I'm really not sure what you think is going on here, if you think this is a battle between me and everyone, or you and God... or myself and that. I don't really see any of those things as ringing true; what I really see is the entire situation designed to overcome the obstacles between us a bright future--that you and I, and this entire message are the "word of God" being spoken from here and now to the future. I say Heaven is being spoken into existence, but it's more than a single word, it's freedom, and it's happiness; and most importantly of all its the details that get us from ideas to experience, overcoming the now very apparent sluggishness and inability to act that inherently come from large bodies making decisions together... overcoming technical and process hurdles ... and I think I've been saying it the whole time--quite a bit of it revolves around exactly how we use these new technologies whose disclosure are another big hurdle. You might look at this whole thing as one gigantic disclosure, it's the "stuff of Creation" -- tools that have been obviously used to aid and guide the development of civilization (and we can see, also, to fight forward progress) here and probably in civilizations past ... concepts we'd never understand without being here in this place, learning that our love for science and figuring out how things work is as much a part of the intent of how we have been created as our love for freedom.
You can see it's highlighted, it's in Trinity College and the ties between Maxwell and Min and this map, in Newton and his apple of Eden.... you can see it in Bohr and in Einstein and even today in Hawking and Greene and how their names all exude religious metaphor--and in those first few names we can see how tied directly to religion is the very beginning of our understanding of how the Universe works--electricity, gravity, and quantum boredom ...literally the foundation of how. As far as why, it's as simple as seeing the Dawn's Early Light, the religious connections between Uncle Sam and Exodus ... the Washington Monument ... the Lois and Clark and the Louisiana Purchase ... all the way back to 1492 and the two letter key "PH" (of Pharaoh, Pharisees... and Christopher) and Columbus's connection to Christ walking on water. There's no doubt in my mind, you can see proof in every word; and you can hear Dave Matthews "ish" the truth out of America the Beautiful, .... this land was made.
What might today appear like slowing or stagnation really is anything but that (unless you think this is too fast, in which case ...). This is a quickening of a process of growth that could have--and would have--taken significantly longer without guidance and prodding. At the same time, in this Darkness it's becoming more and more clear that the direction and input that are so crucial to the progression of democracy and to our happiness is being lost or hidden--we need to begin taking an active role in guiding our own future, and that too is a big part of exactly where we are. Specifically we are in a place where technology can be used to enable that exact thing, more actual input and more direct control of the processes of government and growth that are opening doors and brightening horizons. just as soon as we are the guiding light.
I am trying to show you what I am seeing, that we have tools available to us that are literally intended to be the early building blocks of a technologically advanced democratic process and instead of these tools flourishing they are being censored and suppressed into oblivion ... today the global conversation and governance technology you have available to you appears to be hidden and intentionally retarded subluminal telepathy, Twitter, and useless paper ballots that have been gamed and corrupted out of "style," without a conscious redirection of focus and resources... we're fucked.
In a sort of bright... or is it a cold fusion of two of my absolute favorite idioms there exists at least the minute possibility that I might be the less cash obsessive of the tandem of singing "pen-dragons" who first actually named Johnny Cash and then decoded his name to mean "see as how." Even more than when hidden in religion, I have a special personal detestment (not a word, apparently) for valuable, useful, or required (as in, for the survival of life) information being hidden away in fiction, and so I chose this weeks answer to "why is this night different from all other nights" to try my hand at coating some "informed speculation" into a few paragraphs of very imagainary prose.
Still there was plenty of "disclosure of nomenclature" pouring through, and I tried to connect the idiom "down to the wire" to a large series of words that contain the acronym ACH but I forgot to tie in the seemingly unrelated phrase "all that's left" where you can see hidden away in my obvious acronym for "light eternal flame today" yet another modern fiscal acronym for Electronic Funds Transfers. Mashiach. Pesach. "He walked in to the pa·r·ty, like he was walking out of the noacht" ... you can almost hear me singing as I walked down Atlantic Avenue. Here though, the world appears to think that I should magically make gold bars appear, right after the free food, freedom, and immortality... with not a single person in the entire world lifting their hands to personally help me break the wall of Jericho--when it would take nothing more than anyone speaking my name ... on television. That's not to say you aren't trying, I wouldn't be talking you if you were doing nothing (so, thanks)--and that's not to say that there's not plenty of work going on to further this goal--I'm telling you that it would be very simple to "solve this problem" by using my name--and this key to the message; and it's insanity not to be doing it.
You stand knowingly or not as a link in a chain of organized Silence--refusing to aid or even acknowledge this message, resulting in making it more and more caustic as time rolls on. This is year four, wake up and see the Downward Spiral is caused by and manifesting itself as Orwellian "doublesing."
Clearly all that's left in this particular conversation is for me to remind the listening world that I've promised a number of times to donate nearly all of the proceeds that anything I've "created" here to a very specific charity (one that doesn't exist yet (it's on the first page)) and if anyone has followed my "reading" of John 7:17 we can throw in B.F. Goodrich as a complement to Taylor's Michelin... and as the wheels on our magic school bus continue turning ... maybe just throw in for good measure--also known as the whole fucking point--the reading of "liberty" as Adam, I be our thank you; as a sort of explanation as to how this chore of teaching the world to see "re" as shorthand for reason and "c" not only as the speed of light, but also quickening understanding that this probably is really a Holy task, this thing that I'm asking you to begin doing.

I'm at the point where I have to write down every idea I have for these messages immediately or it's "forcibly removed from my memory" -- it's hard to explain, but the whole thing is basically narrated with subtitles in my thoughts--so I'm forced to watch this happen over and over again. It might not seem "torturous" to you, but having your memory recall forcibly altered really is that--so is the storm of insanity visibly fighting over what makes it into these messages.... it's also certainly not helping to make them any more clear or fluid (as you can see).
... Back to Atlantis
It would give us not only a hands on experience in how virtual reality might make things like "a global conversation" actually possible--let alone easier--and give us can indication--proof--that it's not only possible to do something like cure cancer overnight, but that the author of our civilization agrees with the words he's spoken and sung and etched into our language. You would think that those things alone, seeing "malady" and hearing "The Cure" and 21 Pilots "Cancer" would be enough to spark a conversation here on Earth; and the fact that it hasn't really does show us there's something significantly bigger than just ending disease in the works. The optimist (who did make it to Transformers) inside of me screams that it's about ending censorship and reinforcing our faith in individuality and in ourselves, but honestly as I stare at a sea of silence it's harder and harder every day to ... well, to wake up in the morning.
These things seem pretty clear to me; but maybe it's all about "freedom" how many of us have stood up in line to be paid to cherish that, I'm sure I can't be the first person that was simply unable to give that stuff away. There's just no way around it, forcing "simulated reality" to continue without seeing "virtual reality" and this message suggesting we use that to solve problems like hunger and disease is Hell--and no Heaven I believe in would intentionally and knowingly stop the forward and upward progress of civilization. The message I read is clear, I don't think anyone understands it as I do--or really gets that when I say "authenticated by God's hand" I don't just mean that the guy that wrote the Bible also laid this message down, nor do I mean that my express agreement is the "be all and end all" I mean that I see clear proof that he can make these things happen, that he has total control--you can see it in the hidden meaning in words and how tuned they are specifically to this message.
"Wrong Side of Heaven" is a single by American heavy metal band Five Finger Death Punch from their fourth studio album, The Wrong Side of Heaven and the Righteous Side of Hell, Volume 1, the fourth studio album. It is the third single from the album, and is the nineteenth single overall from the band, which was released on August 11, 2014.[2][3]
I added this to the Wikipedia page for this song, it's a little... pushy for Wikipedia, but it's really got to be done somewhere (as if the millions of people that have read about Exodus actually being about ending Hell isn't a "decent start"), and I hear him .. and see him, and c him in this song. Except for his commentary relating to God and sex; he's completely wrong about that... see ma "Emblem" ... the only "female" I see is an intentionally broken Medusian collective.
The music video, as is common for the genre today, show the voice of the lead singer speaking through a number of other people's mouths. This depicting of possession is consistent with other modern art pieces including Fallen and Joan of Arcadia. The pattern as well as the lack of discussion of the trend is noteworthy in light of a large number of people complaining of experiencing similar phenomenon, these mental health issues have been highlighted in recent stories of Wired[5] and the New York Times[6] and they may link to domestic terrorism and school shootings[7] where this pattern of complaining of possession also exists.
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DIED APRIL 4, 1968
User contributions
- 04:19, 4 April 2018 (diff | hist) . . (-42) . . Wrong Side of Heaven (→Background) (curre
nt) - 04:18, 4 April 2018 (diff | hist) . . (+1,477) . . Wrong Side of Heaven (controversial link between PTSD described and trend of mental health related violence)
- 18:39, 29 April 2013 (diff | hist) . . (+770) . . User talk:Chase me ladies, I'm the Cavalry (→"In")
The unfortunate truth is that your Silence, the world's apparent inability or lack of "desire" to react or communicate, presents an apparent preference to allow these atrocities to continue rather than have "negative feelings" surface because of ... well, "because of me" Why are you voting to live in Hell, can you remind me ... again?
I have quite a bit more to say, the details of the stories I heard in Kentucky; the dreams that I've had and probably share with quite a few people as to exactly what Heaven means and how it might work. In a recent bit of writing I read "mushroom" as in ... Mario's ... as "Adam you sh the heart of our message" and it's not my intent to keep my future dreams out of this message or out of your hands; but these are very... "scifi" kinds of concepts and as I said, I don't really like clouding truth in fiction--I want to help us make these things real, actually real--and in order to do that we really need to recover democracy first.
The heart of the message there, "room" clearly links to the idea of "Holodecks" ... I think ... it does ... right?
We are literally at a crossroads, the path to Hell has been permanently demolished; and everywhere I look the signs I see say "for off road..." We are in essense fighting the literal "Great and Powerful Oz" for your right not to ... be or care ... about yourself. R id ic u l o us, you say? .... owe us.
IT has been condensed and shrunk into a single letter, and in many other words you can see the single "L" of .. "I L folks" ... preceding other key letters and suggesting it is the single letter that is used in Adamic code as the Holy Superlative. In the word "hilt" you can see a hello preceding "The Cross' (I said 'sword') and in "UCLA" you can see it preceding the letter that marks what we in computer science land might call the "beginning of the simulation." In yield and shield you can see it marking the "d" of God and Medusa ... where I see it specifically as denoting the fusion of the sea and him previous in time or recursive "runs of the program" to our current "e." Dark Earth, I am not sure if there is any confusion regarding how I feel about everyone around me apparently being fused to my psyche, but for you to hear--it is torture--and you can see it clearly described as that, at least to me, in the connection between Patron (daddy says: table row, "on the show") it's Tequila. Good morning, UCLA, publish your paper as I am (which is a phrase I often used to say "automatically" in "character" and keys to "Yggdrasil") the "Ha'r" of Abraham (c as the beginning of the message); the "a" of mea cilad, and the "d" of Medusa. If "lord" were a question, my answer is "be lc."