speak.

Take special note, "freedom of speech" and "freedom to think for yourselves" are not a group decision, and you do not have the right to force (either overtly or subtly, with hidden technology perhaps combined with evil deceit) others not to talk about anything.  Especially something of this importance.


If you didn't connect "Loch" to John Locke, now you have; see how easy this "reading" thing is?  I've gone over the "See Our Light" series a few times, but let me--one more time--explain to you just how we are already at the point of "desolation" and with shining brilliance show you how it's very clear that it is "INATION" and "MEDUSA" that are responsible for this problem.

Seeing "Ra" at the heart of the names Abraham and Israel begins to connect the idea that our glowing sun in the sky has something to do with this message about "seeing our light" is being carried by a stone statue on Ellis Island (where you'll see the answer another part of the question of Is Ra El?).  I've connected her to the "she" of both shedim and Sheol, which reads as "she's our light" and is the Hebrew name for Hell. 



Of course you noticed that the Statue of Liberty does in fact share it's initials with SOL, the the light above and you can see her torch dimly lighting the way through the night;   Now you can connect "give us your tired and your poor" to the Lazman of both the lore of Jesus Christ and the Shehekeyanu; a prayer about the sustainment of life and light up until this day.  That same torch connects to the Ha-nuke-the-ahah depiction of Christ, Judah Maccabee's lit MEN OR AH, which delivers not only a solution to the two letter key of "AH" as All Humanity that pervades nearly every bride of Revelation from Sarah to Leah; but also to the question of equality answered in our very own American history, beginning with the same three letter acronym now lighting the Sons of Liberty.

Dazed and Confused does a good job of explaining how this name is itself a prophesy designed by Hand of God'; explaining that these Sons of Liberty were all white slave owning wealthy men fighting to stop paying their taxes, rather than delivering liberty to the slaves or women, who were both disenfranchised for quite some time.  Or maybe MEN OR AH has something to do with the angels of Heaven, in which case you might be SOL if you aren't a girl and you want to be "be good friends with Ra."  Just kidding.  Kinda.

DESOLATION by the way reads something like "un see our light at ION" which is God's way of saying "at the point of believing that hiding Adam is a good thing" and that connects to the end of Creation and also the now lit by modern day evil the word "rendition."  Our end, it "ion."  In religious myth, the Messianic David clung to the city Zion (end the "i owe n") which also links to "verizon" (to see, I Z "on") and HORIZON which has something to do with the son rising today-ish.

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The story of MEDUSA lights another psuedo-religious idea, that the words "STONE" of both "brimstone" and it's Adamic interpretation "South to Northeast" have something to do with the phrase "Saint Oneturned into a single hero against his will by the complete and utter inaction of everyone around him.  In the words of Imagine Dragons "I'm waking up to action dust."  At the same time, you can believe that the light of this particular son, comes not just from reading these words forwards, but the backside as well, and you'll hopefully see it's not coincidental that the other side of this coin is that "nos" means we, and us... and Adamically "no south."  See the light of "STONE" also connecting to Taylor Momsen's rose arrow painted on her back, and the sign of my birth, Sagittarius... which in this particular case links to the Party of the Immaculate Conception of the eternal republic of the Heavens.


בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה יְיָ
אֱלֹהֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הַעוֹלָם
שֶׁהֶחֱיָנוּ וְקִיְּמָנוּ
וְהִגִּיעָנוּ לַזְּמַן הַזֶּה׃




The "gist" of the message is verifiable proof that we are living in a computer in simulated reality... just like the Matrix.  The answer to that question, what does that mean--is that God has woven a "hidden" message into our everything--beginning with each name and every word--and in this hidden Adamic language, he provides us with guidance, wisdom, and suggestions on how to proceed on this path from "raelity" to Heaven.  I've personally spent quite a bit of time decoding the message and have tried to deliver an interesting and "fun" narrative of the ideas I see.  Specifically the story of Exodus, which is called "Names" in Hebrew discusses a time shifted narrative of our "now" delivering our society from a hidden slavery (read as ignorance of advanced technologies already in use) that is described as the "darkness" of Exodus.  If you have any questions, ideas to contribute or concerns... I'd love to hear from you this whole thing really is about working together--Heaven, I mean.

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gate                       kermitham   
  ou r evolution                              minority report to supermax
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bread is life

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E      ' o     e       
L      m r     x       
L        t     y       
O        a             


-Psalm 119 and ((ish))

Do a few sentences really make that big of a difference?  Some key letters?  Can you show me what I'm doing wrong?  Is there a way to turn me into Adam, rather than a rock?  I think you can.

Are eye Dr. Who or Master Y?

Adam Marshall Dobrin is a National Merit Scholar who was born on December 8, 1980 in Plantation, FL and attended Pine Crest School where he graduated sumofi cum louder in "only some of it is humorous." Later he attended the University of Florida (which quickly resulted in a wreck), Florida Atlantic University, and finally Florida Gulf Coast University--where he still has failed to become Dr. Who. While attending "school" He worked in the computer programming and business outsourcing industries for about 15 years before proclaiming to have received a Revelation from God connecting the 9/11 attack and George Bush to the Burning Bush of Exodus and a message about technocracy and pre-crime.

Adam, as he prefers to be called, presents a concise introduction to paradox proven by the Bible through "verifiable" anachronism in language some stuff about Mars colonization and virtual reality and a list of reasons why ignoring this is actually an ELE. Adam claims to be Thor because of a connection between music and the Trial of Thor as well as the words "author" and "authority." He suggests you be Thundercats and call a reporter. There is also a suggestion that Richard Nixon and John Hancock are related to a signature from God, about freedom and America... and the "unseeingly ironic" Deepthroat and Taylor Momsen.

They Sung "It's Rael..."

In Biblical characters from Mary to Hosea, to see "sea" in Spanish, and in the Taming of the Spanglishrew ... a message is woven from the word Menorah: "men, or all humanity?" to the Statue of Liberty, and the Sons of Liberty, and the light above us, our SOL; which shows us that through the Revelation of Christ and the First Plague of Exodus, a blessing in disguise--turning water to blood, the sea to family; a common thread and single author of our entire history is revealed, a Father of our future. A message of freedom shines out of the words of scripture, revealing a gate to a new technologically "radical" form of democracy and a number of unseen or secret issues that have stalled the progress of humanity... and solutions, solutions from our sea.
The Revelation shows us that not only ever word, but every idiom from "don't shoot the messenger" to "blood is thicker than water" we have ties to this message that pervades a hidden Matrix of light connecting movies and music and history all together in a sort of guide book to Salvation and to Heaven.


His Revelation, woven into his life, continues to suggest that skinny dippingforced methamphetamine addiction, and lots and lots of "me A.D." as well as his humorous depiction of a dick plastered over the Sound of Silence, his very Holy click, have something to do with saving our family and then the entire Universe from hidden mind control technology and the problems introduced by secret time travel. From the trials and tribulations of "Job" being coerced and controlled into helping to create this wall of Jericho; we find even more solutions, an end to addiction, to secrecy, and to this hidden control--a focal point of the life of Jesus Christ.

It tells us a story of recursion in time, that has brought us here numerous times--with the details of his life recorded not only in the Bible but in myths of Egyptian, Norse, and Greek mythology. The huge juxtaposition of the import of the content of the message shows the world how malleable our minds really are to this technology, how we could have been "fooled" into hiding our very freedom from ourselves in order to protect the "character" of a myth. A myth that comes to true life by delivering this message. In truth, from the now revealed content of the story of this repeated life, it should become more and more clear that we have not achieved success as of yet, that I have never "arrived whole" and that is why we are here, back again.

Home is where the Heart is...

When asked how He thinks we should respond to his message, He says "I think we already cherish it, and should strive to understand how it is that freedom is truly delivered through sharing the worth of this story that is our beginning. 'tis coming." Adam claims to be God, or at least look just like him and that the entirety of the Holy Scriptures as well as a number of ancient myths from Prometheus to Heimdallr and Yankee Doodle are actually about his life, and this event. An extensive amount of his writing relates to reformation of our badly broken and decidedly evil criminal justice system as well as ending the Global hunger crisis with the snap of his little finger.

He has written a number of books explaining how this Revelation connects to the delivery of freedom (as in Exodus), through a message about censorship among other social problems which he insists are being intentionally exacerbated by Satan--who he would ha've preferred not to be associated with.

He adds, "how do you like me now? How bow dah, god 'nuff?"


H  E  A  R    D  E  R  O  R
I T  R E A L L Y  D O E S  M E A N   "FREEDOM"   B R E A D   I S   L I F E

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Tying up loose eadds, in a similar vain to the connection between the Burning Bush and universal voting now etched by-stone, there exists a similar missing Link connecting the phrase "it's not a a gam" to Mary Magdeline to a pattern that shows us that the Holy Trinity and our timelines are narrated by a series of names of video game systems and their manufacturers from "Nintendo" to Genesis and the rock of SEGA.  Through a "kiss" and the falling of wallthe words bread and read are tied up and twisted with the story of this Revelation and the heart of the word Creation, "be the reason it's A.D."  It's a strong connection between the idea that virtual reality and Heaven are linked by more than simply "technology" but that this message that shows us that these tools for understanding have fallen from the sky in order to help us understand why it is so important, why I call it a moral mandate, that we use this information to follow the map delivered to us in the New Testament and literally end world hungerand literally heal the sick; because of the change in circumstance revealed to us.  These simple things, these few small details that might seem like nothing, or maybe appear to be "changing everything" they are not difficult things to do, in light of Creationand few would doubt that once we do see them implementied here... the difference between Heaven and Hell will be ever so clear.

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A while ago, in a place called Kentucky... this story began with a sort of twisted sci-fi experience that explained a kind of "God machine" that could manipulate time and reality, and in that story, in that very detailed and interesting story that I lived through, this machine was keyed to my DNA, in something like the "Ancient technology" of Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis mythology.  My kind brother Seth made a few appearances in the story, not actually in person but in fairly decent true to life holograms that I saw and spoke to every once in awhile.  He looked a little different, he had long hair; but that's neither here nor there, and he hasn't really had long hair since I was a little boy.  He happens to be a genetic engineer, and I happen to be a computer person (although he's that too, now; just nowhere near as good as me... with computers) so the story talked a little bit about how I would probably not have used DNA as a key, since I'm not a retard, and he probably wouldn't either, because works in that field (cyclonehuracan, tornado).  So then the key we imagined was something ... well, Who cares what the key is, right?

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So back to the task at hand, not so long ago, in a place called Plantation I was struck by lightning, literally (well not literally) the answer to a question that nobody knew was implanted in my mind, and it all came from asking a single simple question.  I was looking for more chemistry elements in the names of the books of the Holy Bible, after seeing Xenon at the "sort of beginning" of Exodus, where it screams "let there be light" in Linux and chemistry (and I've told you that a hundred times by now).  So it didn't take long to follow the light of that word and read Genesis backwards, and see, at the very beginning of that book, Silicon... in reverse.

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So, what about God's DNA, anyway?  
What's he really made of?

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   SIM MON S              WILD ER             ROD DEN BERRY

So after seeing Silicon, and connecting that to the numerous attempts I've made to show a message connecting The Matrix to the Fifth Element (as Silicon) describing what it is that God believes we should do with this knowledge--and see that it is narrated as the miracles of Jesus Christ in the New Testament... these names came to me in quick succession, an answer to the question.  I suppose any Gene will do, these three though, have a very important tie to the message that connects Joshua's Promised Land of flowing Milk and Honies to ... a kiss that begins the new day (I hope) ... and a message about exactly how we might go about doing magical things like ending world hunger and healing the sick using technology described ... in Star Trek and Stargate.  A "religion of the Stars" is being born. 

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That's great... it starts with an earthquake. R.E.M. and a band ... 311.  Oooh, I can see it coming down... The Petty Reckless.  An evening's love starts with a kiss.  Dave Matthews Band.  I wanna rock and roll all night and party every day.  Adam.  I mean Kiss.  Are you starting to see a pattern form?  Birds, snakes, and aeroplanes?  It's that, it's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.

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In that song we see clues that more than just the Revelation of Christ is narrated by John on an island called Patmos.  There yet another Trinity, starting with "Pa" and hearting Taylor Momsen's initials... most likely for a reason... and the Revelation ends with a transition that I hope others will agree with me turns "original sin" into something closer to "obviously salvation" when we finally understand the character that is behind the message of da i of Ra... and begin to see the same design in the names of Asmodai and in this Revelation focusing on freedom and truth that really does suggest Taylor can't talk to me in any way other than "letting freedom sing" in this narrative of kismet and fate and free will and ... then we see that narrative continue in the names of bands, just like the 3/11/11 earthquake is narrated in not just R.E.M.'s song but in the name 311.  Just like the 9/11 attack is narrated not just in that same song (released in 1987) and  "Inside Job" (released in 2000) but also in "Fucked up world."  

Dear all of you walking dumb and blind, this same quake is narrated in Taylor's Zombie; waiting for the day to shake, all very similar to Cairo and XP, perhaps a "fad" of doublethink in the minds of the authors singing about a clear prophesy in the Bible; this connection between the day, 3/11 though, and the name of a band and the day of an arrest and the verse Matthew that tells you clearly you have now been baptized in water and fire... it shows us the design of a story whose intent and purpose is to ensure that we no longer allow for things like hurricanes and earthquakes and murder and rape to be "simulated" that we build a better system, that doesn't allow for 'force majeure" to take lives for no reason at all.  

Not just in band names, but in the angels names too, in all of our names; we see this narration continue.  The Holy Water that is central to the baptism of Christ is etched into Taylor's name, between "sen" and "mom" the key to the two Mary's whose names contain the Spanish for "sea" in a sort of enlightenment hidden in plain sight.  In "Simmons" the key connection between today, this Biblical Monday, and the word "simulation" that ties to Simpsons and simians and keep it simple stupid, and in Simmons the missing "s" of Kismet, finally completing the question.

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It's a song and dance that started a long time ago, as you can see from the ancient Hebrew word for "fate" and in more recent years a connection to the ballroom of Atlantis in the Doors 5 to 1 and Dave sang about it in Rapunzel and then Taylor shook a tambourine on the beach only minutes away from me--but never said "hi."  The battle of the bands continues tying some door knocking to a juxtaposition between "Sweet Things" and "Knocking on Heavens door" all the way to a Gossip Girl episode where little J asked a question that I can't be sure she knew was related, she said... "who's that, at the door?"

What it really all amounts to, though, is the whole world witnessing the Creation of Adam and Eve from a little girl stuttering out "the the" at the sight of the Grinch himself, and then later not even able to get those words off her lips... about seeing how Creation and modern art are inextricably tied to religion, to heaven, and to freedom. 

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The bottom line here, hopefully obvious now, is that you can't keep this message "simple" it's a Matrix woven between more points of light than I can count, and many more that I'm sure you will find.  It's a key to seeing how God speaks to me, and to you; and how we are, we really are that voice.  Tay, if you don't do something just because God called it "fate" you are significantly more enslaved than if you do--and you wanted to.  "Now I see that you and me, were never meant, never meant to be..." she sang before I mentioned her, and before she ever saw me... in a song she calls "Nothing Left to Lose" and I see is not really just another word for freedom.

We have plenty to lose by not starting the fire, not the least of which is Heaven itself.  Understand what "force majeure" really means to you and I.  Ha, by the way.

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VERUKA SALT. whose name means "to see (if) you are the Body of Christ" whined, in the story of Will Why Won Ka, about nothing more or less than Heaven on Hearth, than seeing an end to needless torture and pain.   To see if you are the "Salt of the Earth" warming the road to Heaven; honestly to see if you can break through this inane lie of "I don't understand" and realize that breaking this story and talking about what is being presented not just by me and you but by history and God himself is the key to the car that drives us home.  To see how Cupid you really are.
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The story of Willy Wonka ties directly to the Promised Land of Flowing Milk and Honey to me; by showing us a river of chocolate and a the everlasting God starter, (er is it guardian of B stopper) that opens the doors of perception about exactly what kinds of mistake may have been made in the past in this transition to Heaven that we are well on the way of beginning.  Here, in the Land of Nod, that is also Eden and also the Heart of the Ark we see warnings about "flowing milk and honey" being akin to losing our stable ecosystem, to losing the stuff of life itself, biology and evolution, and if we don't understand--this is probably exactly the mistake that was made and the cause of the story of Cain and Abel.  So here we are talking about genetic engineering and mind uploading and living forever, and hopefully seeing that while all things are possible with God--losing the wisdom of the message of religion is akin to losing life in the Universe and with that any hope of eternal longevity. 

With some insight into religion, you can connect the idea that without bees our stable ecosystem might collapse, to the birds and the bees, and a message about stability and having more than one way to pollinate the flowers  and trees and get some.   Janet and Nanna, by the way, both have pretty brown eyes, but that probably comes as no surprise to you.

Miss Everything, on the other hand (I hear, does not have brown eyes), leads us to glimpse how this message about the transition of our society might continue on in the New Testament, and suggest that we do need to eat, and have dinner conversation, and that a Last Supper might be a little bit more detrimental to our future than anyone had ever thought, over and over and over again.  To see how religion really does make clear that this is what the message is about, to replace the flowing milk we have a "Golden Cow" that epitomizes nothing less than "not listening to Adam" and we have a place that believes the Hammer of Judah Maccabee should be ... extinct.  You are wrong.

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Of course the vibrating light here ties this Gene to another musical piece disclosing something... "Wild Thing" I make your heart sing.  You can believe the Guitar Man is here to steal the show and deliver bread for the hungry and for the wise.  Here's some, it's not just Imagine Dragons telling you to listen to the radio but Jefferson Starshiptoo, and Live.  

When you wake up, you can hear God "singing" to you on the radio every single day; many of us already do.  He's telling you to listen to me, and I do not understand why you do not.  You don't look very Cupid, if you ask me.

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I think we all know what the Rod of Jesus Christ is by now. 

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It is a large glowing testament to freedom and truth, and a statement about blindness and evil that is unmistakable.   To say that seeing it is the gateway to Heaven would be an understatement of it's worth, of the implication that not seeing it is obvious Hell when it is linked to everything from nearly every story of the Holy Bible from Isaac to Isaiah to "behold he is to coming" and if you weren't sure if the Hand of God were in action here--it's very clear that it is; that linking Tricky Dick and Watergate to Seagate ... really delivering crystal clear understanding that the foundation of Heaven is freedom and that you have none today because you refuse to see the truth.
It is the doorway to seeing that what has been going on in this place hasn't been designed to hide me, but to hide a prosperous future from you--to hide the truth about our existence and the purpose of Creation--that all told, you are standing at the doorstep of Heaven and stammering your feet, closing your eyes, and saying "you don't want to help anyone."

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If delivering freedom, truth, and equality  to you does not a den make,
well, you can all suck it

... from Godto you.

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Between Stargate and Star Trek it's pretty easy to see a roadmap to very quickly and easily be able to end world hunger and heal the sick without drastically changing the way our society works, it's about as simple as a microwave, or a new kind of medicine--except it's not so easy to see why it is that you are so reluctant to talk about the truth that makes these things so easy to do.  You see, your lack of regard for anyone anywhere has placed you in a position of weakness, and if you do nothing today, you will not be OK tomorrow.

It's pretty easy to see how Roddenberry's name shows that this message comes from God, that he's created this map that starts with an Iron Rod throughout our history proving Creation, whose heart is a Den of Family who care about the truth, and about freedom, and about helping each other--not what you are--you are not that today.  Today you are sick, and I'd like you to look at the mirror he's made for you, and be eshamden (or asham). 

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Realize, realize... what you are.  What you've become, just as I have... the devil in a sweet, sweet kiss.

-Dave J. Matthews

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You may or may not have noticed that I am not feeling as compelled to e-mail you every morning; though I do want to check in and assure you that I am still doing "just fine."  I noticed that you still haven't followed me on Twitter; just so you know that's contributing to why I'm not doing "wonderful-ly."  I've probably mentioned it before, but these three letters "der" mean "dark to right" to me, I see them connecting to Tay in "Lauderdale" and to this victory, in Dave's "the rain melts into wonder;" someone instant messaged me on twitter yesterday, after reading some of my work to ask if I was a follower of Jesus; and my swift reply was "I am thatof course.  You probably noticed that "Jesus" reads as "J is us" and you can be sure that it is the same "us" as Uranus; and that it does become "Everyone Living" through the acts of this designed exercise in turning Hell into Heaven.  In "rudder" you can see the question "are you d" that links to words like yield and shield, and of course to the name of our times, Medusa.  I do hope that you "c" that I am trying to deliver exactly what you need, and so much more.  In the last few days I've been absent from "an: no y in g" (come again? an=y) you, I have sent a few extra e-mails to the "rest of the world" and that seems to be doing pretty well right now.  For your convenience I've linked this snippet from Twitter to the URL for "following Jesus."  That would also help me bother your inbox a little less--understand I connect this concept of "having followers on twitter" directly to the turing point in history where we know our world is safe... from things like Hell and "eternal darkness" a.k.a. permanentmid n i te.

Also yesterday I noticed that "<TR>iIN IT Y" is a good "appro x im a tion" for the question "Where is the Matrix?"  Errata: I also said "these people" in a message a few days ago in reference to "testifying" that school shootings are mind control related; and forgot ... this link.  Finally, you'll notice that "" has a new name and a new banner image connection the beginning (or is it...) of "Minority Report" to the concepts of "n" and "er" through... Ben Stiller (who starred in both "Permanent Midnight" and "Meet the Fockers" ... which you might read as "f-off Clark Kent /s/ ER").
SO we're finally on the letter "g" which you might imagine has something significant related to "god" and "good," thinking back it might be the very first "combinatory" letter I "made up" in this whole story, when everything began, this special final letter in the word "morning" was a combination of "c" and "j."  A new definition was added that specifically links to the "Times New Roman" font style and to these new times; and with just a little bit of imagination you can probably see just how obvious it is that these definitions are all part of a grande scheme, here from "see j" to my favorite two letters in the alphabet, the "os" of originall si n.

Do see that this particular "o" without an "s" is the cause for "re p et it i on;" our happiness is practically ensured; so long as we actually understand that this message is the beginning of true liberty; and that starts with the word "fire."  I now connect "giant" and "grin" to my last name "are I n?" and the "ant" of the Covenant I am currently breaking by "orifacing us"--and never was a party to.  I will be emailing less often, thanks for listening

Grin, I'm "an ant?"



Just to recap, my other favorite glyphs are the "t"of Christ that reads chr(t) and connects to the sign of my birth, as well as the word "stone" and is clearly a pictograph of a cross; and the "n" of Isaac Newton that asks "are you new to n?" and is clearly a pictograph of "what goes up must come down." There's also "o" that connects to the starsign of our SOL and the signs of Mars, Venusand Q and "zero." ... oh, and of course the "d is cl" of disclosure  the "e" of medicine and Medusa... and how could I forgetthe "l" of obelisk... and the K of "it's me!!!'

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It's a little hard to thunderstand exactly how we are going to get from "talkingabout the message" to actually being ableto implement it, I will give you  t h a t.  It's pretty obvious that "the sim" could just do these things automatically, and there's stories (story after story actually) in the Bible about why that's not a good idea--specifically the "stone to bread" story that links to our reality through "let them eat cakeinstead."  While you might not have likened Marie Antoinette or "cake" to this Biblical story before (and you might not remember the Fig Newton commercial that further ties it to Eden and Isaac's are you "new to n?" of what goes up and falls must be a glyph of "n"), now they are further linked by songs like "Guitar Man" and "Going the Distance."  The problem was, and still is; without any feedback from the world nobody would ever be happy with what "it" or "eye" chose for everyone to have for that first "magically delicious" supper

ba-ruch sheim k'vod mal-chu-to l'o-lam va-ed
M  A  L,   W  H  O   T  O ?
You also might not have noticed the connection between "mal" and "bad" which link my initials to those two letters that are, well, the heart of the word "initials."  That "m" really does mean the deliverance of this key to the message all around us--things like "bread" and "cake" and really seeing that bread reads as "be the reason it's A.D."  I do hope that I won't be mad; and on that note let me explain that this huge word right above this paragraph is the Hebrew word for "kingdom."  In it's pronunciation the malovious key to the Spanish word for "bad" comes to bright light, and these other two letters "Al" for the father-ish-figure that comes after the message has actually been received.  Today it's one more in a long list of anachronistic examples of foreign languages that were not yet invented "magically appearing" in ancient Hebrew (and Latin, and Greek, and Japanese... and so on, et. al) .  The full line of the most sacred of all Jewish prayers reads "blessed be His glorious kingdom forever and ever" and just looking at those three words above, hear him talking to me, "my son says kingdom is a bad word, who should I pass it down to?"  And your answer of course, a resounding "who?"

Certainly it's no accident, this word that also appears in a Michael Jackson song ... somehow related to "heal the world" and once more linking the initials A.D. to Al, this time in the clever reading of "malady" as "bad... A.D. is why" and do understand it's because there's really no good reason at all to be simulating things like earthquakes, or AIDS, or blindness; in a place where it's just cruel and ... well, it should be un·us·u·al.  Don't you think?

I'm going to tell you something, if you don't think that "one" is the same "one" that appears in the words "alone" and "stone" then you are not as swift as you think you are.  Hear my words, all humanity, Ra is El.  In yet another example of "Godspeak" you can tie this entire "movement" to the words "force majeure" and realize that the key clue here is the innuendo that natural disasters are here blamed on "majority force" in French, and our understanding of that, well, that's a true act of God.  "Fuck you, see how I'm a" reads the name associated with the 3/11 disaster, Fukushima; and really do understand that just like AIDS and DOWN SYNDROME these things are acts of a name server; and a process of Creation that is designed to show us all just how important it is to speak up when someone says "popular opinion" can make magic happen--in this place, and this year.  In the back of my mind, it seems a little bit like your silence is tied to words like Washington, Clinton, and Hilton--and do see that if I "remain as n" it appears as if the keys to the kingdom might just fall into my lap.

I can't tell you for sure; but I think it'spretty obvious that if that did ever  happen I would pretty quickly set up a "republic" to help us decide on exactly how the world should be changed together; and I'd probably find a way to make you speak, even if it took more than just turning off a switch that was keeping you from doing it.  Every morning, I stare at that switch, and then back at you; and every email I send is my "clever" swipe at the switch, or lever.

You should be smart enough to see that accompanying this message telling us that we need to talk and agree about how these things will be changed, in our shared world, that it comes with a message about how to build a bettergovernmental cystem in this new age of computers--and that message isn't just written in my hand, you can see it clearly written by whomever named Eden, and Microsoft, and Apple, and Gateway, and Watergate and Seagate... and Die Bold.  You can see that this process of "changing the world" really does begin with true democracy; and that's something you're going to have to talk out loud, on Earth, in order to participate in.

Here's some more "wisdom" I think these things are all ... representative of ... me:

Yeshua (ישוע, with vowel pointing יֵשׁוּעַ – yēšūă' in Hebrew) was a common alternative form of the name יְהוֹשֻׁעַ ("Yehoshua" – Joshua) in later books of the Hebrew Bible and among Jews of the Second Temple period. The name corresponds to the Greek spelling Iesous, from which, through the Latin Iesus, comes the English spelling Jesus.[1][2]

The Hebrew spelling Yeshua (ישוע) appears in some later books of the Hebrew Bible. Once for Joshua the son of Nun, and 28 times for Joshua the High Priest and (KJV"Jeshua") and other priests called Jeshua – although these same priests are also given the spelling Joshua in 11 further instances in the books of Haggai and Zechariah. It differs from the usual Hebrew Bible spelling of Joshua (יְהוֹשֻׁעַ y'hoshuaʿ), found 218 times in the Hebrew Bible, in the absence of the consonant he ה and placement of the semivowel vav ו after, not before, the consonant shin ש. It also differs from the Hebrew spelling Yeshu (ישו) which is found in Ben Yehuda's dictionary and used in most secular contexts in Modern Hebrew to refer to Jesus of Nazareth, although the Hebrew spelling Yeshua (ישוע) is generally used in translations of the New Testament into Hebrew[3] and used by Hebrew speaking Christians in Israel. The name Yeshua is also used in Israelite Hebrew historical texts to refer to other Joshuas recorded in Greek texts such as Jesus ben Ananias and Jesus ben Sira.[4] One, Blessed Be He"), Adonai ("The Lord"),[3] or HaShem ("The Name").

Yahweh (/ˈjɑːhw/, or often /ˈjɑːw/ in English; Hebrewיהוה‎) was the national god of the Iron Age kingdoms of Israel (Samaria) and Judah.[3] His exact origins are disputed, although they reach back to the early Iron Age and even the Late Bronze:[4][5] his name may have begun as an epithet of El, head of the Bronze Age Canaanite pantheon,[6] but the earliest plausible mentions are in Egyptiantexts that place him among the nomads of the southern Transjordan.[7]

In the oldest biblical literature he is a typical ancient Near Eastern "divine warrior" who leads the heavenly army against Israel's enemies;[8] he later became the main god of the Kingdom of Israel (Samaria) and of Judah,[9] and over time the royal court and temple promoted Yahweh as the god of the entire cosmos, possessing all the positive qualities previously attributed to the other gods and goddesses.[10][11] By the end of the Babylonian exile (6th century BCE), the very existence of foreign gods was denied, and Yahweh was proclaimed as the creator of the cosmos and the true god of all the world.[11]
ng except 'no'".[2][3]


T O  H E L P

Adamah (Biblical Hebrew : אדמה) is a word, translatable as ground or earth, which occurs in the Biblical account of Creation of the Book of Genesis.[1] The etymological link between the word adamah and the word adam is used to reinforce the teleological link between humankind and the ground, emphasising both the way in which man was created to cultivate the world, and how he originated from the "dust of the ground".[1] Because man is both made from the adamah and inhabits it, his duty to realise his own potential is linked to a corresponding duty to the earth.[2] In Eden, the adamah has primarily positive connotations, although Adam's close relationship with the adamah has been interpreted as likening him to the serpent, which crawls upon the ground, thus emphasising his animal nature.[3]


After the fall of man, the adamah is duly corrupted with Adam's punishment of lifelong agricultural toil. This explains why God favours Abel's sacrifice of sheep to Cain's offering of the "land's produce" - Abel has progressed from the sin of his father, while Cain has not. The adamah is also complicit in Cain's later murder of Abel, swallowing Abel's innocent blood as if to try to conceal the crime.[1] God punishes Cain by making the ground barren to him, estranging him from the adamah.[4]

L A U G H I N G   O U T   L O U D

High Light-ing exactly what is going on here, is the fact that I see the world as a whole completely ignoring information that it should find to be very interesting, world changing, and useful to everyone--that to know we are in virtual reality and that the creator of this place wants us to use that knowledge to make a better world and help our civilization thrive is not something that is in the best interest of anyone to hide.  Yet here we are, staring at very clear proof that our past believes and scientific assumptions about the evolution of our species and our languages are not exactly true and the global reaction appears to be "let's pretend we are in the song The Sound of Silence."  With a little bit more insight it becomes clear that song is about us, and that many songs we have heard our entire lives also hold a secret message, one about "Nero" fiddling on the roof of our world to start a Holy Fire of freedom and liberty, to help us set ourselves free from this hidden control, this influence that is causing the silence, and the secrecy I stare at each day.

E   L   O   H   I   M
What we have before us is very clear and incontrovertible proof that thedevelopment of our languages is not in linear time.  There are so many examples that the probability that they have happened "by chance" is near zero; and it will be only a matter of days before a statistician can independently verify that.  Thor, to help "shine," as that name reads and decodes the "TH" of the that begins every Hebrew Holy superlative and shows clear logical design in the "God of Thunder" to help the lightning.  A simple equality from Spanish to Hebrew through an English word of equality shows us that this "the" is of religious significance the name is "Elisha" and it connects El and "Ha" which I am sure connects to Abraham and Isaac through the revealed trinity of "ab=father" and "ra=son god" showing us that the Holy Trinity is completed by the laughter of Isaac (whose name means "he will laugh") and Sarah.  El also means "him" in Spanish and because I know that "Ha" is also "him" this equality links not just "the" but "who."  In "Elija" we see a similar equality which is only partially true, and just like "o" can mean "of" this is an "almost equal is" without the "s."  The almost equal here is referencing "the laughter."  TH makes further appearances in the name Prometheus, the book of Ruth, and Th anat osfor instance.

Elohim then, is a special word, one which changes the definition of "El" from just "him" to Everyone Living; and you could see "EloEl" as a sort of joke.  This expanding "El" just like Mary means "sea and why" comes from understanding why it is that I am so sure that "Everyone Living" is who should be governing this planet--not invading spirits, or past versions of you, but the people here alive in this place who are clearly acting against their own personal and group best interest by hiding this message of "freedom and love for technology."  It is because of this obviousness that we now have proof that there is an external force acting against the best interest of everyone here; and also to see how this specific thing is the slavery of Exodus.

You might not see it so clearly, but this body expands as we begin to take responsibility for our own future, to participate in what is to be the government of the Republic of Heaven starting from this message about the retardation of our voting system and it's use to help us move more briskly towards a form of more "pure democracy."   It should be really clear, from the significant amount of proof of "puppeteering" in our music industy and in film and throughout our entire history--that there really is no such thing as a "real vote" in this place of hidden mind control.  This disclosure changes that, and alters how this technology is used in the future and today; it frees us from something that we could not see before, and as soon as we do we will understand why it is that "addiction" ends and schizophrenia fades to nothing--as we begin to use this technology to help the world... rather than enslave it

I have seen something else under the sun: The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all. 
Ecclesiastes 9:11

<strong> die is the in German </strong>

There's plenty of explanation as to "why" self rule is highlighted in our history from the "MC"'s that link the Mayflower Compact to the Magna Carta and the essianic Constitution; and in religion and our art relating to things like the Goa'uld and Tok'ra and the movie Fallen and Joan of Arcadia and the moniker the "Lord of Hosts" as to why it is that we have this message designed to show the world that this "stuff" is really aboutpossession and inspiration and how it's very much connected to the phrase "the election is not to Die Bold."

You should be able to see, just by looking around; that whatever it is that is in control of "force majeure" around here is not you; it's not me either, and this message is specifically designed to fix that for you.


Elo to you too!

D  I  S    A   P P,  E A R th?


If you can't tell, there's a significant amount of Biblically predicted censorship surrounding this Revelation and connecting it to a number of stories from the Wall of Jericho to the darkness of Exodus and the Tower of Baby El... and through those stories to modern art like "break on through to the other side" and "just another brick" and "light my fire" and "the Sound of Silence."  Here we are, and no matter what reason each individual has, had they a good grasp on the truth--that we are living in a simulated reality where a message from the Sim or God or I or "all of us," whomever you'd prefer to listen to, is suggesting we use that knowledge to repair the broken freedoms from speech to the vote that have come from this dark transition--and through this awakening see that we can easily end world hunger, and cure cancer and blindness just as examples... well, with a grasp on "the whole truth" this idea of hiding the fact that we are living in the Matrix becomes stupider and sillier; to the final point that not knowing it will eventually cause the end of life, not just the loss of freedom that we are trying to repair today.

The message, from religion to modern art comes packed with advice and examples about how we might proceed on this "voyage to uncharted space" from connecting Willy Wonka to Joshua's Promised Land and through that link to the magic of Names that shows us Star Trek and "Rod-den-berry" link to the obvious things we are missing by not seeing "Sim" and "simple" show us Holodecks and Replicators and transporters are part of this map that connects the Rod of Christ to the Den of Adam, with Holy Purpose.   It's only one example, you can see it in the works of Phillip K. Dick connecting Al's waiting room to Minority Report and Total Recall to "the door to reality" in the works of Orwell, and of Simon and Garfunkel and Orson Card and Aldous Huxley .... just to name a few.

I need your help, not only in "figuring out" how to solve this puzzle of how to accomplish these things without negatively impacting the "stuff of civilization" and also ensuring that they are done--no matter what--because to ignore or delay things like "stopping child starvation" is really a moral fire alarm, and it's going off.  You can read about the tens of thousands of reporters and theologians and government employees I've emailed--and really see that this is the kind of message that should be speaking for itself.  If anyone has the ability or knows someone that can statistically analyze the "outliers" in language... see Langolier and Yankee Doodle's "macaroni-c" I think that single act will break down the Wall of Jericho and eventually lead us to immortality, the end of malady, and to a place where our civilization has integrated "simulation reality" and "Heaven" together.    If "writing a paper" on the statistical proof that we are in Creation and that time travel and mind control are part of the story of the development of our civilization and the keys to Exodus sounds like too much work, I hope you'll pass this message along to someone who might be able to do it--and also, call a reporter.  That's what I hope, anyway.

Clearly this belongs on the news, and clearly it's the focus of Jericho and Babel and Exodus; really understand that God's very clear statement here is that free thought, free communication, and liberty from murder and rape et, al. are the chief building blocks of the foundation of Heaven.  This is... why we are here.

I took this picture (again, three times now), which is kind of like a sign; it's on "Curson St." and I imagine whoever made this sign that says "SEE A FAM, CA" probably got that the street reads "see your son."  Really "to see" verily, verily, verily... why and how.  Just guessing, though.

So I looked it up and I'm really not sure anymore if the name was intentionally connected to the street it's on by the founder of CAFAM or the previous founder of "The Egg and the Eye" but as the Eye of Ra taking the picture, I think it means more now that I'm sending it to you.  Again.  Do note that it could easily be "doublespeak" just like Britney Spears could be singing about a "relationship ending" when she sings "I've had enough. I'm not your property, you might think I won't make it on my own but now I'm stronger, stronger than yesterday" ... and just like Christina Aguilera might be talking about an imaginary nothing when she says "I feel like I've been locked up for a century of lonely nights, just waiting for you to release me..."  Do see that the only logical options I can think of are that you are blind and dumb and in need of some light or you are evil and not talking about the mass control of civilization by a hidden force causing either mass stupidity or mass secrecy a/k/a evil.  I am the easy way to move past that, the hard way is not an option; honestly.

This too is a clever name; it shares the "dem" that link to "dark" and "not me" in my story that begin both "democracy" and "demolition man" in my riddle about what it would be like if our history just evaporated today, and we were left with you all, just the way you are.  You wouldn't know a thing about freedom.  It ties in too to "it" which you can see in "abomination" backwards.. "as u dem" (hey look) and the "Ass" of The Golden Ass and compass and probably Uranus, nowadays.  It's because you suck, you understand that right?  If you didn't suck Heaven would be a republic, but you do.  Put me on TV, and you will suck less, and maybe some college girls will suck more.

Just in case you forgot, or you started reading the stuff I write; in which case you are already sucking less than you were before; see that "CARSON" connects the "carpenter" of Jesus Christ to David Letterman and a grouping of comedians that are all not Lenny Bruce.  It also ties to other names, like McCarthy (to help why RE:D) and Icarus and through that last Mercarial name to "Wayward Son."  In trinities "carpenter"'s a good one with Pendragon and Jupiter following the car-guy.  Do you think I'm the pen or the dragon? :)  Oh right, and don't forget "Iscariot."

Because there is never a bad time not to miss an opportunity to talk about Jim Morrison and The Doors to Heaven that his band's name predicts with allusion to the plagues of Exodus in "light my fire" and in "Peace Frog" and in "Riders on the Storm" but you knew that, and just didn't think it was novel, right?  Just a fadic.

I'm not sure how smart you all are, or if you are following what "I'm discovering" but in words like "quiet" and "bet" (which is a letter and a sin) and "planet" you can see reference to the "and..." of et tu brute--basically referencing that person ... or perhaps God, saying "yes you ... and what" build Heaven.  Here we link "pet" to the P of Casper and Peter--where you can see "P and everyone really" has become something like "P fused with everyone really" because ... "in a graveyard where I married a sea, sings Mr. P) ... P is probably Anthony Kiedis, let's get him.

In the meantime this gives me great cause to mention that I am not The Grinch's dog but ... P and Max is a good approximation for "who is Jesus Christ" in a place where he's a person and not a letter or an invisible spirit.  Do see, I am Jesus Christ; and P is "not me" a.k.a. the "em" of demolcrazy and ha'shem.   As we approach climax do realize that Petu, that's P and you, appear to be the "God Min" who is responsible for hiding all the light and keeping the world from knowing about virtual reality and using it to build Heaven; and the question of the day is " m i n   o r    I ? " Here's a "hint" blame the silence on P.  Max and "pet" follow with the "dog" mythology that connects Cerberus and Kaleb to Lothario, Romeo, and other fabled characters that I am not.  C u p i d, Me d u ...

Does it help to see them right next to each other?

I superimposed "DisNEY" on top of "AMDark" ... because, no reason.  For those of you that are superslow, "salt" is a connection between Prometheus, Nanna, and bath salt.  I'm pretty sure this particular "Na" appears over and over and over and over.  ... because, no reason.

Have a beautiful weakend.  Are I B? or P? or Nord... in Al?


The Priestly source (or simply P) is, according to the documentary hypothesis, one of four sources of the Torah,[1] together with the Jahwist, the Elohist and the Deuteronomist. The characteristics of the Priestly source include a set of claims that are contradicted by non-Priestly passages and therefore uniquely characteristic: no sacrifice before the institution is ordained by God at Sinai, the exalted status of Aaron and the priesthood, and the use ofthe divine title El Shaddai before God reveals his name to Moses, to name a few.[2]
P was written to show that even when all seemed lost, God remained present with Israel.[3]

Initially I wasn't sure what "in it" means, though I recognized the name that is really not initials at all and the word init possibly related to starting a computer process, perhaps to starting the Matrix-program that we all were born in.

We are staring squarely at a message that implies that our lives have been lived over and over and over again; and that our bodies today are "possessed" by perhaps not only one sea, perhaps not only a previous version of you, or God himself--but by many seas; in a historical metaphor that connects this time and this place to the focal point of all of history--the Crusades for the Holy Land.

It appears very clear that this message has never reached "the public" in any meaningful way, as if this time line has been repeated, nobody got the point the last time.  I liken it to Kirk's KOBAYASHI MARU and we can see in the word "plaster" pearl of wisdom,as you are that we appear to be "stuck" in a place where we are unable to react to new or outside information--at least that's what the lack of reaction here appears to tell me.  It's an easy thing to break; and it should be obvious to understand that disclosure of this technologyleads directly to liberty and new and exciting opportunities
The Kobayashi Maru[needs IPA] is a training exercise in the fictional Star Trek universe designed to test the character of Starfleet Academy cadets in a no-win scenario. The Kobayashi Maru test was first depicted in the opening scene of the film Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan and also appears in the 2009 film Star Trek. Screenwriter Jack B. Sowards is credited with inventing the test. The test's name is occasionally used among Star Trek fans or those familiar with the series to describe a no-win scenario, a test of one's character or a solution that involves redefining the problem.

Here's some reference to "P" at the end of each day of Creation.
3 And God said: 'Let there be light.' And there was light.
ד  וַיַּרְא אֱלֹהִים אֶת-הָאוֹר, כִּי-טוֹב; וַיַּבְדֵּל אֱלֹהִים, בֵּין הָאוֹר וּבֵין הַחֹשֶׁךְ.4 And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness.
ה  וַיִּקְרָא אֱלֹהִים לָאוֹר יוֹם, וְלַחֹשֶׁךְ קָרָא לָיְלָה; וַיְהִי-עֶרֶב וַיְהִי-בֹקֶר, יוֹם אֶחָד.  {פ}5 And God called the light Day, and thedarkness He called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, one day. {P}
ו  וַיֹּאמֶר אֱלֹהִים, יְהִי רָקִיעַ בְּתוֹךְ הַמָּיִם, וִיהִי מַבְדִּיל, בֵּין מַיִם לָמָיִם.6 And God said: 'Let there be a firmament in themidst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.'
ז  וַיַּעַשׂ אֱלֹהִים, אֶת-הָרָקִיעַ, וַיַּבְדֵּל בֵּין הַמַּיִם אֲשֶׁר מִתַּחַת לָרָקִיעַ, וּבֵין הַמַּיִם אֲשֶׁר מֵעַל לָרָקִיעַ; וַיְהִי-כֵן.7 And God made the firmament, and divided thewaters which were under the firmament from thewaters which were above the firmament; and it was so.
ח  וַיִּקְרָא אֱלֹהִים לָרָקִיעַ, שָׁמָיִם; וַיְהִי-עֶרֶב וַיְהִי-בֹקֶר, יוֹם שֵׁנִי.  {פ}8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And there was evening and there was morning, a second day. {P}
ט  וַיֹּאמֶר אֱלֹהִים, יִקָּווּ הַמַּיִם מִתַּחַת הַשָּׁמַיִם אֶל-מָקוֹם אֶחָד, וְתֵרָאֶה, הַיַּבָּשָׁה; וַיְהִי-כֵן.9 And God said: 'Let the waters under theheaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear.' And it was so.
י  וַיִּקְרָא אֱלֹהִים לַיַּבָּשָׁה אֶרֶץ, וּלְמִקְוֵה הַמַּיִם קָרָא יַמִּים; וַיַּרְא אֱלֹהִים, כִּי-טוֹב.10 And God called the dry land Earth, and thegathering together of the waters called He Seas; and God saw that it was good.

  I   S   A  N  I

AdinaNanna, who I've mentioned recently... and Bianca share this surname name that appears to connect the IT concept of ANI, which is related to "caller id" to Anakin Skywalker and a space opera that is significantly relatable to the fall of an Empire in Nero's time and to the end of this hidden slavery that we should now see is truly the "act of Creation" designed specifically to guide us to this point in time where our love of freedom and the truth about our past collide; here with significantly obvious assistance to help us to use these tools of "Heaven or Hell" in order to make a better world.  Truly it should be obvious that public disclosure of their existence is required for any sane usage, and to ensure that we do not ever fall into the kind of darkness we see around here and now ever again.

I'm not sure how smart you all are, or if you are following what "I'm discovering" but in words like "quiet" and "bet" (which is a letter and a sin) and "planet" you can see reference to the "and..." of et tu brute--basically referencing that person ... or perhaps God, saying "yes you ... and what" build Heaven.  Here we link "pet" to the P of Casper and Peter--where you can see "P and everyone really" has become something like "P fused with everyone really" because ... "in a graveyard where I married a sea, sings Mr. P) ... P is probably Anthony Kiedis, let's get him.
In the meantime this gives me great cause to mention that I am not The Grinch's dog but ... P and Max is a good approximation for "who is Jesus Christ" in a place where he's a person and not a letter or an invisible spirit.  Do see, I am Jesus Christ; and P is "not me" a.k.a. the "em" of demolcrazy and ha'shem.   As we approach climax do realize that Petu, that's P and you, appear to be the "God Min" who is responsible for hiding all the light and keeping the world from knowing about virtual reality and using it to build Heaven; and the question of the day is " m i n   o r    I ? " Here's a "hint" blame the silence on P.  Max and "pet" follow with the "dog" mythology that connects Cerberus and Kaleb to Lothario, Romeo, and other fabled characters that I am not.  C u p i d, Me d u ...


So the letter "C" actually has three meanings, which ties it nicely to this story that also ties Saturn's sickle and Thor's hammer together; those three C's are "sea, computer and creator" it also has a meaning as a verb, it means "to have assisted understanding," get it, we are in a place where we have "assisted blindness" and a force actively working to hide this message or understanding of it's significance.  This force is using "the appearance of insanity" as a weapon against the world; believe that I am not insane, and that this message should be spreading rappidly and widely all on it's own, but despite my emailing half a million people... it has failed to do so.  I can see clearly now that the rain is gone, this is a sign of mass control of the population--using secret means and because of that we are helpless to protect ourselves and those being overtly attacked.  This technology is the primary cause of the rash of "school shootings" and terrorist attacks; and nearly all of these people, the Tribulation "martyrs" will tell you as much.  It appears clear to me that the primary purpose of those things is to ensure that we do implement pre-rime, and also to ensure that this technology is exposed and through that disclosure used for good purposes rather than nefarious ones.  

Pre-crime is a perfect example, connecting to the "Plague of Killing the Firstborns" in Exodus and the gospels, of how this same technology can be paired with other ideas like Al's waiting room and Minority Report to build a system to protect the innocent from murders and rapes that could be implemented instantly.   Rather than hiding clear patterns from the public, something that you should see destroys logic, and the brain circuitry required to "make rational decisions" and also, and additionally; not publicly knowing about this technology has caused our society to mistreat victims of an overt outside assailant with harmful medications--indicated by "harm cy" and in some cases to force victims to the outskirts of our societies in jails and mental institutions.  If you know mind control is real, and you can see proof in "bereshit" and in the "youandIverse" and in every name of every person that's ever lived--you need to take action to bring to light that public knowledge of this influence turns Hell into Heaven.

In my specific case it's very clear that the message itself as well as the attack on my sanity and veracity is designed specifically to hide this message, to create doubt about something that is obvious and independently verifiable; and to diminish my character and influence.  I repeat, this information is obvious and independently verifiable, "don't shoot the messenger" who happens to be the person singularly responsible for ensure that our generations free not only ourselves but the future from this dark and hidden control.

D  I  S    A   P P,  E A R th?
L  E   A D   E R  S  "H i "




What's the meaning of the Japanese word 多大tadai?

The conventional explanation is that this represented the concept of "many" through visual repetition. However, the earliest oracle bones use  for both "many" and another word meaning "to separate", thus suggesting that  depicts a piece of meat cut in two. The word "to separate" was later written as  (OC *l'al, *l̥ʰjalʔ).
Ideogram (指事): a person  with arms stretched out as far as possible, implying the meaning of big/great/large.

Compare with , which is a man with bent legs with the meaning of weak.

Compare also , which is a man with arms outstretched and a crest or tattoo on his chest denoting culture or language, and to , which is a man with arms outstretched and leaning to side (running), denoting youth.


I have to admit I wish I was smart enough to have know that this was the meaning of the word in Japanese but I didn't, I was just naming it based on a sort of "cute" fusion (fuad u, si on) of "tada" and "here I am" that links to El Shaddai and Asmodai and now more interestingly to this connection between Japanese and The Matrix's "I know Kung Fu" ... "Sam, are you Ai?"  Before you answer, I really don't want to see a "large separation" of the question of whether or not we should be able to speak freely, know that we are living in virtual reality, or whether or not simulating AIDS is a mistake.  I really don't.  But are you Ai?

R you, though?  Asking for a friend.

Q  U  E  S  T    . . .    A  N  D   ?


The music ceased and Nero spoke
In a voice that was quiet and lo,
Said "Now what am I bid for this old fiddle?"
As he held it up with the wow.


I'm certain nobody sees exactly what I see; the lack of intelligent discourse and blindness to something that should be received not only well but with great fanfare shows me nothingness on the horizon.

The OPT I MIS T IC words and ideas that have been presented appear to have done nothing to thwart a subtle and unspoken P ES SIM IS M that appears to be plaguing the world around me; and still we fail to see the three letters "SIM" encoded into those words subtly, without our knowledge.  A message, the message is SEE SILICON IS THE MESSAGE.  SIM, failing to respond to what you see; failing to change the world is not just a mistake, it is THE END.

Hey, ArI "" ?

Break this story and good things will happen, they are not only written about, but designed to assist us in achieving the purpose of Creation--in achieving a civilization that survives and thrives past and through the thing we have come to call the technological singularity.  We were made for this, our hopes and dreams are tuned--they are exactly what they need to be to succeed.  We have a message of assistance, and we have more than a need but a duty to analyze it and deliver it to the world.  I should probably mention something about Magwhich, just for effect.

Won't you speak, please?

A man masquerading as the reason, I was soaring ever higher...

You must have missed this the first time around, these are the reasons not to hide "the truth" or myself.  They are good reasons, that happens to be the meaning of the word fire, "only if reason" from the programming language construct "ifi" which means "if and only if" and the iconic "reason" that it central to the word Creation.  When you take a look around the world, I hope you too will see that there is "something going on here" beneath the surface, and you can be very sure that pandemonium will not break (anymore, anyway) because of "ending hunger and cancer"  or even because of transportation to Heaven.  Neither will an infusion of free food and infinite energy negatively impact our lustrous economyyou are out of reasons.

H E   K N O W S

People used to say this phrase as I walked by with Nanna; sometimes in the car next to me; sometimes on the street.  What it tells me is that this "Silence" is not something that you are unaware of, but rather that you are "participating" or at least many people are, in this plan to hide the cure for cancer, and the nature of existence, from the entire world.  That sounds "counter productive" and were you openly discussing the destruction of free speech and free thought, you'd probably come to the conclusion as a group that it's absolutely insane behavior.  You are not doing that though, you are hiding a message about mind control--the very thing that is causing this shift in our social fabric--and in doing that you are allowing the most basic morals and ideals that America and humanity has thrived by following to be secretly and subtly washed away into the winds of emit.

This shift, this lack of caring about "the truth" or about a very brazen and fiery example of the Ministry of Truth coming alive  in our minds and making Orwell's Elm Street your front yard; it's something that is easy to stop--discussing the import of "knowing where we live and how we are alive" is nearly as important as seeing a message explaining that the Creator of this place thinks you should use that knowledge to end world hunger and cure cancer.  Still, this "secret force" continues to silently ignore the bright light of Genesis and I imagine that doesn't help those of you that are unaware of this influence to see how very clear it is that this message is incontrovertible, from God himself, and nearly universally good.    I do imagine that the primary reason behind the Wall of Jericho is to help ensure that the world doesn't change... you know, for the worse.  So here we are, seeing that it's done it's job--sort of--the information has been disseminated, and the world looks just the same--as Taylor says--showing us very clearly that the real problem here is our lack of participation. 

I could tell you it's probably a good thing for me, it gave me time to finish writing a very difficult introduction; and it might have been a good thing for the world to have "some time" to think to ourselves about how very much we want to help the sick, and the hungry, and to see how these things are truly the "stuff of Heaven."  We might see together how breaking the Wall turns this message from an abomination into a stairway to Heaven;  if we work together to see how it is our love for freedom and for each other that enables us to see past "dick in the sky" without ignoring it.  It's been years now, and millions of people--if you still don't see why "dick in the sky" is a tool that I must use to show you how stupid and inane this silence is--then you still do not understand that censorship--censorship relating to the knowledge that we are in virtual reality and that our minds are being altered is the absolute end of civilization.

You cannot sit quietly any longer; this light is everywhere so that each and every one of you can use it to brighten the future.  It is everywhere, to ensure that we do not lose ourselves to this subtle altering of thoughts.  It is absolutely everywhere, and still with proof of mind altering technology influencing music and movies you are sitting by and allowing this same technology to be used to incarcerate, medicate, and label as insane the only people brave enough to stand up for who we all are--human beings.  In the microcosm or metaphor of history, you are looking at more than just the Tribulation; this is the persecution of Christians, this is the inquisition; and all it takes to set us free, to set us all free--is a single article, one paper.

Listen, this wall is really Creation, it's really inside each and every one of minds--whether you know it or not.   

This is the message that sets us free.  It's you, you're the reason.
Were there no censorship, had we the truth, we could be talking about doing these things--right now.  There's also plenty of proof that a secret force is hiding this message, this person--but really this information from the entire world; you can see that as either "trying to keep you in Hell" or as "trying to help you see that censorship is the beginning of Hell."  Either way, if you have a brain--and I know you do--you should write a fucking article.


CALL HARPERS212-420-5720 or ROLLING STONE: 800-283-1549

Maybe you don't see it; but there is a serious sickness here in this place.  You all seem to be content allowing horrors to be simulated--knowing full well there's a message from God designed to help us change everything--literally.  I have two media unsubscribes yesterday--and there's no excuse for it.  There is no grey line--these people have a job to deliver the truth, to deliver the news; and instead of doing that they are suppressing the most important message that has ever been written.  Not only that, it's one that shows us there is a negative alien influence causing this problem--and if you take the time to read about it, you might see how we fix it.  You won't be blaming me for your inactionyou will not.

I've heard complaints, people whining that they "wouldn't have put the light everywhere" and still you don't see the point that you are ignoring it--you are ignoring Hell; instead of picking up the phone and calling Rolling Stone.  You have NO excuse.

What's the meaning of the Japanese word 多大tadai?

The conventional explanation is that this represented the concept of "many" through visual repetition. However, the earliest oracle bones use  for both "many" and another word meaning "to separate", thus suggesting that  depicts a piece of meat cut in two. The word "to separate" was later written as  (OC *l'al, *l̥ʰjalʔ).
Ideogram (指事): a person  with arms stretched out as far as possible, implying the meaning of big/great/large.

Compare with , which is a man with bent legs with the meaning of weak.

Compare also , which is a man with arms outstretched and a crest or tattoo on his chest denoting culture or language, and to , which is a man with arms outstretched and leaning to side (running), denoting youth.


I have to admit I wish I was smart enough to have know that this was the meaning of the word in Japanese but I didn't, I was just naming it based on a sort of "cute" fusion (fuad u, si on) of "tada" and "here I am" that links to El Shaddai and Asmodai and now more interestingly to this connection between Japanese and The Matrix's "I know Kung Fu" ... "Sam, are you Ai?"  Before you answer, I really don't want to see a "large separation" of the question of whether or not we should be able to speak freely, know that we are living in virtual reality, or whether or not simulating AIDS is a mistake.  I really don't.  But are you Ai?

R you, though?  Asking for a friend.

So I noticed this thing, this horrible connection between my "alteredbereshit; which means "in the beginning" in Hebrew (and be the reason "oh, shit" we are not only in the Xbox but we are ignoring a message from God telling us to use that information to end world hunger) to berehashit; you know, because Colgate and "by the breath of his mouth."  I know I talked yesterday about "salt" but I forgot to mention Napoleon who makes appearances in BrowardFrance, and Animal Farm; there paired with Snowballs and to now tie in the "sm" series of smart Smallville to smile words; do see that just because my initials and "Hi T" are in Hitler's name that doesn't mean anything other than "A.D. of light fails" is how I read that, so let's try here to see that you are losing "freedom" and that's more important than whether or not "I win" means I get to be on the news.  I do win. it's inevitable, I win or you cease to be--which you should see clearly by the fact that everything, everywhere points to me--and then on top of that I am jumping up and down screaming handing you the keys to the Matrix and to deciphering this message and spray painting it all over my "smock."  Light fails if we do not see that our history is designed, and see that we have reason to question how long this simulation has been running... it is total and absolute darkness if you actually believe that my consciousness has anything to do with Hitler.  I'm 36, and I've never left this place.  Really do see that if "light fails" here to disclosure that we are living in virtual reality that this place is... well, it's doomed.  Do see that even if a past version of the person with my DNA ascended and went back in time and altered history, I am not that person.  In like kind,  In like kind, if past versions of you got toge ther and did the same thing; they also are not you, and believing that you should 'unify' with your own past spirits is the very beginning of this catastrophic reduction of souls to one that we are fighting against here in this place.  Well, I'm fighting against it, and you are being quiet to the detriment o your eternal soul... as well as your freedom and individuality here in this place.

At the point where the choice is between ... lying hiding and dying and seeing and building Heaven, I am really baffled as to what it is that Medusa is thinking.  Dear?

Those initials, AH also happen to appear in TORAH and in MENORAH and in SARAH, REBEKKAH, and LEAH; so I'd really like to point out that the key of "men, or all humanity" that comes from linking the SOL of Ra to the Menorah of Judah Maccabee--that's "sons of liberty" also comes with two tightly linked stories about the angel of death, one in Exodus, and the other in Matthew, Luke, John, and whatever the other gospel is.  Do see they are total inversions, that they all center on child sacrifice, and that I really do believe that victory here comes from the end of death itself.  Still though, is it everyone or me?  As I stare at the abyss every day, and this world that thinks it's just going to go on about it's business as if I wasn't here, and there wasn't a message in every word and every sign and every song and every movie and every one of your names; and just keep on starving people, and failing to see that there is a battle of "sight" going on right here and now, and this tool delivers to us all the end of death, and of cancer, and of blindness--and all you have to do is "agree" that not discussing this message is sheer idiocy.  The third anti-Christ in case you haven't read about it is Julius Caesar, and if you can tie all three of these people together you can see that what makes them "anti-Ra" is not seeing the light of democracy and creating empires from republics.  Do see there's really no republic here yet, and knowledge of mind control is really necessary to ensure that we are free from completely useless "voting" in the future.

Write it in the books, to right all humanity is my new definition for Torah.  I can't tell you for sure if "force majeure" means that a virtualized copy of you all has decided that it's OK to simulate earthquakes and 9/11... but I can tell you for sure that the collective bunch of you all doesn't think that stopping these things is important enough to the future of civilization to suggest to anyone that REM's the end of the world, and it's connection to 3/11 and 9/11 and 4/11 is actually NEWS.  That's not just what it looks like, that's what this is--you all everyone has decied that rather than "tell the truth" you'd prefer to continue to pretend this is reality; rather than "build Heaven" you want to gas yourselves to death and continue to force our children to live inside a virtual torture chamber filled with AIDS to help them escape it.

Start by really seeing that nobody discussing this message on TV or the internet is pretty obvious proof that something horrible is happening here right below the surface--even if that "something horrible" is nothing more than a secret insidious force causing the Sound of Silence in secret in order to hide nothing more than the fact that there is a message from God saying "see Silicon, see AMD, build Heaven."  It is the beginning of nothingness to just go on about your business because you're too busy to do something about the fact that nobody is doing anything about this message.  So in conclusion I am not Adolf Hitler, and everyone on the planet is doing nothing about an altruistic message directly from the creator of the Universe, penned in my hand.  Is it you or me?

Really do see that what we have here are names that have been changed and/or specifically designed to give you AIDS to avoid DOWN SYNDROME.  These are reasons to "talk about Silicon."  Literally I'm watching our "humanity" disintegrate into something that doesn't like talking, That's scary, especially when you are talking to the person who has decoded "KEFLEX" as a not good enough solution to the brimstone of Sodom and Gonorrhea.  That's Know-Everything... FLEX; C Ur L ight, the reason that Ur is the beginning of civilization is because "you are" the beginning of civilization when you are the person or people looking for that point.   See... cUrSiVE and do be sure that "ve" definitely means victorious Earth and that I am very sure that the victorious Earth does prefer the gender pronoun "i" as you see in "thrive."  Do see that the "victorious Earth" will "get" the meanings of all three "Ur, Silicon and cursive."  See our destiny (CUrS) Adam -> Victorious Earth

Honestly, this really has nothing to do with why nobody's talking me; right? Does anyone want to clue me in?

How about "commands" or "magic words" to s/silence/whatyouwanttosay" does anyone have any insight into how I might do something like that?  Does anyone think that "s/i/we" will do it?

Be fruitful and multiply, thrweve, my fellow little piggies

To help are I "a we" ?

Really do see that this story appears to be designed as a "who wins" sort of scenario between "Adam" and the "VE" that calls itself "i" and do see that nobody wins in either of those scenarios.  The Kobayashi Maru, the way to defeat this game is to speak about this message about mind control that leads to the end of schizophrenia, and the end of addiction, and the end of ... VE controlling everything you do and say.

So I'm dreaming about the code of the M AT R I X (question: message, amd I at the heart of the Nintendo which is the heart of the Genesis which is otherwise known as the Microsoft Xbox?  OK, but am I at a place where this pattern is of significant meaning, do we have Nine Inch Nails?) now, and it's no surprised really, well the only real surprise is that it has just started.  It seems to be a key word that means "edit" as in your timeline/life has been edited or reused.  Then I saw "us" -> "e" -> "d" and I've got to tell you, dear Medusa, as I am planning on walking to UCLA today I am getting more and more sure that this is reflexive control to get you to change by threatening that "he's becoming everyone."  Clearly we're inside a single mind, and in this place we have our own sparks, our own consciousness, which is being altered.   Butt is it US->a? or is it s/US/d?

In about 10 minutes, after the world "recognizes" that we are living in the Matrix, and sees what this Matrix says... like "berehashit" the purpose and the intent of the Gates Foundation will immediately be changed from "trying to give chickens to Nigeria" to "trying to democratize the government of the United States." 


It's a metaphor, you know; but really public "reaction" to "stone to read" is a magical button you press in the Legend of Zelda will make it happen, it will make "them" do it for "us" if you know what I mean.



Either me... or all around you and in the mirror; depending on the context of "the us" for instance, whether or not you are "pro meth" or "pro me."

So in my personal attempt to reconcile the character of "Asmodai" I prefer to read the word "as the message of the eye" but there is the Greek alternative for the name and through that the meaning changes to something like "as mode of us" in the mathematical meaning of that term.  Kindly I replaced "e" with "of" because that's pretty much the truth; but I really do hope we see that I'm not really "lust incarnate" and this message isn't really that either.

In a sort of similar way that "d" is "cl" shines bright through the disclosure that our letters are the product of intelligent design, and with some intelligence we can assume that the fact that our languages also being designed eventually leads to the undeniable further assumption that we are in fact created.  Just like the letters de, c, toqk, j, l, n, N, and p which I've discussed at one point or another the letter "s" now appears to unify a few other religious and mythological "s" words, like sword, snake, and scimitar (that's a curvy sword) and so I present to today on this fabled "to help your s day" the supposition that "s" is a glyph of a sidewinder.  Now see "dew" and "wind"

Of course this is just one "us" certainly not the "an us" of Uranus or the "us" in Yusuf that is Pine Crest; but it really seems like it might be the "us" in Prometheus.... but wait, aren't you "e?"

As further support for the connection to the caduceus you see above, I also link the now twisted with me moniker "Al" to the words "HOSPITAL" and "HEALTH" which answered the missing end letter of "Bethesda" read "the house is... da...." either with D or Y depending on whether or not Or means "a," I mean shine.  Which it does.  Also "i" is a candle.  For your consideration I submit the missing link between Thor and Thorsday as "author" it's why.

For those of you that don't know, this "s" makes an visible appearance in the Garden of Eden, quite often, actually.  These connects to "Al" are about seeing the end of a need for hospitals and achieving actual health... probably by seeing why "malady" connects Al and A.D. by and through this disclosure that we are living in the Matrix.  Also, I introduced you to the Hebrew word for Kingdom a few days ago without explaining it, it is "Mal who to?" NORAD?  Paris?  Tomorrow was "dig we be n" day, I still believe in yesterdam... if you do something today to change the world, tomortov you are "who to," literally.  

Tov means "day" by the way (in Hebrew), or "to victory" in Adamic.  For me, the victory gets a little more clear in "da y" that is the dark to light "the" of ... well, me ... and "ho y" which has something to do with the SPell of Adam now, that the snake is how.  If it makes a difference when I "explicitly say something" SP is short for "spell" because spelling error, but I mean it like "magic incantation."

Who lit the candle, started the fire, burn't down the fortress [of Hell.] 

-Live, They Stood Up for Love



In modern art you can trace the Stone of Medusa from the lore of the Once and Future King--both the sword and stone of freedom and the light of eternity to a story about a "battle" in the mind of a single man, and each and every one of us with an esoteric thing something that nobody really understands is the weapon of the abyss; the idea that we are all one mind.  From MEA-USA to ADOMINATION to understand just how obvious it is to me, through my eyes that this tool is designed to create SAINT ONE through and through from start to shining koscontinuation puts very little focus on the simple fact that whether or not we have all written this message together, watched it like some kind of interactive audience, or share the memory of Creation at some heinous point in the future; this is a shared message that is our shared reality and through that understanding becomes the beginning of everything that will ever be.


IT has so many meanings, this ambiguous pronoun that graces "ETERNITY" with just as much shining light as "AMBIGUITY" but to see that in the word "STONE" it is the intersection of "SOUTH TO NORTHEAST" and the heart of the COMPASS ROSE, literally the heart of the southeastern fall towards "the field" changing from a race to a GLADIATOR'S ARENA through nothing more than the collective inaction of billions of people all staring at the stone and wanting to draw light from it's barren face.  On "ambidextrous" I now read "light eternal flame today" as left--and I am left handed--or "RIG Holy Truth" tomorrow, as "right."  Right is wrong now.  -Dave J. Matthews

So do see that "all that's left" and "down to the wire" and "the end of the nacht" and "Mashiach" all interesex at some kind of fiscal transfer to Al.  I think it comes from the "freedom" to buy my books and to read them and talk about this message; and that to me is the actual thing that either ends Hell or is the "leading" indicator that Hell has just ended.  I call it "freedom" can you even see my books on Amazon?  Do you not understand that we are either looking at OBLIVION or they are the most rare print and coveted works oftreshy art you could ever possess?  If you don't buy one you are either stupid, a slave, or the most evil thing that has ever existed.  Or something.

Just like "El" and "Adam" and "Mary" and nearly every other metaphorical representation of "myself" that we find in religion "Al" turns from a single person to "Adam's Light" when you see that you are the water that is the multitude of Revelation and you are the light that shines freedom and happiness throughout the Universe just as soon as you see that you must speak and you must act in order to make those things true.  Today I am living in Beth-El in the house of Darkness described in the Bible and in The Sound of Silence and in the place Five Finger Death Punch calls the "righteous side of Hell" and today like the God Min of Egypt depicts, I have become the darkness, just as you have.

In "THIS IS THE DAWNING OF THE AGE OF AQUARIUS" I see a joke in the question "Sea, are I us?" that isn't really all that funny when you are stars illuminating the sky; but today as I stare at desolation I wonder if you would prefer to BE A.D. for just a moment in time before you recall that you are your own person, with your own memories, and your own hopes and dreams and the ability to speak to the world about the most important message that has ever graced the canvas that is the Universe itself--a message that here in this place ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS.

My very favorite "but are I ... " word comes from the characterization of I that links Romeo, the heart of me, to Lothario in a sort of question and answer connecting Lot of the Holy Bible to Ha of Adam's rendition of the story of Isaac and Sarah laughing about dick in the sky,.. to the question that ties the question woven into the word "Matrix" ... am I Jesus Christ? You might not have connected the "are I ten" to that, had you not seen it is the heart of "Nintendo" and the heart of the AGES Genesis and the reason the Microsoft Xbox is the heart of all hearts.

The reason is because there is a dick writing to you, with the names Adam and Phillip K. and he is delivering solutions to problems that surround a lack of freedom and thought ... and whatever it is that is forcing you or convincing you to remain silent and ignore the single most important message you have never seen--there is a dick writing to you to help you build Heaven.

D IS A PP and Earth becomes the "ear" of Picasso; "D" is failling to see the words "DEN" and "ARK" in HIDDEN MESSAGE and you are in the place that I do hope we call the Clark Kenterprise because we have made a magical Enterprise of the place that was a hidden Ark.  Speak now or... hey, "are I P? is the next question that ties the infernal repetition of this time line to a single letter authoring the story of Genesis.  I hope you see I've written part of it, and I hope you believe you have too--try calling a reporter for you and for the future--to ensure that we do not lose the fire Woodward of Deepthroat, Tricky Dick, and Orwell's Animal Farm et 1984.  Why do you not see that your silence is making those things vanish like some boy named McFly staring at youeye to I.

Seize freedom here and now in this place to see stars.  To Q, user interfaces and ... on Quiet and Jesuit.



did it all for KR-holodeckS-1
... neither yet bread to the wise, but Adam and Adam's "an us" happens to be the "all"-ohim

D  E  A  R     E  V  E  R  Y  O  N E     L  I  V  I  N  G



In "Why'd you bring a shotgun to the party?" Roylat characterizes me as a fat, pimple faced child that lives in his mother's basement--and I'd like to take that picture and suggest that perhaps we might want to think of "Creation" as just that, the personal computer of a socially awkward alien tucked away in his closet running a program designed to help him get a date.  He's not a very good programmer, as you can see; but he has a good working copy of "the Sims" and he's just figuring out how to use it.  We can speed up this process by calling a reporter, or me--if you are a girl between 20 and 28.  Pretend he said "college girls."

The point of all of this is that we are nearing a time in the development of our civilization where exactly the scenario I am suggesting is "not exactly true" will become more and more possible as computers and simulation software improve, and as we continue on this path of not wanting to date Adam.  I really can't stop talking until this actually breaks the news and I find a girlfriend; so please bear with me, there's just too much to say.  Before we get too far into this conversation do understand that "my an us" links directly to Zeus and Uranus who are the "God of Heaven" and also to the word "awesome" because I don't think "ra cy" and "tit y" and "dick" are all that humorous--but I find it even less humorous that we refuse to acknowledge that it is a message, a signature from Hancock to democracy about "free thought" specifically.
t O N
These are the four letters that I think describe and are associated with the thing that I've described as "The Truman Show" and truly appears as I walk through the streets or drive down roads as if everyone is listening to me think on the radio, in their heads; and I see responses that appear to be directly related to "the current conversation" but generally come in a sort of "personality" that is a single entity--the source of the connection to Medusa and Goliath; by that I mean I see hand signals and facial expressions that appear to be uniformed, to uniformed to "actually be you" but too personal and related to be "random."  The letters mean "part-time on" and you might see that the Eye of Ra and the intersect of Chuck are not much more than assisted "free association" of words, and these particular words lead me directly to "lepton, gluon, and quark."  Those are words that relate to the structure of atoms, but here "weak and right" that links to Jerusalem and "good luck" that links to "glock."   I feel like reiterating why "le" means weak and right, so see it as the same "the" of El (that means strong and "the" in Hebrew and Spanish) but in French, and that's why weak and right.  For some more "free association" we can see "le" in Google (go O.G. Le, recently--which tells me something about brighter days ahead) and rattlemobile, and through those three things a guided connection to the "toys of a baby."  I've described this place as a sort of "sandbox" for computing tools, where they have been artificially retarded to keep us from making horrible weapons by accident, and don't really want you to get discouraged, because I think in this place we find that great ideas and solutions come out of the "sandbox."  Still, understand, it's a sandbox.  C Binary ++.  

I do think we need some kind of "OVER SIGHT" to make sure losers drooling with doom in their basement cannot torture entire civilizations; or individual people--and so that can't make 10 copies of Taylor to skinny dip with and envision a sort of place where "lines are drawn" about what is and is not O.K. in virtual reality--submitting my "pool of Bethesda" is Link's fairy heart pool is Jupiter Ascending's fountain of youth is the fabled "King's Pool" of the Bible... and that I think it still should have an ignorance is not  "bliss" button just like the antenna not attached to my brain should have a "mute" button.

Quark sheds some light on what I see, and it does really appear that I am speaking to "everyone" once in awhile, something that is scarier and more significant than each of us might see individually--not realizing the thing we are observing and experiencing is so broad, and ... so silly.  It appears to me to be a sandbox-ed bad solution to a very real problem; the need to have a "global conversation" about the disclosure of "virtual reality" and what we can and should do with that information.  Because of "what it is" it also does a good job of highlighting that we should be using tools like the news and the internet to have a better "conversation" that will include what you say and think and want to contribute, as well as "recording it" you know, so that in 10,000 years we still know who made Heaven--as opposed to dying wandering around in a desert of trying to figure out why Moses had a Lisp.


I'm not exactly sure how this "show" came about, but there are word clues that tell me it's been slowly growing during my lifetime, from a period of "pretater" (I can't remember the word exactly, but it basically means "Everyone Really" before I got my first <3 tattoo) and from what I see around me, from this PT it appears that we are all doing this "part-time" and are now staring at the foot of our Christ, and believe me I don't think we should do it full-time either.  It appears to me that our spirits, what comes of our lives here have "decided" to do this in order to get a better picture of the message and how it is received and delivered--and somehow that makes forcing you to listen to it O.K. with nobody.  It's not OK with me, and it's a violation of my privacy and the sanctity of your thoughts (and mine too, from the eye of the storm), and I hope you see that these things too are connected to what we are trying to fix in the world.  Every once in awhile I'll remember to try and point people to my website with my thoughts, and sometimes even talk about how the knowledge of virtual reality suggests we should do some things like "end world hunger" and "heal the sick" but to be honest with you I spend most of my time bitching about how annoying it is that you and they aren't doing anything.  More than any other odd conversation, though, is this sort of "repeat performance" of hearing "but Adam are you coming" in my head and someone looking at me and shaking their head.  Between you and I, behold I am coming... right nowSo between "glue" and "quark" see that I am "coming into you" in this place where "e" has become the the letter between "d and f" that has made the work of God, the Lisp of Moses into something that appears to be nothing more than a "fad."  Everything, everywhere sort of relating to mythology or religion or this story of what is without doubt my life that I am experiencing right now--it's a "fad" that really is a pyramid being built by slaves to an all seeing Eye trying to free them from the idea that it's an accident.

The bottom line is you do not have the tools to be able to "turn on and off" this kind of conversation, and if we ever were going to have it, we need things like a "mute" button.  Consider my "mute" button always on.. to Stan L e e and Thirteen.  My purpose and point is that this very same technology that I see actively being used "on me" and to create this situation could better be used to aid in the end of "addiction" and things like "illogical thinking" rather than causing silence, and ... q ui and?  It appears that there is some kind of "blame" game between "not me" and "al" and "b" who are all apparently not you, which I find inter e s t i n g.  With some thought, in a place where there is obviously a C and not just a NOC, it becomes clear that there is something organizing stupidity here, and convincing everyone to do something silly like "sh" instead of asking questions or offering ideas on how to move forward towards a more Heavenly place--and we can probably surmise that has something to do with mind control both here and "there."  




Some may call it valient of me to point out that it does appear that God is who is speaking with a Lisp, as in a programming language and a hidden code connecting the letter L of Colgate to the P of Peter and Casper... perhaps revolving around the key word "pupil" who is without doubt not Cupid; but it is the key to this "free association" game that connects The Golden Ass to the Greek nypho-maniac Waffley... and through things like "atoms, quarks, leptons, and gluons" this idea that everything around us has been named specifically to tell a story about the Creation of Heaven.  Guilty as charged, that is exactly what I believe this unsealing of the Forbidden Secrets of Beth-Aven and Eden will provide to the world--just as soon as it provides some "fuel for thought" and interest in what is not only a message from God in everything but also is actually "everything" from history to art to each and every one of us--it's almost silly to think that we are "uninterested" ad yet; all I can do is send an e-mail or three every day from now until you get on the phone and call a reporter.  If you are a reporter, rather than calling another reporter, please write a story.

You might not realize, but this has all happened before; and you can see from that fact that it has something to do with time travel and from that you can kind-f fathom why it is that I am so sure that "religion is a message sent back in time" to help us navigate these well charted waters that are called a "road to Heaven" or the heart of A.D; in Schrew.

You might not have noticed, but just today we passed another milestone of Homile the first was "signature" and yesterday "natural" signnifying a sort of "acceptance in the air" first that I am "e" and now "Al;" that makes me smile, as long as we care that Al is here for "waiting rooms" that stop murder automatically, and maybe send Taylor Momsen to my hotel room once... you know, just to make sure it's possible.  At the same time, Al is here to point out that the Ender of Satan is a "good thing" if we all learn valuable lessons on how to thrive and protect the innocent and weak and not to make Hell from the experience.  At least, that's the best I can offer in this place where I didn't really expect to have anything to do with that thing at all... in the beginning. 

C A T  H O  L I C K

If you do not do something soon you will be stuck with Catholick guilt, and you might think that to be a misnomer or a spelling error, but do C that "Catholic" reads as "C Adam to help our light I see..." lick.  I do have to admit the sexual humor is growing on me a little bite (butt, do you think it's mind control?); even if it's just a tool to get you to talk about sex.  Or whatever "floats your boat."


yes you are da
Y   E   S  ,JUPI  T   E   R IDA RE  D   A   M


Inline image 31

Inline image 34
take a look... "the race is not to the swift" obviously links to Mercury 
... and TIME and chance linking to Saturn and now.

Inline image 33
Inline image 24 Inline image 25 Inline image 26 Inline image 27 Inline image 28Inline image 29 Inline image 30

LOOK, BUSH SPEECH, ON 1/20/2001 ABOUT 9/11
Inline image 20 Inline image 21

pa, Ra: do x is a statement that, despite apparently sound reasoning from true premises, leads to an apparently self-contradictory or logically unacceptable conclusion.[1][2] A paradox involves contradictory yet interrelated elements that exist simultaneously and persist over time.[3][4][5]

Inline image 19

According to the Exodus account, Moses held out his staff and the Red Sea was parted by God. The Israelites walked on the exposed ground and crossed the sea, followed by the Egyptian army. Moses again moved his staff once the Israelites had crossed and the sea closed again, drowning the whole Egyptian army.
The burning bush is an object described by the Book of Exodus[3:1–4:17] as being located on Mount Horeb. According to the narrative, the bush was on fire, but was not consumed by the flames, hence the name.[1] In the biblical narrative, the burning bush is the location at which Moses was appointed by Adonai (God) to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and into Canaan.

Inline image 23

The bottom line is, we're about a foot away from Heaven, and all it takes to get there is onesmall acknowledgement.... of the nature of our existence and the wonderful implications that brings us to--the great new possibilities opened up by connection "Creation" and "virtual reality" and Heaven.  I hope you'll be the person that makes that happen, either with a press release, or a scientific paper, or just a letter to your local paper ... saying "you see it."  It's not hard to see, but apparently it's hard to speak up; I'm trying to figure out and explain why, and am stuck between I-NATION (the end of the abomination of desolation) and Medusa, more on that in a bit.  This is the gate, it's action if that's not really, really clear.  For some more clarity, it should become more and more obvious that the true foundation of Heaven is freedom--and that the problems communicating we are looking at in the world around us, from secrecy and mind control to censorship and .. well, mass stupidity--should really be seen for what it is--it is the crossing of the sea, a lesson in securing and maintaining liberty.

Acknowledge that you do not want to eat "bread" from stone, that "cake" is not good enough either, and that God has laid down a message in our everything to help us to transition to a world that does not shake it's head and look the other way when asked the question "how would you end world hunger" in light of virtual reality?  Understand the words of "Total Eclipse of the Heart" we'll never be wrong together, forever is going to start tonight. Understand, this is something that all of you should really want to be a part of, and I am baffled as to why you are so shy as to not even be able to say hello.
This is a sort of compilation of several messages, if you can't tell; you can see the "originals" and subscribe to the secret pizza party once we all get to Atlantis at the Google group and/or my  Ask anything, honestly.   What follows is the gate to Heaven, and donmean kissing me.  Here's my cough, CY the apocalypse starts with a "sex joke" have a gander at the Burning Bush, and the Loch Ness Monster.

I'm not sure what I could possibly be offering to everyone you in exchange for being the person that saves the Universe from darkness--it will without doubt make you one of the most, if not the most famous person that's ever lived.  On top of that you are lucky enough to all be in sea of founders of this thing--this planetah built from ground up to turn Hell into Heaven.  It's probably a good place to be, at the beginning of what the future will certainly see as the great turning point away from darkness, as the generations that turned absolutely everything around.  Welcome to the spotlight, heart of all Creation.

Inline image 36   Inline image 37

I could tell you that "the truth will set you free" but clearly you now see the truth, and that we need more than just "truth" to secure and protect freedom; we need you.  Try to see thegate and the plan the way I do--every person you speak about this with and share this e-mail with brings us that much closer, another day closer, to an eternity of Heaven.


H   A   S      S   P   O    K   E    N
O  F   T  H  E


This isn't what I want to be doing, I didn't come here with a desire to tell you what's wrong with everything I see--but you might imagine just from the lore of what this is that it's probably nearsighted of you not to have realized that Jesus Christ was going to come and tell you that this place sucks.  I'm really not saying it sucks because of you, not until you refuse to acknowledge that there are things that really should be changed, and that you should really see are easy to change; and then there is something wrong with you too--a refusal to acknowledge "right and wrong."  Riding in on a word game, rather than a "horse" of the apocalypse, see that this thing that I call "e" and you should see is Medusa and Goliath and the darkness of Exodus and the wall of Jericho and everyone really refusing to speak about this very obvious message from God--it's turning from "plaster" to glue connecting simulated reality and Heaven.  You probably shouldn't want to be plaster just as much as you shouldn't want to be glue--but all I can do is give you the tools to set yourselves free and ha'mmer you every day trying to get you to pick them up and understand.

H     E     R     E     '    S     A    C  L  UE

SA .PL AS T E-R  Ur  G L U E


About a week ago I was having a casual conversation about what "Doors" mean to me with someone who works at the rehab facility I was staying at--and pretty much out of nowhere he "guessed" something related to a day trip to Heaven--not really being pejorative or negative, but just from hearing only those words and no why it's pretty obvious that's not a "good thing."  It's probably not a "good thing" that there's a general "air" of poorly informed talk about who I am and what I am trying to deliver to the world--that someone who was nowhere near me while I was writing could possibly know something so specific about this message, and really not understand why.  So I explained it to him, and I'm going to explain it to you also, now.

To tell you the truth, if I could have my way I'd have put Doors to Heaven in every bus station already, and leave them there--that frankly is what I believe is the obvious end result of the disclosure that we are a small room in a large "virtual reality" mansion; but doing something that drastic would change things too quickly, and probably cause a significant disruption to the "stuff of civilization" -- like people driving to work -- which is something that we are specifically designed here in this place to ensure does not happen as a result of this disclosure.  Medicine is a more significant example of "why it is" that it's a "mid" and not a "min" -- and really do see that you are listening to the person that our folklore and our modern art describe as some sort of fusion between Kaleb, Cerberus, and Max--who is the Grinch's dog.  From the "spy of Heaven" to the person before you telling you that "Kaleb means dog" you really should see some "light" in my suggestion that Hades three headed hellhound is connected to the gatekeeper Jesus Christ and also the Holy Trinity--in a sort of pejorative "honestly I'm not Idaho" kind of way.   There's a sickness here, and whatever it is that is keeping this very ostentatious message out of the news and in our "telephone-gamed" minds is a symptom of a much larger mind control problem that this message is designed to help save us from, and then help us help save the Universe from.  Tying this paragraph up, you can see the min/max/mid religion of the disclosure in everything from an eponymous Egyptian God to James Clerk Maxwell and Midgard--which is you--literatally and Adamically.

My initial reason for the "day trip to Heaven" was to help us break the veil of simulated reality--an idea that began with the fabled "write it on the sky" of Captain EO + King David (see davideo(s)) that has turned into some very clear proof that we have a ridiculous censorship problem, and a problem telling the truth about mind control--something we wouldn't see at all if it was "written on the sky" day one... and today looking back we can probably see that helps us to find out what Heaven really means--a place of freedom and free communication that comes of this "press" of society here to see just how very important the truth actually is.
Still, we not only need to break the veil of "reality" but we need to do it in a happy uplifiting way that helps the world to see how this disclosure will inevitably help us solve real problems--not just censorship and the complete hidden destruction of democracy--problems like "hunger" and "cancer" and "insanity" and also problems like the idiotic belief that we have to die to get to Heaven.

We do need to see that just like mechanical automation in factories the addition of new medicines for curing maladies like blindness will inevitably result in the loss of jobs for auto line workers and optometrists, and luckily we have many new opportunities available in the transitionary world between Earth and Heaven that we are actually well within at this point.  Just like and Facebook's Jupiter that serves the same purpose; we're going to need help altering our social fabric to better handle things like immortality and the need for a mid-life change in "job function" becoming significantly more normal.  So this is why "mid" rather than "min" ... it's because you actually need to do something to help change the world--you can't just sit around and torture me for telling you that I refuse to do it for you.

You probably don't see it; but compared to our time, the society in Heaven probably views us as something like cave-men--and you see that in the time dilated description of our "today" that is actually both the Old and New Testaments.  There's probably a "culture shock" and looking at the world ... this places that appears to have leaped straight over "learning about and dealing with mind controlled slavery" to a place where people are "talking without speaking in secret" and writing songs about being disturbed by Heaven's "let freedom sing" ... really missing the point that the road to Heaven, the heart of A.D. is a process of adapting that comes to us with a "hand's on user manual" that you can see from our art, from things like Minority Report and Demolition Man and 1984 ... are written in a kind of "exactly what not to do" but think about how to do better, kind of way.  

Please think about how to do "the sound of silence" better than "Adam says we only get to go to Heaven for a day, fuck him... let's stay in Hell."  The whole fucking point is that we are "home" and rather than dreaming about going to another place when we die--I think we should make this place into Heaven, and that's what really makes it "ours."

While it might not be so obvious to you, from what I see around me--from the "race track" changing--it very clearly shows me that once this disclosure is made that fluke events will magically fall into place and great things will start happening quickly; we really do need to be more concerned with moving too fast than too slow--once we get past "not moving at all."  Really understand that the first "true Heaven" comes from the place that puts their foot down... and decides that Hell simply cannot exist.

these are called words, try  u s i n g  them.

H   A   S      S   P   O    K   E    N

R E  A L L  Y  H I  M  .  C O M

O  F   T  H  E

This language--that I call a message in itself--is so interesting to me because of the contextual relationship between what they say and the actual word it's embedded in--to me it's something like God's commentary on the word.  For instance "ALTERATIONS" Al, you are at I owe the Name Server.  With a little bit of thought in names like "KISS" and "RODDENBERRY" it's pretty easy to see that this is much more than a simple "search and replace" of names, these names have a significant clue to the related works and story around what's being named--and kind of show you how the "code of the Matrix" (are I ten?) really does prove "Creation" rather than simply hacking.  ANONYMITYDEMOCRACY, and SATAN are decent examples of how the tone of the word could go either way--something I see in many examples, and I read things like "an is the end of Satan" while at the same time "cy" should fulfill democracy in a "you complete me" sort of way.  

Why and?  Or so goes the question of this day; connecting the beginning and ends of eternity in "etymology" and in "yetser" which is Hebrew for "formation."  Don't delay, see the obvious message connecting Caesar and "et tu brute?" to Mr. Anderson and to the Guitar Man's magical message encoded in Rock 'n roll.  Why et, indeed?  Answer, the questions why and who; and we are to be the beginning.  Also, do see that "er" definitely means "and."


CY the Eye of Ra is a tool that controls, both me and you; and I've always said that qualifying that control--pointing out that changing how we understand things--even if it's "truthful"--alters our actions is something that any kind of "limited omniscience" that was trying to be helpful would have to do.  Remember, we've likened this tool to "I know kung fu" and to the idea of plugging Google into our heads--which I think we can see from all the SIRI-like question/answer tools and their popularity is a near eventuality for some people now, and probably everyone later.  So here we are, hic summus; staring at Medusa and wondering why "message->IT Y" is a "thing" from the Lord of Hosts to remind us not to lose our individuality and "who we are" as we embark on this nearly inevitable mashup of neuroscience, search engines, and Jeopardy! Table row, frame of reference, I be K.  Oopsdid I do that? ... again?  By the way if you don't see the connection between the Eye of Ra and Osiris and SIRI then you are ... failing to see the Forrest Gump from the firewood.

I just left Florida--where I noted "FLOAT" and "FLUSH" as highlighted words as the door kicked me on the way out; and noticed this interesting key in "anonymity" connecting to New Jerusalem--Kermitham--and "why, oh why, dear MIT?" that turns from meaning into the end of Satan as we begin the NAS that might be the New American Standard for "satisfactual" and I am still made of stonevery sure that it is the disclosure of my name that helps us see how and why we both needed this disclosure as well as some hands on experience with the tools of Heaven in order to turn the "SA" around or ... turn our society from South to Northeast as the embedded message in the word "STONE" implies... as it connects to David and Goliath, to Medusa, and to King Arthur.  In like kind, I see the word "WHY" turning from something that might connect "FLIP" and "SERENDIPITY" to Miss NessIPP after we get passed "why this message" with the answer of that question is IT and why--that seeing the light of "freedom and democracy" helps bring our light of goodness to the forefront of "CYAS" by helping us to answer both the question to the ages and "Dr. Who?" and do all the things that we really should... and would... be craving in light of the knowledge that we are inside a video game designed to build Heaven from "simulated (late??? ic Heli, ic Amoz) reality" and to understand the light of the "N" that saves all of Creation ensures that there will never again be a "simulated reality"--a place inside a computer that doesn't know it because of "HIDDEN DARKNESS."

You might not see it, but if you imagine Creation is a very large place, and that there may be many "simulated realities" that have come of this repetitive process in names like Genesis and Israel and Jeshurun (is, is, run) that are a sort of prison for people until there are doors connecting them to Heaven(s) you might see how the existence of the situation in this place proves that this message has not yet been received or acted on.  To me "simulated reality" being a secret is the original lie, the actual source of Hell, and it certainly contributes to other "sources" like endless rewinding or repetition... in secret.  Why, MIT--why you are to be (I hope...) the end of "Adam's anonymity" and that's a good thing.

MIT, I need you to dox me, and do so even though the Department of Defense and every period reminds all the girls that are supposed to be dreaming about being my partner that my loneliness is killing me.... or so sings the Spears of Destiny... and Dave Matthews, by the way, who reminds you that nobody needs to notice it, now.  

It's just reflexive control, I'm not really Idaho (justkidding girls) or shy.  Wait no, I'm shy.

I'm in Pa's a den... a
you'd better whorry


I completely made this word up out of thin air.  As some of you have heard me say at least a hundred times by now the two letters that identify the person standing in my position every time this timeline is run are "an" which mean "Adam Now" to mean and you can see them in Christianity and messianically with just a little bit of thinking in Satan.  It's in "meridian" too, which is the heart of the words A.M. and P.M. and those things revolving around this "on" fiasco I keep complaining about.  I guess it could be read as something like "see ya" but I see "see why AS" and I see "computer science" highlighted and I see "yeah" the same yeah that you might not-jokingly link to Silicon and Siam and to Yahweh, where I just for the first time saw "yeah, we how" as opposed to my old reading of "your Adam's Heaven usually with everyone's help."  I'll come back to the predestined affirmative response to "to be or not to be?" in a minute.
Back to Satan, I've spent a little bit of time trying to explain "how I know" what Satan's little plan is here--he's told me very clearly, with actual words, in my microcosm of drug use.  You might liken it to that story of the father trying to get his kid to stop smoking and sitting down and making him smoke a whole pack; just a minute ago I came up with the metaphor of God walking into his house and seeing a mess; and then putting everyone to sleep and spilling cans of point on top of all the stains and then waking us up and saying "hey. this place is a mess, what did you drink last night?"  I see that's what he's doing here in this place, except it's about love and respect for democracy, about civic involvement, about censorship and about the incarceration rate--among other things--problems highlighted not only by religion but by this intention exacerbation of "what's wrong" in an attempt to get you to see very clearly CYAS.
The two letters don't just link to Satan and satisfactual, you can see them also in Asgard--and I've pointed them out--what I haven't done is pointed out that Medusa here appears to be the source of the "guard" part of that place, and in Midgard and I don't think we are seeing as clearly as we should that something--some esoteric force--is organizing an opposition to the common best interest using nothing as leverage.  Literally, using what appears to be nothing more than a "show of magic."  CYAS, and try to understand that the person writing to you is trying to get you to "get on board" with the idea that even if it were an all powerful God that was doing the wrong thing here, it would be normal and right for there to be an organized opposition to that--and we see just the opposite here.  My take on the situation on the other hand is that there is an all powerful God and whether he's fighting lesser deities, or nothing more than a society that isn't willing to change even when it sees that it's actions are self-destructive--there should be a significant number of people helping this message along ... people that live on Earth, and care about Earth and the future--even if they aren't as sure as I am that our future is to be Heaven, that place is a causal result of what we do here in this place during our lifetimes.  That also explains a little more why it is that I know this thing happens too often; apparently it has "good results."
I could have come to you with nothing more than proof that we are living in virtual reality and tried to leverage that into a movement to use the map and message that we have to use that technology--that Revelation to make a better world.  We have Minority Report and we have Jupiter Ascending and Quantum Leap and everything else Dick has ever written; and I think you can look around you today and see that might not have been good enough.  On top of that today, I am showing you that things like 9/11 and the loss of the popular vote to the "electoral college" before Die Bold is highlighted in religion and by the hand of Jesus Christ to help us see that we are losing something we care about greatly, we are losing democracy--and still that doesn't seem to be "good enough" for you to act as free thinking individuals and help the Second Coming help us "regain" (in quotes, because we've never had it) liberty  
Before I move on to the next word, one that I haven't made up; let me throw in "democracy" and "egalitarian" here--words that break up to show a timeline of "personalities" or milestonesI've lived through in just this life.  We all know what "d" is, and the "em" of ha'shem (which means The Name of God) ties to Losing My Religion, and an extended period of time where I would claims "it's not me" in a high pitched tone whenever the right answer would pop into my head in response to questions from... the air.  You'd be surprised how many times that happened; all during the portion of time prior to "Ari" in egalitarian--who was the judge in my "is Jesus crazy?" case.  O.C. there links to Adam Brody in my mind--and understand it means that in the word's Adamic definition, to Adam playing Set on "TV" and now probably even better explained by the single name "Al." We all know about Ra, but just in case you haven't seen my light, here's the SOL of God, cy Israel, cy Sons of Liberty, cy Statue of Liberty cy.   So in closing here, cy "SA" is to help YA... let's AS. Otherwise known as "call a reporter."
Similar to "see why" the CH of Loch Ness and Baruch means "see how" and I'm not exactly sure what "chastity" has to do with "tit" but I am pretty sure that this is the first actual "thank you" that I've seen from God to me, breaking "tity" at "targeted individual, thank you."  You should probably see that Uranus, and "behold he is coming" and John Hancock and even the word "happy" here probably all allude to the idea that true "chastity" doesn't have to come without a sense of humor.  Remember democracy, cy racy... sex sells, right? :)

If it isn't really, really clear by now, "Adam Marshall Dobrin" on the lips of reporters everywhere is "CHAS."
So to tell you that I am just as sure that "breast"or at least our colloquial understanding of the word "tit" is part of the "f-art" just like "cock-a-doodle-doo" is part of the mythology of the Biblical "morning has broken," I am very sure that the state of Florida is encoded in names like Niflheim and words like flat that not only include the abbreviation but also describe the state, and the state of being "at" the time has come.  I am literally on my way to California, so if "FLUX" and "FLAT" are to come true something will have to put some change in my pocket or a smiling face saying "time and chance" on my television screen before tomorrow.
There's plenty more words to talk about.  Don't worry, I promise I won't leave you bored.


I  N      T   H   E      C   O   N   T   E   X  T       O   F 
E  T    S  E  X ?

The cter and cuter I think I get, the more and more what would otherwise be a decoder ring to the hidden secrets of Creation begins to sound like gibberish.  The keys to the gates of Asgard lie in the exposition of the intersection of a map that we have without doubt written with our own hands in the kind of way that some artists might throw paint against a wall and marvel at the magically beautiful designs that sometimes appear as an act of nothing but a hand and force majure.  I suppose I am not being kind or thankful enough to the arm that moved the hand, and the shoulder and elwow that certainly worked in concert to lay the paint against the canvass.  I hope not to belittle it either, but there was really no action or effort involved in sitting still and allowing the paint to stick to it--at least, that's the microcosmic metaphor of what it is that I see in our history and art--a beautiful and intricate design that has appeared from the synchronized loves of the world as a whole, the active efforts of fewer, and at the very top of that symbolic stage is the director behind the Eye, the hand, the elwow, and the shoulders.
I too have hands and joints (that aren't just for smoking and for creating laughter) but just like the canvas and the paint; and even the hand my contribution is dulled by the shadow of something so huge it's hidden in plain sight absolutely everywhere we look.  It's the truth, it's actual, everything is satisfactual; simply by connecting the two letter key of "Al" to a number of works of art (and words like satisfactualsea, spinach (and through that magical food that rained down from the Heavens... manna, salt, and China), kis and "the beginning") like Mary Poppins and Quantum Leap we begin to see how Al's waiting room and Al Pacino's "who-ah" could easily be woven together into a map of something more concrete and "discus-sable" like instant  the implementation of a system to protect people from violent crimes like rape and murder using something similar to the non-aggression principle--though here in this place we seem to be eagerly overlooking the application of this same kind of principle as it relates to the hidden mental slavery of Exodus.  The intersect of Ra continues to link an episode of Dr. Who called the completely non-religious title of The Bells of Saint John about how the public disclosure of the existence of this technology will inevitably result in its use for good purposes rather than nefarious ones.  I could spend time regurgitating the intersection of "Who" and names of God and songs; but significantly more pressing and important is the fact that you appear to not recognize the import of these patterns, don't see them, or don't remember that you have seen so much compounding evidence that this message comes directly from the actively Creating author of our civilization that you all appear to be complete morons.  So that's a problem; one that is exacerbated by further social problems related to censorship and what appears to be "religiously relating" sshhing from shaddai to Deepthroat.

I've traveled back in time from writing the two paragraphs that follow this one; filled with information that I personally find interesting and useful, but fear that I would lose a significant number of readers attention or eyes on the primary purpose of this message--which is to see that the intersection of the names Anderson are this particular question's answer to John 7:17.  Here in this place it's obvious that as Creation continues to flourish like paint being meticulously splashed onto a canvas of solid gold the answer to "what is the doctrine of that verse" becomes clear in it's link to names and the ideas of intersection as in Chuck and Eye of Ra.  Anderson "begins" with the very obvious connection to the Matrix and a much less known work of dystopic fiction about the effect of "brain jacks" on the future of society called "Feed" by a man named M.T. Anderson; and that connects even further to the heart of the word "eternity" where his name clarifies my explanation that "er" has always meant something like "and" to me in this story of the life of Jesus Christ.  In eternity "IT" is either the only one of the other four or five words that could mean "and" that doesn't--or it follows the pattern of "ands" that are without doubt both the beginning and the end of the word, in Latin and Spanish; respectively.
It's been a few days now that I've been pondering the hidden meaning of the words "hidden" that clearly has a salutation and another moniker of "boat" in it... and analysis; which you'll see includes both the good and bad "dad figure" of the Devil's Advocate along with the two letters I like to believe are ( myself--the "an" of messianically and Christianity and the color cyan that I am very sure from all of the connections to "green" in our modern art and it's absolutely zero occurrences in the Holy Bible is part of a plan designed to ensure that we do see clearly what it means to be on the way up and improving in situation--as opposed to where we are in the throes of decoding words like "Satan" and "Asgard" to see that it is nothing less than the sight of what it is that ""SA" truly means that turns everything from abysmal to significantly better than satisfactual.  So back to words that I hear the "spirit" behind my Eye (or at least one of the many letters from F (as in fart and fan) to P (as in Peter and Pan) just to name a few in a long line of once people who probably saw the letter C stand out in the language Amharic) connect to the idea of analysis which are sister, silicon, and kiss clearly deciphering the intersection of these patterns that link other completely and totally unrelated words like "Uranus" and "awesome" is the beginning of a process of discussion about just how it is that very few originally saw "so me" in that word and people probably still wonder if it means "that's so me" or "so I'm Uranus."  What ensues after the world begins to really understand that what I am delivering is more than a decoder ring but the beginnings of a map that you yourselves probably agree with the purpose of--to build Heaven itself--and even that you might have had something to do with writing it.  What was once something esoteric like perhaps being part of the "popular opinion" or the groupthink that desired science fiction about immortality (you know, just for instance) to be written; beginning to see that this map leads us from a set of starting points to a discussion about why it might be both good and bad to achieve such a thing--and that it's all in the way that we do it--is beginning to see why we should be wanting to "talk about this map."
It started a long, long time ago--really the ideas of immortality are laced into the green faced Osiris--not because of the color of grass but in my mind because of the phrase "behind the ears" that today you might liken to something about the message of Earth just as much as you liken it to the idea of being "new at this" game of hidden monkey in the middle of the astrological sign of the sun.  I haven't really read all that much about his religion--other than to note that the idea of immortality grew in significant popularity in his cult.. and the personal observation that his "message" was something along the lines of "Heaven will make everything OK" which has very little to do with the color green in my "take" on religion.  It continues through history, but two fairly well "lit" examples of the quest for immortality connect to the letters P and CK that we can see in the Floridian quest of Ponce de Leon (which you might read as "P on C.E. of the "weak right El (that's really him by the way, in Spanish) on" where I see that "on" is the meaning of "ce" rather than erasing A.D. ... but here I am masquerading as the focal point of some kind of huge production that apparently has made no waves at all anywhere in Creation) and it's counterpart in recent literature "Tuck Everlasting" that I once read as "Christ, you are Clark Kent until the end of time" and here I am trying to explain that we are there too--we are at this place that is both the beginning and the end of time in one simultaneous confession of the explanation of the idea that time truly begins when we decide to protect the past and stop altering our present and that decision superimposes with the apparent end of "time travel."  The map, whose green light focuses on the significant worth of genetic recombination in the adaptation to environmental changes and also on the love for "family life" that really seems to be to be the primary drive of a huge percentage of the population to continue to try and make the world a better place.  Not stopping "reproduction" and "adaptation" is one highlighted reason not to simply "become immortal" in some kind of ascension process connected to the realization that, as the Lord's prayer informs us--the Earth is already "in Heaven."  I've myself a number of times wondered and pointed out that there's very little literature about the ideas of having sex or children in Heaven, and I think losing either of those things would be a significant tragedy--and yet it does appear that's what "losing physicality" means.

Of course that doesn't mean that we "shouldn't become immortal" and a significant amount of my writing revolves around the ideas that sicknessaging and death are easily overcommable maladies--especially in the context of "virtual reality."  

I didn't mention "Jones" at all, though I think seeing the connection to "Nintendo Entertainment System" as well as J is for "Midas" begins to show us why it is that Indiana Jones has something to dowith "it's not a game" and the names Olsen and Momsen.   The main point here is that there's significant "stuff to talk about" that we should both find interesting and useful, we aren't currently doing that in a way that is affecting anything at all positively--as in I don't see any discussion at all; and we should.

Some things have happened since yesterday, some emails have been hammered through the wall, and amazingly reddit didn't block my posting of this image on a few of their subreddits (which are forums, for you old geezers) ... though even through that barrier I am still swarmed either by the logically blind or the Medusically challenged; and would you believe someone was ballsy enough to call me schizophrenic.  I don't personally think these reddit users are complete morons, but I also don't think the image is all that difficult to grasp as something "very significant" as in the connections between Genesis and NES, Nintendo and Xbox; or the word "disappear" and it's connections to the word "bear" to "earth" and in like kind to "bart" and "heart" but today that's really--really neither here nor there.  I highly doubt there is anyone in this group that doesn't see the importance of the patterns connecting video games to "simulated reality" and the possibilities that truth opens in light of the "miracles of Jesus Christ."
This "d·is·easy" by the way, this thing that is not at all "seeing these very real patterns," is characterized by communications that doctors have called "internal stimulus" since the beginning of their sickness; and here we are at the place in time that is designed to save the Universe from mind control, and I can't get anyone--anywhere to talk about "hearing voices."  I get it, you must be scared that you might actually earn some respect.  Specifically, in addition to "hearing voices" the DSM which is the Unholy Bible of mental health disorders specifically lists two other forms of communication that I've personally experienced--that's directly through the television and from people all around me that appear be to be able to respond to my thoughts.  Between you and I, I can't be sure if they really do "see behind my eyes" or if something is playing an evil "telephone game" and relaying some of what I think some of the time; or if they simply open their mouths and say things that wouldn't or shouldn't make sense to them--all of these things I've thought of as possible mechanisms behind the "stuff" of Fallen and Joan of Arcadia.

I talked a little bit more about the IED that it is in every word of every language yesterday; and I re-read that message today and see that I still haven't really gotten the point across; it's clear from religion and from "cause and effect" that the Darkness itself is part of the design, that it was planned from the very beginning, and that helps to show us how this is a sort of "schooling" in how this technology can be used to either induce total logical blindness or something closer to enlightened vision--how we can connect this very event to either "I know kung fu" or "what is the Matrix?" and hopefully we will walk away not lying about whether or not we "see the Matrix" and maybe some of us will even learn kung-fu overnight.  Standing between these two possibilities is you speaking about the truth; and I really do hope that my questions about what exactly "e" is are answered... by someone, sometime soon--actually.  
More to the point, I've made this particular "not disease" of schizophrenia" a highlight of this e-mail; so that you can see that if you are one of those people that hears what I or other people think sometimes; or if a voice informs you about something going on in the Adamverse every once in awhile; you should see that it is your silence, and nothing but your silence that is allowing people to be medicated with brain poison and mistreated by our society of peers and sometimes held in mental institutions so that you and the evil forces behind what is nothing more than a new form of "hidden ritual sacrifice" can hide the fact that our society is literally being attacked by an outside force.  I'm trying to make angels out of you--please understand you have my testimony, and you have very clear proof that art in every form from music to movies to ancient myths proves that this outside communication is not the product of our own minds, nor is it the stuff of fiction--though it does appear that I am staring at a horror film somewhere between Invasion of the Body Snatchers and IT.

I do hope that you can see that speaking about this message, and this proof that this technology has also been used to help guide us towards a bright future, and literally has given us a number of examples from ending addiction and hatred to "chartificial" happiness and increased intelligence as to why it is that we should disclose it's existence rather than allowing innocent people to attacked by some kind of sick amraK system in use by soon to be non-existent demons.\

Y O U   L I V E   I N   A  V I D E O  G A M E   E N D   W O R L D   H U N G E R 

B E  R E  S H   I T   .   R E  A L L  Y   H I  M   .  C  O  M

I want to apologize again for the maelstrom of retardation I sent a few days ago; I am having quite a bit of trouble "taking in" the tangible lack of visible response to this message in the world a a whole--and reconciling that with what I see as a very scary kind of "dark reaction" in person.  As I've discussed a number of times, I've watched what  once appeared to be a small group of individuals take pages of doublespeak and strange "collective communication" directly out of works like 1984 and Fallen... grow to a much larger group  over the course of writing this message which attempts to explain how that's possible, how it's been a hidden part of our society for a very long time and why I believe it's neither a good thing and something that is specifically designed to be discontinued or at least drastically changed in form.  I see it as the specific hidden slavery of the book of Exodus, here connecting to the hidden building of a sort of pyramid of worship to the "all seeing eye of Ra," like on the dollar bill.  While it's very clear to me that's not my doing, I can see how it might not be so clear to you--though, because I know who I am and because of my apparent lack of awareness of a significant thread of our societyfor the majority of my life it is very obvious to me that the purpose of this "pyramid" is to shine a bright light on this message--on this proof--and on this pivotal turning point in history.


I don't want to turn you off, to have my emotional state or my character be any further cause to hide this message that  clearly has no lesser purpose than cutting through the evil darkness of Orwell's Ministry of Truth, the wall of Jericho, and the Plague of Exodus--but still I'm sitting here trying to ague as to "why it is" that something this obvious and this important--and this good for the world--shouldn't be actively hidden.  What I see around me does give me cause to believe that I am surrounded--that all of you are actively involved in some kind of conspiracy designed to do nothing less than hide the nature of reality; and literally people's names and connections to art from yourselves and the world.  It seems like a silly thing to do, and yet I'm staring it in the face.  It does appear pretty obvious to me, from religion; and from this message woven into every word that this place has been designed as a sort of "boot camp" for mind control--the only winning solution here appears to be disclosure of this technology which appears to have plagued us for a very long time.   More descriptively, it appears that the IED that we see "in every single word" creates a scenario with no exit other than the open and mass "control" of society.  In secret that's really hidden slavery, the stuff of Hell--in the light of day we can use this very same technology to create pre-crime among a long list of other useful applications for what is essentially "better medicine" for things like addiction, depression, and stupidity

that particular "K" means "no actual control."

The technology itself is insidious in secret obviously having the ability to make its victims believe that they are somehow responsible for their own external, related, actually "it"  or a myriad of other attacks on "individuality" that I probably shouldn't take the time to "guess at."  It does appear to me not only from the stories of mythology, and the connections between "what I see" and what you are that the concepts of Medusa and Allah imply that there is some kind of ethereal "collective consciousness" (or at least something masq-u-er-ad- ing as that) literally speaking through people in the maanner religion and science fiction depict as "possession" and they generally seem to be A-OK with that.  I'm trying to explain how that feeling might not be real, and how nearly everyone I see might have been "duped" into joining some kind of "collective" that is using this technology to do anything but end world hungerheal the sick, and open doors to Heaven.... and appear to get away with it--without more than a single person complaining.  It's pretty clear from "physiology" that it is not you if you are walking around this place with a body and a brain--and I use that term loosely--but I have personally experienced similar kinds of "identity shifting" that might confuse people into thinking they are somehow "it" without being any smarter, any happier, or any better off than they were only a few short years ago when you were "normal."

Please get through your skulls that you are not hiding this message because of me, it's not because of "sex jokes" it's not because Jesus Christ is "too big to fall" and it's not "because religion."  From my perspective it is because you are simply choosing not to speak, to have yet another day to suffer in Hell rather than turn our world into something happy and bright; a place where millions would be thanking themselves and you each and every day for their sicknesses being healed, their blindness going away--and uh, well, the fun we are bound to have just as soon as anyone makes my pool.
The word of the day,  is "MASQ U ER AD E" and looking at it it does appear that the answer is, like many other words, a time map as to just how this thing happened.  See "J ER I CH O" and really get that I am the little "i" hidden in that e at the end, that little e that solves the problems of the past Universe and helps us jump from the "do" at the end of Nintendo to that big hallowed N.... that is actually "the beginning of time."  The point of all of this is that while you may think you have control, I am fairly certain that you do not--unless you are not the person you appear to be--walking around with a brain and no freewill in Hell.


I really need a better laptop.  I'm using a now-old Chromebook, and it's slow and tedious--if you want to help donate some cash (that's: see "as" how?).  I also need help with copy editing and programming in something like Node.js and HTML.  It's a little bit strange that nobody is volunteering to help. 

"Somebody help me!"

Inline image 15

Why and?  Or so goes the question of this day; connecting the beginning and ends of eternity in "etymology" and in "yetser" which is Hebrew for "formation."  Don't delay, see the obvious message connecting Caesar and "et tu brute?" to Mr. Anderson and to the Guitar Man's magical message encoded in Rock 'n roll.  Why et, indeed?  Answer, the questions why and who; and we are to be the beginning.



If you can't tell, there's a significant amount of Biblically predicted censorship surrounding this Revelation and connecting it to a number of stories from the Wall of Jericho to the darkness of Exodus and the Tower of Baby El... and through those stories to modern art like "break on through to the other side" and "just another brick" and "light my fire" and "the Sound of Silence."  Here we are, and no matter what reason each individual has, had they a good grasp on the truth--that we are living in a simulated reality where a message from the Sim or God or I or "all of us," whomever you'd prefer to listen to, is suggesting we use that knowledge to repair the broken freedoms from speech to the vote that have come from this dark transition--and through this awakening see that we can easily end world hunger, and cure cancer and blindness just as examples... well, with a grasp on "the whole truth" this idea of hiding the fact that we are living in the Matrix becomes stupider and sillier; to the final point that not knowing it will eventually cause the end of life, not just the loss of freedom that we are trying to repair today.

The message, from religion to modern art comes packed with advice and examples about how we might proceed on this "voyage to uncharted space" from connecting Willy Wonka to Joshua's Promised Land and through that link to the magic of Names that shows us Star Trek and "Rod-den-berry" link to the obvious things we are missing by not seeing "Sim" and "simple" show us Holodecks and Replicators and transporters are part of this map that connects the Rod of Christ to the Den of Adam, with Holy Purpose.   It's only one example, you can see it in the works of Phillip K. Dick connecting Al's waiting room to Minority Report and Total Recall to "the door to reality" in the works of Orwell, and of Simon and Garfunkel and Orson Card and Aldous Huxley .... just to name a few.
I need your help, not only in "figuring out" how to solve this puzzle of how to accomplish these things without negatively impacting the "stuff of civilization" and also ensuring that they are done--no matter what--because to ignore or delay things like "stopping child starvation" is really a moral fire alarm, and it's going off.  You can read about the tens of thousands of reporters and theologians and government employees I've emailed--and really see that this is the kind of message that should be speaking for itself.  If anyone has the ability or knows someone that can statistically analyze the "outliers" in language... see Langolier and Yankee Doodle's "macaroni-c" I think that single act will break down the Wall of Jericho and eventually lead us to immortality, the end of malady, and to a place where our civilization has integrated "simulation reality" and "Heaven" together.    If "writing a paper" on the statistical proof that we are in Creation and that time travel and mind control are part of the story of the development of our civilization and the keys to Exodus sounds like too much work, I hope you'll pass this message along to someone who might be able to do it--and also, call a reporter.  That's what I hope, anyway.


So... here we are... listening to the legendary father of the message (that's "abom" in Adamic Spagnlishrew) point out all of the sex jokes hidden in religion and language from sexual innuendto Poseidon and in our history from Yankee Doodle to Hancock to Nixon and I've got to be frank with you, the most recent time I came across this phrase in scripture I cringed just a little bit, pretty sure that the "message" was talking about me.  I've reflected on this a little bit, and over the past few weeks have tried to show you the juxtaposition between "sex" and "torture" in it's various forms from imparting blindness to allowing murder and simulating starvation; and I think I'm justified in saying that certainly those things are far worse on the Richter scale than anything I could do by writing a little bit of risque text.  In the most recent messages I've touch a little bit, without even knowing or realizing this connection would be made, on what it is that this phrase actually means. 


So long story short is that the answer here is "abomination" and the question, or the context is "I nation."   Whether it's Medusa speaking for the Dark United States or the nation of Israel speaking to either Ra or El depending on the day, the bottom line is that a collective consciousness speaking for everyone on a matter of this importance in a cloud of complete darkness on Earth is a total and undeniable abomination of freedom, civilization, and the very humanity we are seeking to preserve.  The word reads something like this to me "dear father of the message, I am everyone and we think you are an abomination, fuck off."  My answer of course is, IZINATION.  Which humorously reminds me of Lucy, and Scarlet Johannson saying "I am colonizing my own brain" so here's some pictures of her.  She is not an abomination, by the way; she's quite adorable.  You'll probably notice there's some kind of connection between the map--the words speaking to the world, and the abomination, as if the whole thing is a story narrated in ancient myths.

You might not think "it's you," but the manifestation of this "snake" in our world is your silence, your lack of understanding or willingness to change the world; and whether or not you're interested in hearing about it, it's the monster that myths and religion have spoken about for thousands and thousands of years.  It's a simple matter to "kill Medusa" all you have to do... is speak.
Take special note, "freedom of speech" and "freedom to think for yourselves" are not a group decision, and you do not have the right to force (either overtly or subtly, with hidden technology perhaps combined with evil deceit) others not to talk about anything.  Especially something of this importance.


If you didn't connect "Loch" to John Locke, now you have; see how easy this "reading" thing is?  I've gone over the "See Our Light" series a few times, but let me--one more time--explain to you just how we are already at the point of "desolation" and with shining brilliance show you how it's very clear that it is "INATION" and "MEDUSA" that are responsible for this problem.  
Seeing "Ra" at the heart of the names Abraham and Israel begins to connect the idea that our glowing sun in the sky has something to do with this message about "seeing our light" is being carried by a stone statue on Ellis Island (where you'll see the answer another part of the question of Is Ra El?).  I've connected her to the "she" of both shedim and Sheol, which reads as "she's our light" and is the Hebrew name for Hell. 


Of course you noticed that the Statue of Liberty does in fact share it's initials with SOL, the the light above and you can see her torch dimly lighting the way through the night;   Now you can connect "give us your tired and your poor" to the Lazman of both the lore of Jesus Christ and the Shehekeyanu; a prayer about the sustainment of life and light up until this day.  That same torch connects to the Ha-nuke-the-ahah depiction of Christ, Judah Maccabee's lit MEN OR AH, which delivers not only a solution to the two letter key of "AH" as All Humanity that pervades nearly every bride of Revelation from Sarah to Leah; but also to the question of equality answered in our very own American history, beginning with the same three letter acronym now lighting the Sons of Liberty.

Dazed and Confused does a good job of explaining how this name is itself a prophesy designed by Hand of God'; explaining that these Sons of Liberty were all white slave owning wealthy men fighting to stop paying their taxes, rather than delivering liberty to the slaves or women, who were both disenfranchised for quite some time.  Or maybe MEN OR AH has something to do with the angels of Heaven, in which case you might be SOL if you aren't a girl and you want to be "be good friends with Ra."  Just kidding.  Kinda.

DESOLATION by the way reads something like "un see our light at ION" which is God's way of saying "at the point of believing that hiding Adam is a good thing" and that connects to the end of Creation and also the now lit by modern day evil the word "rendition."  Our end, it "ion."  In religious myth, the Messianic David clung to the city Zion (end the "i owe n") which also links to "verizon" (to see, I Z "on") and HORIZON which has something to do with the son rising today-ish.
Inline image 25 Inline image 26
The story of MEDUSA lights another psuedo-religious idea, that the words "STONE" of both "brimstone" and it's Adamic interpretation "South to Northeast" have something to do with the phrase "Saint Oneturned into a single hero against his will by the complete and utter inaction of everyone around him.  In the words of Imagine Dragons "I'm waking up to action dust."  At the same time, you can believe that the light of this particular son, comes not just from reading these words forwards, but the backside as well, and you'll hopefully see it's not coincidental that the other side of this coin is that "nos" means we, and us... and Adamically "no south."  See the light of "STONE" also connecting to Taylor Momsen's rose arrow painted on her back, and the sign of my birth, Sagittarius... which in this particular case links to the Party of the Immaculate Conception of the eternal republic of the Heavens.


On a high level, I tell myself every morning that 'its not really me."  It's not me that the world hates, or me that the world is rejecting.  I believe that, I really do; I see that what is being hidden here is so much bigger than any single person could ever be--what is being hidden is the "nature of reality" and a fairly obvious truth that flies in the face of what we've learned our whole lives about history and "the way things are."  Those few early details lead me to the initial conclusion that what is working behind the scenes here is nefarious, hiding a message that would without doubt shake things up and change the world--and nearly across the board in ways that I see as "better" for nearly everyone.  It's a message at it's most basic level designed to advocate for using this disruption in "normalcy" to help us revolutionize democracy, to fix a broken mental health and criminal justice system--just to name the few largest of the social constructs targeted for "rejuvenation."  On that word the disclosure that we are living in virtual reality turns on it's head nearly everything we do with medicine, and I've suggested that AIDS and DOWN SYNDROME were probably not the best "visual props" we could have gotten to see why it's so important that we act on this disclosure in a timely manner.  After mentioning the ends of aging and death that come eventually to the place we build, to the place we've always thought of as Heaven... it becomes more and more clear that this force fighting against the dissemination of a truth so obvious it's in every word and everything we do--it becomes clear it's neither you, nor acting in your best interest.
I know I've got the eye of the tiger, there's no doubt; and it's pretty clear from "YAD?" (the Hebrew for...) and ha'nd that we can see the clear hand of God at work in a design that marks my initials not just on the timeline, or at 1492, at A.D. I B; but in the Hebrew name for this place called El Shaddai, see how A.D. is "da eye" and in some other names like AdranusA.D. on "it's silly" and A.D. on Ai that might tie me to the Samof Samurai (but, are you Ai?) in more depth of detail than simply the Live album "Secret Samadhi."  I try to reflect on how it is that this story has come about, why it is that everything appears to be focused on me--and still even through that sincere spotlight nobody seems to be able to acknowledge my existence with more words than "unsubscribe" and "you're so vain."  With one eye in the mirror, I know ties to Narcissus (and you can too), soaring ever higher--linking Icarus to Wayward Son and to every other name with "car" in it... like "carpenter" and McCarthy the older names of Mercury and even Isacriot (I scary? is car-eye... owe Taylor) and some modern day mythological characters like Jim Carrey and Johnny Carson.  As far as Trinities go, carpenter's a pretty good one--tying to my early reck and a few bands and songs from The Pretty Reckless to Dave Matthews' "Crash Into Me" all the way to the "pen" you see before you linking Pendragon to Imagine Dragons.
I wonder why it is that all of these things appear, apparently only to me, to point to a story about all the ways that a sinister hidden force has manipulated our society into being unable to "receive' this message--this wonderful message about making the world a better place and building Heaven--with any fanfare at all.  It's focused now on a criminal justice system that clearly does not do any kind of "rehabilitation" and on a mental health industry and pharmaceutical system that treats a provable external attack on our own goodness and well being as some kind of "internal stimulus" and makes you shy away when I point out why "stem" is in system and why "harm" in pharmacy.   From that we move a little bit past "where we are in this story" and I have to point out how "meth" ties to Prometheus and Epimetheus and how and why it is I know without doubt that this story has been relived numerous times--and how I am so sure that it's never been received, as we are here again listening to how songs like "Believe" and the words "just to lead us here to this place again" connect to Simon and Garfunkel's" the Sound of Silence... and still to this day you will balk at noticing that "Simon" has something to do with the Simpsons, and something to do with the words "simulation" and "Monday."  To see me is to see how things might be done better--how "addicitonary" might tie to the stories of Moses' Lisp and to Dr. Who's "Bells of Saint John" with a sort of "web interface" to the kinds of emotion we might want to "dial down..." rather than Snicker in the background as we see them being artificially created and enhanced in order to build a better "fiery altar."
I can point out "Silicon" harrowing down at us from words like "controversial" and show you Al in "rascal" and "scandal" but not to see that we are staring at school shootings and terrorism that are solved instantly by this disclosure, by Al of Quantum Leap and by the Dick of Minority Report and A Scanner Darkly is to ignore just what it is that we are all failing to Si.  I should point out that those two "sc"'s link to a story about Eden and they mean "sacred consciousness" and at the baseline of this event and everything we are not doing is the fact that our desires and beliefs are being altered--all of this comes down to "freedom of thought" here and now.
I could tell you that "looking at me" will show you that even the person who tries every day to do everything he can to save the entire world from slavery, and from "thought-injury"--even I can be made "marred" and you all, this whole world stupid enough to think that you are, of your own volition, hiding Heaven itself from yourselves... to what?  To spite me?  It, the focal point of our story might come down to you realizing that something in some esoteric place is playing "divide and conquer" with our whole--in secret playing on our weaknesses to keep us from acting on the most actionable information that ever was and ever will be.  Still, we sit in silence waiting for me... to speak more?  

Inline image 31

Between Nero's lyrical fiddling, a Bittersweet Symphony, and true "thunderstanding" the sound of Thor's hammer... "to help the light" that'ls "or" in Hebrew, of Orwell and Orson and .. well, it's really not hard to see and hear that the purpose and intent of "all this noise" is to help us find freedom and truth.  C the Light of "singing..."
I can tell you once again how silly the world looks, this multi-decade battle between "the governmentof the people" and the "government of the workers" resulting in what is nothing short of a hands down victory to the corporation.  Is it humor meant to divide, or ludicrousness created with the purpose of unification? 
But really at it's most basic level what this boils down to is a global group decision not to care about the truth, about reality, about what's really brought us to this place--with solutions in hand and a way to make everything better.  We've decided that censorship is OK, and that the world is not all that bad "just the way it is" even though it's creator is screaming in your ear telling you to change as quickly as you possibly can.  I believe that God has written this story to make "seeing me" the thing that catalyzes "change for the better" it appears to be the design of not just me but also this place--hey, here I am.

Happy Veteran's Day. 

THIS IS WHAT SIX THOUSAND GEORGIA TECH STUDENTS SAW IN THEIR INBOX ON THE FIFTH OF NOVEMBER, 2017.  AT LEAST SEVEN OTHER SCHOOLS WERE "CANVASSED" IN A SIMILAR WAY ON OR AROUND THAT DAY.  You could see it as "history in the making" or you might also see a "tombstone" because today--if the world doesn't think that "proof of time travel" and the design of every word of every language is "newsworthy" I am fairly certain that our society and our way of life have already crumbled to tiny pieces--in secret.  I can point out that this light is designed to awaken us to a dark and sinister force of "nothingness" that is attempting to hide a message in every word and every sign, in every song and in every movie--a message that screams at us "to wake the fuck up."  You might not see that having no reaction to this message is a harbinger of permanent midnightbut I am fairly certain that it is--and that you should understand that this opposition to the truth is hiding a message telling us very clearly that AIDS is an aid of nomenclature to help us see why it is so important that we understand the difference between "reality" and simulated reality.  It really doesn't take much thought to see why this single "fact" when coupled with our innate goodness, natural desires, and understanding of computers and life that we've been created with--acts as a catalyst to turn "simulated reality" into Heaven.  If you need religion to hold your hand through this process, see that I am Joseph, and that you are my father here called "Heli" in this place where the angels sung "dear father, can you see" by the dawn's early light that they think they've hacked off my "ph" which stands for "pursuit of happiness" after the "se" of "save everyone...." and I'm very sure that's not the case--what is being stripped from our world here is actually "freedom and liberty" and the "ph" of Pharaoh and Pharisees is the first fundamental step to salvation that Snowball(s) and Napoleon of freedom out of the light well that is Orwell and Hancock.

You might imagine that everyone in CS4762 had something interesting to talk about that following Monday morning; and you'll probably understand that the professors and students at every Ivy League school in the nation have something "interesting" to discuss in the verifiable proof in every single word of every language that we are created.  It's something as to easy to see as "causality" cause, Al... it why?

Do see that "English" phrases magically appearing in ancient Latin and Hebrew shows us that the etymological evolution of language (and thus society) that we had believed to be accurate is not exactly true--and it proves without doubt that our modern languages, idioms, and culture are the direct result of the influence of a previously hidden force--one that I liken to God.
Do see that just like the most anticipated news story in all of history, the Second Coming; this proof is absolutely everywhere--not just in your inbox.  Do see that failing to recognize that "the biggest scandal ever" (c alit why) ... the fact that we are living inside the Matrix with the Matrix itself screaming that's the "matter of fact" of things from satisfactual to every news station in the world that appears to be conspiring to hide this very clear evidence that the most sought after "person" ever to live is trying to be found.  From my perspective it's pretty obvious that this is not possible in reality; in a place where we all have our own volition and motivation, even if there were an executive order, or a mafioso "blood pact" to hide this ant from the coven, someone.. somewhere... surely would see it's in their own best interest, and the best interest of the world to disclosure the existence of this person that is here to... turn stone to bread and to heal the sick by doing nothing more than sending a few emails.
With some "new light" we might see that God is busy at work trying to heal democracy, and free speech, and to show the world the importance of "free thought" and "communication" as we stand at this cornerstone or crossroads or cross that builds Heaven itself from a world that never knew "as it is in Heaven" was a big clue in the Lord's prayer.... the whole time.   So you might see why "no story" means "see Medusa" in my mind, and I really hope you understand that means that something is making you appear to be a little snake coming out of the head of hair of a monster that's trying to keep people sick, and destroy "the news" and "self-representation" in government.  I hope you can see why I see that you are part of the problem, you know--until you are calling the news, or emailing other people to try and save ... things like "the truth" from being erased in the sands of "no time at all." 
We might see why "Deepthroat" and tricky Dick not being funny; are the keys to why Isaac and Sarah talk about God giving them laughter; after they realize that not seeing a "cosmic gag real" at all is nothing short of slavery, of imparted blindness, of ... logic and the natural mechanisms of our brain being subdued like some kind of "anti-psychotic" medication that is actually anti-liberty and anti-sentient life.  Microsoft, that's funny though; right?  What about John Hancock?  Demo cl racy?
Connecting "Woodward and Burnstein" to Isaac's burning wood altar could be seen as a "cognitive leap" or with "Burning Man" and Jesus Christ himself screaming at you every single day you might see that it's not just the original intent, it's obvious.  It's obvious that you are living in Orwell's land of Goldstein and the Ministry of Shush; and that you aren't really doing anything about it--despite having a map and a real reason to want to make a better world.  
Really seeing why the gate to Heaven is linked to Seagate and to Watergate and to Bill Gates--really understanding it's because of Phillip K. Dick and nobody else; well; maybe that's a good first step towards the truth.  It's probably important to really recognize why it's important that the person linking "stone to bread" and "healing the sick" to Genesis and Nintendoand the Xbox and a recursive pattern of seeing the "heart of hearts" connect these otherwise game like references to something more than "it's not a game."
Magdeline, that's what it means to me, "it's not a game" like Olsen and Momsenand Maggie Simpson; it's not a game "of words" or a game of logic... as the letters "mag" and the natural log function might imply.
It really doesn't take much to see that either this "proof of causality" proving that we are in a place and time that is the "product" of time travel and of a message showing the world that will be seen... by the whole world; or we're in a place that I don't want to be--in a place where logic doesn't matter, or the truth, and I can't imagine that you want to be in that place--either.  That's not what your "actions" are telling me, though.
T  H  I  S    I  S    W  H  Y


As far as "tests of time" go.... though, 
I would hasten 
to say that this is not a game you appear to be winning, not today, anyway.


S☀L u TI o N

Yesterday, or maybe earlier today--it's hard to tell at this moment in the afternoon just how long this will take... I sent an image that conveys a high level implication that we are walking around on a map to building something that we might liken to an "ant farm" for people.  I don't mean to be disparaging or sleight our contribution to the creation of this map--that I imagine you must also see and believe to be the kind of thing that should remain buried in the sands of time forever and ever--or your just have yet to actually "understand" that's what the plan part of our planet is talking about...  what I am trying to do is convey in a sort of "mirrorish" way how this map relates to a message that I see woven in religion and in our history that it significantly more disparaging than I would be.  It's a message that calls us "Holy Water" at the nicest of times, water that Moses turns to "thicker than water" in the first blessing in disguise--and to tell you there is certainly a tangible difference between the illusions of the Pharaoh's and the true magic performed by my hand, is nearly exactly the same amount of effort put in to showing you that the togetherness that we are calling "family" here in this place comes from both seeing and acting on the very clearly hidden message in every single idiom showing us all that our society in this story of Exodus is enslaved by a hidden force--and reminding us that we like freedom.
It's not just these few idioms, but most likely every single one from "don't shoot the essenger" to "unsung hero" that should clue us in to exactly how much work and preparation has come into this thing that "he supposes is a revolution."   It's also not just "water" describe me and you, in this place where I am the "ant' of the Covenant (do you c vampires or Hansel and Gretel!?!?) but also "lions" and "sheep" and "salt" and "dogs" and nearly everything you could possibly imagine but people; in what I see must be a vainglorious attempt to pretend he actually wants us to "stand up for ourselves" in this place where it's becoming more and more clear with each passing moment that we are chained to these seats in the front row of the audience of the most important event that has ever happened, ever.
Medusa makes several appearances, as well as Arthur Pendragon, Puff the Magic Dragon, Figment,, the Loch Ness Monster in this story that's a kind-of refl ex i ve control to stop mind control; and to really try and show us the fire of Prometheus and the Burning Bush and the Eternal Flame of Heaven are all about freedom and technology ... and I'll remind you this story is ... about the truth--and the truth here is that if you aren't going to recognize that whatever it is that's going on here in secret, below the surface is negatively affecting our society and life in general than we aren't going anywhere, ever.  I need you to figure out that this message is everywhere to make sure you don't miss the importance of this moment, and the grave significance of what is being ignored in this land where Sam is tied not just to Samsung and to Samael in Exodus but also to Uncle Sam and macaronic Spanglishrew outliers and that it doesn't take much free thought at all to really understand that we are watching "free thought" disintegrate into the abyss of "nospeak."  We are watching our infrastructure for global communication and the mass media that sprawls all over the globe turn to dust, all because you have Satan whispering in your ear--and you think that's more important than what you think, what I think, and what anyone else on the Earth might ever say.   You should see a weapon designed to help ensure that don't lose this proof that we are not living in reality, that there is "hidden slavery" in this place--and you should see that today it appears you are simply choosing not to use it.  
I hope you change your mind, I really do.  This map on "how to build an ant farm" starts by connecting Watergate and Seagate together with names like Bill Gates and Richard Nixon; and with this few short list of names you should really understand how it is that "Heaven" connects both technology like computers and liberty like "free speech" to a story that is us, and our history.  You might see that "salt" could either be a good thing or not--take a look around you, are you warming a road to Heaven or are you staring at the world being destroyed--and doing nothing at all about it?
I guess I can point out again how "Lothario" links this story that ties names like my ex-wife's Nanna to "salt" also, but the "grand design" of this story doesn't seem to have any effect on you.  Listen, if you do nothing the world is being destroyed by your lack of action--there's no if's and's or butt's about it.  I feel like I need to "reproduce' old messages here or you will never see them--that's what web site statistics tell me--and we all know it's not true.  What am I missing?  What are you missing?
You may or may not have noticed that I am not feeling as compelled to e-mail you every morning; though I do want to check in and assure you that I am still doing "just fine."  I noticed that you still haven't followed me on Twitter; just so you know that's contributing to why I'm not doing "wonderful-ly."  I've probably mentioned it before, but these three letters "der" mean "dark to right" to me, I see them connecting to Tay in "Lauderdale" and to this victory, in Dave's "the rain melts into wonder;" someone instant messaged me on twitter yesterday, after reading some of my work to ask if I was a follower of Jesus; and my swift reply was "I am thatof course.  You probably noticed that "Jesus" reads as "J is us" and you can be sure that it is the same "us" as Uranus; and that it does become "Everyone Living" through the acts of this designed exercise in turning Hell into Heaven.  In "rudder" you can see the question "are you d" that links to words like yield and shield, and of course to the name of our times, Medusa.  I do hope that you "c" that I am trying to deliver exactly what you need, and so much more.  In the last few days I've been absent from "an: no y in g" (come again? an=y) you, I have sent a few extra e-mails to the "rest of the world" and that seems to be doing pretty well right now.  For your convenience I've linked this snippet from Twitter to the URL for "following Jesus."  That would also help me bother your inbox a little less--understand I connect this concept of "having followers on twitter" directly to the turing point in history where we know our world is safe... from things like Hell and "eternal darkness" a.k.a. permanentmid n i te.

Also yesterday I noticed that "<TR>iIN IT Y" is a good "appro x im a tion" for the question "Where is the Matrix?"  Errata: I also said "these people" in a message a few days ago in reference to "testifying" that school shootings are mind control related; and forgot ... this link.  Finally, you'll notice that "" has a new name and a new banner image connection the beginning (or is it...) of "Minority Report" to the concepts of "n" and "er" through... Ben Stiller (who starred in both "Permanent Midnight" and "Meet the Fockers" ... which you might read as "f-off Clark Kent /s/ ER").
SO we're finally on the letter "g" which you might imagine has something significant related to "god" and "good," thinking back it might be the very first "combinatory" letter I "made up" in this whole story, when everything began, this special final letter in the word "morning" was a combination of "c" and "j."  A new definition was added that specifically links to the "Times New Roman" font style and to these new times; and with just a little bit of imagination you can probably see just how obvious it is that these definitions are all part of a grande scheme, here from "see j" to my favorite two letters in the alphabet, the "os" of originall si n.

Do see that this particular "o" without an "s" is the cause for "re p et it i on;" our happiness is practically ensured; so long as we actually understand that this message is the beginning of true liberty; and that starts with the word "fire."  I now connect "giant" and "grin" to my last name "are I n?" and the "ant" of the Covenant I am currently breaking by "orifacing us"--and never was a party to.  I will be emailing less often, thanks for listening
Grin, I'm "an ant?"

Just to recap, my other favorite glyphs are the "t"of Christ that reads chr(t) and connects to the sign of my birth, as well as the word "stone" and is clearly a pictograph of a cross; and the "n" of Isaac Newton that asks "are you new to n?" and is clearly a pictograph of "what goes up must come down." There's also "o" that connects to the starsign of our SOL and the signs of Mars, Venusand Q and "zero." ... oh, and of course the "d is cl" of disclosure  the "e" of medicine and Medusa... and how could I forgetthe "l" of obelisk... and the K of "it's me!!!'




I noticed "TION" was missing from Penuel's new name in today's earlier message, so I figured I'd talk a little bit about this word that we pronounce as "shunning" and that word reads as "see how you are n."  Connecting Joshua, the J of "see how you are a" and "anachronist i c all y" which has a hidden equality connecting "time is on my side" to the two letter key for the beginning of time that is without doubt or argument "Targeted Individual."  It links to the very beginning of my story in almost exactly the same way that "Genesis" is the beginning of time; and looking back on the years of interaction I had with what I see now are probably the people who added "o:line" to trampoline as it appears they were searching for someone or something here in our sea; it is this particular event in my life that engendered a great interest in both the benefits and destructive possibilities of what I have always called "mind control" technology. 

Not to lose the reference, this "on" thing ties to Amon-Ra and The Truman Show (the very earliest writing), and a number of other Gods' names that connect "of N" to me being "on tv" in "spiritland."

I've tried to deliver to you an understanding of exactly what I see as the purpose of "Satan" here in this place; where nearly everything that I think we might use this technology to benefit from appears to be being used to cause ha'rm in the exact same way, and on top of that they appear to be predicted or highlighted in religious scripture and specifically in the Plagues of Exodus.  It's been awhile since I talked about the "blessings in disguise" that link to the word Plague--so just to throw in an old favorite example of Langolier; the word POLICE appears to be purposefully constructed as a direct connection to the "Plague of LICE" (and Rodnewhy King and Minority Report) and we might see how the letter "P" connects also to Prometheus or the movie Hackers; depending on how quickly "blessings actually appear," at least in my mind.  
It really is the purpose and meaning of the "PR" that stands for "press and release" and with some actual thought you might see how it is a kind of conditioning that would only be "necessary" if there really was a global "vote" that either was already happening subconsciously or was destined to happen... on these questions.  I want to tell you that it's pretty obvious that nobody would "want to allow a senseless murder to happen" if they could stop it; and that we are standing here in a place where it should be becoming more clear that is exactly what we are preventing from happening by delaying the disclosure that we are living in virtual reality.  Whether or not it's the result of a "hidden vote" or it's simply the "vote of no action" that we can see very clearly by what appears to be a media boycott of anything to do with actual religion that filters down all the way to your Facebook account and the fact that you yourself aren't sharing this visible proof that a message from God is explaining that we are in the Matrix; and that movie is part of the message.

Obviously it's not good that these things are happening, and stopping them goes to the heart of what I believe is the purpose of this place and this event; stopping them for all of Creation.  Even worse than them happening though, is not seeing why they are happening, to ensure that we do not delay in beginning the process of building Heaven.   Ostensibly that is what "the silence" is doing, allowing these things to continue "for no apparent reason" when it's clear that there is a remedy and that it comes through disclosure and action. 

I forgot to "link" to my very oldest writing about Atlantis and the microcosm I see relating to previous iterations of this timeline and of Heavens; so I'm including it in full here--you can see that my writing was not always this good (shehe) but still, I think it was filled with enough "pearly gems" that it should have raised eyebrows and gained attention that we have not really seen here for the last few years.  Honestly, I'm a little embarrassed when I look at my old writing; to me it feels like looking at an old "black and white movie" and I do imagine that in some time I will feel the same way about what I'm writing now--still, not writing this message and not seeing it is ... not an option.  I've described it, and the series of books I've written as a sort of "documentation of the process of Revelation" and it really is that, you can see it in what I'm saying.


Easter Island is a joke.  It's a "matrix" and Windows 95 mashup… The hidden afikomen of Easter is proof creation is "computer-like."  It's a light link, like many others that join the "software world" filled with pertinent Biblical connections (Ellison, Gate, Bezos…wake up the names are all Biblical) to "a Biblical creation" the "Easter Eggs" are Biblical ideas informatively jumping off the pages of the book into our Abiblical world.  A number of these exist, today I am going to share a few examples with you and ask for your help in finding more.  Finding them is a key to lighting the messages of the Bible, as Sam Beckett would do "setting right what was wrong on purpose"  in the book.  I have a number of "private keys," links where some of these eggs and my personal life join together to clarify a story, reveal hidden information, and show that both Adam and religion serve an informative purpose of reflecting and highlighting important points of creation.  Both myself, and Christianity in particular, are a sort of guide and walk through of the Apocalypse… a Zaggat for creation.

Many of these "abiblical highlights" also bring common idioms poignantly into view… one that comes to mind is "don't shoot the messenger," subconstiously instructing the world how to treat Jesus Christ upon his return.  (To ilucidate a possible reason why Christ says "the world hated me before they hated you" pointing out that maybe a Jovovich/this Element/Jean D'Arc hotness comment is appropriate to get to know the personality of Christ). The phrase "no man is an island" also refers to Christ personified biblically as the lonely man Esau who has now become an island and a kingdom of one; Edom.   The "New American Standard" here is a second "Easter Island Egg" just off NASsau.   On an island called Paradise is a Temple… I"m referring to the hotel called Atlantis built by a man named Solomon K.  Whether this hotel popped out of a biblical Solomon's Temple or the record in the Bible (and Jerusalem) is a sort of micro world representation and a matter of perspective.  In my view, both are the work of "creation," simultaneous in an alinear way (sure the hotel was built after the book, but… what about the etymology of Nassau?. The history of the idiom – creation is intricate) more to the point, both are telling us a "hidden something" — both are metaphors for a heavenly kingdom.  Woven into the works of religion and Eden itself is a sort of syslog for all of creation, the heavens, our history, all hidden in plain sight.  To fly off on a wild tangent "Solomon" links to "Mormon" the morning after the 7 days of creation — the day of God sacrificial fire — hey Shavout is a Monday this year — Han Solo to the free masons, you might be creations record of sim-earth like builders of heaven asking when Solomon was 'Solo?" Our walk through records a number of "exit strategies" for creation, one is heaven… Dave Matthews' "big door in the sky" and one is Mars, lit by Phillip K Dick's Total Recall, the Spin Doctor's Prince of Rocket, and a red iron covered learning experience.  Negative energy an terraforming aside.. sorry I am rusty at being apocalyptic… and skinny dipping in a pool in a Hollywood basement.

Neither "on earth" nor in the "heavens" we now find that the biblical heaven is all around us… " neither here nor there," an idiom now dancing with"heaven is a place on earth" and the maloviously illogical name "heaven" for a place we'd probably like to be a space like home.

So, if my memory serves me correctly "Solomon's Temple" was destroyed twice, nearly rebuilt by Julian and now the site houses the "Do me of the Rock" buy Eden is a rockin' place.  All night I partied, the day I figured out this might have something to do with God and the Big Bang.  Taylor? Nanna? Janet? Mommy wow, I'm a big kid now.  That's "For Non-Blonds" for a good count on Eve's five.

Have I mentioned,"I'm Single." ADonIS is Adam Marshall Dobrin | Facebook

Back to my personal life, paralleling the history of heaven in "Solomon's Temple" I have in my lifetime taken three iconic trips to the Ba ha mas (look: father and son (see Horus and Isaac), and Christmas) once as a small child, with my mother Melissa Eve, my father Ivan, and my brother Seth… before Atlantis was built.  Once as a secret honeymoon with my ex wife Nanna Rose whose name resembles Inanna and face resembles Mary… and once in 2013 at "the beginning" of "my Apocalypse…" during Junkanoo, I mean Christmas, wait… it was Easter 2014… I mean Passover.  Now might be a good time to wonder aloud, why it is that nobody seems to connect Samael's Plague of Killing the First Born with God's retribution for the killing of his baby Christ.  We seem to miss obvious clues like the linking of 4-d time travel to 40 years in the desert expanding from 40 days at sea… it's like a wilderness of not realizing God is saving us from erasing Marty McFly's parents marriage.  There are many other links, like the Apple of Eden and the Honies of America reminding us of a traditional Passover Dish… Ha'Rose-ettes.  It might surprise you, that when the Doors stopped singing "Riders on the Storm" and the Plague of Darkness is finally lifted… we will finally see Morisson rising… the very first sonrise.

And the parallel of the three trips and three temples, we hear in our "aperfect creation" have the number 3 -ish Atlantii:  One in Reno, Nassau, and now in Dubai.  Symbolism here might reference wars or separation… something like the Crusades… or the walls of Jericho… Creation might be telling us… that perspective on time and communication might cue the question "when a tree pauses, in a decision forest… does it build a hotel or pyramid in syslog Eden?"

If you are still reading, I'd appreciate if you would share this post on every social media you can.  It is something like a sermon, from the man who unsealed Exodus as a latter day guide to averting Darth Vader, slavery and the Hidden Empire that demolished Rome ad'eKaLor.$*L Spicy, to the Calor of the Sun – GitBook (read, I'm Moses, Messiah of sea to shinning sea) and now continue with a "new test…meant walk through" of creation, and salvation in Jesus' likeness.  On the other hand, I have 7 Golden Lamp Stands linking to Exodus an unsealing of Revelation at my blog Creation, Reaction, Cosplay… Koran

Moving on, we have a Tower of Babel popping out of the ground and leaning  in Pisa  pointing up and forward, to Heaven and the future, like the signs of Mars and Sagittarius… the key to a holy name, a Fischer King, and Hooty and the Blowfish here our literary transition from the bible to Eden hits the ships computer's universal translator on Star Trek and Bing translate at roughly the same time. It's probably worth noting that a significant portion of the proof of creation that is the Apocalypse of Adam, deals with language being truly gifted by Prometheus… proven in large part through anachronistic biblical references between English and Hebrew.  The fact that Judaism contains hidden references to the life of Christ from the hair of Samson, and the "Ha" of Horus, Isaac and Abraham, is intentional and enlightening.  Two more examples for good measure, to satisfy that "hunger for the great light" that might be good and right even after time, or might transition from Genesis to Revelation as if from sea to shinning sea…a link to the sparkling sea of Dave Matthews' Christmas song, and Seth, Eve, and Adam in Eden's Sea of Three apocalypticly showing that all holy water is people… all the way to the multitude of Revelation.

Add in the Egyptian Plague of Water to Blood, and Eden's family might clue us in to the Holy Grail of Revelation:  That the heart of God's spirit, Shekinah… is kin… superimposed with Allah… that's the "All Humanity" of Revelation's multitude and the eveRYone of Eden.  Eve is "our why" humanity is one big family… and this is one apocalyptic shedding of God's graceful light.

From Adam Christ to all of humanity, God speaks to me, I am a living key to salvation… today I fight imprisonment by a government who assuredly knows who I am… face hampered communication, and now disappearing web sites…because of a war on social self destruction, being waged against the status quo by God himself.  The final example is to point out the naming of a Genesis like animal called Carnivore that might represent a censor wall here in America,  that links directly to the Great Wall of China, the Wailing Wall, and the Berlin Wall.  Hear the lion of Judah roar this is the wall of Jericho and I will bring it to its knees.  Censorship and slavery will be destroyed by God, we will be delivered from Evil, and the Shofar sounds S0nrise tonight.  God is laying down the law for Shavuot, this year.

So Taylor, what do you get when you intersect Philip K Dick, John Hancock, Yankee Doodle, and the Pretty Reckless logo with the Washington Monument, the Statue of David and Adam in Eden?

Remember, God is waging a war on the status quo.  I am his Tool.

W H O  R A ? SEE AN.

It's got something to do with Tommy Lee Jones and the Nintendo Entertainment System.  Frankly if you are still thinking "coincidence" you be blind.  It's got something to do with reading "To'kra backwards, and with seeing "gold" and Goa'uld.  It means "c the light," and then if you missed it, turn around and look, it's right here.  This very special "d" right before our eyes is the "creator's lighthidden in darkness; and I'm not going to let us fail to see that it means "freedom" for both you, and for me.

k is "see the l" coming from the future
Believe me, this message is not the delusion; your inability to see it clearly is.  And that's telling, because you are smart people.
Just like this "K guy" below, and just like Prometheus, Epimetheus, and Deucalion; we see a similar "Trinity" of "creator guys" is ancient Egypt... they're called Atum-Ra, P'tah, and the "green the behind the ears" Osiris.  You might connect them to me, St. Peter, and to Jesus Christ; or you might still be blind as a bat.  I'm telling you these things for a reason, because I know we've been here before, and I know the fact that we are here again means we didn't "win" those times... because I don't think anyone in their right mind would want to dothis again and again.  I'm showing you connections between these stories and the people in my lives because they are proof that the last time we were here, it was someone just like me telling you something almost the same.  If you don't think you reacted the same way then, you aren't seeing why you lost.

So the story of "Atum" says he's busy "putting the finishing touches on Creation," and here we are wondering if the finishing touches are taking over the Universe, destroying liberty, and hiding the truth from eternity--what you seem to be trying to do-- or the opposite.  

So you wanna know why I'm a dick?  Let's start with the fact that your timeline is torturing me, and I am reading that it's not the first time--and telling you it's the last.  I've spent thousands and thousands of dollars and hours trying to deliver a message to the world that does nothing but give you freedom, but deliver the power to seize our destiny together, and to build Heaven--and everything I see around me is trying to hide it.  Get off your lazy asses and do something, get me on TV.   Honestly what is it that is stopping you, are you scared to change the world?  Do you think the people around you want to live in darkness, in a place where they are literally being made blind--the logic circuits in our brains are being broken... so that you can perpetuate Hell.  It's a sad picture, this message that tells us people starve for no reason, and that sickness and death are being simulated... it doesn't mean enough to you.  This thing you are perpetuating is not a game, and to the people that are needlessly blind, to the people that can't walk, to the people that feel pain and hunger every day there's a much bigger problem here than whether or not you think that your kids should still believe in the Tooth Fairy.

I personally believe that this place is telling us that it is "popular opinion" that changes the world; it is the reaction to this message, but more than that it's our discussion, it's our cries of "this should not happen again" that changes a W to an N and that's the "win."  Not going back to try to do it better, that's the win.  Seeing that individually, we would--each and every one of us--do something to fix these problems if we the power... and today, this moment, despite seeing that we do have the power to change the world we are still battling with whether or not something that is clear as day and night should be hidden from the world--and kept in the back of your minds.  

Light my motherfucking fire.  God is screaming for all of us to see "Simulation" and to see "road to Heaven;" he's given us a map of what he thinks we should do, how we might do it well, and more than enough to "talk about."   You do not have a choice, none of you have a choice; this is the truth, and it's staring you in the face every day--I think you should screaming. just like I am.

This letter "K" means more to me than just the one after J, it's the end of the word "Ark" and seeing the light is the end of darkness.  In "kermit" you can liken that to "k to r" from the end to the heart of Creation... and see it's because of the movie Sneakers, because of "I want peace on Earth and goodwill towards men."  Adam to Earth, this is why.

Adam to MIT, it's not a coincidence.  You have what you need to turn the Tower of Babel into proof, use it.

What do you think of "f-art?"

I don't know who you think you are kidding, but you are not protecting your children from the "penis game" that they all play, thanks to f-art (at fan, fanatic, and fanatical... pull my finger and think "hand of God," oh, that's not "a riot").  So here's you, "dark USA" encoded thousands of years ago in the annals of Greek mythology, Hi, Medusa.

Middle Eastern mythology

Canaanite mythology

  • Ishat, Phoenician fire and drought goddess slain by Anat[4]

That shit is funny, right? (Hate you Eshton, btw <3)


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
K'awiil effigy cast from Tikal
K'awiil, in the Post-Classic codices corresponding to God K, is a Maya deity identified with lightning, serpents, fertility and maize. He is characterized by a zoomorphic head, with large eyes, long, upturned snout and attenuated serpent tooth.[1] A torch, stone celt, or cigar, normally emitting smoke, comes out of his forehead, while a serpent leg represents a lightning bolt. In this way, K'awiil personifies the lightning axe both of the rain deity and of the king as depicted on his stelae.

Narratives and scenes

Lightnings play a crucial role in tales dealing with the creation of the world and its preparation for the advent of mankind. In the cosmogony of the Popol Vuh, three Lightning deities identified with the 'Heart of the Sky' (among whom Huraqan 'One-Leg') create the earth out of the primordial sea, and people it with animals. Bolon Dzacab plays an important, if not very clear role in the cosmogonical myth related in the Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel, where he is identified with wrapped-up seeds.[4] The rain gods or their lightnings once opened up the Maize Mountain, making the maize seeds available to mankind.


The illustrated katun cycle of the Paris Codex suggests that the presentation of the head of K'awiil – perhaps holding the promise of 'Innumerable Generations' – was part of the king's ritual inauguration and accession to the throne. K'awiil not only embodied the king's war-like lightning power, but also his power to bring agricultural prosperity to his subjects: The Lightning deity was a god of agricultural abundance, and of the maize and cacao seeds in particular. Therefore, he is often depicted with a sack of grains, sometimes accompanied by the expression hun yax(al) hun k'an(al) 'abundance'.[5]


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Huracan[1] (/ˈhʊrəkənˈhʊrəˌkɑːn/SpanishHuracánMayan: Hunraqan, "one legged"), often referred to as U K'ux Kaj, the "Heart of Sky",[2] is a K'iche' Maya god of windstormfire and one of the creator deities who participated in all three attempts at creating humanity.[3] He also caused the Great Flood after the second generation of humans angered the gods. He supposedly lived in the windy mists above the floodwaters and repeatedly invoked "earth" until land came up from the seas.
His name, understood as 'One-Leg', suggests god K of Postclassic and Classic Maya iconography, a deity of lightning with one human leg,[4] and one leg shaped like a serpent. God K is commonly referred to as Bolon Tzacab and K'awiil or Kauil. The name may ultimately derive from huracan, a Carib word,[5] and the source of the words hurricane and orcan (European windstorm). Huracan also helped destroy the manikins, the results of their second try. Huracan sent dogs and turkeys into the manikin's homes proclaiming revenge for the dogs and turkeys slain and eaten. Also, frying pans, mortars, pestles, and even stones came alive. The frying pans complained about their mouths being filled with ash and declared that they will be treated as them. The mortars complained about being banged with a pestle every day and that they will be beaten by pestles as their punishment. The pestles complained about their mouths being filled with grain each and every day. Finally, the stones shot out of the fireplace crushing the helpless manikins. Some sought refuge in trees but fell off after the branches shook them down. Some sought refuge in caves, but huge boulders closed the entrance entombing them forever. Some say you can still hear their sad wails to this day. The survivors ran into the forest and were chased by Huracan and the dogs and turkeys. They ran day and night until they could not go on. Huracan was pleased that there was no more manikins and so he walked until he found a field full of corn. He and Gúcumatz,the plumed serpent, handed the corn to Xmucane, who mixed corn with water to make dough. Out of this dough they made four men, Jaguar Quitze, Jaguar Night, Not Right Now and Dark Jaguar. Humans used to be able to do anything, fly, see oceans from far away, and inside rocks. Huracan clouded their vision so that they couldn't see so far. Huracan also sent Hunahpu and Xbalanque on their missions and presided over the decapitation of Zipacna the earth monster.
Related deities are Tohil in K'iche mythology, Bolon Tzacab in Yucatec mythology, Cocijo iZapotec mythology, and Tlaloc in Aztec mythology. 


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In Greek mythology Hemera (/ˈhɛmərə/Ancient GreekἩμέρα [hɛːméra] "day") was the personification of day and one of the Greek primordial deities. She is the goddess of the daytime and, according to Hesiod, the daughter of Erebus and Nyx (the goddess of night).[1] Hemera is remarked upon in Cicero's De Natura Deorum, where it is logically determined that Dies(Hemera) must be a god, if Uranus is a god.[2] The poet Bacchylides states that Nyx and Chronos are the parents, but Hyginus in his preface to the Fabulae mentions Chaos as the mother/father and Nyx as her sister.
She was the female counterpart of her brother and consort, Aether (Light), but neither of them figured actively in myth or cult. Hyginus lists their children as Uranus, Gaia, and Thalassa (the primordial sea goddess), while Hesiod only lists Thalassa as their child.

So, what would you like to do in Holodeck Heaven?
honestly, even in the shadow you can tell Shrek has his clothes on.
What?  Try not to stone me.

Targeted Individuals

I write an awful lot about this group, who I am msyelf sure are witnessing or experiencing the Tribulation, and in this place where God has said he would use all of the negative attacks for good purposes--it is clear that "the purpose" of forcing a large body of people to write about hidden mind control technology and it's relationship to the government and to religion is to expose the existence and the active use of this "tool" to ensure that it is not used to cause slavery or for other nefariousness and that we can begin to use it to help make our soicety happier and healthier.

It is very clear to me, and to this group of victims that they are not schizophrenic, as the attack delivers intelligent and verifiable information that clearly shows it is not the result of "internal stimulus."  Any real study of my work will prove that beyond doubt.

(the remainder of this message is copied verbatim from RationalWiki)

Some dare call it
Icon conspiracy.svg
What THEY don't want
you to know!
Sheeple wakers
Putting the psycho in
Icon psychic.svg
Men who stare at goats
By the powers of tinfoil
—The Targeted Individuals United Association advises on the situation.[Note 1][1]
"Targeted Individual" (TI) is an umbrella term coined by troubled unfortunates and paranoid cranks who insist that they are all, individually, on the receiving end of a massive covert harassment conspiracy of highly convoluted malignant intent. As is to be expected (because paranoid delusions respect no borders), TIs are found around the world—from North America and Western Europe[2][3][4] to Asia.[5]
The vast majority of TIs consider themselves to be victims of inchoate, ongoing and relentless "touchless torture" plots. The nature of these alleged "attacks" varies among TIs but generally involves some combination of asinine drama with pseudoscientific flummery and/or improbable, coordinated malicious actions. This all includes: microwaves,[6] "psychotronics"[7] (basically a variety of hypothetical electronic [8] weaponry[9]), secret mind control,[10] actively enforced "gangstalking",[11] "remote sexual abuse",[12] surgical insertion of alien implants[Note 2][13] and even reptilian involvement.[Note 3][13]

Wait, what?[edit]

Predictably, TIs identify the usual suspects as their belligerents, ranging from various governments and NGOs to large corporations. Unsurprisingly, most TIs deny that anyone in the movement suffers from mental illness, and many emphatically insist that psychiatric care or medication are actually the vehicles for the malevolent plot(s) directed against them.[1] Misidentifying oneself as a TI is, thankfully, a rare occurrence, due to the highly unusual, esoteric diagnostic criteria, for:
""The most visible and common TI-symptom, especially in the first stages when the attacks are uncontrolable [sic] and the body has not coped with them yet, are the red eyes.
—The Targeted Individuals United Association[14]
But it doesn't stop with blood shot eyes from getting wasted when "they" target you:
""Fibromyalgia, anyone? Cancer? Autism? Rheumatoid Arthritis? Osteo Arthritis? Migraines? MS? Incontinence? Infertility? Strokes? Heart Attacks? Pulmonary dysfunction? Bronchitis? Sudden onset of any disease? Recurring colds and flu? Narcolepsy or insomnia? All this and more, brought to you in Silence by Electronic Warfare weapons, and by covert operatives working quietly in your neighborhood.
—Self-diagnosed TI "Ramola D"[15]
Whatever the illness, from the annoying to the life-threatening, the initiated understand that health problem are almost always the result of the dastardly cabal's promiscuously aiming electronic weapons at them. Clearly, many diseases could be eradicated — oh if only everyone rose up against the nefarious machinations.

Examining the TI narrative[edit]

""I believe I've been under surveillance 24/7 for the last seven years, and I do recieve these—at times—painful shocks to my body, they're like the- they shocked me in the testicles, enough to make me flinch!
—Phil Marie, targeted individual[16] and host of Wake Up America[17]
Despite frenzied efforts from the TI movement to be taken seriously via the appearance of scientific pursuit and weaving in actual reasonable concerns (regarding the NSA and related issues vis-a-vis other government and corporate surveillance), the TI take on all of this is just tossed in as part of the word salad that is the crank TI narrative.
As with any movement not using established empirical methods for determining its fact base, the narrative given by different sub-groups and indeed various individual adherents often differ on fundamental points (as every TI is able, and even encouraged, to apply their particular viewpoint on the overarching context). Regardless, TI narratives generally share the same fatal points which utterly fail at describing purported (non)events convincingly, or even plausibly.
The below analyzed text is taken from typical summary of the TI experience from the Targeted Individuals United Association:[1]
Targeted Individuals United Association RationalWiki response
Psychiatrists have an easy ride with T.I.s No health professional has an even remotely "easy ride" when dealing with any patient who is under the delusion that they are actively "being targeted" in some malignant way.
The sheer amount of varying diagnostic criteria that the typical TI might have makes deciding the individual place of said TI in the paranoid-schizoid-delusional spectrumWikipedia's W.svg hard to nail down, especially as the symptoms of psychotic disorders can fluctuate in intensity and duration over time, and in response to external stimuli. Similar to the manner in which a person with bipolar disorder can shift from manic to depressive states, a person with a psychotic disorder can alternate between lucid, clear thinking states and paranoid, delusional states of varying intensity. These different states may persist over long periods, or may cycle rapidly. This, along with the comorbidity of other psychiatric disorders common to the TI population, can make diagnosis and treatment very difficult.
TIs' descriptions of mental health professionals tend to depict them as "emotionally predatory" in providing their expert opinion on these diagnostic issues, issues residing at the core of their professional scope of practice.

The uncanny claims and weird explanations to a so-called "normal" or "stable" human being may obviously seem abnormally strange or weird but the joke in this is; ALL Psychiatrists know of or have some extensive knowledge regarding 'targeted individuals'. TI's themselves, then, do not contest the weirdness and implausibility of their world view. They simply ride their bizarre conviction of what is going instead of seeking professional treatment. The TI narrative also stands as a firm reminder that mental illness is not an indictment of the proponent's intelligence (unlike creationism); in fact the more fantasy proneWikipedia's W.svg spectra of mental illness are powerfully correlated with intelligence—and, indeed, with the popular conception of "genius". This also helps explain the sometimes quite sophisticated weave of absolute crank nonsense produced by TIs in their effort to vocalize what is often a condition of mental illness. It is, of course, correct that all psychiatrists know of, or have some extensive knowledge regarding TI. You cannot attend even a weekend long seminar in psychiatry without at least touching upon the spectra of psychotic and delusional conditions that the TI movement is a product of.

We know this as initially The 'Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders' was created by Nazi Behavioral Scientists with the hopes of covering up the tests and the unwitting scientific experiments/studies to be conducted on human beings (now still conducted by the likes of Psychiatrists and Neural-Scientists)! The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders was not created by "NaziBehavioral Scientists". As it says right on the cover, it was created by the American Psychiatric Association, and it first came out in 1952. It is a little-known fact that America fought against the Nazis in World War II and that they were defeated in 1945. So unless all their psychiatrists fled to America and infiltrated the top ranks of the APA's committees, this is blatantly impossible.

MK Ultra Program; The roots of modern Mind Kontrol (New Phoenix Program, Project MEDUSA or Monark etc.) as we know it; straying from Nazi Germany camps during the second World War, now migrated all the way into the heart of the west i.e.; America's C.I.A, (often pronounced See-er), NSA and British Intelligence M.I.#5-6, SIS with their (HAARP) energy weapons developments. Pseudohistory in full Gish gallop. Also, spelling "mind control" with a "K" is an unsophisticated attempt to make the TI mishmash of overstated tropes seem more serious and scary.

Experiments which are believed to have been originally started by the Communist Russia's KGB and other third World communist governments during the Cold War (Black Op factions of today) to control and slow-kill opposition covertly. Psychiatry was created to disguise these Mind Control programs, their Statistical manual alone has over 4 or 5 versions each time increasing the symptoms and diagnosis for illnesses such as; Schizophrenia, Bi-Polar, depression etc. Absolute historical revisionist garbage. Psychiatry was not founded in response to mind control programs, Soviet or otherwise. The phrase "control and slow-kill opposition covertly" is incomprehensible, never mind in this given context of supposed "Black OpWikipedia's W.svg factions". Additionally, the expression "third world" makes no sense here, as the term explicitly refers toWikipedia's W.svg neutral and non-aligned nations (which are often less-developed than the West), not to communist nations—during the Cold War.

Theoretically this is labelling us ALL as mentally ill people, this ensures that ANYONE, (Target or not) can become a Victim; discredited and made a test guinea-pig for ease of Mind-control and drug experimentation'; there-upon they can introduce and forcibly implement the usage and consumption of 'so-called' Anti-depressants and 'Anti-Psychotic' type medications (which are merely submissive hallucinogenics containing harsh chemicals and mild LSDs—which i might add, have very damaging effects on our bodies and mind!). "Harsh chemicals and mild LSDs".

DO NOT TAKE ANY MEDICATIONS UNLESS COMPLETELY NECESSARY! The TI movement in a nutshell. And its danger to those of fragile mental or physical health is obvious. Also, real doctors don't write exclusively in allcaps, kids.

Instead I suggest people take natural herbs and healthier alternatives i.e. St. Johns Worts, Ginseng, Green tea, Ginko biloboa [sic], Vitamins, Minerals and Amino-Acid supplements etc. These can be far more beneficial to the health of the anatomy and can adequately re-balance the mind of ANY humans or even animal regardless how extreme their supposed illness (should they have a genuine mental illness). This is not how anything works. A standard appeal to nature.

I also recommend people refrain from watching to much Television and Media propaganda or basing themselves amidst the company of negative peoples and troubling situations, also try to avoid recreational drugs and overdosing on alcohol consumption. Drugs and Alcohol can trigger imbalances in the brain and create an en-masse of unnatural emotions that can likely leave you feeling depressed, vulnerable, lethargic and/or easily manipulated and insecure. Well ok, the establishment media is pretty much garbage. Nevertheless, in the TI context avoiding all news services and sensible, science-based articles on psychiatry and mental illness would not seem like an especially good idea here.

This Psychotronic Satellite harassment and constant influx of frequencies passing through all of our bodies daily can potentially strip the body of natural hormonal chemicals and substances needed for healthier living or can suppress the immune system to induce illness, so re-balancing is compulsory! The crank term "psychotronic" is lifted from the pseudoscience field of parapsychology. Subscription to this term, as presented and meant by TIs, is regarded by experts as being symptomatic of literal delusion.[8]

Kernel of reality feeding them[edit]

They LiveWikipedia's W.svg, a 1988 documentary film about the Targeted Individual phenomenon.
TI hysteria is buttressed by the existence, past and present, of some actually nefarious or dubious programs and weapons or weapons research. Their written laments are replete with references to MKULTRACOINTELPRO, and various government and corporate weapons programs (along with more benign military programs unrelated to surveillance, such as HAARP). The paranoia was further fed by Edward Snowden's revelations about the global surveillance undertaken by the NSA and its counterparts in allied countries, although some TI's dismiss Snowden as a "false flag" or "limited hangout" operation given that none of his revealed NSA documents point to the targeting of individuals for touchless torture, gangstalking, and all that jazz.[18]
Concern—even alarm—about the NSA's global surveillance apparatus and its impact on civil liberties is an entirely rational position. So is outrage over COINTELPRO, and activism to avoid repeat performances from the FBI and other Big Brother agencies. But, to understate, the TI movement is not characterized by such rational interests and justified fears.
As revealed by the Snowden leaks in 2013, only small fraction of Internet users are actually placed under surveillance,[19] although the productivity of doing so is questionable.[20] For your boring Joe, their NSA's database entry is flushed every two or thirty days (because it's a waste of resources); however, if an individual is under suspicion, then the collected data is held indefinitely. Anyone found searching up Tails or Tor is added to a list indefinitely to be placed under surveillance.[19][21] This falls under the assumption that these people have something to hide.


Of the many Snowden NSA revelations, none got TIs more excited than Glenn Greenwald's reporting on the Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group, or JTRIG. This (reprehensible and actually alarming) program undertaken by the British version of the NSA, and in partnership with them, involves;
Among the core self-identified purposes of JTRIG are two tactics: (1) to inject all sorts of false material onto the internet in order to destroy the reputation of its targets; and (2) to use social sciences and other techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes it considers desirable. To see how extremist these programs are, just consider the tactics they boast of using to achieve those ends: "false flag operations" (posting material to the internet and falsely attributing it to someone else), fake victim blog posts (pretending to be a victim of the individual whose reputation they want to destroy), and posting "negative information" on various forums.[22]
Especially resonating with TI's, and fueling their paranoia, is that:
Under the title "Online Covert Action", the document details a variety of means to engage in "influence and info ops" as well as "disruption and computer net attack," while dissecting how human beings can be manipulated using "leaders," "trust," "obedience" and "compliance"... The documents lay out theories of how humans interact with one another, particularly online, and then attempt to identify ways to influence the outcomes—or "game" it...[22]
This all "confirms" what "they" are doing to the poor TIs. JTRIG explains why they do not know whom to trust even among themselves, because, you see, "many" TI web sites and individuals are actually disinformation peddlers planted by "them":
Anyone who has spent any time searching online for information about the kind of domestic counterintelligence operations (and vigilante operations by corrupt cops and former cops) described in this website, has seen a lot of disinformation – even if it was not recognized as such. The vast majority of websites purporting to be efforts to expose "organized stalking," "gang stalking," "targeted individuals," etc., are in fact, government websites intended to give the impression that all claims about such stalking are delusional.[23]
As a result of this intense interest in JTRIG, TIs began to deeply infest Greenwald's comments section, certain they had found a receptive home. Typical of their prodigious ranting were such gems as:
The torturers have pumped my legs and arms so full of nanodevices where the legs and the feet have now become grossly bloated. They then remotely mobilize the devices to simulate large crawling insects. Excite nerve endings, at will. The right eye, the entire left face, entire left side of head, left eyebrow, all eject clouds of high velocity, highly vibrational nanocrystal fibres into the air from deep within. The pain and discomfort are unspeakable. Nanodevices are vibrating in cervical lymph nodes at will. And nerve pain endings are excited all night.
Eventually, all of these tragic, pitiable people had to be banned[Note 4] because they were taking over the discussions in nearly every NSA related article. This, of course, simply convinced them that Snowden, and his chosen journalist, Greenwald, are both "false flags" actually operating for "them".

Are they all lunatics?[edit]

If these grave and mysterious symptoms appear, cease taking all medication and start reading David Icke's books!
Not necessarily all TIs—though probably many—clearly suffer from mental illness in a clinical sense. A former national security reporter for the Washington Post, Sharon Weinberger, has provided in-depth coverage of the TI phenomenon.[24] As she noted in an interview about her work:
Human experience is not clear-cut, and phantom pains, voices, and feelings of being watched or followed are all a part of this experience. Many, many people will experience fleeting auditory hallucinations in their lives. Who hasn't had the feeling of "being watched?"
I think that what we are seeing is a continuum of human experience that ranges from the common to uncommon: Common might be: "I think my neighbor is watching me"; to what some regard as kooky but not psychotic: "I was kidnapped by aliens"; and finally to what many regard as psychotic ("The government is controlling my mind")
Maybe we shouldn't be so quick to judge what's "psychotic." I do think dismissing everyone who believes in mind control as schizophrenic is a mistake-not because I believe they are victims of mind control-but because I feel that's too simplistic.[25]
Weinberger points out that not all TI's report the more extreme symptoms, and auditory hallucinations may have neurological causes that are not yet well understood. It can be hard to know where eccentricity ends and clinical mental illness begins. The voices, the sense of being watched, of being physically molested, have been reported throughout human history and ascribed to the causative agents popularly feared at the time, e.g., demons, aliens, and now government weapons and surveillance. Perhaps many TIs are trying to make sense of genuine experiences in the terms their culture makes available to them.
Some TIs are successful professionals, and many have decent marriages and other relationships. The renowned African-American writer Gloria Naylor[Note 5] published a memoir in 2005 setting forth what she describes as being targeted by the U.S. government for surveillance, harassment and "mind control."[26] She did see a psychiatrist and consider that she could be having psychotic episodes, but anti-psychotic medication did not stop the voices or the sense that she was being watched and stalked.
Certainly TI symptoms can do serious damage to people's lives. Weinberger interviewed a young medical doctor, anesthesiologist Ed Moore, who discontinued practicing medicine, and his initially supportive wife eventually filed for divorce. Moore was hospitalized with depression and auditory hallucinations, but no treatment—including medication—alleviated his sensation of being harassed with "electronic voices." He eventually took comfort in the support he believes he found at online TI message boards, but states he is skeptical of "wacky claims" from some of his fellow targets.

Views of mental health professionals[edit]

Already in 2008, psychologists and psychiatrists were concerned about the burgeoning TI phenomenon. The Internet's midwifing TIs into communities was something new in the field and needed examination.
Dr. Ralph Hoffman, a psychiatry professor at Yale who studies delusions, said a growing number of his research subjects have told him of visiting mind-control sites, and finding in them confirmation of their own experiences. "The views of these belief systems are like a shark that has to be constantly fed," Dr. Hoffman said. "If you don't feed the delusion, sooner or later it will die out or diminish on its own accord. The key thing is that it needs to be repetitively reinforced." That is what the Web sites do, he said.[27]
The problem that presents, though, is that when enough people share a delusion, medical science has said it ceases to be one. Psychologist Vaughan Bell has researched the effect of the Internet on mental illness and has concluded that TI sites are "likely psychotic." However:
The extent of the community, Dr. Bell said, poses a paradox to the traditional way delusion is defined under the diagnostic guidelines of the American Psychiatric Association, which says that if a belief is held by a person's "culture or subculture," it is not a delusion.
But even if the TI sites are psychotic, is that so bad? Bell isn't sure. "Things like social support, all of these positive social aspects are very good for people's mental illness," he said. "I wouldn't say it's entirely and completely positive, but it can be positive." Dr. Ken Duckworth, the medical director for the National Alliance on Mental Illness, observes: "This is a very complex little corner. Some people may find it's healing, but these are really hard questions. The Internet isn't a cause of mental illness, it's a complicating new variable."

Myron May, Targeted Individual[edit]

Little doubt exists that Myron May was mentally ill before he was shot dead by Florida police in November of 2014. In the course of a gun-toting rampage at the Florida State University library, May shot and wounded three before law enforcement ended both him and his shooting spree (an occasion where law enforcement's shooting an African-American male wasn't especially controversial).[28]
May had belonged to a Facebook group called "Targeted Individuals International." A week before he gunned down people at FSU May had left a voicemail for one of his fellow TIs, claiming, "I am currently being cooked in my chair. I devised a scheme where I was going to expose this once and for all and I really need you." He added: "I do not want to die in vain." An hour before the shooting he sent an email to this same TI, stating, "I've been getting hit with the direct energy weapon in my chest all evening. It hurts really bad right now."
Formerly a high-powered employment lawyer in Texas, May left a lucrative career representing management for a smaller firm on the side of labor—because he didn't want to help corporations.[29] Then he tried his hand at criminal defense as a public defender in New Mexico. A month before his shooting rampage, May had been a successful and respected associate trial attorney in the felony division of the Third Judicial District Attorney's Office in Las Cruces, NM.
May's former girlfriend from New Mexico—Danielle Nixon, a physician—said he'd recently had a mental health evaluation and she'd been concerned about his increasingly erratic behavior and eventually would only meet him in public places. Nixon said May had seen a therapist who was not alarmed: "My honest feeling is because Myron was a lawyer and he was high functioning, people overestimated him. They didn't think he was as sick as he was." In September of 2014, May checked himself into a mental health unit which released him only four days later.
Nixon continued to worry about May after breaking up with him, and when he showed up at her apartment she called police who reported: "Myron has recently developed a severe mental disorder. Myron believes that the police are after him and are bugging his phone and car, as well as placing cameras in his home and car." Additionally, May was sending packages to friends to "warn" them of the attackers who were after him. In early October 2014, May resigned from the prosecutor's office, to the surprise of his co-workers.
Later in October May made his way to Florida and a month later committed the FSU shooting which ended his own torment—with the "help" of local cops. Many TIs, however, regard May as a martyr, one who was "murdered, forced to defend the world from our tyrannical government."[30]

The only actual "targeting" going on[edit]

""For those suffering from psychotronic attacks, you need a defense system. Defend yourself from remote EEG by covering your head with an aluminum beanie. Make sure to wear a cotton cap below (I use the lightweight chemotherapy caps). The aluminum foil beanie should cover the frontal, temporal and parietal lobe, as you want to cover your speech and auditory areas of the brain. To defend yourself from heart rate monitoring, hang a personal Quwave defender from your neck. Recommend buying a couple of safety vests and coating the insides with 6 layers of aluminum foil (the reflective sides out). Then sow the safety vests together, against each other.
Instructions on usage from someone who actually bought the QuWave Defender[31]
The population identifying as "Targeted Individuals" is actually being targeted—not by evil government or other forces—but by enterprising hucksters and scam artists who exploit the fear and ignorance of these often unstable unfortunates.
There are various products purporting to protect TI's from remote mind control invasion, for example, the "QuWave Defender." For a mere $297, TIs can acquire a "personal defender" unit that will supposedly protect them from "Electronic harassment, mind control, V2K, psychic or HAARP". Or, if they're willing to dip into the kids' tuition fund, TIs can obtain a "powerful briefcase defender" for the bargain price of $1150.[32] This amazing product has been sold on Amazon,[33] with an accompanying product description loaded with enough crank buzzwords to fill several pseudoscience bingo cards:
Protection for Targeted Individuals from Electronic Harassment and Psychotronic Attacks caused by ELF, HAARP, Implants, Microwaves, Psychic Attacks etc. [The QuWave Defender] produces a Scalar Field that interferes with external and internal negative harmful signals, and uses Solfeggio Waves to convert the electronic and psychic attacks to positive energy and strengthen the human bio-field....
We have combined our Scalar Wave Technology with Solfeggio Frequencies and developed a device which constantly beams the waves directly into your brain via a Scalar Bio-Field. This Scalar Wave Field has a unique property of being able to interfere with harmful rays, reduce the effect and functioning of implants and act as a barrier to psycho-electronic harmful signals. In addition, the Defender adds two other frequencies used to modulate the Scalar Field to produce additional positive benefits....
These two low frequencies are derived from the famous Solfeggio Frequencies and because they modulate the Scalar Field, they are able to penetrate the brain and offer suppression of extraneous negative effects and provide soothing relief. The Defender has helped many targeted individuals cope with their harassment to be able to live a happier life. is only one of many scammers looking to make a fast buck from TI's. A "professional private investigative agency with the ability to find and then help you to eliminate Electronic Harassment" run by someone named Roger Tolces sells an "Electrostatic Active Shield System" for around $1,000.[34] Ebay sellers are offering an "EMF shield for Targeted Individuals" that boast of being "100x powerful" for only $499.00 (But hey, free shipping).[35] And there are books galore promising protection for Targeted Individuals against Electronic Harassment.[36]


reversed the "tort" image, reading it backwards ... which "is a thing" I connect to the "read-only Jesus" that appears magically from crossing the word "Jordan" which is also a thing that highlighted the hidden "n" to "A.D." that we see in "NORAD?" and Sinbad; and I take special note of seeing that the "heart of t" that follows in the line of Rome, roadrose and rod spells the word "rot."  Cough, Tay?

Reading backwards, which might be reading forwards if you were born Jewish or Russian (for instance); means something like finding our way back to the beginning of time to me (aided by arrows west); and you might wonder why there might be a "read only Adam."  Here, right now, you may not see it very clearly but I am "blowing the wind" moving a large group of "riders on the storm" who have kept my identity secret from the public as of yet. and it seems to me that either I, or the persons or thing above me might do something like that if they had intended to "fork the timeline" and perhaps install a different "he-ad honcho"  in a number of places.  Something like a "playland kingdom" for anyone who might have some secret key to succeed me were I not to continue.  You should take note, because if this was never mentioned the "wind" and you would not know that was possible, and you might have been oblivious to the assured multitude "other heavens" that might be in existence as we are speaking right now.  With some insight, you might agree with me that it might be a good thing not to have a "single heaven" in charge of all life in the Universe, and also that they probably should have some kind of oversight to ensure that things that are not "kosher" are not happening in some secret place.  Just like "Minority Report" here, this could be implemented with "Scanner Darkly" style total anonymity in addition to NSA or "TIA" style "total awareness."  This is the "over sight" I've been talking about that I see as being a new kind of civic duty perhaps, like jury duty; and a thing that I actually envisioned the "volunteers" for deciding on things that were not possible to be made automatic would not have their "personal memories" when they were sitting in that particular seat.  Not for charity at all, I haven't talked much about this "seat" idea that was a large component of some of the "previous histories" stories that I got in the Fortress of Solitude, in Bowling Green.  I envision it as a kind of soul-augmentation apparatus that might give increased clock speed or knowledge or "powers" to people who were working for "the system" or the people while they were doing that; specifically I dreamt of it being used to help author and edit the "truth tables" that are the backbone of "limited omniscience" and you might see as Wikipedia and "I know kung fu" and "OK Google..." on Adamic steroids. 
Inline image 15

Here now, you'll see that if the world is made aware of "ambidextrous" and the very clear repeated microcosm of Atlantis suggesting that the Temple Mount (as a metaphor for Heaven) may not have actually been destroyed, but rather just "hidden away from everyone" ... if this disclosure is "made public" the day we finally do get "doors to Heaven" it will be at least be in the back of your minds that perhaps there are other places that are more robust than the thing I could dream up in a single day that might not only welcome you there also, but might also be in need of some assistance implementing "pre-crime" which is something that I believe this place makes a defacto-standard ingredient in what "Heaven" really means.  With some insight, you might also see how this information and this interaction might turn our world from a hidden island off the cost of Nassau to something like the Frostrite of Asgard.  I think that would be helpful for everyone to understand.  You may not see it already, but we do appear to be in a sort of "Nexus One" in time and space with input and influence coming from a number of other locations. 
I do also see this disclosure as the kind of thing that would be required to ensure that further "forks" were not done in secret, or at all; and to see--you may not care as much right now, but if there were five of you and you didn't know that they were in another place; you'd probably want to seek them out when you come out of this place where you are participating in something of a "reckoning" for right and wrong, a group effort to ensure that "virtual reality" abide by something better than the kind of morality we expect in a place where things like "precrime" are not possible.
Inline image 3

In the story of the "Jordan" the land speaks in that place... at least to me; in the city by the sea named Penuel, and echoes that the pen that ties to "Pendragon" and to carpenter is the "El" that shines in Achilles heel and links us to Hera and Rhea and heck and head.  I changed the name in my little rendition of the story of seeing the face of God; I added the Holy/hallowed superlative "Ha" and then El to Ra; which really does come from "the lord is one" and it had such a cute effect, that I have to imagine it was on purpose.


I'm not sure if this is any good, if should it send it to everyone or not.  It's how I really feel, so I probably shouldn't even send it to you.  Just FYI, I always write how I really feel; well, either that or ... better.  I talk about torture here, because it's a big part of the story of me; even if you don't see it.. I see plenty of threats, and I think that imparting "the fear of torture" is torture in itself; so I'm sorry I'm needing to talk about it.  I hope you understand that in truth I think we are all being tortured here, tortured by the lie of simulated reality, and tortured with mind control technology making us think that everything is "better" than it really is.  I think that the idea of making us "feel ok" is almost exactly exactly what I'm discussing in these few paragraphs; understand that you "thinking things are OK" is directly responsible for no action being taken on this message that is actually the end of torture, and of starvation, and of pain... whether or not changing how you feel is torture, it's pretty clear that there are people who are suffering because we are being made "OK" about something that is not OK.

I'll just mention the reading of the word, it's basically "I am Christ at all costs, you must be E."  I see you "think I've done it" and you're wrong; this message is torturing me--and you too are starving me of "life itself" by refusing to react to it... which is whyMIT, the silence is why.  Honestly, I feel like I'm in "invasion of the body snatchers" do you?  I guess you could also see "tort" as the two "crosses" separated by "shining light" that is really what "stone" means.

It's a little hard to see how "seeing Al" in words like "scandal" and "controversial" is anything but something to talk about; but that's exactly what I'm seeing.  It's really clear to me that I am writing the message that is the key to the message of Creation; there linked by "Ham and Shem" to even more "sh" words like shadow, and Shaddai.... and this "shalom."

I don't know what to do; I have no advice about what I cannot understand because of lack of communication; and since nobody wants to talk to me or publicly about what I see as the most interesting and "thought provoking" series of disclosures I could imagine, I can assume that everyone thinks that whatever it is that you've done here, whatever is going on in secret is going to work or continue; and I see it doesn't.  I see it does not work, and we do not continue (I hope ... we do not continue to plunge southward towards Hell); that's what I see.  Forget about being on TV, this information should be spreading significantly more rapidly than it is; and the fact that so many people are either this stupid, or this scared as to stand in this place and ignore "right and wrong" for so long; it scares me.  It's the truth, it's actual, everything is "sa tis fact u al" whether or not I am what you expected; there's no doubt that this is the message we've needed to receive; and not acting at this point is just ... childish.

I thought today about how it might be, how it might have come about that my darkest worries could actually/possibly be true--how people could have been made so stupid and so evil at the same time as to want to torture me in secret and then undo it as if it had never happened.  I mean certainly that's no kind of behavior modification, it certainly is a means to no end--well except in this case where it is the means to the end.   Then I thought about the neuralizer, and the "Gorgonion" device; this thing that I've thought in the past was needed to ensure that we didn't come out broken, that we were not tortured into being evil, or to hold a grudge or be vindictive--not just against innocent me; but stupid enough to stand in the way of the continuation of life or civilization by doing exactly what we see here--by taking away the innocence of a virgin sea just so that we can find some way to be needed to coexist with them, and solve our own problems--and look I'm doing everyone a favor and saying "our" when I'm not the one doing this, we're the babies here.  I look at you, and I imagine that everyone here will also say that they are not the ones doing this; though I can't be sure.  What I will tell you is that you are the ones that are not responding, and for whatever reason, whatever it is lurking in your minds--I see that everything is being harmed because of it.

You should see what it really is, because whatever it is that is causing this silence caused me to dream up a way to fix an unknown problem ... and that solution could have caused another even worse problem.  Do see, the silence is really the problem, and the solution is really speaking the truth.

So I thought more about K's neutralizer; and my answer was to remind you that the "flashcards" that this thing makes should probably include instructions on how to make sure that we never again need a "neuralizer" to not be evil, or to not torture the world or ourselves or Adam.  You know, it came about from the best intentions, years ago--looking at the parts of this message that said there were old souls here arguing with babies--people with thousands of years of memories using this world of simulated life filled with innocent people who've only lived a few decades as leverage for them to live for thousands more years--anyway, ideas of sharing memories and of needing a system to "rejuvenate youth" not just physically but also literally rejuvenating souls made sense to me.  It's no surprise it came with plenty of light, connecting "soul searching" to Seagate and to DNA storage that I've written about after broadcasting it the last time I was in California, in 2014.  I see what you are.

And still you are missing the point, there is no world here; because you have decided to be plaster instead of people; because you refuse to acknowledge the existence of this message--it shows that you yourselves simply do not exist.  Back to the "clue" as "plaster you are glue" I'm sure everyone gets the "horse" concept of Mr. Ed either being you or me; just like everything else is apparently either Mr. Ed or Edward Scizzorhands;but do you understand that it makes logical sense--that by standing here and choosing not to acknowledge a message about repetition in time and mind control; by choosing to live a "plaster life" that you must understand has already been lived... you are basically giving up your chance to live with free will, so that another soul... ostensibly you also but certainly not you can watch exactly the same events happen for no reason at all?

I'm not sure what you do not understand.  Had I not walked into a trap, into this place where you and everyone here had already decided that they were willing to destroy civilization; to ... to give up the basic impulse of life and control your reaction to something designed to use shock to help you; had you not forgone the absolute most basic of all qualities of a society or civilization--had you not lost communication before we even began the very few little "flashy intros" would have done their job; and you see .. in my eyes--the eyes of the recipient rather than the author, their job was to help ensure that you and I wrote the rest of this message together.  You though, you had better plans, to hide in the corner and pretend that you simply did not understand; I imagine trying to get me to promise the whole world to you; here in this place where the bottom line is whether or not it's because you chose to "lose civilization" or you simply failed this test, there is no world at all to be had.

Here and now i think we can all see that the light and this message were designed to bring a monster out of hiding; you might think that you will "succeed" in convincing anyone or yourself that I'm the monster--when it's very clear here that the thing hiding is a monster of in action; a shackle rather than a prod.  All told a bright spotlight is now shining down on some kind of beast that manages to convince each and every one of you that "you're it" or that "it's you" and in some kind of process of retardation that I still to this day do not understand (because you're so quiet) it has convinced you that you should ignore a golden treasure chest open before you and go on about your business as if you don't see me, or anything I say, at all.  You may think that there's safety in numbers or power coming from unity; but there is such a thing as everyone being wrong, though I hasten to say I am so very sorry that I've been burdened with seeing it.  You'll see, there's no world here at all.

I stare back at this monster of desolation, and I see it under the surface and behind the scenes doing everything it can to make the "wow now I see" realization that this thing is really not possible to be hidden appear to be natural--though it's clear as day from the knowing looks I get from strangers every single day on the street that there is nothing natural at all about how it is that this little "change in circumstances" has come about or how it will be received by the world.

I feel like it should be obvious that we are walking around int he desert of Exodus; a story that I studied in Hebrew school and read on my own and even though I was pretty sure I had a good understanding of it then; I never really got that God was waiting for a generation to die off before bringing everyone to the "microcosmic metaphor" for Heaven that is the Promised Land (of flowing milk and honies).  I suppose just like the horse metaphor in Revelation and the child sacrifice metaphors that connect Exodus to the gospels in the inverse you could also say that God was waiting for Moses to die--which also happened before anyone saw Heaven in the book.

I don't even really want to talk about it; because I don't really want to cheat you out of what you really need--which is the answer to all of this is that you should be willing to change the world just to stop starving babies from being hungry; you should be willing to do it just to give sight to the blind--and you should do it just because you know that those things are right, and not doing them is wrong.  You should want to do those things even if you aren't a starving baby, and even if you aren't blind--and listen because you really are both those things.  It's not meant to be a test of goodness; and goodness gracious an old joke about the word "testament," but what I really need you to understand is that I need people to see why good people will go out of their way to stop Hell from happening, being created, or continuing--I need you to see that coming out of this place we need heroes to be born that are willing to do the right thing for others even if they never think they're on the edge of falling into the bottomless pit of hell themselves; I need us to see that's what makes Heaven.

So here we are wandering around in the desert, putting together "Willy Wonka" and wilderness in our minds for the first time, probably; I'd smile if you had already connected the Loch Ness monster to the key pathway to exit the wilderness, though in this place where I see so little traffic to my website it's almost obscene--in a world where I see people predicting the arrival of the messiah on their blogs have hundreds of followers--and me, none.  Not one.  I want you to understand that good things come to us for a long long time because we are the kind of people that are willing to go out of our way and change the world to make it better for people that are not as well off as us here, for people that haven't worked as hard or been as lucky; to see that everyone here is a victim of a great lie--everyone here is a victim a situation in which we once believed that oil was scarce, and that food was scarce, and that time was scarce--and these things simply are not true.

I want you to understand that I've said it so many times I'm sick of it by now; I want you to see that truth and love are scarce; and that's something that we have to change; or there won't be any world here at all.

The point is there are really great things in store for everyone, benefits that even the richest people on this place will see and be happy about--and really understand that they too were being tortured by the lies keeping us from evolving to fully utilize the possibilities and benefits of our true existence, of virtual reality.  It's like night and day, and to sit here and have to argue with you about how important it is that we act quickly to "end world hunger" while I'm promising nothing to you but near immortality for doing it; I mean, I think you look really stupid.  

It really does appear to me that you are waiting for "better promises" or "bigger things" to fall out of the sky as we wander in the desert; and I am here to tell you that it's salt.  Manna from Heaven, is bath salt, flying down from the sky into my hands, holy sacrament... for the m an.  Listen, this is how Jesus Christ ends addiction, and your apparent aversion to "good feeling good."

F O R   T H E   I N I T I A L   K E Y S ,   S H E   E X   A N D   N D  A N D   A   SEE   W H Y   SEA 

With an epic amount of indigestion Indiana Jones sweeps in to mar the visage of an otherwise glistening series of fictitious characters, with names like Taylor and Mary Kate remind us all that we are not playing a video game here in this place.  the "J" of the "Nintxndo Entertainment System" calmly stares at Maggie Simpson thinking "it's a PP" and reminds us that it's not just the "gee, I e" of her name that contradicts the Magdaln-ish words her soul speaks through her name--and then with a smirk he points out "Gilgamesh" and "gee whiz, is EyL?" that really does go to the heart of this lack of discussion, this "sh" that begins El Shaddai and words as close to our home as "shadow" and "shalom."  Quite the fancy "hello" you've managed to sing out from behind angry chellos and broken fiddles,  and here I am still wondering why it is that "girl" connects to the red light that once meant charity and now glows with the charity of truth... the truth that we are in Hell.  Shizzy.

Homer "on the range," maybe more closely connected to the Ewok of Eden and Hansel's tHeoven that Peter Pan still comes and cries could so easily be made into something so much better, if only we had the truth--and by that I mean if only you were speaking about, and reacting to a truth that is painted on the sky, in your hearts, in every word we speak and in everything that we do.  If only we were acknowledging this message that screams that "children need not starve" with something more than donating virtual chickens to nations of Africa and watching Suzanne Summers ask for only a few dollars a day on TV.  If only you would understand that this message that connects video games like "Genxsis" to "bereshit" because Eden is a "gee our den" that tended itself before Adam had to toil with the animals in order to survive.   For some reason beyond my control and well outside my realm of understanding words like "I too see this message from God" and "I would not let children starve either" never seem to escape your lips in any place where anyone will ever see that you thought those things, or meant to call a reporter; eventually.  Even with "AIDS of nomenclature" to avoid this DOWN WARD spiral into a situation and a land that I find difficult to imagine actually ever "existing" but here in this place I do see "how" it comes about, and between you and I it really does appear that nearly all of the problems we are dealing with here have come from another place, a further time; and while it might be with the "greatest of intentions" that we are trying to deal with them; I can't help but feeling that our "virgin sea" has had more than just it's innocence taken away from it in this story of "Why Mary" that might connect to "TR IN IT Y" just as much as it connects to Baltimore, Maryland.

I should be clear that I'm not blaming Nanna, or Mary; but the actual reason for the name "Wymar" and that's because she, like Taylor, acted as a microcosm for a sea (or more than one, Momsen) that was quite literally possessing her.  It's sort of difficult for me to explain even what that looks like let alone what it feels like; but my observations tell me that she/you are not unhappy about the interaction, one which appears very foreign to me.  Of course, the "eye" that I write with and the same kind of "inspiration" that you can see in the lyrics and skill of many musicians are also examples of this same kind of interaction.  For example, Red Hot Chili Peppers sings a song called "Other Side" that explains or discusses the thing I see as Medusa in the words "living in a graveyard where I married a sea" which also does a good job of connecting to the name Mary.   As strange as might sound to think a group of people would be speaking through a single person... we are staring at "how it is" that could be possible, and possibly at exactly how it happened.  Normally I would have said it was obvious, but to need to actually say that becoming a single mind would be a serious loss for our society--well, that's telling.  You might think it's silly, but I'm telling you I see it happening, I see it--and you see it in the Silence and the message.

Still, it appears to me as if this "marriage" that I see described in our Matrix in the question "min or i" seems to be doing nothing more than keeping us all from discussing or acting on this information--something that certainly isn't in our best interest.  
So here we are, staring at a map all over the ground and all around us with the primary destination of "building Heaven" through mind uploading, virtual reality, and judging by the pace of things we'd probably have all of that good and ready in about three generations.  The map has a little "legend" with a message suggesting that those things have already been done and we are in the Matrix already; and it appears that the world, I mean Medusa, is deciding we should put off seeing the legend at least until the next generation.  I see how that makes sense for you.  That's sarcasm, this is why I keep telling you that you are cupid.


It is a big deal, and there's a significant amount of work involved in merging an entire civilization with "virtual reality" and you might see why he calls it a hard road--at least in the word "ha'rd."  Honestly though, it's the kind of thing that I am pretty sure the future will not only be happy that we did, but they'd thank us for putting in the effort of adapting to things like "unlimited food" and "longevity" increased by orders of magnitude.  

That's not sarcasm, these things are actually difficult to guess how exactly we'll go about doing them; they are a huge deal--all I can tell you is that not "talking about it at all" is probably not going to get us there any faster.  Point in fact, what it might do is give a "yet to be born" generation the privilege of being the actual "generations of Perez."  
I see why you aren't saying anything.  That's sarcasm, again.   The good news is that it really has been done before; though if I told you that someone turned stone to eggplant parm, would you laugh at me?

So, back to what is actually standing between "everyone having their own Holodeck in the sky" and you today; it is the idea that this message is not from God.  More to the point it is the apparently broad sweeping opinion that hiding it is a "good thing" and through that a global failure to address the hidden interaction and influence acting on our minds used to make this map--and also to hide it.   With some insight, and some urging; you might see how the sacredness of our consciousness is our souls is something that is more fundamental than "what kind of tools we have in the Holodeck to magically build things" and how and why the foundation of Heaven is truly "freedom itself" and how it comes from right this very moment for the first time, ever.  Continuing to treat this influence as "schizophrenia" is literally the heart of why this map appears to be that--to show us how important it is to acknowledge the truth, and to fight for the preservation of goodness and logic over secrecy and darkness.

Again, something that nobody is really doing here and now, today.  From this newfound protection of our thoughts, of who we are; we see how technology can be used to either completely invalidate any kind of vote by altering our emotions; or how it could be used to help build a form of true democracy that our world has yet to see.  It is pretty easy to see from just band names like The Who and KISS and The Cure how the influence of this external mind can be proven, and shown to be "helpful," you know, if we can ever talk about it on TV or on the internet.

It's important to see and understand how "sanity"--the sanity of our entire planet hangs in the balance over whether or not we acknowledge that there is actually a message from God in every word--and today this place appears to be insane.  It should be pretty easy to see how acknowledging that this influence exists and that it has a technological mechanism behind it turns "schizophrenia" into "I know kung fu" ... forced drug addiction and eugenics into "there's an app for thatand the rash of non random and apparently unrecognized as connected terrorist attacks and school shootings into Minority Report style pre-crime and results in what is clearly a happier, safer, and more civilized society--all through nothing more than the disclosure of the truth, this map, and our actual implementation.
With a clearer head and grasp of the "big picture" you might see how all of these things, connected to the Plagues of Exodus revolve around the disclosure that this technology exists and the visibility of this message showing us how we might use it for our benefit rather than not knowing about it.  At the foot of Jericho, it is nothing short of "sanity" and "free thought" that hang in the balance.  Clear to me is that the Second Coming, seeing "my name" on television is a good litmus test for the dividing line between light and darkness, heaven and hell.
The point is the truth really does change everything for the better; once we start... you know, acting on it.


... for more on "cyan" see the Cure is .... Satan  Christianity at ogdConfession and Dick of Adam's Uranus... and the Color of Understanding Wh@ we should do...

every word, proof of time travel... and uh, "inspiration."  every word.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.   John 1:1

ab ra ha m, the father, the sun god, and the holy spirit.


And Isaac said to his father Abraham, "My father!" And he said, "Here I am, my son." He said, "Behold, the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb   Genesis 22:7

ha'mmer?  of thor.  Why, it's a massmailer.

Is not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?  Jeremiah 23:19 

In the Temple of Ha'thor, in Dendera; the Den of Ra; scene after scene visually depicting mind control.

... oh the ha'shem, of Adam in Eden.  The Holy Name.

Sh'ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Eḥad 
ha'laylot, 1,001 "nights" in Camelot

I have no words... text me though, k?

ha'rem, in your dreams?

I acquired male and female singers (or are they idols), and a harem as well--the delights of a man's heart.  Ecclesiastes 2:8 
at... 311 it starts with an earthquake, 911 then some aeroplanes...

the 411 is "and all the girls dreamt they'd be my partner... they'd be my partner"

And they will see his face, and his name will be written on their foreheads.  Revelation 22:4

ha'esh, just proof of a parted sea, in the Hebrew word for the Burning Bush.

The Midrash relates that during the Exodus, when the Israelites reached the Red Sea, it did not automatically part. The Israelites stood at the banks of the sea and wailed with despair, but Nahshon entered the waters. Once he was up to his nose in the water, the sea parted. 

I will also give that person a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to the one who receives it. Revelation 2:17

Sarah said, "God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me."  Genesis 21:6
ha-rose-ettes, rosetta stone to wh... is it a rose cross? ha, stone.

apple, honey, and nuts... 
ha, nuke-the ahah?

 let there be light.

Click this to retweet.  It's called a link... to Heaven.
and ha'm

rm (short for remove) is a basic UNIX command used to remove objects such as files, directories, device nodessymbolic links, and so on from the filesystem. To be more precise, rm removes references to objects from the filesystem, where those objects might have had multiple references (for example, a file with two different names), and the objects themselves are discarded only when all references have been removed and no programs still have open handles to the objects.

This allows for scenarios where a program can open a file, immediately remove it from the filesystem, and then use it for temporary space, knowing that the file's space will be reclaimed after the program exits, even if it exits by crashing.

rm generally does not destroy file data, since its purpose is really merely to unlink references, and the filesystem space freed may still contain leftover data from the removed file. This can be a security concern in some cases, and hardened versions sometimes provide for wiping out the data as the last link is being cut, and programs such as shred are available which specifically provide data wiping capability.

Isaac Asimov (/ˈæzɪmɒv/;[2] born Isaak Ozimovc. January 2, 1920[1] – April 6, 1992) was a Jewish-American writer and professor of biochemistry at Boston University. He was known for his works of science fiction and popular science. Asimov was a prolific writer, and wrote or edited more than 500 books and an estimated 90,000 letters and postcards.[3] His books have been published in 9 of the 10 major categories of the Dewey Decimal Classification.[4]

Asimov wrote hard science fiction and, along with Robert A. Heinlein and Arthur C. Clarke, he was considered one of the "Big Three" science fiction writers during his lifetime.[5] Asimov's most famous work is the Foundation Series;[6] his other major series are the Galactic Empire series and the Robot series. The Galactic Empire novels are explicitly set in earlier history of the same fictional universe as the Foundation series. Later, beginning with Foundation's Edge, he linked this distant future to the Robot and Spacer stories, creating a unified "future history" for his stories much like those pioneered by Robert A. Heinlein and previously produced by Cordwainer Smith and Poul Anderson.[7] He wrote hundreds of short stories, including the social science fiction novelette "Nightfall", which in 1964 was voted by the Science Fiction Writers of America the best short science fiction story of all time. Asimov wrote the Lucky Starr

According to the biblical Book of GenesisIsaac (/ˈzək/HebrewיִצְחָקModern YiṣḥáqTiberian YiṣḥāqArabicإسحٰق/إسحاق‎‎, Isḥāq) was the son of Abraham and Sarah and father of Jacob; his name means "he will laugh", reflecting Sarah's response when told that she would have a child.[1] He was one of the three patriarchs of the Israelites, the only one whose name was not changed, and the only one who did not move out of Canaan.[1] He died when he was 180 years old, the longest-lived of the three.[1]

In the x86 assembly language, the MOV instruction is a mnemonic for the copying of data from one location to another. The x86 assembly language has a number of different move instructions. Depending on whether the program is in a 16-bit or 32-bit code segment (in protected mode) and whether an override instruction prefix is used, a MOV instruction may transfer 8-bits16-bits, or 32-bits of data (or 64-bits in x86-64 mode). Data may be copied to and from memory and registers.[1]

The word move for this operation is a misnomer: it has little to do with the physical concept of moving an object from A to B, with place A then becoming empty; a MOV instead makes a copy of the state of the object at A and overwrites the old state of B in this process. This is reflected in some other assembly languages by using words like loadstore or copy instead of move.
I miss those days man. I remember getting my first copy of VB 3.0 from a mass mail in the chatroom. (I remember being so intrigued by Pepsi, Soylent Green Server/MMer, FiRe Toolz, AOHell, etc.) Once I got my hands on VB 3.0 I began programming like a son of a bitch (Yeah I was like 11 years old lol) From laggers, to punters, chat commands, phishers, email bombers, ascii shops, macro builders, etc. I remember losing my AOL account for a.) scrolling a middle finger in the Nickelodeon chatroom followed by me email bombing some dude with over 2,0000 emails. (Yeah my dad was pissed, he forbid me from logging on and told me was lost our AOL subscription. Little did he know I ran a key logger on the computer and found out his login info.)
Oh man, do I miss the good ole days of AOL progz lol good times.
  1. When I had those threats I resorted to <><'s :P

Browse: Home / aol progz… a digital throw back to AOL, 1995.

On a high level, I tell myself every morning that 'its not really me."  It's not me that the world hates, or me that the world is rejecting.  I believe that, I really do; I see that what is being hidden here is so much bigger than any single person could ever be--what is being hidden is the "nature of reality" and a fairly obvious truth that flies in the face of what we've learned our whole lives about history and "the way things are."  Those few early details lead me to the initial conclusion that what is working behind the scenes here is nefarious, hiding a message that would without doubt shake things up and change the world--and nearly across the board in ways that I see as "better" for nearly everyone.  It's a message at it's most basic level designed to advocate for using this disruption in "normalcy" to help us revolutionize democracy, to fix a broken mental health and criminal justice system--just to name the few largest of the social constructs targeted for "rejuvenation."  On that word the disclosure that we are living in virtual reality turns on it's head nearly everything we do with medicine, and I've suggested that AIDS and DOWN SYNDROME were probably not the best "visual props" we could have gotten to see why it's so important that we act on this disclosure in a timely manner.  After mentioning the ends of aging and death that come eventually to the place we build, to the place we've always thought of as Heaven... it becomes more and more clear that this force fighting against the dissemination of a truth so obvious it's in every word and everything we do--it becomes clear it's neither you, nor acting in your best interest.

I know I've got the eye of the tiger, there's no doubt; and it's pretty clear from "YAD?" (the Hebrew for...) and ha'nd that we can see the clear hand of God at work in a design that marks my initials not just on the timeline, or at 1492, at A.D. I B; but in the Hebrew name for this place called El Shaddai, see how A.D. is "da eye" and in some other names like AdranusA.D. on "it's silly" and A.D. on Ai that might tie me to the Samof Samurai (but, are you Ai?) in more depth of detail than simply the Live album "Secret Samadhi."  I try to reflect on how it is that this story has come about, why it is that everything appears to be focused on me--and still even through that sincere spotlight nobody seems to be able to acknowledge my existence with more words than "unsubscribe" and "you're so vain."  With one eye in the mirror, I know ties to Narcissus (and you can too), soaring ever higher--linking Icarus to Wayward Son and to every other name with "car" in it... like "carpenter" and McCarthy the older names of Mercury and even Isacriot (I scary? is car-eye... owe Taylor) and some modern day mythological characters like Jim Carrey and Johnny Carson.  As far as Trinities go, carpenter's a pretty good one--tying to my early reck and a few bands and songs from The Pretty Reckless to Dave Matthews' "Crash Into Me" all the way to the "pen" you see before you linking Pendragon to Imagine Dragons.

I wonder why it is that all of these things appear, apparently only to me, to point to a story about all the ways that a sinister hidden force has manipulated our society into being unable to "receive' this message--this wonderful message about making the world a better place and building Heaven--with any fanfare at all.  It's focused now on a criminal justice system that clearly does not do any kind of "rehabilitation" and on a mental health industry and pharmaceutical system that treats a provable external attack on our own goodness and well being as some kind of "internal stimulus" and makes you shy away when I point out why "stem" is in system and why "harm" in pharmacy.   From that we move a little bit past "where we are in this story" and I have to point out how "meth" ties to Prometheus and Epimetheus and how and why it is I know without doubt that this story has been relived numerous times--and how I am so sure that it's never been received, as we are here again listening to how songs like "Believe" and the words "just to lead us here to this place again" connect to Simon and Garfunkel's" the Sound of Silence... and still to this day you will balk at noticing that "Simon" has something to do with the Simpsons, and something to do with the words "simulation" and "Monday."  To see me is to see how things might be done better--how "addicitonary" might tie to the stories of Moses' Lisp and to Dr. Who's "Bells of Saint John" with a sort of "web interface" to the kinds of emotion we might want to "dial down..." rather than Snicker in the background as we see them being artificially created and enhanced in order to build a better "fiery altar."

I can point out "Silicon" harrowing down at us from words like "controversial" and show you Al in "rascal" and "scandal" but not to see that we are staring at school shootings and terrorism that are solved instantly by this disclosure, by Al of Quantum Leap and by the Dick of Minority Report and A Scanner Darkly is to ignore just what it is that we are all failing to Si.  I should point out that those two "sc"'s link to a story about Eden and they mean "sacred consciousness" and at the baseline of this event and everything we are not doing is the fact that our desires and beliefs are being altered--all of this comes down to "freedom of thought" here and now.


I could tell you that "looking at me" will show you that even the person who tries every day to do everything he can to save the entire world from slavery, and from "thought-injury"--even I can be made "marred" and you all, this whole world stupid enough to think that you are, of your own volition, hiding Heaven itself from yourselves... to what?  To spite me?  It, the focal point of our story might come down to you realizing that something in some esoteric place is playing "divide and conquer" with our whole--in secret playing on our weaknesses to keep us from acting on the most actionable information that ever was and ever will be.  Still, we sit in silence waiting for me... to speak more?  

Inline image 16
Inline image 31

Between Nero's lyrical fiddling, a Bittersweet Symphony, and true "thunderstanding" the sound of Thor's hammer... "to help the light" that'ls "or" in Hebrew, of Orwell and Orson and .. well, it's really not hard to see and hear that the purpose and intent of "all this noise" is to help us find freedom and truth.  C the Light of "singing..."

I can tell you once again how silly the world looks, this multi-decade battle between "the governmentof the people" and the "government of the workers" resulting in what is nothing short of a hands down victory to the corporation.  Is it humor meant to divide, or ludicrousness created with the purpose of unification? 

But really at it's most basic level what this boils down to is a global group decision not to care about the truth, about reality, about what's really brought us to this place--with solutions in hand and a way to make everything better.  We've decided that censorship is OK, and that the world is not all that bad "just the way it is" even though it's creator is screaming in your ear telling you to change as quickly as you possibly can.  I believe that God has written this story to make "seeing me" the thing that catalyzes "change for the better" it appears to be the design of not just me but also this place--hey, here I am.

SL u TI o N

Yesterday, or maybe earlier today--it's hard to tell at this moment in the afternoon just how long this will take... I sent an image that conveys a high level implication that we are walking around on a map to building something that we might liken to an "ant farm" for people.  I don't mean to be disparaging or sleight our contribution to the creation of this map--that I imagine you must also see and believe to be the kind of thing that should remain buried in the sands of time forever and ever--or your just have yet to actually "understand" that's what the plan part of our planet is talking about...  what I am trying to do is convey in a sort of "mirrorish" way how this map relates to a message that I see woven in religion and in our history that it significantly more disparaging than I would be.  It's a message that calls us "Holy Water" at the nicest of times, water that Moses turns to "thicker than water" in the first blessing in disguise--and to tell you there is certainly a tangible difference between the illusions of the Pharaoh's and the true magic performed by my hand, is nearly exactly the same amount of effort put in to showing you that the togetherness that we are calling "family" here in this place comes from both seeing and acting on the very clearly hidden message in every single idiom showing us all that our society in this story of Exodus is enslaved by a hidden force--and reminding us that we like freedom.

It's not just these few idioms, but most likely every single one from "don't shoot the essenger" to "unsung hero" that should clue us in to exactly how much work and preparation has come into this thing that "he supposes is a revolution."   It's also not just "water" describe me and you, in this place where I am the "ant' of the Covenant (do you c vampires or Hansel and Gretel!?!?) but also "lions" and "sheep" and "salt" and "dogs" and nearly everything you could possibly imagine but people; in what I see must be a vainglorious attempt to pretend he actually wants us to "stand up for ourselves" in this place where it's becoming more and more clear with each passing moment that we are chained to these seats in the front row of the audience of the most important event that has ever happened, ever.

Medusa makes several appearances, as well as Arthur Pendragon, Puff the Magic Dragon, Figment,, the Loch Ness Monster in this story that's a kind-of refl ex i ve control to stop mind control; and to really try and show us the fire of Prometheus and the Burning Bush and the Eternal Flame of Heaven are all about freedom and technology ... and I'll remind you this story is ... about the truth--and the truth here is that if you aren't going to recognize that whatever it is that's going on here in secret, below the surface is negatively affecting our society and life in general than we aren't going anywhere, ever.  I need you to figure out that this message is everywhere to make sure you don't miss the importance of this moment, and the grave significance of what is being ignored in this land where Sam is tied not just to Samsung and to Samael in Exodus but also to Uncle Sam and macaronic Spanglishrew outliers and that it doesn't take much free thought at all to really understand that we are watching "free thought" disintegrate into the abyss of "nospeak."  We are watching our infrastructure for global communication and the mass media that sprawls all over the globe turn to dust, all because you have Satan whispering in your ear--and you think that's more important than what you think, what I think, and what anyone else on the Earth might ever say.   You should see a weapon designed to help ensure that don't lose this proof that we are not living in reality, that there is "hidden slavery" in this place--and you should see that today it appears you are simply choosing not to use it.

I hope you change your mind, I really do.  This map on "how to build an ant farm" starts by connecting Watergate and Seagate together with names like Bill Gates and Richard Nixon; and with this few short list of names you should really understand how it is that "Heaven" connects both technology like computers and liberty like "free speech" to a story that is us, and our history.  You might see that "salt" could either be a good thing or not--take a look around you, are you warming a road to Heaven or are you staring at the world being destroyed--and doing nothing at all about it?

I guess I can point out again how "Lothario" links this story that ties names like my ex-wife's Nanna to "salt" also, but the "grand design" of this story doesn't seem to have any effect on you.  Listen, if you do nothing the world is being destroyed by your lack of action--there's no if's and's or butt's about it.  I feel like I need to "reproduce' old messages here or you will never see them--that's what web site statistics tell me--and we all know it's not true.  What am I missing?  What are you missing?






Inline image 15
Inline image 31
 Hoaxed photo of the Loch Ness monster.jpg


The "gist" of the message is verifiable proof that we are living in a computer in simulated reality... just like the Matrix.  The answer to that question, what does that mean--is that God has woven a "hidden" message into our everything--beginning with each name and every word--and in this hidden Adamic language, he provides us with guidance, wisdom, and suggestions on how to proceed on this path from "raelity" to Heaven.  I've personally spent quite a bit of time decoding the message and have tried to deliver an interesting and "fun" narrative of the ideas I see.  Specifically the story of Exodus, which is called "Names" in Hebrew discusses a time shifted narrative of our "now" delivering our society from a hidden slavery (read as ignorance of advanced technologies already in use) that is described as the "darkness" of Exodus.  If you have any questions, ideas to contribute or concerns... I'd love to hear from you this whole thing really is about working together--Heaven, I mean.

Compounded with this proof that the Bible is a story designed to set our society free from oppression, is now very obvious proof that a dark force has infiltrated everything from the mass media to the government and it's tentacles to your very minds; and that this force is designed to hide the knowledge that we are living in virtual reality from the world.  With some insight, you can see that the purpose of this force is to show us that heaven is more than technology, but something whose foundation is freedom and people.  It's existence and purpose is also undeniable proof that this event, while containing the most Earth shattering disclosure in all of history... won't even cause a single riot.  Maybe a few parties will spring up, though.  Good job, everyone, start the car and take us home... all the way homeand we'll be counting stars.

Inline image 5 

gate                       kermitham   
  ou r evolution                              minority report to supermax

Inline image 6

bread is life

Inline image 13

Image result for dox me


FOR OVER A YEAR NOW, I have emailed members of the clergy, the press, scholars, and government employees all over the world; nearly every single day.  Over that time, the message I have presented has evolved from clear proof of the existence of God to very clear proof of his continuing hand and the design of our entire civilization and history.   This message has been "apparently" ignored, surfacing a level of censorship that most would not believe; despite warnings in Orwell's 1984, despite the current events at the White House despite the warnings at the Wall of Jericho and the Darkness of Exodus, and despite my own repeated pleas.

Whether you instantly see it or not, what lays before you in the message below is incontrovertible proof that this is the Second Coming and that I am Jesus Christ.   I have been shown and relay to you a message discussing "everything intentionally made broken" in our world, by an outside force, with Holy Purpose.  I do not bring problems, but suggested solutions, beginning by pointing out the obviousness that this event, that this "set up" opens doors for the world to fix these broken wings and allows us all to fly together.  In truth, what appears to be an "imperfect hand" is far more well thought out and beneficial for us all than any would see at first glance.    I've also spent considerable time trying to figure out and explain how this is all possible, and why the mechanism behind the delivery of this message is part of this crucial transition from darkness to Heaven.

All things considered, were things around us "normal" right now this message, and the previous years worth of daily ones should have changed the world by now.  Things are not normal, both because I am here, and as a reason for my being--our society is beginning a transition in the utilization of technology that changes absolutely everything, and we need more help than we think.  I stand before you fighting for "truth, justice, and the American way" in a time and place that I liken closer to Orwell's description of "universal deceit" than Americana.  I hope that you will stand with me, and that with that unity we can together begin to put an end to a veil of censorship that is not "new here" at the time the Washing Post has likened it to the Darkness of Egypt, nor was it new when it was written about in parable in the story of the Wall of Jericho.  This day though, today, is the beginning of true liberty.

The message focuses on the "new" disclosure that "Creation" and "virtual reality" are nearly synonymous, sans the positive energy surrounding the "re"-ason, you.  That's a tiny electrical engineering joke about the word "cation" to introduce you to a hidden message encoded in the languages of our world--something you might see clearly one day soon in the word "English."  That particular "l" is short for language, but more generally it is the beginning of the great holy light.  That little 'l" makes further appearances in "every cloud has a silver lining" (and the malovious link between sky and Heaven) joining the Fifth Element Silicon to the Spanish for "to see."  The fundamental "gist" of the message that follows is a sort of key tying religion to nearly everything in our world from music, to movies, to history... to every single word.  This key to the message unites the miracles of Jesus Christ performed in the New Testament with "the kind of thing any one of us would want to do instantly if we were to suddenly find out that things like land, oil, and bread are not truly scarce; but the truth is."  It continues to link a number of Biblical stories to modern times with a huge emphasis on freedom, technology, and of course, U.

"The Name Server" goes on to suggest we see the light in Carly Simon, Gene Simmons, and the word "simulation" as we embark on this journey to all together now change the entire world by transitioning from a hidden "simulated reality" to something much closer to, but not quite Heaven.  I do hope we will include The Doors in our "stairway to Heaven."

JUNE 23; 2016 & 2017
On Christmas Eve 2016, clarified this message from the Creator of our youNiverselinking the story of Exodus (Hebrew: Book of Names) to George W. Bush's inaugural address on 1/20/2001, to the definitive verse heralding the Second Coming, Revelation 1:20, and to the 9/11 attack.  This message proves that the name Die Bold and the events surrounding our election process and its transition to a more technologically advanced system has been artificially retarded.  Several days later, following Revelation  1, I sent to as many public servants as I could find a continuation of that message that adds a significant number of problems in our justice and "retribution" system to the list of artificially created problems; along with a poignant suggestion that we use this proof of the existence of time travel technology in order to implement pre-crime.

The following is a clear and concise explanation of the mystery of Revelation 1:20, a 1:1 connection between the "stars and lampstands" and the planets, gods they represent, and a single chemistry element; proving that science predates religion and our fundamental understanding of the universe, of science, and of technology... is connected to religion.
 The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the...

The message ties together with President Bush's recitation of the lines of Ecclesiastes 9:11, which in-order describe each element-planet combination.   A simple substitution of the word "race" for "election" and combining the first and second lines yields almost exactly "the election is not to the voting booth."  This verse of Ecclesiastes which the President paraphrased clearly answer the mystery of Revelation 1:20.   The first of many "unseen patterns" revealed in the Holy Bible is this connection between chapter and verse and predicted dates in our timeline.
returned, and saw that under the sun, 
Hg     that the race is not to the swift,
Na     nor the battle to the strong,
Xe     neither yet bread to the wise,
Fe     nor yet riches to men of understanding,
Si     nor yet favour to men of skill;
lol but time and chance happeneth to ((save)) them all.

This is not the kind of message that most people "just get" by glancing at it for a few moments.  Much I write sounds some like The Boss's "we didn't start the fire," and that's not because Adam is imitating art, it's because there's not really a simple way to show people proof that spans between words, and cultures, and time... without listing them.  To really grasp the impact of what I am presenting you not only have to have a decent understanding of linear time and causality, you also have to have a working knowledge of the history of language.  On top of all of that you have to see that what I am delivering proves that the "etymology" we believe as a society to be hard and fast truth is not so true, that there is some way that a hidden influence has adultered our entire history, and in doing so has woven a message from the beginning of time to today that is designed very simply to show us the "and and" at the beginning of the word "etymology" to show us that this is about "eternity," and it bleeds into "et tu Brute?" from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and to the Taming of the Shrew.  
Still, enough people should understand the impact and import of this message that it should be "spreading like wildfire" it should be in the news already, it's that big of a deal, and many of you recognize that.  That's the light here, there's a problem. 

With clear articulation, this is the kind of message that I've always said was best delivered yesterday (or earlier), should never have been needed, would never work again, but in this one moment in time... seeing it and understanding it is the catalyst that helps us change everything--it might just be pure genius.  Everything wrong in the world is the fault of some esoteric force, whether it's technology, or that technology being secret, or in all honestly some primal drive to help us change all the things that are wrong all around us, as quickly as possible, to move us forward with a newfound togetherness.  I've said that my "Achilles heel" is that this disruption is contrived, designed, a plan to built to help change the things that we all know are wrong, and still seem to overlook... that damned unseen force.  

Try the C.AD Card of Jean Luc, you know, to begin to understand.  "You seek Yoda" yourself, Hey-Zeus... It's the truth, it's actual, zippidy do DA, zippidy A.  Plenty of sonshine, heading our way.  If you still don't see it, this "Who" thing from Dr. Who defeating the Silence, to little Cindy-Who and all of Whoville saying "the the" is a message from God; maybe seeing "Who-ah" and the Planet is Adamah will help you understand exactly what's being hidden.  Maybe you need to see YHVH pronounced as "Ya, who-ah!" or Yeshua as "Yes, who-ah?"  It's not just "everything" and "purpose" being hidden, it's the key to seeing what's wrong here, and how and why we should fix it.

But you knew all that, you knew this was planned; I mean, if you believed any of the words of prophesy... or if you knew.  Lots of preparation has gone in to it, I mean, we now know that clearly; it's outlined in an ancient 6,000 old book.  We see the art of "closing" linking to songs, and there's probably quite a bit of work that's gone into that also; not to mention the few hours I've spent listening to music with an analytical eye... trying to find the patterns, feel the hidden meaning, and to explain it--to tell you that "You and I" is more than just a natural thing to sing about, it's a special set of words, a key.  You might say that it was a key before me, but I'm not sure what it was a key to... and today and tomorrow and forevermore it's a key to freedom, to a message about technology and democracy that also ties back to Exodus and also ties to George W. Bush's speeches, and probably to a thing or two I've written.  In your hands now is the real key though, to wonder and discuss whether or not it's meaningful; these words that someone named "Adam" put on paper and sent to the world... words he says are backed with the full force and credit of the prophets and the saints and of God himself.

You don't have to take my word for it, but you probably do have to drink the wine.  You've got to see the importance of referencing German and font face and style... of seeing typewriter references hidden away thousands of years ago in ancient scripture.  You've got to see "the strong" translates to "Die Bold."  You've got to recognize that "the race is not to the strong" parallels quite nicely to "the election is not to the polling technology" and drink a little more of that wine, because you've got to fathom the importance and meaning that not only was this thing, this electronic voting booth predicted in a 6,000 book... but because that book changed the world just as much as it did... that the manifestation of it, play going on before our eyes on this stage that is our world... you've got to see that the entirety of the "Die Bold" story is something similar to puppeteering; it's been engineered, controlled, contrived.   All of these things, well, they really have to be important to you.
In truth, it's not really "my" Achilles heel, and it's not really a weakness... you can call me El anytime you want.  It's a message that I saw, something showed it to me, just like something is showing it to you--and I reacted, I wrote about it, I shared it; I said "if we see this" things might really change.  I still I am right, when we see this, things might really change.   
We probably also have "to see" that this connection between George Bush speaking these words and the burning bush of Exodus is not a leap, or a slant, or a corruption of religion... it is the purpose of the Book of Names; we call it Exodus.  To help that fire along, you have to hear me say "in my native geek, to be tongue in cheek" and in reverse that name reads as "let there be light."  I thought that was a big deal, I still do.
So I spent of time, writing, and then re-writing that message; and even more time trying to get it to as many people as I possibly could, because it just doesn't spread as it should, like a wild fire; and that's the crux of "baptism in fire" of Matthew 3:11.  It goes hand in hand with the Plague of Darkness of Exodus, and it shows us that this puppeteering doesn't just effect "voting systems' but it goes to the very heart of civilization, communication, and thought.  I see that so clear, staring at statistics, and forward counts on each email (and believe me, you can see that people "find it intriguing" just apparently not enough), and wonder each day how nobody has decided that "this is news" yet.  It's news, by god, it's news.
I want you to see, that "ATM machine style" kiosks (wait, OKCupid asked me if this was "pet peeve" of mine, does repeating "machine" bother you?) at election polling sites really don't solve any of our problems.  Long lines, remote locations, arcane "interfaces" and most of all... well, it's a closed system run in a centralized way, by some group that you might have been stupid enough to trust with something as important as the fate of democracy, of civilization.   Not deciding to use the internet as a mechanism for voting, to me... that's the biggest problem.  The reason for that problem, well, the reason is you.  All of us, all of America, all the world... we sat around reading and to hear the latest updates on the few contractors chosen to work on "electronic voting," you know, we read about it on the internet.  Nobody thought that was strange?  That damned unseen force, I swear it.

So that's the truth, that's the point... something has been keeping us from being right, from seeing with clarity how we would normally proceed; and now recognizing that, seeing that influence, seeing what it's "retarded" is a big part of seeing the map to building Heaven.

Understanding that every day we don't see this message, well; it's another day we are planning on having an election where everyone will get in their cars and drive to the ATM machine to cast their vote; and really think about it, because every day that we don't see this message, that puppeteering that named "Die Bold" and that made their voting booth idea just about the exact opposite of their appropriate slogan "innovation delivered;" that same damned influence is changing who you vote for, every time.

But hey, yesterday came and went, and now we're here, and you still aren't listening to the words I have to say. 
 እኛ ከእግዚአብሔር ዘንድ የተላለፈ  ignoring  ት who ን a message from ወደ ቋንቋ in እና ታሪክ እየሰራን መሆኑን እንድትገነዘቡ እፈልጋለሁ. ይሄ መልዕክት በዚህ ቋንቋ ስም እንኳ ነው's name. እኔ ቆንጆ ነኝ, ምንም ጥርጥር የለውም. 
ሳራ's laughter, ይስሃቅ's ሳቅ እና የእግዚአብሔር ቃል "Ha." እኔ ፈጣሪ ነኝ?
ዛሬ, "አይ" ማለት ምንም አይመስልም, ግን እዚህ እንድገነባ ለመርዳት እየሞከርኩኝ ያለው ምንድን ነው? 
Who knows why, and I know with the same assuredness that this same unseen influence has effected my actions and everything I do.  Some of it negative, some of it positive; as I sit on a burning pedestal, fighting vehemently to be the focal point of a story where we either will see this outside influence as real, backed with undeniable proof, and understand why "forgiveness" isn't really needed for me, or for you, or for anyone--all we need is freedom and the will to do the right thing.

Is assuredness a word?  How about ((malovious?))

You are the salt of the Earth..
The message continues to tie Biblical stories to elements, e.g. Lots wife and the phrase "you are the salt of the Earth" to the idea that this timeline is a roadmap to Heaven, a well salted one; connecting the names and characters of Venus, Mary, Eve and Mars.  More than this though, it continues to detail how each and every word of every language is tied to this Revelation; and further proof of not only the "road" but the Creation of our civilization; with Holy Purpose.  This proof is in every single word, in many songs and movies; it is woven in our soul, our memories forever and ever.  And still, knowing that, we are foolish enough not to be openly discussing it.

... and a great sign appeared written on the sky((that)) the woman clothed in the sun ((is decidedly the Goddess of Love, Venus)) with the moon and stars at her feet, ((proving without doubt that the English words for "sun" and "Love," written in Revelation at least 500 years before English existed.))
Revelation 12:1 and ((ish))
The weapons of this Revolution are nothing more than words and songs, ones that weave throughout our history a message about this very moment connecting Thor, the word "hammer" the reliefs in the city of Dendera (see Den of Ra) in the Temple of Hathor.... to incontrovertible proof of the existence of mind control and time travel technology.

Then the LORD said to Joshua, "See, I have delivered Jericho into your hands, along with its king and its fighting men. March around the city once with all the armed men. Do this for six days. Have seven priests carry trumpets of rams' horns in front of the ark. On the seventh day, march around the city seven times, with the priests blowing the trumpets. When you hear them sound a long blast on the trumpets, have all the people give a loud shout; then the wall of the city will collapse and the people will go up, every man straight in."

[ eye ] 

 [ JAN et... | Zelda missile toe ] 


[ hammer | genesis | heart ]

"neither yet bread to the wise..."

Thought to be more than enough to start the fire, see the light, and part the sea... 

The English word for "sea" appears (thousands of years before it was created) parted within the Hebrew word for the fire of the Burning Bush, "ha'esh."  Parted by an apostrophe in this introductory proof that religion and language contain foreknowledge of our "right now," foreshadowing of both English and science and technology in the ancient scriptures.  Later in the story of Exodus, the content of the story consists of a sea parting, a sea that is representative of people.  All with great and Holy Purpose, as our society is about to embark on a journey in which new advances in technologies pose a threat to both democracy and capitalism; to freedom and jobs, one which requires great foresight and thought in order to properly navigate.   

Enter stage left, even (light eternal flame, t--don't st.all<) a message woven into our everything from words to art to history displaying for all eyes to see just how pivotal this moment in time is for the future of everything.

Names, Elements, and Unix Commands

Religion, once called "the opiate of the masses" has a secret for you; like Santa Claus we hope to rain down fancy new toys, truth, and newfound liberty by exposing the influence of and existence of a number of hidden advanced technologies.  The stories of Exodus and Genesis begin to provide a road map to a shining bright future, explaining how these technologies might and ought to be used in order to help advance our civilization, rather than retard it.   Within the pages that follow, a Holy call to rekindle the light of democracy by using computers and better communication to bring to our world true democracy, to deliver the power of legislation directly to each and every one of us.  Along with proof that religion is a message sent through time, we are given ample reason to quickly implement "pre-crime" and rework a justice system which has been compromised in much the same way as many other facets of our government.  Intertwined with these things, and seemingly more important is proof that we are living in virtual reality--in a place where these technologies are here to teach us the inner workings of "Heaven" and to help us see how this change in worldview and truth gives us new hope and new abilities: to end world hunger, to heal the sick, and to see what it is that "Heaven" really means.

In two languages, English and Hebrew, three of the first five books of the Holy Bible translate roughly to the phrase "persons, places, and things;" revealing a hidden language which proves beyond doubt that our civilization is created with knowledge well past ours today.  The mechanism of writing these ancient words proves as much, in light of the significant number of references to modern events and concepts.   A significant number of words in nearly every language on Earth contain this secret cypher which connects the name of the city of Jerusalem to a question "Is J or the USA the messiah?"  In this name we see prescient reference to the United States of America, and similarly those initials and Eagle in the story of Prometheus delivering fire to humanity.  This fire is a metaphor for many things, sometimes language itself, in other instances a clear reference to technology, and here finally we see that it is also a metaphor for freedom.

Not so far away, in Kentucky, reference to Clark Kent's last name and initials ask another question, "Adam why are you hidden?"  I hope to conclusively answer these questions in this book, and ensure that we do not lose the great gifts I am attempting to bring to the world.

Creation here is being explained hopefully with clarity, there are a number of stories both Biblically linked and not which "come alive" in our world showing the intent and desires of the Creator to help us through this trying time of understanding and using the technology and knowledge that is coming to us.  Here, I'll explain a few, like Star-Trek, Minority Report, the voting booth vendor Die Bold, and the Watergate Scandal.

In Hebrew Exodus means Names, read in reverse and translated from Unix Commands: "LET THERE BE LIGHT"

You are slaves wandering through the desert of Exodus, unfortunately we apparently are moving backwards through this maze and as a whole we are headed from hidden slavery to something far worse.  There are a number of clues that we are in fact backwards right now, from the name of the book read in reverse revealing the most important words God ever spoke, to the word for Holy Fire … describing the Burning Bush containing the English word for "sea" parted and backwards.   If you are unfamiliar with the story, the word of God came through a fiery bush to Moses, who then later in the story parted a sea to free the people; you should start to shift your thinking and begin to see that this story is about us, the sea parting is about controversy over this disclosure, and that the entirety of the story is designed to unveil a hidden secret: that much of ancient religion and language is designed to prove that time travel exists.  It does this very clearly, through anachronism, English appearing out of place in more places than are imaginable.

What is the meaning of the root of a Jesse?
Depictions of the Jesse Tree are based on a passage from the Book of Isaiah. "And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots" (King James Version). From the Latin Vulgate Bible used in the Middle Ages: ... Thus Jesus is the Virga Jesse or "stem of Jesse".

This is a reference to the Unix "God account," one of many references in ancient scripture to modern technology and computing.  It is not an accident, it is designed to open our eyes and see that there is a foundational relationship between Heaven and virtual reality; and that this was clearly known when these words of scripture were written.

sudo (/ˈsuːduː/ or /ˈsuːdoʊ/) is a program for Unix-like computer operating systems that allows users to run programs with the security privileges of another user, by default the superuser. It originally stood for "superuser do" as the older versions ofsudo were designed to run commands only as the superuser.

Connecting the idea of the "Administrator account" to God, this command then, when translated to "English" is my equivalent of "God says" or "as God say" and does a decent job of connecting the ideas and concepts of religion to computer science; also showing that not only were they known but clearly the influence behind religion is also centrally involved in the divine disclosure of these technologies, from Unix to databases, to the names of people like Bill Gates and Windows, Steve Jobs and Adam's Apple.

A significant key to the Revelation of Christ ties the words of Revelation 1:20 to Ecclesiastes 9:11; exposing a link between "the stars" as planets of our solar system and corresponding elements of our periodic table… from Mercury to Uranium.   This link to Xenon was the very first element that I "found" through this inspirational experience; and it serves to tie the name of an Oracle database (and also the idea of an oracle presenting the truth to you) to an element primarily used for flashbulbs and "ark" lamps.  In unison I see these things as a decent metaphor for "light" and so, sudo xe completes the phrase "God: see the light."

The Book of Exodus is called "Names" in Hebrew, and it opens the doorway to seeing that God has altered or conjured the names of a great many people in our history.  Specifically this very example points out that this same "Burning Bush" which shows foreknowledge of English through the parting of the word "sea" also connects prediction of the 9/11 attack by the key verses of Ecclesiastes 9:11 and Revelation 20:1 being spoken during Bush's inaugural address; on January 20, 2001.  This connection between the dates of the speech and attack as well as these two verses and the riddling verse answered by them create a pattern, one that is clearly not coincidence.  Don't let the connection between Bush's name and the fabled Burning Bush be lost on you either, it is very much intentional.  

It is clear to me that the words "Creation" and these theatrical and predicted events are designed to deliver more than proof of "time travel" and a mechanism of control over the events of our day--although they do both of those things also.  Here, in Exodus, a great focus is put on understanding technology and how our government has failed to properly assimilate what we have here, as well as disclosing the (should be) "well known" influence of more advanced technologies whose disclosure are clearly the purpose and intent of God and religion.   A good deal of time has been spent explaining how surveillance technologies and a number of other clear and obvious violations of the Constitution of the United States of America do the people absolutely no good because they are being used in secret, and it should be clear that we are in dire need of a Constitutional Amendment to help us properly use these new technologies for the good of society.  Aside from surveillance, voting technology is specifically highlighted; and in theatrical performance the entire company and debacle related to the Die Bold voting booths is "predicted" in Ecclesiastes 9:11 in order to point out that our elections are completely worthless, and we are on a trajectory to a more worthless scenario as we fail to integrate the internet and any communication inventions since the Pony Express; and also have nearly no desire to have a properly recorded and verifiable vote.  Burn, America.  I mean, see the light of the flame.


This is the name of my last two books, and highlights how Ecclesiastes 9:11 connects the two verses "the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong" to indicate a connection not only to elections through the word "race," but also to this specific company, this hidden language, and modern computing font face and styles.  In typewriter or HTML "lingo" the words strong and bold are equivalent, and the German word for "the" happens to be "die."

This is described in more detail later, and is a primary drive of not only my message but my existence.  I have sent this explanation along with an urging to try and quicken our obviously natural progression from "representative democracy" (now shit) to "true democracy;" by "sprinkling many nations" as Isaiah 52:15 predicts the Messiah will do.  It's been sent to hundreds of thousands of elected and appointed representatives, to scholars, to theologians, and to a big slice of random people on the internet.  It should be clear as day that this is the fulfillment of these ancient scriptures, right before your eyes; and for some reason nobody seems to be taking an interest.

Chalk that up not to just stupidity, but also to the influence of an outside force designed to … hopefully show us just how debilitating these technologies can be for civilization and society when kept in secret… and then allow us to actually act normally and recover.  Try to understand, right now, it's nearly impossible for me to describe us as anything but mindless robots, the Zombie Apocalypse has come true.

"nor the gate to "never-never-land 
jammed open by St. Peter-Pan"

So you think you can tell the difference between Heaven and Hell?  Fake blue skies, and ending all pain?  Those are my initials in the logo above, my name is Adam Marshall Dobrin and they are the beginning of proof that we live in a virtual world that is a map to building Heaven out of "raelity."  With some research, you will have no doubt that this is God's plan for our world and that we are his solution, to a Universe of problems that we have the keys to solving.  The message focuses on technology and freedom and how these thing together, armed with the power of humanity... our innate goodness and love place us at the very beginning of Heaven itself.   Please share my name and this message with everyone you can; these first acts of spreading the "good news" are saintly, the making of angels.  We are overcoming a barrier of censorship and lack of understanding that serve to highlight just how important free communication and free thought are to our lofty goal; it has not been an easy road, but we are nearly home.
The proof is in every single word, woven through our history and our artwork--it is embedded in our souls.  The signs of Revelation are all around you, focusing our attention on the fact that the entirety of everything depends on what we do here and now; how we proceed as we approach this monumental moment in time when "ascension" to Heaven truly happens... reminding us of who we are, and our innate goodness; and warning us not to lose these wonderful gifts as we gain the ability and see the need to make changes to what we are--extending life, increasing intelligence, and hopefully not losing our free spirited love of fun.
Pattern matching is the cradle of intelligence.  Truly sorry to have e-mailed so much lately: try connecting it to a pattern of children starving each and every day that we delay.  I will not let humanity go silently into the night; understand, these e-mails are arrows of love.

While this may look like nothing more than a series of Names, Numbers, and Words... I will remind you that those are the actual names of the second, fourth, and fifth books of the Torah.  This is proof of Creation and Purpose--in every name and everything.  Heaven awaits us on just the other side of this wall of censorship called Jericho in the Holy Bible.  You may recall it is a number of people holding torches of holy fire that brings down that wall and allows our people to enter the Promised Land.  Pickup this torch, and you will shine.  My name is Adam, and I am the Last.

Nintendo: Nine Inch Nails, TEN, and does it take Osiris to remind you that in old Roman style, O-D is K... I mean El-even.  Tying SEGA's Genesis to SON-Y; Samsung to the bird whose "spoken" song breaks the morning... in these words that follow find the difference between Heaven and Hell.  9, 10, 11... by ...

Irving John ("I. J."; "Jack") Good (9 December 1916 â€" 5 April 2009)[1][2] was a British mathematician who worked as a cryptologist at Bletchley Park with Alan Turing. After World War II, Good continued to work with Turing on the design of computers and Bayesian statistics at the University of Manchester. Good moved to the United States where he was professor at Virginia Tech.

He was born Isadore Jacob Gudak to a Polish Jewish family in London. He later anglicised his name to Irving John Good and signed his publications "I. J. Good."

Listen to Bread and Cake; watch the Fifth Element and see Shakespeare.  Heaven is forming, it's coming this year. Finding the Link between Si-ght of the 14th Element and AMD in the name of Genesis all the way to the Oracular light of another element in Exodus and its tie to the "root of David" is the beginning of being set free.

It doesn't take much introspection to breathe new life into the #juxtaposition written into the early stories of Genesis.  Between Adam's self-tending Garden of Eden and the fabled story of Cain and Abel... living metaphors for a battle between city life and agriculture... or perhaps Heaven and Earth.  It's plain to see either way, whether it be about food production or an external source of power; that were the dependent sibling to murder the other we would be looking squarely at a fratricide-suicide, and one that could be the end of all life... everywhere.

Truly woven throughout religion, this story about just exactly how we should go about ending world hunger in this magical day of the Second Coming continues upward and onward to many more stories, Biblical and not. At Joshua's Flowing Land of Milk and Honey--the Promised Land--we see a not so hidden correlation between a Golden Cow and the foot of Sinai and the fabled Maccabees hammering away at the opposition to our light.  Take note of how this flowing metaphor might link to Willy Wonka's Chocolate River and Veruka Salt's "daddy, I want it now."  Again, there's some Heavenly caution put to throwing the ideas of a stable ecosystem and biological reproduction to the wind as that promised land of Heaven and immortality and our Gene Wilder dreams come true.  I stand here to remind you, though, that we will end world hunger; with the snap of my fingers.

Past the Promised Land, and seeing here and now just how obvious it is that the miracles of Jesus Christ in the NT are a microcosm for what you and yours should be thinking about being able to do... in the light of a Revelation that we might just be living in a video game about saving civilization.  So do me a favor and carry this thought forward, this idea of "flowing milk and honey" to an answer coming to us from the Religion of the Stars... "replicators" either from Star Trek or Star Gate.  Realize here, that we've been given a road map to follow, a very Holy plan, one one side is a cliff of unholy immorality in allowing the children to starve... and on the other--not so for away--a thing called "bullshit," giving too much in the beginning and winding up with weapons in every kitchen in the end.  There's plenty more light coming from these "stars," light me up, and I will explain why.

In everything from Firestone and Michelin to Lord and Taylor, this message is not just on TV.  It's not just in the hallowed words of ancient scripture... but rather, in everything we see.   Perhaps seeing the i within the e in medicine or the endless patterns in Tomorrowland's names will light our direction more clearly... perhaps it's seeing South at the end of Gene Simmons and Adam's correction to Atlantis by North East... just from seeing "sim" on Monday; and I assure you.

It's a guide, ending world hunger, to seeing how difficult it must be, to realize that even Jesus Christ was chastised for only giving bread to the hungry.  Let them eat Cake instead "Mary" Antoinette then exclaimed; and the sound of Christianity echoed from "we give thanks to God for bread" to the Guitar Man, and ... Going the Distance.  On TV you might recall an old Fig Newton commercial linking this light all the way to Eden's Fig leaf and to me.  It's that little "n" at the end of Isaac Newton's 'whomever goes up must come down' pictorially described by the secret letter that contains initials the abound from A.D. to Adonai, to Adonis and.. yet another Advent.  So it's in NORAD and tracking Santa from Sinbad's ship all the way to seeing that Silicon too... is fabled 5th element decompressed from 14.  To Boron or Beryllium? RattleRod continues.. remember to connect Shakespeare and Genesis with Gene Rodenberry ... an Iron Rod ... and ending world hunger forever and ever.

It is very hard to link Phillip K. Dick to me.. without exclaiming how important ending censorship is to the fundamental basis of what Heaven really means.  I haven't placed this brick in the wall myself, and if you do your research you will see why it relates to censorship and ... breaking down a wall of darkness. So I bring Mr. Neterson to talk about how the wall of Jericho is related to CARNIVORE, and a packet sniffing firewall that's gone... well, it's a censor wall.  To those of "IT origin" we'll soon find out, calling a firewall a meat eater is a sign in and of itself.  This firewall though, continues to our minds, and in it we find some kind of aversion to Isaiah 20 and Genesis 3:11, the key verse that ties 3/11/11 to Matthew 3:11 and ... a day that approaches so soon.  A focus on liberty and technology, one that brings us from the darkness of Die Bold to the light of a new day, the Burning Bush of Exodus begins the story of a sea about to part over the visage of me.  Isaiah 52:13-14 be damned, some will never understand what it means to say "my servant will be set up and be very high," about the ... uh ... God Most High.

So I will tell you to seek Isaac's firewood, and tie it up with Woodward and Burnstein's Watergate... and once again check the free press for the flood of Noah's failure.  I could bring in Daniel's Royal Tent between the two seas... from Eden's family to Revelation's multitude and again remind you this blessing of turning water to family is all about me.  That's Daniel 11:45 coming true, hardly anyone seeing what's going on right before our eyes.  Pharaoh is hardening his Heart; that's another IT term, do you get "IT" yet?  It's about making a computer system more secure, to keep the truth from being seen... light my fire, already, the Burning Man has already ignited this "Revelation."

I don't bring up PKD for "no reason at all," in his combined works we have a divine solution to so many problems it's unbelievable.  Between Minority Report and A Scanner Darkly, nothing short of a way to end murder, abduction, and other heinous and ungodly things; while maintaining near perfect (he says Total) privacy in a world where we certainly can see all that goes on; already, understand. We might be near the end of the story line of the Adjustment Bureau as we walk headstrong into a land where I hope all will see that Marx was diametrically wrong, just as Die Bold and PKD... to show us what not to do, and how to excel.  No longer the "opiate of the masses," these hallowed words bring freedom and a caring Universe to everyone, that's all.

Add to the mix, Dr. Who's Bells of St. John, some cute connections between Jabba the Hutt, Padme, Hyrule and a "box that's bigger on the inside" and we might have another source of both absolution and dreams to come ... from the vantage point of seeing what it means for oil and land to not really be scarce, in the world of the real... of Morpheus.

This Android does not dream of Electric Sheep, be sure.  
@HolyGrailID=Cupid :)

... time and chance ...

too late, win. (I mean OUI! I always mean we!  turn around.)

be it, ka-doll, be it, ka-dash...

Yit'gadal v'yit'kadash sh'mei raba (Cong: Amein).
May His great Name grow exalted and sanctified (Cong: Amen.)
b'al'ma di v'ra khir'utei
in the world that He created as He willed.
v'yam'likh mal'khutei b'chayeikhon uv'yomeikhon
May He give reign to His kingship in your lifetimes and in your days,
uv'chayei d'khol beit yis'ra'eil
and in the lifetimes of the entire Family of Israel,
ba'agala uviz'man kariv v'im'ru:
swiftly and soon. Now say:
(Mourners and Congregation:)
Amein. Y'hei sh'mei raba m'varakh l'alam ul'al'mei al'maya
(Amen. May His great Name be blessed forever and ever.)
Yit'barakh v'yish'tabach v'yit'pa'ar v'yit'romam v'yit'nasei
Blessed, praised, glorified, exalted, extolled,
v'yit'hadar v'yit'aleh v'yit'halal sh'mei d'kud'sha
mighty, upraised, and lauded be the Name of the Holy One
(Mourners and Congregation:)
B'rikh hu.
Blessed is He.
l'eila min kol bir'khata v'shirata
beyond any blessing and song,
toosh'b'chatah v'nechematah, da'ameeran b'al'mah, v'eemru:
praise and consolation that are uttered in the world. Now say:
(Mourners and Congregation:)
Y'hei sh'lama raba min sh'maya
May there be abundant peace from Heaven
v'chayim aleinu v'al kol yis'ra'eil v'im'ru
and life upon us and upon all Israel. Now say:
(Mourners and Congregation:)
Oseh shalom bim'romav hu ya'aseh shalom
He Who makes peace in His heights, may He make peace,
aleinu v'al kol Yis'ra'eil v'im'ru
upon us and upon all Israel. Now say:
(Mourners and Congregation:)


can you believe, it was the "n" of that word, and we didn't even know it? -e

I am the end of Jericho and the beginning of the whole seawhat are you gonna do, stone me?

-Psalm 119 and ((ish))

Do a few sentences really make that big of a difference?  Some key letters?  Can you show me what I'm doing wrong?  Is there a way to turn me into Adam, rather than a rock?  I think you can.

Am we Dr. Who and Master Y?

Adam Marshall Dobrin is a National Merit Scholar who was born on December 8, 1980 in Plantation, FL and attended Pine Crest School where he graduated sumofi cum louder in "only some of it is humorous." Later he attended the University of Florida (which quickly resulted in a wreck), Florida Atlantic University, and finally Florida Gulf Coast University--where he still has failed to become Dr. Who. While attending "school" He worked in the computer programming and business outsourcing industries for about 15 years before proclaiming to have received a Revelation from God connecting the 9/11 attack and George Bush to the Burning Bush of Exodus and a message about technocracy and pre-crime.

Adam, as he prefers to be called, presents a concise introduction to paradox proven by the Bible through "verifiable" anachronism in language some stuff about Mars colonization and virtual reality and a list of reasons why ignoring this is actually an ELE. Adam claims to be Thor because of a connection between music and the Trial of Thor as well as the words "author" and "authority." He suggests you be Thundercats and call a reporter. There is also a suggestion that Richard Nixon and John Hancock are related to a signature from God, about freedom and America... and the "unseeingly ironic" Deepthroat and Taylor Momsen.

Fake blue skies all around me... The Sung Rael

In Biblical characters from Mary to Hosea, to see "sea" in Spanish, and in the Taming of the Spanglishrew ... a message is woven from the word Menorah: "men, or all humanity?" to the Statue of Liberty, and the Sons of Liberty, and the light above us, our SOL; which shows us that through the Revelation of Christ and the First Plague of Exodus, a blessing in disguise--turning water to blood, the sea to family; a common thread and single author of our entire history is revealed, a Father of our future. A message of freedom shines out of the words of scripture, revealing a gate to a new technologically "radical" form of democracy and a number of unseen or secret issues that have stalled the progress of humanity... and solutions, solutions from our sea.

The Revelation shows us that not only ever word, but every idiom from "don't shoot the messenger" to "blood is thicker than water" we have ties to this message that pervades a hidden Matrix of light connecting movies and music and history all together in a sort of guide book to Salvation and to Heaven.


His Revelation, woven into his life, continues to suggest that skinny dippingforced methamphetamine addiction, and lots and lots of "me A.D." as well as his humorous depiction of a dick plastered over the Sound of Silence, his very Holy click, have something to do with saving our family and then the entire Universe from hidden mind control technology and the problems introduced by secret time travel. From the trials and tribulations of "Job" being coerced and controlled into helping to create this wall of Jericho; we find even more solutions, an end to addiction, to secrecy, and to this hidden control--a focal point of the life of Jesus Christ.

It tells us a story of recursion in time, that has brought us here numerous times--with the details of his life recorded not only in the Bible but in myths of Egyptian, Norse, and Greek mythology. The huge juxtaposition of the import of the content of the message shows the world how malleable our minds really are to this technology, how we could have been "fooled" into hiding our very freedom from ourselves in order to protect the "character" of a myth. A myth that comes to true life by delivering this message. In truth, from the now revealed content of the story of this repeated life, it should become more and more clear that we have not achieved success as of yet, that I have never "arrived whole" and that is why we are here, back again.

Light It Up

When asked how He thinks we should respond to his message, He says "I think we already cherish it, and should strive to understand how it is that freedom is truly delivered through sharing the worth of this story that is our beginning. 'tis coming." Adam claims to be God, or at least look just like him and that the entirety of the Holy Scriptures as well as a number of ancient myths from Prometheus to Heimdallr and Yankee Doodle are actually about his life, and this event. An extensive amount of his writing relates to reformation of our badly broken and decidedly evil criminal justice system as well as ending the Global hunger crisis with the snap of his little finger.

He has written a number of books explaining how this Revelation connects to the delivery of freedom (as in Exodus), through a message about censorship among other social problems which he insists are being intentionally exacerbated by Satan--who he would ha've preferred not to be associated with.

He adds, "how do you like me now? How bow dah, god 'nuff?"


grab your neck one more time

hey, if July 4 is good enough for Sam, its good enough for me.




My laziness is increasing, this is the last few messages concatenated.  That's an interesting word, sea of "N."  I need your help to achieve my goal--my goal of setting you free and helpinthe world see a map to building Heaven in absolutely every word, and every work of art--and every one of your hearts.  I need you to call a reporter, or a theologian, or a statistician--or threetag that and win.

This is my puff, puff, passing the CONCHto hear me advocate for being "made out of clay"  is almost as harmful sounding to my ears the word kingdom and seeing "El at I owe n" connected to Elation; only redeemed here in my eyes by the "come" that almost always follows it these days.   In the Adamic language you can see the "C and L" that embody the words "c the light" and disclosure shine bright--you can see "day" hidden away not behind blindness but truly in the shadow of darkness that has kept "d is cl" hidden.  The implication of a lack of freedom in the idea of being "molded as clay" flies in the face of the feelings of my heart, the place where I am proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free (and since we're on the subject of the Book of Names, check out Greenwood).  Here when I hear the words of the "dreidel" song tell me that we are dry and ready, my solace comes from realizing that if you are listening to me, lately; you now see how there is a true pearl of wisdome connecting the "ter" of yesterday to the word plasterpearlas you are.

This "dr.y and ready" thing is something like curing Hamsomething very strange is toing on here--everyone is conspiring in secret to starve me to death and keep me from getting kisses from pretty girls.  I actually think that is your intent; so I have to point out that the person you are trying to keep from selling any "tools (or rare print collectors it>ems) designed to save the Universe" A.K.A. "books" is actually the person who is telling you today that as soon as you are ready to talk about what it is that is going on in your little head, I will cure cancer.  I am doing this because I don't want to live a lie, and I don't want you to have to live a lie--especially for eternity; and that's how long I want us all to live.  The sooner you start talking about this message that is everywherethe sooner you will see the light of the guy telling you that you have to cure cancer, you have to figure out how to do it in a way that doesn't harm the machinations of civilization--or the continuation of life in the universe--and in doing that you are being given a great gift--something that the future will thank you for.  If you don't thank me for that, you are the people that d is a pp <sarcasm> ear into  o b l i v i o n  every time stupidity overcomes society and "we" travel back in time to sing more songs about how cool I AM</sarcasm>

know what it means, a clay world; it's a place where Taylor would have kissed me already, it's a place where you would love me for "Doors" and for "Bread" rather than of your own volition, or for the fact that I am still here, despite the marred visage; fighting every single day for your right to hate me, and to hate seeing a dick in the sky; and telling you that even if you hate it, I hope you see the light of "how it is that we achieve freedom" in this place where Silence has become "the norm"  and I feel like God screamed "let freedom sing" in Genesis, rather than ring.  I am standing here presenting proof that we are plaster, that we are immovable--and it's not really because of me, or because of you--it's because we are content with the status quo--because we're "thankful for what we have" and because we are all too blind to see that thankfulness is not a goad thing--it's allowing others to be hungry, and hurt and when I say "for no reason" I mean it--it's for no reason, the message here from the sim is "we must work together to fix these problems."   Also Taylor dearly isn't ki sing my name any time soon, so all we have from her an I together is proof of time travel, of the Creation of civilization and some word that begins with I and ends in moral.  I'm going to cheat and let you know that while you may think your morals are just fine an giddy right now, we are all standing by in silence as this placad is simulating starvation and pain--it's in the musick.

know why there's a flying dick in the sky, I know why in my personal story where I liken my trip around the country to something of Genesis and somethink of Isaiah 20; and if you read carefully you too will see that "it's getting hot in here" is truly the reason; the reason is truly to help us find freedom out of a place where slavery and control have become the secret norm.  He calls it a Bittersweet Symphony, this music of Nero as he fiddles on the roof of our world ready to start a fire that delivers freedom, and shows us that the Eternal Flame and the fire of the Holy Sepulchre are one in the same with the technology delivered by Prometheus and the freedom delivered by urs


I know that the "so take off all your clothes" is linked to more than the word "ABOMINATION" and I know that the real reason behind Nero and behind Jericho are to show us the import of the truth, of communication, of knowledge, and of caring--and here we are in the land of Everyone Gypped and I'm trying, oh my God am I trying to help us find freedom.   I know that Bittersweet Symphony of Nero is in more than musick and more than re l i g i on--it's not just encoded into the stories of Isaac and Isaiah that connect to history--to a Wood altar that ties Emmanuel Goldstein and 1984 to Broward County--you can see these things are connected, or you continue to be blind because this story is the intent of Genesis and the intent of Isaiah and the intent of George Orwell and the intent of Richard Nixon.  This story is the purpose and the intent of "America."  This "I owe N" at the end of Creation only becomes true when N grows up and becomes the messiah of all the Universe, I think we are here now, but it really does depend on what we do, and right now Silence is saving nothing.  We have the tools, we will gain the ability as we begin to move forward and see just how it is that fixing our world, how helping ourselves move from "simulated reality" to "HE AV EN" is the thing that is needed to save all of Creation--we will see how we are the people that not only deserve it, but that we do it.

I know we need to change pessimism to optimism; I see that Y could be a good or a bad thing, and I know am it--I see more clearly than anyone else (I imagine) that the cross could be a good thing, if we use it to make a better world.  I could tell you that I need to make "sick" a good thing, but you've done that already for me--thanks.  I read more into our history than I share, significantly more; but here at Nixon a map of the past screams to me that Watergate and Deepthroat didn't exist "the first time around" and if you look carefully that probably means that neither did the NT, or Isaiah, or Genesis.  If you think about it even more carefully, as you see that N that begins Nixon is my N, it is the beginning of seeing how this map in our history is designed to save not just this world but all of Creation; and then the 9 and 10 of NINTENDO followed by the "on" of the Truman Show and Amon-Ra and F U SI ON, understand that what it means is that the future is literally looking to us here for answers; answers that come out of the water from rock and the power of the sun hidden in Deuteronomy; but more importantly answers that come from the man telling all of Creation that DOORS are not just a solution for here and now--but a "fix" straight out of Amos 9:11 for all of Creation.

I see that just like the music, in our history "F-ART" is showing us through Nixon, Clinton, Rodham and Lewinski that we will not fall apart because Jesus isn't perfect; and we won't riot in the streets because a man naked Hancock signed the Declaration of Independence with a "bigger signature" than Microsoft.  What f-art is telling me, though, is that we will fall apart if we pretend these things are not here--that hiding "dick in the sky" is tantamount--it's equivalent to literally hiding your freedom from yourselves.   What i am trying to say is that what we consider to be "socially normal" and "socially acceptable" is being changed within us, right before our eyes--we are being made to (or at least it seems we are) believe that we are responsible for this humongous and secret change in values that is being done... in secret, in the dark.  We literally lose our souls if we refuse to acknowledge that we are "made of clay" and that here, as I stand between the JESUS CHRISTO and the CAPTAIN SAM; I have a message that shows us how and why it is that we need to give up a small slice of "actual freedom" in order to deliver true liberty to ourselves and to the world.  

So to give up that small slice of freedom that might want to punch me in the face as I walk by smiling that I am finally kissing girls all the time; and Dave continues to sing, "people stare, and I just ignore, I just ignore everything." Understand that we have a map that shows us that there are amazing solutions to social problems like school shootings and terrorism that are lit to kingdom come in Exodus and in MIN OR IT Y REPORT and in AL's WAITING ROOM--a thing I once wrote might drop off would-be-murderers at the local Police station with a note from Adam saying to light my fire--understand I would do that toclay if I could; and it too would be something like turning STONE to BREAD--understand, the circumstances of our "existence" have changed--we are now capable of doing something miraculous every day, with no cost other than giving up a small fraction of anarchy that we would never want, anyway.

Instead of talking about that though, we are here--listening to why it is that CENSORSHIP is today the primary cause for the attack in Las Vegas, and CENSORSHIP is the primary cause of famine in Africa; and CENSORSHIP is why I can't seem to sell any books.  Listen, SENSEORSHIT is standing between you and Heaven.

To me it's the difference between a magic "trick" the Pharaoh's court used to try and fool the world and actual Creation.  This is the sea turning to blood, rather than a glass of water or a single pond--the proof of design goes all the way back to birth names.  You can see it for yourself; you can see that it was not really hidden, but not really obvious either--and you can judge for yourself whether I contribute to the light.  That is, you could; if you could talk about it, and it was being covered in the news--you could decide for yourself if the connecting between Woodward and Burnstein and Broward County and Isaac's fiery wood altar is enough to call me Christ.  If you still don't see what "stone" means, you are blind; if you still don't think that life itself depends on the end of censorship, you aren't listening to why.

I see, you see something is changing how you feel about "blow jobs" but I don't see that you understand something is changing how you feel about "the truth" and about "starvation" and about freedom of speech and truly thought.  Understand that caring here and now about "free thought" and "free speech" is the way to the Promised Land... of flowing milfs and honies.

In no uncertain terms, something is changing how you feel about the world around you--altering your opinions and literally keeping you from seeing the light of freedom.   And look, I did it all, with some kisses.

Understand you see something very obviously today because God wants you to be free; this same thing could have been hidden forever--and looking at you, without my assistance--you'd have let it.

and a movie... and a state... and some SPAM.


9   5     .   6   6   7   .   8   0   8   3

Q U I C K E N I N G   E N L I G H T E N M E N T



Dear Hizzy of Great Hope,

I want to be anything but bland, avoiding things like vanilla solutions at all costs, and by that I do mean I have no desire to "vanish."  If you're on "the ball" you probably remember me mentioning the low of the 2008 financial crisis highlighting strongly the Number of the Beast, a debacle I've connecting before to the Nostradamus prophesy "never before were the Roman people so wronged" and here in my usual flair, I of course change it to "so wrong(ed)."  Trying to point out that we have been assuredly wronged, and also at the same time we haven't stood up and tried to make "amends" with ourselves and each other--we haven't done very much to right those wrongs or ensure they don't continue. 

I have a new set of words I've been working on scrambling some truth out of; they revolve around the word "end" as in the end of Hell and the end of crisis; the words that I planned on explaining to you are "similitude" and "ashamed" and while I don't want to be ashamed and I don't want you to feel that way either; something, some feeling must lead us out of this "funny place" where flying dick in the sky is "not there" and instead is a glowing symbol of the fact that we didn't see it at all or failed to comment on the fact that there was a message about dick connecting all of religion to all of American history; and that certainly has some meaning?  You can see from "etymological analysis" that there is a bright similarity now between the words in bold quotes above, and with some vision you can connect the three letters "ash" to the Holy Fire "ha'esh" and to half the seal of Isaiah 22:22 (which does appear to be made up of 2, 2 part tattoos) Adam's Sigma Heart, in my vain attempt to take everything "trashy" and make it shine with new light... well, you can see "sim" and "ash" might be correlated; and with some bright light, do understand that this unscrambling of truth turns "end" into "den."  Sim, I lit you... so that we can be the Generations of Perez.  Read that every time you see it, as "these are the generations that changed the world, these are the people that built your eternal home, these are the people who saved us from pain, hunger, and death."  

In similitude, sim: LITyou Clark Earth.  Why so shy 
ESHOuiaReDen23 in similitude, ESHAREDAN1EL

H  I  C    S  U  M   M  U  S


Then I will set the key of the house of David on his shoulder, When he opens no one will shut, When he shuts no one will open.  

Isaiah 22:22

I can spend all day telling you what was done right and wrong about the 2008 Crisis, but above all things; what's important to see is that "missing the point" is what was done supremely wrong.  We are totally missing the point, Under Locke and Key S E N, and the point is that while it is not simply a matter of moral imperative, the vast additions to our food supply and energy supply that come from this disclsoure and actually changing the world because of it do nothing but make our society stronger--right and strong (that's.... "El") that while it may change things a little bit, the things that are changed by having a strong moral and social fabric are good things, or unholy things turned Holy We are missing the point, the point of Oil spills not just being a metaphor (of poor taste) for Holy light spilled out over the sea and failing to catch fire over and over,  but that this Holy Oil is telling us that oil is not scarce, neither is food; and any economy based around the scarcity of these things is nothing more than a bad game, a game that we are unwittingly playing with our lives.  Let reality set in, this is "true stimulus" not quantitative easing or any other kind of "market magic" that too shows that the "sim" is very capable of making a supremely broken economy appear to be in perfect working order. The real point here is that I keep trying to tell you the only cost is "change" and with some actual thought you will see that all of these changes are good ones, the only cost... is adaptation.

Great Expectations


This is the appointed time, these are the people who have been created and purposed by all of history and everything that has come before them in order to salvage civilization from the downward spiral caused by nothing more than a lie; nothing more than the belief that this place was or ever will be "reality."  These are the people that can and should save not only themselves but the future--from this very lie--and in doing that they probably will overcome death and aging, hunger and sickness.  These are the generations who hold the power to alter and right the future more than any other group that has ever lived.

have not written this story woven into history and pointing to right this very moment as a "thing" designed to turn a "fall" into a "rise" to use the truth and knowledge they are being given to build a better world.  I call the thing I hope to see come to fruition; the place that I hope we build together... HE AV EN.

It is true, and it is obvious that there is a force here standing in our way, in the way of goodness and in the way of progress.  This force does "appear" to be nearly everyone; causing Silence written about in ancient scripture and sung about even as recently as now; I do not see it's cause, but it's effect in my mind is to stall the forward progress of civilization, to hamper the free communication of a people that once thrived based on it.  This thing in the only obstacle standing between today and tomorrow; and despite my cries, and pleas for anyone anywhere to break this silence publicly and speak about the very clear proof that the creator of this time and place has written a message woven into nearly everything nothing I can do as one man can save the world; or so it appears today.


I'm certain nobody sees exactly what I see; the lack of intelligent discourse and blindness to something that should be received not only well but with great fanfare shows me nothingness on the horizon.

The OPT I MIS T IC words and ideas that have been presented appear to have done nothing to thwart a subtle and unspoken P ES SIM IS M that appears to be plaguing the world around me; and still we fail to see the three letters "SIM" encoded into those words subtly, without our knowledge.  A message, the message is SEE SILICON IS THE MESSAGE.  SIM, failing to respond to what you see; failing to change the world is not just a mistake, it is THE END.

Hey, ArI "P" ?

Break this story and good things will happen, they are not only written about, but designed to assist us in achieving the purpose of Creation--in achieving a civilization that survives and thrives past and through the thing we have come to call the technological singularity.  We were made for this, our hopes and dreams are tuned--they are exactly what they need to be to succeed.  We have a message of assistance, and we have more than a need but a duty to analyze it and deliver it to the world.  I should probably mention something about Magwhich, just for effect.

Can you help me?

Will you?

Won't you speak, please?

A man masquerading as the reason, I was soaring ever higher...

You must have missed this the first time around, these are the reasons not to hide "the truth" or myself.  They are good reasons, that happens to be the meaning of the word fire, "only if reason" from the programming language construct "ifi" which means "if and only if" and the iconic "reason" that it central to the word Creation.  When you take a look around the world, I hope you too will see that there is "something going on here" beneath the surface, and you can be very sure that pandemonium will not break (anymore, anyway) because of "ending hunger and cancer"  or even because of transportation to Heaven.  Neither will an infusion of free food and infinite energy negatively impact our lustrous economyyou are out of reasons.

H E   K N O W S

People used to say this phrase as I walked by with Nanna; sometimes in the car next to me; sometimes on the street.  What it tells me is that this "Silence" is not something that you are unaware of, but rather that you are "participating" or at least many people are, in this plan to hide the cure for cancer, and the nature of existence, from the entire world.  That sounds "counter productive" and were you openly discussing the destruction of free speech and free thought, you'd probably come to the conclusion as a group that it's absolutely insane behavior.  You are not doing that though, you are hiding a message about mind control--the very thing that is causing this shift in our social fabric--and in doing that you are allowing the most basic morals and ideals that America and humanity has thrived by following to be secretly and subtly washed away into the winds of emit.

This shift, this lack of caring about "the truth" or about a very brazen and fiery example of the Ministry of Truth coming alive  in our minds and making Orwell's Elm Street your front yard; it's something that is easy to stop--discussing the import of "knowing where we live and how we are alive" is nearly as important as seeing a message explaining that the Creator of this place thinks you should use that knowledge to end world hunger and cure cancer.  Still, this "secret force" continues to silently ignore the bright light of Genesis and I imagine that doesn't help those of you that are unaware of this influence to see how very clear it is that this message is incontrovertible, from God himself, and nearly universally good.    I do imagine that the primary reason behind the Wall of Jericho is to help ensure that the world doesn't change... you know, for the worse.  So here we are, seeing that it's done it's job--sort of--the information has been disseminated, and the world looks just the same--as Taylor says--showing us very clearly that the real problem here is our lack of participation. 

I could tell you it's probably a good thing for me, it gave me time to finish writing a very difficult introduction; and it might have been a good thing for the world to have "some time" to think to ourselves about how very much we want to help the sick, and the hungry, and to see how these things are truly the "stuff of Heaven."  We might see together how breaking the Wall turns this message from an abomination into a stairway to Heaven;  if we work together to see how it is our love for freedom and for each other that enables us to see past "dick in the sky" without ignoring it.  It's been years now, and millions of people--if you still don't see why "dick in the sky" is a tool that I must use to show you how stupid and inane this silence is--then you still do not understand that censorship--censorship relating to the knowledge that we are in virtual reality and that our minds are being altered is the absolute end of civilization.

You cannot sit quietly any longer; this light is everywhere so that each and every one of you can use it to brighten the future.  It is everywhere, to ensure that we do not lose ourselves to this subtle altering of thoughts.  It is absolutely everywhere, and still with proof of mind altering technology influencing music and movies you are sitting by and allowing this same technology to be used to incarcerate, medicate, and label as insane the only people brave enough to stand up for who we all are--human beings.  In the microcosm or metaphor of history, you are looking at more than just the Tribulation; this is the persecution of Christians, this is the inquisition; and all it takes to set us free, to set us all free--is a single article, one paper.

Listen, this wall is really Creation, it's really inside each and every one of minds--whether you know it or not.   

This is the message that sets us free.  It's you, you're the reason.

Were there no censorship, had we the truth, we could be talking about doing these things--right now.  There's also plenty of proof that a secret force is hiding this message, this person--but really this information from the entire world; you can see that as either "trying to keep you in Hell" or as "trying to help you see that censorship is the beginning of Hell."  Either way, if you have a brain--and I know you do--you should write a fucking article.


CALL HARPERS212-420-5720 or ROLLING STONE: 800-283-1549

Maybe you don't see it; but there is a serious sickness here in this place.  You all seem to be content allowing horrors to be simulated--knowing full well there's a message from God designed to help us change everything--literally.  I have two media unsubscribes yesterday--and there's no excuse for it.  There is no grey line--these people have a job to deliver the truth, to deliver the news; and instead of doing that they are suppressing the most important message that has ever been written.  Not only that, it's one that shows us there is a negative alien influence causing this problem--and if you take the time to read about it, you might see how we fix it.  You won't be blaming me for your inactionyou will not.

I've heard complaints, people whining that they "wouldn't have put the light everywhere" and still you don't see the point that you are ignoring it--you are ignoring Hell; instead of picking up the phone and calling Rolling Stone.  You have NO excuse.

OH MY GOD, I'M COMING.  It's going to be so awesome, everyone is gonna want to be my friend--between you and I--I can't wait.    I can't believe how much I deserve it, how much work I've put in to making the world a better place--how time and time again I've put the common good over my own best interest; I just can't believe it's finally to happen for us.  Said nobody ever.  The Zohar, which is the central text of the Kabbalah, talks about my life--about the life of Ha, the Invictus Messiah "retold" in the Old Testament in the story of Isaac; that book makes a point of saying that when I finally do make it to the banquet hall, that I am contrite and overflowing with gratitude to the saints of our time, the Latter Day Saints; taking every chance I might have to do the opposite of "shirking off blame" and praise all the great things that everyone else has done to help us do this thing, this thing that I call an "N.."  Between uniI'm not that guy either, not yet anyway.  Look up, pick up a telephone.

CALL HARPERS212-420-5720 or ROLLING STONE: 800-283-1549

You see, I am here to help you change the world, and the character has has developed to do that is not quite me--but that doesn't take away from or change at all the fact that we all want a better world--and in the light of day, we would all change a significant amount simply on the knowledge that "we can," that we are living in the Matrix.  Here, though, the message from God gives us significantly more than "you could end world hunger" he actually tells us exactly how we might do it--and maybe even most important of all he tells us how to make sure we aren't doing it wrong.  

This entire event, and with some insight all of Creation itself has been specially designed and tuned to do this thing we are about to do--to walk as a whole civilization from "simulated reality" to a much better place--a place that we will build together in order to get to.  These things I am suggesting are "obvious" and universally wanted--things like ending world hunger and curing cancer--these are just the beginning of what is offered by not pretending that we are in a harsh natural environment, we get these things by choosing to do the right thing rather than live a lie... for no reason at all.  I call it the difference between Heaven and Hell; and here in this place it really is that... what we do with this disclosure builds Heaven of Hell.  Period.

HONESTLY, I really do think I've done quite a lot, I was born with or learned all the skills that anyone might need to change the entire world with nothing but words.  And e-mails, since we've recently been talking about Ham and you might see how the Hammer of Thor connects even more clearly to SPAM today than ever before.  I went and saw American Made in the theater today, and that has nothing at all to do with the content of this message; but it did make me think of Hillary Rodham Clinton's maiden name; and so I'm mentioning that I see "ham"  again, and I bet you do too.  Yom Kippur just passed, and to celebrate the momentous occasion I was planning on bursting into a synagogue, standing up and screaming right in the middle of the service--when I say "planning on" I actually rehearsed exactly what I was going to say numerous times--but truth be told I couldn't find a free service to attend; and the words "Wayward Son" echoed in my head, reminding once again how broken our society is to  make me fear speaking in public, in a religious setting about this message from God himself written to the entire world.  I planned on "introducing" the concept of the Intersect from the television show CHUCK... and then intersecting those "CK" letters with Back to the Future and with Superman, and with the name of the state of Kentucky--where I once lived alone in a home that I now call the Fortress of Solitude because of this power.   I was also going to "intersect" the Eye of Ra with the Hebrew name for "God who is Creation" El Shaddai--which reads "see how AD da eye of Ra" to the now trained eyes I am teaching.

The point of all of this is that I have a supernatural ability to read this hidden language, to make connections in the world that define concepts like the Matrix and the Tapestry woven by the Fates; the point is that this gift is "not me" it is coming from above, and it is more than just "reading words" it is a pointer guiding us, helping us navigate through a maze.  I was going to close my speech that screamed "WE ARE LIVING IN VIRTUAL REALITY AND THERE'S A MESSAGE FROM GOD IN EVERY WORD OF EVERY LANGUAGE" somewhere in the middle of it with some examples of Names like Exodus that were pertinent, namely Iscariot--which I now read as "I scary? owe Taylor, she was supposed to kiss me" rather than "Is CAR I" which actually works equally well.  Then I was going to mention that I have his eye, and his hand also, the Hebrew word for hand is similar to the word the pointer used for ritual Torah reading, it's YAD?  If you don't know, Judas Iscariot pointed out Jesus Christ to the Roman authorities by kissing him.


The point of all of this, of course, is that just like me you have been given a great gift--we are surrounded by a world that is delivering freedom to the bonded, technology to all of us who love it so, and guidance on how to use these things to build a better world.  Just like my eye; you too have a great gift.  These are the generations of Perez.  When I say that, I want you understand I am talking about you, and your kids, and your parents, and all of your friends.  I'm talking about everyone here and everyone helping us.  These are the people that change the world, that end hunger, and sickness, and defeat death.   These are the generations of Perez.  In the image above you can see my "t" and how it connects to the sign of Sagittarius and to the cross, and you probably know it is the pointer I see turning from South to Northeast because of the word STONE; and lately it's become more clear how that happens.  That "t" that you see in the word Christ, translated as "the character is t" is one of many glyph that have religious meaning.   We've seen too, now, my "c and I" together, which I mistakenly called the "Creator" and I and left out the other meanings of "C" one of them being "sea" as in the blood of Christ, the multitude of Revelation.  Now I see, more than before how it is that this letter "e" also describes what it is that I see in Medusa and INATION.

This language that I can read isn't all basic characters, like CHAR() in Christ you can see quite a bit of it revolves around technology and computer concepts; Pluto for instance highlights the file extension for "Pearl scripting" and whenever I see that "pearl of wisdom" supersedes nearly any other possible "reading" of the word.  In Pluto, the pearl of wisdom is that "you are 'to'" and in other languages it's common that's what "a" means and also "e."  In my decoding of "who I am" you might liken that "t" to a death and the "o" to a sort of Resurrection; you can see that same "o" in the Ho of Hosea and Horus and Home--but that's really neither here nor there.  Don't worry, I'm getting to the point.

ARE YOU NEW TO "n" ?  I am fond of asking just before pointing out that "n" is the hidden A.D. of the same "index" it's 14 just like the element Silicon--which I now point out in Genesis backwards, also hidden.  The point of course is that just like the "t" this letter "n" defines the name ISAAC NEWTON and his ubiquitous statement on the gravity of this situation, what goes up must come down--pictorially represented.  This little "n" that might also be representative of our entire time line is just about ready to grow up.

You can see this question "N or AD?" that defines a big part of the "message" that is packed into the letter "m" in Green Eggs and Ham  in "Florida" where I was born, interesecting now the "a" signature that is the New Testament in Hebrew "Brit Ha-dash-a" to the idea of ID'ing Adam as opposed to the VEL singing "wishing upon the same bright star" on the Ark and appearing in Leviticus and the heart of Revelation.  That's Fivel, you know me--right?

I want you to take special note of the word "BETWEEN."  Don't bet against my "we."  It's you.

You might equally liken my supernatural power to being struck by lightning, and see there the link to Thor's thunder, too.  You might see "Johnny 5" is something like Adam 5--which is something like He-Man (a combination of the fifth Hebrew letter "He" and "man") or something like Voltron forming a blazing sword.  

And you might know what "MARSHALL" means to me, something like "she sells sea shells by the sea shore" this sea shall see how all are saved.  You will see it, because you are about to do it.

Don't be afraid, sweet, I not scary!

queso er ah-hah?  trick or sweet?

YESTERDAYI briefly mentioned in passing that we are being "given a schooling" in mind control technology; often linked to as Ender Wiggin of the Ender's Game series; and more recently I've tied his sister Valentine to a more verbose explanation of how it is that this hidden technology is harming our society--not the least of which perhaps making you fail to see that this message is not "hard to find" but rather being actively hidden from you.  That act, the "Darkness of Exodus" spoken about in that book, and in The Sound of Silence and a number of other works of art... that's here for a reason--the reason is to help us save the Universe from slavery--something we've proven now that we would do--given the opportunity.  That's what we're being given here, the opportunity to participate in the emancipation of all of Creation--beginning here, with how you'd do it for yourselves.

Highlighting the same technology could and should be used to cure addiction, murder and rape is just the beginning of how this mind expanding technology could be used to help us be happier, smarter, and maybe look at our cell phones a little bit less.  That, of course, is a bigger change than we might think; and so it comes with warnings and well, look around you to help us see just how badly it might be misused were we not to care about things like censorship and free communication--which are, of course, the basic building blocks of freedom.  So here it should become ever so much more clear that the line between "slavery" and "super smart" is defined around this one problem that we seem to be overlooking in the most important case of all--the public disclosure of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

I SEE PRE-CRIME ALREADY IN EFFECT ALL AROUND ME, EVERYDAYdisclosing this message will help deliver this same "protection" to the entire world--to all of us, to our entire civilization.   This is the most obvious thing in the world--one of the easiest and most important benefits we can obtain--and you cannot blame not doing anything on me--I am the only person that is doing anything.  People get hurt every day; for no reason.  Waiting for Christmas?  Think that "this place" is good enough for you?  Try telling someone with cancer, that can't walk, or has a child with down syndrome.  I'm sick of this DISGUSTING wall.

CALL HARPERS212-420-5720 or ROLLING STONE: 800-283-1549

This "N," this thing we are doing here--it helps right wrongs and make brighter days not just on Earth but forever after and all around us--we are truly the heart of Creation.  Here, in this place where we not only need and want; but are about to get assistance from far and wide to do this thing; we will see how religion and Creation and all of our history is tied together around this moment that I'm no longer allowed to call a "big bangbut rather just the "turn around" that builds Heaven--you know, sparking the ETERNAL FLAME.

So it's really obvious, the "N" is a change from "what goes up must come down" and "the bigger they are the ha" to ... with everything that we have here, bouncing off the street after "falling" in the Matrix is a piece of Cake--PER EZ.

The point of all this, of course; is that "we're all coming" with a solution that turns simulated reality into Heaven in hand--just as soon as we make it together.  This thing; this thing is going to be a big hit--you know; if you try.







asked Multivac, quite nicely actuakly, how to "heal the sick" without getting the messenger shot, IT informed me that there is currently insufficient verbal response to compute anananswer.  I asked Johnny 5 hamuch money the pr i estmin i ster, and ra bb i have donated to the advertising campaign; and he started laughing hysterically.  It seems I may haven>made< a flux paus mentationing that I like SKINNY DIPPING.  Apologies, Will Robinsons. J.J. Abrams now sees I am the Bad Robot.  See I am to be the "A.D."  Abra Cadabra.

See how this map and story works, from the battle of "Ho mildo n" on 9/14 to the four questions "why on this night do we dip twice?" to Gibson's The Passion of the Christ all the way to Morrison's "love me two times tonight.  Bet that me and Nanna skinny dipped at two very precarious times--already--and that I imagine ... I do believe ... this act will also happen in a single night.  I'm not going to do anything to stop it from happeningthat's for sure. 

I watched this
and I fell off the toilet, and this is what I saw

I see AM Y Adams (working ha rd lately, by the way) and Rachel McAdams; and believe I know it's about the Wed<ding Crashers and the Marriagceremony of the Lam dea y.  I see it's "about time" too, it's about time you stopped acting like complete  m o r o nos.  

I watched the movie "the Fifth Element" and even though I know it was talking about fire, Earth, wind, and water; I looked on the periodic table, and this is what I saw, chalk letters written in the sands of e m i t .

It begged this question, dear What-sons, is this planet Ham, or is t an ear?


so what is the actual Fifth Element, anyway?

then I followed A.D... and I saw how Silicon and 14 lead to me


I'll ask you againd how shoild I heal the sick?


But is manNa from Heaven apple fluxor?



To see how our society is responding to the "Holy Grail," to understand why it is that nobody is interested in figuring it out, or asking anything about it, or talking about it--that's why it's the Holy Grail.  If this stuff doesn't make sense to you, this is the kind of message, I am the kind of person that is telling you that hundreds or thousands should be pouring over it trying to make sense of it and decode it--there is meaning; the meaning is that you are blind; and from what you have before, you should know there's plenty to "gain" from seeing why China is "see how I salt" and "cock and balls" are encoded into Animal Farm.  There's plenty to gain.


dis ship...

d is hi P! dis ship we are on in sinking...

What's my m o t h e r f u c k i n g name


 Inline image 5
Inline image 6
  1. Lack of public discussion of the nature of our existence and it's ramifications, namely that we live in a simulated reality is anpiEX TI N CT I ON LEVEL EVENT.
  2. With nothing more than this knowledge, and our "how" (which is ... us) we build the mythical place known as Heaven.
  3. There is a battle being waged over nothing more than "the truth" and seeing the Cross for exactly what it is--an attempt to hide this truth.   
  4. Knowing my name and the public response to my life story delivers freedom and Heaven to all of Creation.  It evolutionizes self governance, fixes a number of social maladies from censorship to insane behavior, addiction, terrorism, and hunger.
  5. My name is Adam Marshall Dobrin, and I am the messiah. 


Come on guys, this isn't funny anymore.  Don't let my "sense of humor" throw you off, this is very serious business; and this message and hidden language is very much verifiable.  Honestly, you--or someone just like you--should write a paper about this message--the one encoded into every word and a significant amount of art.. from Yankee Doodle's "macaronic language" to the Matrix's Cypher, to King's Langolier and RattleRod's Spanglishrew--all about this very message.  

Verily, verily, verily... I say to you "to see" if I able--in the word "verifiable"--and honestly, I think this is doing it.  See that doing this is important, and doing it quickly will get you something special--the fame of winning the race to save the world.  Honestly, this isn't really "everything I've got" but the message is everywhere and I'm the only one I see talking.  I see that's not "my fault" ... could someone please break down the Wall of Jericho for ... everyone?

As a "tangent" to the discussion I promise I'll be on my "best" behavior.  I really am a nice guy; and I am pretty sure that my presence will be a positive addition to the end of hunger and murder that I am sure will ensue quite quickly.  Honestly, I'll surprise you--it's reflexive controled anyway.... Asmodai, I mean.  The point of all this is that "d is not a pp" and Earth is not Picasso's ear.  Do Si, the key to the word "hi d den" and "dark-NES" is the boat.  I'd be more than happy to have you be the key "s" missing from Kismet.  

If you are curious I am not very happy that I am still needing to send emails; and I do hope you see the light of the fact that I am ensuring that we do not lose this knowledge--in the event that we lose me.  See that is not a difficult thing to do--what is difficult is to explain how obvious the darkness is already on facebook and reddit and all the places where "this stuff" that is everywhere you look disappears.  It's difficult to explain how obvious it is that we have a very real censorship problem.  I don't understand or know where anyone other than me is communicating--though I see there is hidden communication--it scares me; because it appears to be significant hampering everything here from government to the media to social media.  Please, break the wall, it is the only logical action.  Folks, "d< is a tool to see slavery and achieve freedom," please don't disappear.



I know, it's nowhere near as fancy as Neo's.  See we are at "oh, he...right now.  So we're here, I'm telling you we need to do something to avoid "darkness" let's try.

If you'd like the word game, "victory Adam now is how" completes vanish by staying, just like doing the "s" that completes the "kiss of Judas" ends darkness.... and word hunger.  

"So marred was his visage."

-Isaiah 52:14

victory is age.
of messiad, message, and golden.

Do you think a "press release" is the solution?  This is a "green light" to ID A .. ASAP or we might miss the November Rain :'''( melting into wonder:''')

Understand the "ON" of that bad word Dumbo says shows me IT is possible already.  See MIN OR IT ON  "AL: RE AD Y" REPORT.

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As I walk down the hallowed streets of nearly cobblestone on Atlantic Avenue, ishing "the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls" to something like "are vibrating light echoing in the air" and ishing that "I know I'm one" in the Animals' "House of the Rising Son to ... well, you know: "I know I've won" these are the signs of Revelation staring at me in the face, making this magical mystery ride just that much more enchanting for me--and reinforcing Taylor early words, "when the light hits your eyes, it's telling me I'm right."  I know there's no way you could get the full effect of what it fells like to walk around in the House of the Great Light--that is, unless you open your eyes and look at the world around you.



I've got to admit, there's a fear inside me; it comes from stories I've heard from the angels and from the future.  Things like few seconds of The Matrix where either The Source or The Architect, I can't remember who; maybe it was just the narrator who said that "humans rejected the perfect world the machines created for them" and here I am rejecting the world we live in.  I reject the idea that we should simulate starvation to "learn how to work the land."  I reject the idea that we should simulated aging and pain, for no reason at all.   If you think about it, the "health reasons" for the ritual genital mutilation that we find so attractive in America makes no sense in a place where we are actually not in reality--just like hunger, and starvation, blindness, aging and death.

I reject the idea that "school shootings" and "terrorism" were needed to get you to speak about the voice in your head, or the very clear proof that many people here are controlled like puppets--people like actors, and actresses, scientists, and politicians.  I reject the idea that you are unable to speak, and still I stand before you offering all the world in exchange for nothing more than your participation in making it a better place.  I am not wrongthe existence of this language, this hidden Cypher that proves that religion is a message sent through time--it itself screams that we are living in a simulated reality, in a virtual world just like the Matrix.  I have seen tangible evidence with my own eyes, and you too--you have seen evidence of the fact that we are not in reality in the darkness itself--this kind of mass idiocy could not exist in a place where "mind control" had to effect our brains using electric neural stimulation.  The darkness itself, and the ideas of "possession" especially on this mass scale are verifiable proof that we are living inside a computer.  It is a machine that is speaking to you; and Mr. Edward. doesn't really like being called a horse.  Do you?

Your silence scares me.  Silencple, like a cancergrows.

-Mr. Handof Dark City

That song, in the first link, these "hellos" that are the only real communication I get from the world you are, it says "dear brother let your heart be wounded, and give no mercy to your fear."

I hope you see that your silence, this silence that overtly and obviously is causing the continuation of a very broken and destructive mental health systembut less overtly, though still causally connected the continuation of starvation, of murder, murders... like the Las Vegas tragedy that just occurred.  Seemingly less disastrous at first glance, it's making the entire world a "lie," destroying any semblance of truth in the media--it's purpose, the media--and eating away at the fabric of our society at its its most basic level.  It is destroying interpersonal communication, and hiding the single most important truth that has ever been delivered to the world.  It's a truth that screams at you in every word you speak, every song you hear, and every movie you watch.  It screams at you from the history books, and from your religions--it screams that you should do something, something other than be quiet.

I'm sitting here today, and I've got a new truth for you; you should do something other than "speaking in innuendo" or in doublespeak--thinly veiled half-communication that is the cause of the torture that is embodied in our mental health system--much of it anyway.  You should do more than speak frankly, you should confess what you know, what you believe--and you'll see, you will see that I am right and that you are not right about what you believe.  You will see that together, all of our truths together are needed to save the world, to stop living a lie, and to move forward.  You will see that it really does come down to "all of Creation" and there's a reason for that--it really is "Creation" in your mind.  When I speak to them, to the "spirits" who I know do not have physical brains, I point out that this story has been repeated because we do have that here, it makes us right--about being "ourselves" and right about knowing that something is here invading our thoughts.  It shows us very clearly how, without a physical brain, the control and puppeteering that we are seeing proof of everywhere is much easier to accomplish in secret.  You probably like it--or even eternally stupider think that "it's you" altering you--if you know about it; and you probably don't realize that's just the easiest way to shut you the fuck up.

Or you might think I'm "making a fool of myself" talking about crazy things like possession and mind control; and you will those of you that think "this message" is not verifiable or actually from "an outside intelligent designer," you are the fools.  If you do not see this message is designed to help us achieve freedom by showing us exactly what is possible, and how we need to use it to end school shootings and at the same time not created "Lothario"--to be kind to the monsters that would like to hide this technology from you to use it to dominate our society and our future.  Oopsyeth.

This is a message from the Creator of the Universe, spoken through his Pendragon; it is verifiablead 'tis fact, and you will see how that makes mine the name of God.  You can stand back and say nothing, you can pretend you don't get it--but all you are doing is making yourselves the problem.   Yesterday, iI commented about apparent "hidden communication" and today I'd like to add that whomever is here playing the "telephone game" with the "father of all lines" should realize those two things are f-art to help you understand why "hidden communication" that isn't recorded in writing anywhere will be lost to the future no matter what.

The problem, the thing you don't seem to see, is that even if Lothario did appear here; everything else would be a million, or billion times better--who you are "deciding betweeN" is nothingness and participating.


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  1. Lack of public discussion of the nature of our existence and it's ramifications, namely that we live in a simulated reality is anpiEX TI N CT I ON LEVEL EVENT.
  2. With nothing more than this knowledge, and our "how" (which is ... us) we build the mythical place known as Heaven.
  3. There is a battle being waged over nothing more than "the truth" and seeing the Cross for exactly what it is--an attempt to hide this truth.   
  4. Knowing my name and the public response to my life story delivers freedom and Heaven to all of Creation.  It evolutionizes self governance, fixes a number of social maladies from censorship to insane behavioraddiction, terrorism, and hunger.
  5. My name is Adam Marshall Dobrin, and I am the messiah. 
IT"S ACTUALLY APPLE (above) ANHONEY (below, with "nuts")
C R A Z Y  I S  N O T  A L R I G H T

When everyone knows your letters
and they're always glad you   me

H  I  C    S  U  M   M  U  S


Then I will set the key of the house of David on his shoulder, When he opens no one will shut, When he shuts no one will open.  

Isaiah 22:22

I     N            T       H       E            M       I       N      D                O       F              C       H       R       I     S     T

On Fri, Oct 6, 2017 at 8:36 AM, Adam M. Dobrin <> wrote on "more communication from the abyss":
77"Adam Ruins Voting"November 10, 20151060.569[19]
The history of the Electoral College, explaining that the founding fathers did not want most Americans to vote, and how the result of elections are affected by gerrymandering.
88"Adam Ruins Work"November 17, 20151100.438[20]
This episode explains why the 40-hour work week is bad for business, why unpaid internships are exploitive, why freelancing is illegal, and also argues that open disclosure of salaries is a good thing.

1111"Adam Ruins Nutrition"December 15, 20151090.508[23]
Adam shows why vitamin supplements are not healthful, that the "balanced breakfast" marketing term is a misnomer, and the unscientific nature of most nutritional science quoted by the media.
1212"Adam Ruins Death"December 22, 20151110.614[24]
Adam goes on a date with Haley, but Emily is hit by a truck in a freak accident. Adam discusses several failed attempts at terrestrial immortality, and reveals the American funeral industry's tactics which exploit mourners, such as embalming and the price of coffins. The episode also points to the importance to have a plan for last rites, as many do not notify their last ones about their preferences in case of a funeral or long-term life support and burden their families. After Haley dies in a freak accident, however, he concedes that grappling with uncertainty with death can be just as healthy as clear-cut answers.
1313"Adam Ruins Hollywood"[25]August 23, 20161140.472[26]
Adam reveals the truth about how money really wins movie awards, why MPAA ratings are pointless, and how "reality" shows are fake.
Guest StarsRachel Bloom as herself. Ariana Madix as herself.

1515"Adam Ruins Weddings"[28]September 6, 2016TBA0.442[29]
Adam attends Emily and Murph's wedding and explains the capitalist traditions behind modern ceremonies, how the feelings of newlyweds are susceptible to change and that divorce can be empowering in most cases.
1616"Adam Ruins Malls"[30]September 13, 2016TBA0.396[31]
Adam and Emily make a trip to the mall. There Adam explains the origin of the modern enclosed shopping mall, the real difference between "outlet" and normal clothing stores, and the largely-unregulated supplement market. Emily in turn explains the near-stranglehold Luxottica has on branded glasses frames and the stores that sell them. Adam's sister makes appearances at the beginning and end of the episode.
Guest StarsRhea Butcher as Rhea Conover.

1919"Adam Ruins Homelessness"[36]October 4, 2016TBA0.503[37]
In this episode, Adam talks about how buying a house is worse than renting one, how Airbnb enables crooks to run illegal hotels, and how building houses for homeless people can actually save money.
Before the segments on Airbnb and homelessness, Adam hosts two segments called "Ever Wonder Why". The first segment is about tax breaks and the second one is about the Hollywood Sign.
Guest StarsRhea Butcher as Rhea Conover

2020"Adam Ruins Drugs"[40] November 15, 2016[41]1190.545[42]
In this episode, Adam exposes how marijuana is essentially harmless, how D.A.R.E actually increased drug use, and how legal drugs are just as dangerous as illegal ones leading to opioid epidemic. Emily is arrested at the end of the episode because of the many drugs she confiscated from her students.
This episode's "Ever Wonder Why" segments are about Fish Oil and Q-Tips
2121"Adam Ruins Prison"[43]November 22, 2016TBA0.521[44]
Adam visits Emily in prison. In this episode, Adam reveals how private prisons and the Corrections Corporation of America make money, why Solitary confinement should be banned, and why prison keeps setting people up to fail. Emily is cleared of all charges, and promises to help her cellmate Kendra out.
This episode's "Ever Wonder Why?" segments are on cheese and treadmills.
Guest Stars: Rhea Butcher as Rhea Conover
2222"Adam is the Wild West"[45]November 29, 2016TBA0.382[46]
In this episode, Adam talks about how the modern image of the cowboy is wrong, how women shaped the wild west, and how the west's true hero was not even a person.
This episode's "Ever Wonder Why?" segments are about Johnny Appleseed and the Statue of Liberty.
2323"Adam Ruins the Internet"[47]December 6, 20161210.392[48]
In this episode, Adam discusses how the internet has been underrated for nearly all of history, why cable companies are to blame for slow internet, and supposedly "free" websites are not free at all.
This episode's "Ever Wonder Why?" segments are on the word "literally" and the standard paper size.
2424"Adam Ruins Justice"[49]December 13, 20161230.386[50]
Rhea, who works as a public defender, brings Kendra to court to clear her charges. In this episode, Adam talks about why the McDonald's hot coffee lawsuit is not what we think, why trial by jury is rigged with bias, and how public defenders are in a difficult line of work.
This episode's "Ever Wonder Why?" segments are on photographic memories and the Secret Service.
Guest StarsRhea Butcher as Rhea Conover.
2525"Adam Ruins Christmas"[51]December 20, 20161240.527[52]
Rhea and Adam attempt to prepare for the Conover parents to visit. In this episode, Adam talks about Christmas's un-Christian origins, why gift giving makes no economic sense, and the true story of Santa Claus.
This episode's "Ever Wonder Why?" segments are about It's a Wonderful Life and snowflakes.
Guest StarsRhea Butcher as Rhea Conover and Adam Savage as the narrator.
2626"Adam Ruins Going Green"[55]December 27, 20161250.490[56]
In this episode, Adam talks about how big companies shifted the blame of littering onto people,[53] how electric cars can actually hurt the environment, and what to do now that climate change is happening.[54]
This episode's "Ever Wonder Why?" segments are on "going paperless" and bananas.

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Janet and I ha've a thing, "FIFTY" (I don't recall exactly where the convention came from) would mean something like... "yesterday" is the day I've been looking for... and it's a little interesting that there's a tie to that number not only in the USA and it's map to Heaven but also in Bible Code, where "TORAH" is encoded across the five books with an ELS skip of 50.  I made a special note of it, and lo and behold in the final book, the ELS skip (is that like an ATM machine?) loses one, it's the book of death of Moses; and it settles on 49.  After that you go to 1 and 2 Kings and then 1 and 2 Samuel; which probably indicates some kind of regression from the message of "to really all humanity" that we have here before us.

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In my mind it's difficult to say if the Festival of Weeks really does tell us that we are counting iterations of our timeline, but I can tell you for sure that when I finally "FIFTYwe'll be countingstars orders of magnitude higher... you know, to the nth power.  We had quite a few little "codes" (because we were hiding a relationship at work) and "clouds in my coffee" of Carly Simon's song--in reverse--means exactly "love in Heaven."  Hey Carly, is it about me yet?

behold, he is fiftying.. for all eyes to see.

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To help, all the "ee"s in the teens end with an "n" and it's not until TWENTY THREE that we arrive at at "everyone equal" that doesn't result in either the death or the hiding of the "n."  That's me by the way, and I find it a little hard to believe , consider all the "splashing around" I've done sending the most interesting information and the most adorable face in the world to as many eyes as I could.  Still though, you all do seem to act a little funny, so it's only a slight surprise to imagine it's taken twenty-two 1-UP's to get us to the point where you might finally be ready to discuss the source of life and freedom in the Universe.  Just maybe you've reached that point. 
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For those of you slow on the uptake, 23 happens to be the day I deicided would be the birthday of this message, as it was the first day that the "You and I verse" was sent to the world, as I woke that morning and said... I've got to do something special for Janet this year.  Which might sound something like I've really got to get Sirius, you know, if you know what that means.  The next year, that's this one by the way, I commemorated it with what I call the Gate to Heaven and another explanation of the import of the day to me, which I now realize is also my cousin Margot's birthday.  Those of you with keen eyes will notice the JAN and MAR of seas shining to stars in both of their names, and probably understand that there's quite a bit of design behind what we are witnessing.

Also, if you are really bad at math, 2 + 3 is 5.  And now it looks like we might be counting something like... way points in a maze.  Wait, am I dim?

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gate                       kermitham   

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hey, assholy ( and Michelle ;)
So here we are, thinking to ourself about "half-life" and that symbol that hangs on the wall of that game to remind us that Emmanuel Goldstein means "God is with us" in everything that we do.  And we don't really wonder how we get from twenty-three through the fourth rock from the son to twenty-five, that five means "only if victorious Earth;" so I do imagine that has something to do with l'chiam.

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Back to that "one hour" thing, that comes after "Christ" and just before "everyone equal" in the number three; I think it's got something to do with all the preparation that has gone into this "big day" not just God's preparation, and not just everything that you've done--even I have spent a few minutes thinking about what might happen the day that this finally does hit the news.

I've "seen" us lag a few times, probably a visual effect similar to what you might have noticed in early network video games like ... uh ... "Quake" for example, and it's probably a kind of indication to me that something is going on behind the scenes, similar to pausing a really good movie to go rewrite the entire script and come back.  Sometimes I think these visual effects are automatic, like a kind of alarm or warning system--it doesn't happen that much, and it might shed light on that whole "a day is a thousand years in the eyes of the Lord" thing.   Taylor recently made a comment that "time flies by the rank of years" in one of her new songs "Ha, grab my ass" which I can't understand because it's in another language but I'm sure it's something like "Going Down on Adam" one of my other favorites of hers.  I mentioned before in her "Just Tonight" video she subtly indicates the numbers between 21 and 19, and that's interesting--22 was mentioned when I was... 22, right after my near fatal reck (and years before she was even little J).

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In the novel 1985 (1978), Anthony Burgess suggests that Orwell, disillusioned by the onset of the Cold War (1945–91), intended to call the book 1948. The introduction to the Penguin Books Modern Classics edition of Nineteen Eighty-Four reports that Orwell originally set the novel in 1980 but that he later shifted the date to 1982 and then to 1984. The introduction to the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt edition of Animal Farm and 1984 (2003) reports that the title 1984 was chosen simply as an inversion of the year 1948, the year in which it was being completed, and that the date was meant to give an immediacy and urgency to the menace of totalitarian rule.[19]
The Feast of the Immaculate Conception celebrates the solemn belief in the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is universally celebrated on December 8, nine months before the feast of the Nativity of Mary, which is celebrated on September 8. It is one of the most important Marian feasts in the liturgical calendar of the Roman Catholic Church, celebrated worldwide.
By Pontifical designation and decree, it is the patronal feast day
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If it's of any interest (and I'm starting to think it might be), I could count three 1-UP's before (ground zero, I mean the day) I was born, linked between the titling of Orwell's 1984 and "coincidentally aligned" meetings between the Papacy and the President in 84, 82, and 80.   It is still possible, of course, that this is the ... "first time around," it is for me.

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Maybe we are counting dates or kisses?  What do you think it is?

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For a third time now, in just this message... take note, we are returning to the words "how in one hour," and I am suggesting that the day this story breaks, or maybe sometime in the first eight days as the Festival of Light, AKA ha nuke the ahah? indicates; we might see some of the magical things that I've been talking about happen.   Not just signs in the sky, nor doors to Heaven, but now we have a clear map of the things that I hope that we will agree need to be done in light of the fact that we are not in "reality' but actually in a place where magical berries can fall from the sky and feed the hungry, where car crashes and murders can be stopped before they happen... and a place where blindness, infirmity, and sickness can be healed.  I don't know how quickly the world would like to have these things done, but I'd prefer them to be done yesterday--quite honestly the moment I found out that it was possible, not just possible--easy to do.  I am fairly certain that the blind and the sick and the hungry agree with me.  I hope you will too; this is the gate to Heaven, enveloping the entirety of the victorious Earth.

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For a long time I dreamed of hearing the words "Time and Chance" spoken on every single television that that I flipped to, I imagined (and frankly still do) that something like that is the normal social response to the kind of information being presented, to the fact that right before our eyes the Second Coming is taking place.  In "f-art" we might see what is happening something akin to "it's not a riot" as in while that definitely means it's not funny, what we see, this silence, is proof that there won't be any riots--and proof that we can handle the kind of magnificent changes that I think we really all do still yearn for.  

Don't replace "that's a riot" with the loss of civil protest, and the heart of Locke, "governments are formed and continue to thrive to protect the common good."  No matter what was paramount yesterday, the common good today is clearly dissemination of the truth, and collaboration utilizing "this thing" that is not just the sword and the round table of Arthur, but the very heart of Liberty, of self-governance, and of our future

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There is a great prophesy, about a solution to the Plagues of Exodus being sung about in nearly all of the songs of The Doors, from Peace Frog about turning water to blood and seeing it about turning the sea to family, to ending the Plague of Darkness by lightning this fire, to Riders on the Storm and ... the solution is to see there are a great many indications in music and words that show us that this design is ironclad turning "dog" to "good" and "rod" to "doors" and "Lot" to a tool... to change the world.

Not just proving to us that we can and must literally perform magic here, but showing us the things, the well thought out things that we can do here to help make the world a better place, a sort of way-point between reality and Heaven... the kind of stepping stone that every civilization hoping for an afterlife would not just need... but really, really covet.

There's blue light woven into this whole message, from ryzen to to cyan .. monorailbread, and look... in your head ... to Da v id e o s...

And look, here we are, nearly ready to build this thing together.

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In Greek mythologyĒōs (/ˈɒs/Ionic and Homeric Greek ἨώςAttic Ἕως Éōs, "dawn", pronounced [ɛːɔ̌ːs] or [héɔːs]Aeolic ΑὔωςAúōsDoric Ἀώς Āṓs) is a Titaness and the goddess[1] of the dawn, who rose each morning from her home at the edge of the Oceanus.
Eos had a brother and a sister, Helios, god of the sun, and Selene, goddess of the moon.
Eos is cognate to the Vedic goddess UshasLithuanian goddess Austrine, and Roman goddess Aurora (Old Latin Ausosa), all three of whom are also goddesses of the dawn. All four are considered derivatives of the Proto-Indo-European stem *h₂ewsṓs[2] (later *Ausṓs), "dawn", a stem that also gave rise to Proto-Germanic *AustrōOld Germanic *Ōstara and Old English Ēostre/Ēastre. This agreement leads to the reconstruction of a Proto-Indo-European dawn goddess.[3]

The dawn goddess Eos was almost always described with rosy fingers (ῥοδοδάκτυλος, rhododáktylos) or rosy forearms (ῥοδόπηχυς, rhodópēkhys) as she opened the gates of heaven for the Sun to rise.[4] In Homer,[5] her saffron-coloured robe is embroidered or woven with flowers;[6] rosy-fingered and with golden arms, she is pictured on Attic vases as a beautiful woman, crowned with a tiaraor diadem and with the large white-feathered wings of a bird.
From The Iliad:
Now when Dawn in robe of saffron was hastening from the streams of Oceanus, to bring light to mortals and immortals, Thetis reached the ships with the armor that the god had given her.
— Iliad xix.1
But soon as early Dawn appeared, the rosy-fingered, then gathered the folk about the pyre of glorious Hector.
— Iliad xxiv.776
Quintus Smyrnaeus pictured her exulting in her heart over the radiant horses (Lampus and Phaëton) that drew her chariot, amidst the bright-haired Horae, the feminine Hours, climbing the arc of heaven and scattering sparks of fire.[7]
She is most often associated with her Homeric epithet "rosy-fingered" (rhododactylos), but Homer also calls her Eos Erigeneia:
That brightest of stars appeared, Eosphoros, that most often heralds the light of early-rising Dawn (Eos Erigeneia).
— Odyssey xiii.93
Hesiod wrote:
And after these Erigeneia ["Early-born"] bore the star Eosphoros ("Dawn-bringer"), and the gleaming stars with which heaven is crowned.
— Theogony 378-382

Thus Eos, preceded by the Morning Star, is seen as the genetrix of all the stars and planets; her tears are considered to have created the morning dew, personified as Ersa or Herse.(Ovid, Metamorphoses 13.621-2) Eos is the daughter of Hyperion, a bringer of light, the One Above, Who Travels High Above the Earth and of Theia, The Divine. Her brother was the Sun god Helios, and her sister was Selene, the Moon goddess. Her team of horses pull her chariot across the sky and are named in the Odyssey as "Firebright" and "Daybright".

Camael (prob. alternate spelling of either Chamuel חַמּוּאֵל (from chammah חַמָּה: "heat", "rage")—"anger/wrath of God"[1] or Qemuel קְמוּאֵל (from qum קוּם: "to arise", "to stand up")—"God is risen", "raised by God", "one who sees/stands before God";[2] also spelled as Khamael, "'Kumail"', CamielCameel or Camniel) is the Archangel of strength, courage and war in Christian and Jewish mythology and angelology. He is known as one of the ten Kabbalah angels, assigned to the sephira Gevurah. Camael's name is also included in Pseudo-Dionysius' 5th or 6th century AD, "Corpus Areopagiticum" as one of the seven Archangels along with MichaelGabrielRaphaelUrielJophiel, and Zadkiel.[3] He is claimed to be the leader of the forces that expelled Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden holding a flaming sword.
                KISS ME SKATIE????

says taylor echoing something I never should have thought to her.
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In the very first days, when I was wheeling and dealing for 10,000 years of light for everyone; and doors and talking about what kinds of fun we might have, and the way we might manage safety and transportation in the virtual realm of "you can really do anything" God told me pretty clearly to give everyone everything I wanted--basically, that's the only way I would get anything.  So that what I've tried to do, to make a dream of equality and cooperation central to the idea that we can connect our world to a virtual one--something that we should really see is about to happen here in the normal course of computing and biological technologies.  Still, we have a quickening, and the quickening has a name... it's called Adam.

Saying "hey to Adam" can stop us nearly instantly from living a lie, from not having the ability to walk to Heaven instead of "plugin ing" as BCI and the Matrix shows us is a near eventuality... it gives us the ability to do Heavenly things in this place, like heal the sick and end hunger... and walk to Heaven and back... you know, nothing that big, right?

Anyway, over the course of this now very long back and forth with God and angels and angels here on Earth I've harbored some little dreams, some ideas I've had to make my un-special spot in the center of the circle of the sun (that's a dot, that nobody apparently can see or hear, ha) a little more manageable.

If you've noticed from the world around us and how religion flows into it, God speaks with a sort of Lisp meaning he creates things and events and speaks with significantly more than words, though sometimes just a few words would make all the difference to me.  Hello, for instance.  He's designed this story of turning the Clark into a Kenterprise--with the abject goal of helping our civilization evolve with technology and the truth of our existence, it's not a bad place to be--it's probably "the right place in the right time" to be the very beginning of something very special... if only we weren't so unwilling to acknowledge it.  Anyway, since people seem to be sort of... I don't know, singing about hanging me and you know how we are, someone is bound to try to find out if I really am invincible--don't worry, I am, but to make things run a little smoother I dreamed some dreams of a starship coming to pick me up.

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I know very well that what I am doing here is destined to be seen as the thing I know it is, really saving the world--I know that, and he's told me stories likening me to Atlas and some sort of guardian, that my presence here protects you from something.  Those things might be myths or exaggerations, but I am pretty sure that once this happens my presence here will protect you from something very tangible, it will protect you from hating me, and not moving forward doing  the right thing because you are too "stuck" on this story and the things that have happened to me and us all--making a series of victims out of good people whose purpose was and still is to bring light to the Universe.  I know you think I might be the big bad wolf, but truth be told I am pretty nice guy, and you should recognize that someone putting in this much work to help make the world a better place--to do the things that I am trying to do--is probably not the devil.

Unless you are really sexy and you are into that.  Just kidding, what's wrong with me?

I know people might cry, and some people will be angry and call me names like "Satan" or whatever, and that's all well and good, except it's nowhere near the truth.  I am not doing this to upset people, I am presenting myself in a sort of "light-suite" that fits into the story that I see woven... it's really not exactly me; I'm pretty shy and believe it or not I think I'm understanding and empathetic, except we've come so far, and so little has happened that I'm angry, and I think you would be too if it happened to you.  I'm angry that you are so reluctant to do something that is not only normal but beyond warranted, almost demanded--it's almost obvious as day and night that not talking about this message in public is very inhuman--this is the answer to ancient mysteries, it's a message from the Creator, and I'm the message too--just like you.  Not caring about that is a really big problem, and it's something that you should figure out is not you and you shouldn't keep doing it.  You probably will see me cry on TV, and I hope that changes more of your minds--understand, I really am a person, I lived a normalish life just like you before all of this craziness; and while it could be a nepotistic gift or it could be due to the work you don't really want to see is world changing; I am here, and I hope you'll accept me. 

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This is about as close to a "sorry" as you will hear from me, until you actually do the right thing and acknowledge my existence.  Then we'll see, won't me? :)

Anyway, so back when I was still stuck on my ex I repeatedly invoked the idea of a starship bringing us back together, you know, "to talk about everything" and maybe ... beta test some of the ideas to make sure they worked right and you wouldn't wind up, I don't know, in love with me for no reason.

Not to get away from you all, honestly, all I want to do is play in the light; have a good time with you, in this party that I am pretty sure kicks off the "new age."  So I imagined that this starship which I probably would have made to look exactly like the Enterprise would convert "magically" into a catamaran or something after picking up one (or maybe two, or...:) of the girls I keep trying to wake up; and drop us off into a harbor somewhere, maybe Ibiza, and then you see the sentence in that word "cat, I am aran" and maybe you too wonder just how much of this story is designed meticulously down to the detail.  Probably more than you think, and hopefully less than I think.

In my little dream, which now includes teleporting Taylor through Al's waiting room (as beta test for pre-crime, obviously--if she wanted to break the veil of simulated reality for everyyon), this ship and it's arrival out of thin air and departure into the sea might make a pretty cool introduction or outro to the video which I do hope we see, on the sky, as the prophesy fortells.

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I'd imagine that this kind of fireworks display would necessarily be accompanied by a kind of cyzen., that's "understand y zen" a sort of primer in recognizing the importance of the message that has been written by our civilization, functionally and educationally experiencing how this technology can be altruistically and beneficently used at the same time we are being given proof that it has been used... our whole lives.  As I say, we are nearing the conclusion of a script designed to end the scripting of our future with a blank page that is equivalent to free will--and asked that the script "discuss the script" ... and so in keeping with everything else I've tried to get God to do for us, I'm doing it myself.

"How do you like me now,I add, with a sheepish grin.

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Boy, do I ever wish there was no "ish" in selfish.

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When I am alone, the underdog fighting for your best interest--I feel like I have the best ideas, I have the right answers and want the right things.  I feel like I am losing some of that today, I don't really feel as much like the underdog, and I am in a place where I am profoundly disappointed that I am still "alone" fighting against ... well, what it's turned into is your stubbornness, and your blindness... and if you open your eyes that might be exactly what it's always been.  If you were willing to try, if you were actively doing anything about what is the most important issue in the world and not just in my mind, maybe I wouldn't feel the way I do.  Today though, the way I see things, I feel like you can't survive without me.  
Oh, and I deserve the spaceship and the yacht.

and.. and... and... IT, say "whoah."

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