Ministry of Forbidden Knowledge Mail - STARK TRE: LET THERE BE LIGHT.

TABLET ROMFRAME OF REFERENCE. Ships log Stark Date March 23, 2018.  The Bio-Dome has arrived at Pauly Shore, the rowers have stopped rowing, and we can finally see which direction the wind is blowing.  Re:'s for creation piling high, the ship wonders if the inhabitants of the ark would like to disemb for a few hours, and survey the land?   LerDork Osiris and the Queen of the Shedim have already pitched tent for Jerusalem in the hallowed space between Mount Sinai and oblivion.  One foot in your face and the other parched against Yggdrasil, he asks...

Just gonna stand there?

these words, our oars ... rowing to Heaven

Long story short, the heart of the issue here is that it's very clear that this message is being intentionally ignored--and that you probably don't understand that action is keeping you from seeing Heaven.  It's keeping you from seeing Atlantis tonight, and keeping you from having any place at all to go when you die; worse than that it's keeping our future from being free of slavery, of censorship, and of the lies and secrecy that are nothing less than the Darkness of Exodus.  
In the beginning, I said it was thought to be enough to start the fire and see the light, but clearlu I was wrong.. the world around me, the people here have given up on caring about the truth, about the meaning of history; about the things we used to hold dear.  Today, seeing "proof of time travelcoupled with "proof of the end of free thought and free communication" not just on the horizon but looming as a dark shadow over everything we do... it has sparked no action.  There is a sickness here, and I fear that you don't even see that without you lifting your hand and trying to share this message and my name; that there is no hope for the world we love to continue, or the future we dream of to become a reality.

Clearly connect the backwards "sea" the multitude of Revelation, crossed by this invisible force; see we are on fire, glowing with a need to speak and to change, and it's so clear in the imagery of being the hart of the fire of the Burning Bush ... it's so ever clear in seeing that sea backwards, that there is a world of philosophers surrounded by treasure that are staring down at the ground instead of standing up and speaking.  You march together into slavery, see this is our chance to overcome; this is our chance to change the world.

I've written it so many times I can't believe it hasn't made waves; that there is a force so ubiquitous that seeing the phrase "let there be light" not just encoded in Bible Code in Genesis over the exact place where God speaks the words; but now connecting the breath and words of God to the creation of Heaven through technology also, that it hasn't reached the news, or any kind of public discussion forum--see the light here is darkness, lux ex tenebris.  

It's very obvious to anyone that understands Linux or computers, the word "sudo" means superuser do; and it's basically saying "run the element Xe" as the Administrator, the "root of David" account on Linux.   The light here connects to the lampstands of Revelation 1:20; shining here connecting the Kiss of Judah to the "e" of medicine and Medusa and the Trinity of possible destinations for Earth in the story of Exodus in the Bible, Egypt, Edom and Eden.  Understand we walk through the desert backwards, on fire, towards slavery in Egypt rather than family, than the place where the Lions of Judah understand why Home and Den are nearly equivalent.

In the beginning, to help everyone that is terribly wrong; you individually and the entire world are being faced at this very moment with a choice--though I find it hard to see how you could ever waver or continue with this Darkness.  Your choice is clear, you can see that the meaning of "Chosen" is that we have been placed in a scenario that demands action, given new information--a change in truth--that coupled with who we are, with our most basic ethics and morality, demands that we stand up and act.  On one hand we have been living a lie; and in our hands clear proof of that, that we are not in reality and that this place is designed to help transition simulated reality to Heaven.  Today there is a monstrous conspiracy to hide this information and in the process of doing that the most basic mechanics of society have been nearly ground to dust.  We are watching as censorship spreads from the corporate world of mass media to the internet, where it shows us, through the unanimous self-defeating Silence that this censorship is tied to a hidden technology that threatens to enslave our species forever--if it going unchecked.  
On the other side of the coin, the other option is ending the simulation of starvation and pain; of seeing the light of "the rest case" ... that no sane person would intentionally take action to cause harm to other innocent people.  Still, that is exactly what the Silence is doing, through the deafening and blinding action of doing absolutely nothing, everyone here is responsible for pulling the trigger on every gun fired, and for taking bread out of the mouths of every hungry man, woman, and child.  There is a sickness here, and nothing I can say will ever make it OK; the only sane course of action is to speak, to see that it takes so little individual effort to end the Darkness, to stop the Silence... and there is nothing holding you back today.

You can see design of the map in Herod and in Roddenberry and in Rodney King and ... ; connecting this concept of the "rod of Christ" being this weapon of words--proof and ideas against the Darkness... adding to that I personally sat around knowing full well that the third elemental key was "Xe" and wondered to myself how I was so sure.  I didn't make the connection between the "X" and the Kiss until today, and while I was very sure the "e" was because of Exodus I just recently linked Exodus to "Medusa" and "medicine."  It's fundamental to the idea of Exodus... really understanding the collective consciousness ... and the concept of "e" being "the sea and Adam together" the "c + i" that connects to our now growing list of character glyphs that revolved and churn around the telling of this very story...  the "t" of Christ, and the "n" of Newton and the the "d" of disclose.  You can see the intent to visualize change in "Shakespeare" to "Rattle Rod" and I"I AM" to "we are," at least you could before you were to be blind. 

Me-S ... Si All Humanity intentionally hiding a message that would end torture and starvation because of the letters "AH" and not connecting their reticence to the same hidden technology that kept me from seeing "SS" in the KISS logo (and what you should see as clear proof of a staged set-up, a frame -- designed across decades to keep you from acting, a conspiracy of the multitude against itself), and the "X" of "sudo Xe" to this Exodus from being made logically, spiritually, and morally blind ... all revolving around the disclosure that this darkness is due to hidden technology, to the secrecy surrounding it, and to the desire to control the masses.  So the key reading of the word "messiah" this link between "wessen, meg, and me-s" assigning the beginning of salvation and of Satan and of savior to "we" or to "me" or to whomever understands  that it's Si'ing and speaking that is the key to turning Satan into Salvation.

  veryone Si satisfactual: SA, 'tis fact, we AH... M u AH!

The lengths that the monster outside of this place have gone to in order to keep knowledge of "simulated reality" out of the hands (understand that even if we know, if we aren't reacting to this message it's a terrible chain--an invisible force keeping us from building Heaven... and more honestly keeping us from being ... human) of the people of this planet is nearly unfathomable.  It has manifested itself here in this place by a monster so grotesque, so hideous that I'd prefer to see nothing in the Universe than allow this place and this society to continue on the trajectory it's headed.    The message you have before you is beyond clear, as is the signature proving that it comes to us from the author not only of religion and our world--but of the source of our civilization... it proves without doubt that this is simulated reality, and details a clear map of exactly how we can use that information to aid our world in building Heaven of this place (and really knowing it is home)... beginning with the clear directives to end world hunger, to end unnecessary pain, and to end depression, "harmacy" and addiction.  Along with the solution manual that is being presented today, we have a direct link between Exodus's Burning Bush and our two Georges, delivery without knowing foreknowledge of the 9/11 attack etched in Exodus and Ecclesiastes .. in order to help us more quickly stop the stagnation of democracy and of honesty--to help us to build an open and transparent government that actually is "of the people."

You cannot continue to ignore the existence of this message and map, each day that passes the monster that we have become continues to fester and grow larger, this thing that appears to be doing "nothing but maintaining the status quo" is crippling democracy, communication, and forcing apathy and ignorance amongst our people who once would have stood up and shouted ... or cheered, at seeing the possibilities and the gifts being presented... offered... by nothing more than disclosure of the truth and our innate goodness 

Here, our cheering has been reduced to a strange kind of communication, hiding this message and making it obvious at the same damned time.  We have example uon example of this hidden control being exhibited in the words that we say and speak, in the songs that we love and behind the eyes and hands of the authors of those words.  All told, hundreds of band names, birth names of their artists, and lyrics are "secretly" about the life story of Jesus Christ--the true secret though is that these songs and lyrics are actually about this exact message, and detailed events of my life that nobody could or should be able to know.  You can hear it beginning in "I probably know Carly Simon's (and...) song is about me" and the phrase "to see the total eclipse of the son" that most people probably don't know comes from "you're so vain" ... and in the SOS of the Sound of Silence echoing these very words, "songs about stories that were never shared, never spoken."

Earlier I explained the X, the kiss that marx the spot we begin our journey from Kansas to Heaven; it's been written many times now, as Kismet--which means fate in Hebrew, to "It's UNI as the "you and I" that begins the Universe; to as recently as my see "XP is Chi-Rho is Cairo, and Kissimmee" ... and with that I'll re-introduce the Three Wise Men, also known now as the Genes of Genesis.

To show you just how obvious it is that this message has been intentionally ignored, you can see yourself three past iterations of this very message, beginning with my original "bread from stone" (and read be the reason A.D.) to an iteration I linked to the Hebrew for the Holy Name, Ha'shem ... to it's more recent incantation, I mean incarnation, BERESHIT.  Rather than re-inventing the wheel, I'll try and bring this message closer to fruition by explaining how it works ... rather than simply showing us "how to end world hunger" which is really a much more simple task than you'd imagine, how it defines the issue at hand--that our world must rapidly respond and change due to this singular moment in time when the "true nature of reality" demands that we take action.  

In Star Trek you can see a simple solution, "replicators" in every microwave, or floating on hover-boards on the streets--literally anything is better than allowing 20,000 people a day to die of starvation--to understand the level of total and complete moral bankruptcy that must be required to attempt to hide this message from the public, this truth that we are in a simulated reality surrounded by a message in our history and modern art about ending world hunger easily, it's literally nothing short of "good versus evil" and I cannot believe that it's taking so long for the world to recognize that.  This is the place that builds Heaven, and of our future see that if we don't act here now swiftly we risk creating a world that thinks starving people intentionally is "just A-OK" -- literally, that's what you are doing today.   In the name Roddenberry, which connects to a series of Trinities from "assassination" to "carpenter" you can see Adam's Den standing out in the heart his solutionary name, and the reading of "berry" the reason and purpose of Star Trek and of Eden's Garden ... "be on a spiritual-journey/rail-road why..." 

The second Gene of Genesis takes us to Willy Wonka's land of Flowing Chocolate Milk and Honies, which ties Biblically to Joshua's Promised Land ... this place where we really are going to have "bliss on tap" be a very real possibility and we need caution moving forward (and prodding not to stagnate) as we look at a message that shows us the Golden Cows and Maccabees are no replacement for the Promised Land's Ark of ... a working and stable ecosystem--something we should very well see is needed for things like Mars colonization.

Gene Simmons adds in more than "simulation" and "Monday" in his name, but the name of the Band kiss and "rocking and rolling all night" as we connect to Wilder's "you make my heart sing" ... and so many bands from The Cure to Guns and Roses that light this path towards ending diseases like Cancer and AIDS.  I'm out of patience with you, the feigned ignorance and organized evil I see in this place is grotesque, and it will not continue.

We stand here at the apex, at the very peak of a horrible trend; of possession becoming "the norm" and slavery being completely ignored.  We are losing ourselves and individuality to this idea that God's have become men--this place and time where he asks "what if God were one of us?"  I, as that one... am telling you very clearly that I want to be me, and that I see our future is being taken and corrupted by what is happening beneath the surface in this Silence.  It takes so little to speak, to speak and to see that we have a message offering us everything--the solutions to civilizations's largest problems, an end to power and land scarcity--more importantly an end to malady--to sicknesses of the body and of the mind; and here today another explanation of why we cannot wait to act--an end to hunger.
It takes a second to see how Neo's bullets dropping in the Matrix tie to Minority Report, and how all of these things are nearly instantly possible--all it takes really is the public disclosure, acknowledgement, and understanding that finding out that we are not in reality changes what everyone would do ... what everyone would consider normal.  I cannot fathom a single person standing in front of this crowd and hearing that they can press abutton and stop all starvation, strop all school shootings... and that they wouldn't press it.  I stand here with that button in y hand, it is this message, and I am staring and an entire world failing to understand acknowledgement of the message, the "hello" of El Elyon is the button being pressed.

From "eat this bread and think of it as me" to Marie Antoinette's "let them eat cake instead" (which shows this story of Jesus turning bread to stone in the Bible coming to life in England... and eright now... here) the underlying theme is a resentment and ... well, I detest the fact that you will not speak frankly, or clearly--or respond as normal thinking human beings should respond to this message.  It is a frank and angry response and clear highlighting of the sickness that is organized Silence--this thing that makes everything "appear to be normal" in this place where you are anything but.  Here's a piece of my mind for this "piece of Cake" the world would instantly be made better, happier and healthier if you would simply pick up your telephone and call a reporter.

In the beginning I said "act on Genes.." then I saw it was the Three Wise Men... it's really beyond time to wake up and see that the only way forward is seeing this on the news.  Civilization is broken if we don't; there's words for it... "opsimath" -- operations center, this is math, statistics prove this message come to us from the creator, and proves that time travel exists, and proves the existence of mind control.  At the next word, and "topics" see to the "top" of the food chain of riders on top of riders on top of a storm in my head, and a storm in history and art--to the top, see that this disclosure is the difference between having "computer science' or just magic--it really is the difference between slavery and freedom, Heaven and Hell.
I know you get it, it's time... and together we say... "am to north."


Unless otherwise indicated, this work was written between the Christmas and Easter seasons of 2017 and 2018. The content of this page is released to the public under the GNU GPL v2.0 license; additionally any reproduction or derivation of the work must be attributed to the author, Adam Marshall Dobrin along with a link back to this website,

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