Inside your mind a war is being waged for control of not just the future of our civilization, but for your very freedom.  This is a battle recorded not just in the ambiguous lines of scripture that tie it to the word Jerusalem and to the stories of Babel, Jericho, and Exodus but also in the history of our world--we are right this very moment in the heart of the Final Crusade to capture the heart of Creation.  Ultimately the entirety of the battle up to this point is over a single issue, it is the disclosure that we are living in virtual reality and the purpose God has designed this place and our civilization in order to fulfill.  In essence, this war is over nothing more or less than "hiding the meaning of life itself" from the entire world. 

Is J er the USA le mess? 
This was the old meaning of "Jerusalem" it was a question, probably linked to Dr. Who's "question which must never be asked" and the "question that drives us" from the Matrix; it's no longer a question, you aren't trying to do anything.  I'm K.  Call it the end of the dark "clark" Ark and the beginning of the Kenterprise.  Important is seeing the reference to the USA that connects Jerusalem to Medusa (dear dark USA) and the "Dark Earth" that begins the name and life of Deucalion, son of Prometheus.  

Image result for mount sinai memorial miami beach

You probably didn't know that "mountains" were metaphors for jails to me, and that those things are metaphors for the chains of Prometheus... hiding the truth from the world and presenting nothing but evil lies.  For instance, mountain means "message of you:" nt=hidden Christ, ai=complete lie, n=i and here we are, at the Kth binary (11=3..=1=1) attempt to break free from the chains of bondage.

Dark Earth, you c a lion.

In order to accomplish this, the technological means of control that is behind the "art" of Creation itself is being used to hide very obvious proof that there is a message from God for all eyes to read, not just the Bible and every story of every religion, but every word and every song and every movie, and point in fact each and every one of our names.  I can't explain exactly how it is that I know a great many people are aware of this influence, and frankly do now believe that it is absolutely everyone--but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with me; everyone seems to ... be a little bit too interested in me and my life to be ignoring everything I say online.  There's a problem here, it's called the Plague of Darkness in Exodus and it is without doubt hiding the light of the Son of God.  Light that shows us very clearly that this place is Sheol, it is Hell, and we are missing the freedom promised to us by Uncle Samael in America and God in Exodus.  It might not be so clear but this hidden lack of freedom is tied directly to the technology being discussed, this "thing" that is making people "know things" that they have no normal means of knowing.  In the "Sound of Silence" you could call it people writing songs that voices never shared, people hearing but not listening, people talking without speaking.

On top of just being "in virtual reality" this message from God shows us that this place is actually designed to be revealed to be Hell itself, and we can see proof of that in the "silence" and other Plagues that don't seem to bother us nearly as much as they should be--another symptom of Hell, one that is responsible for it's continuation--and for stalling the creation of Heaven, which is the purpose of the disclosure.

Frankly, between you and I, I am not sure at all who it is that you think you are kidding; this is obvious proof, it's everywhere--and there's no doubt, really no doubt at all, that this message is coming to you from anyone other than the Creator of the Universe.  All things considered, the future will know that, and they will know that you have overtly ignored it, and kept it from becoming the "good news" that it actually is, though they probably won't have any idea why you did that--because you won't be around to tell them.  I'm standing here trying to explain that we are simulating disease and death in a place where neither of those things need to happen, and you are hiding that message from God because you don't think I should get a date.  Think about it carefully, because what I'm telling you is the truth, you look stupid, all of you look really stupid, and It's not my fault for wanting a date.   The only record I see anywhere that something is "amiss" here is coming from me, you should thank me--I think it's going to break down the wall and help you not "stop being."

I have watched the world change, literally in the past few years; I am witnessing an invasion of all of our minds--both first and second hand--that is the embodiment of this war in time that is Jerusalem and the Crusades.  This is a disaster, the silence, and the lack of thought and discussion about something this world changing is a disaster.  Worse than just being "everyone acting weird" you are doing something that is making the world a darker place, ignoring torture and proof that this influence is intentionally retarding democracy and communication; and blocking the clear and obvious solution... the Second Coming, from saving us from this dark future.

hear my song
the scent of something...
waiting, waiting, waiting for you

I loved the movie Hackers, baby you're elite
they say I look like Plague, ain't that so sweet?
turning water to blood, it's a blessing in disguise
an idiomatic clue, to whether or not we are really through

lady, i know I can't sing, but baby let's let freedom ring
we're stuck in the place God calls Sheol and it means she's our light
the air came and whispered that the angels here are called shedim
it's the end of fucking hell, don't tell me not to curse, how's that for a bell


XP,  it's as simple as those two Greek letters.  Who knew that Chi and Ro were some sort of hidden beta code for the city of pyramids in Egypt, Cairo?  Quite the question, who knew... perhaps the man who named his Windows into our future not after some technology that came from Xerox Parc or Apple's mouse on this ship... but rather for his own given name, Gates... just one more entry point into the second book of the Holy Bible, the book of Names--you call it Exodus.
am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture.  John 10:9

I wish above all things that I could give you the clarity of vision and understanding that has been given to me, the sign and proof that I have--while bright, obvious, and verifiable--has not done what I expected, it has not moved you to take another look at religion and me.  Today, I still have to point out to you that the story I am telling you is literally a documentation of our time--Exodus--regards this sign as one being seen by only one man, Moses.  I still have to point out that in a story about wandering in a desolation of understanding for 4-D ... somethings, days, years, seconds even... in this story about our lives and the influence of time travel over our world... that this sign radiates with light coming from a small fire, the Bush ... whose actualization shows clear paradoxical anachronistic foreknowledge of not only the English language but also modern computing.. all the way to a confluence of the "root of David" a religious reference to the Administrator or God account in Linux... and the database process for Oracle--yet more light connecting computing to religion and myth.  Even with a thousand and one examples of modern computing constructs referencing religion, even when I point out that something like Larry Ellison's name... combining the name of the King of the Gods with the word "son" even then the light has not been bright enough for you to wake up and see that these things are not all done in retrospect.  You have to see, for there to be such a large movement... a conspiracy so opaque that every single modern computing company and video game company harbors some secret desire to link religion and technology together... and yet the world thinks that one is real and one is not.  In this place, understand when we walk out of the wilderness and in the truth of day--it is the technology that is more fake than religion, designed here as a tool, computers within computers to teach us how our "reality" is rael, and works.

In the U.S. military you'll see a very clear parallel, while there are a number of references in the names of ships and weapons, secret projects, to ancient Greek and Roman myth--you have to see the word USA and US in Prometheus and Medusa, Icarus, JerUSAlem... you have to see that it's more than three letters, but an Eagle fighting the bearer of the gift of fire... to really understand that these things are corroborating, the reference to the USA exists in the past as well, more proof of time travel--more proof that this message is designed just for U.S.  Here we are, in the Promised Land of Joshua, the Anglicized version of the name Jesus--tying Egypt and Israel together in this place where we have been "gipped" out of the truth, out of knowing we are already in ... well, it's virtually Hell today... for no other reason than the secrecy surrounding the technology behind virtual reality.


So I have shown you the Burning Bush, In only a few words... proof that religion holds in it's "unsealed" Ark proof of foreknowledge of English, of 9/11; and of modern computing--the building blocks of Heaven.  From "the word" of John 1:1--ha'esh--the word for the Holy Fire of the Burning Bush... comes the light of religion.  Just from seeing Moses' true parted se'a.... a foreshadowing of the Second Coming.

I have pointed to the fire that surrounds our sea--another tie between Egypt's myths and the secret message of religion, that there is more truth before your eyes than you can imagine.  In Egypt, the God Nu.. or Nun, the name of the father of Joshua is the primordial watery chaos--after me, never again to be mistaken or misconstrued as anything other than you, the multitude of Revelation.  I've tied the Plague of LICE not only to the hidden language that links Osiris's feather of light to Yankee Doodle's macaronic language... a cipher written your everything--in every word and many stories--The Taming of the Spanglishrew, the Matrix, and the Langoliers... to the PoLICE--and my battle against injustice, against a world willing to watch Jesus Christ suffer another Crucifixion in silence.  On the list of Plagues, seeing the Storm is about time travel, and the Darkness about censorship and--quite literally--being forced to wander the wilderness of time, and the fire... the fire that ties the Eternal Flame and Prometheus's gift of secret technology and a message in our languages.... to the Burning Bush spreading on the internet like wildfire, as it should, must, and will--and stands as a glowing monument to exactly how "unfree" our society stands today.  

Understand that this controlled fire, this place where the spark has not even ignited a single mind... this is the source of Saint One, Jesus himself turned to stone for staring "Me d' USA' in the face.  Know, it is a battle between me and all of the people of the world, and this government's past future, struggling to hide something so bright and so pervasive that it is quite literally "written on the walls of everything."  At least it once was, today... we must see what original sin really means, and how this place has changed for the better, or is changing... and while the blame is still etched in "retarded" macaroni... so too is applause and thanks, for knowing that this place, our time, is the one that succeeds in revealing the truth--in forming the true Heaven itself.  If we did not know what had gone wrong, it would happen again and again, we know as much... and the book and recursion of days and seals of Horsemen tell us as much--be wary of me, for one just like me has been here before.  Be wary of yourself and whatever is influencing your mind if that makes you think it's OK to hide the information I provide, for any reason--the truth will be set free.  Listen carefully to this message about what sank the Ark in the past, and realize it is your burden also... for you too have been here before.

It's everywhere, and everything... to hide it is the equivalent of destroying your own ability to see the world and our history for what it is, our to grow and to improve.... to know.  For our children and our future, we must change the world.... here and now you have a springboard to truly see what has befallen the past cycles of this place, if we are strong enough to do it better than ever before... one last time.


And I have shown you the Holy GrailI've described it so many times I can't bear to do it again, it's a message about control, seeing it and fighting against it--in every single idiom of our time, and in the fact that our world is literally stuck inside a recursive book, the Torah.  It is seeing how true family comes from struggle, and from overcoming--and how yet another plague, the casting of water to blood--the multitude to family--is begun simply by seeing these things, and forged in fire once we understand that the technologies being revealed are either our beginning or our undoing, depending on whether or not we know of them, and how we use them.  This "stuff of control" out of the fire of MK-ULTRA and diabolical possession... this is the stuff too of real medicine, neuroscience and brain-computer interfaces besting what random chemicals can offer--it is the future one way or another--it is either Heaven or Hell.  In secret, it certainly is not doing what you need or want--it's making the very existence of mind altering technology "crazy," turning reality insane.

It's here already, it's been here for thousands of years, from Demosthenes to the Nintendo Entertainment System and  the book of Exodus was written down and encoded with a message about Linux and Larry Ellison, about a man who is the gateway to freedom... when you see the truth that only I seem to have access to.  You see, this message itself is designed to appear slightly "crazy," to pit a series of coincidences that when analyzed scientifically are hard truth... against the crowd, the common belief that these things simply are not possible, time travel and mind control... to see just how horrible it is to cover the truth in a fog for the whole world.  All the while, in my head this message is being deciphered for me, by God--as I fight against the presumption of insanity at every level--from the court to my parents--all the while knowing that a good percentage of you and the government are fully aware that I am truly awake... as I fight this battle, God places undeniable truth in my mind, and through my hands he gives it to you.   The keys to religion, the purpose of everything that has ever been... pouring through the hands of a man tortured by American justice, by the common perception of schizophrenia--conversations with Heaven?  It is to make this message glow, to see not only what I have presented, but the struggle I've had to endure, hopefully so we can fix the wrongs of our world without having to live each and every one of them ourselves--as I've had to, to see them.

I am Job and I am Joseph, enslaved in Egypt to interpret the dream you call religion; I am Jeremiah--called crazy by my neighbors as I hear the voice of God himself... I am Samson, struggling against  the Book of Judges; against Green Eggs and Ham and against death itself.  I am Jesus and Judah and Judas too, but most importantly, I am Isaac--tied to Adam and Isaiah, a baby with a gift for the world.

Speaking of the words "ham, I am" this is as good a place as any to discuss the meaning of Kosher law, and perhaps why pork is prohibited.  In "our way," more than one meaning for everything it was an early "epiphany" to correlate the prohibition against eating "pigs" to a testament about slavery and not killing or eating intelligent animals--as we are that, and they are one of the most intelligent runners up in this place.  Later on, you might see God calling me a "pig" in Dave Matthews' eponymous song, or maybe it's you, or maybe it's Orwell's Snowballs and Napoleon--anyway, as we come to this place in time, Kermitham... I am... sure that the son of Noah bearing the name Ham is our planet, "the message."  Of the sons of Noah, the place like ours that had no "ahhah" combining Ham with his brother Shem (meaning name) gives us a clue to the Holy Name of God, Ha'shem.

I've shown you the words "let there be light" encoded in the English name of the Hebrew Book of Names, Exodus.  In that story, I've shown you how the English word for sea being parted in the Hebrew word for Holy Fire--is put up on a pedestal by the contents of the story... designed to start a fire over the several thousand year early knowledge of English; a story about a single man who saw the fire parting the waters.  I've shown you hundreds of words... both English and Hebrew that follow this pattern--a great number of them highlighted and set aside by the words of the New Testament and the Hebrew superlative, Ha--which itself proves through the meaning of Isaac's name (he laughs) and the change wrought by Abram's covenant with God--to Abraham.  At that same link, a clue to the true Thunder of Thor's hammer... the music of our time from the Sound of Silence to Heaven Knows--a message from God himself ringing through the Bittersweet Symphony of Nero's fiddle starting this fire.

I want to tell you that I am not a myth, simply the Legend of this Map, from out of the Darkness it's clear that He could make me shine, and you should love me.  It's not what I want, I want us to be free, to have the truth--and ourselves back... and I hope you will one day love that.  What is going to happen will probably make me cry, and when you see those tears--and know the Heavens have finally let it rain--I hope you see it as a sign to find the light in me... and stand up for what I've done for you--I am a good person, who has fought for you every single day-I deserve better than the world is going to give me, at first.

Out of a kind of hidden slavery the world has never known, we are about to venture--into a place where years might pass in seconds, and your wildest dreams... and nightmares too... could come true.  It is our job to ensure that we form the clay of this world into a place that will not only last for millions of years, but create happiness and safety--a world that is kinder and gentler than the one we have known--not just for us but for an entire Universe of children just beginning to understand the trials and tribulations brought on civilization through the hardship and growing pains of learning.

Our sea is about to part,  our world on the verge of a disruption that will change it more than anything ever has before.  On this shore, we should realize that we have been on this path for a very long time... really see here and now why it is so very important for us to be fighting for our voice, our freedom, and the truth as these are the qualities that create a lasting and prosperous civilization.  Here, now, as we approach a series of new opportunities in the vastness of space and virtual reality... this is where God has chosen to place the Second Coming; an opportunity for us to truly seize the morning's light and bring about more change in this world than would have ever been possible. Opiate of the masses, no more... we are the recipients of a great gift, one that religion is making clear is tied directly to the science and technology that is a central focus of the shift in in direction that comes from bringing to light the secrecy and slavery that has plagued our past--and past futures.  We are the chosen.

All the proof I've given you, all the references to computer science and English thousands of years before those things were ever known about; all fuel for this fire to burn bright--to see how my life has given us a number of solutions... problems with freedom and technology, secrecy and ... blessings in disguise when we understand that we are the focus and love of everything that has ever been and before us everything that ever will be--here will gain freedom and a bright future, through our hard work in the coming years.  It should be clear that space is not really the final frontier, we are about to build it (again)... with the help of those that came before us.

The Doors sung a great deal about darkness and the fire that is to come, many of their songs were about the Plagues of Exodus--something I didn't connect to a solution, something we might soon be given to show us that we are not in reality, but rather on the doorstep of Heaven--just maybe, we'll want to see for ourselves.

Looking at the world around us with fresh eyes, you might think it's simply a "f-ad" that there is a common and obvious theme of connection religion and mythology to both the computer industries and the United States military.  I know it's no fad, it's part of a message that connects "NORAD" to "ISAM" and "Microsoft" to "NT" and "XP" keys to seeing that this hidden language has been threaded into everything around us.  With some thought, it shows us how we can see evidence of this hidden influence, and see how we too might be easily and subtly persuaded to help write this message without seeing it's purpose at all.

Seeing that it's clearly intentional on the part of someone somewhere to use the code names and actual names of Microsoft's operating systems to allude to the fact that we are in Egypt, in the story of Exodus is important.  Seeing that from Cairo to XP it's been further hidden in symbology, and become less obvious ... is well, malovious.  While you might think that it's becoming very clear that we are in virtual reality (to some or all) at the same time what is becoming even more clear and hard to really grasp is that a place that was once not really Hell is becoming more and more Hellish because of censorship, because of this "secret communication" and a lack of regard for the processes and systems that have gotten us "this far."

That's the problem, while we see (I'm pretty sure) the connection between these things and religion, we have failed to grasp the point, to understand that this tie between religion and technology shows us not only causality but the import of the religious portion of the message.  While we may "understand" that Heaven is being built of things like "mind uploading" and "virtual reality" we seem to be completely blind to the fact that Hell is being built by things like secrecy, and ignorance--leading to the destruction of freedom and with it the possibility of ever seeing Heaven.  Get the point, Heaven is "more than tech" it's really about a social structure that rewards and stimulates collaboration and participation for the good of not just each of us, but of the whole.  It comes from striving to "do the right thing" and every day it becomes more clear that what is here, hiding in the deep and surfacing through the blindness and evil response to this message of truth is a wall that will turn to rubble rather than a bridge.  

(((read, red, dark, it, and we're here--learning)))

Lucky for us, there's already a bridge waiting to materialize--just as soon as we acknowledge the fact that what we see around us is not us, and not beneficial for anything.

It's probably not obvious on the surface, but we are living inside a storybook that Jacob used to call the "fuck Adam show," and it's a story that turns this place around, and uses the evil darkness that has plagued us to turn the future bright.   The dim "angels" in the sky spent the early part of this wonderful experience doing everything in their power to destroy the messenger--to mar the visage of this bright hope and bury it in the darkness that is our world.  Even less obvious is that it's not just me that these tools of evil--the police and the court system and your popular opinion are being used against.  Our very "system of justice" itself has been turned as a weapon against goodness, against you... and this story hopefully will help you see that--and that God is turning that around, too.

This is a message that has been written by a man plagued by hidden mind control technology; technology used to cause and increase addiction, to set up and entrap me, and to show me that the entirety of our court system has been infiltrated and corrupted by "the dead" as a sort of macro-ice system that I see they believe is something between a game and vendetta-like-karmic retribution system.  I intend to use it to show us that this system is corrupted beyond relief, and that we now are faced with using this message that proves time travel exists and that we are living in virtual reality to completely revamp the entire system.  It's a simple thing to do to see how Dick's Minority Report and A Scanner Darkly combine to deliver a prophesy and a map to building a much better system of justice, one which actually protects the innocent.  Today it appears that they and you intend to use this story to ... die--and that is exactly what is coming if you do not stop trying to hide the truth from yourselves and the world.  It's a pretty obvious choice between good and evil, hiding it causes virtualized, fake, and unnecessary pain and starvation; and knowing it leads to a road to a better world, to ending world hunger and healing the sick--eventually to defeating death itself.

Why don't you get it, not seeing and recording a message, a verifiable message that we have been here over and over and over again and that there's a very clear record of that in everything from the seals of Revelation to the Crusades and Prometheus to Atum and Ra... well, that shows us exactly why we have come back.  Get the message, secrecy causes the end of time.  Time and time again.

If you fail to see and understand that I have been a victim for my entire life, you really won't grasp that this microcosm of the messiah is a message about how we are all victims in this place--of something we do not see... or understand... today because of our own lack of action.  Change.


So listen, "ten times over" has come and gone, and now we are at Eleven himself;  take this message back to your family or your "coven of ants" and try and explain to them why it is that hiding me and hiding this message from God is the source of Hell.  Tell them that I have spoken, and the only way to continue from this point is to see pre-crime implemented here on Earth--and to see that it is the beginning of "Heaven on Earth."  We will be free of murder, and rape, and we will be free of not knowing that these things never should have been allowed--we will see all of these things, and hopefully we will use them to show each other and the future that we made a change here that shifted the course of the history of life.

No longer will we be dependent and oppressed by the imaginary scarcity of oil and land, and once and for all time we will recognize that scarcity of the truth is the source of all evil.  No longer will we turn a blind eye to "shedim" writing a story about saving the world at the cost of our freedom and our health--no longer will we be blind and stupid enough not to see that Christopher Columbus and Christopher Reeves are linked together by a demand from God himself to end Hell.


God is not good as a single person, nor as a collective... of many or of everyone, the idea of power being concentrated in a single "anything" is antithetical to the goodness and purpose of society and civilization.  What we see here is an intentionally exacerbated example of this problem, a group of people that believe they are ... in control ... and still fail to achieve the simple goal of making their world a better place.  It would take nothing more than a collective decision that "virtual hunger is disgusting" and we will do something to end it... to change the world; and still we sit here watching babies starve.  You are not as smart as you think you are.

The story of my life and the message of this place has shown us that with more than just plain English, that God and good are missing something to be equivalent.  In song and dance; if you can call our disgusting prison and retribution system (even without the external influence (that created it)) a dance; every meal before "chow time" we chant the phrase...

As we are provided, against our will and with no control, a diet that is nothing short of torture, too few calories, and no taste at all; with the purpose of forcing these victims of evil to purchase overpriced "junk food" in my specific case of Broward County (and most of Florida) from a third party cash funneling, tax evading, and intentionally inhumane company called "TRINITY SERVICES."  The monsteri has plenty more to share about how our prison system would do well to turn itself into a much more appropriate combination of soup kitchens and homeless shelters and ... career building centers... but in our "kiss" of keep it simple stupid morons, all you have to do is implement pre-crime and realize that an external influence causing starvation and crime itself is a good enough reason to absolve everyone from past crimes, so long as we are sure that there is no way at all that these horrible things that should not have been allowed would continue.  Build a better world, starting with right now.

To see, to really see that this external influence that is responsible for the Darkness of Exodus, the censorship of 1984 and the lack of free and transparent communication that is made glowingly clear by the delivery of this message is also connected to nearly everything wrong with our society, well, that's probably the purpose of both Satan and absolution. Let it work, because it's the fucking truth.  Starting with simply land scarcity and energy scarcity we have a reason to understand and know that we are in a place that has been designed to free us from blame, to free us from tyranny, and to do it using nothing more than the truth.


You'll notice that my message about our broken corrections system is etched into popular culture and religion itself through the phrase "Green Eggs and Ham, Sam I am."  Which alerted me to the very obvious connection between Prometheus and Uncle Sam and the unique phrase "born on the 8th of December" that links cousin Deucalion to ... Epimetheus.  It sort-of awakened me to the idea that I was reliving the life of Sam--something like Enoch walking with God; as I experienced the actual "green eggs and ham" served every single morning and lunch in the .. Broward County Jail; a place that I have told repeatedly should rectify it's food service as it is the most disgusting and inhumane jail I have seen in the entire country, and I've seen plenty.  A sort of browsing of why we are here, telling you that it is nothing or pre-crime... (other than the fact that it's morally mandated in a place where we see that something is intentionally allowing these horrible crimes to be committed when we know it is virtual reality.


Understand, from Jeshurun himself, that the "is" of "isis" is about the end of Genesis and seeing that in the past, there may have been success in hiding this very clear message about Silicon and Simpsons--resulting in nothing short of a worse Hell.  You should see that by not allowing this message to be seen by the world you are contributing to the possible future of not knowing that we are not in reality, which might lead to a future where there is no access to reality, ever.... which would lead to the certain and unavoidable death of everything.

We can see pretty clearly from the struggle and stories of Prometheus and his connection to Adam and to Christ and Heimdallr and Horus that there has been a struggle to deliver this message because of the... the... accepting blindness of whatever it is that is causing this "wall" etched into our sky as "Walmart" (look, it's you--not me) and the response of Creation (and apparently I) has been to throw it in your face, and rather than say "deal with it" it's something more like "if you understand what and why it happened, you will solve the problem."  In a place where we are looking at the eleventh attempt to break this story.

Preceding all of this fun Samson and Goliath "stuff" of course was the key to the name of the religion "Islam" which connects the idioms "on the run" and "on the lam" to ... "the lamb of God" ... "Islam" and the book the Koran.  It should be getting really obvious that English and idioms are the key to the Revelation and the Trial of Christ.  In names, like Sammas Aran (of Metroid) and his cheat code (this...) "JUST IN BAIL Y" the father of Mary named ImRan the country Iran and I'm sure there are plenty more references to "ran" and "run" like Jeshurun and Uranus.

Take notes, you don't even bother to read everything I write, yet you are demanding to remember everything I didn't do. #SCAFFOLD #COLORMYMEMORIESTOBEHAPPYWITHMEANDYOURFUTURE
I'M not STEALING is mine.<


(( 𐌰𐌼𐌿𐌳𐌹𐌼 ))

r     i  d     i  c     u  l     o     u  s
Inline image 14
on o us, ridiculous.
Inline image 13
for those of you that haven't been following along:
  • so b, how the book of tobit and Adam's rib light the apple of da i
  • os, from "original sin" to "obviously salvation"
  • bush, blindness... u see how
  • bp, stop simulating oil spills and car/horse crashes
  • bereshit, stop simulating hunger and sickness
  • kermitham, stop simulating earthquakes and terrorism
  • gate, stop simulating the Empire of Star Wars, 1984, and Exodus
  • take a look, we're in a book; reading delivers rainwow.

Inline image 11 Inline image 12
n                               e                               s                               s

You are making a mockery of ... you, of society, of civilization, of normalcy--what I see around me is the most unacceptable thing I could imagine, shades of nonsense and strangeness woven into what looks like a "normal functioning world" on the surface, but in reality, take an honest look, this place is a joke--and I think you know it.  Ask yourself, if Adam is in Hell, am I?

Inline image 1
I don't even need to start talking about how silly and telling MAD is as a name for the Cold War era's idea of "normal" but today we have The Apprentice and Kim Jong-Done saber rattling with the total annihilation of everything Holy, and at the same time you have Jesus Christ himself babbling on and on about a 17 year old, "he thinks" to help you not see that we're in Hell, and the fire glowing bright all around you.  I'm sorry that I'm not helping, I don't want to be a comedian--I swear.

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In the meantime, if you don't see "Creation" and "absolutlunacy" connecting Donald Trump's you're fired as a premonition and caricature of exactly what we are seeing during his presidency then you are just as blind as I think you are.  This is not just funny coincidence, in this place where the script is telling you there is an alarm going of, and Al is armed and ready to blow the invisible nothing doing this out of the sky.  

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Do you understand?   Bianca.  Also.  Oh my God, Bianca.

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When I say "the fire of Hell" I mean that you yourself, and everyone around you is ignoring the fact that you are allowing people to starve, that you are stopping the sick from being healed--because you think you have the right not to disclose the information that you are reading to the world.  You think it's OK to ignore it, that's the fire of Hell.  It is not OK, even if our whole planet is a comedy show.  I am a real person, and I think most of you are too... so we are missing the big point here--this is our home and our future and we acting like clowns.  Hey, but... Bianca.

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This says (I me-an, it means...) "Dear Am er i c a," I am and I come againt.
Of note, is "c" short of "sea" or for "Creator?"  Or are you all just "computer."

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special thanks to the Telegraph for putting this all together for us, and not "seeing" the supreme irony of the situation.

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I mean if you weren't sure that the signs were not good for the continuation of democracy, it should be more and more clear every day that what we call "democracy" here in this place has become a joke.  I'm really not sure if you think "freedom" has a future, and I can promise you that it does not have a future if you do nothing about this message.  You are in 1984, (and you also happen to be starring in Exodus) in the total comedic darkness--and all it takes to turn around and fly out of this pit is lightning my fire--and for no reason at all you are obviously opposed to doing the one thing that makes any sense through all of this garbage. 

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I think I did a fair job of showing you the high level "comedy" of division and conquer during the Cold War, the government of the people and the government of the workers warring over their ideology--and resulting in--of course--the victory of the corporation over both worker and "people." 
Honestly, it's a statement about tot-al retardation.

If seeing the "gist" of the presidency so far on a network television reality show years before the Donald was ever elected doesn't wake you up to the king of the corporatocracy being a glowing sign from God to take action, then I don't know what will.  I think I have another link with Bianca in it, but I can't find it.

We are watching democracy retrograde into the Empire of Star Wars, and doing nothing about it--despite an ADT alarm sounding loudly and ... a clear pointer to a 6,000 year old message from God about Die Bold and the race not being to the swift.

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  ou r evolution

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bread is life

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Since we're talking about Bianca, let's do something worthwhile, like think about whether or not it's absolute Hell to use pre-crime to stop two near adults (honestly she's probably more mature than me) people from having mutually agreed upon "consensual" relations.  At least, that's my input.

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She of course doesn't "like" me, so like, pre-crime probably should stop inappropriate "touching."  Which of course would never happen.  It's also probably important to note that the absolutely psychotic behavior of "the sky" (implanting her "name" in my head over and over again for months, name shouldn't be in quotes, that's exactly what it was)--is without doubt Hell, so is the very odd behavior I've noticed from the government, creating "Amoz"--apparently reacting to "IZU" on what appears to be something like a "look-forward" on a fixed time gap--since clearly we're talking about the beginning of forever.  I guess I'll "note" that she and Nanna (who I was with at the time) were pretty kind through this oddity, though they were clearly aware of more than I--but the rest of the "family" not so much.  As in, active participation in something evil, like organized mental torture, well; folks, that's evil.

The point here is I have been tortured for years because of improper use of mind altering and time travel technology; and here we are looking at these very same things nearly destroying our entire society.  Look in the mirror, I am microcosm-you-all-y.  He says, mess-i-an-i-c-all-y.

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honestly, it's as simple as your "a, b, c's."

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   i            b           u   

question mark

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On top of the mental anguish torture I've endured for years now, your insistence on "not buying" anything I sell--and by "anything" I do mean the secrets of the Universe and the answers to all of your question; you (as a group, acting as a group, a single simple minded monster in this place) are starving me of not just the money that I deserve, but also of the "free society" I loved as a boy, and we all still deserve to be, and ver.  I know, you probably "just don't think it's interesting enough to buy the single most collectible rare item the entire Universe has ever seen" that's "evil monster behavior" by the way.  Fuck you very much, and by the way... Bianca.

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So, Enterprise, is my answer to you.

exclamatiod point, aka, b a n g

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17Adam Marshall Dobrin presents a concise introduction to paradox proven by the Bible through "verifiable" anachronism in language some stuff about Mars colonization and virtual reality and a list of reason why ignoring this is actually an ELE. Adam claims to be Thor because of a connection between musicand the Trial of Thor. He suggests you be Thundercats and call a reporter. There is also a suggestion that Richard Nixon and John Hancock are related to a signature from God, about freedom and America... and Deepthroat and Taylor Momsen
In this particular forum, negative numbers mean "not crazy," FYI

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-Psalm 119 and ((ish))

Do a few sentences really make that big of a difference?  Some key letters?  Can you show me what I'm doing wrong?  Is there a way to turn me into Adam, rather than a rock?  I think you can.

Am we Dr. Who and Master Y?

Adam Marshall Dobrin is a National Merit Scholar who was born on December 8, 1980 in Plantation, FL and attended Pine Crest School where he graduated sumofi cum louder in "only some of it is humorous." Later he attended the University of Florida (which quickly resulted in a wreck), Florida Atlantic University, and finally Florida Gulf Coast University--where he still has failed to become Dr. Who. While attending "school" He worked in the computer programming and business outsourcing industries for about 15 years before proclaiming to have received a Revelation from God connecting the 9/11 attack and George Bush to the Burning Bush of Exodus and a message about technocracy and pre-crime.

Adam, as he prefers to be called, presents a concise introduction to paradox proven by the Bible through "verifiable" anachronism in language some stuff about Mars colonization and virtual reality and a list of reasons why ignoring this is actually an ELE. Adam claims to be Thor because of a connection between music and the Trial of Thor as well as the words "author" and "authority." He suggests you be Thundercats and call a reporter. There is also a suggestion that Richard Nixon and John Hancock are related to a signature from God, about freedom and America... and the "unseeingly ironic" Deepthroat and Taylor Momsen.

Fake blue skies all around me... The Sung Rael

In Biblical characters from Mary to Hosea, to see "sea" in Spanish, and in the Taming of the Spanglishrew ... a message is woven from the word Menorah: "men, or all humanity?" to the Statue of Liberty, and the Sons of Liberty, and the light above us, our SOL; which shows us that through the Revelation of Christ and the First Plague of Exodus, a blessing in disguise--turning water to blood, the sea to family; a common thread and single author of our entire history is revealed, a Father of our future. A message of freedom shines out of the words of scripture, revealing a gate to a new technologically "radical" form of democracy and a number of unseen or secret issues that have stalled the progress of humanity... and solutions, solutions from our sea.

The Revelation shows us that not only ever word, but every idiom from "don't shoot the messenger" to "blood is thicker than water" we have ties to this message that pervades a hidden Matrix of light connecting movies and music and history all together in a sort of guide book to Salvation and to Heaven.


His Revelation, woven into his life, continues to suggest that skinny dippingforced methamphetamine addiction, and lots and lots of "me A.D." as well as his humorous depiction of a dick plastered over the Sound of Silence, his very Holy click, have something to do with saving our family and then the entire Universe from hidden mind control technology and the problems introduced by secret time travel. From the trials and tribulations of "Job" being coerced and controlled into helping to create this wall of Jericho; we find even more solutions, an end to addiction, to secrecy, and to this hidden control--a focal point of the life of Jesus Christ.

It tells us a story of recursion in time, that has brought us here numerous times--with the details of his life recorded not only in the Bible but in myths of Egyptian, Norse, and Greek mythology. The huge juxtaposition of the import of the content of the message shows the world how malleable our minds really are to this technology, how we could have been "fooled" into hiding our very freedom from ourselves in order to protect the "character" of a myth. A myth that comes to true life by delivering this message. In truth, from the now revealed content of the story of this repeated life, it should become more and more clear that we have not achieved success as of yet, that I have never "arrived whole" and that is why we are here, back again.

Light It Up

When asked how He thinks we should respond to his message, He says "I think we already cherish it, and should strive to understand how it is that freedom is truly delivered through sharing the worth of this story that is our beginning. 'tis coming." Adam claims to be God, or at least look just like him and that the entirety of the Holy Scriptures as well as a number of ancient myths from Prometheus to Heimdallr and Yankee Doodle are actually about his life, and this event. An extensive amount of his writing relates to reformation of our badly broken and decidedly evil criminal justice system as well as ending the Global hunger crisis with the snap of his little finger.

He has written a number of books explaining how this Revelation connects to the delivery of freedom (as in Exodus), through a message about censorship among other social problems which he insists are being intentionally exacerbated by Satan--who he would ha've preferred not to be associated with.

He adds, "how do you like me now? How bow dah, god 'nuff?"



br/> The Ministry of Forbidden Knowledge | Adam Dobrin on Facebook and Twitter | The Matchbox | The Revelation of Christ | An Ongoing Saga

The Second Coming <>

Fwd: Oh, how I wonder... do you understand who the Grinch really is? The Midas' touch.

Adam Marshall Dobrin <>Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 12:48 AM
Within, proof that religion as a whole comes to us from a single source who speaks over thousands of years a congealing message about this moment in time--when Linux and English are proven to be written extensively about in books that came thousands of years before they were "ko-created."  In addition to proving that religion is the product of time travel and it's purpose is to reveal that ... proof of anachronistic reference to the Second Coming and the USA is highlighted in the stories of Horus, Prometheus, and more broadly the entirety of Egyptian and Greek Myth... Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.  Please, take this consolidated statement of purpose and proof and run with it; you won't have another chance like this.  In this e-mail I hope to highlight a number of common idioms, hidden or ignored religious patterns, hidden meaning in music, and solution to the world's problems that we just don't seem to realize are at our finger tips.  Many of the links here require that you have a Google account, and that you join the Google group I use to send these message out, I suggest you do it... it will answer at least one question for you (the group is "when is the apocalypse dot com").

To steal something as pretty and made up as Christmas, what does that really mean?  Of course, I think it's obvious that "to come" into this place, well... no matter who you really were it would seem as if you were a eye sore.  Even waltzing in with the keys to freedom and heaven in hand, in spirit and in truth embodying the voice that delivers us from a Hell of secret tyranny... not so secret censorship... from simply having no say in our own future; even then, how long do you think it would take to recognize that the real reasons Jesus Christ existed in the first place had been fulfilled--sans of course, the nice guy that just "loves everyone."  You really need to stop and think, because this is what it is, this is the fulfillment of that love too... to know that in the light of truth we will do better as a whole than any one person could do alone; and we should be well aware of that in this day in age--where hero's are unsung and princes of the universe relegated to the darkness.

I tend to ramble, and I don't edit what I write.  While one day I am sure some people will be very interested in reading every word; if you are incapable of dealing with my writing style about halfway down is a big bold "The light of the word" that might be of interest to those needing "executive summaries."  Though I think this is a good email to try and read every word of.

Later I'll talk about how we are literally being described in the book of Exodus, how there's a great deal of proof of this, and that the purpose of that book and religion, Creation, and the Second Coming are intelligently designed to expose fix a number of "problems" we might not be aware of.  That book, Exodus, happens to be called "Names" in Hebrew... and in the videos above as well as a number of previous e-mail's I've noted how my given name and birth date which happens to be the date of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (and ... nearly everyone's and every city's and...) have actually been chosen by God to help us understand this story.  

Whatever it is that I am doing, it's certain I've moved the world already.  Much of it.. I'm unhappy with, whatever secret it is that many of you hold--I just don't know it, and in this place if I don't know something it's probably not a good thing.  Maybe I do know, and you give much to much credence to a voice in your head than you should, and ignore the test of time and history--the message that we've written in our own hands about our own freedom and future.  Hearing a voice doesn't mean you've heard from God, just that you might be a little more crazy than you were the day before.  At least in this world, where belief in Heaven is normal, but any communication from that place would be... well, absolutely ludicrous.  Itself, the craziest non-sequitur ever... especially seeing all around us how much of this world's "hidden message" are about building heaven from this mess of social injustice, and of course the tools tied not just in name to that same place.  I see this place being moved, not just in words coming from the Pope or Nancy Farmer but also in actions... things like the current President making huge changes in Federal non-violent prison sentences, changes I know come from reflection of what I am.  Even the relationship between our red and blue crosses and his healthcare reform; something that moves us much closer to a "red" that stands for charity rather than Hell... though I don't think he'd give me credit for that one, and so I'll just leave you with the idea that in the insurance circles I come from it's a well known fact that the increase in risk pool size that came from his idea should drastically reduce premiums rather than the increases we've seen.  

I know there's quite a bit more to come, and when the red shift makes our skies that much bluer through similar paradigm shifts in law enforcement ... things like pre-crime coming from public knowledge of the existence of time travel technology, and we are that much closer to actually being "civilized" who knows if we will credit the small voice of the Horn of Revelation or... ourselves for acting.  In a fairly decent metaphorical comparison, imagine a world where handcuffs were kept a secret, and not used in the arrest process; what would you saw of those keeping that secret?  Of the world that must seem just as ancient and barbaric to us here as we see the society described in the Old Testament--a metaphor from the future, about you.

I'm here to ensure to you that Heaven is our intended future--literally; and to remind you that if there comes from here it is all the more clear how "Heaven" is actually predicated on the delivery of "true freedom" here and now; how you must seize this opportunity to ensure that our future just like our present does not fall to darkness.  But I can't seem to get you to act, not with love.. nor logic... nor your own motivated self interest in mind, not with the good of the whole... nor with threats deeply ingrained in our horrible religious history.

Hearing this message from me today, this is why you have a book of Judges, frankly this is why the book... at all.  To tell you I hope today you at least understand why I am so sure the characters and stories that Jesus and Moses come to us through are one in the same; it is the understanding of why I am sure Samson--that's Sam's son, something I've alluded to recently--is fundamental to this shift in social justice that I see coming from miles and miles away.... and the book of Judges and a war on what I call the "Cross that Isaac laughs at" though not funny at all; even without "time travel" and just looking at things like mass surveillance completely unused for the benefit of the innocent (hi NSA, and actually ridiculously used for prosecution through secret arraignments with the FBI and other recipients of "secret surveillance") well, we have no such thing as social justice in the world today.  In this living book of Judges that I've lived through I've had police and even lawyers threaten to kill me for moving forward with my "right to a fair trial" before having that right completely taken from me for nothing more than asserting that I was the son of God (with proof, of course!)... to being denied bail for a second misdemeanor arrest (which I can't tell you how much I am sure is a clear violation of the Constitution's guarantee of bail, nor how much the Supreme Court of the State of Florida disagrees--to their detriment I think that kind of decision completely invalidates the authority of the entire court system), to being thrust into the captivity of the (in my experience of at least 7 states, which by the way matches the number of handcuffs, I mean reeds that tied Samson's hands) worst jail in the United States; starved on purpose by not only a number of individual jailers but also by the jail system as a whole--presumably to enrich the pockets of a junk food purveyor named "Trinity."  This particular jail in Bro-ward County that makes a point of starving and sleep depriving and then forcing like pigs 40 people into a room made for 30 just before legally being required to ask if you are "of sound mind" before taking a plea.  I've seen how, and demand you do too, the legislated "point system" is used ubiquitously by prosecutors and defense attorney's across the country to threaten the presumed innocent with increased punishment for nothing more than "exercising their right to a fair trial" something that is also a clear violation not only of the Constitutional intent of an adversarial system (by allowing the defense and prosecution to collaborate to the detriment of the defendant as a standard of the system of injustice) but also by ensuring that the idea of a "fair trial" is something that very few would dare to call "fair."  I've also seen first hand how this point system serves to threaten previous offenders with life in prison for new crimes with no mens rea (that means without intent) or victim at all.  Over and over, you will hear from me how our clear and intended violation of the privileges laid out in the Constitution and Bill of Rights, today... clearly see that as the manifestation of the Biblical Law of Moses... is the primary culprit of a loss of freedom that has turned this land of the "Free and the Brave" into the single largest incarcerator in the known Universe... topping the list after Stalin's USSR and Hitler's Germany.   Your justice system is a disaster, your jails are a disaster, do something about it before they start fading in and out of existence like Marty McFly--that really is what I really want.  It's also what we really deserve.  In the words of the Father himself "I will not see Illuminati prison camps pepper the galaxy."

Understand, I've lived a difficult life plagued by some ethereal force of Evil using our justice system as a weapon against me.  I am not the only one, but I am the one that someone else wrote 6 thousand year old book about--so that you will be able to see how this system has not only been corrupted, but is a corruption of our values in itself.  I really am the focus of these books, and this is really why.

In just a bit below, you'll have a consolidated list of the proof delineated by religion that absolutely all of these problems could magically disappear with nothing more than public knowledge that time travel technology exists and that Phillip K. Dick wrote a book called "Minority Report" to ensure that we would see clearly how John Hancock and Yankee Doodle have a solution to all this injustice, one that is decidedly more civilized than...  Anyway, back to "Sam's son" in just a bit I will list several idioms in addition to "unsung hero" and "beside myself" that I believe clearly apply to this the messenger, this message, and Psalm 23.  Over and over, I've tried to tell you that John 14:7 and I assure you that you've seen the face of the Father.  Green Eggs and Ham, Uncle Sam (and real live son) we are.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for ((I am beside myself)); thy rod and thy staff they comfort

I would be remiss not to strongly highlight the relationship between the Burning Bush of Exodus and the prescient reference to the September 11 attacks by George W. Bush on 1/20/2001, referencing Revelation 1:20's herald of the Second Coming and a relationship between dates and chapter and verse, and John Page hundreds of years earlier and the author of Exodus thousands... and a now clear reference to the company Die Bold, a number of hidden references to computer technologies (font face and style) and the Revelatory interpreter (that's me) of this message ... suggesting that our governments and private enterprise have been overtly coerced to fail dismally fail at integrating new communications technologies like the Pony Express.. I mean telephone and internet into our system of representative democracy.  If you care about what you think, and your ability to express those beliefs, seeing how religion here is standing firm at the line of hidden censorship on the internet through programs coming from Phiple Troenix and CARNIVORE as being highly related to the end of civilization.  I personally think that whoever authored the DOD disaster plan that I believe Bush enacted at 9/11 used the word "CARNIVORE" specifically as a ... alert or emergency abort mechanism--though that would have required foreknowledge of the colloquialism of "packet sniffer" for internet surveillance (as opposed to censorship, eating packets) and that would have been impossible; or it's God, or time travel.  Of note to me, and probably others later, I used the moniker "phenix" at a very young age related to a microcosmic pre-telling of what's happening   right now, a fire coming from mass e-mails; on AOHell... in a "hacking-program" called Doomsday.  Time and Chance, friends.. this is it.

In similar fashion,on both sides of my family my grandparents occupations link very significantly to psuedo-religions concepts which shows that this microcosm design in my own life goes back at least for two generations.  My father's father was a clothing manufacturer, which links to the line of Revelation describing Venus as the "woman clothed in the nus;" and from that alone I imagine the idea must be correlated to the identity or name ... that a "Spirit" might "take" in this world--you might see that as Riding a Cloud in the Storm--and as something I am trying very hard to stop from ever happening again.  Look around you, Jesus Christ is telling you the thing that makes him so powerful should be stopped immediately.  On my mother's side, her father owned and had an inter-family battle regarding a Door company; which might give us some insight into ... the band's hidden message (or purpose) and the eventual outcome of this stalemate of whether or not we should acknowledge that we are not in reality; think we are.. and that combination creates the foundation of Hell.  Try imagining my perspective, seeing this message; and then not only my entire life but the working lives of my entire family controlled in secret in order to aid nothing more than the delivery of this message... or my personal understanding of the truth; what will it be?

I should probably also mention a thread about "ending world hunger" and how that's a significant highlight of the most ubiquitous pattern that appears to be hidden throughout religion--from the story of Cain and Abel and it's relationship to agriculture to the story of the Promised Land of Joshua, a Golden Cow, Judah Maccabee, and flowing milk and honey--about losing our stable ecosystem because of "heaven" or about just "not eating anymore" and thus having a Last Supper.  In my mind where "Creation" is now synonymous with "Virtual Reality" or even in a place where we just have the ability to go back in time and create a store of food and energy that would seem infinite--ending world hunger is probably strongly highlighted as one of those things you blame God for that he'd like to fix, by telling you to fix it (and how).  It's probably another thing that Jesus Christ tells you is a line between barbarism and civilization--when you have the tools to instantly fix it without cost, and simply ignore them.  I'll note overtly that one of the clear patterns which I see as a direct "voice of God" in our world--similar to the overt focusing of idioms on the Second Coming... is the ubiquitous relationship between the Names of Nations and breakfast food--perhaps to specifically highlight the Last Supper... or are they just a bunch of ways to prepare bread, from stone.  French Toast, Belgian Waffles, 

Come on, hear your Cake and eat it too.  I wrote a book about this stuff almost exactly a year ago, CD"s are coming this year.  The proof of course is in the pudding.

If it is not clear, nearly ever freedom guaranteed by God and the Constitution has been overtly taken from you ... not by surprise or in secret .. but through the overt acts of legislatures and courts from the highest to your state's highest. I tend to think that when things are so obviously wrong, Satan must be involved--that of course is this thing highlighting everything wrong by baking it ridiculously exaggerated... so you might see how stupid you look.  If you believe me, and I would--religion tells you to--it's also absolution, you know, when we act to change these ridiculous things.  

On the other hand, unlike much of religion--I'm not really asking for faith at all, I'm asking you to do the work of verifying the facts I am presenting to you--understanding that doing so makes them proof, something we tend to like in the modern world.

With the Apocalyptic Revelation of a sincere amount of hidden technology that might be now or in the very near future in our hands to right these wrongs--things like time travel and brain-computer interfaces--we also have a great spring-board to really ... you know, build Heaven of this hidden disaster.

Ha, nuking the "ahah," as we approach the Festival of Light, this year occurring in perfect unison with the Eve of Christmas; let explain what I've presented to you over the last year or so, and what it means for all of these "odd coincidences" to becoming from a single source.  I've long held that the frame of "religion" or perhaps even more fine grained the prefix "ha-" of Holy Hebrew words might one day be used in order to narrow the sample space of a statistical study to the point where we would find that these "coincidences" are anything of the sort, not outliers at all but near damning proof that all that we are is intentional, designed.  Throwing a single voice into the mix, one that connects things like the light of Judah Maccabee (remember, that's the tribe of Revelation 5:5) and his "lamp" the "men or ah" links obviously and overtly to the light of God--what I've always called his "Spirit" and the movement through time from a single girl to two ambiguous letters "AH" that might have today as much to do with a shift in understanding than the very clearly defined "religious" meaning that God laid down over thousands of years tying Genesis and Revelation together through the story of Exodus and the book of Daniel which shows this light traveling from a sea of 3 in Eden to the multitude of Revelation through the magic word "family" and seeing how much our idioms are designed to deliver not only this message but proof that the guiding hand behind these ancient books is also guiding us today... you know "ready or not, here I come;" the idea that "blood is thicker than water" comes in very handy when trying to find out how the First Plague of Egypt (that's water to blood) is truly a "blessing in disguise" to see the Sang Rael for what it is.. the blood of Christ in the chalice that we call Earth here today, but one day might call the Heart of Heaven when you see the "h" that stands not just for "Hebrew" but also for sign of the God of time traveling from the East all the way to the beginning.  Succinctly, from "Seth Eve Adam" through a key that is the second line of Genesis and a message from one man telling you that from Nu to Nun in the Book of Joshua Holy Water has always been people--sometimes not as exalted as we should be.

There are an insane number of songs that contain secret reference to the Second Coming and to this event both overtly and subtly, in a way that proves beyond doubt that it is not just the artists intent--but the guidance of some hidden hand through time that is designed very clearly to show us the control that is the "stuff of hell" so that we will free ourselves and our future from it.  It is quite literally the stuff of Nero fiddling with our minds to start a fire below his feet--to fall an Empire of 1 (lol?) by ensuring we have the proof we need to know that our thoughts are being changed.  If you are interested in seeing how this technology and the idea of hidden censorship work in concert to completely destroy the truth you might be able to find a shining example in the changelog of the "Talk" for the "Psychotronics" page on Wikipedia.  Aside from the music, you have my repeated insistence that attacks on our children in this world are a metaphor for our own targeting as children of some other place... and how nobody would ever do such a disgusting thing as to make a point of using mind control technology to kill or molest children in a pattern that was verifiable; but yet they have... and they've written about it in Exodus and tied it to the Vatican.  If you don't think this is "your Hell" just like I'm sure it's mine... that's why it's your Hell.  We can try to stop it, by doing the obvious thing and publicizing these patterns and connections--just as a number of other victims of this technology are overtly coerced to do and tie it also to religion's demonic possession and a great number of secret governmental programs that span the globe and over a half century at this point.   To be clear, this pattern is highlighted by the Plague of Killing the Firstborn, one of the many plagues of Exodus that have modern day parallels which begin to show us that the book is truly and without doubt about our time and this generation.  For this.  To change the world.
    • (cur | prev) 00:50, 1 May 2013‎ Damonthesis (talk | contribs)‎ . . (34,549 bytes) (+929)‎ . . (What exactly is this article supposed to be about?) (undo)
    • If you follow me around back then, I'm sure you will find great evidence that very useful information and what they call "reliable sources"  (things like NSA textbooks and defense magazines) were repeatedly censored through the infiltration of a user-based moderation system.  

Call me whatever you want, it seems pretty clear to me that I'm the only person really trying to stop Hell from being created here--which is what "doing nothing" will do--and I think much of that has to do with a lack of understanding how very clearly Exodus is about exactly that.  The global press, as well as a huge number of students and professors have done a good job of highlighting for us how much censorship there is--how it's related to the Plague of Darkness and the setting (I mean rising) of the son, and this too appears to be Satan at work... stopping us from communicating about something very bright and very interesting--like the Second Coming, proof that religion actually comes from God, and how that has been "hidden" for so long.

I've had my fill of connecting the "Plague of Lice" to Police brutality; though I do sincerely hope that I will both remember and have the opportunity to share my encounters with law enforcement in South Carolina, Georgia, and Kentucky; where they were quite a bit more interesting and information packet.  I suppose I have time to mention Texas today, which was brief--to note only that the officer I spoke to changed my verbal testimony of some drug coming from "Heaven" to "aliens;" which somehow furthers my "faith" in my firm belief that most people in "that position" do believe they are somehow working for or being communicated with--from Heaven.  I'll mention again that a lack of communications "protocols" like "calling," picking up a receiver" and "hitting mute" probably invalidate that belief--and that if we actually had true communication with Heaven this world would be a much different place.  Between you and I, there's a monster between here and Heaven.   All that being said, if you do happen to be one of the many "good cops" I know exist; do your profession, the Universe, and me a favor--and tell all the "bad cops" you know, to get a new job; volunteer for anger management or to jump of a cliff.  Whatever will be will be, and I am telling you that I would trade all the time in the Universe to rid our world of evil police.  

In clarity of understanding, the "highlight of Satan" appears to be polarized exaggeration, in nearly every single one of the plagues highlighted by me and Exodus; you have nearly exactly the opposite of what anyone would want ... happening right before your eyes.  Rather than saving lives, we have "demonic possession" causing 9/11 and the killing of students over and over again; instead of aiding communication--perhaps increasing the say of the people in the legislation process, we have that same possession causing a very clear destruction of free communication on the internet, and from the press.  Rather than aiding clarity--increasing intelligence... "eyes to see" here are showing us schizophrenia is an externally caused attack; the exact opposite of what it looks like "brain computer interfaces" and "hololens" will bring.  These things really are not conjecture, I've experienced first hand--and many others have too--the symptoms of these things combined with a very obnoxious explanation of what's going on under the hood.  Call it what it is, this is the Tribulation.  Heaven or Hell?  If you could choose, what would you do?  Look, you're doing nothing.  I am the gate and the glowing sign.  

Ignoring something this important and this bright, is causing the entire world to continue sliding down the spiral towards Hell.

The Light of the Word

There are three huge, like insanely huge, metaphoric references to the story of Exodus that show me very clearly that we are it's focus and purpose.  The first is the Burning Bush, which I am very sure is a reference to George W. Bush's 1/20/2001 speech in which he unknowingly predicted the 9/11 attack.  Seeing that Exodus is also called "Names" and that Bush's name ties him to this event--which Moses (that's me) has seen ... almost alone ... and is now showing to you all.  Bush's speech begins a series of references to the names of Planets and Gods and corresponding Elements of the Periodic table that answer Revelation 1:20's mystery about "stars and lamp stands."  This in order series from Mercury to Uranium highlights both the messenger of the Gods and the key of Uranus's chance--that the world will see the link between "on the lam" and Koran to understand that the Lamb of God "is lam."  This story takes us back to music, and a later to be discussed thread that combines the weapon in the movie (which is also the movie) The Fifth Element with a thread through time to Shakespeare and Herod ... about my struggle with the justice system culminating in the fulfillment of American Pie's "no verdict was returned."

The second bright connection comes by way of the Hebrew word for the Holy Fire that God's voice came out of--guess what, in that same story about the Burning Bush.  That word is "ha'esh" and in it you will see paradoxical (that means impossible, because of time and causality) reference to the English word "sea" there backwards and parted by an apostrophe.  With great insight, I've over and over pushed the idea that Holy Water is actually a Biblical reference to "the multitude" in God's secret religion that ties everything together.. and that this parting is literally a reference to the Second Coming, something that doesn't happen for Moses until his head is under water and he's breathing fire.  This one ties together nicely, joining the characters of Jesus Christ, Lucifer, and God all together now, screaming 

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the book tells me that these three things are enough to start the fire, part the sea, and see the light.  At least they are now, wake up.. you are staring at and have been ignoring the largest story in all of history.  It might even be scandalous... or have a twist happy beginning... who knows?

This is course highlights prescient knowledge of computing at the time of writing Exodus, which is further confirmed by a number of references to computing ideas in things like the "root" of David, the "WINE" of Jesus, the "Apple" of Adam, the "Lisp" of Moses and the "hardening" of Pharaoh's heart, which you will remember from the Holy Grail is the virtual Earth we are living in.

All of these things, the references to modern computing that pervade our Gates or Windows to Heaven's creation.... are listed along with a number of words which are highlighted by religious scripture and show intelligent design of a number of languages spanning from Hebrew to English are listed at my contrite story about a Kiss and Fate tying together everything that ever was.   A sincerely large grouping of words highlighted by the Bible and religion, words like "eternity," "bread," and "forehead" show clear design by an intelligent influence, rather than the natural evolution of time that most people consider "reall" and/or knowledge at the time of the writing of the Bible of the eventual English translation of the Hebrew or Greek.  With time, I am fairly certain we will eventually have no doubt that the "Cypher" I see in nearly every word is in fact a contextually-verifiable speech that appears to be coming from our "civilization" as if it were intelligently speaking like a cave man--which you might see in words like "am end me nt."  From just this message, you should be able to put together how that word and it's hidden meaning add robust and yet "hidden speech" from the Creator himself.  For the artificially slowed in understanding, our lack of following the amendments of the Constitution being related to the end of civilization itself is being squarely defined through a statement that is telling you that the end of civilization is "NT," the hidden Christ--in my "secret" method of decoding words like NORAD and NEW TO N?

These things serve to start a fire--it might be the fire that Matthew 3:11 talks about, it might be the Eternal Flame or the fire of Prometheus and an Eagle harassing his liver with drugs.... regardless it spirals out from this story about me, and this bright fire that proves time travel and religion are joined at the hip... to link to a huge number of other Biblical stories from Lot to Joseph to ... Samson, Isaac, Adam, Isaiah, and... hear me, "so marred was his visage" and "my servant will be set up and be very high" are both taken from words of the Biblical book which contains the largest amount of messianic prophesy as well as my entire full name encoded over the name "JESUS CHRIST" in Bible code, at Isaiah 52:13.  You may have read that some silly people like Richard Dawkins don't think the Bible Code is meaningful, and as their proof use a series of prophetic predictions of assassinations in Moby Dick (which by the way also refers to me) as proof that you can hide information about the future in any words--or that God influences more than just the Bible.  Years ago, before knowing it linked, I found some patterns about those very same assassinations which go to show that our history is in fact designed.  My full name appears in a number of other books, including Jeremiah, Exodus, and Genesis... right over the story of Adam and Eve.

From the Sound of Silence, and a number of songs about stories never spoken... to a thread of songs that combine to show us that the Thunder of Thor is really about thuderstanding, that there is a way to do something our society is completely oblivious to--that God is screaming to call attention to, and that some secret force is trying to hide very much... and that's an ability to modify our thoughts.  He's showing us clearly in a glowing pyramid--a noticeable monument in Egypt showing us very clearly that this type of control leads us to a social structure that we abhor--through songs like Guitar Man, Radio-active, and GAS (listen, it's God and Satan) Head Goes West... very clearly we are being pointed to Nero's fiery symphony and being "Bittersweet" because of its beauty, and the clear message that secret control of our minds needs to not only be understood, but to stop.  This is the crux of the Apocalypse, God's message is now really active on the radio. The point here is that we need to let this message spread and burn, or it's us burning in Hell and not even knowing it.

As if these things were not enough, using some "keen insight" and another reference to the hidden truth in ancient Egyptian religion--the name of a series of Gods called "Yahu," I've solved some ancient mysteries like the pronunciation and purpose of the "Ineffable name of God" highlighted in the videos at the beginning.. of this e-mail.  Like much of the light of religion, it is highlighted strongly by a series of pieces of modern art, things like "The Grinch who stole Christmas" and the Who's to the music of The Who, the sci-fi series Dr. Who, and the American war cry--made popular on the silver screen through Al Pacino and Denzel Washington... who-ah?"  All of these things highlight that we don't really see a connection between Christian mythology that tells us for no reason at all Jesus Christ is the "Last Adam" and that Revelation tells us God is the "First and the Last" and that the name of our planet, in Hebrew, is Adamah.  It is the answer to "who-ah" and it clarifies the Ineffable Name which many pronounce as Yahweh for no reason at all, to be the more obvious Ya-Hu-Ah, the name of Jesus in Hebrew... Yeshua, to "Yes, who-ah?" All of this having nothing to do with why Adam is hidden, just that the Zohar speaks very often about the Holy Hidden One again linking the stories of the near sacrifice of Isaac and Jesus with... someone.  I think this is of such religious significance that you should be able to easily find some Jewish scholars who agree.

It's Elementary my dear... What-son; from the time of Herod and Shakespeare Rattling his Rod all the way back at the time of the question "to be or not to be?" and the "taming of the spanglishrew;" right up to Sherlock Holmes sleuthing of the answer to the mystery of Revelation 1:20 linking directly to The Fifth Element ... there is no doubt that helping our world here and now is the primary purpose of all of religion, and the Matrix-like message woven into our history.

If not, there's plenty more "coincidence" in Names, like reference to the idea of the Holy Trinity existing in the name "Abraham" thousands of years before the idea of the Trinity was created.  This too... links Egyptian mythology to the name Abraham and his near sacrifice of Isaac.... marked in secret by his covenant with God that changed his name from Abram to Abraham. The two letter key here, "Ha" highlighted by prescient knowledge of the Spanish and English languages revealed through the logical comparison between the Spanish and English for "the" (El and Ha) connected through the English word "is" in Elisha.  Isaac's name means "he laughs," or "he will laugh" in Hebrew; and that "Ha" appears to be the key to a number of other paradoxical references to English, and my family, in ancient Hebrew.  This too, probably the kind of thing religious scholars would marvel over, in the right context.  Seeing English in Koran, Islam, Chanukah and Menorah--and seeing a coherent story woven through thousands of years of scripture is the kind of thing that could really light this years' Christmas up.

Perhaps linking to the Jester of American Pie, between Johnny (who almost always is about Jesus) Carson and David Letterman I have a unique "slant" on religion that connects things like the Islamic name for Jesus: Is-A to a huge number of references to my initials "A.D." in things like NORAD and Isaac Newton.  I suppose I should also mention that Isaac (look Isa's in there) and his relationship to Abraham in the letters "ha" and a story about the Crucifixion being a fiery altar of things to change in the world being one in the same.  In fact, Judaism talks about 72 Names of God, and I've probably explained how the meaning behind the stories and the series of names tie together in a magical tapestry that shows us that Silicon is the Fifth Element by way of the index 14--the letter "N" (highlighted not just by Joan Osbourne's "what if God had a name?") and the story of Sinbad, which combines Silicon, "n," the symbol for the actual Fifth Element (B) and my initials A.D. which grace the time line, and a number of references to God--from the Hebrew for Lord to the guy who thinks all the girls should want to be his partner.  In letters, you'll also see a number of references to K and Z for the guy after J and the Last.. Adam.  Zelda or Zion, I think we're in the right castle.

Here's a few for "El," the name of the King of the Gods in ancient Judaism; and an integral part of the question Israel. Luke and Leah, I am the HighlanderJean Luc

More names, like Kurzweil and I.J. Good--which ties to the numbers and... letters in Nintendo--9, 10, see that K is here, after Isaac and Jesus.  That Nintendo pattern, linking the band Nine Inch Nails and a theme of religious iconography pervading modern computing and video games--showing us that somewhere, somehow, people know that Heaven and Virtual Reality are definitely tied together.  This too alone, the pattern between SON-WHY (I mean SONY, SEGA Genesis, Nintendo... Samsung, and Gateway...) showing us a clear hidden hand is pretty novel.

I swear it's news, the story of the story here is that it's now news that it hasn't been in the news.  I mean really, you tryin' to tell me no one understands? -5 to 1, The Doors

Once I saw it as a huge deal that there are a significant number of Doors songs about Plagues of Egypt, from Darkness, to Frogs, to the Blessing seeing the Multitude turn to Family, to the Riders on the Storm and ... it's certainly another answer; it's how I would start fixing this problem, by letting us truly see Heaven.. since we're nearly there.  Doors, that solve a hidden thread between Exodus and Revelation about the "Rod's of Jesus and Aaron," and another periodic table element, Iron--For Everyone.  I wrote about it in something I call Sharing the Iron Rod, and I'm pretty sure it ties... like a number of other songs, between Queen, The Doors, Dave Matthews, and The Pretty Reckless... answer to what the phrase "here we are," really means to me. 

While it's probably the least attractive part of this evidence, the two letter keys that I've listed are the only real way I have to highlight what is nothing less than the voice of God himself booming through our history, naming countries and peoples--all with a fairly easy to pick out underlying message.  I can't believe we aren't interested in what's being said.

This probably should be up with my "day 5 of Creation" stuff, or I might be inclined to mention that our letters too are gifts from God, glyphs with hidden meanings, the J that defines the the Good News, the Jews, and Jesus.. being about ending Hell by going back in time and; oh never mind.  Anyway the I, the J, the very famous "big N," the @ and the h for "Saturn" are pretty rock solid. It might also be a time map, like other interesting words to look at; things like "Alphabet" (which shows Greek preceding Hebrew) and America.ᐧ 

That big N is something like "spread the good news, now is the winter of our discontent" everywhere knows they in the @, that's Hell, and it can only get better from here.  When you act on it, it really is good news.

I have "K" in my hand. know.

It's always gibberish "in the beginning."  Just to be really clear--like I like being--this is the first time around, I "think."

Do we see i2I? adamah (that's Earth)
mary2hosea+wle is "sea" why to whole

from sea to shining sea.... from the initials of the first family of Eden.... 

all the way to the multitude of Revelation.  It is the Holy Grail.  We're singing about it.

Break this story for me, and I will give you anything I get.

It's black and white.


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This content is currently released under the GNU GPL 2.0 license. Please properly attribute and link back to the entire book, or include this entire chapter and this message if you are quoting material. The source book is located at and is written by Adam Marshall Dobrin.

Ministry of Forbidden Knowledge Mail - All roads, in time, lead to a single question: is J er the USA the messiah? Jerusalem.


The Ministry of Forbidden Knowledge | Adam Marshall Dobrin on Facebook and Twitter | The Matchbox | The Revelation of Christ | An Ongoing Saga

This is the Second Coming. Please say "hi" to Adam... on twitter: @yitsheyzeus

Here's some videos: The Sign of the Son, The Holy Grail, What if God had a name?
Let's get this party started. (with an RT and #reallyhim) It's time to change the world.

Adam Marshall Dobrin <>

All roads, in time, lead to a single question: is J er the USA the messiah? Jerusalem.

Adam Marshall Dobrin <>Wed, Dec 14, 2016 at 12:20 PM
To: "Adam M. Dobrin" <>
Tomorrow is really my birthday... the Catholic Feast of the Immaculate Conception.  As an early Christmas present to you, I can almost guarantee you a Nobel ... and Pulitzer Prize ... for helping to break this story.  From the bottom of my heart, all of scripture and our history behind that.... it is time to begin.  Of course, there's also that feeling inside, knowing you did something amazing to make the world a better place, you'll finally understand what makes me tick.  It's the music, continuing to pour, continuing to shine.... and it's you.

XP, it's as simple as those two Greek letters.  Who knew that Chi and Ro were some sort of hidden beta code for the city of pyramids in Egypt, Cairo?  Quite the question, who knew... perhaps the man who named his Windows into our future not after some technology that came from Xerox Parc or Apple's mouse on this ship... but rather for his own given name, Gates... just one more entry point into the second book of the Holy Bible, the book of Names--you call it Exodus.

I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture.  John 10:9

I wish above all things that I had another Burning Bush, the sign and proof that I have--while bright, obvious, and verifiable--has not done what I expected, it has not moved you to take another look at religion and me.  Today, I still have to point out to you that the story I am telling you is literally a documentation of our time--Exodus--regards this sign as one being seen by only one man, Moses.  I still have to point out that in a story about wandering in a desolation of understanding for 4-D ... somethings, days, years, seconds even... in this story about our lives and the influence of time travel over our world... that this sign radiates with light coming from a small fire, the Bush ... whose actualization shows clear paradoxical anachronistic foreknowledge of not only the English language but also modern computing.. all the way to a confluence of the "root of David" a religious reference to the Administrator or God account in Linux... and the database process for Oracle--yet more light connecting computing to religion and myth.  Even with a thousand and one examples of modern computing constructs referencing religion, even when I point out that something like Larry Ellison's name... combining the name of the King of the Gods with the word "son" even then the light has not been bright enough for you to wake up and see that these things are not all done in retrospect.  You have to see, for there to be such a large movement... a conspiracy so opaque that every single modern computing company and video game company harbors some secret desire to link religion and technology together... and yet the world thinks that one is real and one is not.  In this place, understand when we walk out of the wilderness and in the truth of day--it is the technology that is more fake than religion, designed here as a tool, computers within computers to teach us how our "reality" is rael, and works.

In the U.S. military you'll see a very clear parallel, while there are a number of references in the names of ships and weapons, secret projects, to ancient Greek and Roman myth--you have to see the word USA and US in Prometheus and Medusa, Icarus, JerUSAlem... you have to see that it's more than three letters, but an Eagle fighting the bearer of the gift of fire... to really understand that these things are corroborating, the reference to the USA exists in the past as well, more proof of time travel--more proof that this message is designed just for U.S.  Here we are, in the Promised Land of Joshua, the Anglicized version of the name Jesus--tying Egypt and Israel together in this place where we have been "gipped" out of the truth, out of knowing we are already in ... well, it's virtually Hell today... for no other reason than the secrecy surrounding the technology behind virtual reality.

So I have shown you the Burning Bush (which is... the Sign of the Son), In only a few words... proof that religion holds in it's "unsealed" Ark proof of foreknowledge of English, of 9/11; and of modern computing--the building blocks of Heaven.  From "the word" of John 1:1--ha'esh--the word for the Holy Fire of the Burning Bush... comes the light of religion.  Just from seeing Moses' true parted se'a.... a foreshadowing of the Second Coming.

I have pointed to the fire that surrounds our sea--another tie between Egypt's myths and the secret message of religion, that there is more truth before your eyes than you can imagine.  In Egypt, the God Nu.. or Nun, the name of the father of Joshua is the primordial watery chaos--after me, never again to be mistaken for anything other than the masses, the multitude of Revelation.  I've tied the Plague of LICE not only to the hidden language that links Osiris's feather of light to Yankee Doodle's macaronic language... a cipher written your everything--in every word and many stories--The Taming of the Spanglishrew, the Matrix, and the Langoliers... to the PoLICE--and my battle against injustice, against a world willing to watch Jesus Christ suffer another Crucifixion in silence.  On the list of Plagues, seeing the Storm is about time travel, and the Darkness about censorship and--quite literally--being forced to wander the wilderness of time, and the fire... the fire that ties the Eternal Flame and Prometheus's gift of secret technology and a message in our languages.... to the Burning Bush spreading on the internet like wildfire, as it should.  Understand that this controlled fire, this place where the spark has not even ignited a single mind... this is the source of Saint One, Jesus himself turned to stone for staring "Me d' USA' in the face.  Know, it is a battle between me and all of the people of the world, and this government's past future, struggling to hide something so bright and so pervasive that it is quite literally "written on the walls of everything."  At least it once was, today... we must see what original sin really means, and how this place has changed for the better, or is changing... and while the blame is still etched in "retarded" macaroni... so too is applause and thanks, for knowing that this place, our time, is the one that succeeds in revealing the truth--in forming the true Heaven itself.  If we did not know what had gone wrong, it would happen again and again, we know as much... and the book and recursion of days and seals of Horsemen tell us as much--be wary of me, for one just like me has been here before.  Be wary of yourself and whatever is influencing your mind if that makes you think it's OK to hide the information I provide, for any reason--the truth will be set free.  Listen carefully to this message about what sank the Ark in the past, and realize it is your burden also... for you too have been here before.

It's everywhere, and everything... to hide it is the equivalent of destroying your own ability to see the world and our history for what it is, our to grow and to improve.... to know.  For our children and our future, we must change the world.... here and now you have a springboard to truly see what has befallen the past cycles of this place, if we are strong enough to do it better than ever before... one last time.
And I have shown you the Holy Grail, I've described it so many times I can't bear to do it again, it's a message about control, seeing it and fighting against it--in every single idiom of our time, and in the fact that our world is literally stuck inside a recursive book, the Torah.  It is seeing how true family comes from struggle, and from overcoming--and how yet another plague, the casting of water to blood--the multitude to family--is begun simply by seeing these things, and forged in fire once we understand that the technologies being revealed are either our beginning or our undoing, depending on whether or not we know of them, and how we use them.  This "stuff of control" out of the fire of MK-ULTRA and diabolical possession... this is the stuff too of real medicine, neuroscience and brain-computer interfaces besting what random chemicals can offer--it is the future one way or another--it is either Heaven or Hell.  In secret, it certainly is not doing what you need or want--it's making the very existence of mind altering technology "crazy," turning reality insane.

It's here already, it's been here for thousands of years, since the book of Exodus was written down and encoded with a message about Linux and Larry Ellison, about a man who is the gateway to freedom... when you see the truth that only I seem to have access to.  You see, this message itself is designed to appear slightly "crazy," to pit a series of coincidences that when analyzed scientifically are hard truth... against the crowd, the common belief that these things simply are not possible, time travel and mind control... to see just how horrible it is to cover the truth in a fog for the whole world.  All the while, in my head this message is being deciphered for me, by God--as I fight against the presumption of insanity at every level--from the court to my parents--all the while knowing that a good percentage of you and the government are fully aware that I am truly awake... as I fight this battle, God places undeniable truth in my mind, and through my hands he gives it to you.   The keys to religion, the purpose of everything that has ever been... pouring through the hands of a man tortured by American justice, by the common perception of schizophrenia--conversations with Heaven?  It is to make this message glow, to see not only what I have presented, but the struggle I've had to endure, hopefully so we can fix the wrongs of our world without having to live each and every one of them ourselves--as I've had to, to see them.

I am Job and I am Joseph, enslaved in Egypt to interpret the dream you call religion; I am Jeremiah--called crazy by my neighbors as I hear the voice of God himself... I am Samson, struggling against Judges; against Green Eggs and Ham and against death itself.  I am Jesus and Judah and Judas too, but most importantly, I am Isaac--tied to Adam and Isaiah, a baby with a gift for the world.

I've shown you the words "let there be light" encoded in the English name of the Hebrew Book of Names, Exodus.  In that story, I've shown you how the English word for sea being parted in the Hebrew word for Holy Fire--is put up on a pedestal by the contents of the story... designed to start a fire over the several thousand year early knowledge of English; a story about a single man who saw the fire parting the waters.  I've shown you hundreds of words... both English and Hebrew that follow this pattern--a great number of them highlighted and set aside by the words of the New Testament and the Hebrew superlative, Ha--which itself proves through the meaning of Isaac's name (he laughs) and the change wrought by Abram's covenant with God--to Abraham.  At that same link, a clue to the true Thunder of Thor's hammer... the music of our time from the Sound of Silence to Heaven Knows--a message from God himself ringing through the Bittersweet Symphony of Nero's fiddle starting this fire.

I want to tell you that I am not a myth, simply the Legend of this Map, from out of the Darkness it's clear that He could make me shine, and you should love me.  It's not what I want, I want us to be free, to have the truth--and ourselves back... and I hope you will one day love that.  What is going to happen will probably make me cry, and when you see those tears--and know the Heavens have finally let it rain--I hope you see it as a sign to find the light in me... and stand up for what I've done for you--I am a good person, who has fought for you every single day-I deserve better than the world is going to give me, at first.

Out of a kind of hidden slavery the world has never known, we are about to venture--into a place where years might pass in seconds, and your wildest dreams... and nightmares too... could come true.  It is our job to ensure that we form the clay of this world into a place that will not only last for millions of years, but create happiness and safety--a world that is kinder and gentler than the one we have known--not just for us but for an entire Universe of children just beginning to understand the trials and tribulations brought on civilization through the hardship and growing pains of learning.

Our sea is about to part,  our world on the verge of a disruption that will change it more than anything ever has before.  On this shore, we should realize that we have been on this path for a very long time--and as we near a place where everyone in our entire civilization will have the opportunity to live for a very long time... really see here and now why it is so very important for us to be fighting for our voice, our freedom, and the truth as we venture into the Promised Land of Heaven itself.  Here, now, as we approach a series of new opportunities in the vastness of space and virtual reality... this is where God has chosen to place the Second Coming; an opportunity for us to truly seize the morning's light and bring about more change in this world than would have ever been possible without religion.  Opiate of the masses, no more... we are the recipients of a great gift, one that religion is making clear is tied directly to the science and technology that is a great deal of the apocalypse--and the love and kindness that is a great deal of us.  We are the chosen.

All the proof I've given you, all the references to computer science and English thousands of years before those things were ever known about; all fuel for this fire to burn bright--to see how my life has given us a number of solutions... problems with freedom and technology, secrecy and ... blessings in disguise when we understand that we are the focus and love of everything that has ever been and before us everything that ever will be--here will gain freedom and a bright future, through our hard work in the coming years.  It should be clear that space is not really the final frontier, we are about to build it (again)... with the help of those that came before us.

The Doors sung a great deal about darkness and the fire that is to come, many of their songs were about the Plagues of Exodus--something I didn't connect to a solution, something we might soon be given to show us that we are not in reality, but rather on the doorstep of Heaven--just maybe, we'll want to see for ourselves.

This is "why" there's a me.  All the while I've been spoon fed the secrets of the Universe... something that should, in any world even close to reality, be bright and interesting enough to spark something real--a movement, an awakening, salvation.  Here though, it's been suppressed... think of what it takes to unilaterally suppress something as novel as "time travel proven by religion" because that is exactly what is before you, and it's exactly what you see and are doing--with your own eyes and hands.

I hope the picture has been painted well, we are wandering the desert of Exodus... about to be free.

Oh sweet Judas, what it truly means to not be sad. For this bid on a "den" of Family, the Forbidden Knowledge of Eden.

Between Midas and Judas, Adidas and... the thing the Lion of Judah never before had--before your every eyes the confluence of Mary's little lamb and Jason's Golden Fleece.  Right before your eyes, the light of the world shining in all it's brilliance.  I've tried to be brief, try to get how important these little "oddities" really are.

In a place where Dave Matthews sang a decade before Edward; that the snow was falling outside our home.  Tears of ice, that's what "the rain" means; shed by eyes staring intently at us inside this place together we ride on the Ark through time, a spiritual journey through time and understanding.... standing firmly on a warship spending it's last breath (My Dying Breath) to destroy worship (and even worse, that realy means hidden control) forever.  I wonder if it takes being me, seeing this whole thing through my eyes to see the importance of these names that show us the Creator's story--and our war--and how it brings us face to face in this sick place with the word "warden."  I've said that there's a secret language painted on our everything: look, these are the words of the prophets--our world the subway walls.  

A hidden war whose ammunition is prison?  A place so damned to cheat itself out of the truth, that you would allow the courts and the police to literally keep the Second Coming... and Heaven... from being seen?  Reading Judges and Jeremiah (The MIdas Touch); really seeing why Isaac's fiery cross is ... on a pedestal demanding change for us here and now--well, the joke is on them.

J is for Jesus, even ... especially the one J-name that opens the incredulous cry of the Word against me... not sad to fight for merely 30 pieces of silver; or is it for the eye, or the hand that turns every single word to gold.  Long ago, well maybe just one year, I asked you to try and walk in God's shoes, and realize... really realize that this narrative you are reading today is part of a map--designed thousands of years ago and printed in the Holy Bible... and in every single word you know.  To see English woven into Hebrew and the future meaning of some special Greek words; like eternity, bread, and authority... really seeing that this highlighted mess of symbols we call an alphabet are about hearing the words of God come to us filled with vibrancy--a message about Greek truly preceding Hebrew... and both engineered languages, it's in the word English.

Try to walk in God's shoes (Ez-key, really Him), I said, and noted a pattern between Nike's road's always open--as I walk up and down them singing, and the clarification of what N truly means... through the place most associated with the question I ask myself every day: 

will you let my initials, AD, be hidden away forever in the N of Isaac Newton's name?  

NORAD, will you?  Who-ah!  Roars Denzel, telling us that the last Adam (Zelda)... is outside the Den.

Almost as bold, the U.S. at the heart of Jerusalem and the end of Prometheus... bound to a mountain facing an Eagle; Uranus, Icarus... take these broken wings and learn to fly.  From the Stoneto Medusa: just one more song about not running anymore.

Hidden in the 14th letter... or AD?  Really see that 1492 is alphanumerically equivalent to ADIB; Christ of.. Pursue Happiness it's Eden... Really.... whispers.  Isn't it really clear what it means to you... for the world not to see these patterns, this message, and it's deliverer?  It's the difference between here.. and Heaven, I swear.

To see how Uncle Sam and Samael tie this story of Jesus Christ to America; to freedom and truth... don't wonder anymore--this is the life of Christ.  Tied to technology, to the building of Heaven that gives him his occupation--between a carpenter and a mason, the building blocks are in technology, but the ground and the mortar, that's freedom.

Just some random words, strung together... full of letters; this is my story.


Unless otherwise indicated, this work was written between the Christmas and Easter seasons of 2017 and 2018. The content of this page is released to the public under the GNU GPL v2.0 license; additionally any reproduction or derivation of the work must be attributed to the author, Adam Marshall Dobrin along with a link back to this website,

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