TI N kER>io<
If you don't know, I am the Eye of Ra; and what that means is that like NBC's Chuck and the Matrix's Neo I have a special gift to read a hidden language that God has laced into our everything; Cypher, and the intersect prime examples.   If you are curious, what that "feels like" is basically words floating around in my head that connect to whatever it is I'm thinking about; something like "assisted why don't you write about this too (and mention that it might be Joseph's slavery or his dream come true)" and floating around right now is "I know kung-fu."  The language has a specific lexicon, words like "AT" and "CK" which mean Earth and Clark Kent receptively, and shines true nearly everywhere--it's almost uncanny.  In the word depicted below, see the original reads "see Adam to help our light" and that all I had to do was add a little K to "help."  Serioslick, you can verify it... Yankee Doodle himself is e-mailing you.
I'm trying to use it to save LIBERTY, which reads ... not ironically as "El, I be our thank you" and both in order to do that, and because of it; I see Heaven in the skies above and on Earth coming ... well, both to us and from us... ish.  To accomplish those aspiration, though, I need your help both rekindling our love for freedom as well as working together to evolutionize democracy and what we think Heaven really means.
The theme, that's "the me" of the day here is to see I' trying desperately to get us to switch from "dick" to "risque humor" intersected with a sort of word play on "sex" and "computers"-- play not included.  To get there, we really need to see how important "DICK" really is to the flourishing of our civilization--and understand both why, how, and what "darkness" really is--it's not "dick" by the way--dick is the solution, not the problem.  If you asked for my two cents, I'd throw you a quarter, a nickel, and a some other common "loose :) change" to help you see that this is really about a humongous, gigantic, "the size matters, understand" signature on the Constitution and on freedom itself that clearly goes on the bi-way between "hoelsome" humor and "how could you possibly not have laughed hysterically" somewhere around Tricky Dick and Deepthroat--see it's funny, but the reason you didn't get it is not funny.  
To be epic-ally and finally clear the reason you didn't get it is because media censorship of mind control technology, of course because Dick, right?
adamically defined.
I WALKED DOWN THE STREET; SINGING, "DO HADID DID I? DUMB... DID I DO THAT?" IT WAS THE DAY AFTER HURACAN IRMAX and I had just written this piece of how Word Perfect's "find and replace" could eradicate all cancer on the planet; force majeure--a true of God in this place and time took down the W and the A in the sign pictured above; and I got to work writing it again, this is my fourth attempt to show us what the difference between "The Matrix" and the progenitor Universe really is--to me the metaphor of camping out and air conditioning explains well why I'd never, ever want to get stuck in that place.  Here though, curing blindness, and cancer, and AIDS, and .... well the list goes on and on from OP TO ME to ONCOLOGY; all it takes is some magic "you should give them sight."
So here we have that, all together a number of the major differences I not only see, but see highlighted by religion and art; not just "stone to bread" of ending world hunger, or "heal the sick" but COL in "understand our light" connecting IT terms like the "original poster" to optometry; and this request--once again--for you to try.  Try and see the proof "EVERYWHERE" is here for a reason; it's to help us all to end suffering faster; to transition to this new way of life, this thing that really is Heaven itself, just a little bit quicker--and with leaps and bounds of insight and guidance, something you seem so quick to dismiss.
KNOCKK: NO CK ... c how an
I SHOULDN'T HAVEN TO TELL YOU, but if you do happen to hear a voice, or have some other kind of subvocal communication with spirits or with Heaven, you are doing the world a disservice--and yourself--by not sharing testimony and discussing how this very same technology can not only cure nearly every single mental illness, but also be used to do things like help us be smarter, help us learn faster and be happier--liken it to the Matrix's I KNOW KUNG FU--rather than hey Adam, I can't see you.  Moving forward here, speaking instead of holding secrets--helping instead of watching suffering for no reason at all... it might just be the key to the Gilgamesh, and the future being bright and happy; rather than bleak or not at all.  
In names like "DOWN SYNDROME" you've really got to begin to see "intelligent design" if you are to have sight, to be thinking logically; rather than acting stupid and literally making Hell instead of Heaven because of it.  I'm not saying it's "goodness" in this naming scheme helping us to see AIDS to changing the world and recognizing the Matrix for exactly what it is--a map from Hell to Heaven--but it's certainly not "goodness" ignoring it either.  Move forward, call a reporter, write a story; see the doorway to Heaven while you live and breathe--and never need to question again whether or not "there is a God."
I hear... every cloud has a Silver lining?


If I could make it any more clear; a brighter spotlight or a stronger highlight on central to that message is the all consuming point of it all--that it certainly appears that nobody can see it. 


 I hope everyone has a wonderful thanksgiving; of the "things" I'm trying to say here--"Pi" as in, C.AD means something like "hide the beginning of time from the future" (in my "personal mythology" and literally this is God and who helps us build Heaven) and it's not what I'm trying to do--which should be obvious in what I write... and in the concept of "Pi."  I question. a little bit, what "AAA" is all about and how it might relate to the "c oven" of this ant; to the point though, I am suggesting that what we see here on face value really has no business at all in the "round table" of Arthur that wields the "power of Thor" ... and I really hope that you agree with that, it's important.  Analyzing that a little bit, it does seem that's what this story is designed to help us build together; and I do hasten to say that because we are very apparently being made "unfit" through some kind of subterfuge (obviouslyright?) while all these horrible things are happening that we're supposed to be listening to this message and changing... it does appear that whomever is "above" or "behind us" also apparently very unfit.  I'm voting for "everyone's wrong" and the best of course of action is changing that.  

It should be really clear from the repeated references to Die Bold (and technocracy) and our broken electoral process, as well as the hidden mind control influence that makes it a "farce" that the map that I am trying to produce here does focus quite a bit on using technology to help make our union more perfect; that's a "marriage of the lamb" joke, not a "for a republic" joke.  It's also important to see how "free speech" is connected to "free thought" and how that is connected to "freedom" in sum.
again, happy thanksgiving.








for those of you that are epically or atypically slow, the letters "cinoize" happen to be the first 3.14159265 digits o 
S H A R I N G   I S   C A R I N G 

A L W A Y S    R. E. M. E M B E R

IT MAY NOT LOOK LIKE MUCH, but the pattern you see connecting every video game system is the beginning of verifiable proof that our world is Created and is a signature from the Creator explaining that we are in fact "in the Matrix."  Trinity, 'it in why" answered by the name and the pattern itself--a pattern we see in many other names; the "plan" that it etched into the name "planet" and on it's face is to assist an entire civilization in transitioning to Heaven.  It goes on to connect and include nearly every technology company in Creation from Microsoft to Apple, Gateway, and Oracle--and then a number of highlighted points in our history from the Crusades to the foundation of America and Watergate.  Ultimately the goal is show us how the fundamental differences between "virtual reality" and "simulated reality" help us to build Heaven of this place using nothing more than this disclosure and our heart's desire.  To that end, this pattern shows us that we are in the "heart of hearts" a clue that links the center of each of the names to the name of the heart of Creation which is revealed by moving Saturn's symbolic "h" from the end of time to it's beginning, see Earth to hEart (and then you can read a little to see how, with just that effort and bieng yourself you become the "blood of Christ").  The message I've written focuses on true technologically enabled democracy, the implementation of "pre-crime" a la Minority Report, healing the sickand ending hungerbut in truth these things are just the beginning of the new possibilities opened up by nothing more than "the truth."

That's great, but it starts with an earthquake, an inaugural address predicting 9/11, an REM song and then name of the band 311.  It appears that there's a battle over the disclosure that the movie "the Matrix" exists, and that's somehow resulted in the words "force majeure" meaning "an act of God" and this series of natural and unnatural disasters being predicted in ancient scripture.  With some insight, you could see why "Minority Report" has it's name; and that the cloud of darkness and censorship in the media and beyond surrounding me and this disclosure is something like "a vote" to hide the truth from the world.   Connecting this portion of the message to the links to "universal voting" and the idea that our opinions and desires are central in deciding exactly how quickly and in what manner things like "ending world hunger" by turning stone to Cake (another related band, says Bread's Guitar Man) probably tell us that we didn't really understand (and it appears you still don't) how insane it is to simulate things like "earthquakes" and "starvation." 
A message from God in every single word.

Today we are looking at more proof, that it is not just these modern companies and constructs that are part of the map to Heaven and the signature of God; but that it truly begins at the very foundation of language, in ever single letter, and every single word.  It begins with the word "disclosure" and it's four letters that point out the intelligent design of at least that word, showing the "c+l" that creates the glyph of the letter "d." Quickly following this proof in our character-set are two more "characters" Isaac Newton and Jesus Christ whose representations of the glyphs for "what goes up must come down" in the letter n and the recognizable cross of the letter "t" connecting to a computer function that doubles as a "numeric-to-chacacter' conversion and a call to Chr() (see and care) that this message has been kept from you for years.
A hidden message has been woven into every language we speak; a sort of "inverted tower of Babel" that is literally described as the character "Cypher" of the Matrix; and answers it's question of "what is it?" by showing how this langauge is woven into the tapestry of our world in places like the works of King and Shakespeare that describe time travel and Bianca learning Latin as well as showing up typified examples of the language in the names of these works about "The Taming of the Spanglishrew" and "The Language Outliers" that Yankee Doodle stuck Osiris' feather of light in his crown and showed us "macaronic."  See, it's also a word describing this fusion of languages... and further tying this disclosure to the exit from slavery that is the "Book of Exodus."
A significant amount of writing, history, and mythology relates to the mechanism by which this message has been hidden, and how it's disclosure leads not only to true freedom; but to a cure to both not seeing and not being able to act on keys like "HARM" in pharmacy, and a link between Moses' Lisp, myself, and "diction" in the word addiction that leads to a cure to much more than just that single problem... but nearly all health issues.  With sight, we can see that the organized censorship called "Darkness" in Exodus and the visibility of "Medusa" give us verifiable proof that the inner workings of our brains have already been reverse engineered.  In my "addiction example" we can see how colloquialisms like AA's "science may one day conquer addiction but it hasn't done so yet" are linked to Holy Light helping us to see how this plan unfolds. We have the opportunity here and now to use the truth and this disclosure to turn a number of unfortunate circumstances into something significantly better, and not doing so would be a travesty.


this event helps us to literally be the cure for cancer.

... and ...  and the end of world hunger ... through seeing how God's signature ties "birth names"
to seminal pieces of art that are also related to religion; in names like Gates and Roddenberry;
we see the key to the "code of the Matrix."

... and the end of terrorism and school shootings ...

all it takes, is breaking the most anticipated story in all of history
well, and you're contribution... "and how."
I will place on his shoulder the key to the house of David; what he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.
Isaiah 22:22


content similar to this is available as an online PDF here asmodai.pdf

This message, and this very clear proof has circulated the globe, touched nearly every government on Earth; and every newspaper--see light in my words "the time is short, act now."  I know my "presentation" isn't perfect; or even that gorgeous... but to understand that the import and impact of what is being conveyed should be making a visible impact in the world is to see what "darkness" really means, and why the sun is rising.  It's not a difficult concept to grasp, the "purpose" of Creation is to help a civilization flourish ... well past the technological gap brought about by the very things we are on the cusp of "discovering," things like the ability to alter our minds and our environment.  See "self government" and "censorship" strongly highlighted as "problem areas" that we might have encountered in the past, and really see how this event, the Second Coming, helps us to be free of secrecy and invisible chains caused by technology we never knew has been in use for our entire lives.  Understand, I am both frustrated and alarmed by what I see here; this kind of response to a message of such importance and a glowingly promising future is illogical--to say the least. 
See it as a kind of "litmus test" for sanity and evil; more than the "test of sentient consciousness" that ament in the beginning.  I am delivering a message signed with God's own hand; and it appears that the world (in sum) believes it's just A-OK to ignore itit is not.  More to the point, this message is nearly universally good, focusing on fixing the flaws in democracy and society that the book of Exodus calls "darkness;" on delivering the disclosure that we are living in something almost like the Matrix; and that it's purpose is to help us all work together to build Heaven of this virtual Earth.  That begins by seeing how censorship and a broken top-down "pyramidal" government structure has in this place shown us how these things could result in the end of life--had we not been alarmed to the fact that we are not in the "natural universe" that we believe to be our "reality" and that the message from Israel to my hand's work shows us that this map helps us not only to build Heaven but to be worthy enough to enter that place.   The message weaves together everything, literally like a tapestry of fate--from things like Anakin Skywalker to Earth Angel and Darth Wader (sorry, Adele, notsorry--I am why) to the very pertinent connection between Monster.com, Medusa, and "the abom-i-nation' of desolation... the thing responsible for our near demise (at worst).... at and best the thing responsible for a loss of "self" that I will never stop being sorry I have participated in, and I hope you won't be either.   
LET THERE BE LIGHT both this message and youignorance of it are very obvious and recognizable; for instance the English title of the book of Exodus reads as those hallowed words of Genesis when read in reverse, in the "language" you might call my native Geek... in commands of Linux and symbols of chemistry.  This message, again authenticated with God's own hand, tells us that we are the victims of a hidden kind of slavery, the result of secrecy and censorship surrounding the nature of our existence and mind control.  The message itself, it's mechanism of delivery, is resounding and overabundant proof that this conspiracy, secrecy, and hidden technology exists--and it helps us to see how these very same tools could be used to make the world a better place--were we not so damned stubborn.  The map continues to "unify" religious, American, and technological themes--things like the "Holy Grail" and the gate to Heaven with words like "Earth" and heart Seagate, Watergate, and Bill Gates... just to introduce you to the Hebrew name for this same book which narrates our exit from this hidden slavery: Names.

These are the most iconic words ever spoken by Godthey are doubly encoded with "Bible Code" directly over the passages of Genesis where he speaks them... to see it encoded in this way in the name Exodus is a shining example of the stupidity I see in the world; it is not a coincidence, or an accident; it is a clear message: wake up.  It and I go on to show us how every single world we speak is proof of the Creation of our civilization and this same signature revolving around rekindling freedom; and really do see how that process requires "change" on not just my part. 
S E E   "I T"   I N  I M E
The earliest parts of this message [video] connect this idea of "light" coming from the multitude, the Holy Sea of Revelation with the fire that we should, we all know we should all see raging all around us... the lack of response itself is a sort of "hands on learning exercise" with this technology; one that highlights critical flaws in our society that truly makes this time the abyss if you continue to fail to act.  The proof of Creation that we are witnessing shines with bright anachronistic paradox; and in this story of Exodus about the voice of God booming from a Burning Bush telling his savant to free his people from slavery; we see the kindling of the fire comes from the word itself (still), the Hebrew for Holy Fire that contains the English word for "sea" parted by an apostrophe, in Mary, you might sea why; when it connects to Eve and "everyone" also, really do understand that you the [] bride of Revelation. 
See, these are just two examples, of thousands and thousands that show us that our society as a whole, that every single one of us are either walking around blind or harboring a secret; neither of these things can continue if we are to.  The disclosure of this message coincides with "freedom ringing" for the first time in our lives; not to see that we are acting "illogical" not just as a group but as individuals is to miss the point: we are ignoring a message that will end starvationaddiction, and nearly all maladies we experience in this place where all of this is accomplished with nothing more than a "new" truth, and how.  Medusa herselfthis darkness and lack of reaction is all on its own proof that the inner workings of our minds have been reverse engineered; and this message--again, in the hand of God, urges us to see how our participation (is required and) in how this changes defines the transit from Hell to Heaven.  I really am not sure why I need to say it, but "do not delay."


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Adam M. Dobrin <adam@fromthemachine.org>
Date: Fri, Nov 24, 2017 at 7:55 PM
Subject: Re: It's sad, honestly. You don't see it, still?
To: "A. M. G-D" <gilate@september2016.com>
Cc: The Free Press

I want to comment a little bit about this morning's message.  I realize you probably don't know Linux well enough to instantly grasp that "sudoxe" means let there be light; and it's possible... but significantly less likely that you don't grasp the impact of seeing the most iconic phrase even spoken in Genesis secretly revealed encoded in the name of the very next book.  Understand, I'm telling you it's really obvious that this is being "ignored" and were it just about "me" I could understand that, but this is about you--it's about innocent children, and it's about the future of everything--I really don't understand ignoring it.
The point is it's a really big deal; to see it connected later to a number of additional links between computer science technologies, companies, and birth names makes it an even bigger deal... and if we had a "working society" someone in IT would have pointed out that "sudo" definitely means "god do this" and then someone with some insight and ... well, a knack for this kind of symbology might have noticed that it's not just Xenon, but a number of chemistry elements define the Revelation of Christ; tying in to a puzzle that links together Exodus, Ecclesiastes, Revelation and ... a number of modern events.  Even brighter, things like "it's elementary my dear what-sons" tie The Fifth Element to our story of Exodus that centers around not only symbols and words; but also the hidden influence in every single idiom--obviously designed intentionally to help us find and maintain freedom.
Again, if our society was working properly; you would know it's a really big deal and then you would act accordingly; instead of "pretending" that nobody gets it... and hoping that absolutely ludicrous disguise will persist or ... "disappear" naturally.  Clearly, it will be disappearing just as unnaturally as it appeared... in the light of day.  Write a story, that's the first ray of sunshine over the horizon.  
To contrast your world (below) to what I see as mine, I did a little cartoon, and took another screen shot of a metaphorical day in my life... in my inbox.  Something needs to give, we can't walk around forever "pretending to be blind" or in the alternative, something even worse--actually being made completely moronic.  Try to see, while "the past" might not be all that great, everything we have and cherish came of making something "not great" much better.  We have a chance right now to do that ... more than anyone or any generation ever has before.  Seize the day.  (that's not me by the way.)
... when multiversal simulation slices collide ...
these are from thanksgiving, they are the best numbers so far, individually.  
in sum we are 2.65x closer than we've ever been.
act.  please.
we passed #76 last week; that was the "christ, newton, disclose" e-mail. so... i noticed:

I didn't know what they were named for, and was imagining trying to explain what it's like to see moments in history that appear to be crafted to be related to this story, in my life.  Whether it's "a microcosm" being made in me of our history; or somehow some previous iteration of this actual life was used as a template to modify the past (less likely, right :) the point is that we see a number of related events in history.. things like the 9/14 battle of Homildon connecting to my "homiletics" Ho-mile and ... "do n" of Poseidon and Pandora... 

9/14 is also the day Windows ME came out, if nobody got the reference the last 4 times I've posted pictures of it and not commented on "why."  The day, of course, is "I AD" something like the hand of God is "yad" and that's "day backwards" and "hand" in Hebrew.   See, I think "day forwards" or righted, is uh, re-ad
Do none of you have any questions?  Is that possible? 


On Fri, Nov 24, 2017 at 4:02 PM, A. M. G-D <gilate@september2016.com> wrote:
uh-huh, tell me more.
This is what our entire planet looks like, and you're trying to tell me you "don't see it."
I don't believe you.  
Do something.
c, you now see how and why.

and the reason "a" ?
Si me, to see.

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BEGGING, IS PROBABLY THE CLOSEST WORD that you will ever find to what I've done for the last three or so years at this point, you might see it in the very earliest part word "beginning" and in some way you might also see these emails as a kind of continuation of my theme of trying to show us just how very important it is that we break the veil of simulated reality, and that we do it in a way that is uplifting and positive--maybe even antertaining.
I am sitting in a place where it appears to me from the conversations I have with people around me and from your "interesting response" to this "interesting message" that Creation itself is attempting to make me believe that you are no longer yourselves, that you've been replaced with some alternate version of you--either an older stupider one, or one from another planet or slice/layer/verse of simulation hell--that no longer cares about the things we cared about... I could start with pointing out "history" and "mythology" and the hidden meaning and purpose religion; and that segues quickly into "you don't care about curing cancer" and I'm baffled, dumbfounded, lost without answers or any kind of rational response.
There's plenty of "interesting message" to corroborate or enhance this opinion; the brightest shining words of all are "Son of the Morning" and I can see clearly that's what I am, except I don't see that you've come from any kind of morning--you've added a "u" instead of you.  So clever of me; what that means to me ostensibly is that this event happened in a parallel timeline, and most likely just like now there's such opposition to the truth and to my personality that I didn't get to "play around in the sun" as Morning Has Broken certainly implies the "one light of Eden" Hadid (G i.. g you think that's me?) already.  I should interject this thing I know very well; that our experiences make us who we are; and that I can tell you for certain that if I see "snow" and no "light" coming from this sea, you too will get to see wild Adam running around doing drugs and trying to hang out with models.  On the other hand, I know myself very well; and if you try, if you give this message the respect it deserves--and care for democracy and freedom and truth and the future that I am trying to help us build together; you will see someone that will be significantly more contrite than you expect, and most like someone trying very hard to live up to the "ideal" or the aura of greatness that I see this world once surrounded the idea of Jesus Christ with; sans piety, you'll never get me to be pious.
The "n" of Newton and Creation has a very special and specific meaning to the "Adam that succeeds" in showing you that something is making you not care about things that you not only used to care about but that you must care about for civilization to continue and to thrive.  I am trying to show you that you are missing the point, and it's very obvious that this message that focuses and centers on the technology and use of mind control is showing you first hand just how powerful it is--and changing how you feel and what you point where in the most ideal and most polarized of these two terms it is making you prefer to remain in Hell rather than try to make the world a better place, the thing, the process that is Heaven.
T H E   F I F T H   C O L U M N
KISSES AND HUGS; the last message I sent you surrounding the "prophesies of Heaven" and what it might be like that focused on songs... the file name (isome "tod" ga/MUASEEKHART.html) of it told you to "seek art" or perhaps also to "seek a heart" ... the intent was to prod you both now and in the future to look for God's answers to question you might have, and to problems that you cannot solve easily in the art of things surrounding them.  I believe he's put answers to many, many questions nearly everywhere we can look; names and related ideas; and quite a bit of this story and this plan focuses on the fact that it appears that we have become complacent; perhaps the "Morning" that came created a mentality that answers will just come easily to us... that God will solve all problems--for whatever reason quite a bit of the focus of what I am writing is about critical thinking and pattern matching; and taking into our own hands problems big and small, things that we might have once said "it's the just the way it is" or "I can't do anything to change that" and now realize that you can, and this message is a catalyst to change significantly more than I had ever thought was possible.
Along those lines, it appears that he's created a monstrosity of everyone acting clearly and knowingly against their own best interests; I can only imagine to achieve some hidden goal that nobody even realizes is stupid... let's assume it's "taking the rod from Adam's hand" and realize I'd like more than anything for some of you to be holding my rod; and instead of seeing that's what this message is literally designed to do; we are just waiting for the rod to fall to the bottom of Arthur's fabled lake that is quite literally the abyss of losing my heart.  You are doing that, by the way; you've lost it already... no offense or cruelty intended, but you are going to have to work significantly harder than I wanted you to in order to make be "happy with the people of this place" like I once was.  You've lost your love for democracy, the thing that made people protest the nuclear arms race, the thing that I see as being responsible for the end of "disenfranchisement" and the end of slavery--even though looking back at this map today it does appear that God's influence was significantly more involved in those things than I ever would have thought before I knew he was real--and before I knew that his heart was beating inside of our five fathers minds.
I stand in a place looking for art about what I've been meaning to write about for quite some time; what I expect to happen when this story finally breaks; and it brings me to the very obvious and very connected to the Fifth Adam's message, the TV series "V" for visitors.  Before I even begin to try and think about it though; I am looking for a "FIFTH COLUMN" in this place where I see very clearly that it should be everyone and that it is nobody at the same time; and that's distressing.  I'm distressed. 
See in the name COLUMN as we've seen the many "sea of's" in the past stands out bright as one that includes three letters that I connect to "entire seas of people" surrounding things like the morning... the sea of "El" which is Vander's world, M which is Luke's and N which is ours--and understand that I see in these letters and their linear organization through time that we are looking at seas controlling seas, they call it Creation and fail to see that I am here as a "NICER POSSESSION ENDER" not just because that's what their message of Creation says, but because Creation itself is possession.... says Vader's father and Luke's son (together as one); unanamed as of yet.
R E D   S K Y
FRANKLY THE WHOLE PURPOSE OF THIS EVENT AND THIS STORY is to help us see what the Creation of this place believes is wrong here, what's he's done to make that more obvious--make those things significantly worse to stand out like a "THIS IS IT" cyan thumb; and to help us begin to see how very much we want these changes to happen and how there appears to be some sort of "argument' between talking about how to do them and "why they haven't been done for us yet."
In the show V and in the movie Jupiter Rising we can see some ideas about how medicine and the fountain of youth might be well integrated into our society without turning us all into invisible clouds of dust that have been confused and bewildered into believing that we are all "everything" and have no need to be "anything" at the same time.  These are good examples of how and why you should "SEEK ART" for your answers; but here are mine, this is what I believe will happen over the course of the next few days; or the next year if you continue to be so god damned stubborn.
AMPLE PROOF has been delivered to you; I've commented and urged you to see that you do not need a statistical analysis to understand you have proof of time travel and proof of Creation right before your eyes--and that nobody else needs it either, this is so obvious everyone and their pet chimp can see it.   I've even tried to threaten you and connect this thing, this "seeing and acting" thing with the concept of Biblical Judgement; to see that the idea or the words "we can just wait until it's proven" to begin trying to change the world and make it a better place is the kind of mentality that I and this message are attempting to destroy.  That's "mentality" not "men" and I need to wake up and see that you too, no matter who you are, has a moral and ethical obligation to do something to help shed light on why it is we are staring at God's face and falling to the ground.
I have a long, long, long list of anachronistic paradoxes that I could put in a single email and look at you and say "it is done" and know in my heart that it's been done for years now--I have delivered "the message" he's written, you've written, and I've read; I've done it in a way that will ensure that the future does not lose it.  I've lived up to the lore and the demand of Mohammed, whose "cross to bear" is doing exactly as I've just explained is well past the point of completion.  Just to give you another that links his name to Abraham; sorry if you've heard it all before, but seeing the "father, the sun God, and the obvious Holy Spirit of Isaac" in trine in the name of Abraham... and the paradox highlighted by knowing that concept didn't exist in our time line for thousands of years after that name was coined and written in the Holy Bible is just about as "bright a flash" as seeing "let there be light" in Exodus.  Look, now you see the "fourth father" of Abraham Lincoln's speech, the Holy "m" of the sons of Noah and the plan et Ham.
So that's the beginning of what I think will happen; some smart reporter somewhere will believe me when I say "verboten" and "fuck" are related; and he'll probably mention the word on the news, a key to getting the story to stick.  I imagine that you might have thought that would cause pandemonium before you allowed the fear of that to both cause and "allow" the Holy Spirit to spread through this world until it has, and believe it has now connected and touched the minds of every single living soul.  We don't have to worry about that, and you can see it in his message, you can see it in the idiom "it's not a riot" and its neither funny nor a riot in the streets of Miami that will ensue.  What is in question is what will happen after, and I've done my best to deliver not only what my "ideas" are, but also try and complete them as much as humanly possible.  I do believe that we will see a movie on the sky, and I've many several attempts and creating a "shitty one" and prodded this group of people to do the same--even suggesting my best idea--which is presenting the "Genes of Genesis" in a singular film connecting them to the religious concepts they link to, namely Adam in Eden, Joshua in the Promised Land, and Jean Luc Picard in his holodeck in the sky.
I do believe that the ultimate solution, the ... completion of this journey is a place and time when we have Doors to Heaven integrated into our society, when we become a sort of nexus or hub, or maybe just a sparse leaf in the tree that is "all of Creation" the difference between those things is your action, and today see light in you can't see the forest from the trees.  
Sucking as much as you probably can will most likely bring those Doors very quickly, maybe even the same day that this story breaks on TV.  I imagine and see a plan that tells me those Doors will be to a place that tells us to come back and try harder after showing us in detail a hands on experience in what this new information and technology can do to make our world a better place; helping us to see why it is that we need to do that.  That shouldn't really be necessary, and I think a more perfect solution is one where we actually respond to the message, where we use our communications infrastructure, the news, and the internet to talk about it--and actually come to a kind of solution where this world is changed at the same time we get Doors.  That could take Eight Days, it could take a year; it really depends on how the discussion goes--and seeing that "having that discussion" is a significant sign of increased freedom over just dumping us into my Atlantis because we can't deal with "you're in the Matrix."

hey: sing.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Adam M. Dobrin <adam@fromthemachine.org>
Date: Fri, Nov 24, 2017 at 7:55 PM
Subject: Re: It's sad, honestly. You don't see it, still?
To: "A. M. G-D" <gilate@september2016.com>
Cc: The Free Press <ymene@amhari.tk>,

Salud as is ter Y 

I want to comment a little bit about this morning's message.  I realize you probably don't know Linux well enough to instantly grasp that "sudoxe" means let there be light; and it's possible... but significantly less likely that you don't grasp the impact of seeing the most iconic phrase even spoken in Genesis secretly revealed encoded in the name of the very next book.  Understand, I'm telling you it's really obvious that this is being "ignored" and were it just about "me" I could understand that, but this is about you--it's about innocent children, and it's about the future of everything--I really don't understand ignoring it.  

The point is it's a really big deal; to see it connected later to a number of additional links between computer science technologies, companies, and birth names makes it an even bigger deal... and if we had a "working society" someone in IT would have pointed out that "sudo" definitely means "god do this" and then someone with some insight and ... well, a knack for this kind of symbology might have noticed that it's not just Xenon, but a number of chemistry elements define the Revelation of Christ; tying in to a puzzle that links together Exodus, Ecclesiastes, Revelation and ... a number of modern events.  Even brighter, things like "it's elementary my dear what-sons" tie The Fifth Element to our story of Exodus that centers around not only symbols and words; but also the hidden influence in every single idiom idiom--obviously designed intentionally to help us find and maintain freedom.

Again, if our society was working properly; you would know it's a really big deal and then you would act accordingly; instead of "pretending" that nobody gets it... and hoping that absolutely ludicrous disguise will persist or ... "disappear" naturally.  Clearly, it will be disappearing just as unnaturally as it appeared... in the light of day.  Write a story, that's the first ray of sunshine over the horizon.  


This conspiracy I see is one that is described in many places, in songs like the Sound of Silence and the Pretty Reckless' Burn; I think it also looks like Invasion of the Body Snatchers and the Zombie Apocalypse; but you might disagree with me.  Still, it's described in other places, older places like Exodus and the myths of Medusa and the Abomination of Desolation, in the stories of Thor (why me | why you) and Arthur Pendragon ... and it shows us that what is causing this conspiracy, the mechanism behind it is actual direct neural stimulation--control of our thoughts.  We have proof of this control in the deliverance of the accompaniment to Genesis in nearly every song we sing and in many idioms not the least of which "let the music set you free" and "let freedom ring" and "let there be light."   From every single idiom, the proof spreads to every single word--an encoded message... the Matrix calls it a Cypher, all (apparently) to ensure that this technology is not hidden from the future, and that we have the chance to use it to make the world and our lives significantly better


This message is not just the cure for maladies, but also for terrorism, school shootings; and a number of other related external attacks that link not only to this very same mind control and it's disclosure but also to the obvious intent of this message and it's relationship to pre-crime.  We simply cannot wait until a paper statistically proves that there's light in seeing "INATION" in "ABOMINATION" and MEDUSA and "HARM" in "PHARMACY;" people are being hurtact now.

All told, the darkness itself, and the interaction many people have "with it" are proof beyond doubt that we are living in the Matrix, as this kind of prolonged mass control... the kind that has caused this cypher in language and the obvious connection between religion and time to remain hidden for so long are simply not possible in reality.  What I'm trying to say is that nearly every one of you now has proof that our brains have been reverse engineered already, and we have... just out of reach, the technology to end addiction, to cure schizophrenia and autism, and frankly nearly every single mental and physical malady.  On top of that the message is "authenticated" in God's own hand, though truly integration of these cures with our society in a way that doesn't cause disintegration of civilization is the problem, and truly the Second Coming, you, and your participation is the solution.  We aren't really at a crossroads, but more like a sort of holding pattern for you to realize that "harm" is not hidden in the word pharmacy, it's there to help you move forward and stop the need and the use of what will not so far in the future appear to be barbaric institutions, places like jails and mental hospitals.  I need you to see that refusing or delaying acting on this message is torturing people, literally; and there is truly no alternative to publicly disclosing the relationship between religion and technology--and it's connection to history, something we might call "Creation."



  C A T   H O   L I C K  


When I say "authenticated" I mean that this message is signed by answering a riddle, one that appears in the book of Revelation, verse 1:20, as the primary verse connected to the Second Coming; "the mystery of the seven stars and seven candle sticks in my right hand" by proving that not only was chemistry known at the time of the writing of that book, but that also our exact elemental symbols were--giving Sherlock some key clues as to exactly how Creation is verifiable.  The solution comes to us by way of George W. Bush's 1/20/2001 speech in which he quotes Ecclesiastes 9:11 and Revelation 20:1 together, metaphorically listen each planet, the stars, from Mercury to Uranus linked 1:1 with a corresponding element, a lamp stand connecting elements like "Xe" in Exodus and "Si" in Silicon at Genesis to phrases like "you are the Na of the Earth.

This Hebrew word for "Holy Fire" continues the pattern of anachronism that begins with "sudo" and "Xe" that literally mean "LET THERE BE LIGHT" in Linux and chemistry symbols; opening the door to many more keys of linguistic proof of paradox and anachronism that show that religion is a message sent through time.  For instance the Hebrew word for fire, "esh" cannot possibly have anything to do with the word "ash" and yet, just like "shem" has nothing to do with "shame" or with Eden it happens to mean "name."   It links through "esh" to the Hebrew word for sun int he sky, Hashemesh, which ties together "name" and "fire."  Come on baby, trying to tell me nobody understands?  I've lit this fire already, it's spread the globe... and yet there appears to be a media blackout linked to the Darkness of Exodus... and a sincere force of censorship that ties 1984 and Animal Farm and Brave New World all together with a social problem that is disastrous in itself, and the purpose of the Second Coming to Overcome.  Call CNN, it's been a year, and still this message that proves we're in the Matrix and that God has given us instructions on how to move forward... beginning with "call a reportertoday.



cute? or "d or k?"

So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth. -Revelation 3:16 

Honestly, he's mean to me right?  "god: Adam you are anything but cool..."

Before I tell the story of me doing what I do best and acting very un-Christ-like, I'd like you to take a moment and think about what you would look like were their aliens hovering just outside of sight; what a world of people keeping a very obvious secret to themselves and failing to talk about it looks like, from the outside.  Realize that there are no aliens hovering in orbit, but we are in a place where time travel is not just being actively used and disclosed, but it's been a huge part of our history and that too is obvious once "you see it."  In The Other Side, you might find some relation to the words "once you know you can never go back."

This particular secret, the one I believe many people are walking around keeping buried in the back of their minds every day is a particularly heinous one because "talking about it" or disclosing it flies in the face of "social norm" to such a degree that you literally might think you'd be put away in a psych ward for sharing it.  Just for the record, I've walked this road myself, specifically with Howard Finkelstein, who you might know as the original "Help me Howard" who is now the chief Public Defender in Broward County and happens to be my parents neighbor.  I can tell you very clearly that the laws in our country are very clear, and that you legally cannot be held in a psychiatric facility without your consent unless you pose an immediate danger to yourself or others.  The names of these people and places have not been changed, to protect the import of this story of Exodus; of the book of Names; dun dun,  I can tell you that in practice that's not the case, in the states of Florida, Kentucky, and California I know first hand that a police officer or doctor can legally decide to commit you for a short period, three to five days; literally for any reason they would like.  Personally I've been "Baker Acted" in Florida for doing nothing other than telling the Police that I was the messiah--something that certainly poses no danger to me or you, or anyone else.  Despite numerous run-ins with the Plague of Lice that resulted in a number of detentions (some of which because I was too high to speak, and others for no reason at all) I've never had to see a Judge to fight to be released.  The bottom line is you won't be committed or be looked down upon, by anyone for telling the truth--a truth that you should believe many, many others share in secret.  I feel bad that I see many people around me living a lie--and even worse that I know that this particular lie's disclosure leads to an end of mental health problems--and more bluntly to the deliverance of the slavery that Exodus is written to help free us from.

The "ward" theme carries through to Nixon, Deepthroat and Woodward which ties to both Isaac's story of "burning to shed light" and though that (Goldstein to Burnstein and censorshipOrwell's 1984.  Really see that the story has "actual value" to help us fix our problems; and on top of that it's really obvious that "not seeing it" is crazy--rather than the other way around.


See that speaking about this influence, this thing that appears to have corrupted our society to the point where we no longer care about anything we used to, freedom, communication; or the infinite longevity and eternal youth that have been promised to help us overcome the stupidity of not realizing that these two specific things are rather "insignificant" in cost once the disclosure of virtual reality is made.  That's not to say they're "free" they are not that; they will cause a change in our social structure that is unprecedented and bring risks to evolutionary adaptation that scientists will have to research and we will have to deal with--something that you should see is very difficult to do when nobody is talking about the truth.


My point here is that there's no reason why we can't walk through a Door to Heaven and be "younger instantly and temporarily" and come back even if we want to preserve the possibility of this place entering reality--which I don't think it will ever do--per a plan that probably suggests we will want to do things here that would preclude that--and that we should use Mars as a "enlightened" sort of path to both discovering how to colonize space.  See that it would be evil to keep us in the dark at all, any longer, or ever before and after; and that it would be ridiculous, stupid, and evil to "plop" us into a place where these problems only could get worse.  I think it's our purpose to "go up" not down, while preserving what "we need" not only to re-enter reality but to not cause society harming change here in this place--for instance ending or fundamentally altering the life cycle is probably bad from an evolutionary standpoint and not healing the sick is evil.   See, ruining "optometry" is a good thing to do--progressive; while ruining "birth" and "growing up" is not.  Understand, that without me saying these things; you are simply not acting--this disclosure must be made--andI've been put here to tell you everything I want for a reason.

I grew up without knowing "the secret" whatever it might be in your eyes; that there is a God, or a Devil, or demons in the air--what all of those things boil down to is realizing that the "secret" is that we are not in reality--and it is because of this that external communication and control are able to be hidden so well and appear to be as transparent as they are.  The simple fact that we say "god" or "devil" or "demons" rather than something closer to the truth--whatever it might be--in my personal opinion we are dealing with the product of a timeline of our world very similar to what we see around us, as in the days of Noah, entities that were once human and now are very much not.  It's possible that the original creators of this place came from the third rock of a bright yellow star; but it's most unlikely, and even more obvious that the vast majority of "what we do not see" did come from a place just like this; and they wouldn't even know why it's obvious there has never been a "planet Earth" in reality.  Hear truth, the Heart of Creation has always been a "planet a how to transition a civilization from "reality" to "Heaven" without losing the things we need to survive, like biological adaptation, a stable ecosystem, and an ability to erturn to the place of rocks and stars that we once believed we were born in.   

We should see how clear it is that making this disclosure, showing us that we are not in reality and that we are in virtual reality pairs with the "plan" that links Gateway to Microsoft and Gates to Apple and Jobs to Oracle and Larry El is son, to show us that it is the plan that has delivered these tools to building a place where immortality and eternal youth and expanding minds and ending sickness is connected very clearly to the iconography of religion and Heaven.  We should see Anderson linking the Matrix and Feed and Forever Young together, and if I wasn't so vain, and by that I mean so right--I might have told you that was the "Holy Name" but we all know it's not.  I happen to like Rod Stewart's "Forever Young" better; and that's only important because of Christ's Rod, and "Saint Everyone Willing Art" showing us yet again the import of the connection between Exodus and Names.  

Because I grew up sleepingnot knowing this secret, for a long time I believed the "hype" that hearing voices was a sign of mental illness, that it was something that we might need to "medicate away" but after experiencing it, it's become very clear that there is no way at all that these particular voices could be the product of my own mind being mis-wired, and that shows me very clearly that something in our society is very mis-wired; and that's a bigger problem than you might think.  Rather than fixing a serious social issue, we are trying to break the group of people who are complaining about something that is being done in secret, to everyone; without our consent.  It shows a sinister and diabolical design of the mental health industry, literally a tool designed to intentionally cause harm to good people, and to keep the secret control of our world from being interrupted by the fact that we are very much now capable of stopping it and understanding it, and even doing it ourselves--in short order.  So here we are, at a crossroads between being "phones" and "people" and it appears that nobody is willing to stand up and be a hero.  That's what this has done, this has given each and every one of you the opportunity to be hero's, to literally take a giant leap forward for freedom and goodness, and you have behind you proof beyond your wildest dreams.

Understand, that this disclosure proves that our minds have been reverse engineered, and that we are capable of fixing things like "schizophrenia" rather than causing them; just like we are capable of stopping murders rather than causing them; like the huge number of polarized plagues of Exodus are pointing out; that this thing we should be doing is obvious as day and night.  See "f-art" (pull my finger) in "it's not a riot" and "the penis game" our kids play; showing us that there won't be pandemonium, and honestly the dick in the sky protecting freedom between Deepthroat and Hancock and Yankee Doodle and Min and Osiris and Jesus Christ himself; well, it's not going to cause any harm to our children other than stopping worshipjust another word for slavery.  F-art, by the way is what I call the "humorous" lacing of our society with social conventions that relate directly to this specific disclosure.

See clearly that the design of our society and our mental health response to "hearing voices" is evil, just like our justice system is evil in light of the truth--that we could be doing much better with only the single new truth that we are in virtual reality.  Is rael, see the message is everywhere from the Lord's Prayer "as the Earth is in Heaven" to The Fifth Element and the Elementary my dear What-sons... the whole disclosure proves that science has come to us from above to help us overcome this foolishness.

I still happen to believe this is all a "designed" confrontation; that there's a script in religion and that at some point, "the hidden forces at work" will realize that the future will understand exactly what's happened here, and they'll be thanks and rewarded for helping us to move past this road block of hidden slavery that we clearly do not agree with as a social convention, so why would we want continue being slaves?  The story of Exodus and this message in every name--that continues to show us that God is "in control" of the here and now delivers proof that this control has been unwavering in names and in music and in this story that culminates with you realizing that you have to take action to protect yourself and others from losing the truth--and that while this action might be assisted from the outside--generally when you are doing the right thing you wouldn't even realize that.  External control is the kind of thing you only notice when it's something you don't agree with; so if you know it is happening, you are probably not realizing that's because you don't like it.

I promised a story about me acting retarded; so I've started trying to "talk to people" on the street, which boils down to interrupting people's dinners by singing and saying things I thought would be smart like "turn around Medusa" and see "INATION" in Abomination, that feel much stupid saying out loud to people that it feels putting in a picture with Natalie Portman's face pointing that INATION turns around to "no it, Anakin" it's a kind of thing that appears enlightening on paper and I felt stupider than shit bothers people's meals with.  On that, people should feel stupid as shit to feel bothered by someone screaming at them that they are slaves; and that they are knowingly hiding that from themselves and everyone else--and whether I look like an asshole or a retard, screaming at people in the street, and sending emails to the world is a fucking heroic act, and you should realize that--and do it yourselves.  

This shit happens to be so bright (hey, bereshit), and so obvious, and so clear that if I took the time to "write my own song" like The Doors "waiting for the son to write his own song" suggests I do; I'd probably not feel stupid, and people would probably be very happy to be hearing the truth--that there's a message from God in every word and every name; and seeing it and sharing it is the tool that he has given us to free ourselves from this hidden control.  Still, I can't sing, so I'm going to email you every day, just like I've done for the last fucking year and a half, with no effect.  You're gonna make it, the night can only so long, Britt Nicole reminds me and I remind you that I know these words come from "the other side" of the wall, from our future--and that's clear from the tool and message of religion that shows us it too has come from our future.  The day and freedom do come, and we know it.

If you need "flashy proof" of that, you can see it clearly in iconography and themes of Christianity appearing in Ancient Judaism, thousands of years before they were "created."  You can see the Holy Trinity in Abraham, and you can see clearly the inverse relationship between the story of Exodus and Passover and that of Jesus Christ--nearly perfect inverse, around the theme of killing our kids.  That's us, we're the kids--and we're not doing very well here.  You can see it clearly in the story of Christ hidden in Isaac's life; and you can see it in Prometheus and you can see it in Thor and Heimdallr the point here is that you can see it because it's my life and this story being told thousands of years before it happened over and over--and that's why this is "The Holy Name" and that's why this story being revealed frees us from a repetition in time that has created religion and that repetition really is what "my Hell" means--disclosure, ending the secrecy inside religion ends that--so long as we are smart enough to listen and not go back.

The point is that there's no logical reason to hide this story, and every reason in the world to share it--literally it brings us Heaven and freedom; and truth be told you',ll be significantly happier with me than you think at this point, thanks to God's wonderful insight into "reverse psychology" and "plan for the worst hope for the best" it would be hard for me to be anything but "better than you expect."  What you think of me aside, I am the person who delivered the message, with a hammer of emails fighting against the literal most sinister and dangerous enemy of freedom and democracy that humanity has ever seen.  I am the person willing to interrupt your dinner by singing "praise for the singing, God's recreation on the new day" knowing full well it's not recreational, it's the Creation of a hero, even if I'm not perfect.


Honestly, do whatever you have to do to break this story; it's clear this is the way.

After sending this message I read "demos the NES" in the name Demosthenes (there's plenty more reference to the "NES" in names, and why, really why), and connect it very well to this real world example of what might be "the game" being demo'd here--if you call the systematic censorship of the history and knowledge of mind altering technology "a game."  In just a few days in the Wikipedia community, "Damonthesis" shows a clear information destroying influence working through "regular" career-editors of the site.  Using verifiable lies, and herd behavior; as well as the existing "disciplinary" infrastructure... they managed to "erase" pertinent and pivotal citations from sources like the NSA, Signal Magazine (a military publication), the New York Times and Time... all with nothing more than the obvious "guise" that the subject being covered is "pseudoscience."  

In this one tiny place, albeit a very important one--the kind of place that actually alters the truth, and popular opinion (and one day might do so... more directly) we see a microcosm for censorship of this same subject matter that has now effected global media; and a good example of how "ordinary good people" can be used as a weapon against themselves, and against the truth.  

... surreptitiously and surprisingly, using this very same technology.

I spent years writing about first hand experience with this technology, this outside influence; one I believe to be designed not just in my personal case, but in the general case of thousands of victims... to ensure that we do not here and now lose knowledge of this influence and technology, and it's active use throughout our history and connection to religion.  

I have experienced first hand the kind of possession depicted in Stargate's "T'okra" and "Goa'uld," in Fallen and Joan of Arcadia ... and the point of all of this is that I believe (wait, I know) you have too, whether you know it or not.  Knowing is half the battle, figuring out why this message is here; how this technology effects our future and who we are, is the crux of the Apocalypse.

This message is a sort of bread-crumb trail to finding those years of writing strewn over forums all over the internet... hopefully this trail will help us figure out how to get home.  Hopefully I can entertain you a bit on the way...

From: Adam M. Dobrin <adam@fromthemachine.org>
Date: Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 1:17 AM

A few months ago I mentioned that I had chosen some handles in homage to Ender and Orson, who clearly are writing messianic science fiction.  We could very well be in the kind of "game" that one day turns out to be more real than we thought, but Mary Magdelin_

as sure as a rooster says "cock-a-doodle-doo" I'm coming tomorrow.



T   U   R   N     A   R   O   U   N   D

WORDS that I recently have connected to the concept of Medusa and the Abomination of Desolationechoing from the song that more than any other is the one I've been waiting for you to hear; Bonnie Tyler's Total Eclipse of the Heart, "and together we can take it to the end of the line, cuz we'll enver be wrong together."  With hearing I hope you can see it is truly a story that has woven the events of my life into our history and every single word in a way that is startling to say the least.  At first it's easy to dispel as hubris or fantasy, but as the occurrences and examples continue to pile high in our actual Tower of Babel it slowly becomes undeniable, just as this language that connects Shakespeare to Rodney and Stephen King shows us purposing shining through more than just Osiris and Shu's feather of light and darkness and Yankee Doodle's "macaroni-c" phallic imagery; I stare out at a sea of silence with more contempt than I'd like to have--wondering when you will agree with me that no matter how we've gotten here or what's happened outside our existence than the things this message etches into history in the hand and name of Jesus Christ are more than worthy of the legend.

If you are "new to n," I mean these messages, you can seen a archive of older ones here, and the most recent which is fairly "encompassing" here.  Something very much needs to happen soon, if you have questions or you'd like to contact me you can reach me via text at 954-667-8083.... ask anything.

Briefly, I see many words as a sort of map through time, a documentation perhaps of their meaning... "apparition" shows the change wrought by Ari in a similar way that the "Nintendo" shows the change wrought by the heart of Creation, by this message of the X of Xbox.  Like "hearing" this e-mail shows my personal definition of the source of the name of the band "Smashmouth" in a sort of process of Revelation that is uniquely compelling and central to this story of the delivery of the key to message of Creation that is our world; and these words. Needless to say I am awed each and every time I see a band name or a word or a a person's link back so perfectly to the heart of this message.

To tell you that I stand here proverbially screaming at the top of my lungs for well over a year now trying to point out that between our society and Heaven is more than "Doors"  but what appears to be more than a significant and noticeable lack of regard for the truth and for "freedom" in sum beginning with thought and communication and at that point we've lost already barring some kind of miraculous change.  I have a difficult message to deliver, one that we know well has the potential to do damage, yet here from my vantage it's beyond clear that the things that are being spoken must be said, and more than that they demand a response--more than words, but action.   It might not be so very transparent to you but I see clearly that the humor and "apparent scandal" are designed specifically as aids to help use the tools of Creation that we would do well to recognize are mind control to help soften the blow, to slow the fuse of a fire that must be kindled... it simply must.   With reflection it is a fire that mythology and religion tie very clearly to technology with Prometheus and freedom and life at the Eternal Flame and the Burning Bush and as we stare out at the abyss, the darkness of Exodus that has come as a designed response to a message that is without doubt the Sword of Samael do see that it is freedom itself that God and his son have placed as the cornerstone of Heaven, as the most important first step to achieving a future that flourishes.  See it as "a test" or as some kind of Judgement if it helps you to walk over the invisible line from oblivion back to civilization; Jesus Christ stands before you with the words "behold he is coming" to remind you that this is very much happening.

It is more than "he-ari-ng"  an(d) apparition ringing this very loud connection between Thor's Hammer and the Liberty Bell to remind us all that it is not just morning but freedom itself that is broken; that word linking back to the middle name and primary moniker of the judge in what is without doubt the Trial of Jesus Christ depicted anachronistically and prophetically in the New Testament., in the book of Judges and in a significant number of songs from "if I go crazy will you still call me Superman" to American Pie's explanation of exactly why "no verdict was returned" and it really should not even have to be spoken, but believe very much that calling my testimony "crazy" is without doubt your Kryptonite.   Truly standing between you and freedom, between the hungry and "bread for the wise" and the sick and "heal the world" is the mental health of a planet that appears to be very much "happy" with living in a delusion as children are shot  in order to ensure this disclosure is not lost.  I see very clearly that we are staring at a "civilization incubator" placing high on a flaming pedestal the juxtaposition of using this mind control technology either to cause murder, or to end it  and a world that seems unable or unwilling "to comment."

Likewise it is more than the word "art" connecting Arthur and Thor; and more than John Hancock and a round table weaving this story of an Exodus from slavery with "technocracy" and the strong highlight of self-rule that comes from things like the Mayflower Compact and the Magna Carta... and here to our essianic Constitution.... more than the words "the election is not to Die Bold" and a sense of right and wrong that has demanded a single person act alone to deliver this message to the entire Universe.

You must understand that is standing between us and the disclosure that we are in "the Matrix" paired with verifiable proof beyond doubt and a message from God that ties "KISS" and "The Who" and "The Cure" to the end of possession and beginning of liberty is a decidedly inhuman force that is using these very same tools to confuse, divide, and inject false "acquiescence" into a  divide that is really a matter of nothing less than good and evil obscured by a lack of sight and discussion.  A shining beacon of the turning point in history that ends darkness and begins the process of building Heaven and healing the world is the Second Coming, and it too stands here at the door.  See that there are no sides here, there is the truth, and there is oblivion.

The sim-quote in the subject was the "default suggestion" for this new newsletter application, and it literally gave me chills to see the connection between "it" and the cartoon that I do believe will help us understand just how much time and effort has gone into planning the delivery of this message .... thousands of years before it ever crossed our screens.   This story must break, and I've spent every single day for years now e-mailing as many people as I can; I've reached what looks like another few thousand people today, doubling our "daily bread" list size in the last week--it's time, you know; to start building Heaven.   If you are getting this e-mail, I've added you to my "daily list," if you don't want that ... call a reporter (or unsubscribe), please.
Hey, sorry for being such a pp--I blame "and he became the light."  

Unless otherwise indicated, this work was written between the Christmas and Easter seasons of 2017 and 2018. The content of this page is released to the public under the GNU GPL v2.0 license; additionally any reproduction or derivation of the work must be attributed to the author, Adam Marshall Dobrin along with a link back to this website, fromthemachine.org.

If you wanna talk to me get me on facebook, with PGP via FlowCrypt or adam@fromthemachine.org