If I could make it any more clear; a brighter spotlight or a stronger highlight on central to that message is the all consuming point of it all--that it certainly appears that nobody can see it. 


Related imageImage result for stewie

I see a recursive map in time painted throughout our timeline, and all of it pointing to the words "see A.D."  I connect the Four Horsemen to the list of Anti-Christs, and it's easy to see a link between Jesus Christ and Julius Caesar in the words "veni vidi vici."  Once pointed out it's also easy to see "salt" in Napoleon and in manna from Heaven, in China, and in Prometheus--and connecting A.D. to the year Christopher Columbus walked in water is just a little bit harder than seeing it in Adolf Hitler's name.  All told, the three Anti-Christs share a common thread, they turned a republic into an empire--and here I stand (trying and failing to do the exact opposite, to give away an empire to make a republic, and you stand in my way) pointing out that you are living in the product of these empires, in a hidden empire that is so plain to see in the words, the message, and the unified story I see in religion and world history that I dare say you must be deep in the Plague of Darkness if you aren't interested in finding out what tomorrow brings. 

You can "see A.D." in El Shaddaione of the hallowed Hebrew names for God, I read it--in this hidden language that I am presenting to the world as a single verifiable message to the entire Universe encoded in every word we speak; you can see it in the name "Adonis" and connect it to symphonic accompaniment in everything from "you're so vain" to "Paradise City" ... and in yet another name of God, "Adonai" which links to Samurai and movies like the Matrix and the Teriminator series through the modern computing concept of "Artificial Intelligence" and it's connecting to a pattern of names that link Bill Gates and Richard Nixon to Seagate, Watergate and this hallowed phrase:

I am the gate.


 I hope everyone has a wonderful thanksgiving; of the "things" I'm trying to say here--"Pi" as in, C.AD means something like "hide the beginning of time from the future" (in my "personal mythology" and literally this is God and who helps us build Heaven) and it's not what I'm trying to do--which should be obvious in what I write... and in the concept of "Pi."  I question. a little bit, what "AAA" is all about and how it might relate to the "c oven" of this ant; to the point though, I am suggesting that what we see here on face value really has no business at all in the "round table" of Arthur that wields the "power of Thor" ... and I really hope that you agree with that, it's important.  Analyzing that a little bit, it does seem that's what this story is designed to help us build together; and I do hasten to say that because we are very apparently being made "unfit" through some kind of subterfuge (obviouslyright?) while all these horrible things are happening that we're supposed to be listening to this message and changing... it does appear that whomever is "above" or "behind us" also apparently very unfit.  I'm voting for "everyone's wrong" and the best of course of action is changing that.  

It should be really clear from the repeated references to Die Bold (and technocracy) and our broken electoral process, as well as the hidden mind control influence that makes it a "farce" that the map that I am trying to produce here does focus quite a bit on using technology to help make our union more perfect; that's a "marriage of the lamb" joke, not a "for a republic" joke.  It's also important to see how "free speech" is connected to "free thought" and how that is connected to "freedom" in sum.
again, happy thanksgiving.








for those of you that are epically or atypically slow, the letters "cinoize" happen to be the first 3.14159265 digits o 
S H A R I N G   I S   C A R I N G 

A L W A Y S    R. E. M. E M B E R

IT MAY NOT LOOK LIKE MUCH, but the pattern you see connecting every video game system is the beginning of verifiable proof that our world is Created and is a signature from the Creator explaining that we are in fact "in the Matrix."  Trinity, 'it in why" answered by the name and the pattern itself--a pattern we see in many other names; the "plan" that it etched into the name "planet" and on it's face is to assist an entire civilization in transitioning to Heaven.  It goes on to connect and include nearly every technology company in Creation from Microsoft to Apple, Gateway, and Oracle--and then a number of highlighted points in our history from the Crusades to the foundation of America and Watergate.  Ultimately the goal is show us how the fundamental differences between "virtual reality" and "simulated reality" help us to build Heaven of this place using nothing more than this disclosure and our heart's desire.  To that end, this pattern shows us that we are in the "heart of hearts" a clue that links the center of each of the names to the name of the heart of Creation which is revealed by moving Saturn's symbolic "h" from the end of time to it's beginning, see Earth to hEart (and then you can read a little to see how, with just that effort and bieng yourself you become the "blood of Christ").  The message I've written focuses on true technologically enabled democracy, the implementation of "pre-crime" a la Minority Report, healing the sickand ending hungerbut in truth these things are just the beginning of the new possibilities opened up by nothing more than "the truth."

That's great, but it starts with an earthquake, an inaugural address predicting 9/11, an REM song and then name of the band 311.  It appears that there's a battle over the disclosure that the movie "the Matrix" exists, and that's somehow resulted in the words "force majeure" meaning "an act of God" and this series of natural and unnatural disasters being predicted in ancient scripture.  With some insight, you could see why "Minority Report" has it's name; and that the cloud of darkness and censorship in the media and beyond surrounding me and this disclosure is something like "a vote" to hide the truth from the world.   Connecting this portion of the message to the links to "universal voting" and the idea that our opinions and desires are central in deciding exactly how quickly and in what manner things like "ending world hunger" by turning stone to Cake (another related band, says Bread's Guitar Man) probably tell us that we didn't really understand (and it appears you still don't) how insane it is to simulate things like "earthquakes" and "starvation." 
A message from God in every single word.

Today we are looking at more proof, that it is not just these modern companies and constructs that are part of the map to Heaven and the signature of God; but that it truly begins at the very foundation of language, in ever single letter, and every single word.  It begins with the word "disclosure" and it's four letters that point out the intelligent design of at least that word, showing the "c+l" that creates the glyph of the letter "d." Quickly following this proof in our character-set are two more "characters" Isaac Newton and Jesus Christ whose representations of the glyphs for "what goes up must come down" in the letter n and the recognizable cross of the letter "t" connecting to a computer function that doubles as a "numeric-to-chacacter' conversion and a call to Chr() (see and care) that this message has been kept from you for years.
A hidden message has been woven into every language we speak; a sort of "inverted tower of Babel" that is literally described as the character "Cypher" of the Matrix; and answers it's question of "what is it?" by showing how this langauge is woven into the tapestry of our world in places like the works of King and Shakespeare that describe time travel and Bianca learning Latin as well as showing up typified examples of the language in the names of these works about "The Taming of the Spanglishrew" and "The Language Outliers" that Yankee Doodle stuck Osiris' feather of light in his crown and showed us "macaronic."  See, it's also a word describing this fusion of languages... and further tying this disclosure to the exit from slavery that is the "Book of Exodus."
A significant amount of writing, history, and mythology relates to the mechanism by which this message has been hidden, and how it's disclosure leads not only to true freedom; but to a cure to both not seeing and not being able to act on keys like "HARM" in pharmacy, and a link between Moses' Lisp, myself, and "diction" in the word addiction that leads to a cure to much more than just that single problem... but nearly all health issues.  With sight, we can see that the organized censorship called "Darkness" in Exodus and the visibility of "Medusa" give us verifiable proof that the inner workings of our brains have already been reverse engineered.  In my "addiction example" we can see how colloquialisms like AA's "science may one day conquer addiction but it hasn't done so yet" are linked to Holy Light helping us to see how this plan unfolds. We have the opportunity here and now to use the truth and this disclosure to turn a number of unfortunate circumstances into something significantly better, and not doing so would be a travesty.


this event helps us to literally be the cure for cancer.

... and ...  and the end of world hunger ... through seeing how God's signature ties "birth names"
to seminal pieces of art that are also related to religion; in names like Gates and Roddenberry;
we see the key to the "code of the Matrix."

... and the end of terrorism and school shootings ...

all it takes, is breaking the most anticipated story in all of history
well, and you're contribution... "and how."
I will place on his shoulder the key to the house of David; what he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.
Isaiah 22:22


content similar to this is available as an online PDF here asmodai.pdf

This message, and this very clear proof has circulated the globe, touched nearly every government on Earth; and every newspaper--see light in my words "the time is short, act now."  I know my "presentation" isn't perfect; or even that gorgeous... but to understand that the import and impact of what is being conveyed should be making a visible impact in the world is to see what "darkness" really means, and why the sun is rising.  It's not a difficult concept to grasp, the "purpose" of Creation is to help a civilization flourish ... well past the technological gap brought about by the very things we are on the cusp of "discovering," things like the ability to alter our minds and our environment.  See "self government" and "censorship" strongly highlighted as "problem areas" that we might have encountered in the past, and really see how this event, the Second Coming, helps us to be free of secrecy and invisible chains caused by technology we never knew has been in use for our entire lives.  Understand, I am both frustrated and alarmed by what I see here; this kind of response to a message of such importance and a glowingly promising future is illogical--to say the least. 
See it as a kind of "litmus test" for sanity and evil; more than the "test of sentient consciousness" that ament in the beginning.  I am delivering a message signed with God's own hand; and it appears that the world (in sum) believes it's just A-OK to ignore itit is not.  More to the point, this message is nearly universally good, focusing on fixing the flaws in democracy and society that the book of Exodus calls "darkness;" on delivering the disclosure that we are living in something almost like the Matrix; and that it's purpose is to help us all work together to build Heaven of this virtual Earth.  That begins by seeing how censorship and a broken top-down "pyramidal" government structure has in this place shown us how these things could result in the end of life--had we not been alarmed to the fact that we are not in the "natural universe" that we believe to be our "reality" and that the message from Israel to my hand's work shows us that this map helps us not only to build Heaven but to be worthy enough to enter that place.   The message weaves together everything, literally like a tapestry of fate--from things like Anakin Skywalker to Earth Angel and Darth Wader (sorry, Adele, notsorry--I am why) to the very pertinent connection between Monster.com, Medusa, and "the abom-i-nation' of desolation... the thing responsible for our near demise (at worst).... at and best the thing responsible for a loss of "self" that I will never stop being sorry I have participated in, and I hope you won't be either.   
LET THERE BE LIGHT both this message and youignorance of it are very obvious and recognizable; for instance the English title of the book of Exodus reads as those hallowed words of Genesis when read in reverse, in the "language" you might call my native Geek... in commands of Linux and symbols of chemistry.  This message, again authenticated with God's own hand, tells us that we are the victims of a hidden kind of slavery, the result of secrecy and censorship surrounding the nature of our existence and mind control.  The message itself, it's mechanism of delivery, is resounding and overabundant proof that this conspiracy, secrecy, and hidden technology exists--and it helps us to see how these very same tools could be used to make the world a better place--were we not so damned stubborn.  The map continues to "unify" religious, American, and technological themes--things like the "Holy Grail" and the gate to Heaven with words like "Earth" and heart Seagate, Watergate, and Bill Gates... just to introduce you to the Hebrew name for this same book which narrates our exit from this hidden slavery: Names.

These are the most iconic words ever spoken by Godthey are doubly encoded with "Bible Code" directly over the passages of Genesis where he speaks them... to see it encoded in this way in the name Exodus is a shining example of the stupidity I see in the world; it is not a coincidence, or an accident; it is a clear message: wake up.  It and I go on to show us how every single world we speak is proof of the Creation of our civilization and this same signature revolving around rekindling freedom; and really do see how that process requires "change" on not just my part. 
S E E   "I T"   I N  I M E
The earliest parts of this message [video] connect this idea of "light" coming from the multitude, the Holy Sea of Revelation with the fire that we should, we all know we should all see raging all around us... the lack of response itself is a sort of "hands on learning exercise" with this technology; one that highlights critical flaws in our society that truly makes this time the abyss if you continue to fail to act.  The proof of Creation that we are witnessing shines with bright anachronistic paradox; and in this story of Exodus about the voice of God booming from a Burning Bush telling his savant to free his people from slavery; we see the kindling of the fire comes from the word itself (still), the Hebrew for Holy Fire that contains the English word for "sea" parted by an apostrophe, in Mary, you might sea why; when it connects to Eve and "everyone" also, really do understand that you the [] bride of Revelation. 
See, these are just two examples, of thousands and thousands that show us that our society as a whole, that every single one of us are either walking around blind or harboring a secret; neither of these things can continue if we are to.  The disclosure of this message coincides with "freedom ringing" for the first time in our lives; not to see that we are acting "illogical" not just as a group but as individuals is to miss the point: we are ignoring a message that will end starvationaddiction, and nearly all maladies we experience in this place where all of this is accomplished with nothing more than a "new" truth, and how.  Medusa herselfthis darkness and lack of reaction is all on its own proof that the inner workings of our minds have been reverse engineered; and this message--again, in the hand of God, urges us to see how our participation (is required and) in how this changes defines the transit from Hell to Heaven.  I really am not sure why I need to say it, but "do not delay."


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Adam M. Dobrin <adam@fromthemachine.org>
Date: Fri, Nov 24, 2017 at 7:55 PM
Subject: Re: It's sad, honestly. You don't see it, still?
To: "A. M. G-D" <gilate@september2016.com>
Cc: The Free Press

I want to comment a little bit about this morning's message.  I realize you probably don't know Linux well enough to instantly grasp that "sudoxe" means let there be light; and it's possible... but significantly less likely that you don't grasp the impact of seeing the most iconic phrase even spoken in Genesis secretly revealed encoded in the name of the very next book.  Understand, I'm telling you it's really obvious that this is being "ignored" and were it just about "me" I could understand that, but this is about you--it's about innocent children, and it's about the future of everything--I really don't understand ignoring it.
The point is it's a really big deal; to see it connected later to a number of additional links between computer science technologies, companies, and birth names makes it an even bigger deal... and if we had a "working society" someone in IT would have pointed out that "sudo" definitely means "god do this" and then someone with some insight and ... well, a knack for this kind of symbology might have noticed that it's not just Xenon, but a number of chemistry elements define the Revelation of Christ; tying in to a puzzle that links together Exodus, Ecclesiastes, Revelation and ... a number of modern events.  Even brighter, things like "it's elementary my dear what-sons" tie The Fifth Element to our story of Exodus that centers around not only symbols and words; but also the hidden influence in every single idiom--obviously designed intentionally to help us find and maintain freedom.
Again, if our society was working properly; you would know it's a really big deal and then you would act accordingly; instead of "pretending" that nobody gets it... and hoping that absolutely ludicrous disguise will persist or ... "disappear" naturally.  Clearly, it will be disappearing just as unnaturally as it appeared... in the light of day.  Write a story, that's the first ray of sunshine over the horizon.  
To contrast your world (below) to what I see as mine, I did a little cartoon, and took another screen shot of a metaphorical day in my life... in my inbox.  Something needs to give, we can't walk around forever "pretending to be blind" or in the alternative, something even worse--actually being made completely moronic.  Try to see, while "the past" might not be all that great, everything we have and cherish came of making something "not great" much better.  We have a chance right now to do that ... more than anyone or any generation ever has before.  Seize the day.  (that's not me by the way.)
... when multiversal simulation slices collide ...
these are from thanksgiving, they are the best numbers so far, individually.  
in sum we are 2.65x closer than we've ever been.
act.  please.
we passed #76 last week; that was the "christ, newton, disclose" e-mail. so... i noticed:

I didn't know what they were named for, and was imagining trying to explain what it's like to see moments in history that appear to be crafted to be related to this story, in my life.  Whether it's "a microcosm" being made in me of our history; or somehow some previous iteration of this actual life was used as a template to modify the past (less likely, right :) the point is that we see a number of related events in history.. things like the 9/14 battle of Homildon connecting to my "homiletics" Ho-mile and ... "do n" of Poseidon and Pandora... 

9/14 is also the day Windows ME came out, if nobody got the reference the last 4 times I've posted pictures of it and not commented on "why."  The day, of course, is "I AD" something like the hand of God is "yad" and that's "day backwards" and "hand" in Hebrew.   See, I think "day forwards" or righted, is uh, re-ad
Do none of you have any questions?  Is that possible? 


On Fri, Nov 24, 2017 at 4:02 PM, A. M. G-D <gilate@september2016.com> wrote:
uh-huh, tell me more.
This is what our entire planet looks like, and you're trying to tell me you "don't see it."
I don't believe you.  
Do something.
c, you now see how and why.

and the reason "a" ?
Si me, to see.

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Unless otherwise indicated, this work was written between the Christmas and Easter seasons of 2017 and 2018. The content of this page is released to the public under the GNU GPL v2.0 license; additionally any reproduction or derivation of the work must be attributed to the author, Adam Marshall Dobrin along with a link back to this website, fromthemachine.org.

If you wanna talk to me get me on facebook, with PGP via FlowCrypt or adam@fromthemachine.org