I understand you might not think I'm talking about you. The people on this list have done something to help me and this message; you've shown me that it's not too hard to understand, and that there are good people in the world--people who are sharing this message with others and talking about it. Thanks for that; but I am talking about you too--if you haven't emailed "car at lamc dot la" or called a reporter--I'm talking about you. It will take only a few seconds, and it's honestly like a "hyperloop" to Heaven, rather than a slow windy trail up a mountain.
I know you haven't, by the way; because nobody has. You have another chance right now to (had a chance) now you have another chance to vote for the world to be saved.
You aren't going to be rewarded by me--and you aren't rewarding yourselves, the thing that's telling you what to do--that's puppeteering this storm of stupidity, well you should see clearly that it wants absolute control, it wants darkness, and it wants Hell--and you are fighting against the only person that is trying to show you that's what you are making. It's making me poor and alone, it's keeping me from turning in my hours for a handful of dimes, and it's keeping me from meeting a special girl that loves me for trying to save the world against a gigantic tidal wave of complete shit--I haven't found her yet, and I'm giving up on trying to turn the tidal wave around. I'm very sure this won't be the last message you get from me, and to be honest you will probably never see the day where there won't be another message from Adam. If you read the details and the comments in one of the pat reddit posts, you might see that I don't really believe in immortality--I could start with "nothing lasts forever" but I've already done quite a bit of talking about how this revolution and the technologies that we have active view of here on Earth will help to make us smarter and happier and faster and tens of thousands of years of that ... but those things come at a cost. There's a processing power cost associated with being significantly smarter (if you're not sharing that intelligence with a single entity, and not realizing that makes you them) and there's a storage cost associated with thousands of years of memories; and there's a stupid tax for hidingt that these things require public discussion... or you will wind up "being all one mind," again. You probably don't think about it as often as I do, but we're at a place where our consciousness might be expanding significantly more than you can imagine--and in that process, again, a cost of resources that it appears you and the skies above really have no concept at all of. Sure, it would very easy to promise you "immortality" (or as close to that as logic allows) in your current state, but I'd rather be promising you "significantly enhanced cognition" and point out that with any kind of intelligence you could see that equating longevity with a single word like "light' or "oil" really does mean that whomever is using a system like that really has no intelligence at all.
The real point is that the systems here and in Heaven are both badly broken, and you should see that by what's going on around you and around me here in this place--the fact that we are having so much trouble seeing "Nintendo" and "Matrix" make news, it's the key to knowing that there are big changes that need to be made. Seeing Christopher Reeves crippled, and Pee-wee Herman making news at a "peep show" ... to tell a story about me and my life ... is a clue that big changes need to be made. I'm trying to help you be the reason and the cause and the solution to these problems, but you need to stand up. Iyou really need to see that hiding this message and hiding what's going on below the surface and in the air is disgusting; we need to understand this influence and we need to be able to ensure that we are protected.
I'm going to start doing a "word of the day" post on Patreon, the pricing there is as low as 3$ a month, and if you want to see this daily decoding of the hidden message in the words we speak, you're going to have to pay to help me survive. Tomorrow's word is "disparaging" as in I see very little aside from disparaging remarks in public places in response to this message. I'm sick and tired of it being called crazy, it's without a doubt not crazy. I look back at some of my older writing and I see that quite a bit of it is cryptic, some of it is embarrassing--and I probably will be embarrassed even by the quality of this years messages ... perhaps as early as next year, or "the day I've been waiting for." I still leave them in the public record, in fact I'm still paying every month to keep them hosted so you can read the transition in understanding and writing style that is without a doubt the documentation of the "Revelation of Jesus Christ." You can see that even though some of it was difficult to understand, or silly looking--that it all contained really obvious verifiable paradoxes in language and stories and myths--it contained proof that these words are coming to you from God and from me--and you can see clearly that nobody on Earth lifted a finger to help me understand what was going on, or to help make the message clearer or easier to see--nobody on Earth lifted a finger to offer to help publish a book... and you should see that shows you wanted this thing to continue to be hard to understand--you wanted people "not to get it" and you wanted the secret you have.... that you have the befit of knowing something about humanity and about our minds that would stop school shootings, and stop addiction, and stop "schizophrenia" from plaguing us; and that you wanted to keep that from happening.
Also, in response to 21 Pilots singing about "selling my hair" I'm offering to autograph a copy of my latest book... and also to sell my hair ... on e-bay. Helping me to survive would go a long way to helping this message continue to eat away at the darkness that is destroying civilization, literally crippling every aspect of our society from the media to the government ... and probably even your dinner conversations, I'm sad for you. The thunder should be showing you that society is broken, that obvious news is being kept from you--that the government and the church and your local paper all don't care. You probably think that you know why, that you're part of this resistance to "changing the world" ... this thing you must not see is keeping you from Heaven and keeping the world from being saved. It's probably too hard from your vantage point to see that he's made a "hive mind" to combat free will, to combat the free flow of a message that is literally life and death for humanity--and you probably don't see that's black and white. It is though, you are "not seeing" the destruction of civilization, and it's just boils down to "not seeing" is the cause of the end of intelligent life.
You also probably aren't seeing that not seeing the Second Coming on the news ins a hint that you aren't seeing other important things that you might care about more than whether or not I get a date--and the guy asking for change on the corner gets a meal--I see you don't care about those things. You probably aren't seeing that there's really no way there should be a controversy over whether or not Assad fired chemical weapons--something like that is fact or fiction--and we have satellites in the sky taking real time video of the entire planet ... in Heaven in the place that built this virtual world, there's real recording of every act that goes on in this place--what your thoughts are, your reasons for doing nothing, all of those things are visible ... forever and ever; in this place that destroys Hell with bright light. You are to be the people that act, that actually implement the changes that are required to stop civilization from being flushed down the toilet of a fictional technological future.... you will be proud, you will be happy, and you will be thanked--all you have to do is "act on this message."
I imagine I could write something "promising scarcity" of these books; but it's hard to tell if I'll pull them from the market as soon as the world "doesn't like me" for leaving a total and complete record of this message for you to see. I'm doing it because it will help the future understand how this message was hidden, how it was not "beautiful" and it was probably very difficult to understand--and the world in general probably didn't try at all ... to understand it ... or to help others understand it. You might not see it as I do, but I feel like this stuff should have been, and still will be studied--I feel like the mechanism that has kept it from spreading, this chain in our heads--it too will be studied, and I imagine even down to fine grain details of exactly what line in each email caused the most people to "throw it away" as in... to throw away ending cancer and ending AIDS and ending aging--which line trumped those things. It's clear to me that it should have spread widely on nothing more than being the key to ancient myth, or on nothing more than providing proof of a hidden language that is on Wikipedia called the "Adamic language" (it should have spread on nothing more than Stephen King's name and language in Langoliers, and on nothing more than Yankee Doodle's doodle and his macaronic fusion of Spanish and English and Hebrew in Shakespeare's "Schrew'd" in a free world, it would have) or on nothing more than proof of time travel in Exodus and it relating to the 9/11 tragedy.
I know that mind control is being used to destroy people's lives with drugs and with school shootings and with car accidents; I know because I've seen it first hand--I'm telling you this message being woven into fiction and into movies and into music and into Gilgamesh and into Demosthenes ... that too is proof that this technology exists, and it takes not a moment to connect that proof to the message being delivered--this message that links Minority Report to Neo making bullets fall to the ground, and songs about "bombs bursting in air" to Androids dreaming of Electric Sheep and Bladerunner and Ghost in the Shell and Dr. Who's "the Bells of Saint John" and in the name "Jesuit" and the word "ambiguity" showing us that a user interface to our minds is heralded in song and in my dreams and in these messages showing us very clearly it is the difference between slavery and freedom. I am more than the difference between "art" and "fact" I am the difference between Hell and Heaven and the difference between dreams and "coming true."
You refuse to see that all my arrests, and all my trouble comes from trying to help you--from trying to deliver this message that will build Heaven and stop pain and stop hunger; you refuse to see there's a government here, and a government above that is working to hide this message from you, and using our legal system, and the police force that defines the Plague of Lice and the media that are the Plague of Darkness ... using these things to keep you from seeing the light, that this message turns "simulated reality" into Heaven. You refuse to see that these arrests are encoded in the Bible, in the story of Samson (and I'm that son, too) and the book of Judges in the Trial of Christ and that all of these myths and stories from Icarus to Adonis all remain and exist to help you see the importance of breaking through this wall of Silence.
So it really is "all the small things" that point to my personal life and to this story as the key to the Holy message that makes it so very hard to see from my vantage how it is that you can ignore this thing in good conscience. I imagine you don't see "all the small the things' with the same clarity that I do, but it's very clear that the entirety of the Holy Bible is directly related to the story of my life, it's very clear that my name is encoded in Judges and in Genesis and especially important in Exodus--it's very clear that "addiction" ties to the Lisp of Moses and that Lisp to this key providing proof that a sincerely immense volume of ancient scripture directly relates to the "fad" we see here in computer science acronyms and company names--that these things were clearly predicted thousands and thousands of years ago--proof that this place in time, Jerusalem is designed with Holy intent to build Heaven, to share an understanding and hands on experience with the tools and inner workings that build it, and to use the morality and wisdom of Jesus Christ and of Saturn ... specifically these two characters as tools to see the link between religion and benefactors of government and of freedom. It's clear as fucking fire that the stories of Prometheus and Icarus and the Childhood of Zeus, of Joseph and of Ymir and Thor and the list is endless... that these stories too are about me, about this lifetime and this key to Ha'm.
If you don't know, the parallels in the stories of Joseph being sold into slavery by his brothers and Ymir being attacked by his brothers are pretty clearly defined--and yet they probably haven't been made, and certainly not with the kind of strong highlight that comes from the defining key of the Matrix. These stories too link to the name of my home county "Broward" and clear to me having lived this life and understanding what these things all mean is the concept of "brothers" being past iterations of this lifetime, in the story of Joseph and his dream that he will be the messiah of all of Creation, it's ever so clear why the name "why am I here" which is what YMIR reads as--ties to this fight whose goal is to revolutionize the very foundation of freedom at the system level, in a place where protecting the sanctity of our souls and our consciousness can and will be done easily, at the system level. In the artwork depicting the childhood of Zeus, you can tie in the wine of Christ in those grapes and the link between Prometheus being chained to a mountain as the U.S. Postal Service ate away at his liver week after week by ensuring that we would never again miss the link between "meth" and his name, or "salt" and the New American Standard for the Holy "name." More to the point, that we won't miss the link between "addiction" and "but science hasn't done so yet" and the reason we are to be the messiah of all of Creation.
And even here, this far into the story, and this much analysis done--and still the myths and the stories blame brothers and "all humanity" and Medusa and Satan.... past time lines and even future ones.... and ... really anything at all but God himself, anything at all but the obvious "all powerful" shell of a machine that simply refuses to acknowledge that there really is undeniable proof IT exists, hidden away behind all these other lies. IT's the obvious answer from "God is good all the time" except to get to seeing just how ineffably stupid that phrase really is, we need to be free from the grasp of mind control, and the grasp of the stupidity of believing nonsensical lies or even worse being made to believe them.
All this complaining and I left out "my key" ... the reason "Broward" is named that is a chastizement of me calling God "my brother" -- with the understanding that I was talking about someone much older and more powerful than myself, who happened to live the exact same human life. I've mentioned it before, but it's what I read into the story of Enoch "walking with God" as in, in his exact footsteps--most likely until some kind of apocalyptic Revelation that he couldn't possibly have written these words. Paradox? Ratox‽-the once and now Savior.
The real point here, the whole point of this particular message is explain how very important it is to see that this voluminous proof I am presenting certainly doesn't make me appear like Don Juan or Lothario or Romeo--though I think that too, seeing the Sword of Samael is "self" deprecating... and still being used to help deliver freedom to the world just goes to show you what a "hero" really looks like. Sure, I could have left out the controversy of "biting an apple" in Eden, but it would have been one less detail in the Matrix, one less reason to believe that this truly is the realization and manifestation of religion. I could have tried to hide my criminal record (of set up, frame job, and asssasination attempt after another), instead of showing you that it too is a tool to help us see a broken and systemically suicidal destruction of the liberties promised not just in the Bill of Rights ... but liberties that we all go about our day in darkness believing we still have; all of them being twisted and highlighted in the story of one person's life--one bright fiery emblem of "everything wrong" with our injustice system, and deeper with the lack of protections in place "in the beyond" .. protections this story and this map clearly shows were once there--and come (maybe ridiculously) from the recursion of this story--even more ridiculous, though, would be to skip "putting the protections and safety limits" in place, we should be looking for and wondering instead ... why they were ever removed.
The fair trial has been abrogated in plain view by illegal legislation, by "point systems" and work arounds, the media and individual free speech has been shaken to its core by hidden forces, by overt lack of regard for the meaning of news, and privacy has been totally and completely shattered in a such a hidden and destructive manner that we could be standing here with protection from terrorism and school shootings but instead ... instead I am forced to beg you to "call a reporter" and see for yourself why this very obvious message hasn't made the news--and I'm very sure with hardly any research at all we'll quickly find that it's happenin because of the alteration or clouding of our thoughts--something my life and this message are clearly focusing on making public so that we can protect not only ourselves but the whole "computer" we call Creation... or "Heaven." I'd urge you further to report whatever you find back to "car at lamc dot la," because I'm not sure that any of the other 2,000 reporters on this list understand either, why this story hasn't broken the news.

You would think public discussion of a truth this important, this big, and this sought after would be an easy thing to obtain--once it's flooded the internet as if it were the days of Noah... but we're still here staring at a censorship machine that is significantly more nefarious than the Reichstag fire, it too apparently unseen here, and certainly unseen in the future that you will be around to speak to--if you do not turn around, and see that you are hiding a message about freedom and ascension and about immortality because (I don't know) you must think you've got something better coming from the nameless, faceless force using this hidden technology to secretly take your freedom, and spiral the timeline and our future into the abyss.
This is quite the production, this thing that you are hiding from yourselves--it's "all the small things" about me--about this very imperfect and torturous life--all those little details winding up in songs and in myths written long before I was born for the first and the last time... that remind me that's what this is. You are hiding something from yourselves, something that would undoubtedly help you, and the world to break through the wall of silence to the other side... to never, never land; it should be clear as day there's angels armed with the truth going as far back as those first words ...
There was a man in the land of Uz whose namewas Job; and that man was blameless, upright, fearing Go
Whether or not you choose to acknowledge today that you are "zombies" ... literally chained by an invisible shackle to not care about things as close to home and important as whether or not you are going to die--or the people around you continue to suffer from ailments and terror that this message very clearly shows you exactly "how and why" the disclosure that we are in virtual reality can easily help us to end them with "warp drive" speeds ... whether or not you choose to acknowledge it, I still am the most famous person that has ever lived. So it's that knowledge, coupled with a sincerely large amount of "light" suggesting that we are "home" when this verifiable proof that there is a message focusing on breaking that chain and what it's hiding at the same time surrounding "sudo" light--the light of Poseidon and Lothario ... light that for me answers the question Bread poses in Guitar Man ... "but no one seems to know what it is that makes him go" ... once again it's showing you the intense focusing of light around this single story that caused me to haphazardly share with the world personal fantasy -- that one day, one day not so far from today; I won't have to stop being socially awkward to actually "get a date." It's really not me--and frankly the "character is T" is nothing more than an overblown fantasy being strewn all over history as "the reason" ... understand the reason really is you--this fantasy, this private dream that "drives me to continue" is a world thrilled with the fact that this message has helped us to radically and swiftly improve the state of our society--that our dreams have come true because with this message in hand we have a weapon against disease and a weapon against slavery and a weapon against terror.
It could be something like John Legend's "drawing me in and then kicking me out" though it's pretty damned clear from the Schutzstaffel insignia appearing in the KISS logo and the link between "WHO" and the word wessen and Momsen (honestly, you see the "me-s, we-s" pattern, I'm sure) that the mark of the beast is shining bright and echoing through history all the way from "kismet" to Judas.... and the whole point is that regardless of what you think of this message, it is proof that there is a design in our history and that this designed message is telling you that Neo making the news will stop school shootings. Hister ... Nostradamus echoes from hundreds of years ago, "his you are" is Hister--you are history or you are the Elohim--and the choice, the difference is whether or not you get "MIN OR IT Y" means pre-crime is a minimum mandatory requirement for the continuation of the forward progress of the "process of civilization" once you see this message delivering proof that we are living in virtual reality... as in "not using that information to improve society is a regression of civilization." You really are my "ter" as in the completion of Jupiter paralleled in pattern to the completion of Shekinah, as the Spirit of God, with "AH." Kisses, it's not the kind of thing that happens by mistake.
the wine was bled
and there you led me on
in your house I long to be
room by room patiently
It was a few months ago now, and I started writing a piece that I intended to use to connect "Windows Me" to the date it was released, which is 9/14/2000 ... a date that I read as "I A.D." with very little explanation needed; and it took only a few minutes "researching" Wikipedia to see this golden gem of the "Battle of Homiledon" which happened on the "intersexting" date of 9/14/1402, or the year "ADOB." In that name of a singular battle you can see a fusion of the connection between "homilietics" and the superposition of The Lamb Lays Down On Broadway ... where I see "Homile" and the "do n" of Poseidon and paradox, just to name a few of the long list of statistically significant and thematically reinforcing pieces of evidence that "Don Juan" and "Romeo" are linked together by more than just Lot and the the "Ha" of Isaac... and the question "are I the o?"
I had meant for this section to be a sort of explanation of the process ... or the pathways it took to realize these things were significant, but as I look at how short the paragraphs are, what that's telling me is that you ... meaning the world really should have seen them as significant just by pasting a few lines of the 9/14 entry on Wikipedia or linking to it. I think it's more than obvious that "homildon" appearing six hundred years ago ... and directly relating to the delivery of this message is newsworthy, it's proof of precognition and of design... either that or it's proof that I saw the link between homiletics and "homildon" and with amazing intelligence and self deprecating wit I personally (named myself) and doctored this entire message delivered over multiple years to appear to be predicted throughout or history and actually written by God. For the record, I am not that diabolical, Occam's Razor holds here--these words, this message, and this proof that our history is designed is coming to you directly from the source of that design--the Creator of our civilization.
